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JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCEw Part C—Polymer Reviews Vol. C44, No. 1, pp. 87–112, 2004 Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 Polymer Gels# Yoshihito Osada,* Jian Ping Gong, and Yutaka Tanaka‡ Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan ABSTRACT An overview was given on polymer gel with respect to its structure, gelation process, properties, and applications. In a structural analysis it is necessary to have a different scale depending on the gel structure observed. Properties and responses of polymer gels were widely described with the explanation for solvent properties and phase transition, thermoresponse, chemical response, and electric properties. The potential application of gels has also been shown concerning biomedical use, drug delivery system, and selective separation. Key Words: Applications. Preparation; Properties; Thermoresponses; Chemical responses; I. INTRODUCTION A polymer gel consists of an elastic cross-linked polymer network with a fluid filling the interstitial space of the network. The network of polymer molecules holds the liquid in place and so gives the gel what rigidity it has. Gels are wet and soft and look like solid # Reprinted from Functional Monomers and Polymers, Takemoto, K.; Ottenbrite, R. M.; Kamachi, K., Eds.; Marcel Dekker, Inc.: New York, 1997; 497– 528. *Correspondence: Yoshihito Osada, Division of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan; E-mail: ‡ Current address: Faculty of Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Fukui, Bunkyo, Fukui, 910-8507 Japan. 87 DOI: 10.1081/MC-120027935 Copyright # 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. 1532-1797 (Print); 1532-9038 (Online) ORDER REPRINTS Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 88 Osada, Gong, and Tanaka material, but are capable of undergoing large deformations. This is in contrast with most industrial materials, such as metals, ceramics, and plastics, which are dry and hard. Living organisms are largely made of gels. Except for bones, teeth, nails, and the outer layers of skin, mammalian tissues are highly aqueous gel materials that are largely composed of protein and polysaccharide networks in which the water contents range up to 90% (blood plasma). This makes it easier for the organism to effectively transport ions and molecules while keeping its solidity. There are a variety of ways to classify gels, such as natural gel or synthetic gel, according to the source; hydrogel or organogel, according to the liquid medium in the polymer network; and chemical or physical gels, according to their cross-linkage. A hydrogel is a polymeric material that exhibits the ability to swell in water and absorb a significant fraction (about 3000 times) of water within its structure, but that will not dissolve in water. A wide variety of natural materials of both plant and animal origin, materials prepared by modifying naturally occurring structures, and cross-linked synthetic polymeric materials are hydrogels. Typical natural gels can be formed simply by cooling aqueous solutions of biological proteins or polysaccharides, such as gelatin, pectin, agarose, carrageenan, and agar.[1] Fibrin clots are typical biological gels that are formed by the polymerization of fibrinogen monomers through a series of enzymatic reactions.[2] Several organic systems prepared by synthetic methods exhibit similar properties. Dilute solutions of poly(vinyl chloride) in di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate form gels on cooling.[3] Typical examples of covalently cross-linked networks are a styrene – divinylbenzene copolymers swollen in an organic solvent and ion-exchange resins made from cross-linked polystyrene sulfonate, poly(p-aminostyrene), or 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate –ethylene Table 1. Swelling medium Classification of polymer gels. Solid– liquid Solid– gas Solid– solid Constituent polymers Natural gel Synthetic gel Hybrid gel Cross-linkage Covalent bonding Molecular interaction Hydrogel Organogel Liogel Alcogel Xerogel Aerogel Polymer – gel polymer Gel – gum Protein gel, polysaccharide gel Organic polymer gel, inorganic gel Polysaccharide and synthetic polymer Protein and synthetic polymer Coulombic interaction Hydrogen bonding Coordinate bonding Water Organic solvent Oily solvent Alcohol Air ORDER REPRINTS Polymer Gels 89 glycol dimethacrylate copolymer swollen in water, which is the typical material used for soft contact lenses. Table 1 gives a classification of gels. Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 II. PREPARATION A polymer gel is a network of flexible cross-linked chains. Structures of this type can be obtained by chemical or physical processes. Some gels are cross-linked chemically by covalent bonds (chemical gel), whereas other gels are cross-linked physically by weak forces, such as hydrogen bonds, van der Waals forces, or hydrophobic and ionic interactions (physical gel). Physical gelation processes are usually reversible and are called sol–gel Figure 1. Schematic representation showing the chemical and physical cross-linking. ORDER REPRINTS 90 Osada, Gong, and Tanaka transitions. The final gel structures and properties are sensitive to the preparation methods. Some examples of chemical cross-linking and physical cross-linking are shown in Fig. 1.[4] Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 A. Chemical Gelation A first approach to gel synthesis uses additive polymerization. For example, if we start with a vinyl monomer and react the double bond by a free radical reaction, we generate (mainly) linear chains. However, if we add a fraction of a divinyl derivative to the mixture CH255CH–R2 –CH55CH2, the two double bonds will participate in the construction of two distinct chains, and –R2 – will become a cross-linking bridge in the structure. A second method of gel preparation is based on the condensation of polyfunctional units. A typical example would be the condensation reaction between a trialcohol and diisocyanate. The reaction leads to branched chains; each trialcohol becoming a branch point when its three functions are reacted. These polymer networks swell in appropriate solvents, but do not dissolve. The degree of swelling strongly depends on the degree of cross-linkage. The lower the degree of cross-linkage, the more the gel swells. B. Physical Gelation The cross-links need not be produced by a chemical reaction. Any physical process that favors an association between certain points on different chains may also lead to a gel. Many examples of this are found with biological molecules, such as proteins and certain polysaccharides. The following are some examples:[5] 1. 2. 3. Formation of hydrogen bonds: This leads to the formation of helical structures with two (or more) strands or the formation of a microcrystal. Formation of coulombic bonds: If the counterions are multivalent, they behave as a cross-link between two or more polymer chains through ionic interactions. Polymer – metal and polymer –polymer associates are examples. Formation of nodules with block copolymers: If the chains are made of three blocks (BAB) in a solvent that is good for A and poor for B, the B blocks will tend to coalesce into nodules (or alternatively into sheets or rods). Depending on the temperature and other similar variables, the B block, inside the nodules, may be either in a solid state (crystalline or glass) or in a fluid state (micelles). The foregoing approaches are typical, but not exhaustive. For example, another important class of gels is made with polyamides, polyesters, polyurethanes, and other polycondensation polymers. III. PROPERTIES AND RESPONSES OF POLYMER GELS Polymer gels can easily be deformed by external physical and chemical stimuli and can generate a force or execute work to the exterior. If such responses can be translated from the microscopic level into a macroscopic scale, a conversion of chemical free energy ORDER REPRINTS Polymer Gels 91 into mechanical work should be realized. These energy-conversion systems have great potential that may be applied to actuators, sensors, chemical valves, delivery controllers, and permselective separators. These kinds of developments are very active and practical utilization is in progress. Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 A. Solvent Property and Phase Transition Gels may be assumed to be constructed of a macromolecular network consisting of several small contiguous reservoirs. Water molecules, especially in hydrophilic and polyelectrolyte gels, are restricted in their motion, compared with that in common water. The motion restriction of water arises from the extensive association of the water molecules with the network. The existence of an ordered structure at the water–macromolecular interface has been generally accepted. These water molecules possess certain preferred orientations and cannot move independently of their neighboring molecules. In this sense, the water molecules that are near the macromolecular interface are structured (bound water); those sufficiently far from the macromolecule have a bulk water structure (bulk water), and those in between have decreasing orderliness as a function of the distance from the macromolecular interface.[6] The bound water in the gel does not freeze even if the temperature of the gel sample is below the freezing point of the bulk water.[7] The presence of bound solvent molecules has also been observed for organic gels.[8] Phase transitions in polymer gels were theoretically predicted on the basis of coil–globule transitions that were observed in solution by Dusek[9] and later experimentally confirmed by Tanaka.[10] The discrete volume transition is understood as a manifestation of the competition among the three osmotic pressure mechanisms acting on the polymer network: positive pressure of counterions, negative pressure owing to the affinity among polymers, and the rubber elasticity that keeps the network moderately flexible. The effect of these three pressures determines the equilibrium volume. Temperature, pH, and salt ions affect both the positive and negative pressures, whereas solvent composition influences only the negative pressure. Changing one of these factors creates an excess nonzero pressure, which results in a new equilibrium volume. The phase properties were theoretically deduced from the Flory– Huggins[4] derivation:[11] " 1=3 # DF ny f f 2 2 ln (1 f) ¼ t¼1 (2f þ 1) 2 þ1þ þ 2 kT f0 f0 f Nf f2 (1) where t is the reduced temperature; N the Avogadro’s number; k the Boltzmann constant; T the absolute temperature; y the molar volume of the solvent; f the volume fraction of the polymer network; DF the free-energy decrease associated with the formation of a contact between polymer segments; f0 the network volume fraction at the condition that the constituent polymer chains have random configurations; n the number of constituent chains per unit volume at f ¼ f0; and f the number of dissociated counterions per effective polymer chain. Thus, the equilibrium network volume fraction is determined as a function of the reduced temperature. For certain reduced temperature values, Eq. (1) is satisfied by three values of the polymer network: the volume fraction f, corresponding to two minima, and one maximum of free energy. The value of f, corresponding to the lower minimum ORDER REPRINTS Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 92 Osada, Gong, and Tanaka Figure 2. Theoretical phase diagram of gels for various values of f, the degree of ionization of the network. (From Ref.[11].) represents the equilibrium value. A discrete volume transition occurs when the two freeenergy minima have the same value. Figure 2 is a theoretical phase diagram for gels.[11] B. Thermoresponse Polymer Gels Polymer gels capable of varying their shapes or volumes in response to change in temperature, appeared during the 1970s.[12] The principle of such a mechanical response was, for example, insolubilization – solubilization, which came from the change in the solubility of the polymer chain, or complex formation between polymer chains accompanying change in temperature. The solubility of the solute molecules changes drastically with the change in temperature. Also, the behavior of a polymer in a given medium reflects the balance of interactions among its own segments and the surrounding solvent molecules.[13,14] Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) is known for its novel thermal behavior in aqueous media.[15,16] In aqueous solution, PNIPAM has inverse solubility on heating and shows a lower critical solution temperature (LCST) at about 318C. At the same time, the macromolecular transition from a hydrophilic to a hydrophobic structure takes place. Figure 3 shows the state of water in the thermosensitive gel as a function of temperature.[17] Here, the polymer network collapses with an increase in temperature. As shown in Fig. 2, drastic changes in the state of the gel can be brought about by small changes in the external conditions. Under some conditions, swelling or shrinking is discontinuous; therefore, a minute change in temperature can cause a large change in volume. A PNIPAM gel can be obtained by the addition of a cross-linking agent to the polymerization recipe. N,N0 -Methylene-bisacrylamide (MBAA) is the major choice for this component, which is probably a consequence of its structural similarity to PNIPAM. ORDER Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 Polymer Gels REPRINTS 93 Figure 3. States of water in poly(NIPAAm) hydrogel as a function of its equilibrium temperature. (From Ref.[17].) The initial impulse for the research on PNIPAM gels came from work on phase transitions observed with polyacrylamide (PAM) gels.[18] In 1979, Tanaka noted that PAM gels possess a collapse transition that is dependent on the composition of an acetone – water mixed solvent. Later work on gels uncovered early ambiguities and established that the presence of ionized groups on the polymer introduced by copolymerization of carboxyl monomers or hydrolysis of esters produced a discontinuous transition compared with a continuous change in volume when the ionized groups are absent. Subsequently, an anomaly was discovered: when NIPAM substituted for acrylamide, even a nonionized gel exhibits a discontinuous transition in aqueous media on heating. According to the literature, the sharpness of the volume transition varies as different comonomers or initiators are introduced. When ionic sodium acrylate is added as a comonomer, the transition of the PNIPAM copolymer gels switches from continuous to discontinuous.[19] The ability to construct PNIPAM gels with various geometries has led to a number of applications that exploit the change in gel dimensions to modulate the differential diffusion of species in a medium. Thus, it is possible to selectively remove[20 – 23] and deliver[24 – 29] cosolutes with thermal-switching control. These topics will be presented in other sections. N-Isopropylacrylamide is one of the few materials that produce microparticle gels owing to its unique property and the convenience of polymerization. Particles organized by cross-linked polymer networks have various uses that are different from noncrosslinked particles, such as ink, paints, abradants, cosmetics, medicines, and catalysts. If the degree of cross-linking is low, the particles are highly swellable and are often called microparticle gels, which have remarkable fluid properties when the particles are suspended in a solvent media. The NIPAM particle hydrogels can be obtained by vigorously stirring an aqueous solution of NIPAM monomer and cross-linking agent with an initiator at polymerization temperatures (708C). Because the polymerization temperature is higher than LCST, the PNIPAM produced will separate out. The reasons PNIPAM does not aggregate in the course of precipitation polymerization are considered to be due to the rigidity of PNIPAM particle, a balance of hydrophilicity – hydrophobicity, and electrostatic repulsion that comes from the residual initiator.[30] ORDER REPRINTS 94 Osada, Gong, and Tanaka Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 Table 2. Microparticles of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) gels. Initiation systema Crosslinking agentb APS – TEMED MBAA APS – TEMED KPS – sodium metabisulfite or 4,40 -azobis(4-cyanovaleric acid) Olephilic peroxide a Polymerization medium Swollen size (mm) References 0.4 [31] MBAA MBAA Sorbitan monolaurate– water Water in paraffin oil Various surfactants such as Triton770 aqueous emulsion 100– 1000 0.2– 0.5 [32,33] [34,35] Various Ethyl accetate emulsion Polymeric suspension agents ca. 100 [36] APS, ammonium peroxydisulfate; TEMED, N,N,N0 ,N0 -tetramethylethylenediamine; potassium peroxydisulfate. b MBAA, N,N0 -methylene-bis-acrylamide. KPS, The polymerization systems for PNIPAM particle gels are summarized in Table 2.[16] In precipitation polymerization, the diameter of the particle obtained is about 0.3– 0.5 mm. If the emulsifier is added to the polymerization system, smaller-sized particles can be obtained.[37] Pelton et al.[38] reported that some network structures can form without any cross-linker. Recently core shell microspheres of NIPAM copolymer gels with styrene (St) have been prepared.[39] Because St –NIPAM copolymer microspheres prepared by soap-free emulsion polymerization have an imperfect core shell structure, seeded polymerization of NIPAM was carried out using the St –NIPAM microspheres as seeds to prepare uniform core shell microspheres. The particles obtained are thermosensitive gels and the adhesion between these particles and leukocytes has been investigated. Adsorption of proteins on the particles was also studied using PNIPAM gels.[40] Poly[vinyl methyl ether) (PVME) also has a LCST of about 378C in aqueous media and is a thermosensitive polymer. PVME molecules dissolve in water owing to the formation of hydrogen bonding between methoxyl groups and water molecules at low temperatures. When the solution is heated, PVME molecules are dehydrated and associated through hydrophobic interactions. Hirasa and co-workers prepared PVME gels using g-ray irradiation methods and studied the thermomechanical response of PVME hydrogels in detail.[41,42] Irradiation with g-rays of an aqueous PVME solution brings about gelation. The gel shows thermosensitivity similar to the solution.[43] Swelling occurs below 378C and shrinking above this temperature. The appearance of the gel formed is different for different conditions of irradiation. A transparent homogeneous gel forms on irradiation at temperatures below LCST. In contrast, with irradiation at temperatures higher than the LCST, gels form with various pore sizes that are controlled by the heating rate, PVME concentration, and the dose rates. When the PVME concentration is low, the pore size of the gel is in the order of millimeters, and the gel exceeds the space of the ORDER Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 Polymer Gels REPRINTS 95 Figure 4. Thermal response of PVME hydrogels: L0, gel length at 408C. The swollen gel is 1 cm3. (From Ref.[42].) vessel used for irradiation. The pore sizes are smaller with increased PVME concentration. The pore size occasionally reaches micrometers at higher concentrations. The thermomechanical responses of these gels are shown in Fig. 4. Both Gel-A and Gel-B were prepared from 30 wt% PVME solution irradiated with 100-kGy g-rays. A homogeneous Gel-A was formed at 238C, whereas the Gel-B, formed during heating from 238C to 508C, was sponge-like. The micropore size was about 10 mm. Macromolecules undergo drastic conformational changes as a result of mutual interaction in solution and, sometimes, even insoluble complexes are formed. Complex formation has been obtained in many systems of synthetic polymers with and without charges.[44 – 47] A reversible complexation – dissociation was found for poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) (Mw, 2000) and poly(methacrylic acid) (PMAA) in an aqueous medium by a change in temperature.[44] Figure 5 shows the temperature dependence of the viscosity of an aqueous solution of PMAA (see curve 1) and equimolar PMAA – PEG mixtures containing equal concentrations of the repeating units of the two components (see curves 2 and 3).[48] A pronounced decrease in the viscosity at the temperature range 25 –458C in curve 2 demonstrates complexation between PEG (Mw, 2000) and PMAA. The viscosity recovers completely on lowering the temperature. On the other hand, a solution mixture prepared from the same PMAA and PEG with a Mw of 20,000 exhibited low viscosities over the entire temperature range (see curve 3), indicating the formation of a stable complex. The use of PEG with an Mw lower than 1000 resulted in no viscosity change. The endothermic complexation, favored by ORDER Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 96 REPRINTS Osada, Gong, and Tanaka Figure 5. Temperature dependence of reduced viscosity for PMAA and PMAA– PEG complexes in water: (1) PMAA; (2) PMAA – PEG (Mw ¼ 2000); (3) PMAA– PEG (Mw ¼ 20,000); [PEG]/ [PMAA] ¼ 1.0 (repeating unit), PMAA ¼ 0.05 g/100 mL. (From Ref.[48].) raising the temperature, is due to hydrophobic interactions between the a-methyl groups of PMAA and the ethylene backbone of PEG.[45] This thermoreversible complexation has been examined as a means of transforming chemical energy into mechanical work.[49] Figure 6 shows the contraction of the PMAA membrane observation on addition of PEG and a subsequent temperature change (isotonic contraction). It is seen that the membrane in solutions of PEG contracts sharply with rising temperature, especially in the region of 20–308C. A 4.7-mg dry membrane, loaded at 100 times its weight, underwent a reversible contraction–expansion by over 70% in the temperature range of 10–408C. The work done per contraction of 1 g of contractile substances is 5 1023 cal. The internal stress of the membranes was measured at constant length for the corresponding system (isometric contraction).[50] The stress made in the PMAA membrane was 4–6 kg cm22, which is almost the value found in natural muscles. The temperature coefficient of the membrane dimension can be reversed by changing the property of the embedding solution. Some applications of this volume change of PMAA gel were considered to be as selective permeation membranes or chemical valves.[51,52] C. Chemically Responsive Polymer Gels Chemomechanical gel systems that charge in response to change in the environment, such as pH or formation of chelate compounds, are widely known.[53] Suzuki et al. prepared composite films consisting of poly-(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) and poly(allylamine) (PA1Am) by repetitive freezing and thawing, and demonstrated the ORDER Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 Polymer Gels REPRINTS 97 Figure 6. Temperature dependences of chemomechanical behavior of PMAA membranes with various embedding fluids: (1) 70 mL of pure water; (2) 70 mL of 0.015 Umol/L PEG solution. Dry membrane, 10 mm wide, 23 mm long, 4.7 mg weight; loaded with 490 mg, PEG Mw ¼ 2000. Ordinate is expressed in percentage of the length of the dry membrane. (From Ref.[49].) shrinkage of these PVA–PAA–PA1Am films by alternating solvent changes between 95% ethanol and 0.01 N NaOH (Fig. 7).[54] Shrinkage and extension was complete within 40 and 20 sec. The rate of shrinkage was independent of the load applied. Recently, a spontaneous gel motion was discovered. Amphilic copolymer gels immediately undergo spontaneous translational and rotational motion when the gels, swollen in ethanol, are immersed in water.[55,56] The copolymer gels are made of acrylic acid (AA) and hydrophobic acrylates, such as stearyl acrylates and 12-acryloyl dodecanoic Figure 7. Change in length for PVA –PAA – PA1Am films with different loads of 1 – 3 g by alternative solvent change between 95% ethanol (poured at t ¼ 0) and 0.01 N NaOH (poured at t ¼ 100). (From Ref.[54].) ORDER REPRINTS Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 98 Osada, Gong, and Tanaka acid (ADA). These polymer gels swell in water-soluble organic solvents, such as ethanol or tetrahydrofuran (THF), by as much as 5 to 20 times their original volume, whereas they shrink in water to form partially crystalline-layered structures of ordered long alkyl chains.[57,58] The velocity, duration, and mode of gel motion are associated with its size, shape, and chemical nature. Disk-shaped gels exhibit translational motion, with occasional abrupt turns. For example, a 100-mg ethanol –swollen cylindrical poly(AA –ADA) gel (7 mm in diameter and 4 mm thick, AA 75 mol%, ADA 25 mol%) underwent translational motion, with a maximum velocity of 5 cm/sec. When the gel is triangular or square, it exhibits rapid rotation. A triangular gel 10 mm on its sides and 4 mm in thickness exhibits six to eight rotations per second for the first 20– 30 sec, and then slows down to four to five rotations per second over the subsequent 20 min. The duration of gel motion is directly proportional to size: the larger the gel size, the longer the gel motion. Gels obtain kinetic energy by the release of organic solvent through an organized surface layer, whereupon two driving forces for the release of the organic solvent exist: one is osmotic pressure and the other is hydrostatic pressure.[55] Researchers have emphasized that the motion induced by such an osmotic pumping has several advantages and unique characteristics: 1. 2. No noise is produced and no unnecessary exhaust products, such as those from combustion or other chemical reactions, are produced. Motion can be induced only by dilution of the organic solvent, which can be recovered and reused. D. 1. Electric Properties Hydrogel When a water – swollen polyelectrolyte gel is interposed between a pair of electrodes in the air and a DC current is applied, the gel undergoes electrically induced contraction at one electrode and concomitant water exudation at the other electrode.[59] Electrically induced contractions are attributed to electrokinetic mechanisms.[60] The applied electric field induces the migration of hydrated counterions toward the oppositely signed electrode (electrophoresis) together with the water, thereby, transporting water to the electrode. For example, in a sulfonic gel that is a strong acid polymer with fully ionized sulfonic groups as macroions and Hþ as counterions, hydrated Hþ ions (H3Oþ) migrate toward the cathode and are reduced, liberating H2. The water migrates together with Hþ ions and exits the gel near the cathode. During this course, the gel contracts and deforms. Several studies on hydrogels responsive to electric stimulation have been made. For example, De Rossi et al. reported that PVA – PAA composite films shrink because of the electrode reaction in aqueous NaCl solution.[61] Norman and Grodzinsky also studied the kinetics of oscillatory tensile forces generated by sinusoidal electric fields in a collagen membrane.[62] A comparison of the experimental and theoretical data suggested that electrodiffusion is the dominant rate-limiting process in this electromechanochemical transduction. ORDER Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 Polymer Gels REPRINTS 99 Chemomechanical weight lifting was investigated using PMAA gel under the influence of direct current.[62,63] The lifting rate of the weight attached to the bottom end of the cylindrical strip of the gel and the power generation initially decreased with an increase in the load, but then increased with the load (Fig. 8). The efficiency of the work done by the gel with a 22-g load was 24 times larger than that with 5.5-g load. A polymer–polymer complex[44,48,64 – 66] prepared from PMAA and PVP or PAA and PVA showed similar behavior. These lifting behaviors can be explained in terms of spontaneous ionization of ionizable groups that give rise to an increase in electric current by stretching (reverse chemomechanical reaction); that is, a stretching of the polymer network will induce an additional ionization of ionizable groups and, consequently, raise the rate of contraction of PMAA gel. In fact, ionization of the carboxylic group (i.e., decrease in pH) was observed when the load was applied to the gel. This anomalous behavior may well provide the basis for an automatic or inherent control sensor that spontaneously adjusts the energy absorbed by a synthetic muscle system commensurate with that required to do the work; that is, the heavier the load the more energy absorbed without external stimulus, similar to the mechanical devices with a sensor-feedback control system. One can speculate about the similarity of biological muscle systems, wherein the force applied to accomplish a given work is proportional to that required. Without this inherent control, the force applied to any work will be the same, despite the weight of the objects. Recently, an attempt was made to design a polyelectrolyte gel as a mechanoelectrical conversion system based on the spontaneous ionization induced by mechanical deformation that produces an electric potential of several millivolts. Actually, the generation of an electromotive force has been confirmed for the deformation of a weak polyelectrolyte gel such as PAA.[67] When a piece of gel was compressed, the pH of the gel changed, and when the gel was unloaded the pH value quickly recovered to the original value. Because there was no water outlet in the experimental course of the deformation, the pH change Figure 8. Rate of contraction and power generation vs. load applied (Wl) per weight and length of the PMAA gel sample (Wg). Sample dimensions: length ¼ 60 mm, diameter ¼ 17 mm, wet weight ¼ 12 g, electric field ¼ 5 V DC. (From Ref.[63].) ORDER REPRINTS Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 100 Osada, Gong, and Tanaka should be associated with an enhanced ionization under deformation. On the basis of this phenomenon, a soft pressure-sensor system or a tactile-sensing device was proposed. This mechanoelectrical system made of polymer gel is considered to be similar to the tactile perceptions in the living organism. Both of them are dynamic processes in which the macroscopic deformation induces the ionic rearrangement, which gives rise to a certain amount of transmembrane potential. A response of microparticle gel to an applied electric field was investigated for a particle of cross-linked sodium PAA perpared by inverse emulsion polymerization.[68] The PAA microparticles (about 200 mm) contracted when an electric field was applied, and a 90% volume change was reached within 50 sec. Thus, it was confirmed that microgel is very effective for constructing a system with a minimized response time. Moreover, the reversible contraction – expansion behavior was observed with and without applying an electric field. The swelling process after switching off the electric field was almost complete within a few minutes. 2. Organogel Preparation of electroconducting polymer gels is another interesting subject.[8,69 – 74] Studies have recently been undertaken involving conducting gels swollen in nonvolatile organic solvents. One involved a conducting gel based on alkyl thiophenes, and another was based on a polymeric charge-transfer (CT) complex. The organogels have an advantage because there is no evolution of hydrogen or oxygen gases compared with hydrogels that are produced by the decomposition of water in an applied electric field. The H2 or O2 gases produced will make the electrochemical reaction unstable and decrease the efficiency. Gel formation can occur for 3-alkylthiophenes, with alkyl chain lengths shorter than 12, through polymerization.[69] The gels prepared showed high conductivity when doped with iodine. Poly(3-octylthiophene) gel swells in a chloroform solvent, whereas it shrinks in ethanol. Figure 9 shows the conductivity of the gel doped with iodine at various concentrations in chloroform. Although the conductivity of the gel without iodine was 10212 S cm21, after doping, the conductivity increased to 1021 S cm21. Stretched gel films have anisotropic properties. Although the ratio of volume change perpendicular to stretching was almost independent of the solvent composition of the chloroform–ethanol mixture, the parallel volume change ratio was highly dependent on the solvent composition. The electric conductivity was larger for the parallel than for the perpendicular one in the poly(3-decylthiophene) gel formed by g-ray irradiation and doped with iodine. Another type of conductive gel consists of an electrodonating polymeric network and a low molecular weight acceptor, which is subsequently doped in the gel.[73] For example, 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ), an electron acceptor, was cross-linked with a polymeric donor poly [N-[3-(di-methylamino)propyl] acrylamide] (PDMAPAA) in DMF (Fig. 10). When TCNQ was doped, a significant swelling and coloration caused by the formation of a CT complex occurred. The overall reaction between PDMAPAA and TCNQ can be written as: 1: PDMAPAA þ TCNQ0 ! PDMAPAAHþ þ TNCQ: 2: 2TCNQ: ! TCNQ2 þ TCNQ0 3: TCNQ2 þ O2 ! O C;; þ N þ DCTC ORDER Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 Polymer Gels REPRINTS 101 Figure 9. Dependence of electric conductivity in poly(3-octylthiophene) gel on iodine concentration in chloroform solution. (From Ref.[70].) An attempt to associate the swelling in the CT polymer gels as a function of the degree of cross-linking and the ionic density of the network was made using Flory’s theory. The values showing the degree of ionization calculated in this way are almost the same as those for r (the molar ratio of added TCNQ to the PDMAPAA gel), indicating that practically all of the TCNQ had reacted with PDMAPAA to give cation radicals within the polymer network and TCNQ anion radicals.[73] Also, the gel obtained was sufficiently electroconductive to cause electrodriven shrinkage. The rate and efficiency were higher than those for hydrogels.[74] Figure 10. Chemical structures of DMAPAA used for network preparation and TCNQ doped as an acceptor molecule in the network. ORDER REPRINTS 102 Osada, Gong, and Tanaka Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 IV. APPLICATIONS Applications of gels span several fields, including the food industry, medical, biotechnology, chemical processing, agriculture, civil engineering, and electronics. Some of these applications are listed in Table 3. A polymer gel can absorb solvent up to several thousands times its original weight, depending on the chemical structure of the gel. Diapers, feminine napkins, and perfumes, used in everyday life are typical examples of this highly water-absorbing property of hydrogels. There is considerable interest and activity in the application of synthetic and biological polymer gels in medicine. Interest has focused on the use of the bulk or the surface properties of hydrogels for biomedical applications. The bulk property of swelling is of particular interest for “swelling implants”; namely, implants that can be introduced in a small dehydrated state through a small incision and then swell to fill a body cavity or to exert a controlled pressure. The swelling of synthetic and natural gels may also help elucidate swelling and osmotic mechanisms in biological tissues. Several biomedical applications for hydrogels mentioned in the literature are listed in Table 4.[75] The wide range of biomedical applications for hydrogels can be attributed to both their satisfactory performance on in vivo implantation in either blood-contacting or tissue-contacting situations and to their ability to be fabricated into a wide range of structural forms. A modulation of swelling forces in gels by chemical or physical stmulienables dynamic control of the gel hydration and, thereby, effective diffusion and permeability of solutes can be obtained. Drug delivery systems (DDS), permselective membranes for selective extraction, and chemical valves are examples of stimuli-responsive polymer gel applications. A. Biomedical Use Gels are expected to possess a self-control function that in living organisms is known as homeostasis. That gels are open to surrounding materials may contribute to this function: for example, gels always keep solvents, solutes, and other species coming and going between the surroundings and gel. On the other hand, the gel can shut off these species by its network Table 3. Field Consumer Food Agricultural Industrial Chemical Biological Environmental Electronics Applications of polymer gels. Products Diapers, napkins, perfumes, cosmetics, toys, air fresheners Gelatins, food protein isolates, flavor release Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, water absorbents Oil dewatering, mineral dewatering Fertilizers, cleaning chemicals, adhesives Cell culturing, templates, electrophoresis, fermentation broths Metal removal, fire extinguisher, regenerable sorbents Electrodes, sensor, actuator ORDER REPRINTS Polymer Gels Table 4. 103 Potential and actual biomedical applications of synthetic hydrogels. Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 Coatings Sutures Catheters IUDs Blood detoxicants Sensors (electrodes) Vascular grafts Electrophoresis cells Cell culture substrates “Homogeneous” materials Electrophoresis gels Contact lenses Artificial corneas Estrous-inducers Burn dressings Bone ingrowth sponges Dentures Eardrum plugs Synthetic cartilages Hemodialysis membranes Breast or other soft-tissue substrates Particulate carriers of tumor antibodies Vitreous humor replacements Devices Artificial organs Drug delivery systems structure and the electric field of a macroion. From these perspectives, gels, particularly hydrogels, are valuable as biomedical materials, for which the functions desired must include recognition, judgment, and action. Applications include soft contact lens, artificial skin, immobilization of bioactive substances, and DDS. In each one, the material is composed of a gel and a biological system that function under a controlled environment. 1. Soft Contact Lens Soft contact lenses (SCL) are one of the most famous application of synthetic polymer gels. The development of SCL began with the invention of poly(hydroxyethylmethacrylate) by Wichterle in 1960, who improved the material to a soft and transparent substance. The SCLs were first manufactured by Bausch – Lomb Inc., but are now found worldwide. The materials used for SCL are summarized in Table 5.[76] An SCL must allow oxygen to permeate into the eye. Because this permeation and transport of oxygen occurs through water molecules, the thickness and water content in the SCL are often important factors as well as the materials. Figure 11 shows the relation between water content and the permeation coefficient of oxygen for the SCLs on the market.[76] The data follow straight lines that do not pass zero. The reason for this is associated with the nature of water; water molecules bound to the SCL polar groups (bound water) do not contribute to the permeation of oxygen or ions. Thus, it is important to increase the content of free water to raise the oxygen permeation while keeping the required mechanical toughness of SCL. 2. Artificial Skin One of the more active research and development fields, among the mechanical materials using hydrogels, is that of artificial skin.[77 – 79] The pioneering work for a cultured skin substitute is being done by Rheinwald and Green,[80 – 82] who demonstrated ORDER REPRINTS 104 Osada, Gong, and Tanaka Table 5. Classification Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 Moist SCL Moistless SCL Materials for SLC. Examples of polymer materials Low moisture content: less than 40% Poly(hydroxyethylmethacrylate) Middle moisture content: 40– 60% Copolymer of hydroxyethylmethacrylate, N-vinylpyrrolidone, methacrylic acid, and methylmethacrylate Copolymer of methylmethacrylate and glycerol methacrylate High moisture content: more than 60% Copolymer of N-vinylpyrrolidone, dimethylacrylamide, and methylmethacrylate Silicone elastomer Acrylic elastomer the possibility of growing epidermal keratinocytes as layered sheets from single-cell suspensions, and proved that the resulting multilayered sheets are very effective in the management of burns.[83] Most of the materials currently used as artificial skin are as covers for wounds or burns that are capable of inhibiting infection or of absorbing exudates from the body. The materials are collagen, chitin, poly(amino acids), and others that are compatible with the human body. The functions demanded are as follows: (1) prevention of infection; (2) antitoxicity, anti-inflammatory, and antiantigenic; (3) airtightness to the wound surface, flexibility, and noncontraction; (4) inhibition of absorbability of exudates; and (5) permeability of moisture and air. Future development will focus on promotion of natural epidermal tissues’ reconstruction by artificial skin. Figure 11. Permeation coefficient of oxygen and sodium ion plotted against moisture percentage. (From Ref.[76].) ORDER REPRINTS Polymer Gels Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 3. 105 Immobilization of Bioactive Substances A variety of methods and materials have been proposed and tested to immobilize bioactive substances such as microorganisms, enzymes, and drugs.[84 – 87] Gels, in particular, have long been used for immobilization of substances (e.g., agarose culture medium). The immobilization gives us several advantages. They are: (1) bioactive substances can be recovered and reused; (2) shaping and molding, such as beads or membranes, are possible according to each reaction system; (3) thermal resistance and pH resistance increase; and (4) bioactive substances occasionally become stable. Conventional immobilization methods are generally classified into four categories: covalent bonding, chemical cross-linking, adsorption, and entrapment.[88] The first two processes generally provide a small release of the substances from the support matrix, with a high degree of inactivation owing to chemical modification of the substances. The latter two processes provide a larger release, but less inactivation, of the substances. In general, covalent binding and chemical cross-linking methods are used for biosensors, whereas adsorption and entrapment processes are used for large-scale production in industry. Large-scale industrial purposes often require the use of sheets, fibers, and rigid beads. B. Drug Delivery System The use of polymer gels as drug carriers has become practical in formulations for mucous membrane administration. Here, the gels carry drugs on the surface of the mucous membrane and the supply remains until the drugs are absorbed. This method gives quick and specific absorption compared with absorption through the skin. Recently, a new DDS was designed[89] for delivery to targeted sites (site-specific delivery), for release when temporal control of a drug is required, to maintain effective drug concentrations over longer periods for maximal efficacy, and to minimize side effects. To realize such delivery systems, a system in which the drug carrier itself senses an environmental stimuli and responds by appropriate drug release is needed (Fig. 12).[89] Yoshida and colleagues have studied “on –off” regulation of drug permeation and release using a hydrogel made of a copolymer of NIPAM and alkyl methacrylates (RMA)[90,91] or a hydrogel of interpenetrating polymer networks composed of poly(AAMco-RMA) and PAA.[92] In this system, the release of drug from of membranes is controlled by changing temperatures. Figure 13 shows the results of the permeation experiments with indomethacin. At 208C, indomethacin permeates through the poly-(NIPAM-co-RMA) membrane. However, when the temperature is raised from 208C to 308C the permeation or release of drug is blocked by the dense surface layer formed on the gel immediately after the temperature is raised. By lowering the temperature, the deswollen surface recovers its equilibrium swelling and allows drug permeation. Thus, the gel surface acts as an on –off switch. If the alkyl chain length and methacrylate become longer, the initial permeability during the second 208C period is greater than the final permeability during the first 208C period. This result suggests that the drug concentration profile in the membrane changes during the off period. However, complete “0 – 1” control is nearly achieved. This surfaceregulating mechanism results in a quick response. These researchers also investigated, in detail, effects of skin surface as a switch for pulsatile drug release. ORDER REPRINTS Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 106 Figure 12. Osada, Gong, and Tanaka A schematic diagram of an autofeedback drug delivery system. (From Ref.[89].) Electrically controlled drug release, including that of insulin, has also been investigated for polymer gels of DMAPAA.[93] When the electric field is applied to the PDMAPAA gel, insulin leaks from the gel at a constant rate, whereas the leakage ceases by stopping the applied field. C. Gels for Selective Separation Recently, a separation process using a volume phase transition of gel was investigated and a general depiction of the process was proposed by Cussler et al. (Fig. 14).[94] In this process a collapsed gel is introduced into an aqueous solution that needs to be concentrated. The gel swells absorbing the small species, but excluding the large species, in the solution. When the gel reaches equilibrium, the unabsorbed raffinate is physically separated from the gel. Subsequently, the gel is placed in a second environment, which induces the collapse. The gel is then ready to be introduced into a fresh aqueous solution or into the raffinate solution again if further concentration is desired. Such gel condensation processes require less energy than evaporation and can be operated under mild conditions that will not damage the solutes. The important point is to recycle the gel. Cussler et al. actually demonstrated the condensation for various kinds of solutions using PNIPAM gel or copolymer gel of N,N0 -poly(diethyl-acryl-amide) and sodium methacrylate. Because both are thermosensitive polymer gels, dilute solutions can be condensed with a small difference in temperature by the repetition of the collapsed and ORDER Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 Polymer Gels REPRINTS 107 Figure 13. Diffused amount of indomethacin through copolymer gels of NIPAM and RMA (RMA 3.74 wt%) membranes in response to stepwise temperature changes between 208C and 308C. W, RMA ¼ butylmethacrylate; A, RMA ¼ laurylmethacrylate; 4, RMA ¼ hexylmethacrylate. (From Ref.[90].) Figure 14. A schematic diagram of a gel separation process: the gel is alternately swollen and collapsed to produce a concentrated raffinate and dilute retentate from a feed solution. (From Ref.[94].) ORDER REPRINTS 108 Osada, Gong, and Tanaka Table 6. Selective separation using thermosensitive gels. Gel efficient Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 Solute Urea Sodium pentachlorophenolate Vitamin B12 Ovalbumin Polyethylene oxide Gelatin Blue dextran Polystyrene latex Polyethylene glycol Molecular weight 60 267 1,355 45,000 600,000 — 2 million — 400 3,400 8,000 18,500 Poly(Nisopropylacrylamide) (1%)a Copolymer of N,Ndiethylacrylamide and sodium methacrylate (4%) Copolymer of N,Ndiethylacrylamide and sodium methacrylate (4%) 2 18 3 51 2 32 97 96 98 97 95b 10 30 56 80 15 84 89 97 99 96b 5 19 25 61 7 — 92 — 96 96c — 11 16 48 a The number in parentheses after the gel indicates the percentage of cross-linking in the gel. This latex had a diameter of 0.06 mm. c This latex had a diameter of 1.2 mm. b Figure 15. Dependence of nonionic surfactant (n ¼ 20) adsorption on temperature and concentration: W, 20 mg/L; 4, 40 mg/L; S , 80 mg/L; 5, 160 mg/L; A, 400 mg/L. (From Ref.[43].) ORDER REPRINTS Downloaded By: [University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill] At: 03:30 24 October 2010 Polymer Gels 109 Figure 16. Chemical structures of poly(oxyethylene nonylphenyl ether) and poly(vinylmethylether): n denotes the number of repeating units of ethylene oxide. swollen states. The effectiveness of the separation can be quantified by the efficiency, which is defined as the actual increase in raffinate concentration divided by the increase expected from the gel volume change. The efficiency primarily scales how well the solute is excluded from the polymer network of the gel. The results of selective extraction are summarized in Table 6.[20] On the whole, the efficiency becomes higher as the solute’s molecular weight increases. They also examined the relation between separation efficiency and the degree of cross-linking, and showed that the efficiency increased monotonously with the degree of cross-linking for a solution of vitamin B12 and poly(ethylene glycol) (Mw ¼ 3400). Therefore, gels can be made that do not absorb macromolecules owing to their network structure. Ichijo et al. tried to develop a separation technology using porous PVME gels.[43] The PVME has the LCST at 378C, and its water – swollen gel contracts at temperatures higher than the LCST. Figure 15 shows a thermoreversible adsorption of nonionic surfactants, poly(oxyethylene nonylphenyl ether) to PVME gel in response to changes in temperature. The gels adsorb the surfactants above LCST and desorb them below it by changes in the hydrophilic – hydrophobic balance. The amount of adsorption depends on the concentration and the additional number of ethylene oxides, n (Fig. 16), on the surfactants. The smaller the additional number is, the larger the amount of adsorption. They suggested that separations with polymer gels make efficient use of unused waste energy and may contribute to environmental protection. REFERENCES 1. Clark, A.H.; Ross-Murphy, S.B. 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