Volume One • Number One

Volume One • Number One
S u c c e s s
S t r a t e g i e s
f o r
U s e r s
o f
C r e a t i v e
While some accountants still
don’t realize how much the
Internet can enhance their client
services, Milton Dean saw the
opportunity and transformed his
practice with NetClient portals.
See ‘Creating and Using a
Website That Works for You
And Your Clients,’ page 8
S o l u t i o n s
S o f t w a r e
Welcome to the Creative Solutions
Community of Users
In This Issue
Page 2
Creative Solutions Community.
Page 3
Computerworld honors CSI for
NetClient portal development.
Page 5
Software in Action
Larry Friedberg goes paperless.
Page 6
Idea File
Ideas you can use for ARNE2,
UltraTax, and other programs.
Page 8
User Profile
Milton Dean transformed his
practice with NetClient portals.
Page 10
Tips & Tactics
Here are solutions to your
support questions.
COVER: Milton Dean of Dean
Accounting Services, Fulton,
Kentucky, displays some of the
pages of the NetClient portal
website his customers are so
excited about. (Photo by Tonda
The primary objective of Creative Solutions has always been to help our users increase
the productivity and profitability of their firms. As such, I enthusiastically introduce you
to the premiere issue of Creative Solutions’ flagship publication. Solutions has been created
to provide you with ideas for optimizing your practice, the latest news from Creative
Solutions, and—one of the features I am most excited about—profiles of your fellow users.
Consider Solutions to be a medium for learning “best practices” from both the developers of
Creative Solutions software and the real-life experiences of your peers—the members of the
Creative Solutions community of users.
The impact of leading-edge technology on accounting firms across the country is
dramatic—and very real. New and emerging technologies are leveling the playing field within
the tax and accounting industry, making it possible for firms of all sizes to reach unprecedented levels of productivity. While the concept of providing online services, such as webbased portals, may seem futuristic to some firms, this kind of technology is being adopted at
an unprecedented pace, revolutionizing the way accountants serve their clients and manage
their practices.
For example, thousands of our users’ clients are already enjoying 24/7 online service
from their accountants thanks to Creative Solutions NetClient portal installations.
Amazing! As you read our user profile featuring Milton Dean’s use of NetClient portals to
better serve his clients, I hope you will be inspired to think about expanding your own web
strategy and putting the advantages of this technology to work for your practice.
Yet another sign of the times—FileCabinet Solution, our popular electronic document
management software, is being adopted faster than any other technology Creative Solutions
has ever released—and possibly faster than any other technology in the history of the profession. More than 6,000 firms are moving toward a paperless office with FileCabinet
Solution. If you are wondering about the practicality of paperless processing for your firm,
reading Larry Friedberg’s experience (page 5) will help you better understand the tremendous potential for saving the time and money you spend managing all that paper!
I hope you, too, will share your own experiences using Creative Solutions software.
Our contact information is on our website, CreativeSolutions.com. You can direct your
feedback about this publication directly to Solutions@CreativeSolutions.com. And, if
you’ve never accessed ARNE2, the online forum for Creative Solutions users, I encourage
you to do so—it’s a great way to meet fellow users and exchange ideas. It is through this
kind of dialogue and interaction that we can learn and grow together, and Creative
Solutions can best serve its Community of Users.
Solutions is published The Thomson
Corporation and Creative Solutions,
7322 Newman Boulevard, Dexter, MI
48130; (734) 426-5860. Printed in the
United States. Copyright 2003 Creative
Solutions. Vol. 1, No. 1.
Jon Baron
President and CEO
Vol. 1, No. 1
• Allow staff to work collaboratively by
assigning employees to different workpapers
within the same engagement.
• Use the flexible financial reporter and
program-supplied templates to prepare
interim financial statements.
• Integrate seamlessly with PPC®’s
practice aids.
• Integrate with Microsoft® Excel® and
Engagement Solution represents the
next step in advanced engagement workflow
software. The convenience of a true paperless
engagement process, a fast, efficient, and
complete workflow, and significant time
savings are what users can expect with
Engagement Solution.
“The Class of 2003 continues an outstanding tradition of
IT innovation in which service
to real people doing important
work in the real world takes
precedence over anything else,”
according to Executive Director
Daniel Morrow. “These laureates are a source of pride and
Each year, the
Computerworld Honors
Chairmen’s Committee nominates organizations who are
using information technology
Creative Solutions President and CEO Jon Baron was presented the
Computerworld Honors Medal of Achievement by Mayfran Johnson,
to improve society. Case studies
editor-in-chief of Computerworld.
are from the 2003 Computerworld
Collection, available at
Computerworld awards Medal of
Achievement to Creative Solutions http://www.cwheroes.org, the official Internet
site of the Computerworld Honors Program,
“The Computerworld Honors Medal
of Achievement is presented annually to men where the entire collection is available to
scholars, researchers and the general public
and women around the world who have
made outstanding progress for society
through the visionary use of information
technology,” said Patrick J. McGovern,
Engagement Solution: the next
generation of engagement software
chairman of the Computerworld Honors
Chairmen’s Committee and the founder of
Engagement Solution is a powerful new
International Data Group. The award recogaddition to the Creative Solutions Accounting
nized the Creative Solutions NetClient portal family of software. It builds on the knowledge
project, and the case study now becomes part gained in developing GoSystem Audit, along
of a collection of over 300 case studies in ten with nearly 25 years serving the accounting
categories from 33 countries. The Medal of
profession. Engagement Solution represents a
Achievement was presented to Creative
comprehensive, next-generation accounting
Solutions President and CEO Jon Baron in
and tax engagement system. Offering sophisSan Francisco City Hall on April 6, 2003.
ticated trial balance capabilities, a completely
The 2003 collection, which will now be
paperless engagement process, and much
archived in libraries, museums, and academic more, Engagement Solution provides a flexible
and research institutions around the world,
and secure environment in which to perform
will serve as primary source material for
every engagement.
scholars and as a resource for individuals who
Engagement Solution is designed to
hope to use information technology to build increase the efficiency of accounting and
solutions that benefit society.
audit engagements, while ensuring end-to“Each year, Computerworld Honors
end complete document management
identifies and recognizes individuals around
throughout the process. From compilation
the world whose visionary use of information and review to audit, Engagement Solution
technology produces and promotes positive
offers an all-inclusive system to fully streamsocial, economic and educational change,”
line the engagement workflow. With
said Bob Carrigan, president and publisher of Engagement Solution users can:
• Set up staff-level security to ensure file
Computerworld. “The innovators represented
and complete workflow control.
in this collection have been recognized by the
a completely paperless
leading IT industry chairmen as true revoluengagement
tionaries in their fields.”
Vol. 1, No. 1
More than 1,000 NetClient portals
now connect clients with their
The number of NetClient portals has
surged past the 1,000 mark. NetClient portals
have progressively increased in popularity
within the tax and accounting profession
since the product was first released in April
2001. Portals enable firms to offer secure and
personalized extensions from their websites
where clients can access financial documents,
access their Client Bookkeeping Solution
(CBS) software, enter payroll data and
receive payroll checks or print their own,
check stock quotes, review information
about their financial accounts, and more.
“We are very pleased to have surpassed
1,000 portal customers,” said Teresa
Mackintosh, director of marketing at
Creative Solutions. “And we envision that
this number will continue to grow as more
and more firms realize how easy and inexpensive it is to implement Internet-based
offerings to serve their clients more efficiently.”
NetClient personal, private portals support
the strong trend toward online services, as
well as the increasing demands of clients for
fast and efficient service delivery.
“We are seeing more of a movement
toward the Internet within the tax and
accounting profession,” said Jack LaRue, vice
president of marketing at Creative Solutions.
NetClient is a key component of Creative
Solutions Web Services offerings.
Payroll Solution offers seamless
direct deposit transmission
Creative Solutions has partnered with
Intercept Corporation (Intercept), a leading
third-party ACH (Automated Clearing
House) processor. This new partnership provides Payroll Solution (PRS) Direct Deposit
users with seamless direct deposit transmission functionality. Using Intercept, Payroll
Solution customers can transmit all direct
deposit files through a single processor and
eliminate the inconvenience of coordinating
direct deposit tasks with multiple banks.
“Our alliance with Intercept enables us
to offer our Payroll Solution users the convenience of seamless direct deposit transmission, which will save them an enormous
amount of time and effort in processing their
direct deposit files,” said Jack LaRue, vice
president of marketing at Creative Solutions.
Creative Solutions developed a preferred-partner relationship with Intercept
specifically to accommodate the needs of
Payroll Solution users who currently process
direct deposit payroll for their clients, as well
as those who wish to add this valuable service. Instead of working with individual banks,
Payroll Solution users can now transmit all
direct deposit files through Intercept—and
significantly simplify the process. Payroll
Solution enables automatic transmission of
direct deposit payroll data directly to
Intercept Corporation with the click of a button. Intercept oversees and ensures the secure
transmission of direct deposit data through
the ACH system.
“Our alliance with Creative Solutions
enables us to expand our reach into the professional accounting market and support this
large group with advanced direct deposit
services,” said Bryan Smith, president of
Intercept Corporation.“Partnered with
Creative Solutions, we can offer the accounting profession a comprehensive and seamless
solution to handle their direct deposit services with minimal effort.”
Aggregate account data from
nearly 1,500 financial institutions
through NetClient portals
Creative Solutions’ new NetClient
Account Aggregation module, in partnership
with ByAllAccounts Inc., a leading provider of
account aggregation technology, enables users
to compile a client’s account information
from multiple financial institutions into their
private and secure portal. The ability to consolidate the balances and detailed information
of multiple financial holdings in a single location helps accountants gain a thorough
understanding of each client’s total financial
position. This makes it much easier for the
accountant to analyze the client’s entire portfolio and identify how assets are allocated
across accounts in order to offer more
informed financial advice.
ByAllAccounts is establishing connectivity with a growing number of financial institutions—at last count, nearly 1,500—from
whom data can be aggregated for the accountant’s clients. ByAllAccounts uses advanced,
proprietary web services technologies.
“With the release of the NetClient
Account Aggregation module, we are
enabling accounting firms to expand their
service offerings and provide their clients
with the most sophisticated and convenient
technology available,” said Teresa Mackintosh,
director of marketing at Creative Solutions.
UltraTax enhancements for 2003
Creative Solutions is always striving to
improve and enhance UltraTax to ensure that
it continues to meet all of our users’ tax
preparation needs. We have already added
new features and capabilities that incorporate
the new tax law, and they are available for
downloading via CSI Connect. The following
are some of the major enhancements and
changes to UltraTax for the 2003 tax year, and
that’s just the beginning. All planned
enhancements, including state changes, are
listed on our website, CreativeSolutions.com.
• Data-Mining Capabilities—The
UltraTax Database Manager capabilities that
are built-in as part of UltraTax cover the
new tax law as well. You will be able to easily
identify, sort, and print reports on virtually
any criteria to categorize your clients. For
example, you might want to identify clients
who are affected by various provisions of
the new tax law, in order to alert them to
their potential impact.
• Electronic Filing Capabilities for
Additional Entities—Electronic filing capabilities are planned for 1120, 1041, and 990
federal returns.
• New Watch Windows—You will be able
to view selected values, such as AGI and tax
due, while entering data. UltraTax automati-
Vol. 1, No. 1
cally calculates and displays these values for
you, so you can monitor the bottom-line
impact of changes as you make them.
• Excel® Spreadsheet Data Import
Capabilities—You will be able to import
Excel spreadsheet data into UltraTax statements, including Schedule D—eliminating
the need to re-enter data.
• Proforma of Custom Print Collations—
You will be able to proforma existing print
and collation settings (in addition to relevant
tax data) from previous years into the current
year program, so the custom print and collation sequences you’ve already set up will not
need to be reset.
• FileCabinet Solution Integration—
UltraTax, like all CSI products, is designed to
integrate seamlessly with FileCabinet
Solution, Creative Solutions’ electronic document management software. FileCabinet
Solution enhancements for 2003 will include:
Support for displaying specific documents
across platforms; direct and convenient access
to related client’s documents; and expanded
FileCabinet Solution archive functionality.
This means that it will give users the option
of selecting and displaying stored documents,
such as a prior year tax return, from within
the UltraTax application.
940/941 E-Filing Utility
receives IRS approval
Payroll Compliance Solution™ 940/941
Electronic Filing utility has been authorized
for 940/941 electronic filing. The Creative
Solutions 940/941 Electronic Filing utility uses
XML technology that seamlessly integrates
with the XML-based system used by the IRS
for business returns. Currently, Creative
Solutions is one of only two IRS-authorized
developers that has passed IRS Assurance
Testing for return filing and PIN Registration.
“Creative Solutions was one of the first
to introduce integrated XML technology in
our software. As a globally accepted standard,
XML allows quick and accurate exchange of
electronic data,” said Brian Vroom, vice president of development at Creative Solutions.
“Now that the IRS has standardized XML as
the preferred data exchange format for future
business e-file products, our XML expertise
has enabled us to be at the forefront in
providing 940/941 e-filing.”
FileCabinet Solution
Larry Friedberg,
eliminating paper
just the
turned out to be
and personal, I do about 550 returns.
I have one assistant, who has been
working part time since her first
child was born. I used to have two
full-time support people, but now
I accomplish more with less staff.
Since there are just the two of us
here, we have to stay very proficient
with technology. We run a small network with Gateway computers, two desktops
and two laptops, running Windows 2000®.
I’ve replaced my original scanner with a multifunction printer-scanner.”
Friedberg began by populating FCS with
client data from UltraTax and then gradually
scanning in more and more documents as his
use of the system expanded. He did not scan
always send clients notices and supporting
documents in the form of Adobe® PDF files
by email right from FCS.”
In addition to the time savings and
improved client service, Friedberg also saw
a 60% reduction in rent after he fully
implemented FCS. “I used to rent 800 square
feet. I had 25 file cabinets. Now I’m down to
two file cabinets—and 300 square feet.”
Friedberg really hasn’t had any major
problems at all. “FCS works with all Creative
Solutions applications, as well as most
Windows® applications, and customer support
has been great when any problems come up.”
hree years ago, Larry Friedberg, a CPA
and sole practitioner in Hollywood,
Florida, was skeptical about the possibility
of a paperless office. Still, he was hearing
more and more about going paperless in
the National Association of Small Business
Accountant (NASBA) e-newsletter to which
Changing the way he lives
he subscribed. A growing number of accounFCS has not only changed the way
tants were eliminating their dependency
Friedberg practices accounting, but it
on paper and seemed enthusiastic. He
“I’m completely paperless now. has also literally changed the way he
decided to see what was available at a
“I have been able to reorganize my
I can carry my entire practice lives.
trade show.
life thanks to FCS,” says Friedberg, who
on my laptop computer.”
The first system he looked at was far
is not about to retire yet but has built a
too expensive for his practice. Then, just
retirement home 300 miles north in
— Larry Friedberg
a few booths away, he saw something
Gainesville. “Because of the software,
called FileCabinet Solution (FCS) from
I’m able to spend more and more time there,
a company whose accounting software
in historical data, but simply switched a as much as a couple of weeks at a time—the
he already knew and trusted, Creative
first steps in an eventual transition.
bit more over each year. “The first year I
Solutions. He thought, “What do I have to
“It’s completely transparent to my
remained fully redundant and kept paper
lose?” His only other expense to get started
copies of everything, although I never needed clients. My phone is forwarded, and I take
was an inexpensive HP scanner he bought for
my practice with me on my laptop, encrypted
them,” explains Friedberg. “The second year
$99—and which he eventually sent off to colI stopped using paper for 1040s, but did keep and backed up on CD-RW.”
lege with his son when he upgraded to a more paper for write-up. This year I went paperless
powerful scanner.
on the accounting side as well. I’m completely Making the switch
“It couldn’t have been easier to go
In Friedberg’s view, people who are
paperless now. I can carry my entire practice
paperless,” says Friedberg, who was an early
holding back should hesitate no longer.
on my laptop computer.”
purchaser of the best-selling new software in
There just are too many arguments in favor
the history of Creative Solutions. And FCS
Reaping the benefits
of going paperless with FCS:
has boosted productivity and transformed the
“Accountants spend a lot of time look“It’s easy to start.”
nature of his practice.
ing for things, but eliminating this waste of
“It saves you money.”
time is just the beginning,” says Friedberg.
“The efficiency is astounding.”
Getting started
“FCS also helps us serve our clients better.
“The technology is a no-brainer.”
“I’ve been on my own since 1986,” says
If the client wants to review something, they
“There’s no reason to hesitate.”
Friedberg. “About 40% of my practice is
no longer have to make a trip. We are all
“Paper is a crutch,” says Friedberg.
small business write-up, and the rest is indi- more productive. If a client requests a docu- “And there’s no longer any need to hold
vidual taxes. Altogether, between business
ment, they can have it in minutes. And I can onto it.”
Vol. 1, No. 1
How to check if you’re running
the current version of your software
Communicate with your fellow accountants
around the country—24/7
When it comes to accounting issues and questions about using
accounting software, no one person has all the answers. That’s why
ARNE2 (Accountant’s Resource NEtwork), the online forum that’s
free for Creative Solutions software users, is so valuable. Somewhere
in the thousands of messages in its database, there’s a good chance
you’ll find the answer to almost any question you might have. It’s
also a community where you can “give back” to your profession by
posting your own ideas and tips.
An innovative web discussion forum that allows participants to
share ideas and gain from one another’s experience and expertise in
a non-competitive atmosphere, ARNE2 allows participants to share
information immediately and effortlessly,
and to help each
other save time, effort
and money in enhancing their accounting
and tax practices.
ARNE2 conversations
cover a wide variety
of business, accounting, technology and
personal issues.
There are three
ways to get information from ARNE2: 1) Log on and find a conference and topic that
interests you, and then browse the messages. 2) Use ARNE2’s
sophisticated and easy-to-use search engine to do a keyword search.
3) Register to have ARNE2 postings that are of interest sent to you
by email. Whichever way you choose, you’ll find information on a
vast variety of topics (more than 5,000 discussions are currently
stored in ARNE2).
• Get help using Creative Solutions software and gain valuable
tips for maximizing your software investment.
• Discover important strategies from others on how to deal
with staffing problems and human resource issues.
• Learn how best to resolve client issues with the IRS and other
taxing authorities.
• Get valuable information about capabilities of various software products you’re considering purchasing.
• Learn which broker/dealers other accountants are using—
and get helpful tips on how to select one.
• Discuss accounting standards and theory—for example, how
to use one engagement letter to cover clients with multiple businesses.
• Communicate with other accountants who have been
approached by consolidators, and share their experiences.
• Obtain referrals for an off-site Quality Reviewer.
• Learn tips, tricks and suggestions for using both Creative
Solutions software and software from other companies.
Vol. 1, No. 1
If you’re unsure about the software version you’re running,
it’s easy to find out by clicking the Help / About menu of the application. The version of the software you’re using will be displayed.
An ultra-quick way to print monthly client reports
If you print the same reports for a client every month, you’ll
appreciate the Profile features in Write-Up Solution, Payroll Solution,
Trial Balance Solution, Practice Solution, and Depreciation Solution
that enable you to quickly print a group of selected reports monthly.
Creating a Report Profile enables you to maintain a group of statements and reports, along with their selected options, under one name
in the Print Reports display. When you are ready to print, simply select
the Profile and then click the Print button. To create a Profile, choose
File / Print Reports. Select the reports and options that are suitable for
your needs. Name the Profile and click the Add button. To change or
update a Profile at any time, you can select the Profile and make the
needed changes to the reports or statements.
Making the most of your software
by appointing product champions
In almost every firm where software is used, there’s an informal consensus about who's the “go-to” person for software.
It may be Mary, a few desks over, or Paul, just down the hall—the
person to see if you're having trouble with a new feature, can't get
a report to print right, or experiencing any other problems.
That's fine—we all need a little help from our friends from time
to time—but it's not very efficient. Smart firms improve on this
informal process by assigning responsibility and providing the necessary support. They appoint product champions not only to answer
questions, but also to take on additional responsibility in terms of
training and product support.
Among the benefits of appointing a product champion:
• Train the trainers: One of the chief advantages of appointing product champions is that you can make sure they get comprehensive training. Informal training can be valuable, but it tends to
leave blind spots—and these blind spots can hide some
of the most valuable features of the software. Trained product
champions are able to bring their knowledge back to train other
staffers in a cost effective and ongoing way.
• Avoid reinventing the wheel: A product champion will be
quick to pick up patterns in how the staff uses software, and can
communicate the correct procedures to people who may be making
time-consuming mistakes.
• Save time and money by centralizing support calls: It's surprising how often the Creative Solutions Support staff gets calls
about the same question from different users at the same firm. Each
repeat call represents wasted time for your employees and a waste of
money for your firm. By appointing one person to make all the calls
to Support, less time is spent on the phone.
• Make the most of your software: Many people use a fraction of
the functionality of their software because they don't have the time to
fully explore its features on their own. A trained product champion
can ensure you get the most out of your software investment.
• Have one person assigned to communicate information
about product updates: Assigning the responsiblity ensures it gets
done and nothing “falls through the cracks.”
• Have one person responsible for maintaining a current file
of sample reports to show prospective clients: Assigning responsibility for this task eliminates scrambling at the last minute and
ensures that current sample reports are always ready when needed.
• Make the most of available Creative Solutions resources:
In addition to being the point person for telephone, fax, and email
support, the Product Champion can become familiar with our online
Knowledgebase and access ARNE2, our online forum (see previous
page). They can also subscribe to our email subscriptions and pass on
update and service notifications regarding your products. By assigning one person with the responsibility for keeping up with and communicating information to others in the firm, you'll save time without duplicating effort, and get more from your software.
Clients’ guide to the new tax law
Our sister Thomson company, RIA, has prepared a 12-page
guide to the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of
2003 specifically designed to communicate to clients. If you
have a website hosted by Web Builder Solution, you can have
this guide placed on your website. For information regarding
this option, please call Creative Solutions Customer Service
at (800) 968–0600 and press 4. For printed copies of the new
tax explanation to send to your clients, please call RIA at
(800) 950–1216 and press 1.
Changing staff billing rates
Your clients probably wish you would never increase your billing
rates, but in the real world, change happens. What's important is that
your practice management software enables you to enter rate changes
when you're ready—rather than on the exact date the new rates go
into effect. The last thing you want to do when you change your
Using Database Manager can help identify
staff's billing rates is to have to rekey all the data. In CSP, it's simple:
clients affected by the new tax law
To recalculate the unbilled WIP amounts based on new rates, select
The client information stored in UltraTax can be a powerful tool Util / Recalculate WIP. Then you can specify a range of transactions
for preparing customized mailings and reminders to your clients. You as well as an effective date. The amount of the WIP for all selected
can search through your client data and extract information contained unbilled transactions will then automatically be recalculated.
in their returns. This capability is especially important in view of the
changes in the new tax law, the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief ReconcilProtecting data integrity after reports are run
iation Act of 2003, signed by the President on May 28, 2003.
You’re about to run your reports for the month, and you want
The Database Manager module is the key to unlocking this
to be sure no one enters more data. How do you prevent that?
capability. Database Manager is accessed from the UltraTax Utilities
There’s a simple way to keep everyone out of the database. Under
menu and includes numerous pre-defined searches, reports and letthe Utilities menu is a command called “Lock / Unlock Database.”
ters. After selecting the entity that you wish to browse through, and
You must be logged in as “boss” to see this command. This enables
determining which report or letter you want to produce, run a search you to lock the database for everyone, or you can grant some of
for clients that meet specific criteria. Once finished, you may view,
your staff rights to go into the program. By clicking the Set Text
export, print out reports, or email your clients. For instance, by
button you can also send a message to everyone in the program askemploying Database Manager, you can easily print a mass reminder
ing them to exit the system.
for all of your clients who have quarterly estimates due.
The new tax law changes provide an excellent opportunity to
communicate to your clients and let them know how they might be
affected. Database Manager makes it easy for you to identify your
clients who are affected, and to communicate to them by mail or
email. It also presents opportunities for you to inform clients about
Finding out what’s in each CBS program update
your tax planning services. Here are just a few of the predefined
searches that you can easily perform using UltraTax Database
Want to find out quickly what’s included in each CBS update?
Manager to identify clients affected by the new tax act.
Just go to CreativeSolutions.com and click the Support link. Log
• Clients subject to Alternative Minimum Tax.
in to the Support page using your firm ID and zip code. Once
• Clients qualifying for the Child Tax Credit increase.
logged in, you can click the CBS documents link under the Quick
• Clients with capital gains.
Links header. Here you will be able to see all of the User Bulletins
• Clients with dividend income.
for each CBS update.
. Vol. 1, No. 1
Dean Accounting Services
Fulton, Kentucky
Creating and Using a
Website That Works
for You and Your
hile some accountants still don’t realize how much the Internet can enhance
their client services, Milton Dean saw the opportunity and transformed his
practice with NetClient portals. These days, clients expect more than a nicely
designed home page with a few links. Your clients live in a connected world, and
their expectations are shaped by it. They want what they want, when they want it,
and they expect the Internet to deliver it easily and quickly.
Your clients already have real-time, 24/7
access to their bank and brokerage accounts.
Why should their expectations be any different for their accounting firm? Even if clients
don’t express their expectations directly, they
may begin wondering why their accountant
isn’t meeting them. It's not the first time the
accounting profession has been faced with
changing expectations.
When technology changes, customer
expectations can shift with frightening speed,
and firms that don't adapt risk getting left
behind. There are no excuses. Milton Dean
recalls the 1980s, when clients started to expect
the professionally printed appearance of laserprinted tax returns, and accountants had to
scramble to meet the expectations. Similarly,
we'll probably look back some day and wonder
how accountants ever managed without delivering their services over the Internet.
Accountants who overlook the potential
of the Internet may be drawing the wrong
conclusions from the collapse of the Dotcom
Bubble. There’s nothing far-fetched about
delivering accounting services over client
portals. With the right technology tools, it
should be a no-brainer to offer the convenience of these services to clients over the
Internet 24/7, through a private and secure
extension of your website.
Not only does this lead to happier
clients, but happy clients are an accountant’s
best marketing tool. Word gets around.
Getting started with NetClient
Milton Dean has seen several generations of technology come and go since he
went into practice with his father, David H.
Dean, 22 years ago after graduating from
Murray State University. Dean Accounting
Services is in the small town of Fulton,
Kentucky, located on the Tennessee border
about 125 miles north of the nearest big city,
Memphis. Most of their practice consists of
write-up, payroll and tax preparation.
Central to the Dean Accounting Services
strategy of using technology to deliver services
more efficiently and effectively to their clients
are Creative Solutions NetClient portals,
which provide continuous, personalized
client connectivity and require minimal
Using Web Builder Solution, it was easy
to create a website that would serve their
clients with individual client portals hosted by
Creative Solutions. The online tool guided
Dean through the website creation process
step by step. He created a “trial site” and logged
on and tweaked the structure before going live.
Clients impressed
It can be difficult to gauge the demand
for a new service until clients can actually see
it and make use of it. Although Dean’s clients
had not been demanding web access, they
soon let him know how impressed they were
when he went live with his website and began
offering NetClient portals.
“We’ve had very good success with
being able to offer such a range of services
online,” says Dean. “We’re able to give clients
a custom fit to their current needs, and to
continue adapting as they become more
comfortable with the medium.”
Establishing a web portal will not
automatically bring in new clients, Dean
admits, but the capabilities of the NetClient
portals can be an amazing way to make an
impression. Clients notice, and word gets
around. “By setting up a demo NetClient
Vol. 1, No. 1
Screen captures of the Dean Accounting Services website
show the welcome screen (top), which offers a menu of
services, financial calculators, Flex Plan access and an
instant poll; a client newsletter (middle); and the screen
where the real magic begins (bottom) — the Client Login
screen for access to the NetClient portal.
portal, you are ready anytime, anywhere, to
show what you can offer with NetClient. My
demo presentations have gone very well. They
are quick and I get a lots of ‘Wows.’ ” Applause
is not all he gets. “Three out of my last four
new write-up and payroll clients came to us
specifically because we were able to offer web
services through NetClient.”
Putting it all together
At the heart of the remarkable power of
the NetClient portal is its ability to integrate
client data—through FileCabinet Solution—
from the entire Creative Solutions suite, as
well as other software products and scanned
images, and to make that information available electronically.
“We have two golf courses as clients. We
set up folders in their NetClient portal where
they can post the minutes of their
board meetings, so that members
who weren’t able to attend can keep
up,” says Dean. “Our clients are
pleased, and starting to take it for
granted that we can provide this new
level of service.”
It’s a whole new way of doing
business, and the results are especially valuable at tax time. “We serve the The staff of Dean Accounting Services, from left to right: Milton Dean,
Betty Gray, Marie Dean, Beth Haw and David H. Dean.
clients with NetClient portals more
efficiently. Not only does it cut down
on phone calls, but it also gives clients 24/7
“We have begun implementing CBS ASP
access to information when they need it,” says and it has proved a win-win,” he says. In addiDean. “The ability to present recurring docu- tion to the advantages for clients, accountants
also benefit: The client’s software can be set
ments online is invaluable. In general, we’re
up and managed online. There’s no need to go
finding we need to spend much less time on
maintenance phone calls. Clients are happier.” to their office to supervise installation. And it’s
a great way to make sure all clients are runBenefits are clearly visible with payroll
ning the same, current version of CBS.
processing, as well. “We have a couple of
clients receiving 15-20 reports per pay
period, quickly and efficiently through
Riding the wave of
emerging technology
NetClient. Our clients love it,” says Dean.
“Clients printing payroll checks remotely
“When I went to work with my father,
also is a win-win situation. Not only do
we were still using pencil and paper—along
mailing costs drop, but also concerns about
with an L-5000 Burroughs machine with
check delivery are eliminated. We do some
cassette tape. Our next step up was the
hand-holding for them, but it’s a short
Zenith PC,” recalls Dean. “Our practice
learning curve. They just put paper stock in, has really grown up with the technology.”
click and print.”
Staying ahead of the curve
Dean has aggressively promoted CSI’s
bookkeeping software for clients, Client
Bookkeeping Solution (CBS), with his
clients. “More and more, clients want that
instant feedback they can only get with a
mouse click. Some are going to look at
competing products. CBS is the ideal way for
them to realize the benefits of technology
while continuing to maintain the relationship with their accountant.”
CBS ASP, the web-based Application
Service Provider version that operates on a
secure server hosted by Creative Solutions via
NetClient portals, gives him another option
to offer his clients—another way to do it
themselves. Clients can do everything via
their online client portals, and not have to
worry about data integrity or machine breakdowns. They can access their software anytime, from any computer.
“We serve the clients
with NetClient portals
more efficiently. Not
only does it cut down
on phone calls, but it
gives clients 24/7
access to information
when they need it.”
— Milton Dean
Technology has been the way for their
family practice to compete and grow. They
began using Creative Solutions DOS write-up
and tax software in the early 1990s and
switched to the Windows versions as they
became available. Currently they are using the
entire Creative Solutions software suite.
In 2001, Milton Dean was already
exchanging information with his clients via
email. He was also looking for a way to get a
Vol. 1, No. 1
presence on the Internet. “Our clients at
that time were not pushing for web
access. But I really wanted to get on the
web. I thought it was a way for a small
office like ours to have some of the same
presence as the larger firms.”
Dean originally thought he would
continue emailing PDF files, and use
his website simply as an informational
site, but he began to wonder if there
wasn’t a better way to use the Internet
to serve clients. He had been a product
partner for CSI’s Payroll Solution, and he
told them what he was looking for. At the
same time, development on the portals was
progressing at CSI, and the development
team began looking for test firms. Dean
Accounting became the inaugural site for
the new product in August, 2001. (Since
then his portals have been joined by more
than 1,000 others.)
“I was familiar with Creative Solutions.
The integration was important to me, and I
knew that the learning curve would be short.
Once I had a commitment from Creative
Solutions to offer NetClient, I discontinued
the other approach,” says Dean.
Looking to the future in
a ‘microwave society’
“Web access is going to play an everincreasing role in the future of our profession,” says Dean. “We live in a ‘microwave
society’—clients want instant results. None
of us are doing things the way we were 20
years ago, or even 10 years ago. The Internet
is the next wave of change.”
Dean is a frequent and enthusiastic user
of ARNE2 (the Accountant’s Resource
NEtwork), the online forum with access free
to all users of Creative Solutions Software. “It’s
a wonderful resource, a great way to communicate with your peers. I read it daily, and
comment occasionally.” On ARNE, Dean has
seen other accountants, especially those in
small offices, struggle with the question of if
and when to make the leap to the web. He
encourages them to give it a try.
“We’re just a small office, but NetClient
works well for us. We’re planning to continue
growing and changing, and it gives us a strong
base to do just that.”
Q: I have many client statements,
but I don’t use most of them. How do
I get rid of the unused ones?
A: Open the Financial Statement Editor
and choose File / Open / Client Statement to
see the list of all statements saved in the data
folder for the selected client. You can then
right-click on any statement that you no
longer need and choose Delete. Be careful to
delete only unwanted statements — once a
statement has been deleted, it cannot be
Q: Can I view an account’s activity
for a period without printing any
A: Yes. Open the Transactions window,
press F3, and choose View G/L Activity
(CTRL+G). The dialog that opens allows you
to select one account and view its activity for
the current period.
Q: When should I advance my bank
A: After reconciling your bank account,
you should print your current bank reconciliation reports and make sure you’re satisfied
with the reconciliation before advancing to
the next statement and to the next GL period. If you need to advance the GL period or
process transactions in future months but
then need to reconcile a prior bank statement, be sure to move the GL period back to
that prior month, complete the reconciliation, and then advance to the next statement
while still in that same (prior) GL period.
Q: In CBS Accounts Receivable,
how can I remove a payment that has
been applied to the wrong invoice?
A: In the Receivable Transactions window,
highlight the invoice and choose Edit /
Unapply Payment Applications. The program
will remove the payment application from
the invoice so that it can be applied to a different invoice.
Q: The Scan option under the
Image menu is grayed out. What
should I do?
A: For FileCabinet Solution to recognize
a scanner, it must be TWAIN compliant, and
the scanning software must be installed
locally. If both these requirements are met,
try uninstalling and then reinstalling the
scanning software. You may want to try
scanning through Microsoft Imaging. To do
this, click the Start button on the Windows
Taskbar and choose Programs / Accessories /
Imaging and then choose File / Scan New. If
the option is grayed out in Imaging, you
may need to contact product support for
your scanner.
Q: The FileCabinet Solution print
driver is no longer in my list of available printers. How can I get it back?
A: Generally, rerunning Desktop Setup
will reinstall the driver. If that does not
install the driver, driver components probably still exist on your machine that need to
be deleted. You will need to search for and
delete the following files:
Windows 98: fcdrv.drv and csiprint.dll
(You will need to reboot in DOS mode to
access these files)
Windows 2000, NT, and XP: fcntdrv.drv
Q: In CBS PayCheck, how can I add
and csintprt.dll. You will need to use the net
a new pay, deduction, or withholding
stop spooler and net start spooler to delete
item for all the employees at once?
these files.
A: Choose Task / PayCheck Tasks /
Once those files have been deleted, you
Transfer Changes to Employees. You can use
this command to add, modify, or delete setup can rerun Desktop Setup and the FileCabinet
Solution print driver will be installed.
information in the employee records. You
can choose to make the change for all
employees, for all employees within a certain
department, or for a single employee.
Vol. 1, No. 1
Q: Is there an automatic link to
federal and state form instructions?
A: Yes. While working within the UltraTax
input screens, choose Help / Tax Subject
Index and then click the Web Form
Instructions option. Scroll through the links
to forms, highlight the desired form, and then
click the Go To button. (Note that you need
an active Internet connection to view form
instructions online.) UltraTax opens the
instructions for the selected form on the website of the appropriate taxing authority. All of
the tax forms are also available in the Tax
Subject Index by clicking the Forms option.
Q: Is there a way to track a client’s
status based on an event?
A: Yes. UltraTax automatically logs different client events as they occur within a client.
To view the list of events automatically
logged by UltraTax, choose Help / UltraTax
Help topics, click the Index tab, and search
on “status:events logged by UltraTax”.
UltraTax also allows you to create up to
10 user-defined events. To configure userdefined events, choose Setup / System
Configuration and click the Status tab.
By viewing the log of events over the course
of a tax season, you can easily see progress
based on the percentages of clients who have
completed a particular status event. You can
then print a listing of clients at each stage in
processing (from the At a Glance tab of the
Utilities / Client Status dialog). By choosing
Utilities / Reports / Client Listing, you can
print additional reports based on either program-defined or user-defined events.
Q: How do I properly configure
UltraTax to integrate with my other
Creative Solutions programs?
A: In UltraTax, you need to specify the
correct data path designations for each of the
various Creative Solutions software programs
that integrate with UltraTax. In the Setup /
User Preferences / File Locations dialog,
choose the appropriate options to specify the
location for each program. Next, highlight
the data path in the bottom pane and click
the Modify button to change any incorrect
data paths. You will probably also need to
perform this step within each of the programs with which you are integrating.
Q: How can I verify whether I’m
using the correct federal tax tables?
A: From the CSA main window, choose
Setup / System Configuration / Payroll Tax
Information / Federal. In the dialog that
opens, the effective date appears in the upper
left corner. To view the federal tables, click
the Tables button.
Note that if the effective date is not current, choose Setup / System Configuration /
Payroll Tax Information / Update to ensure
that you’re using the most recent tax tables
available (assuming that you’re using the latest version of Payroll Solution).
The June, 2003 release of Payroll Solution
has the option of automatically updating
the tax tables. When the Automatic Tax
Table update option is marked, the program
verifies that the most current tax tables are
being used when opening Payroll Check
Entry. When closing the new year, you will
receive a reminder to update the new tax
tables if you have not already done so.
Q: How do I use 401(k) catch-up
A: Payroll Solution normally calculates
401(k) amounts using the current annual
limit. However, for an employee over 50
years old, Payroll Solution can calculate the
amount to include the appropriate catch-up
limit as well — based on the employee’s date
of birth (as entered on the Personal / W-2
tab of the Setup / Employees window). If the
date of birth has not been entered, the catchup limits are not included in the calculation.
To verify the amount for the catch-up
limit, choose Setup / System Configuration /
Payroll Tax Information / Federal and then
click the Retirement Plan Limits button.
To exclude the catch-up limit from the
401(k) calculation for all employees, choose
File / Client Properties and mark the Exclude
from catch-up provision checkbox on the
Calculating Payroll tab of the Client
Properties dialog.
To exclude the catch-up limit from the
401(k) calculation for a selected employee,
mark the Exclude from catch-up checkbox
on the Personal / W-2 tab of the Setup /
Employees window.
report by using the Single Select or Multiple
Select tab. Multiple Select enables you to
Q: How do I add the trial balance
specify groups of clients based on common
module to an existing write-up client?
characteristics. As you select clients, move
A: Open the existing Write-Up Solution
them to the right pane of the selection diaclient, choose File / Client Properties, and
log. You can further refine the group by
click the Add / Remove Modules button.
manually adding or deleting clients from the
Mark the checkbox for Trial Balance Solution
group. Then give the batch a name and save
and then click OK. Click OK again to close
it. All client-oriented reports allow client
the Client Properties dialog.
selection by Client Report Group.
Q: How do I enter prior-year balWEB SERVICES
ances for my trial balance client?
A: There are two methods to choose from.
Q: When trying to access my softFirst, you can open the Setup / Chart of
ware through Virtual Office or CBS
Accounts window and enter the prior-year
ASP, I receive the message “ICA file
balance amounts directly in the accounts
not found.” What should I do?
grid. The second method is to import the
A: This error is usually caused by having
prior-year balance amounts from a spreadan Internet browser cache that is too large
sheet — by choosing Utilities / Import /
—meaning there are too many temporary
Internet files currently saved on your
machine. To solve this problem, go into your
web browser’s Internet options and choose
to clear the cache. In Internet Explorer, for
Q: Can I apply a prepayment outside of billing if I have already posted example, choose Tools / Internet Options.
On the General tab, click the Delete Files
the invoice?
button in the Temporary Internet Files
A: If you are using the latest version
group box. Once you’ve done this, try con(2003.1.0 or higher), you can apply prepaynecting again.
ments or credit memos to a posted invoice.
In A/R entry, choose the A/R type APP in
Q: Some of my clients are using
that transaction field, and the correct client
the ASP version of Client
and date. Then, when you click the dropBookkeeping Solution (CBS ASP) and
down arrow for Invoice #, you will see prethey have difficulty connecting. What
payments or credit memos that are available
can I do?
to apply. Once you’ve selected the prepayA: A client who has been experiencing
ment or credit memo, a dialog opens to
consistent problems connecting to CBS ASP
display all outstanding invoices. Select the
can connect using an alternate port. Log in
invoice to which you want to apply the
to NetStaff as the administrator. Click the
prepayment or credit memo.
NetClient tab and click the name of the user
who is experiencing the connection difficulQ: I print reports for a group of
clients, but in the report options there ty. Then, click the CBS ASP tab, mark the
Use alternate port checkbox, click the Submit
is no common factor to choose from
or range in which only they fall. Can I button, and then log out. Now, have your
client launch the CBS ASP application.
get the report for just these clients
without printing one client at a time?
A: Yes, by using Client Report Batches.
Choose Tasks / Client Report Batches and
select the clients you want to include in a
SOLUTIONS . Vol. 1, No. 1
Creative Solutions
Software for
Write-Up Solution®
Payroll Solution®
Engagement Solution™
Trial Balance Solution®
GoSystem® Audit
November 5-8, 2003
Disney’s Contemporary Resort
Lake Buena Vista, Florida
Start making your plans now for what promises to be a memorable conference in a great
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Great opportunity to network
Tax & Fixed Assets
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Depreciation Solution®
Client Accounting
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- CheckWriter™
- PayCheck™
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FileCabinet Solution®
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• “Our firm is in the process of converting to Creative Solutions Accounting,
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• “The Conference is always informative. All attendees are eager to discuss ideas
about the software and their businesses.”
• “The interaction among the attendees is the best part of the conference. I always come away with enough
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• “Every Conference gets better! I always take home good ideas that work well. This is the only seminar
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One of the nation’s leading conference destinations
The 2003 conference will take place at Disney’s Contemporary Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida,
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Make your plans early, as the registrations are already coming in. Please call the Disney Group
Reservations number at (407) 824-3869 and ask for the Creative Solutions 2003 Annual Users’ Conference
group rate. To get more information now, visit our website at CreativeSolutions.com. To be notified via
email whenever new information about the 2003 Users’ Conference is available, just visit the Email
Subscription section, log in, and mark the Users’ Conference checkbox. You can also view information about
past Users’ Conferences on our website.
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