# Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA Bulletin of Economic Research 58:3, 2006, 0307–3378 DOI: 10.1111/j.0307-3378.2006.00241.x THE ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF POLICY REFORM AND PARTIAL MARKET LIBERALIZATION UNDER TRANSACTION COSTS Jean-Paul Chavas* and Zohra Bouamra Mechemache† *Taylor Hall, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA, and †INRA-ESR, Department of Economics, Castanet Tolosan cedex, France ABSTRACT The article presents an integrated analysis of the effects of domestic and trade policy reform on resource allocation and welfare under transaction costs. It develops a general multiagent, multicommodity model, where transaction costs are the costs of resources used in the exchange process. The influence of domestic and trade policy (including both price and quantity instruments) on distorted market equilibrium is analysed. Alternative concepts of distorted equilibrium are presented and investigated. They provide a basis for evaluating the effects of multilateral partial market liberalization on resource allocation and welfare under transaction costs. New conditions are derived under which multilateral policy reforms generate Pareto improvements. Keywords: distortions, market liberalization, multilateral, policy reform, welfare JEL classification numbers: F13, D51, D61 I. INTRODUCTION The efficiency of competitive markets and trade is well known (e.g., Allais, 1943, 1981; Arrow and Debreu, 1954; Debreu, 1959; Luenberger, Correspondence: Jean-Paul Chavas, Taylor Hall, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 5376, USA. Tel: þ1 608 261 1944; Fax: þ1 608 262 4376; Email: jchavas@wisc.edu 161 162 BULLETIN OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH 1992b, 1994). It has generated a dominant view among economists that full market liberalization is desirable. However, partial moves towards market liberalization may not be welfare improving, because they involve ‘second best’ situations. Indeed, current domestic and trade policies often impose significant market distortions from taxes, tariffs and subsidies, as well as quotas that restrict trade and production activities. Attempts to undertake reform of international trade policy under the auspices of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) have not been easy. While tariffs have been progressively reduced for many sectors over the last few decades, non-tariff barriers are still commonly used. This has stimulated much research on the effects of price instruments (i.e., tariffs, subsidies, taxes) and quantity instruments (i.e., production and trade quotas) on resource allocation and welfare. The effects of tariff reform have been studied by Bruno (1972), Lloyd (1974), Hatta (1977b), Fukushima (1979), Wong (1991) in a small open economy, Dixit (1986) in a large open economy and Foster and Sonnenschein (1970), Dixit (1975) and Hatta (1977a) in closed economies. More recently, Diewert and Woodland (2004) examined the gains from trade and the welfare effects of tax/tariff policy changes. Studies of trade liberalization with tariffs and quotas include Anderson and Neary (1992) in a small open economy and Neary (1995) in a large open economy. There is a need to extend previous research on policy reform in at least three directions. First, previous research has investigated the effects of tariffs and quotas on trade and welfare (e.g., Vousden, 1990; Turunen-Red and Woodland, 1991, 2000; Anderson and Neary, 1992; Neary, 1995). However, the effects of domestic and trade policy often interact with each other. This suggests a need to expand previous analyses to include the joint implications of both domestic and trade policy. For example, in the analysis of the impact of WTO reforms, it is important to take domestic policies into account, as most countries use both trade and domestic instruments to regulate their markets (e.g., the case of the agricultural sector). Second, except for Turunen-Red and Woodland (1991, 2000), previous research has often focused on a two-country analysis and considered only a limited number of policy instruments. However, market liberalization often involves multilateral negotiations among many nations (e.g., WTO negotiations) where each specific tradable or non-tradable commodity may be regulated through several policy instruments. This suggests a need to develop a general equilibrium model of a distorted world economy consisting of an arbitrary number of agents engaged in trading an arbitrary number of commodities, under domestic and trade policy involving both subsidies/tariffs and quotas. Third, previous work on policy reform has typically assumed that market exchange is costless. This makes it difficult to explain the presence of non-traded goods, which is often assumed # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. POLICY REFORM AND PARTIAL MARKET LIBERALIZATION 163 to be exogenous (e.g., Hatta, 1977b; Fukushima, 1979). Yet, non-traded goods can arise because trade is costly. Transaction costs in trade may take many forms: transportation cost over space, information cost, etc. In this context, one expects trade to take place only when its benefit is larger than its cost. While the effects of transaction costs on market equilibrium have been noted (e.g., Hadley and Kemp, 1966; Woodland, 1968), their interaction effects with distortionary policy and efficiency have not been explored. This suggests the need to introduce transaction costs in a general equilibrium model under policy distortions. This article proposes an integrated framework to investigate the economic and welfare implications of multilateral partial reforms of both domestic and trade policies (including price instruments as well as quantity instruments) under transaction costs in general equilibrium. We define transaction costs as costs that arise whenever resources are used in the process of exchanging goods among agents. The introduction of transaction costs in the analysis exhibits several desirable characteristics. First, we allow transaction costs to vary among agents. For example, to the extent that they increase with the distance between trading agents, transaction costs can be expected to be higher in international trade (when traders are in different countries) than in domestic markets (when market participants are from the same country). Second, our analysis provides an endogenous treatment of what are the traded versus non-traded goods, depending on the magnitude of exchange costs. This can help explain the existence of ‘local markets’ Third, in general equilibrium, the transaction costs are themselves endogenous and can be affected by changes in economic policy. For example, market liberalization may contribute to reducing the cost of resources used in exchange, which would further stimulate (beyond the effects of reducing tariffs/quotas) the development of markets and increase the benefits from trade. This suggests significant interactions between policy, transaction costs, market activities and welfare. Capturing such effects is a major motivation for our approach. While we expect transaction costs to have a negative effect on trade incentives, their interactions with distortionary domestic and trade policy as they affect resource allocation and welfare remain poorly understood. Our approach provides a new conceptual framework to investigate these issues. Some previous analyses of market liberalization have focused on small changes in policy instruments (e.g., Vousden, 1990; Turunen-Red and Woodland, 1991, 2000; Neary, 1995). Our approach adds to this literature by considering discrete changes in policy instruments. Our analysis relies on Luenberger’s benefit function and its use in general equilibrium analysis (Luenberger, 1992a, 1992b, 1995). We extend Luenberger’s general equilibrium analysis by considering price and quantity distortions, by investigating the associated distorted market equilibrium and by studying the implications of domestic and trade policy for resource allocation and welfare under transaction costs. # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. 164 BULLETIN OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH A significant problem in market liberalization is that it is often part of a second-best strategy. In this context, the reduction or elimination of a subset of distortions in a competitive equilibrium may not be welfare improving. While free trade is efficient under competitive markets, in the presence of trade barriers, a partial move towards free trade may actually reduce welfare (Bhagwati, 1958; Johnson, 1967; Woodland, 1982; Falvey, 1988; Diewert et al., 1989; Vousden, 1990; Diewert and Woodland, 2004). A key result from this literature is that a proportional reduction in all tariffs is typically welfare improving. Anderson and Neary (1992) and Neary (1995) extended this analysis to include both tariffs and quotas in an open economy. The welfare analysis of multilateral trade policy reform is presented by Turunen-Red and Woodland (1991, 2000). Here we extend Turunen-Red and Woodland (1991, 2000) by considering price instruments as well as quantity instruments used in both domestic and trade policy. This is of particular interest when domestic policy affects the distortionary effects of trade policy. For example, there are situations where domestic production quotas can help reduce the distortionary effects of export subsidies (e.g., Bouamra-Mechemache et al., 2002). This stresses the importance of an integrated analysis of the effects of domestic and trade policy. Finally, we go beyond Neary (1995) by focusing on multilateral policy reform. In particular, we derive general conditions that imply that partial market liberalization is welfare improving under transaction costs. The article is organized as follows. Sections II and III develop a general equilibrium model of an economy under transaction costs, trade policy distortions (including both tariffs and quotas) and domestic policy distortions (including taxes, subsidies and production quotas). The model distinguishes between production agents and consumers. It includes an arbitrary number of commodities and agents trading with each other. Transaction costs are associated with resources used in the exchange process. In this context, the influence of domestic and trade policy (including both tariffs and quotas) on distorted market equilibrium is analysed. Section III presents the distorted market equilibrium under domestic and trade policy. Alternative characterizations of distorted equilibrium are presented and investigated in Section IV. They provide a basis for analysing the effects of market liberalization on general equilibrium resource allocation and welfare under transaction costs. This is the topic of Section V. New conditions are derived under which partial multilateral policy reforms generate Pareto improvements. II. PRELIMINARIES Consider a global economy consisting of m commodities and n economic agents. We distinguish between two mutually exclusive groups of agents: # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. POLICY REFORM AND PARTIAL MARKET LIBERALIZATION 165 consumers and production units. Let Nc be the set of consumers and Ns the set of production units. The set of all agents is N ¼ Nc [ Ns ¼ {1, 2, . . ., n}. The ith consumer chooses a consumption bundle xi ¼ (xi1, . . ., xim) 2 Xi Rm, i 2 Nc. The elements of xi are positive for commodity consumed and negative for commodity produced (e.g., labour). We assume that the feasible set Xi is closed, convex, has a lower bound and a non-empty interior, i 2 Nc. The ith consumption unit has a preference relation represented by the utility function ui(xi), i 2 Nc. The utility function ui(xi) is assumed continuous, non-decreasing and quasi-concave1 on Xi, i 2 N. The allocation of m goods among the n agents also involves production and trading activities. For the ith production unit, i 2 Ns, the production activities yi ¼ (yi1, . . ., yim) are chosen from the transformation set Yi Rm, consisting of all commodity bundles that can be produced. In the simplest case, Yi consists in a single point representing the initial endowment for the ith agent. More generally, we use the convention that elements of the vector yi measure netputs, i.e., outputs when positive and inputs when negative. The set Yi is assumed nonempty and closed, i 2 Ns. 2 Trade involves the vector t ¼ ftijk: i, j 2 N; k ¼ 1, …, mg 2 Rmn . For outputs, tijk is the non-negative quantity of the kth commodity traded from agent i to agent j. When i ? j, tijk 0 is the quantity of the kth commodity ‘sold’ or ‘exported’ by agent i to agent j, or equivalently the quantity ‘purchased’ or ‘imported’ by the jth agent from the ith agent. When i ¼ j, this includes tiik, the quantity of the kth commodity that the ith agent trades with itself. We consider the case where trade can be costly and involves the use of resources. Let z ¼ (z1, z2, . . ., zn), where zi ¼ (zi1, . . ., zim) 2 Rm is the vector of commodities used by the ith agent in trading activities, i 2 N. The trading activities (z, t) are chosen from the transformation set 2 Z Rmn Rmn consisting of all feasible points involving trade t and the associated vector z.2 Thus, (z, t) 2 Z, where the notation ‘z’ is used to reflect that the zs are inputs in the trading process. We assume that the set Z is closed and that (0, 0) 2 Z, i.e., the absence of trade can take place without using any resources. Below, we will interpret the cost of z as ‘transaction costs’ associated with exchange among the agents. Also, we make the following assumption. 1 A function u: X ! R is quasi-concave if, for all x, x¢ 2 X with u(x) u(x¢), there holds u½x þ ð1 Þx¢ uðx¢Þ for all , 0 1 Quasi-concavity of the utility function u(x) is equivalent to the convexity of preferences. 2 The set Z restricts tijk to be non-negative for outputs and non-positive for inputs. # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. 166 BULLETIN OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH Assumption A1 (free tiik distribution): If (z, t) 2 Z, then {ðz, t¢Þ: tijk ¢ ¼ tijk for i ? j, tiik ¢ ¼ tiik þ dik , k ¼ 1, . . ., m, i, j 2 N} 2 Z for all dik. Assumption A1 states that the ith agent can modify tiik, the quantity of commodity k not subject to trade, without affecting the use of resources z, for all k ¼ 1, . . ., m, i 2 N. This means that no resources z are used when agents consume their own production. In other words, transaction costs are relevant only in the presence of exchange between different agents. Because trade can exist between any two agents, each being either a production unit or a consumer, it will be convenient to treat all agents symmetrically. For that purpose, we let Xi ¼ {0} Rm be the consumption set of the ith production unit, i 2 Ns, and Yi ¼ {0} Rm be the production set of the ith consumption unit, i 2 Nc. This means that the only feasible production for a consumption unit is yi ¼ 0, i 2 Nc, and that the only feasible consumption for a production unit is xi ¼ 0, i 2 Ns. Note that, labour being one of the m commodities, consumers can trade labour with production units, which allows for joint production and consumption choices under a single decision maker (e.g., the case of household production). Let x ¼ {xi, i 2 N}, y ¼ {yi, i 2 N}, where x 2 X ¼ X1 X2 . . . Xn, and y 2 Y ¼ Y1 Y2 . . . Yn. Definition 1: A feasible allocation is defined as a vector (x, y, z, t) satisfying X t y i zi i2N ð1aÞ j 2 N ij and xi X t j 2 N ji i2N ð1bÞ where tij ¼ (tij1, tij2, . . ., tijm), xi 2 Xi, yi 2 Yi, i 2 N, and (z, t) 2 Z. Equation (1a) states that the ith agent cannot export more than its production yi net of resources used in trade zi, i 2 N. And Equation (1b) states that the ith agent cannot consume more than it obtains either from itself (tiik) or from others (j?i tjik). Note that summing (1a) and (1b) over i yields X X X X X x t y z i ij i i2N j2N i2N i2N i2N i which implies that aggregate consumption cannot exceed aggregate production minus aggregate resources used for trading purposes. Next, we incorporate various domestic and trade policy instruments in the model # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. POLICY REFORM AND PARTIAL MARKET LIBERALIZATION 167 and investigate their effects on market equilibrium and resource allocation. III. POLICY DISTORTIONS AND MARKET EQUILIBRIUM We consider a market equilibrium where the ith agent can face two prices for commodity k: pik s when commodity k is treated as a production activity and pik c when commodity k is treated as a consumption activity. The corresponding price vectors are ps ¼ fpik s : k ¼ 1, …, m; c c i 2 Ng 2 Rmn þþ for ‘producer prices’, and p ¼ fpik : k ¼ 1, …, m; mn i 2 Ng 2 Rþþ for ‘consumer prices’. Although the case where ps ¼ pc can be seen as an important special case, the distinction between ps and pc will prove important in policy analysis. In particular, we will show below how pi s and pi c can differ for the ith agent in the presence of distortionary policy. In this article, we focus our analysis on policy distortions generated by domestic policy as well as trade policy. The policy instruments involve price instruments (i.e., taxes, tariffs and subsidies) as well as quantity instruments (i.e., production and trade quotas). Denote by rijk the unit tariff (unit subsidy if negative) imposed on tijk for commodity k exchanged from agent i to agent j, k ¼ 1, . . ., m, i, j 2 N. We denote the unit tariffs/subsidies by the vectors rij ¼ frijk : k ¼ 1, …, mg 2 2 Rm and r ¼ frij : i, j 2 Ng 2 Rmn . Partition the set of agents into mutually exclusive groups: N ¼ {D1, D2, . . .}, where Ds is the set of domestic agents in the sth country. When i 2 = Ds and j 2 Ds, then rijk represents an import tariff imposed on the kth commodity by the sth country. When i 2 Ds and j 2 = Ds, then rijk is an export subsidy imposed on the kth commodity by the sth country. As such, r measures price instruments used in trade policy. Alternatively, if (i, j) 2 Ds with i 2 Ns and j 2 Nc, then rijk represents a domestic tax (subsidy if negative) on the kth commodity, which creates a price wedge between producer price piks and consumer price pikc . As such, r would reflect domestic tax and pricing policy. Allowing for differences between domestic consumer and producer prices and thus price distortions in domestic markets, this conceptual framework generalizes the model usually found in the literature based on the ‘traditional’ GNP general equilibrium framework. In general, taxes or tariffs (rijk > 0) tend to increase consumer prices, decrease producer prices and generate budgetary revenue. Alternatively, subsidies (rijk < 0) tend to increase producer price pik s , decrease consumer price pik c and involve budgetary cost. The implications of these revenues/costs for welfare analysis will be addressed below. Denote by qijk the quantity quota imposed on the trade flow tijk of the kth commodity exchanged from agent i to agent j, k ¼ 1, . . ., m, i, j 2 N. For simplicity, we will focus our analysis on output quotas, with # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. 168 BULLETIN OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH qijk 0.3 The quota qijk imposes an upper bound on the quantity traded tijk. Letting qij ¼ (qij1, . . .., qijm), this gives tij qij i, j 2 N ð2aÞ We also consider domestic production quotas qyi restricting the production of the ith producer. The introduction of domestic production quotas is relevant, as they can affect the distortionary effects of trade policy (e.g., Bouamra-Mechemache et al., 2002). Again, for simplicity, we focus our analysis on output quotas, with qyi 0 imposing an upper bound on the quantity produced by the ith producer yi qyi i 2 Ns ð2bÞ We expect the quotas q ¼ {qij: i, j 2 N; qyi, i 2 Ns} to generate quota rents to market participants. Denote by Qij the unit quota rents associated with the quotas qij and by Qyi the unit quota rents associated with the production quotas qyi. Then, the vector of quota rents is Q ¼ {Qij: i, j, 2 N; Qyi: i 2 Ns}. The effects of quota rents on welfare will be discussed below. We are interested in evaluating the effects of the policy instruments ¼ (r, q) on resource allocation and trade, on the market prices (ps, pc) and on the quota rents Q. We make the following additional assumption. Assumption A2 (free g distribution): There exists a numeraire good that can be traded between any two agents without using any resource z. Let this good be the mth commodity, which we call ‘money’. Throughout the article, we consider monetary valuation that can be expressed in terms of units of the bundle g ¼ ð0, …, 0, 1Þ 2 Rm þ . We assume that (1) if (z, t) 2 Z, then f( z¢, t): tijk ¢ ¼ tijk for all i, j 2 N, k ¼ 1, …, m 1; tijm ¢ ¼ tijm þ dijm for all i, j 2 Ng Z for all dijm satisfying tijm þ dijm 0 (2) rijm ¼ 0, qijm ¼ þ1 for i, j 2 N and qym ¼ þ1, meaning that neither tariff nor quota exists for the mth commodity. Note that condition (1) in Assumption A2 states that money (i.e., commodity m) can be exchanged among agents without incurring any transaction cost. And condition (2) reflects the fact that our analysis focuses on pricing and trade policy related to the first m 1 commodities. Next, we consider the case where all agents are price takers. We focus our analysis on the effects of the policy instruments (r, q) on market equilibrium. We call the associated equilibrium a distorted market equilibrium. Our 3 Extending the analysis to trade quota restrictions on inputs would be straightforward. Using netput notation, inputs are negative, and input quotas would take the form tijk qijk 0, which would restrict the quantity of the kth input traded from agent i to agent j. # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. POLICY REFORM AND PARTIAL MARKET LIBERALIZATION 169 objective is to investigate the nature of the distorted market equilibrium and the effects of (r, q) on production decisions y, consumption decisions x, trade activities (z, t), market prices (pc, ps) and quota rents Q. Definition 2: An allocation (x*, y*, z*, t*) along with market prices c m c c c p*s ¼ fpi s *: pi s * g¼1, pi s * 2 Rm þ , i 2 Ng, p * ¼fpi *: pi * g¼1, pi *2 Rþ , i 2 Ng and the quota rents Q* 0 is a distorted market equilibrium if (1) (x*, y*, z*, t*) is a feasible allocation, (2) for each i 2 Nc and all xi 2 Xi, pi c * xi pi c *xi* implies that ui ðxi Þ ui ðxi *Þ, (3) for each i 2 Ns and all yi 2 Yi, ðpi s * Qyi *Þ yi * ðpsi * Qyi *Þ yi (4) for all (z, t) 2 Z, X X X c s p * p * r Q * t * p s * zi * i i ij ij ij i2N j2N i2N i X X X c s p * p * r Q * t p s * zi j i ij ij ij i2N j2N i2N i (5) for each i 2 N, pi s * 0, pi c * 0, with pi s * ½yi * zi * j 2 N tij * ¼ 0 and pi c * ½j 2 N tji * xi * ¼ 0, (6) for each i, j 2 N, tij * qij , Qij * 0, Qij * ½qij tij * ¼ 0 and, for each i, yi * qyi , Qyi * 0 and Qyi * ½qyi yi * ¼ 0. Condition (1) requires feasibility. Condition (2) represents economic rationality for consumption units. Condition (3) is the profit maximization behaviour for production units under production quotas. It considers that firms behave as if they were facing prices pi s * Qyi *, showing that quota rents Qyi * 0 reduce the incentive to produce. Condition (4) states that trade activities maximize profit under trade policy distortions. When i and j represent agents located in different countries, both the tariffs r and the quotas q act as trade barriers that reduce the profitability of trade. Condition (5) states the budget constraint for each agent, whether it is treated as a producer (involving prices ps) or a consumer (involving prices pc).4 Finally, condition (6) imposes the quota constraints (2a) and (2b), with the requirement that the quota rent Q* can be positive only if the corresponding quotas are binding. 4 Note that, in the case where ps ¼ pc ¼ p, solving for the term pi * tij * in condition (5) X X gives t * ¼ pi * xi * pi * t * i2N pi * tij * ¼ pi * yi * pi * zi * pi * j?i ij j?i ji or pi * X t * j?i ji pi * X t * j?i ji ¼ pi * yi * pi * zi * pi * xi * i2N This can be interpreted as a ‘balance of payment’ constraint which states that, for any agent i 2 N, the value of net exports must equal profit, minus the cost of trade, minus consumer expenditures. # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. 170 BULLETIN OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH Condition (4) has important implications for trade activities under policy distortions (r, q). To illustrate, consider the trade cost function Cðt, ps Þ ¼ minz fi 2 N pi s zi : ðz, tÞ 2 Zg. In the special case where C(t, ps) is differentiable in t and the kth commodity is an output (tijk 0), the maximization problem implied by condition (4) yields the familiar Kuhn–Tucker conditions with respect to tijk: pjk c * pik s * @C=@tijk rijk Qijk * 0 for tijk * 0 and pjk c * pik s * @C=@ijk rijk Qijk * tijk * ¼ 0 ð3aÞ ð3bÞ Equations (3) show how trade policy generates price distortions through the tariffs/subsidies rijk and the quota rents Q*ijk . In the context of a competitive market equilibrium, Equation (3a) implies that pjk c * pik s * @C=@tijk þ rijk þ Q*ijk , i.e., that the price difference for commodity k between agents i and j, pjk c * pik s *, cannot exceed the marginal transaction cost, @C/@tijk, plus the price distortion, rijk þ Qijk *. And when exchange takes place from agent i to agent j for the kth commodity (tijk > 0), then (3a) and (3b) imply that pjk c * pik s * ¼ @C=@tijk þ rijk þ Qijk *. In this case, the price difference pjk c * pik s * must equal the marginal transaction cost @C/@tijk plus the price distortion rijk þ Q*ijk . This can be interpreted as the first-order condition for profit-maximizing trade under distortionary policy. For example, in the absence of transaction costs where @C/@tijk ¼ 0, then pjk c * pik s * ¼ rijk þ Q*ijk , showing that rijk þ Q*ijk acts as a ‘price wedge’ between consumer price pjk c * and producer price pik s *. Note that, in the absence of price distortions (where rijk ¼ 0; Q*ijk ¼ 0), this would generate the law of one price: pjk c * ¼ pik s * for all i, j 2 N. This shows that under competitive markets the law of one price holds only in the absence of both transaction costs and distortionary policy. Alternatively, when @C/@tijk > 0, transaction costs in (3) create a price wedge between pjk c * and pik s *. Thus, either policy distortion (rijk ? 0 and/or Q*ijk > 0) or the presence of transaction costs (@C/@tijk > 0) is sufficient to imply that the law of one price fails. Finally, when transaction costs and price distortions are ‘high enough’ so that @C=@tijk þ rijk þ Q*ijk > pjk c * pik s * for some i and j satisfying pjk c * pik s * 0, then the incentive to trade disappears as (3b) implies t*ijk ¼ 0. Then, the kth commodity becomes non-traded between agents i and j. If this happened for all agents, this would imply the absence of market for the kth commodity. This illustrates that our general approach treats the presence and development of markets as endogenous. It shows the adverse effects that transaction costs and policy distortions can have on trade and market activities. Alternatively, it stresses the role of low transaction costs and market liberalization policies in the creation and functioning of competitive markets. # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. POLICY REFORM AND PARTIAL MARKET LIBERALIZATION 171 IV. THE UTILITY FRONTIER IN A DISTORTED MARKET EQUILIBRIUM To analyse the nature and efficiency of the distorted market equilibrium just defined, it will be useful to explore related concepts of equilibrium for policy analysis. Below, we focus on the concepts of zero-maximum equilibrium and Lagrange equilibrium. Both are based on the ‘benefit function’, an aggregate measure of consumer benefits. These concepts are closely linked with the efficiency of distorted market equilibrium. Luenberger (1992a, 1994, 1995) has investigated the relationship between these alternative equilibrium concepts under zero transaction costs and in the absence of policy distortions. Here, we extend Luenberger’s analysis in two ways: (i) we introduce domestic and trade policy distortions in the analysis and (ii) we allow for the presence of transaction costs. To analyse the efficiency effects of distortionary policy, we rely on the concept of utility frontier. Definition 3: Under policy ¼ (r, q), the vector u(x*) ¼ fui (xi *), i 2 Nc g is on the utility frontier of the economy if x* ¼ fxi *: i 2 Nc g is feasible and if there does not exist another feasible x such that u(x) u(x*), u(x) ? u(x*). Because domestic and trade policies ¼ (r, q) generate distortions that can adversely affect the efficiency of resource allocation, the utility frontier defined above is typically not the Pareto utility frontier. Our objective here is to assess the quantitative and qualitative effects of partial policy reforms (represented by changes in ) on this utility frontier. The following function will prove important in our analysis. Definition 4: Given the reference bundle g 2 Rþ m satisfying g ? 0, define the ith agent’s benefit function as bi (xi ; Ui ) ¼ max f : xi g 2 Xi ; u(xi g) Ui g if xi g 2 Xi and u(xi g) U for some ¼ 1 otherwise for i 2 Nc. The aggregate benefit function is then defined as X b ðx , Ui Þ Bðx, UÞ ¼ i2N i i where x ¼ {xi, i 2 Nc} and U ¼ {Ui, i 2 Nc}. The benefit function bi (xi, Ui) measures individual consumer benefit (expressed in units of the commodity bundle g) the ith consumer would be willing to give up to obtain xi starting from utility level Ui. When the commodity bundle g has a unit price, the benefit function can be # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. 172 BULLETIN OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH interpreted as an individual willingness-to-pay measure. And B(x, U) provides a corresponding measure of aggregate consumer benefit. Under the assumptions that the set Xi is convex for each i 2 N and the function ui (x) is quasi-concave, Luenberger (1992b, pp. 464–6) has shown that the benefit function bi (xi, Ui) is concave in xi for i 2 Nc. Then, the aggregate benefit function B (x, U) is concave in x. Next, we present the zero-maximum concept that will prove crucial in evaluating the utility frontier. Definition 5: Under policy ¼ (r, q), define a maximal equilibrium as an allocation (x, y, z, t) satisfying n X X Vð, UÞ ¼ max x,y,z,t Bðx, UÞ r tij : Eqns:ð1aÞ,ð1bÞ, i2N j 2 N ij o ð2aÞ,ð2bÞ;ðx, y z, tÞ 2 XYZ ð4aÞ Let Wð, UÞ ¼ Vð, UÞ þ X i2N X r j 2 N ij tij * ð4bÞ where t* solves the optimization problem in (4a). If, in addition to being a maximal equilibrium, U is chosen such that W(, U) ¼ 0, then the allocation is zero maximal. Note that Equations (4a) and (4b) involve the term (i 2 N j 2 N rij tij), the amount of money associated with the tariffs/subsidies r. This term is subtracted from the aggregate benefit B in (4a). As such, tariffs are treated as an additional cost to exchange commodities among agents (which reduces the incentive to trade). But, this term is also added in (4b) to reflect that the tariff revenues eventually benefit the agents that capture them. Next, we establish the relationships between zero maximality and the utility frontier (see the proofs in the Appendix). Proposition 1: Assume that ui(xi) is strictly increasing in the mth commodity xim for at least one consumer. If the feasible allocation (x*, y*, z*, t*) is on the utility frontier, then it is zero maximal. Proposition 2: Assume that the utility function ui(xi) is strongly quasiconcave5 for each i 2 Nc, and that the sets Y and Z are convex. If the feasible allocation (x*, y*, z*, t*) is zero maximal and satisfies x* 2 int(X), then it is on the utility frontier. 5 A function u: X ! R is strongly quasi-concave if, for all x, x¢ 2 X with u(x) > u(x¢), there holds u½x þ ð1 Þx¢ > uðx¢Þ for all , 0<1 # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. POLICY REFORM AND PARTIAL MARKET LIBERALIZATION 173 Propositions 1 and 2 establish conditions under which W(, U) ¼ 0 (in a zero-maximal equilibrium) is the implicit equation for the utility frontier under policy ¼ (r, q). This has the following intuitive interpretations. First, the set of utilities U satisfying W(, U) 0 identifies a feasible distribution of welfare among the consumers. Indeed, having W(, U) < 0 cannot be feasible: it corresponds to B(x*, U) < 0, i.e., to situations where u(xi *) Ui cannot hold for all i 2 Nc. Thus, the inequality W(, U) 0 can be interpreted as the aggregate budget constraint for all agents under distortionary policy and transaction costs. It simply states that aggregate net benefit cannot be negative, i.e., that all benefits obtained must be feasibly generated within the economy. Second, as investigated earlier, finding W(, U) > 0 is necessarily below the utility frontier. In this context, we can interpret W(, U) as the distributable monetary surplus. This surplus, if positive, can always be redistributed costlessly (under Assumption A2) to some non-satiated agent and generate welfare improvements to at least one agent without making anyone else worse off. It follows that the set of U satisfying W(, U) ¼ 0 traces out the utility frontier under government policy and in the presence of transaction costs. This is a useful result for empirical analysis to the extent that the surplus function W(, U) involves monetary measurements, yet it is obtained under general ordinal preferences. Note that the move along the utility frontier can take place in several ways. It can involve lump sum transfers (through the tijm) across agents. Or it can involve redistribution across agents of profit from production and trade activities, of quota rents and of revenue/cost generated by tariffs/subsidies. Next, to show the links between the utility frontier and distorted markets, we want to establish the relationships between zero maximality and distorted market equilibrium. This is done by considering a Lagrange equilibrium, which will be used in the next section to evaluate the efficiency implications of policy reform. For c mn n2 x 2 X, y 2 Y, ( z, t) 2 Z, ps 2 Rmn þ , p 2 Rþ and Q 2 Rþ , define the Lagrangian Lðx, y, z, t, U, ps , pc , Q, Þ X X ¼ Bðx, UÞ r tij i2N j 2 N ij h i X X s þ p y z t i i i2N i j 2 N ij hX i X X X c p t x Q ½qij tij þ þ i ji i i2N j2N i2N j 2 N ij X Q ½qyi yi þ i 2 N yi s ð5Þ c where p , p and Q are vectors of Lagrange multipliers associated with constraints (1a), (1b), (2a) and (2b), respectively, and ¼ (r, q). # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. 174 BULLETIN OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH Definition 6: A Lagrange equilibrium is an allocation (x*, y*, z*, t*) 2 X Y Z and a vector ( ps *, pc *, Q*) 0 which satisfy a saddle point of the Lagrangian Lðx, y, z, t, U, ps *, pc *, Q*, Þ Lðx*, y*, z*, t*, U, ps *, pc *, Q*, Þ Lðx*, y*, z*, t*, U, ps , pc , Q, Þ ð6Þ for all (x, y, z, t) 2 X Y Z and all (ps, pc, Q) 0, where U is chosen to equal U* satisfying B(x*, U*, g) ¼ 0 and pi s * g ¼ pi c * g ¼ 1, i 2 N. The variables (ps, pc, Q) in (5) are Lagrange multipliers associated with constraints (1a), (1b), (2a) and (2b). When the commodity bundle g has a unit price, the benefit function B(x, U) has a monetary interpretation, and the Lagrange multipliers (ps, pc, Q) have the standard interpretation of measuring the shadow price of the corresponding constraints. In a market economy, ps and pc are then market prices reflecting resource scarcity for supply and demand facing each agent. And Q measures the quota rents associated with quotas q. Next, we examine the close relationships that exist between the Lagrange equilibrium and the zero-maximum equilibrium (see the proofs in the Appendix). Proposition 3: Assume that the utility function ui(xi) is strictly increasing in the mth commodity xim for each i 2 Nc. If the feasible allocation (x*, y*, z*, t*) is a Lagrange equilibrium, then it is zero maximal. Proposition 4: Assume that ui(xi) is quasi-concave in xi and strictly increasing in xim for each i 2 N, that the sets X, Y and Z are convex and that there exists a feasible allocation such that the constraints (1a), (1b) and (2) are non-binding.6 If the feasible allocation (x*, y*, z*, t*) is zero maximal, then it is a Lagrange equilibrium. A distorted equilibrium and a Lagrange equilibrium are closely related, as stated next (see the proof in the Appendix). 6 In the case where the aggregate benefit function B(x, U) is differentiable at (x*, y*, z*, t*) and the maximization problem in (4) has a solution satisfying x* 2 int(X), then Proposition 4 applies under weaker conditions. In this case, the existence of a feasible allocation where all constraints in (1a), (1b) and (2) are non-binding (Slater’s condition) can be replaced by any of the constraint qualifications identified by Arrow et al. (1961). One of the Arrow, Hurwicz and Uzawa (AHU) constraint qualifications is that all constraints are linear (see Takayama, 1985, pp. 97–8). Because the constraints (1a), (1b) and (2) are linear, the AHU constraint qualification is always satisfied. This means that, under differentiability and given x* 2 int(X), the maximization problem in (4) is equivalent to the saddle-point problem (6) (see Takayama, 1985, theorem 1.D.5, pp. 98–9). In this case, Slater’s condition is no longer needed, and Proposition 4 applies without it. # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. POLICY REFORM AND PARTIAL MARKET LIBERALIZATION 175 Proposition 5: If the feasible allocation (x*, y*, z*, t*) is a Lagrange equilibrium, then it is a distorted market equilibrium. Note the role played by Assumptions (A1) and (A2). Under Assumption (A2), the first inequality in (6) implies that pim s * ¼ pim c * ¼ pm * for all i 2 N (otherwise, tijm * or tjim * and thus L(x*, y*, z*, t*, U, ps *, pc *, Q*, ) would be unbounded, a contradiction). Thus, the optimal choice for tijm means that the price of the mth commodity (money) is the same for all agents. Without loss of generality, it is normalized to be equal to 1, with pm * ¼ pi s * g ¼ pi c * g ¼ 1 for all i 2 N. This means that money is used as a basis for evaluating all welfare measures. And under Assumption (A1), the first equality in (6) implies that pi c * pi s * rii þ Qii * for all i 2 N (otherwise, tii * would be infinite and L(x*, y*, z*, t*, U, ps *, pc *, Q*, ) would be unbounded, a contradiction). Thus, the optimal choice for tii implies that the prices faced by each agent satisfy pi c * pi s * ¼ rii þ Qii *, i 2 N. In the absence of distortionary policy (where rii ¼ 0 and Qii * ¼ 0), this implies that pi c * ¼ pi s * for each i 2 N, i.e., that producer prices and consumer prices become identical for each agent. Proposition 6: If the feasible allocation (x*, y*, z*, t*) is a distorted market equilibrium and B(x*, U*, g) ¼ 0 (where U* ¼ fui ðxi *Þ: i 2 Nc g), then it is a Lagrange equilibrium. The proof of Proposition 6 is presented in the Appendix. Propositions 5 and 6 show that, under some regularity conditions, the concepts of distorted market equilibrium and of Lagrange equilibrium are equivalent. This relationship will prove useful below in the investigation of economic behaviour under policy distortions. Finally, for completeness, note that the Lagrange equilibrium generates a useful characterization of the distorted prices ( ps *, pc *) and quota rents Q* under distortionary policy ¼ (r, q). When psi g ¼ pci g ¼ 1, i 2 N, the first inequality in the saddle-point problem (6) implies profit maximization and expenditure minimization. More specifically, when psi g ¼ 1, the saddle-point problem (6) implies that yi ðpi s Qyi Þ ¼ supy fðpi s Qyi Þ yi : yi 2 Yi g ð7aÞ where yi ðpi s Qyi Þ is the indirect profit function for the ith production unit, i 2 Ns (see (B1b) in the Appendix). Similarly, it implies that nX X c T ðps , pc , Q, rÞ ¼ supz, t pj pi s rij Qij tij i2N j2N o X s p z : ðz, tÞ 2 Z ð7bÞ i i i2N where T ( ps, pc, Q, r) is the indirect profit function for trade activities (see (B1c) in the Appendix). It follows that the aggregate profit function can be # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. 176 BULLETIN OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH P defined as ( ps , pc , Q, r) ¼ i 2 Ns yi ( pi s Qyi ) þ T ( ps , pc , r, Q). Finally, when pic g ¼ 1 and from (B1a) in the Appendix, the saddle-point problem (6) implies that ei ð pc , Ui Þ ¼ minx fpc xi: ui ðxi Þ Ui , xi 2 Xi g ð8Þ c where ei ( p , Ui) is the expenditure function for the ith consumer, i 2 Nc (Luenberger, 1992b). Then, the aggregate expenditure function can be defined as E( pc , U) ¼ i 2 Nc ei ( pc , Ui ). The profit functions ( ps, pc, Q, r), yi( pc) and T( ps, pc, Q, r) are each convex in ( ps, pc, Q, r). And the expenditure functions E( pc, U) and ei(pc, Ui) are each concave in pc (see Berge, 1963; Diewert, 1974). Using this notation, the second inequality in the saddle-point problem (6) implies that ( ps *, pc *, Q*) satisfy Vð, UÞ ¼ minps , pc ,Q fð ps , pc , Q, rÞ Eðpc , UÞ X X þ Q qij i2N j 2 N ij X þ Q qyi : ðps , pc , QÞ 0g i 2 N yi where ¼ (r, q). Let Wð, UÞ ¼ Vð; UÞ þ X i2N X r j 2 N ij tij * ð9aÞ ð9bÞ From Definition 6, if in addition U is chosen to satisfy W(, U) ¼ 0, then the corresponding allocation is a Lagrange equilibrium. This provides a formulation for equilibrium prices (p*s , p*c ) and quota rents Q*. Under the conditions stated in Propositions 5 and 6, these are the market prices and quota rents obtained in a distorted market equilibrium under policy instruments ¼ (r, q). This gives the ‘dual approach’ to market equilibrium analysis commonly found in the economic literature on policy and trade distortions (e.g., Kemp, 1995; Neary, 1995; Diewert and Woodland, 2004). It extends the general equilibrium analysis presented by Luenberger (1992a, 1994) in two ways: (i) it introduces transaction costs; (ii) it incorporates the effects of pricing policy and quota restrictions on pricing and resource allocation. Note that i 2 N j 2 N Qij qij þ i 2 N Qyi qyi in (9a) is the aggregate quota rent involving both trade and production activities. It is added in (9a) to reflect that the quota rents benefit the agents who capture them. Similarly, the aggregate tariff revenue i 2 N j 2 N rij tij * is added in (9b) to reflect that these revenues benefit the agents that receive them. Propositions 3–5 present formal relationships between three concepts: distorted market equilibrium, Lagrange equilibrium and zero maximality. And Propositions 1 and 2 provide important linkages to the characterization of the utility frontier. This is illustrated in Figure 1. As derived, such relationships hold under transaction costs and distortionary domestic and trade policy. The concepts of zero maximality and # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. POLICY REFORM AND PARTIAL MARKET LIBERALIZATION Proposition 1 Utility frontier Proposition 2 Proposition 4 Zero maximal equilibrium Proposition 3 Proposition 5 Lagrange equilibrium Proposition 6 177 Distorted market equilibrium Fig. 1. Relationships among alternative concepts. Lagrange equilibrium are very useful tools in economic analysis. As first proposed by Allais (1943, 1981), the concept of zero maximality (and its close linkage with the characterization of utility frontier) is intuitive and quite powerful in welfare and efficiency analysis. And the related concept of Lagrange equilibrium (and its close linkage with distorted market equilibrium) can be quite useful and provide additional insights in comparative statics analysis. This is illustrated next in an investigation of the effects of domestic and trade policy on resource allocation. V. IMPLICATIONS FOR WELFARE AND RESOURCE ALLOCATION In this section, the concepts of Lagrange equilibrium, zero-maximum equilibrium and zero-minimum equilibrium are used to analyse the economic implications of government policy under transaction costs. Clearly, the policy instruments ¼ (r, q) affect resource allocation. The associated distortions are expected to influence adversely economic efficiency, meaning that the distorted economy is expected not to satisfy the Pareto optimality criterion. This raises two related questions: (i) how to represent the welfare implications for the distorted economy and (ii) how to assess the nature and extent of economic inefficiency due to distortionary domestic and trade policy. To answer these questions, we examine next the welfare measurements of government policy under transaction costs. V.1 Evaluation of a discrete change in policy We analyse the general case of a discrete change in the policy instruments . We could proceed using any of the equilibrium concepts discussed in Section IV. Keeping in mind the close relationships that exist between these alternative concepts (see Figure 1), it will be convenient here to focus on the Lagrange equilibrium. For a given U, let [x*(, U), y*(, U), z*(, U), t*(, U)] denote an allocation that satisfies the saddle-point condition (6). And let Vð, UÞ ¼ [Bðx*, UÞ i 2 N j 2 N rij tij *] denote the aggregate net benefit evaluated at x*(, U), y*(, U), z*(, U) and t*(, U). Then, the following result applies (see the proof in the Appendix). Proposition 7: For a given U, assume that a saddle point in (6) holds with saddle value V(, U) for all ¼ (r, q) 2 A. Then, for any , ¢ 2 A, # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. 178 BULLETIN OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH X X tij *ð¢, UÞ tij *ð, UÞ X X Q *ð¢, UÞ qij ¢ Qij þ i2N j 2 N ij X Q *ð¢, UÞ qyi ¢ Qyi þ i2N yi i2N r ¢ j 2 N ij Wð¢, UÞ Wð, UÞ X X r tij *ð¢, UÞ tij *ð, UÞ i2N j 2 N ij X X Q *ð, UÞ qij ¢ Qij þ i2N j 2 N ij X Q *ð, UÞ q ¢ Q þ yi yi yi i2N ð10Þ where Wð, UÞ ¼ Vð, UÞ þ i 2 N j 2 N rij tij *ð, UÞ. Proposition 7 provides a lower bound and an upper bound on the change in the aggregate net benefit [W(¢ W(, U)] evaluated at U. It is very general in the sense that it applies without restrictions on the set A. It does not require the decision rules x*(, U), y*(, U), z*(, U) and t*(, U) to be differentiable functions, nor single value mappings. And it applies to arbitrary discrete changes in the policy instruments ¼ (r, q). Finally, it considers the joint effects of price and quantity policy instruments used in both domestic and trade policy. This provides significant generalizations on previous analyses of policy reform (e.g., Falvey, 1988; Diewert et al., Vousden, 1990; Turunen-Red and Woodland, 1991, 2000; Anderson and Neary, 1992, 1996; 1989; Neary, 1995). Also, Proposition 7 includes some intuitive and well-known results as special cases. To see that, consider the following corollary. Corollary 1: For any , ¢ 2 A, X X r ¢ rij tij *ð¢, UÞ tij *ð, UÞ i2N j 2 N ij X X Qij *ð¢, UÞ Qij *ð, UÞ qij ¢ Qij þ i2N j2N X 0 Q *ð¢, UÞ Q *ð, UÞ q ¢ Q þ yi yi yi yi i2N ð11Þ Again, Corollary 1 applies in general for any discrete change in . It has two useful implications. First, consider the case where tariffs are changed but where quotas are unchanged (q ¼ q¢). Then, (11) becomes X X t r ¢ r *ð¢, UÞ t *ð, UÞ 0 ij ij ij ij i2N j2N This means that t*(r, ) is non-increasing in r: ceteris paribus, an increase in tariffs r tends to decrease the corresponding quantities traded. Note that this intuitive result is obtained without differentiability assumptions. In the special case where the change in tariffs (r¢ r) is ‘small’ and the # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. POLICY REFORM AND PARTIAL MARKET LIBERALIZATION 179 function t*(, U) is differentiable in r, this implies that [r¢ r] [@t*(, U)/@r] [r¢ r] 0, i.e., the matrix [@t*(, U)/@r] is symmetric, negative semi-definite. In addition, if (r¢ r) ? 0 is not in the null space of [@t*(, U)/@r], then [r¢ r] [@t*(, U)/@r] [r¢ r] < 0. Second, consider the case where tariffs are now unchanged (r ¼ r¢). Then, (11) yields X X Qij *ð¢, UÞ Qij *ð, UÞ ½qij ¢ Qij i2N j2N X þ Qyi *ð¢, UÞ Qyi *ð, UÞ qyi ¢ Qyi 0 i2N This means that the quota rent Q*(, ) is non-increasing in q: ceteris paribus, an increase in quotas q tends to decrease the corresponding quota rents. Again this intuitive result holds without differentiability assumptions. In the special case where the change in quotas (q¢ q) is ‘small’ and the function Q*(, U) is differentiable in q, this implies that [q¢ q] [@Q* (, U)/@q] [q¢ q] 0, i.e., that the matrix [@Q*(, U)/@q] is symmetric, negative semi-definite. In addition, if (q¢ q) ? 0 is not in the null space of [@Q*(, U)/@q], then [q¢ q] [@Q*(, U)/@q] [q¢ q] < 0. V.2 Impacts on the utility frontier To evaluate the welfare implications of Proposition 7, two attractive choices for U are possible. First, consider the case where U is chosen such that aggregate net benefit is zero in situation : W(, U) ¼ 0. Then, [W(¢, U) W(, U)] ¼ W(¢, U) measures the aggregate net income gain (or loss if negative) associated with a move from to ¢. In other words, [W(¢, U) W(, U)] ¼ W(¢, U) is a simple measure of aggregate efficiency gains (‘compensating variation’) generated by a policy change from to ¢. And Proposition 7 provides bounds on these efficiency gains under transaction costs. With this particular choice of U, note that x*(, U), y*(, U), z*(, U) and t*(, U) correspond to an allocation on the utility frontier under situation . Second, consider the case where U is chosen such that aggregate net benefit is zero in situation ¢: W(¢, U) ¼ 0. Then, [W(¢, U) W(, U)] ¼ W(, U) measures the aggregate net income loss (or gain if negative) associated with replacing ¢ in favour of . It follows that [W(¢, U) W(, U)] ¼ W(, U) is a simple aggregate efficiency measure (‘equivalent variations’) generated by giving up the exchange environment ¢. With this choice of U, x*(¢, U), y*(¢, U), z*(¢, U) and t*(¢, U) are on the utility frontier under situation ¢. With either choice of U, the term [W(¢, U) W(, U)] can thus be used to evaluate how the utility frontier shifts under a policy change from to ¢. As such, Proposition 7 provides a basis to investigate Pareto welfare improving moves. Proposition 8: For any change from to ¢ in A, a sufficient condition for [W(¢, U) W(, U)] (>) 0 is # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. 180 X BULLETIN OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH X X X r ¢ t *ð¢, UÞ t *ð, UÞ þ Q *ð¢, UÞ ij ij ij i2N j2N i2N j 2 N ij X ð12aÞ qij ¢ qij þ Q *ð¢, UÞ qyi ¢ qyi ð>Þ 0 i 2 N yi and a necessary condition for [W(¢, U) W(, U)] (>) 0 is X X X X r ¢ t *ð¢, UÞ t *ð, UÞ þ Q *ð, UÞ ij ij ij i2N j2N i2N j 2 N ij X ð12bÞ qij ¢ qij þ Q *ð, UÞ qyi ¢ qyi ð>Þ 0 i 2 N yi where the weak (strict) inequalities correspond to a weak (strict) Pareto welfare improvement. Proposition 8 states our main results. They are simple and very general. Again, they apply under both price instruments r and quantity instruments q; they consider jointly domestic and trade policy; they allow for discrete change in the policy instruments ¼ (r, q); they allow for transaction costs that reduce the incentive to trade; and they hold without differentiability assumptions. As such, they are a significant generalization of previous work (e.g., Turunen-Red and Woodland, 1991, 2000; Anderson and Neary, 1992; Neary, 1995). Interpreting [W(¢, U ) W(, U )] as measuring the shift in the utility frontier, Proposition 8 establishes that (12a) is a sufficient condition for a policy change from to ¢ to be Pareto improving. Expression (12a) states that the term i 2 N j 2 N rij [tij *(¢, U ) tij *(, U )], reflecting the change in the aggregate value of tariff revenues evaluated at r¢, plus the term i 2N j 2N Qij *(¢, U) [qij ¢ qij ] þ i2 N yi*(¢, U) [qyi ¢ qyi ], reflecting the aggregate change in quota rents, is non-negative. Given Q* 0, a sufficient condition for the change in the term involving quota rents to be non-negative is that q¢ q, i.e., that trade and production quota restrictions be relaxed. Here, we want to stress that this result applies under reform involving both price and quantity policy instruments for domestic as well as trade policy. However, the effects of domestic and trade policy reform on the term involving taxes/tariffs revenue are more complex. Indeed, reducing tariffs/subsidies (where 0 rijk ¢ rijk if rijk > 0 and rijk rijk ¢ 0 if rijk < 0) and/or relaxing quotas (q¢ q) is in general not sufficient to imply that i 2N j 2N rij [tij *(¢,U) tij *(,U)] 0. However, (12a) implies that a sufficient condition for market liberalization satisfying q¢ q to be Pareto improving is that it stimulates trade [tijk *(¢,U) tijk *(,U)] for commodities that are subject to tariff (rijk > 0) and reduces trade [tijk *(¢,U) tijk *(,U)] for commodities that are subsidized (rijk < 0). This simple result is quite powerful in the sense that it is intuitive and applies under very general conditions. It is well known that there are situations where partial market liberalization is immiserizing (e.g., Vousden, 1990; Anderson and Neary, 1992; # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. POLICY REFORM AND PARTIAL MARKET LIBERALIZATION 181 Neary, 1995). Proposition 8 provides additional information on this issue. It shows that expression (12b) is a necessary condition for a policy change from to ¢ to be Pareto improving. Alternatively, it means that, whenever (12b) is not satisfied, then a partial move toward free markets cannot be efficiency improving. Expression (12b) states that the term i 2 N j 2 N rij [tij *(¢, U) tij *(, U )], reflecting the change in the aggregate value of tariff revenues evaluated at r, plus the term i 2 N j 2 N Qij *(, U ) [qij ¢ qij ] þ i 2 N Qyi *(, U ) [qyi ¢ qyi ], reflecting the aggregate change in quota rents, is non-negative. Again, given Q* 0, a sufficient condition for the change in the term involving quota rents to be non-negative is that q¢ q, i.e., that trade and production quota restrictions be relaxed, a result that applies under both tariffs and quotas. As before, the effects of domestic and trade policy reform on the term involving tariff revenue are more complex. Indeed, reducing tariffs/subsidies (with 0 rijk ¢ rijk if rijk > 0 and rijk rijk ¢ 0 if rijk < 0) and/or relaxing quotas (q¢ q) is in general not sufficient to imply that i 2 N j 2 N rij [tij *(¢, U ) tij *(, U )] 0. When the left-hand side in (12b) becomes negative, then partial market liberalization necessarily reduces efficiency. This is the situation where policy reform is immiserizing (e.g., Anderson and Neary, 1992; Neary, 1995). This is an illustration of the theory of the second best applied to policy analysis. More specifically, Proposition 8 shows the conditions under which partial market liberalization reduces efficiency: with q¢ q, for policy reform to be immiserizing, (12b) must not hold, implying that i 2 N j 2 N rij [tij *(¢, U ) tij *(, U )] must be negative and large. This simple result appears new and quite useful. It warns us against domestic and trade policy reform (especially quota reform) that exacerbates the distorting effects of pricing policy by stimulating exports that are subsidized and/or reducing imports that are taxed. V.3 A special case: when t* is differentiable To relate Proposition 8 to previous literature, consider the special case where the change in policy (¢ ) is ‘small’, and the function t*(, U) is differentiable in . Then, Proposition 8 implies the following result. Corollary 2: For any small change from to ¢, [W(¢, U) W(, U)] (>) 0 if and only if r ½@t* ð, UÞ=@r ½r¢ r þ r ½@t* ð, UÞ=@q ½q¢ q X X X þ Q *ð, UÞ qij ¢ qij þ Q *ð, UÞ i2N j 2 N ij i 2 N yi ð13Þ qyi ¢ qyi ð>Þ 0 where the weak (strict) inequality corresponds to weak (strict) Pareto welfare improvement associated with a change from to ¢. # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. 182 BULLETIN OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH Expression (13) gives some well-known ‘local results’ about welfare effects of trade liberalization (e.g., Falvey, 1988; Vousden, 1990; Turunen-Red and Woodland, 1991; Anderson and Neary, 1992; Neary, 1995). To see that, note that the first term in (13) involves the matrix [@t*(, U)/@r], measuring the effects of tariffs on trade. We have seen above that [@t*(, U)/@r] is a symmetric, negative semi-definite matrix. In the case of a proportional decrease in tariffs/subsidies where r¢ ¼ kr, 0 k < 1, it follows that the first term in (13) is always non-negative: r [@t*(, U)/@r] [r¢ r] 0.7 Then, there are two simple scenarios where equation (13) is always satisfied. The first scenario concerns a proportional tariff/subsidy reduction in the absence of quotas (where q ¼ q¢ ¼ 1, Q* ¼ 0). The first term in (13) is then non-negative, whereas the absence of quotas implies that the second and third terms in (13) vanish. This generates the well-known result that, in the absence of quotas, a proportional tariff reduction is always (at least weakly) welfare improving. The second scenario concerns quota relaxation in the absence of tariffs (where r ¼ r¢ ¼ 0). The absence of tariffs means that the first and second terms in (13) vanish. And any quota relaxation (q¢ q) always implies that the third term in (13) is non-negative, because Q*(, U) 0. Thus, in the absence of tariffs, relaxing any quota is always (at least weakly) welfare improving. Finally, note that Equation (13) is obtained without requiring additional assumptions (such as the ‘rank condition’ used in Turunen-Red and Woodland, 1991, 2000). What happens to these local results in the more realistic situation where both tariffs and quotas are present? Two important findings follow from (13). First, it remains true that any proportional tariff reduction is (at least weakly) welfare improving in the presence of trade and production quotas, provided that these quotas remain constant (with q ¼ q¢ < 1). To see that, it suffices to note that the first term in (13) is non-negative under proportional tariff reduction, whereas the second and third terms vanish when q ¼ q¢. This extends a wellknown result (e.g., Vousden, 1990, p. 217) to situations covering both domestic and trade policy. Second, in a second-best world, it is well known that any quota relaxation is not always welfare improving (e.g., Falvey, 1988). This finding is obtained from Corollary 2: in the presence of tariffs or subsidies (r ? 0), the second term in (13), r [@t*(, U)/ @q] [q¢ q] (which involves cross-commodity effects of quotas on trade), cannot be signed in general. In this case, quota relaxation (q¢ q) 0 can interact with tariffs r in such a way that the inequality in (13) may no longer hold. Note that this indeterminacy remains even if 7 In addition, if the vector r is not in the null space of [@t*(, U)/@r], then the first term in (13) would become strictly positive: r [@t* (, U)/@r] (r¢ r) > 0. # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. POLICY REFORM AND PARTIAL MARKET LIBERALIZATION 183 tariffs/subsidies remain unchanged (with r ¼ r¢). Thus, in a second-best world of partial market liberalization, relaxing production and/or trade quotas in the presence of tariffs does not necessarily generate a Pareto improvement. In the presence of tariffs, subsidies and quotas, Corollary 2 shows conditions under which relaxing quotas are efficiency enhancing.8 It also shows that these conditions are not always satisfied under partial market liberalization. In particular, it gives new results that apply to the joint effects of domestic and trade policy reform. Indeed, expression (13) is not always positive when r ? 0, as it depends on the effects of quotas on trade: r [@t*(, U)/@q] [q¢ q]. Because this includes the effects of production quotas on trade, it suggests that domestic policy has to be taken into consideration in the analysis of policy reform. For example, relaxing production quotas (q¢ q) in the presence of subsidized exports (rijk < 0) can decrease welfare if this has strong positive impacts on subsidized trade (with @tijk *(, U )=@q > 0). This would identify secondbest conditions under which partial market liberalization is immiserizing. This is illustrated by Bouamra-Mechemache et al. (2002) in an analysis of partial domestic and trade policy reform in the European Union (EU) dairy sector. The EU dairy sector is of interest because, even after the Uruguay round of GATT negotiations and recent EU policy reforms, it is still subject to significant policy distortions: domestic milk production quotas, domestic subsidies, as well as trade barriers (including import quotas and export subsidies). Bouamra-Mechemache et al. show that, in the presence of export subsidies, removing milk production quotas (with or without decreasing domestic subsidies) in the EU generates welfare losses for both the EU and the world. Indeed, relaxing production quotas increases EU milk production, which in turn stimulates the EU exports of subsidized dairy products. Thus, relaxing EU milk production quotas in the presence of export subsidies (r < 0) implies that the terms fi 2 N j 2 N rij [tij *(¢, U ) tij *(, U )]g in (12b) and fr [@t*(, U )=@q (q¢ q)]g in (13) are negative. As long as export subsidies are close to their current level, Bouamra-Mechemache et al. find that these quota effects exacerbate the distortionary effects of export subsidies and imply a decline in EU and world efficiency. As suggested by Proposition 8 and Corollary 2, they also find that the removal of production quotas would become efficiency enhancing for the EU and for the world if the export subsidies were removed. This shows that the welfare effects of market liberalization become more complex in the presence of both tariffs/subsidies and quotas in 8 Turunen-Red and Woodland (2000) have shown that, if partial trade liberalization is efficiency enhancing, then a strict welfare improvement can still be attained even without lump sum compensation under multilateral policy reform. # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. 184 BULLETIN OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH domestic and trade policy. For example, in the presence of export tariffs, our analysis points to the importance of the cross-commodity effects of changing domestic production quotas on trade. Such effects can lead to decreased efficiency associated with partial market liberalization. This illustrates the power of results stated in Proposition 8. They provide the necessary and the sufficient conditions for domestic and trade policy reform to be welfare improving in a form that is simple and general, allowing for discrete changes in both quantity and price policy instruments under general equilibrium and transaction costs. V.4 Role of transaction costs To examine the role of transaction costs, consider the case where the feasible set Z changes. It will be convenient to write it as Z(), where is a parameter reflecting the trade technology. We consider a change from to ¢ such that Z(¢) Z(). This represents technological progress related to the trade technology. Then, transaction cost can be written as C(t, ps , ) ¼ minz ½i 2 N pi s zi: ( z, t) 2 Z(). Given Z(¢) Z(), it follows that C(t, ps, ¢) C(t, ps, ). This makes it clear that a change from to ¢ corresponds to a decrease in transaction costs. Next, we investigate the implications of this decline in transaction costs. The proof is similar to the one presented in Proposition 7 and is omitted. Proposition 9: For a given U, assume that a saddle point in (6) holds with saddle value V(, , U) with ¼ (r, q). Then, for any change from to ¢, fC[t*ð, , UÞ, ps *ð, ¢, UÞ, ¢] C[t*ð, , UÞ, ps *ð, ¢, UÞ, ]g X X þ r [tij *ð, ¢, UÞ tij *ð, , UÞ] i2N j 2 N ij Wð, ¢, UÞ Wð, , UÞ fC[t*ð, ¢, UÞ, ps *ð, , UÞ, ¢] C[t*ð, ¢,UÞ, ps *ð, , UÞ, ]g X X r [tij *ð, ¢, UÞ tij *ð, , UÞ] þ i2N j 2 N ij ð14Þ where W(, , U ) ¼ V(, , U ) þ i 2 N j 2 N rij tij *(, , U ) and V(, , U) is given in (4a). Proposition 9 provides a lower bound and an upper bound in the change in aggregate net benefit [W(, ¢, U) W(, , U)] associated with a change in transaction costs from to ¢. Each bound involves two terms: the negative of the change in transaction cost, [C(t, ps, ¢) C(t, ps, )], and the change in tax/tariff revenue, i 2 N j 2 N rij [tij *(, ¢, U ) tij *(, , U )]. First, consider the case where there is no tax or tariff: r ¼ 0. Then Equation (14) implies W(, ¢, U ) W(, , U ) fC [t*ð, , U ), # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. POLICY REFORM AND PARTIAL MARKET LIBERALIZATION 185 ps *(, ¢, U ), ¢) C [t*(, , U ); ps *(, ¢, U ), ]g. As discussed above, when Z(¢) Z(), we have [C(t, ps, ¢) C(t, ps, )] 0, implying that W(, ¢, U ) W(, , U ) 0. This gives the intuitive result that any reduction in transaction costs contributes to increasing aggregate net benefit. This illustrates that, in the absence of tax or tariff, reducing transaction costs is an integral part of economic efficiency. Second, consider the case of pricing policy where tariffs/ taxes or subsidies are present, with r ? 0. Then, Equation (14) implies W(, ¢, U) W(, , U) fC[t*(, , U), ps *(, ¢, U), ¢] C [t* (, , U), ps *(, ¢, U), ]g þ i 2 N j 2 N rij [tij *(, ¢, U) tij *(, , U)]. It follows that any change in transaction costs from to ¢ increases aggregate benefit with W(, ¢, U) W(, , U) 0) if fC[t*(,,U), ps *(,¢,U),¢]C[t*(,,U),ps *(,¢,U),]gþi2N j2N rij [tij *(,¢,U) tij *(,,U)]0. We know that Z(¢) Z() corresponds to a reduction in transaction costs, with [C(t, ps, ¢) C(t, ps, )] 0. This implies that a sufficient condition for a reduction in transaction costs to improve aggregate welfare is that i2N j2N rij [tij *(,¢,U)tij *(,,U)]0. This condition states that a reduction in transaction costs does not reduce the aggregate net revenue generated by tariffs/taxes (when rij > 0) and subsidies when (rij < 0). In such situations, any reduction in transaction costs contributes to increasing aggregate net benefit. When r ? 0, Equation (14) also implies W(, ¢, U) W(, , U) fC[t*(, , U), ps *(, ¢, U), ¢] C[t*(, , U), ps *(, ¢, U), ]g þ i 2 N j 2 N rij [tij *(, ¢, U) tij *(, , U)]. This states that W(, ¢, U) W(, , U) 0 if fC[t*(, ,U), ps * (,¢,U), ¢] C[t*(, , U),ps *(,¢,U), g þ i2N j2N rij [tij *(, ¢, U) tij *(, , U)] 0. When Z(¢) Z(), we know that [C(t, ps, ¢) C(t, ps, )] 0. If follows that [W(, ¢, U) W(, , U)] can be negative only if the term fi 2 N j2 N rij [tij *(, ¢, U) tij *(, , U)]g is negative and sufficiently large. This could happen when a reduction in transaction costs is associated with a large decline in aggregate net revenue generated by tariffs/taxes and subsidies, decline which in turn can contribute to increasing the social cost of pricing policy. This is another example of a second-best scenario where lower transaction costs could exacerbate the welfare loss associated with pricing and trade policy. VI. CONCLUDING REMARKS This paper has developed a general equilibrium analysis of the economic and welfare effects of partial market liberalization. It develops a unified framework supporting a refined analysis of the effects of domestic and trade policy reform. First, it considers the market equilibrium of an economy distorted by domestic and trade policy (including both # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. 186 BULLETIN OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH quantity and price instruments) in a multiagent, multicommodity framework. Second, it allows for the endogenous determination of traded and non-traded goods by examining the role of transaction costs occurring when goods are exchanged. Finally, our results are general and allow for discrete changes in policy instruments. In this context, we investigate the nature of distorted markets and the welfare implications of policy reform. We derive new results on Pareto improving partial market liberalization. We know that, in a second-best world, partial market liberalization is not always efficiency improving. 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Furthermore, if x* 2 int(X), then x 2 int(X). And from the strong quasi-concavity of ui(xi) for all i 2 Nc , ui (xi ¢¢) U* for all i 2 Nc and uj (xj ¢¢) > Uj *, implying that x generates a utility improvement over x*. But this contradicts that (x*, y*, z*, t*) is zero maximal. We conclude that (x*, y*, z*, t*) must be on the utility frontier. Proof of Proposition 3: From the saddle-point theorem (Takayama, 1985, p. 74), the saddle-point problem (6) always implies that (x*, y*, z*, t*) is a solution to the constrained maximization problem in Equation (4), and that the complementary slackness conditions hold (see (B2a), (B2b) and (B2c) below). Equation (8) then implies that L(x*, y*, z*, t*, U, ps *, pc *, Q*, ) ¼ B(x*,U) ¼ j 2N j 2 N rij tij *. Given the choice of U in the Lagrange equilibrium, it follows that B(x*, U*, g) ¼ 0. But Definition 5 implies that, when evaluated at the feasible point (x*, y*, z*, t*, U*), bi 0, i 2 N. Thus, bi (xi *, Ui *, g) ¼ 0 for all # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. POLICY REFORM AND PARTIAL MARKET LIBERALIZATION 189 i 2 Nc. Because ui(xi) is strictly increasing in xim for each i 2 Nc, this implies from Definition 4 that Ui * ¼ ui (xi *) for all i 2 Nn. We conclude that the Lagrange equilibrium is zero maximal. Proof of Proposition 4: The aggregate B(x, U) benefit function is concave in x under the quasi-concavity of utility functions ui(xi) and the convexity of Xi for each i 2 Nc (Luenberger, 1992b). If the sets X, Y and Z are convex, it follows that the maximization problem in (4) is a ‘nice’ concave constrained optimization problem: it has a concave objective function, linear constraints and a convex feasible set. The existence of a feasible point where all constraints in (1a) and (1b) are non-binding satisfies Slater’s conditions. Under Slater’s conditions, the concave constrained optimization problem in (4a) always implies the saddle-point problem (6) (Takayama, 1985, p. 75). Then, from the saddle-point theorem, the complementary slackness condition (8) holds. Thus, B(x*, U*, g) ¼ 0. It remains to show that we can always choose psi * g ¼ pci * g ¼ 1. When U is chosen such that W(u, ) ¼ 0, the Lagrangean L in (5) can always be multiplied by a positive constant without affecting the analysis. This means that the Lagrange multipliers (ps, pc, Q) are defined up to a positive constant of proportionality. The assumptions that Xi puts no upper bound on xim (from A2) and that ui(xi) is strictly increasing in xim imply that pim c > 0. Assumption A1 also implies that pim s ¼ pjm c for all i, j 2 N (otherwise, the maximization in (4) with respect to tijm or tjim would be unbounded, a contradiction). Let pm ¼ pim s ¼ pim c , i 2 N. Without loss of generality, we can always choose the normalization rule pm ¼ 1, or pi s g ¼ pi c g ¼ pm ¼ 1. We conclude that a zeromaximal equilibrium is the Lagrange equilibrium. Proof of Proposition 5: Satisfying condition (1) in Definition 2 (feasibility) is immediate. The first inequality in (6) implies that xi * 2 argmaxx ½bi ðxi , Ui , gÞ pi c * xi : xi 2 Xi for i 2 Nc ðB1aÞ ðB1bÞ yi * 2 argmaxy pi s * Qyi * yi : yi 2 Yi for i 2 Ns X X c s p * p * r Q * tij ðz*, t*Þ 2 argmaxz, t j i ij ij i2N j2N X p s * zi : ðz, tÞ 2 Z ðB1cÞ i2N i Given pi s * g ¼ pi c * g ¼ 1, Luenberger (1992b, pp. 472–3) has shown that infx fp1 c * xi bi ðxi , Ui , gÞ: xi 2 Xi ¼ infx fpi c * xi : ui ðxi Þ Ui : xi 2 Xi g. Thus, (B1a) implies that pi c * xi * pi c * xi for all xi 2 Xi satisfying ui(xi) Ui. This yields condition (2) in Definition 2 of a distorted market equilibrium. # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. 190 BULLETIN OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH Because yi * 2 argmaxy pi s * Qyi * y : yi 2 Yi , y* is feasible. Expression (B1b) implies that pi s * Qyi * yi * pi s * Qyi * yi for all yi 2 Yi, which is condition (3) in Definition 2 of a distorted market equilibrium. Condition (4) in Definition 2 is obtained in a similar manner from (B1c). Finally, from the saddle-point theorem (Takayama, 1985, p. 74), the saddle-point problem (6) implies the complementary slackness conditions h i X pi s * yi * zi * t * ¼0 ðB2aÞ ij j2N pi c * for i 2 N, and hX i t * x * ¼0 i j 2 N ji Qij * qij tij * ¼ 0 i, j 2 N ðB2bÞ ðB2cÞ which satisfy conditions (5) and (6) in Definition 2. Proof of Proposition 6: Consider the conditions stated in the definition of the distorted market equilibrium (Definition (2)). Retracing back the steps presented in the proof of Proposition 5, conditions (2)–(4) imply Equations (B1a), (B1b) and (B1c). And conditions (5) and (6) imply Equations (B2a), (B2b) and (B2c). Combining these results generates the first inequality in (6). Under condition (5), L(x*, y*, z*, t*, U, ps *, pc *, Q*, ) ¼ B (x*,U ) j 2 N j 2 N rij tij *. And B(x*, U*, g) ¼ 0 implies that bi (xi *, U*, g) ¼ 0 for all i 2 N (because feasibility implies that bi(x, U) 0 for all i 2 N). It follows that U* ¼ fui (xi *) : i 2 Nc g. Note that, for any pi s 0, pi c 0 and Q 0, given that (x*, y*, z*, t*) satisfies (1a), (1b), (2a) and (2b), we have X X X X s c p y * z * t * þ p t * x * þ i i i ij i ij i i2N i2N i2N j2N X X X Q * qij tij * þ Q * qyi yi * 0 i2N j 2 N ij j 2 N yi This implies the second inequality in (6). We conclude that (x*, y*, z*, t*) is a Lagrange equilibrium. Proof of Proposition 7: Letting w ¼ (x, y, z, t) and l ¼ (ps, pc, Q), the Lagrangian in (5) can then be written as L(w, , , ) ¼ f(w, , ) þ g(w, ) for w 2 W and 0. For any 2 A, from the saddlepoint theorem (e.g., Takayama, 1985, p. 74), the saddle-point problem (6) solves the constrained optimization problem (4a) with g(w, ) 0 and implies the complementary slackness conditions * g(w*, ) ¼ 0. The first inequality in the saddle point (6) then gives L[w, *(), # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006. POLICY REFORM AND PARTIAL MARKET LIBERALIZATION 191 ] V(), for any w 2 W. Choosing w ¼ w*(¢), we obtain L½w*ð¢Þ, *ðÞ; VðÞ ðB3Þ Note that Vð¢Þ ¼ f½w*ð¢Þ, ¢ f½w*ð¢Þ, ¢ þ *ðÞ g½w*ð¢Þ, ¢ because *ðÞ 0 and g½w*ð¢Þ, ¢ 0 ¼ L½w*ð¢Þ, *ðÞ, ¢ ðB4Þ Summing the two inequalities (B3) and (B4) gives Vð¢Þ VðÞ L½w*ð¢Þ, *ðÞ, ¢ L½w*ð¢Þ, *ðÞ, ðB5Þ or, in the context of the Lagrangian (5), X X r ¢ rij tij *ð¢, UÞ Vð¢, UÞ Vð, UÞ i2N j 2 N ij X X þ qij ¢ Qij Qij *ð, UÞ i2N j2N X þ qyi ¢ Qyi Qyi *ð, UÞ i2N Using the relationship W(,U) ¼ V(, U ) þ i 2 N j 2 N rij tij *(, U), this yields the second inequality in Equation (10).The first inequality is obtained by switching and ¢ and multiplying by 1. # Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Board of Trustees of the Bulletin of Economic Research 2006.