Nordic Society Oikos A Nutritional View of Understanding and Complexity in the Problem of Diet Selection by Deer (Cervidae) Author(s): Thomas A. Hanley Source: Oikos, Vol. 79, No. 2 (Jun., 1997), pp. 209-218 Published by: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of Nordic Society Oikos Stable URL: Accessed: 03/09/2009 13:54 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1995 to build trusted digital archives for scholarship. We work with the scholarly community to preserve their work and the materials they rely upon, and to build a common research platform that promotes the discovery and use of these resources. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Blackwell Publishing and Nordic Society Oikos are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Oikos. OIKOS79: 209-218. Copenhagen1997 MINIREVIEW Minireviewsprovidesan opportunityto summarizeexistingknowledgeof selected ecologicalareas,with specialemphasison currenttopics whererapidand significant advancesare occurring.Reviewsshouldbe conciseand not too wide-ranging.All key referencesshouldbe cited. A summaryis required. A nutritionalviewof understanding andcomplexityin the problemof diet selectionby deer (Cervidae) Thomas A. Hanley Hanley, T. A. 1997. A nutritionalview of understandingand complexityin the problemof diet selectionby deer (Cervidae).- Oikos 79: 209-218. I reviewrecentdevelopmentsin the theoryof diet selectionby deer with a focus on the diet selectionproblemat the level of individualfood items. Much progresshas been made in quantitativelypredictingforage nutritionalvalue, effects of plant tannins,and the handling-timecosts of forageingestionand rumenpassage.Much progressalso has been made in quantifyingallometricrelationsbetweendeer, their nutritionaladaptations,and their food requirements.A much greaterappreciation has beengainedfor the complexityof food resourcesand the heterogeneityof natural environments.More work is needed, however, in all of the above and also in deerrumen quantitativepredictionsof the effectsof nontanninplantallelochemicals, function and passage rate, and interrelationsbetween factors. The diet selection problemis highlycomplexprimarilybecauseof interactionsbetweenconstraintsand objectivesand enormousheterogeneityof food resources.The efficiencyand variation of learned behavior are additionalcomplications.I conclude that although optimalforagingtheoryis a usefulparadigmfor studyingthe mechanisticprocesses of the diet selectionproblem,its fundamentalassumptionsare very tenuous.Quantitativepredictionof a rangeof potentially"good"solutionsis more reasonablethan that of an "optimal"solution.The theoryof diet selectionby deer must be broader than optimalforagingtheoryalone. T. A. Hanley, US Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, P.O. Box 20909, Juneau, AK 99802-0909, USA. The deer family (Cervidae) consists of 40 some species of large herbivorous mammals. They are ruminants and benefit from a mutualistic interaction with bacteria and other microorganisms in their foregut to convert plant cellulose to energy. Although most commonly associated with temperate woodlands of the northern hemisphere, deer occur in a wide variety of habitats nearly throughout the world (Putman 1988). The problem of diet selection is fundamental to understanding ecological interactions between deer and their habitat. The process of diet selection determines both the quantity and the quality of food intake and, hence, the nutritional status of individual animals, their time and activity budgets, their physiological condition, growth rates, and potential reproductive and survival rates. It also determines which plants are consumed Accepted31 October1996 Copyright? OIKOS 1997 ISSN 0030-1299 Printedin Ireland- all rightsreserved OIKOS 79:2 (1997) 209 where,when, and to what degree.Diet selection,therefore, is a central process in herbivore-plant interactions, with consequences to the structure, species composition,and ecologicalrelationsof plant communitiesand theirecosystems.It is believedto be a central defensesof processin the evolutionof "anti-herbivore" plants and both the physical and chemicalnature of plant communities. Early studies of diet selectionby deer were entirely descriptive.Even cafeteria-typefeeding trials were designedto simplydeterminerelativepalatabilities.Studies of wild deer, usually by rumen analysis and later by fecal analysis,led to an extensiveempiricalliteratureon "food habits" of deer. Although generalpatternsbecameevident(e.g., some deerare mainlybrowserswhile othersaremixed-feedersor even grazers),it also became evident that tremendousvariationin diet composition existedboth betweenandwithinspeciesandboth in time and space.Empiricallists of food habitswereusefulfor retrospectiveanalyses but were almost worthless for predictionof dietsundernew or differentcircumstances. The availabilityof food items is a criticalfactor, and availabilitynever remains constant. The need for a theoryof diet selectionby deer becameevident. My purposehereis to outlinerecentdevelopmentsin that theory. I focus on diet selection at the level of individualfood items and do not contend with problems at the patch scale (i.e., habitat selection)or time and activitybudgets. harvestand process more materialper unit time than can small mouths, but small mouths can be more selectivein bitingthan can largemouths.Hofmannand Stewart(1972)and Hofmann(1973)developeda major schemefor separatingAfricanantelopealong a concentrate-selectorvs bulk-feedergradient on the basis of their rumenanatomyalone. It was a logical extension to subsequentlyincludedeer (Hofmann1985). Concentrateselectors in Hofmann's (1985) scheme includedmostlysmalldeerlike the muskdeer(Moschus moschiferus), muntjac (Muntiacus spp.), pudu (Pudu pudu), brocket (Mazama spp.), and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus).Bulk feeders were not well representedin the deer family but were most closely representedby the Pere David's deer (Elaphurus davidiensis), fallow deer (Dama dama), sambar (Cervus unicolor), and barasingha (Cervus duvauceli).The caribou/reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), red deer (Cervus elaphus) and most other membersof the Cervidaewould be intermediate feedersvaryingin relativepositionsalong the gradient. Many interrelationsexist betweenbody morphology and feeding styles. Although Hofmann (1989) emphasized the predominant importance of digestive anatomy,body size certainlyis a majorfactorrelatedto mouth size, rumensize and function,and food selection (Gordon and Illius 1994, Robbins et al. 1995). The intercorrelationof factors makes the question of primacy of any one factor largelyirrelevant.The grazerbrowser dichotomy and concentrate-selector vs bulk-feedergradienthave been useful ways of viewing the evolutionof body morphologyin deer and predictDiet selectionin relationto deer speciesand ing differencesin patternsof food selectionand habitat use (e.g., Hobbset al. 1983,Hanley1984,Putman1986, forage types 1988, Gordon 1989). Those concepts, however, are A nutritional theory of diet selection by ruminants most relevant at the broad levels of forage types emerged from studies of domestic sheep and cattle (browse,grasses,forbs) or plant parts (flowers,leaves, (Bovidae)in the late 1950sand early 1960swith obser- stems).They are not very helpful at the level of plant vation of relationsbetweenanimalbody size, digestive species. system, mouth size, and degree of feeding selectivity (Lofgreenet al. 1957,Meyeret al. 1957,Arnold 1960a, b, 1962, Cook et al. 1962).Ten years later, those ideas were refined and extended to antelope (Bovidae) in Diet selectionin relationto plant species Africa as a means of explainingecologicalpartitioning More recent thrust in the theory of diet selection by of habitat(Bell 1969, 1971,Hofmannand Stewart1972, deer has shifted to the plant species level for at least Hofmann 1973, Jarman 1974) and to deer in North two reasons:(1) plant specieswithinforagetypes differ America and Europe as a means of explaining diet greatly in physical properties,chemical composition, selection(Nagy et al. 1969,Prinsand Geelen 1971).The and nutritionalvalue;and (2) ecologicaland evolutiontheory dealt only with broad types of forages(browse, ary interactionsbetweenherbivoresand their food regrasses,forbs)and consistedof a conceptualframework sourcesoccurat the specieslevel (andbelow),not at the of ideas ratherthan a quantitativetheoryper se (Han- broad level of forage type. Diet selectionat the plant ley 1982): (1) large animals are more time-limitedin specieslevel, however,is an enormouslycomplexprobtheirdietarychoicesthan are small animalsbut require lem, and we really are only just beginningto underless energyper unit body mass than do small animals; stand it. The approachthus far has been to view it (2) large rumino-reticulumsare an adaptationto ex- within the context of an optimal foraging problem. ploiting high-cellulosediets (i.e., grasses),while small That requiresthree very importantassumptionsthat rumino-reticulums are an adaptationto exploitinghigh- may or may not be true: (1) forage "value" can be lignin diets (i.e., browses);and (3) large mouths can measuredin a currencyor combinationof currencies 210 OIKOS 79:2 (1997) that are importantto the animal;(2) the animal can recognizeforage value eitherdirectlythroughthe chosen currencyor indirectlythrough something highly correlatedwith the currency;and (3) the animal behaves in such a way as to maximize its intake or minimizeits loss of the currency.The last assumption, particularly,is especiallytenuous,but it is necessaryto convertthe behavioralprobleminto an essentiallymechanicalone that can be reducedto componentparts, quantified,and modeledquantitatively. Foragevalue,regardlessof the chosencurrency,must be measuredin termsof nutritionalvalueper unit time. In other words, it is a ratio, and both the numerator (nutritionalvalue) and the denominator (time) are equally important. Nutritional value is usually expressedin terms of digestibleor metabolizableenergy and/ornutrients(positivevalue) and/or allelochemicals (negativevalue).The time componentfor deer involves searchtime (or its inverse:encounterrate)and handling (or processing)time. Handlingtime is comprisedof two dry-matterintakerate very differenttime requirements: (ingestion)and rumenpassagerate (digestion,assuming that rumenpassageis the limitingtime elementin the digestion process). One reason that the diet selection problemis so complexis that all of the above factors are interrelated.Another reason is that most of the factorsare both difficultto measureand highlyvariable among plant species, part, season, and habitat. Additionally, other constraintssuch as avoidanceof predation or social interactionscan restrict the range of possiblesolutions. Nutritional value and allelochemicals Both nutritionalvalue and allelochemicalscould be measuredin termsof a very largenumberof nutrients, vitamins,elements,and organiccompounds.Digestible energy and digestibleprotein, however, are the two nutritionalfactors most commonlyin short supply to deer (Van Soest 1982, Robbins 1993). Requirements and metabolismof energy and protein are reasonably well known. Mineral deficienciesare usually of only local importancebut certainlywould be a complicating factor if the deficiencywere unrecognized(e.g., Flueck 1994). Allelochemicalsare a very broad group of elements and compoundswith effects rangingfrom acute toxicity and death to interferencewith digestion or metabolism of energy or nutrients (Rosenthal and Janzen1979).The group of allelochemicalsbest understood for deeris that of phenolics,particularlytannins. Much attention also has been directedtoward etherextractableresins and terpenoid compounds (Bryant and Kuropat1980,Duncan et al. 1994).Tannins,phenolic resins,and terpenesinterferewith digestion. Coefficientsof digestibleenergy and digestibledry matterarevirtuallyidenticalfor plant-baseddiets(RobOIKOS 79:2 (1997) bins 1993).Grossenergyof plantleavesand stemsvaries relativelylittle between species (Golley 1961), so drymatterdigestibilityis usuallythe variableof interestin analysisof the energyvalue of food. The othercomponents of energypartitioning(metabolizableenergyand net energy)are usuallyeitherignoredor assumedto be constant across food items. Those assumptionsare mostly for convenience.Metabolizableenergy coefficients do vary with foods, rangingfrom about 0.76 in coniferbrowseto 0.84 in grassesand 0.87 in concentrate feeds(Robbins1993),the valuedependingmostlyon the urinary excretion of high-energy, digestion-resistant compoundssuch as terpenoidsand phenols.Net energy coefficientsalso may vary substantially(e.g., from 0.47 to 0.81, Robbins1993),dependingon the heatincrement from energyconversionand whetherthe energyis used for maintenanceor production.Both metabolizableand net energycoefficientsare much more difficultto measure than is digestibleenergy. They are seldom mentioned in the ecologicalliteratureof food selection. Dry-matterdigestibilityis the most variable, and thereforeimportant,factorin the relativeenergyvalues of potentialfood items for deer. It can be measuredin in vivo digestiontrialsandcan be predictedwithsummative equationsbased on plant fibercomposition(detergent analysis) and protein-precipitatingcapacity of tannins(Robbinset al. 1987a,Hanleyet al. 1992).The predictiveequations have the advantageof requiring small amounts of sample material for analysis and isolatingthe factorsresponsiblefor dry-matterdigestion. Dry-matterdigestibilityof a forageis the sum of the digestiblefractionsof the forage'stwo principalcomponents: neutraldetergentsolubles (chieflythe cell cytoplasm)and neutraldetergentfiber(chieflythe cell wall) (Goeringand Van Soest 1970).Dry-matterdigestibility of neutraldetergentsolublesusuallyrangesfrom 98 to 100%(Mouldand Robbins 1982,Robbinset al. 1987a), althoughtanninscan reducethat by about 2.8 units of dry matterfor each unit of proteinreduction(Robbins et al. 1987a,Hanleyet al. 1992).Digestibilityof neutral detergentfiber dependson its concentrationof lignin, cutin, and silica (Robbinset al. 1987a).Largeor grazing deer with slower rates of rumen passage tend to digest more of the neutraldetergentfiberof low-lignin diets than do small or browsing deer (Mould and Robbins 1982, Bakerand Hobbs 1987). Differencesin digestiveefficienciesbetweenspeciesof deer are less for high-lignindiets than for low-lignindiets. Tanninscan reduce fiber digestion in domestic sheep (Ovis aries), which are usually grazers and lack tannin-binding proteinsin their saliva (Robbinset al. 1991). Salivaof the browsing mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), on the other hand, is rich in tannin-bindingproteins, and tanninsappearto have little effect on fiberdigestionin that animal(Austinet al. 1989, Robbins et al. 1991). Digestibleproteinand digestibledry matterare usually highly correlatedin deer consuming tannin-free 211 Rather than seeking specificprey, the deer is usually assumedto travelthroughan environmentcontaininga superabundanceof potential foods varying greatly in their potential nutritional value. Search time for a particulartype of food is then consideredsimply the inverseof its encounterrate, which is a functionof its density (number per unit area), spatial distribution (clumped,uniform,etc.), apparency(distanceat which it can be seen), and the speedof traveland search-path width of the foragingdeer (Roese et al. 1991,Spalinger and Hobbs 1992).That is a mathematicallyreasonable approach,but it ignores the concept of search image and the idea that deer actively search for particular food items. The role of learning in diet selection is known to be important in domestic ruminants (Provenzaand Balph 1987,Thorhallsdottiret al. 1987, Parsons et al. 1994), however, and learned behavior, search image, and active search for preferredfoods have been shown to be used by deer in experimental, controlled environments (Gillingham and Bunnell 1989a,b). Learnedbehaviorand active searchcomplicate the searchelementof the time componentfor deer. It seems that this will be a difficultproblemto solve with a strictly mechanical approach. So far, it has receivedless attentionthan have the handlingelements of the time component. Adding to the complexityof the time componentis the fact that all threeof its elements(search,ingestion, digestion)may overlap to various degrees.Forage intake (ingestion)and forage digestionare usually measured on widely differenttime scales. Forage intake is measuredon an "instantaneous"scale of grams per minute,whileforagedigestionis measuredon a scaleof percent per hour. Both are sometimes measured in kilogramsper day, and then rumenpassageis considered to be the rate-limitingfactor for both. But such a simplificationgrosslyunderestimatesthe importanceof the ingestion process, which is the process where the actual choice of bites of food takes place. Whichbites are chosen determinesthe quality of the diet, and the numberof bites and theirsize determinethe quantityof intake(Parkeret al. 1996).Bitingand diet selectionare linked throughmuzzlewidth and incisor arcade(Gordon and Illius 1988)and time budgets(Illius and Gordon 1987, 1990, Illius et al. 1995, Spalinger1997). Dry-matterintakerate (gramsper minute)correlates with foragebiomass(gramsper squaremeter)for deer feeding in grass pastures(Wickstromet al. 1984), but has no relationwith foragebiomassfor deerfeedingon forbs or shrubs(Wickstromet al. 1984,Spalingeret al. 1988).The reasonis that bite size (gramsper bite) is the controlling factor, and biomass frequentlycorrelates with bite size for grassbut has no relationto leaf size of forbs and shrubs(Wickstromet al. 1984, Spalingeret Search and handling time: ingestion al. 1988,Spalingerand Hobbs 1992,Gross et al. 1993). The concept of search time for a generalistherbivore Bite size is the controllingfactor because biting and has been taken to be differentfrom that of a predator. chewing are competing processes in forming a bolus grassesand legumes (Robbins et al. 1987a, b). Crude proteinalso is highly correlatedwith digestibleprotein in such forages, averagingabout 93%digestible(Robbins et al. 1987b). Most leaves of forbs, shrubs, and trees,however,containappreciableamountsof tannins, which affectproteindigestionmarkedly(Robbinset al. 1987b).Tanninsare very importantin the problemof diet selectionby deer, becausemost deer rely on leaves of forbs, shrubs,and treesfor a substantialpart of their diet during at least some time of the year. Deciduous browsestems, on the other hand, are frequentlylow in tannins(Robbinset al. 1987b). The effects of tannins on protein digestion can be predictedon the basis of measurementof theirproteinprecipitatingcapacity(Robbinset al. 1987b,Hanley et al. 1992), thus greatlyfacilitatingthe problemof dealing with tannins in analysis of diet selection. More researchis needed,however,on the occurrenceof tannin-bindingsalivaryproteins(Robbinset al. 1991)in a wide rangeof deerspecies.Moreresearchalso is needed on quantitativelypredictingthe effects of other major groupsof digestionreducerssuch as terpenes,whichare very common in coniferousfoliage and browse. Nontannin phenolics are another group of compoundsthat are commonin foragesconsumedby deer. Althoughtheireffectson digestionmay be minor,they apparentlyare readily absorbed into the circulatory system and may pose problems of acute toxicity if consumedin sufficientquantities(McLeod 1974, Robbins et al. 1987b).Deer seem able to choose diets that balancedigestibledry matteragainstnontanninphenolics (McArthuret al. 1993). The mechanismsand efficienciesof such choices, however,are not known. Both phenolicsand terpenesare carbon-richand as such are model compounds for the theories of carbon:nutrientbalance (Bryantet al. 1983, Coley et al., balance(Loomis1932, 1985)and growth-differentiation 1953,Hermsand Mattson 1992,Lerdauet al. 1994)for patternsof resourceallocationwithinplants.Both theories explain relative allocation of carbon to growth versusdefenseas a functionof the balanceof light and nutrientavailabilityto the plant.They mighteventually prove useful in predictingplant defensesin relationto environmentand, therefore,become powerfultheories linkingthe physicalenvironmentto theoryof diet selection by deer. Currently,however, the predictionsare only qualitativeratherthan quantitative,and resultsare highlyspeciesspecific(Van Horneet al. 1988,Happeet al. 1990, Basey and Jenkins1993, Edenius1993, lason and Hester 1993, Shure and Wilson 1993, Ford et al. 1994). 212 OIKOS 79:2 (1997) before it can be swallowed.So increasedtime spent biting is lost from chewing,and high biting frequency cannot compensate for small bite size (Shipley and Spalinger1992,Spalingerand Hobbs 1992,Gross et al. 1993,Lacaet al. 1994a,b). Deer can chew as they walk to new bites, however.Dry-matterintakerate of foraging deer,therefore,can be predictedquite accuratelyas a function of bite size alone, which correlatesclosely with leaf size (Gross et al. 1993). The relationshipis asymptoticand functionallydescribedby an equation of Michaelis-Menton form (Spalingerand Hobbs 1992): as bite size increases,intake increasesto the maximum rate that the deer can prepare food for swallowing. That maximumrate scales with body mass to the 0.71 power,which also coincidesclosely with the scalingof daily energyrequirements(Shipleyet al. 1994). Search and handling time: digestion Time requirementfor digestionand rumenpassagehas become widely recognized as a critical factor controllingdiet selectionby deer,but it also is probablythe most misunderstoodof the major componentsof the diet selectionproblem.It certainlyis the most poorly understood.Models of rumenfunctionhave been proposedfor deer(Illiusand Gordon 1991, 1992,Spalinger and Robbins1992),but they are basedon veryfew data and rely heavily on the domestic livestock (Bovidae) literature.One thing that seems certainis that rumenpassage rate is not simply a function of chemicalor physicalpropertiesof the forage.It is a processinextricablylinkedto the time-energybudgetof the animalas well. Digestion and rumen passage are interactingand competingprocesses:as the rate of passage from the rumenincreases,the food has less time to be digested, and its digestibilitydecreases(Milneet al. 1978,Mould and Robbins 1982, Robbins 1993). Three mechanisms are believedto be responsiblefor controllingthe rate of dry-matterflow from the rumen (Spalinger1997):(1) Flow is restrictedby food particlesize, and particlesize is dependenton time in the rumen, mean cell wall thicknessof the forage, and rate of ruminationby the animal(Spalingeret al. 1986),(2) particlespecificgravity increaseswith time and rumination,and the particles sink to the lowerportionof the rumen,wherethey becomepart of the small-particlepool (Lechner-Dollet al. 1991), and (3) small-particleflow is controlledby liquid passage rate (Spalingeret al. 1993), which is stronglyinfluencedby saliva flow and rumencontractions (Willeset al. 1970). Dry-matterflow from the rumen, therefore,should be partly under control of the animal itself through control of ruminationtime and liquid passage rate. That is a very differentview from one of limitationby simply wet-weightof rumenfill (Belovsky 1978, 1984, OIKOS 79:2 (1997) 1986, see Hobbs 1990),digestibleenergy(Fryxell1991, Wilmshurstand Fryxell 1995), dry-matterdigestibility, lignin content, or other such forage-basedvariable (Spalingeret al. 1986). If the deer has control over rate of passage,then it should have options for varying intake and digestion efficiencyby varying rumen fill and/or passage rate. Although passage rate is variable,two sourcesof evidence indicatethat the options for varyingrumenfill are ratherlimited:(1) dry-matterfill is highlycorrelated with body mass in deer (Gordon and Illius 1994, Spalinger1997);and (2) 50-78% of the dry-matterin the rumenis commonlyof a size small enough to pass the rumen-omasal orifice (Spalinger et al. 1993). Spalinger(1997) has hypothesizedthat both of those conditionsare necessaryto maintainconstancyof segregation and flow of material to the lower digestive tract and preventomasalimpaction.Furtherreseachis needed, however, for a better understandingof that processand of the time costs associatedwith digestion and rumen passage. "Embarrassinglylittle is known about the kinetics of rumen function in cervids" (Spalinger1997). Interactionof factors Much progress has been made in understandingthe allometric relations between body size, mouth size, rumen capacity and fill, metabolic requirements,and maximum dry-matter intake rates in ruminants (Demment and Van Soest 1985, Illius and Gordon 1987, Gordon and Illius 1994, Shipley et al. 1994, Robbins et al. 1995, Spalinger 1997). Most analyses have involvedbovids, but the same patternsappearto hold for cervids as well. The basic pattern is that ruminant species differentiateecologically primarily along a body-sizegradient,whichdeterminesmetabolic requirements,mouth and digestivesystemmorphology, and behavior of diet selection. Deviations from that pattern (e.g., the large, browsingmoose, Alces alces) facilitatefurtherecologicaldifferentiation.Those relations have been very useful in understandingfood requirementsof individualspecies (e.g., Holand 1992, 1994, Holand and Staaland 1992) and differentialexploitation of food resourcesby sexes (Staines et al. 1982, Illius and Gordon 1990) and age classes (Illius and Gordon 1990, Andersenand Sather 1992). They are far from sufficient,however, for predictingdiet selectionat the level of the plant species. It is the interactionof factorsthat makesthe problem of diet selectionat the plant specieslevel so complex: The bite size that the deer selects, for example, is fundamentalin determiningits dry-matterintake rate (discussionabove), but nutritionalquality of the bite also is often stronglyaffected by its size. Nutritional qualityof browsefor moose, for example,declineswith 213 increasingtwig diameter (Hjeljordet al. 1982, Vivias and Sether 1987, Palo et al. 1992), thus creating a trade-offdecisionbetweenintake rate and diet quality for selectionat even the level of twig diameterwithin the same twig (Vivas et al. 1991, Palo et al. 1992). Similartrade-offsexist betweentwigs on the same tree and trees withinthe same foragingpatch (Sether et al. and Andersen1990,Astrom 1989, Sether 1990, Swather et al. 1990, Danell et al. 1991, Edenius 1991, Suomela and Ayres 1994). Extension of the problem to other species within the patch involves not only their shoot sizes (Bergstr6mand Danell 1986) but also their relative availabilities(Lundbergand Palo 1993), proximities to one another(Danell and Ericson1986,Danell et al. 1991, Edenius1991), and prior browsing(Danell et al. 1985, Bergstrom and Danell 1987, Danell and Bergstrom1989, Hjaltenet al. 1994). Correlationsbetweentwig diameterand nutritionalvaluewithina twig may be negative(above), but may be positive between twigs of separatetrees (Niemelaand Danell 1988). Choice of bite size or plant species also involves trade-offswith ruminationtime, passage rate, and digestion. All are interrelated.Large bites, which can yield greaterrates of dry matterintake than can small bites, requiremore ruminationtime if they are more fibrousthan the smallbites (Laca and Demment1992). Rumen passagerate and dry-matterdigestionalso are competing processes in the determinationof energy intake (Robbins 1993), and rumen passage rate is to some degree dependenton the volition of the animal (discussedabove). Nutritionalvalue of any particular forage, therefore,is a variableratherthan a constant, and it depends on the animal's choice of bite size, rumination,and passagerates. The "optimal"solution to those decisionsis not a simpleproblem.It depends on the entire time-energybudget (Owen-Smith1994). Seeminglysmall differenceshave a "multipliereffect" as they progress through the interrelations(White 1983). Deer eat diets comprised of mixtures of forages. Individualforages cannot be selectivelyruminatedfor different amounts of time or selectively sorted and passed from the rumen at differentrates, at least not volitionally. Thus, the optimal solution to the bite size-rumination-passage problemmay be irrelevantanyway as "associative"effects of other dietary components influencethe outcome. Shrub stems added to a grass diet, for example,can increasethe rumenretention time of the grass and therebyincreaseits dry-matter digestibility(Bakerand Hobbs 1987). Additionalcomplexityof an entirelydifferentnature is evidentin considerationof how little is knownabout allelochemicalsof plants. The number of compounds and their variation between and within species are enormous. We have only just begun to scratch the surfaceof understanding them.Finally,complexityof an entirely different scale is evident in considerationof 214 foraging patch and landscapechoices (e.g., Langvatn and Albon 1986,Langvatnand Hanley1993,Kohlmann and Risenhoover1994) and the hierarchicalnature of foragingdecisions(Senftet al. 1987,Edwardset al. 1994, Ward and Saltz 1994, Clarket al. 1995a,b): interrelations betweenchoice of foragingpatch, plant species, plantpart,and size of part.Onethingthat is clearis that despite having come a long way in understandingthe foragingprocessin deer,we still have a lot furtherto go for predictingdiet selection at the level of the plant species. Conclusions The past decade has brought major progressin our understandingof both the nutritionalvalue and the handlingtime componentsof the foragingprocess.We now have quantitativebases for predictingnutritional value of forages in terms of digestible energy and digestible protein and for accounting for effects of tannins in digestion.We have a quantitativebasis for predictingdry-matterintake rate as a function of animal body size and plant characteristics.And we have learnedenoughabout rumenfunctionto know that it is inextricablylinked to the time-energybudget of the animal ratherthan measuresof forage characteristics alone. We also have gainedmany new insightsinto the heterogeneityof the forage resource as perceivedby deer, which is far more complex than simply a list of plant species with their chemicaland biomass values. Equally important,we have seen how those factors interactin complex,yet now understandable, ways. Our ability to explain patternin deer-vegetationrelations has improvedsignificantly,and in the processwe have gainednew insightsimportantfor managementof deer habitat,competitiveinteractionswith otherspecies,and effects of deer on plant communities. A predictivetheory,however,will requiremuchmore work in all of the above. We currentlyare especially weak in quantitativepredictionsof the effects of nontannin allelochemicals,deer rumenfunction,and interrelations between factors. Quantitative linkages betweendifferentlevels in the hierarchyof choice (e.g., leaves, plants, patches, landscape) also are greatly needed.Our view of the forage resourcemust broaden beyond the conceptsof genus, species,and plant part. It must include variation in chemical composition within species and even within plant part, physical characteristicssuch as plant architecture,and variation in spatialand temporaloccurrence(i.e., "availability"). Those are major challengesahead. The easy work alreadyhas been done. In my opinion, however,it is unlikelythat a sound, quantitativeunderstandingof the mechanisticprocesses alone will ever be sufficientfor accurateand precise predictionsof dietarychoiceby deerin complexhabitats. OIKOS 79:2 (1997) The optimal foraging paradigm is useful for the mechanistic approach, but whether its fundamental assumptions are realistic is another question. The ability of the animal to accurately assess forage value in the optimal currency and to behave in such a way as to maximize its intake or minimize its loss of that currency is highly suspect. The role of learned behavior and, especially, its efficiency and variation remain very complicated factors and mostly unknown. Individual animals vary widely in their behavioral responses to environment. Although an "optimal" solution to the diet selection problem may remain an optimal theoretical goal for science, accurate prediction of behavior corresponding to a range of potentially "good" solutions (or solution space) seems much more likely to be achieved as a pragmatic goal. Such a conclusion, however, is not scientifically satisfying: it begs the question of where to go next. Optimal foraging theory already has been very useful. Belovsky's (1978) optimal foraging analysis of the diet selection problem in moose was a turning point in the theory of diet selection by deer because it forced ecologists to carefully consider the handling time component of the foraging process. It helped put into context the trade-offs involved in ingestion and digestion and to shift the theoretical problem from largely a behavioral question to a mechanistic question. A fundamental problem facing ecologists, however, is to ensure that the mechanisms involved in their foraging models are faithfully represented. Overly simplistic and inaccurate views of processes or constraints (involving rumen passage, for example) are not likely to lead to real understanding (Hobbs 1990, Owen-Smith 1993), despite initial appearances to the contrary (Huggard 1994). My review of the nutritional literature illustrates the complexity of this problem. I believe that optimal foraging theory will continue to play an important role in focusing attention on the mechanisms of ingestion, digestion, nutritional value, and dietary choice. That role is very important. However, the theory of diet selection by deer must be broader than optimal foraging theory alone; it must include the role of learning and possibly even phylogenetic history as well. It also must allow for the broad plasticity so frequently seen in diet selection by deer. 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