RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS In American research universities often have been the birthplace of new technologies, companies and even industries. When futuristic ideas are combined with knowledge, creativity and a penchant for problemsolving, conditions become ripe for innovation. The College of Engineering at Carnegie Mellon is globally recognized for building and sustaining such an environment. The College has a long tradition of applying the “problemsolving” approach to both education and research, nside Biomedical Engineering 2 I n f o r m a t i o n Te ch n o l o g y & S e c u r i t y 6 which enables us to address multidisciplinary problems in ways that very few universities can. We educate our undergraduate and graduate students in the context of real-world problems, and this plays out daily in the College‘s more than 22 major research centers or “pillars of excellence.” The pioneering work underway in these centers addresses both immediate and emerging Investigating Materials 16 Energy & Environment 20 challenges facing society and industry. We are making tremendous advances in areas ranging from biomedical engineering to information technology and security, to Innovation Has No Bounds 3 0 R e s e a r ch C e n t e r s 32 energy and the environment. Contributing to our success is the effective manner in which we collaborate with industry partners and government entities; this further empowers us to transfer our discoveries from the lab to society. In this book, we want to share with you examples of how the College of Engineering at Carnegie Mellon is transforming our world. Pradeep Khosla Dean, College of Engineering Carnegie Mellon University ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT 1 B i o me d i c a l E ng i ne e r i ng Biomedical engineering encompasses a broad range of activities, ranging from basic cell engineering to the creation of medical devices. Carnegie Mellon researchers are investigating how mechanical forces operate to influence cell function and fate. To complement this fundamental work, technologies that facilitate the development of knowledge, such as sophisticated computer programs that read microscope images, are being fine-tuned. Other research thrusts include nanobiotechnology, bio-MEMS for sensing, and medical applications. Ongoing work in the areas of bone tissue engineering and cardiac devices is expanding. 22 S T R I D E S I N I M AG E I N F O R M AT I C S Faster Diagnoses and a Reduction in Invasive Medical Procedures Pittsburgh has earned international recognition in the time and is subject to human error. As a test model, field of image informatics, and this is due in part to the teratoma tissue types are codified by microscopic Carnegie Mellon’s Center for Bioimage Informatics (CBI). examination and automated image analysis tools are CBI researchers are developing sophisticated mathemati- used to “learn” tissue classifications. Researchers cal tools derived from signal processing and machine have already shown using these methods that tissue learning to automatically and accurately extract informa- types can be automatically distinguished with nearly tion from biomedical images. 90 percent accuracy. On a similar front, in an attempt In an ongoing collaborative project with the University of Pittsburgh, engineers and medical doctors are using computational and mathematical approaches to study how teratoma tumors grow. These tumors contain tissues and cells derived from the three basic germ layers that form the basis for human tissues and organs. To learn how germ layers develop, in a noninvasive manner, the tumors are imaged using high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Then, the tumors to improve diagnostic accuracy of MRI, image data obtained from MRI is compared to the information inherently present in the histological images to develop a histological picture from the MRI. In practical terms, the ability to automate tissue identification would greatly enhance the practice of diagnostic pathology. Improving the diagnostic accuracy of MRI may obviate many invasive biopsies and operative procedures to obtain tissue for diagnosis. are sectioned and processed for histological analyses. For more information about this project and other Analyzing actual tissue samples provides accurate and bioimaging research, on the Web visit the Center for in-depth information; however, this type of analysis takes Bioimage Informatics at Students watch demonstrations of a four-armed robotic surgery system that provides minimally invasive options for complex surgical procedures. BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING 3 Big Plans for Ultra-Miniature IMPLA N TA B L E M E D I C A L D E V I CES A Tool that Predicts When AO RT I C A N E U RYS M S Will Rupture In an effort to improve health care, researchers in the Center for Implantable Medical Microsystems (CIMM) are developing implantable microsystems that could provide early diagnosis and precision intervention in the treatment of disease and trauma. Researchers are investigating electronic sensing and stimulation systems that are ultra-miniature, ultra-low power, and largely or completely biodegradable. In specific cases, these systems will be engineered to safely degrade in the body after the system is no longer needed. As part of its mission, the center aims to develop “near-zero invasive” implantable diagnostic monitors and therapeutic tools. The resulting microsystems will help in the treatment of cancer, hepatitis B & C, sudden cardiac death, HIV, epilepsy, diabetes, musculoskeletal disease, trauma, transplantation, obesity, resuscitation, spinal cord injury, etc. Some CIMM projects include: • • supplying the body with blood. When an aneurysm, for tissue and bone regeneration; or a weakened, bulging area, develops in the aorta, an electrocorticography system with neural signal interface); temperature and heat flux multisensors for monitoring and controlling thermal surgery and for monitoring brain ischemia; • human body, is the major artery responsible for a bone strength monitor and an electrical stimulator processing for prosthetic control (a brain-computer • The aorta, which runs through the center of the the potential develops for it to rupture, resulting in life-threatening bleeding. Nearly 2 million Americans suffer from abdominal aortic aneurysms and more than 15,000 of those die each year. Fortunately, most aneurysms don’t burst if they are detected on time, and patients are carefully monitored to determine if surgery is necessary. a bedside biochemical monitor capable of continu- The problem that physicians encounter, however, is ously monitoring proteins, glucose and drugs. that they cannot predict when a rupture will occur. For more information on the CIMM, on the Web visit They usually rely on measuring the size of the aneurysm and how rapidly it grows to recommend surgery. To help doctors identify those patients most likely to suffer a dangerous rupture, researchers at the Institute for Complex Engineered Systems have developed a biomechanical tool that evaluates the risk of a rupture by analyzing changes in the shape and thickness of the arterial wall. The tool works in a noninvasive manner by examining three-dimensional computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance images of the aorta. To learn more, on the Web visit http://www.ices. 4 EN GI N E E R I NG R ES E A RC H H IGHL IGHTS Improving Aerosol Drugs for C YST I C F I B RO S I S T H E R A P I E S Inhaled aerosol drugs can deliver substantial doses of medication directly to the lungs. Dispensing medications in this manner prevents drugs from amassing elsewhere in the body and can spare patients uncomfortable side effects. Antibiotics are often administered this way to treat infections that are associated with cystic fibrosis, a genetic disorder that causes mucus to thicken, resulting in serious breathing problems. However, patients with cystic fibrosis and other lung diseases breathe irregularly and this can cause inhaled drugs to deposit non-uniformly in their lungs, creating wide variations in local dosing. This results in a reservoir of infection that is never effectively treated by the therapy. To help these seriously ill patients, engineers from Carnegie Mellon’s Center for Complex Fluids Engineering (CCFE) are teaming with researchers from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) to develop surfactant-based aerosol drug carriers. These carriers are designed to help inhaled drugs spread uniformly over airway surfaces. When the drugs are inhaled, aerosol droplets are deposited near obstructions in the diseased lung. Surfactants in the drugs modify the surface tension of the complex mucus liquids that line the airways, producing a unique surface flow pattern that allows the medicine to be evenly distributed. With support from the National Institutes of Health, the group is fine-tuning the formulations of the surfactants to improve their ability to spread on mucus gels. This research is now being tested in human volunteers at UPMC. To learn more about research activities underway in the CCFE, visit http://cfe.cheme. Carnegie Mellon Professor Jeffrey Hollinger, director R E G E N E R AT I V E T H E R A P I E S to Treat Severely Wounded Soldiers of the Bone Tissue Engineering Center, received $2.75 million for 5 years from the Department of Defense (DoD) to lead the Craniofacial Program of the Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM). Hollinger will lead scientific and clinical teams that will develop treatments for U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan who suffered severe face and jaw injuries during combat. Within one to three years, the team, comprised of national and international experts and in conjunction with corporate partners, will advance novel bone regeneration therapies to the clinic. These therapies include biodegradable, biocompatible polymers and recombinant proteins. Another Carnegie Mellon researcher, Newell Washburn, is participating in a different DoD-sponsored project that will develop therapies to promote scarless wound healing by making polymeric materials that regulate inflammatory responses and encourage healing. The products developed in DoD-sponsored research projects will ultimately be of use to civilian trauma and burn patients. To learn more about Dr. Hollinger’s craniofacial research, on the Web visit For information about Dr. Washburn’s research, on the Web go to 5 I n fo r m a t i o n Te c h no lo g y &Security Carnegie Mellon’s College of Engineering is recognized worldwide for its expertise in designing and building devices and computer systems used for sensing, processing, communicating and storing information. Areas of research include mobile systems, distributed computing, data storage, networking, VLSI chips, sensors, MEMS, design, simulation, signal processing and sensor exploitation, embedded systems, etc. Vital to our mission is the development of secure, trustworthy, and sustainable computing and communications systems. 6 E NGI N E E R I NG R ES E A RC H H IGHL IGHTS A U T O N O M O U S Driving Carnegie Mellon has teamed up with General Motors Corporation to create the Autonomous Driving Collaborative Research Lab; this partnership could fundamentally change how people use their cars. Through advances in electronic and software technologies, someday it may be possible for your car to safely chauffeur you to work while you eat breakfast or respond to email. The technology for driverless vehicles exists, as proven by GMCarnegie Mellon and other partners in 2007, when they worked together and won the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Urban Challenge. During the competition, driverless vehicles navigated through 55-miles of urban and suburban roadways. Researchers believe it’s possible to bring autonomous vehicle technology to the consumer market within the next 10 to 12 years, which would change the face of transportation by reducing auto accidents and by making the time spent in cars more comfortable. The research lab will develop the underlying technologies required to build autonomous vehicles, including mission and path planning, safe and rule-abiding driving behaviors, real-time obstacle detection, fault-tolerant electronics and software infrastructure. The Autonomous Driving Lab is the second GM lab at the university. In 2000, the first GM Collaborative Research Lab was established to advance “smart car” technologies. This lab is continuing its work in the areas of vehicular networks, dependable embedded systems, and wired and wireless multimedia. For more information about the GM-Carnegie Mellon Autonomous Driving Collaborative Research Lab, contact Raj Rajkumar, co-director, at email: For information about the original GM Collaborative Research Lab, on the Web visit Boss, the Carnegie Mellon driverless vehicle, won the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY / SECURITY 7 Seeking Innovation in C I R C U I T D E S I G N Moore’s law predicts that semiconductor devices double Digital Circuits and Systems: Memory, logic and on- in speed and density every 18 months, and this has held chip communication circuits, designed in aggressively true for the last two decades. Unfortunately, ultimate scaled technologies, targeting extreme performance, physical limits are being reached as transistors continue power, and reliability goals. to scale toward atomic limits, making life “complicated” — especially for circuit designers. Circuits are the essential insulating layer between the increasingly unpleasant physics of nano-scale transistors and the simplifying abstractions (logic gates, amplifiers, etc.) necessary for system building. How will we design successful circuits from ill-behaved nano-scale silicon devices? And what might circuits look like as promising post-silicon technologies start to Analog Circuits and Interfaces: Analog, RF and mmwave circuits, converter and communication circuits, with an emphasis on “mostly digital” architectures using scaled digital devices, and very high performance applications. Microarchitecture: Targets the unique problems of performance, power, and reliability posed by leadingedge microprocessor circuits and systems. come online? This is the Center for Circuits and System Emerging Circuits and Applications: Targets new Solutions’ (C2S2) mission: figuring out how to convert application domains that may lead to novel markets tomorrow’s transistors into useful performance, no for future electronics (e.g., biological interfaces) and matter how strange they might be. hybrid circuits that augment today’s silicon platform The research conducted within C2S2 falls under five major themes: Silicon Infrastructure: Models, statistics, circuit-oriented design and analysis and test tools, on-chip diagnosis and adaptation circuits, and novel manufacturable circuit fabrics. 8 with promising future device types (e.g., nanotube and graphene devices). To learn more about C2S2, on the Web visit http:// I N T E G R A T E D S Y S T E M D E S I G N and Manufacturing Innovations in design automation tools have led to phe- Manufacturing: This area focuses on the process and nomenal advancements in semiconductor technologies. product design for technology nodes, i.e., 45nm and But as system sizes loom toward trillions of transistors, below, where optical lithography is reaching fundamental the escalating progress rate of integrated circuit (IC) limits. The goal is to optimize objectives that include per- design can not be sustained by advances in electronic formance, leakage, power dissipation, yield and reliability. design automation (EDA) alone. Now when creating Approaches to ensure manufacturability by co-optimizing electronic systems in silicon, we must consider new device design, layout and manufacturing process, and forms of design and structure along with advancements test/diagnosis are being investigated. in design automation. Circuits: This area focuses on the design, optimization The Center for Silicon System Implementation (CSSI) and implementation of the next generation of analog, conducts research on all aspects of integrated system RF, mixed-signal and digital integrated circuits. The goal design and manufacturing, spanning from network-on-a- is to provide solutions for the increasing need for higher chip architectures to ultra low-power nano devices, bio- integration and performance while simultaneously chips, and the CAD methodologies that enable them. addressing the challenges presented by nanometer Building on more than 25 years of experience in the field CMOS processes. of EDA, the CSSI has four major research thrusts: Systems: This area focuses on tools and design methodologies for modeling, analysis, and optimization of critical design constraints (performance, power, reliability, etc.) at the system and architecture level. Research in this area targets scalable performance, power and reliability modeling, and novel design paradigms for dealing with on-chip communication, power management, and variability-aware design. Emerging: This area focuses on fabrication technologies and design methodologies for emerging areas that rely on classical deposit-pattern-etch cycles inherent to IC manufacturing. Technologies being investigated range from nanotechnologies such as molecular transistor-based circuits, spin-based devices and circuits to multi-physics devices and circuits such as those found in MEMS, electrochemical applications, biochips and lab-on-chip devices. For more information about the CSSI, on the Web visit When creating electronic systems in silicon, we must consider new forms of design and structure along with advancements in design automation. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY / SECURITY 9 Defenders of the INTERNET UNITE! Teaching fourth and fifth graders about Internet safety in a fun setting is the purpose of Carnegie Cadets: The MySecureCyberspace Game, an interactive game designed by the Information Networking Institute and Carnegie Mellon CyLab. Kids learn about Web and computer security and other topics, like viruses and cyberbullying, from an animated team of plucky cyber defenders. Players join the “Carnegie Cyber Academy,” where they get sent on training missions that teach basic skills such as how to spot spam, how to keep personal information private, and how to identify Web site traps, including dangerous pop-up windows or Web pages that show inappropriate content. The game teaches kids how to be safe, educated cyber citizens before they enter the Internet on their own. Classroom lesson materials are available for elementary teachers, too. The game is a free download that’s available at the Carnegie Cyber Academy site ( 10 E NGI N E E R I NG R ES E A RC H H IGHL IGHTS S E N S I N G Infrastructure Maintaining the nation’s roads, bridges, water and power systems and other public infrastructures is crucial for our well-being, yet too often, vigilance fails, and problems go undetected until a water main breaks or there’s a rolling blackout. Visual inspections of pipelines and bridges are not as effective as desired, and the people responsible for managing our transportation or utility systems don’t have the reliable, high-tech tools that could help them to make more proactive decisions. Researchers in Carnegie Mellon’s Center for Sensed Critical Infrastructure Research (CenSCIR) are working to change this scenario by delivering electronic “nervous systems” to critical infrastructure through the use of sensors systems, processes and technologies. For example, CenSCIR researchers believe that if appropriate, small sensors were sited throughout a water system or on a bridge, they could detect the first signs of trouble — small leaks in water lines or the sound of minute fractures. The sensors could wirelessly transmit this data to networks that would gather and process it, and create models that forecast future problems. Yet, for sensor use to become commonplace, the systems that process the data, including the middleware, must be robust, and CenSCIR is conducting research in all these areas. For more information about the wide-range of sensor-oriented research underway at Carnegie Mellon, on the Web visit CenSCIR at INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY / SECURITY 11 D A T A S T O R A G E at Carnegie Mellon The field of information technology encompasses the maintains state-of-the-art facilities for its research pro- transmission, processing and storage of information. grams including high-tech recording test stands, materi- Researchers in the Data Storage Systems Center (DSSC) als synthesis and characterization facilities and various are developing the next generation of information stor- scanned probe capabilities. The DSSC makes use of the age technology, moving beyond the current frontiers of extensive nanofabrication labs at Carnegie Mellon. magnetic recording, optical data storage, probe-based systems, holographic and solid-state memory. The DSSC has been helping industry design nanometerscale technology that will ultimately lead to very fast, Research topics include: Alternative storage Channels implementations low-cost and compact information storage devices. The center works closely with industry partners to define projects to help the $60 billion information storage market continue to grow and expand. The DSSC also algorithms and coding, hardware Heads read, write Mechanics disk, tape Media HAMR, patterned, perpendicular, tape Memory MRAM, probe, RRAM, servos Tribology contamination and wear, lubricants For information visit 12 E NGI N E E R I NG R ES E A RC H H IGHL IGHTS M O B I L I T Y Research Mobile systems, including notebook computers, phones, and specialized devices, are becoming the dominant mechanism for Internet access, thanks to networking technologies that enable anywhere-anytime computing, communication and collaboration. Business travelers and young people have adopted these technologies which are transforming the way people work, shop and play. Embedded wireless sensors in appliances, vehicles, infrastructure and the environment will dramatically increase the availability of information. Mobility presents many business opportunities for both established and startup companies, including network operators, handset manufacturers, and vendors of systems and networking equipment, embedded systems and software, and mobile software and services. Emerging applications will include services, products and platforms for accessing (portals), connectivity (email, IM, etc.), advertising, and entertainment. To accelerate the growth and adoption of these technologies, new data and media management interfaces are crucial. The development of more powerful wireless networks and advances in the Internet could provide richer collaboration and customization opportunities. Equally important is the development of underlying systems that will ensure privacy, security, and reliability of these systems as they are entrusted with sensitive and valuable information. The development of context-aware services will combine with mobile social networks to add intelligence to the systems and allow them to interact with people in a nonintrusive and natural manner. In light of the technical, economic, and social importance of mobility technology, Carnegie Mellon CyLab has launched a Mobility Research Center. This center will link research, education and entrepreneurship programs offered at Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley and Carnegie Mellon Pittsburgh. The west coast campus is the ideal location for this center, given the presence of major players in the mobile systems market and the culture of entrepreneurship and innovation. In addition to advancing hardware and software technology, the center will conduct usability studies to improve the value of mobile technology and ease of use and will build on existing software engineering expertise to develop new applications. To learn more about mobility research, on the Web visit INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY / SECURITY 1133 O N E L O O K Says It All Whether we’re shopping at the local quick mart or sensor network. Only people who pass authentication and waiting for a flight at the airport, making the places we verification processes will be granted access. Currently, frequent more secure is the goal of the biometrics most authentication systems rely on single biometric research that is underway at Carnegie Mellon. Cameras modality (like fingerprints) to perform identification and and sensor networks are being developed that rapidly verification. The advantage of face and iris systems is identify people by homing in on their faces and especially that they employ nonintrusive, touchless interactions their eyes. While a quick pass through a checkpoint (during the past SARS outbreak, people were scared to that’s outfitted with these high-tech devices could flag touch fingerprint sensors in airports). While it is possible criminals, the same technology can be used in verifi- for an attacker to access one biometric ID system, it is cation and authentication processes, giving people very difficult for someone to slip past a system that relies access to computers or even buildings. simultaneously on two or more biometric measures— The Carnegie Mellon CyLab building has become a test bed for several of these innovative technologies. At key entrance ways and outside of select offices, Multi-Modal Sensor nodes, consisting of pan-tilt-zoom cameras (PTZ) and iris acquisition cameras will be installed. The such as the face and iris. By installing these devices on campus, CyLab’s researchers will be able to test their theories and develop methods for improving deployment. This same technology is being harnessed to enhance national security and to protect U.S. borders. cameras and sensors will have both wired and wireless To learn more about biometric research, on the Web visit capabilities and be able to interface with a wireless 14 E NGI N E E R I NG R ES E A RC H H IGHL IGHTS The current practice in high-performance library development is to carefully hand-tune and hand-optimize code whenever a new platform is released, which happens annually or bi-annually. This is a costly effort that requires several months to complete. The difficulty lies in the complexity of modern computing platforms that make it hard to extract the performance that is possible. Further, the fast evolution of these platforms necessitates the constant rewriting and retuning of libraries. Spiral Library Generator The Spiral team has developed a library generator (also called Spiral) that automates the development of linear transforms and other functionality. The generator takes as input a formal description of the desired function and automatically derives and launches an optimized implementation. In many cases, this implementation runs faster than any existing human-written code. Hence, with Spiral it becomes possible to dramatically reduce the implementation time and cost of libraries, which means applications can be ported to new platforms faster and cheaper. The S P I R A L P R O J E C T Spiral successfully tackles traditionally difficult problems like parallelization, memory hierarchy optimizations, and platform-specific tuning. Spiral’s approach integrates The goal of Spiral is to enable the computer generation a number of techniques from mathematics, symbolic of software and hardware libraries that are found in computations, programming languages, compilers, and applications ranging from signal processing, multimedia, computer architecture. Current research aims to expand and communications to scientific computing and other the generator’s technology to a larger set of functionality, domains. Traditionally, libraries are fine-tuned by hand, emerging computing platforms, and to the problem of a time-consuming and expensive process that causes automatic platform design. bottlenecks when porting applications to new computing platforms. The Problem Computers are getting faster and, accordingly, the software that runs on them is faster, too. However, this is not an automatic process. Software applications rely on libraries that implement performance-critical components within them. In other words, if the libraries run Spiral has been funded for 10 years by the National Science Foundation, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and companies including Intel, National Instruments, and Mercury. Spiral is well-known in the computer science and software engineering community and has impacted the field of automatic performance tuning. For more information visit fast, then so will the applications. For example, diverse applications, such as the OFDM wireless communication standard, molecular dynamics simulations, JPEG image compression, and MP3 audio decoding (think iPod), spend most of their time computing linear transforms. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY / SECURITY 15 I n ve s t i g a t i ng M a t e r i a ls Novel technologies and products, ranging from opto-electronics for communications, biomaterials for prosthetics and drug delivery, batteries for laptops, sensor materials, and high strength-to-weight materials for airplanes or automobiles, all rely on materials development. Materials research at Carnegie Mellon, which is inherently interdisciplinary, concentrates on four areas: electronic materials, magnetic materials, microstructural science, and iron and steelmaking. 16 E N G I N E E R I N G R E S E A R C H H I G HL I GHTS Innovations in I R O N A N D S T E E L M A K I N G More than a billion tons of steel are produced worldwide each year. Sustainability issues, environmental concerns, and market pressures are prompting industry to innovate steelmaking processes. The Center for Iron and Steelmaking Research at Carnegie Mellon has been working with corporate partners for more than 25 years to address fundamental challenges facing the steel industry. Today, in light of efforts to reduce energy costs and CO2 emissions, the center’s research is even more vital to companies in the U.S. and abroad. Several major research areas include: 1> Developing new manufacturing processes to address sustainability issues. It takes large amounts of coal-generated reductant and energy to turn iron ore into steel, and as a result, pollutants, namely CO2, are produced. Alternative manufacturing processes and materials, like low-grade coals and waste biomass, are being explored in an effort to reduce the energy needed to produce from ore and control CO2 emissions. 2> Improving methods for using recycled materials. A significant portion of the steel produced today in the U.S. is made from recycled materials. Problems arise because scrap iron contains ever-growing amounts copper. Extracting copper from iron is complicated, which makes it difficult to process recycled iron into steel. Researchers are looking for ways to better process high residual copper containing scrap into steel. 3> Producing high-strength steel for the automotive industry. The automotive industry needs strong, lightweight steel. Lighter vehicles use less fuel, which ultimately results in lower CO2 emissions. New grades of steel are being developed, but to make steel that exhibits characteristics that industry desires, such as ductility and strength, alloys are added. The problem is that a number of these alloys start reacting as the steel is being made during both melt and thermomechanical processing. Researchers are working to control the behavior of materials during various phases of the steelmaking process. For more information, on the Web visit INVESTIGATING MATERIALS 17 Nanomaterials F O R E N E R G Y P R O D U C T I O N Solar cells, sometimes known as photovoltaic cells, Center for Nano-enabled Device and Energy Technologies convert light (photons) into electricity. These devices (CNXT) believe that nanostructured materials (such as are often used to power calculators, wristwatches, com- organic and inorganic semiconductors with engineered munications satellites, and space probes; sometimes quantum structures in them) could hold the key to making they supply remote regions of our planet with limited high-efficiency solar cells. By appropriately varying the amounts of electricity. Sunlight holds great promise as size of engineered quantum nanostructures and the an abundant and pollution-free source of energy, yet composition of the materials in which they are embedded, the widespread use of solar devices to generate large researchers think that they can capture and convert en- amounts of electricity is limited because of the immatu- ergy from the broad spectrum of colors found in sunlight. rity of the technology and its currently high cost. In addition to a focus on new materials, researchers Silicon is now the material most commonly used in at CNXT are investigating advanced architectures for photovoltaic cells despite the fact that silicon solar cells photovoltaic devices and novel methods for integrating in the field are not very efficient. If solar electric energy these devices into existing energy systems. is to become commonplace, new materials that convert sunlight to electricity more efficiently (and economically) must be found. Researchers at the Carnegie Mellon For more information on this topic and other CNXT research areas visit on the Web, Sunlight holds great promise as an abundant source of energy, yet widespread use of solar devices to generate electricity is limited because of the immaturity of the technology. 18 E N GI N E E R I NG R ESE A RC H H IG HL IGHTS D E V E L O P I N G M A T E R I A L S from Carbon Nanotubes Carbon nanotubes are comprised of carbon atoms that Center for Multiscale Modeling for Engineering Materials are intricately arranged in helices, which are mere (CM2EM) are developing methods that could bridge nanometers in width. These minute molecules have this troublesome gap between timescales and allow important properties: they are incredibly strong and engineers to understand better, and eventually exert display an amazing variety of electrical and thermal greater control, over the behavior of carbon nanotubes. properties. Engineers envision novel composite materials made with carbon nanotubes being used in everything from automobile bumpers and electronics to chemical processing and energy management applications. However, our understanding of these complex molecules is incomplete and hinders our ability to design devices This multiscale problem is representative of the work underway in the CM2EM, whose goal is to understand materials from the smallest to the largest relevant scales, with an emphasis on emergent behavior in complex materials systems. To learn more about CM2EM, on the Web visit made from them. One particular challenge researchers face is that the bonds that link the carbon atoms vibrate more than a trillion times every second. The timescale of these vibrations is exceedingly smaller than the timescale engineers need to work with, making it difficult to design reliable technologies. Researchers in the MICROSTRUCTURE Provides Clues to How Materials Perform Most metallic and ceramic materials used in aircraft, automobiles, and computers are comprised of microscopic crystals or polycrystals that are joined together at grain boundaries. The types of grain boundaries in a material and how they connect or interface affect a material's performance and lifetime. Our knowledge of these matters is incomplete and limits our ability to predict and control a material’s behavior. Major research is underway at Carnegie Mellon that is broadening our understanding of grain boundary networks. In one project, researchers are studying the differences between synthetic microstructures (computer generated materials that are fabricated from statistical data) and microstructure samples that have been taken from actual materials. Subtle differences are being detected in the way the grain boundaries interface, which begs the question: How do these differences affect a material’s performance? What researchers have discovered is that “hot spots” or areas of increased stress lie near the grain boundaries. These hot spots reveal where a material is most likely to falter or break down. This fundamental research will allow engineers to create and control the behavior of new materials that could have a wide range of industrial applications. For more information, visit the Materials Research and Engineering Center on the Web at INVESTIGATING MATERIALS 19 Energy & Environment The College of Engineering has identified the environment and energy as major research thrusts. In our research centers, we are investigating everything from alternative fuels to CO2 sequestration to urban water quality and climate change policy. Attaining reliable energy, while protecting our environment and economic well-being, is one of our society’s most pressing challenges. 20 E N G I N E E R I N G R E S E A R C H H I G HL I GHT S A I R B O R N E P A R T I C L E S : What You Can’t See Will Hurt You Every day we inhale airborne particles. These particles are microscopic clusters of organic chemicals, acids, metals and other compounds, and they can aggravate chronic illnesses like heart and lung diseases and even diabetes. The particles that cause the greatest concern are “fine particles,” which are 2.5 micrometers in diameter and smaller. (A human hair is about 70 micrometers thick.) When we breathe, contaminants that are emitted from power plants and automobile exhausts, like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, are pulled deep into our lungs, sometimes entering our blood stream. Nationwide, tens of thousands of premature deaths are attributed to airborne particulate matter (PM). Carnegie Mellon researchers are striving to understand how fine particulate matter behaves in the atmosphere. This work will improve human health, enhance our understanding of how these particles affect climate change, and finally, how the particles react with minerals on the earth’s surface, influencing the acidity of our water. Much of this work is taking place in the Center for Atmospheric Particle Studies (CAPS). In this center, engineers, scientists and policy experts are studying the origins, behavior and effects of airborne particles and the center is assuming an active role in shaping environmental policy related to particulate matter. The study of particulate matter is fraught with complexities, and the diversity of the research in CAPS reflects this. Research in atmospheric science, fundamental chemistry, and computer modeling, along with advanced knowledge in the areas of combustion, aerosols and more are essential if we aim to breathe cleaner air. For more information on this topic, visit CAPS at Air quality research involves modeling, laboratory studies, and ambient measurements, and CAPS maintains state-of-the-art facilities to support these activities. ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT 21 Clean, Safe W A T E R Throughout many cities, water flows through aging industrial runoff that seeps into ground water. Electrode pipes. Pounding rains, sudden thaws or even broken technology is being used to clean metal-contaminated water mains cause water to rush through streets and environments. New spectroscopic methods are being into antiquated storm water systems that overflow into developed to detect pathogens rapidly. These are our streams and rivers. Deceptively, an abundance of just several examples of the novel techniques we are water does not necessarily mean that we have enough investigating. high quality water to meet our needs. Toxins and microbial contaminants, both anthropogenic and natural, can work their way through rivers and streams or even public water systems, and make water unfit for drinking and other uses. Another issue is the concern that our water supplies may be deliberately attacked. As urban areas grow, especially in developing countries, so do the challenges associated with supplying water and removing wastewater to maintain our quality of life. Equally important to maintaining a safe and sufficient water supply is the development of better infrastructure, and monitoring and modeling play a significant role in this area. By deploying sensors, we can monitor water quality or gather vital environmental data that can influence policy decisions. Education and outreach activities are integral components of our research, too. We work with elementary and secondary school students and the public, including citizen-monitoring Researchers at Carnegie Mellon are working to keep groups, to cultivate awareness of the issues affecting water, whether it courses through the ground, in surface water management in urban areas. rivers and streams, or through municipal waterworks, free of pollutants. Projects underway aim to remove PCBs in river sediment and other harmful substances, For more information on this topic, visit WaterQuest at like cyanide and pathogenic organisms, from surface water, drinking water and wastewater. We’re fabricating polymer-coated nanoparticles that seek and destroy 22 EN G I N E E R I N G R E S E A R C H H I G HL I GHTS Shedding Light on the ELECTRICITY INDUSTRY A traditional electric power grid functions as a giant network—if there is a major disruption on the network it affects the entire network, which can have detrimental effects, such as blackouts. Worse, if a disruption occurs, it may not become quickly evident, allowing an undetected problem to grow. The electricity industry can take steps to reduce large-scale power failures, yet they can not be eliminated, and thus, the industry is forced to develop methods for managing uncertainty. One research thrust within the Carnegie Mellon Electricity Industry Center focuses on reliability and security of the electricity infrastructure. Projects are underway that examine the means for preserving essential missions during large cascading failures; network architectures for electric power grids which can survive disruptions, including cyber attacks; and protocols for improving grid reliability. The problems facing the electricity industry are inherently interdisciplinary, and to find solutions, Carnegie Mellon is merging engineering, economics, risk analysis, and decision science. In addition to the ongoing work on reliability and security of power grids, the university’s Undergraduate students gather researchers are examining electricity markets and samples from Pittsburgh’s rivers investment; distributed energy resources; advanced for analysis. generation, transmission, and environmental issues; and demand estimation and response. For in-depth information on the Carnegie Mellon Electricity Industry Center, on the Web visit 23 Predicting How Buildings Will Hold Up During E A R T H Q U A K E S Understanding how earthquakes behave in large urban buildings and other infrastructure to the mix. By areas, like Los Angeles, could save an untold number of understanding how groups of buildings react when the lives. Researchers in the College of Engineering want ground shakes, people will be better able to prepare for to expand on this concept by developing models that earthquakes and mitigate the damage they may cause. can protect the economies of earthquake-prone areas, as well. In these new models, an area’s geology is extremely important because there can be hot spots within a city A team of researchers from Carnegie Mellon and the where, because of land basins that trap earthquake University of California was awarded $1.6 million from waves, the earth will shake more. The researchers the National Science Foundation (NSF) to develop want to learn how a collection of structures that vary computer models that will predict how different types in height and other attributes (i.e., they may have of infrastructure will perform during earthquakes. different types of foundations) and are sited on different For more than a decade, Carnegie Mellon engineers have worked with the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) to develop highly evolved models that predict how the ground behaves during a quake. These models consider, among many things, the magnitude of the quake, its source, the speed and direction it moves geological locations (rocky ground versus soft soil) will hold up during earthquakes of varying magnitudes. In addition to buildings, the simulations will include bridges. Results from this work will help people determine how to build and site buildings so that they sustain the least amount of damage during a quake. along a fault, and the geology of ground basins. Build- To learn more about earthquake engineering at Carnegie ing upon this extensive body of work, the NSF grant will Mellon, visit the Civil and Environmental Engineering enable researchers to expand these models by adding Web site at By understanding how groups of buildings react when the ground shakes, people will be better able to prepare for earthquakes. 24 EN GI N E E R I NG R ES E A RC H H IGHL IGHTS Learning to Make Intelligent Decisions in the Face of U N C E R T A I N T I E S There it no uncertainty about whether burning coal, oil and natural gas is causing the climate to change. However, there is considerable uncertainty about many of the details of that change. We can’t say exactly how patterns of rainfall will shift, how much or how fast sea level will rise as ice in Greenland melts, or whether or how soon we will lose all coral reefs or polar bears. Research can reduce some of these uncertainties, but many will remain, even as climate change becomes ever more severe. Researchers in Carnegie Mellon’s Climate Decision Making Center (CDMC) are working to describe more precisely the uncertainties about climate, which ones can be reduced, and how soon that could happen. They are also identifying and analyzing decisions that could reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, and studying decisions that could help us to adapt to the impacts of climate change. There is nothing unusual about making decisions with uncertainty. In our private lives we decide what school to go to, what job to take, who to marry, whether to have kids, all in the face of considerable uncertainty. Companies and governments do the same thing. The CDMC is working to help people and organizations make better decisions in the face of uncertainties about a changing climate. Those decisions are complicated by the fact that over coming decades there will also be big, but uncertain, changes in technology, the economy, social structures and people’s needs. Some of the CDMC’s research on how best to make electricity without emitting large amounts of carbon dioxide and on how to use energy more efficiently is done in collaboration with the Carnegie Mellon Electricity Industry Center. For more information, visit the Climate Decision Making Center at http://cdmc.epp. ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT 25 Web Site Provides Fast Facts about T R A F F I C S A F E T Y R I S K S Research in the Center for the Study and Improvement 32.61 fatalities. This makes motorcycles 30 times riskier of Regulation (CSIR) focuses on regulatory policy issues than cars per mile traveled. with significant scientific or technical components. These include risk regulations for carbon capture and sequestration, transportation fuels and automobile emissions and safety. When it comes to risk, there’s a chasm between perceptions and reality. For example, research demonstrates that school buses are the safest vehicles for children to travel in, and yet the public, for the most part, is unaware As the result of a joint effort between the CSIR and of this. When a school bus crashes, it’s national news, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, researchers have and that thought lingers, creating an erroneous percep- developed TrafficSTATS, an easy-to-use Web site that tion about bus safety. By pinpointing, retrieving and com- calculates, on the fly, travel safety risks. See www. paring figures, TrafficSTATS gives users an unvarnished An important goal of this Web site is look at what is really happening on our highways. to help people understand the concept of risk. Risk is more than a general number that expresses how many people die while traveling. For example, in 2004, 3,779 people died in motorcycle accidents, while 18,819 deaths were attributed to passenger cars. More people die in cars, but are cars riskier? To find out, you As expected, policy makers and safety officials are interested in this research. Efforts are underway to broaden the capabilities of the Web site by expanding its database to include data that allows for injury and property damage calculations. have to consider several factors: number of deaths and To learn about other projects underway in the Center miles traveled. If you look at deaths per miles traveled, for the Study and Improvement of Regulation, on the in passenger cars, there were 1.05 fatalities per million Web visit miles traveled, whereas, with motorcycles there were 26 EN GI N E E R I NG R ES E A RC H H IGHL IGHTS The S T E I N B R E N N E R I N S T I T U T E Carnegie Mellon has a long tradition of innovative, collaborative research with industry in environmental science, technology and policy. Building on past and current work, the Steinbrenner Institute for Environmental Education and Research is positioned to offer next-generation thinking about corporate environmental performance. The mission of the Steinbrenner Institute is to conduct cooperative worldclass research in environmental science, technology, management and policy to provide innovative solutions to today’s environmental challenges within a broader theme of “Transitioning to an Environmentally Sustainable Society.“ To learn more about Carnegie Mellon’s environmental research and educational activities or the Steinbrenner Institute Corporate Partnership Program on the Web visit http:// ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT 27 Enterprise-wide O P T I M I Z A T I O N The Center for Advanced Process Decision-making A multidisciplinary team from three Pennsylvania-based (CAPD) is engaged in process systems engineering universities, Carnegie Mellon, Lehigh University and the research for the process industries. Its main focus is University of Pittsburgh, is working on the project. The to develop advanced computer-based techniques for team, comprised of chemical and industrial engineers process synthesis, process optimization, planning and operations researchers, is developing novel models, and scheduling, process control, energy systems, and algorithms, decomposition methods, and computational molecular computing. techniques to explore and analyze alternatives of the A major project within the center deals with enterprisewide optimization (EWO), which involves optimizing the supply, manufacturing and distribution activities of chemical manufacturing companies to reduce costs and inventories in their supply chains. EWO, an emerging area that lies at the interface of chemical engineering and operations research, has become a major goal in industry due to the increasing pressure to remain competitive in the global marketplace. supply chain to achieve overall optimum economic performance and a high level of customer satisfaction. The project involves close collaborations with industry, including ABB, Air Products and Chemicals, BP, Dow Chemical, ExxonMobil, NOVA Chemicals, PPG, Praxair and TOTAL. This project is jointly funded by the Pennsylvania Technology Alliance, the National Science Foundation, and various companies. To learn more about CAPD activities, on the Web visit Teaching Engineers about S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y Today’s engineers are challenged to use the earth’s resources more efficiently and produce less waste. Engineering that meets our present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is referred to as sustainable engineering. Some examples include: • providing people with food, water, shelter, and the means for mobility, all while minimizing environmental damage; • • In addition, a benchmark assessment of sustainable designing products and processes so that wastes engineering programs and courses around the U.S. is may be used in other products; being conducted. Based on the information collected, incorporating environmental and social constraints the center will develop a roadmap for achieving excel- and economic considerations into engineering lence in sustainable engineering education. decisions. The center is a collaborative effort between Carnegie Promoting education in sustainable engineering in universities around the world is the goal of the Center for Sustainable Engineering. Efforts within the center include workshops that help engineering faculty incorporate sustainability concepts into their courses 28 and a Web site with peer-reviewed educational materials. Mellon University, the University of Texas at Austin and Arizona State University, and it is supported by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. For more information, on the Web visit http://www. EN GI N E E R I NG R ES E A RC H H IGHL IGHTS The C C S R E G U L A T O R Y P R O J E C T Avoiding catastrophic climate change over the coming decades will require the entire world to reduce its emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) by roughly 80 percent. In the long run, new—perhaps unimagined—technologies may allow us to sustain such a low-carbon future without the use of coal, oil and natural gas (fossil fuels). However, for at least the next half-century, there does not appear to be any way to sustain modern society and allow the rest of the world to develop rapidly without continued use of fossil fuel. Fortunately CO2 can be captured from power stations and large industrial plants before it enters the atmosphere and safely disposed a half mile or more underground in appropriate geological formations. This technology is called carbon capture and sequestration, or CCS for short. Most of the technology required to perform CCS exists today. However, it has yet to be used for making electricity (or other clean energy) at commercial scale. This means that there is an urgent need for a lot of research, development and large-scale testing over the next few years. Investigators in the CCS Regulatory Project are working with a range of stakeholders and experts to design and facilitate the rapid adoption of a U.S. regulatory environment for the capture, transport and geological sequestration of CO2. Our objective is to assure that CCS will be done in a manner that is safe, environmentally sound, affordable, compatible with evolving international carbon control regimes (including emissions trading) and socially equitable. Results from the CCS Regulatory Project will include detailed policy recommendations, regulatory approaches, and—where appropriate—drafts of legislative language that address CO2 capture, transportation, and injection, as well as long-term stewardship of sequestration sites. The project is anchored in Carnegie Mellon’s Department of Engineering and Public Policy. Other members of the project team are located at the University of Minnesota, the Vermont Law School, and the Washington, D.C. law firm of Van Ness Feldman. To learn more, on the Web visit ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT 29 Innovation has no Bounds To combat the many challenges facing society, including those in the areas of climate change, energy, healthcare, cybersecurity, civil infrastructure, etc., it will take innovative thinking. We need innovators to create new technologies and processes, and we need entrepreneurs to bring these achievements to market. The College of Engineering is broadening its research and educational efforts to teach people how to identify and realize the social and commercial value that technical opportunities present. 30 ENGI N E E R I NG R ES E A RC H H IGHL IGH TS A S C I E N T I F I C A P P R O A C H to Business and Product Development It takes more than luck to conceptualize, design, manufacture and successfully market great products that consumers want. Yet people often don’t realize that innovation, which encompasses product development and business strategy, can be examined in a formalized manner—and it should be. Innovation not only provides future revenue streams for companies, but it defines a company’s future direction. As important as innovation is to the bottom line, many companies struggle as they try to incorporate the concept into their business plans. Evidence shows that there is often a gap between R&D and market penetration. An effective innovation process should entail the creation of a value proposal that maintains a company’s uniqueness, uncover and fulfill customer needs, allocate resources, connect corporate strategies to product strategies, define and promote brands, transfer emerging technologies to practice and execute the creation of breakthrough products. In the Center for Product Strategy and Innovation, projects are underway that will help companies address the challenges inherent with innovation and develop practical processes to meet their needs. Research within the center is quantitative and qualitative and explores a variety of topics, ranging from the exploration of the cognitive mechanisms of creative design to the development of industry trend models. The result is a scientific and practical understanding and implementation of innovation strategies. Faculty and students in the center work with corporate partners and this ensures that research efforts address real-world challenges. To learn more about the Center for Product Strategy & Innovation, on the Web visit Innovation provides future revenue streams for companies and defines a company's future direction. INNOVATION 31 Research laboratories in the Department of Chemical Engineering underwent a $27 million dollar renovation, resulting in state-of-theart facilities for research in the following areas: Process Systems Engineering, Complex Fluids Engineering, Bioengineering, Solid State Materials, and Envirochemical Engineering. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTERS Bone Tissue Engineering Center Jeffrey O. Hollinger, Director Contact: Web site: Blending the background and talents of molecular cell biologists, polymer chemists, clinicians and engineers, research in this center focuses on understanding the molecular basis for bone formation and wound healing and applying this knowledge to engineer tissues using therapeutic systems of biomaterials, cells and signaling molecules. Carnegie Mellon CyLab Pradeep Khosla, Founding Director Virgil Gligor and Richard Pethia, Co-Directors Contact: Gene Hambrick at Web site: CyLab is one of the largest university-based cybersecurity education and research centers in the U.S. It is multidisciplinary and university-wide, involving six colleges from Carnegie Mellon and more than 50 faculty and 130 graduate students. The center’s goal is to build public-private partnerships to develop new technologies for measurable, available, secure, trustworthy, and sustainable computing and communications systems and to educate individuals at all levels. CyLab provides resources and expertise in four areas: Technology transfer to and from the public sector; technology transfer to and from the private sector; development of information assurance professionals; national awareness programs and tools. 32 Carnegie Mellon Electricity Industry Center Lester B. Lave and M. Granger Morgan, Directors Jay Apt, Executive Director Contact: Web site: The U.S. electricity industry accounts for $300 billion in sales, and demand for electricity is increasing. Meeting this demand is difficult because of slow rates of technology adoption, a transmission system designed for an earlier era, a hybrid of regulated and deregulated jurisdictions, and incomplete markets. Researchers in this center merge engineering, economics, risk analysis, and decision science to study problems facing the electricity industry. Center for Advanced Process Decision-Making Ignacio E. Grossmann, Director Contact: Web site: The Center for Advanced Process Decision-making develops methodologies and computer tools for process systems engineering. The center’s goals are to understand and aid complex design and operation issues faced by industry and to advance modeling and solution methods for process systems engineering. Research areas include modeling and simulation, process synthesis, process optimization, molecular modeling, scheduling and planning, and supply chain management. EN G I N E E R I NG R ES E A RC H H IGHL IGHTS Center for Atmospheric Particle Studies Neil M. Donahue, Director Contact: Web site: The Center for Atmospheric Particle Studies has a simple mission: It strives to be a world leader in science, engineering, and policy covering the full role of fine particulate matter in the atmosphere. Areas of study include climate, health, atmospheric modeling, combustion sources, aerosol characterization, condensed-phase processing, gas-phase processing, radical measurement, atmospheric science and fundamental chemistry. Center for Bioimage Informatics Jelena Kovacevic and Robert F. Murphy, Co-Directors Contact: Web site: The Center for Bioimage Informatics brings together faculty from engineering, biology and computer science to identify important biological problems in which images are the primary data source. Researchers strive to frame solutions to these problems, collect relevant images, identify criteria for evaluating success, implement solutions, and evaluate and disseminate the results. Center for Circuits and System Solutions (C2S2) Rob A. Rutenbar, Director Contact: Web site: http:// these implantable microsystems; and to partner with physicians to drive design, implementation, and clinical studies of implantable microsystems. Center for Iron and Steelmaking Research Richard J. Fruehan and Sridhar Seetharaman, Co-Directors Contact: Web site: The Center for Iron and Steelmaking Research (CISR) is devoted to research and education related to the production of iron and steel. The CISR conducts research projects in ironmaking, steelmaking, clean steel, and casting. The center currently has 20 major industrial members and is the largest academic center for steelmaking research in the U.S. Center for Multiscale Modeling for Engineering Materials Amit Acharya, Director Michael Widom, Associate Director Contact: or Web site: This center strives to coordinate research and educational activity in multiscale materials modeling across Carnegie Mellon University. Researchers aim to quantitatively understand materials from the smallest to the largest relevant scales, with a special emphasis on emergent behavior in complex materials systems, in order to better design applications for existing engineering materials and to engineer new materials with targeted functionality. C2S2 is a multi-university research center chartered by the U.S. semiconductor industry and U.S. government to develop solutions for the enormous design challenges that arise from scaling semiconductor devices toward fundamental atomic limits. Researchers work in three fundamental areas: digital circuits and systems; analog circuits and interfaces; tools, flows and infrastructure. Center for Complex Fluids Engineering Robert Tilton, Director Contact: Web site: Researchers in this center attack problems associated with the formulation, control and engineering of processes involving complex fluids. The center targets processing operations in the coatings, pharmaceutical, consumer product and mining industries, such as spraying, granulation, solid/liquid and protein separations. Significant research is conducted in nanotechnology, biotechnology and environmental technology as well. Center for Implantable Medical Microsystems Gary Fedder, Director Contact: Web site: The Center for Implantable Medical Microsystems, which is housed in the Institute for Complex Engineered Systems, will impact medical practice and quality of life through the use of implantable microsystems for early diagnosis and intervention in the treatment of disease and trauma. The mission of the center is to develop “near-zero invasive” implantable diagnostic monitors and therapeutic tools; to develop modular technologies that enable rapid design of RESEARCH CENTERS The Particle Flow & Tribology Lab at Carnegie Mellon researches new methodologies to predict the behavior of granular, powder, and slurry flows in sliding contacts. Research is conducted through the synergistic use of experiments, physics-based modeling, and computational simulations. This research has applications in the semiconductor, energy, biotechnology, nanotechnology, agricultural, space, and defense industries. 33 Center for Nano-Enabled Device and Energy Technologies Elias Towe, Director Contact: Web site: The mission of the Carnegie Mellon Center for Nanoenabled Device and Energy Technologies is to work on real-world problems whose solutions could be found in appropriate nano-enabled technologies. The center pursues basic research in science and engineering activities at the nanometer-scale. Current areas of interest include nanostructured materials for applications in sensors, energy, and advanced information technologies. Researchers at the center are investigating, for example, materials for use in innovative fuel cell systems, physical, chemical, and biological sensors, groundwater remediation approaches, photovoltaic solar cell devices and systems. Center for Product Strategy & Innovation Jonathan Cagan and Peter Boatwright, Directors Contact: Web site: The Center for Product Strategy & Innovation researches approaches and methods to navigate the gap between R&D and market penetration. Efforts define corporate value and branding propositions, elicit unmet marketplace needs, strategize product and technology planning, develop and refine the early product development process to deliver on a value proposition, and create tools to fulfill marketplace needs. The result is a scientific and practical understanding and implementation of pragmatic innovation strategies. Center for Sensed Critical Infrastructure Research (CenSCIR) James H. Garrett, Jr. and José Moura, Co-Directors Contact: Matthew Sanfilippo at Web site: Governments and industry must build their critical infrastructures with “nervous systems” that collect, analyze and interpret information in real-time to allow for better decision making. Research in this center provides sensor data-driven awareness of the usage and condition of infrastructure systems (both for components and entire networks), and proactive, decision support and control of these critical infrastructure systems over their lifetime. Center for Silicon System Implementation Shawn Blanton, Director Contact: Web site: The Center for Silicon System Implementation (CSSI) is focused on all aspects of integrated system design and manufacturing that spans from network-on-a-chip architectures to self-adaptable analog and digital circuits, to ultra low-power nano devices, bio chips, and the CAD methodologies that enable them. The center builds on more than 25 years of experience in the electronic design automation industry and is supported by the U.S. government, various consortiums and industry. The NanoRobotics Lab is equipped to explore and manipulate objects at the micro- and nano-scales. In the lab, prototypes of novel micro-robots are fabricated. The other main motivation is to contribute to the understanding and controlling of adhesion and friction at the nanoscale. 34 E NGI N E E R I NG R ES E A RC H H IGHL IGHTS In the areas of soft materials and nanomaterials, Center for the Study and Improvement of Regulation (CSIR) Paul S. Fischbeck, Director Contact: David Gerard at Web site: CSIR research focuses on regulatory policy issues with significant scientific or technical components. These include risk regulations for transportation fuels, automobile emissions and safety, petroleum refineries, and carbon capture and sequestration. These projects span a number of areas of regulatory policy, from how regulations are set and enforced to how regulations affect technology choice to estimating effects on environmental quality and public health. Center for Sustainable Engineering Cliff Davidson, Director Contact: Web site: Sustainable engineering may be defined as engineering for human development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. As the global population grows, stress on the world's limited resources increases. Engineers are now being asked to use the earth’s resources more efficiently and produce less waste. The goal of this center is to enhance education in sustainable engineering at universities around the world. IRNEFSOERAMR A C TH I OC N E NTTEECRHSN O L O G Y / S E C U R I T Y researchers investigate the microscopic structure and dynamics of synthetic and biological soft matter to better understand traditional concepts such as phase transitions, self-assembly and the relationship between microscopic structure and macroscopic properties. Center for Water Quality in Urban Environmental Systems (WaterQUEST) Jeanne VanBriesen, Director Contact: Web site: The goal of this center is to advance the scientific basis for decision-making in urban watersheds. Critical components of the center’s efforts include: research on environmental sources and fate of contaminants in urban water systems; developing monitoring and modeling capabilities for urban watersheds; developing policy and decision-making tools; and outreach and education. 35 Climate Decision Making Center M. Granger Morgan, Director Contact: Meryl Sustarsic at Web site: There is no uncertainty about whether burning coal, oil and natural gas is causing climate change. However, there is considerable uncertainty about many of the details of that change. If policy makers are to do anything about global warming, they have to make decisions now, in spite of the uncertainty. At the Climate Decision Making Center, researchers are studying the limits in our understanding of climate change and its impacts. They are also studying decisions that could help to slow climate change or make its impacts less severe. Part of their work involves creating and evaluating decision strategies and tools for policy makers that incorporate uncertainties about future climate, future technology, and social changes. Data Storage Systems Center Jian-Gang (Jimmy) Zhu, Director Contact: Web site: The Data Storage Systems Center is an interdisciplinary research and educational organization where researchers collaborate in pioneering theory and experimental research that will lead to the next generation of information storage technology, moving beyond the current frontiers of magnetic recording, optical data storage, probe-based systems, holographic and solid-state memory. The center is funded by 14 companies worldwide, various U.S. government agencies, and the Information Storage Industrial Consortium in the U.S. Affiliated Carnegie Mellon Centers and Institutes Green Design Institute Human-Computer Interaction Institute Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Robotics Institute Software Engineering Institute Steinbrenner Institute for Environmental Education and Research Departments in the College of Engineering Department of Biomedical Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of Engineering and Public Policy General Motors Collaborative Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon Ragunathan (Raj) Rajkumar, Co-Director Contact: gmcrl Web site: Department of Materials Science and Engineering This collaborative laboratory aims to speed up research efforts on the next generation of vehicle information technology and ultimately improve automobile safety and reliability. Experts in vehicular networks, dependable embedded systems, and wired and wireless multimedia are working toward a vision: “smarter” cars that share the driver’s workload and keep their eyes on the road. For example, wireless communications systems are being developed to facilitate the exchange of information between vehicles on the road, between vehicles and fixed network access points, and between vehicles and portable appliances within the vehicles. Information Networking Institute Department of Mechanical Engineering Institute for Complex Engineered Systems Materials Research Science and Engineering Center Gregory Rohrer, Director Contact: Francine Papillon at Web site: Most metallic and ceramic materials used in aircraft, automobiles, and computers are polycrystalline, in other words they are made of many microscopic crystals held together by grain boundaries. The grain boundaries in a material affect a wide range of properties and, ultimately, a material’s performance and lifetime. This center is dedicated to the understanding, control and optimization of grain boundary dominated materials properties. 36 ENGI N E E R I NG R ES E A RC H H IGH L IGHTS I N F O R M A T I O N T E C H N O L O G Y / S E C U R I T YY College of Engineering Carnegie Mellon University 5000 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213