MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF FOOD ENGINEERING Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serpil Sahin 1 Founded in 1982 ABET 2000 accreditated Get only the top high school graduates (~ (~4 %) of the students passing the Central University Entrance exam ~300 undergraduate and ~50 graduate students 8 Professors, 5 Associated Professors, 1 Assistant Professor RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Number of articles published in International Journals in 2005: 25 In 2006 one book published by SpringerSpringer-Verlag. Sahin, Sahin, S. and Sumnu, Sumnu, S.G. Physical Properties of Foods, oods, Food Science Text Series, Springer: New York, USA, 2006 (ISBN: 00-387387-3078030780-X) 2 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES ¾ INDUSTRIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY FUNGAL MOLECULAR BIOLOGY & ENZYMOLOGY FOOD MICROBIOLOGY FOOD SCIENCE ¾ FOOD PROCESS ENGINEERING ¾ ¾ ¾ Pervaporation NonNon-thermal Processing Supercritical Fluid Extraction Microwave Processing INDUSTRIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY Prof. Dr. Haluk Hamamcı Hamamcı 3 The physiology of the filamentous fungus Rhizopus oryzae is being investigated by focusing on different parts of the metabolism, metabolism, mainly a. pyruvate branch point and its regulation b. glycolytic pathway and its regulation c. trehalose metabolism Fermentation Kinetic and stochiometric modeling of glycolytic pathway with particular interest on the biomass yield in Baker's yeast propagation Fructose-1,6-phosphate d [ F16 P ] = V PF 1 K − V ALD dt Phophofructo kinase: VPFK = Vm PFK gr ⋅ λ1 ⋅ λ2 ⋅ R R2 + L ⋅T 2 Aldolase: V ALD = (0.35)Vm ALD F 16bP (1 − Teq ) K F 16 bP F 16bP DHAP GAP F16bP ⋅ GAP DHAP ⋅ GAP + + + + (1 + ) K F 16 bP K DHAP K GAP K F 16 bP ⋅ KiGAP K DHAP ⋅ K GAP Metabolic modelling 4 Production and purification of β-galactosidase from Kluyveromyces lactis, Rhizomucor species and Aspergillus niger. niger. The scope of the research is to find traditional and novel solutions for the lactose intolerance problem Application of foam separation technique in recovery proteins from industrial wastes, wastes, enzyme recovery from fermentation medium with retention of activity and partial purification of fermentation products 5 Growth of agriculturally important Bacillus, Pseudomonas and Azotobacter spp. on food wastes FUNGAL MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND ENZYMOLOGY LABORATORY Genetic Engineering Applications Prof. Dr. Zumrut Ogel 6 Heterologous Expression of Industrially Important Enzymes Mannanase AlphaAlpha-galctosidase Laccase Analysis of Autocatalytic Processing Mechanism of GalactoseGalactose-Oxidase Mycotoxin Genetics Adaptation to Stress and Memory in Fungi Production of bioactive compounds by fungal organic biotransformations with emphasis on the utilization of phenol oxidases and monooxyganases Extracellular hydrolytic enzymes produced by fungi associated with the southern pine beetle Production of thermostable β -galactosidase from thermophilic fungi Microscopic view of Ophiostoma minus 7 MICROBIOLOGY LABORATORY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Candan Gultekin Isolation and identification of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus from traditionally prepared Turkish yogurts Pathogens: Salmonella and Listeria 8 FOOD SCIENCE LABORATORY Prof. Dr. Fatih Yı Yıldı ldız Minimally Processed Foods Food Safety and Security: Risk Assessment Models RESEARCH ACTIVITIES ¾ FOOD PROCESS ENGINEERING Pervaporation Non-thermal Processing Supercritical Fluid Extraction Microwave Processing 9 PERVAPORATION Assoc.Prof.Dr.Serpil Sahin -Assoc.Prof.Dr.Gulum Sumnu Pervaporation is a selective selective membrane technique in which a liquid feed mixture is separated by means of partial vaporisation through a nonnonporous permselective membrane Advantages over conventional aroma revovery processes: High selectivity Low energy consumption Moderate operating temperatures temperatures Ö quality improvement 10 NON-THERMAL PROCESSING LABORATORY Assoc. Prof.Dr.Hami Alpas, Prof.Dr. Faruk Bozoglu, Prof.Dr. Alev Bayı Bayındı ndırlı rlı ¾ Effect of high hydrostatic pressure and ultrasound on; on; some quality parameters, parameters, enzymes, microorganisms microorganisms and shelfshelf-life of fruit and vegetable juices drying rate of fruits and vegetables extraction of polyphenols from fruit pomace 11 Ilkay Sensoy, Ph.D. (New faculty member) Research Areas: NonNon-thermal processing (Pulsed electric field, High hydrostatic pressure) Moderate electrical field treatment, Ohmic heating Functional foods Numerical simulation of processes Research Objectives: Develop new processing technologies and, and, safe and high quality food products for well being, disease prevention and recovery from diseases Non Thermal Processing (PEF and HHP) : Advantages: Advantages: fresher, more nutritious foods Challenges: Challenges: safety and quality is not optimal yet for many product types (spores and some enzymes are still a challenge). Future needs: Validation and comparison with conventional technologies Combine processes, use synergy and optimization 12 Functional Foods: People are in demand for high value foods: Foods that improve performance, reduce health risks, risks, increase quality of life, life, reduce aging and help recovering from diseases. diseases. Future needs: needs: Collaboration with health professionals. SUPERCRITICAL FLUID EXTRACTION LABORATORY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esra Yener Environmentally friendly technology Heat sensitive compounds are not degraded Higher yield is obtained 13 Pressure The combined liquidliquid-like solvating capabilities and gasgas-like transport properties of supercritical fluids make them particularly suitable for the extraction of diffusiondiffusion-controlled matrices such as plant tissues Solid Liquid Supercritical Fluid Critical Point Triple Point Temperature ¾ ¾ Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of biomaterials Extraction of specialty oils Extraction of essential oils from herbs Recovery of antioxidants from industrial bybyproducts Modelling phase equilibria and extraction process 14 MICROWAVE PROCESSING LABORATORY Assoc.Prof.Dr. Gulum Sumnu-Assoc.Prof.Dr.Serpil Sahin Microwave Extraction Microwave Baking Microwave Frying Microwave Drying Microwave Thawing 15 Microwave Extraction Oreganum vulgare Extraction of essential oils from herbs 9 9 Saves time and energy Green technology, no solvent is required Provides valuable essential oils SolventSolvent-free Microwave Extraction (SFME): Combination of microwave heating and dry distillation (soaked dry spices) MicrowaveMicrowave-assisted Hydrodistillation(MAHD) Combination of microwave heating and hydrodistillation 16 Microwave Baking Optimization of microwave baked bread formulations Retardation of staling of microwave baked products Design of gluten free cake formulations for MicrowaveMicrowave-IR combination oven Modelling of physical properties (rh (rheological, eological, thermal, dielectric properties, colour) of different cake and bread formulations during baking with Microwave and MicrowaveMicrowave-IR combination ovens Image analysis and porous media characterization 17 Physical properties of breads baked by different heating methods Oven types: Jet impingement (JET), Microwave -Jet impingement (MJET) Microwave - Infrared (MIR) oven Physical properties measured during baking: Moisture content Porosity Dielectric ielectric properties Thermal conductivity 110 100 Temperature (°C ) 90 MJET 80 MIR 70 60 JET 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Time (min) 18 Moisture content (%) 42 39 JET 36 MIR MJET 33 30 0 2 4 6 8 Time (min) 1.05 JET 1 MJET 0.95 Porosity 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 MIR 0.7 0.65 0.6 0 2 4 6 8 Time (min) 19 Dielectric constant . 25 20 15 MIR 10 MJET 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 Time (min) 12 L o ss fa cto r 10 8 6 MJET 4 MIR 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 Baking time (min) 20 Thermal conductivity (W /m°C ) 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 MIR JET 0.15 0.10 MJET 0.05 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 Time (min) Microwave Frying Optimization of microwave frying of potato slices Acrylamide formation during microwave frying 21 Functionality of batters having different formulations for deepdeep-fat frying Effects of batter consistency on frying performance Effects of microwave frying on acrylamide content of potatoes Acrylamide; It is probably carcinogenic to human It is mainly formed through the Maillard reaction f (T , t, pH, food composition (reducing sugars such as glu and fru, and amino acids such as asparagine)) 22 . 600 M ois ture Content (% db) 500 400 400 W 550 W 300 Conventional 200 100 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 Frying Time (min) 70 65 . 60 400 W 55 E 550 W Conventional 50 45 40 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 Frying Time (min) 23 . 4000 2.0 min A c ry lam ide Content (ppb) 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 400W 5.5 min 1.5 min 550W 4.5 min Conv. 2.0 min 1000 1.0 min 500 0 1.5 min 1.0 min 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 Moisture Content (% db) 24