PSY 231, SPSS Manual, Frequency Dist./Central Tendency 6 Name ____________________ Section ____________________ Date ____________________ Frequency Distributions/Measures of Central Tendency Read the chapter in your text that corresponds to frequency distributions and measures of central tendency and define the following terms: ¾ Descriptive Statistics _________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ¾ Regular Frequency Distribution ___________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ¾ Cumulative Frequency Distribution _________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ¾ Real Limits __________________________________________________ ¾ Apparent Limits ______________________________________________ ¾ Histogram __________________________________________________ ¾ Bar Graph __________________________________________________ ¾ Frequency Polygon _____________________________________________ ¾ Skewed Distribution ___________________________________________ ¾ Symmetrical Distribution _______________________________________ ¾ Relative Frequency ____________________________________________ ¾ Class Interval ________________________________________________ ¾ Mean ______________________________________________________ ¾ Mode ______________________________________________________ ¾ Median _____________________________________________________ Computer Exercise: Frequency Distributions using SPSS The following data are the results of the first Introduction to Statistics exam (100 points possible). 76, 75, 80, 90, 58, 45, 89, 86, 87, 88, 78, 90, 93, 92, 86, 83, 76, 91, 80, 81, 81, 78, 86, 75, 82, 98, 78, 91, 90, 92, 76, 68, 63, 64, 89, 98, 100, 65, 85, 90 ¾ Open the SPSS Data Editor and enter data into the columns. (Refer to “Data Input and the SPSS Screen” for the procedure for opening SPSS and entering data.) Use two columns headed by the variables “Student” and “Score.” Use the Copyright © 2000 Elizabeth Jacobs PSY 231, SPSS Manual, Frequency Dist./Central Tendency 7 Student column to assign a student/subject number to each score. For the first score, a “1” is entered under “Student” and then a “76” is entered in the “Score” column. ¾ Click on “Analyze” --> “Descriptive Statistics” and then click on “Frequencies.” A dialog box will appear that lists the variables from the data editor, in this case, “Student” and “Score.” ¾ Click on “Score” and then the right arrow between the windows to indicate that we want the analysis done only on the variable “Score.” (Since “Student” is a nominal variable it will not be analyzed.) ¾ Click on the “Statistics” button on the bottom of the screen to get to the statistics dialog box. ¾ Under “Central Tendency” select Mean, Median, and Mode. ¾ Click on “Continue” to return to the “Frequencies” dialog box. ¾ Click on “Format” at the bottom of the “Frequencies” dialog box and click in the circle in front of “Descending Values.” Click on “Continue” to return to the “Frequencies” dialog box and then on “OK” to begin the analysis. Reading the Tables: The Statistics Table lists N, and the variables that were selected in the “Statistics” menu. The Statistics Table also indicates if any data are missing from the data editor which may happen in cases where there are several variables for each subject and some of the data are missing, e.g., a student answered every question except GPA. The Frequency Table lists all scores entered into the Data Editor, the frequency of each, the relative percentage of each (f/N), and the cumulative percentage of each. This table also has a column labeled “Valid Percent” takes missing data into account as the relative percentage is calculated. ¾ Double-click on the heading “Frequencies” at the top of the output page and label the data “Statistics Exam, [today’s date].” Copyright © 2000 Elizabeth Jacobs PSY 231, SPSS Manual, Frequency Dist./Central Tendency 8 ¾ Answer the following questions: What is the Mean of this distribution? What is the Mode? What is the Median? ___________ ___________ ___________ ¾ What score represents the 50th percentile? ___________ ¾ What proportion of the students scored above 70% ___________ ¾ What proportion of the student scored below 60% ___________ ¾ In general, how would you describe the results of this test? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ¾ What roles do the teacher, students, and the test itself, play in how well or poorly the students did on this test? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ¾ Turn in this sheet along with a copy of your Data Editor and Output pages. Copyright © 2000 Elizabeth Jacobs