Chapter Three When Industries Change: Scenarios for Higher Education David Collis C ollis applies techniques developed within the field of business strategy to assess how higher education may change in response to current pressures such as new technology, shifting demographics, and rising costs. His approach begins with a structural analysis of the higher education industry, which suggests strategies to improve performance and position. Collis recognizes the traditional strategic prescription, which would be to focus on institutional strengths, but also notes the great potential in embracing the new technologies, delivery systems, and customer needs being generated by the changing environment. Introduction normality, forces are at work that have the potential to revolutionize higher education. “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” While this famous quote from the opening of While perhaps not as dramatic as those present Charles Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities may seem at the end of the 18th century, current pressures will overwrought when applied to the state of higher edu- nevertheless produce a fundamentally different cation today, there is a disquieting sense among landscape for higher education in the next millenni- educators that it might not be far from the truth. The um. This statement is even true for the traditional late 1990s certainly are good times, particularly research universities that, until now, have been when compared to the bleak days of the ‘70s and largely insulated from change. Indeed, at the risk of ‘80s. Enrollments are rising as the first echo of the overextending the revolutionary analogy, these insti- 1 baby boom reaches college. The stock market is at tutions might be seen as the elite of an archaic struc- an all time high, boosting the value of endowments ture, complacently unaware that their downfall at the and increasing alumni donations. Research contin- hands of inexorable societal forces (if not the guillo- ues to advance our stock of knowledge at an expo- tine) is just around the corner. 2 nential rate. Yet beneath the veneer of successful 3 47 Exactly how the higher education system will no more than an informed observer applying my evolve is, of course, unclear. Will it produce a “new understanding of strategy to a specific industry. 4 As a improved” university which, like similar changes to result, the motto of all advertising campaigns—“half many consumer packaged goods, is superficially of what is spent is wasted, we just don’t know which altered in appearance but barely touched in sub- half”—applies here. Half of what I say will be wrong, stance? Will it dramatically reconfigure the character I just don't know which half! and composition of degree-granting institutions in Second, I do not intend to offend anyone by ways last seen with the establishment of the land grant treating higher education as a business. Clearly, universities in the late 19th century and the communi- education plays a more important role in society than ty colleges (which now constitute over half the institu- that of just another business. The notions of service, tions of higher education in this country) in the 1950s? academic freedom, and social responsibility alone Or will it result in a paradigm shift in the whole mean- set it apart from other industries. However, I do hope ing and system of delivering “higher education”? that applying tools and techniques that are com- This paper cannot answer these questions. monly employed in the private sector to the realm of Rather, it hopes to throw some light on the issues by higher education can produce valuable insights for applying techniques developed within the field of the audience, even if educators and administrators business strategy to the higher education arena. might be alarmed to see references to their “indus- More specifically, after briefly listing some of the try” or “business profitability.” underlying forces driving change in higher educa- Third, I do not attempt to draw any normative tion, the paper will introduce a methodology for sys- conclusions from the analysis. Whether the world tematically analyzing how those trends may impact will be better or worse off as a result of the changes an industry; outline some possibly controversial higher education may undergo is a judgment that I future scenarios for higher education derived from leave to the reader. analogies to other industries; and suggest some steps that forward-thinking higher education institu- Drivers of Change tions could take in response to those developments. The journals of higher education are replete The intent is to provoke the audience into crafting a with articles highlighting the forces at work which, for strategy for their institutions which recognizes that better or worse, will shape the future of the industry. the status quo may no longer suffice. I cannot hope to list them all in this article, nor take Three provisos are in order. First, I am in no way the time to flesh out their details. Rather, the intent is an expert on higher education. My knowledge of the to note the ones that seem most salient, assume subject is restricted to my current participation as a that the reader is already reasonably well informed professor, my past involvement as a student, and my of their nature, and then move on to a discussion of future parental role as a consumer. I am, therefore, their impact. 48 My list, which is not meant to be exhaustive or more indirect, but still important, impact on the even mutually exclusive, includes (in no particular future of higher education, it may be one with order) the usual list of suspects: which the audience is less familiar. • new technologies, particularly the digital, While no one believes that lifetime employ- broadband, interactive, online technology ment ever characterized more than a few major known as the Internet U.S. corporations (nor that Dilbert accurately por- • demographics, notably the aging of the popu- trays the attitude of today's executives), expecta- lation and a concomitant increase in numbers tions about the relationship between employee of active retired people, and the increase in and employer have undergone recent change. For ethnic minorities and immigrants our purposes, this can be summarized as a decrease in loyalty and commitment on both sides • a change in the nature of the employment of the labor market. Employees can no longer contract from lifetime employment with a sin- expect to be rewarded for seniority alone. gle company to “free agency” and regular Employers must recognize that younger, better transfers (both voluntary and involuntary) trained workers will no longer accept compensa- between companies tion below their marginal contribution without • cost increases that outstrip productivity searching for a better paid position (preferably one growth and so lead to a continuing rise in the with stock options at a start up firm). In a world of real price of education rapidly advancing knowledge, this tighter link • debate over the role of affirmative action and between current individual contribution and com- universal access in higher education pensation requires lifelong learning by workers if they are to continually improve, or even maintain, • exponential increase in the rate of accumula- their income level. tion of knowledge and the consequent fragmentation and specialization of academia Recognizing the revised employment contract, companies have found that the ongoing provision • globalization of academic and educational of training is an effective way to retain valued markets employees. In the new economy, workers remain • new competitors entering the business, both with their employer not because of a job guaran- as stand-alone institutions and as companies tee, but because it provides the opportunity to con- training their own employees tinually upgrade skills and so remain attractive to • changing societal norms. other employers.5 Firms retain employees by max- One of these bare bones bullet points—the imizing the future attractiveness of those employ- changing nature of the employment contract— ees to other firms! deserves further elucidation. Because this has a 49 These labor market changes are, of course, Part of the problem in compiling a list like the occurring even among the hallowed halls of acade- one above is that many of the items are interrelated. mia. Tenure no longer appears to represent the life- It is hard to distinguish which are the truly independ- long commitment on either side that it once did. ent and underlying drivers of change and establish a Superstar professors are regularly moving across clear logic of cause and effect. As a result, it is diffi- universities to maximize their income and research cult to cleanly determine how each of these forces 6 support, while universities are reexamining the will change higher education. We can hypothesize whole notion of tenure—in one recent case gaining about the effect of each individual force, but the the support of the courts for redefining tenure as a aggregate impact of the changes is hard to evaluate. position without guarantee of any compensation. Figure 3-1 Elements of industry structure. SUPPLIER POWER THE DEGREE OF RIVALRY Concentration and balance Fixed (or storage) costs/value added Intermittent overcapacity Industry growth Product differences Brand identity Switching costs Informational complexity Diversity of competitors Corporate stakes Exit barriers Supplier concentration Importance of volume to supplier Differentiation of inputs Impact of inputs on cost or differentiation Switching costs of suppliers and firms in industry Presence of substitute inputs Threat of forward integration relative to threat of backward integration by firms THE THREAT OF ENTRY (Entry Barriers) Absolute cost advantages Proprietary learning curve Access to necessary inputs Proprietary low-cost product design Government policy Economies of scale Capital requirements Proprietary product differences Brand identity Switching costs Access to distribution INDUSTRY COMPETITORS THE THREATS OF SUBSTITUTES Relative price performance of substitutes Switching costs BUYER POWER Bargaining leverage Buyer concentration vs. firm concentration Buyer volume Buyer information Buyer switching costs relative to firm switching costs Pull-through Substitute products Source: Michael Porter 50 Ability to backward integrate Price sensitivity Price/total purchases Impact on quality/performance Product differences Brand identity Buyer profits Decision maker’s incentives Industry Analysis Figure 3-2 One approach that moves beyond the previ- Profitability by manufacturing subsector, 1971- ous, somewhat ad hoc, listing of various drivers of 1990. change in an industry involves a more systematic Return Return Return on Equity on Assets on industry analysis. This approach, popularized by Sales Harvard Professor Michael Porter as the Five Drugs 21.4% 11.8% 13.1% Printing and Publishing 15.5 7.1 5.5 Food and kindred products 15.2 6.6 3.9 force,7 draws from a well established stream of Chemicals and allied products 15.1 7.5 7.2 research in Indus-trial Organization economics on Petroleum and coal products 13.1 6.5 6.5 Instruments and related products 12.9 7.2 6.9 Industrial chemicals and synthetics 12.9 6.2 6.1 Paper and allied products 12.5 6.0 5.1 Aircraft, guided missiles, and parts 12.4 4.1 3.7 Fabricated metal products 12.3 5.7 3.7 Forces but recently amended to include a sixth the structural determinants of industry performance 8 (see figure 3-1). Industry analysis begins from the premise that all industries create value. The questions are what Motor vehicles and equipment 11.6 5.6 3.7 caps the amount of value the industry can create Rubber and misc. plastic products 11.6 5.1 3.4 (the size of the pie), and who captures the value Electric and electronic equipment 11.5 5.4 4.4 that is created (the division of the pie)? Three Machinery, except electrical 11.1 5.8 3.4 Stone, clay, and glass products 10.4 4.8 4.0 forces affect the size of the pie—threat of entry, Textile mill products 9.3 4.3 2.5 threat of substitutes, and presence of comple- Nonferrous metals 8.3 3.9 3.6 ments. Three forces determine the division of the Iron and steel 3.9 1.5 1.3 pie—power of buyers, power of suppliers, and In the words of Michael Porter, “all industries are extent of rivalry. Together these six forces deter- not created equal.” Some industries, like pharma- mine the average profitability of an industry, and ceuticals and soft drinks, are inherently more prof- shape the conduct of competition within that indus- itable than others, such as the domestic airline or try. steel industries, because of fundamental differThe value of this approach for strategy devel- ences in structure.9 Understanding whether you opment in the private sector, where it has been are competing in an industry in which it is easy or widely adopted as a basic building block of strate- difficult to make good returns is obviously an gic analysis, has been threefold. important input into strategy development. First, industry analysis can be used to predict Second, industry analysis provides a systematic the average level of profitability for an industry. It framework for interpreting how underlying shifts in has been empirically demonstrated that there are technology, demand, regulation, etc., will affect the systematic and durable differences in the average nature of competition in an industry. Rather than long term profitability of industries (see figure 3-2). compiling a long list of drivers of change with no 51 conception of how those drivers will affect the indus- Past Structure. I would argue that the structure try, applying the methodology enables strategists to of the higher education industry in the recent past rigorously and systematically examine their effects. has made it an attractive business in which to com- A great virtue of Porter's framework is that it provides pete. Entry barriers were high, primarily because of a check list of all the things you need to consider that the cost to build a physical campus and the time may affect an industry's development, and a frame- needed to create a reputation that attracted both stu- work to interpret their effects. dents and faculty and gave credibility to any degree Last but not least, industry analysis suggests offered. The only possible entrants were state insti- strategic moves that incumbents can take to tutions which received direct taxpayer funding and/or improve their performance. In particular, the frame- benefited from subsidies to in-state students. The work allows executives to design strategies that threat of substitutes was low in an era when college capitalize on the forces that improve industry struc- degrees replaced high school diplomas as the certifi- ture and to mitigate the effects of those forces that cate of employability, and other institutions could not degrade industry structure. The three main strategic offer legitimate degrees. Plentiful complements moves of the major U.S. airlines since deregulation included the growth of employment and cultural in 1978, for example, have been designed to limit opportunities for staff, students and faculty around entry, constrain rivalry, and decrease buyer universities, which increased their attractiveness as power—the three forces that condemn the industry locations to live. Thus there was little cap to the to unattractive rates of return. The airlines have value created by the industry. introduced hub and spoke systems in an effort to Buyer power was historically low as market dominate routes out of hub cities and deter entry; demand grew; the customer was the individual stu- computer reservation systems and yield manage- dent or parent who had no ability to negotiate tuition ment software to limit the extent and duration of rates; the high degree of differentiation by the pre- price competition among airlines; and frequent flyer mier institutions reduced student price sensitivity; programs to increase customer loyalty and so and the intangible quality of education led many to reduce their price sensitivity. positively correlate their evaluation of quality with What does the application of this methodology price.11 The exception was, again, state funded insti- suggest about the “profitability” of the higher educa- tutions whose chief buyer was also its chief source tion industry as we have known it historically? (And of funds—an increasingly powerful and active state here let me concentrate on the high end of that government. The power of suppliers, primarily of fac- industry—the private institutions and research ori- ulty, was low since they had few high paying alter- ented state universities 1 0) How might that industry native careers outside academia. Lastly, rivalry was change in the future, and with what implications for reduced by the social goals of the institutions and university strategies? the existence of fora and mechanisms to discuss 52 (and possibly also control) excessive competition.12 culties in the past. It certainly has not. But most of Colleges and universities, therefore, should have those issues have revolved around internal affairs been able to capture most of the value they created rather than external and competitive threats. The in the provision of higher education. question is, what will happen to this favorable industry structure in the future? Evidence for the historic attractiveness of the higher education industry includes the ability of pri- Future Structure. The great merit of industry vate institutions to raise tuition costs substantially analysis is that we can determine how all the various faster than the rate of inflation. Few other industries drivers of change identified earlier will affect the have been able to consistently increase real prices.13 higher education industry through their influence on Other evidence would include the increase in net the six forces. Rather than considering the impact of 14 individual drivers, such as the Internet, demograph- (although balance sheet accounting for higher edu- ics, and changes in the employment contract on the cation institutions clearly differs from the private sec- higher education industry, the framework allows us tor, net worth remains one indicator of value to consider what collective changes they will bring to increase), and the rarity of exits from the industry. each of the six forces, and how the resulting Competitive industries, even profitable fast growing changes in structure may reconfigure the higher industries, experience turnover rates of at least 3 education industry. worth of private universities over the last decades percent per year, 15 yet there have been practically no Collectively, the exogenous changes facing the exits from, or even bankruptcies among major uni- industry will facilitate entry into the higher education versities in recent years. business; increase the availability of, and demand You may find it difficult to accept that you have for, substitutes for higher education; and increase been competing in an attractive and profitable indus- buyer and supplier power. All of these changes are try in the past. But the fact that few of you would likely to be detrimental to the long-term structure of even use the word competition to describe the the industry. nature of the interaction among institutions probably Entry Barriers best illustrates how accommodating the industry structure has been historically. Those of you with pri- Technology promises to be the vehicle for vate sector experience would probably recognize easier entry into the higher education arena. In that pressures to increase productivity, grow rev- particular, the Internet facilitates distance learning enues, and continuously innovate are substantially by allowing access to materials and interaction higher there than in higher education. with faculty without the physical proximity of the I do not wish to imply that managing a college student and his or her institution of higher educa- or university has been without challenges and diffi- tion. As bandwidth and speed of transmission 53 Substitutes increases, it also becomes possible to stream video in real time. The end result may well be the Changes are also increasing the availability of, replication of the classroom experience in cyber- and the demand for, substitutes for higher education. space without the physical collocation of students. With respect to availability, the same technology that This implies that the university of the future need allows for new entrants into higher education also not have a physical location, and need not be con- creates the opportunity to develop educational pro- strained in pedagogy the way that correspondence grams that provide alternatives for parts of the tradi- schools, or even the Open University in the U.K., tional higher educational experience. Rather than have been. Students online in their own homes can providing an entire four-year residential degree, get a formal education experience similar in many entrants can pick off the most attractive parts of the respects to the one they currently receive at a col- market with educational products that are not the lege or university. typical undergraduate or postgraduate degree. Moreover, technology allows for the replication On the demand side, employers no longer of much of the educational experience at very low regard the one time provision of an undergraduate marginal cost. One professor can make his or her (or postgraduate) education as sufficient for the life- entire course available to an almost infinite number time learning needs of their workforce. Increasingly of students for the initial fixed cost of preparing the they are meeting these ongoing training needs in- traditional class. The lectures, class notes, and read- house or with third party suppliers. In the market I ing lists can all be transmitted at close to zero cost. know best, it is estimated that the total revenue from The net result is that entry barriers have been executive education at universities today, including substantially reduced. A virtual institution without MBA and in-career education, is perhaps $6 billion. having incurred the capital cost of constructing a In contrast, the in-house company education market campus, in principle, can offer the educational expe- is estimated to be about three times that size, or $18 rience of the best teachers around the world. The billion in the United States.17 GE's Crotonville training economics of such an entry strategy into the cur- center, for example, is renowned for its leadership rently very attractive educational market suggests training, which has made GE the source for many that it will not be long before such an enterprise is CEOs of major industrial companies. 18 pursued. As Eli Noam pointed out at the Forum’s Employees are also responding to the appeal of conference last year, with tuition rates of $50 per stu- alternative educational programs that will upgrade dent per hour being more expensive than a and update their occupational skills, such as com- Broadway show, can it be long before entrepre- puter literacy. However much universities may dis- neurs, like Chris Whittle, or corporations, like Time parage the provision of courses like computer Warner, enter a business with such a potentially programming or video film-making as merely the lucrative payoff?1 6 output of trade schools, the fact is that such courses 54 are increasingly demanded as alternatives to, as ate degree, education will be provided in smaller well as supplements for, the basic liberal arts under- chunks as required. If this occurs, then to ignore graduate education because of the need for contin- such courses is to act as the railroads did in the early uing training in contemporary skills. 20th century when faced with the threat of substitu- Other substitutes for traditional higher educa- tion from automobiles and airplanes. Sticking to a tion will also become increasingly popular. For the narrow definition of their business as railroads, and increasing share of the population with wealth and failing to define their domain as “transportation,” cost leisure and/or the retirement time to pursue a specif- the railroads their dominant position in the economy. 19 ic interest or hobby, there are a profusion of new Failing to recognize short nontraditional courses courses and initiatives available in addition to the tra- as a viable substitute for higher education might ditional extension school programs or adult educa- spell the demise of the traditional institutions of high- tion programs that have been offered by universities. er education. One example of this kind of nontraditional learning is Complements the Disney Institute, which offers everything from Less change is occurring among complements Cordon Bleu cooking to fly fishing and literary criti- for higher education, although the importance of the cism. higher education to many of its complementors, It might be argued that these nontraditional programs represent incremental demand for new such as personal computers and local industry, is forms of education, rather than substitutes for tra- declining. ditional higher education. If that is the case, they The potential changes to the structure of the represent an opportunity for growth and not a industry outlined above reduce the amount of value threat. The risk with this argument is twofold. First, that higher education can add. But universities and the credibility providers of such programs can build colleges also face threats to their ability to appropri- over time might allow them to extend their product ate the diminishing value that they do create. offerings and become more direct competitors of Supplier Power higher education. Imagine if, after ten years of providing a set of very high quality English literature Most obviously the power of faculty as a suppli- courses, Disney offers a degree in English. How er has shifted. The advent of technologies that allow “Mickey Mouse” would that degree be perceived by one professor to leverage his or her ideas through society? books, videos, seminars, and Web pages has creat- Second, and more speculatively, it is possible ed the superstar phenomenon and the enormous that short courses that support lifelong learning rep- incomes of celebrity “gurus. ” 20 The commercial value resent the future of higher education. Rather than of academic knowledge and ideas has also learn everything at once in a four-year undergradu- increased, along with a recognition that faculty them- 55 selves should earn a share of the rents produced by The price sensitivity of consumers is height- their ideas. ened by the absolute size of the purchase. As tuition When a colleague recently won the Nobel Prize rates, after years of rising faster than inflation, and was asked what he would do with the money, he exceed $100,000 for four years, a degree becomes looked embarrassed and did not reply. The media the second largest purchase an individual makes in interpreted this as a penurious academic over- his or her life. No wonder customers are exceeding- whelmed by the size of the prize. The truth was that ly careful and increasingly price sensitive in their pur- to him the money was spare change! The value of chase decision. his share in a hedge fund partnership that utilized Buyer power also increases as the degree of the financial techniques for which he was winning backward integration by customers rises. To the the prize far outweighed his half million dollar share extent that firms become suppliers of higher educa- of the prize. tion themselves as they introduce lifelong learning Competitive bidding among universities for tal- programs for employees, they reduce the ability of ent ratchets salaries upwards. This does not imply higher education institutions to capture value. Even that all academics will become millionaires. Supply if they do not enter the education business them- and demand will still equilibrate salaries at low lev- selves, companies are inherently more powerful and els. However, it does limit any rents that universities price conscious than individuals. Several of the can earn from their faculty. It also encourages the major management consulting firms, for example, use of part-time faculty who are a cheaper source of are no longer asking new employees to independ- labor because they are only compensated for their ently earn an MBA. Rather, they are contracting teaching time. directly with business schools to provide a short (several week) course to serve in lieu of the MBA. Instead of receiving two years’ tuition per student, Buyer Power the business school receives a hard bargained few The power of buyers increases as the options weeks of revenue. the customer has to choose from increases. As substitutes and new entrants appear, the monop- Rivalry oly that traditional institutions have had on the provision of higher education erodes. This will at Rivalry is also set to increase in the future. some stage start to limit the ability of colleges While the entry of new low cost providers into the and universities to push through tuition price industry will increase rivalry, it is also likely that cur- increases at will, particularly because many of rent incumbents will become more competitive. the new providers will use new low cost delivery Regulatory changes may directly contribute to this mechanisms. since mechanisms developed over the years to limit competition, such as financial aid agreements, 56 appear to be under threat. If antitrust legislation is observed, “when an industry with a reputation for dif- rigorously applied to colleges and universities, not ficult economics meets a manager with a reputation only will price competition for students increase, but for excellence, it is usually the industry that keeps its also supply-side agreements, such as on faculty reputation intact.” 22 compensation, could be examined. What can you do about this sorry state of Moreover, distance learning removes the affairs? What are the strategic implications from this capacity constraint that a single institution has tradi- analysis? What are pointers for institutions to follow tionally operated under. The physical facilities of a in developing their strategies? single campus need no longer limit the size of the The first recommendation is to recognize and student body. Since education has become largely a accept that it will be more difficult to compete in the fixed cost business (and the new technology will only higher education business in the future. While this hasten the shift from variable to fixed costs), there acceptance will not by itself solve any problems, will be enormous pressure on every institution to plans that realistically reflect the future have a better leverage its investments by expanding class sizes. chance of succeeding than those that merely project This will increase the competitive overlap between the past. institutions, particularly as geography becomes less The second observation is that just as the air- of a constraint. Cambridge and Harvard have histor- lines developed strategies to mitigate the worst ically not competed for undergraduates, but with effects of their industry structure, it would be valu- increasing globalization facilitated by the new tech- able for universities to develop strategies that nologies, they probably will do so in the future. address the threat of entry, substitutes, rivalry, and Finally, the secular drop in enrollments after the buyer power—the four main drivers of deteriorating echo of the baby boom graduates will create spare industry structure. capacity and so will exacerbate competition.21 The only light on the horizon for the industry is the poten- Raising Entry Barriers and Deterring Substitutes tial growth in demand for higher education, broadly There are three constraints on entrants into defined, as lifelong learning increases the consump- and substitutes for higher education, and colleges tion of education. and universities will need to utilize these con- Strategic Implications straints in mitigating the deterioration of their industry structure. The result of the impending changes will be a profound deterioration in the structure of the higher The first constraint is that the higher educa- education industry. This implies that things will get tional experience involves more than just the tougher for participants. That means you! This is par- classroom or paper writing components. To the ticularly troubling because as Warren Buffet has extent that the formal educational experience 57 involves group activity, mentoring, role models, accorded the holders of a certificate from the institu- and other difficult to standardize and replicate tion. While certification processes and reputation in activities, the threat of new technologies is general are only built over time, to the extent that reduced. What cannot be costlessly scaled up on those who are seeking alternatives to higher educa- the Internet is one-on-one student-faculty interac- tion sponsor their own certification bodies (as pro- tion. Differentiating the product offering of uni- fessional bodies like CPAs, lawyers, and doctors versities around these aspects of education, have in the past), this constraint is eroded. If major therefore, can potentially deter new entrants. companies, for example, created a body that certi- More specifically, it means that huge freshman lec- fied the quality of a degree from their in-house train- ture classes run by a well known professor who ing centers, higher education would lose control of never meets a student but leaves the teaching to one of its major barriers to entry. Clearly, strategies graduate student TAs, will leave universities very that require high standards for certification, and that vulnerable to competitors exploiting low cost reinforce the value of brand names should be adopt- Internet delivery systems. In contrast, the English ed to deter entry. tutorial system will probably be the last bastion of traditional higher education. Limiting Rivalry The second and related constraint on entry is A number of strategies can be employed to that much of the undergraduate experience involves restrain rivalry within higher education, the first of more than formal learning, particularly the socializa- which is to lobby strenuously for antitrust exemption. tion process that occurs when teenagers live away The looming threat of competition from new delivery from home among peers for four years, and the systems can be used as an argument for relief, in development of work habits for lifelong learning. addition to arguments about the special nature of the Again, the more universities can do to reinforce the education business. traditional liberal arts notion of educating the whole The second is to embrace mergers and acqui- person, the lower will be the threat of entry and sub- sitions. This might be anathema to alumni, but it stitutes because they cannot replicate those compo- makes perfect economic sense. The big eight nents of the higher educational experience. accounting firms are now down to the big five, with The third constraint on the success of new further consolidation likely, in part because it reduces entrants and substitutes is the credibility of their cer- price competition for the limited number of desirable tification process. Because education is an intangi- large multinational clients. Hospitals are merging to ble product, there has to be some external reduce excess beds and share facilities for expen- legitimacy accorded every successful institution. sive surgical specialties. Whenever organizations That legitimacy centers around the recognition have complementary assets, it is rational to consid- 58 er a merger. In any other business, Harvard and If companies can raise the cost to customers of Stanford would not compete with each other but switching their purchases, they reduce the bargain- would merge to offer students the option of (and ing power of those customers. Dedicated Apple here I reflect my past affiliation) Harvard East and users have paid price premia for years because of West Coast (“same great education, but now you their unwillingness to incur the perceived expense of have the choice of two great locations!”). switching to the Wintel platform. Universities already If you do not wish to be that ambitious, why employ devices to raise switching costs—for exam- should every university in the Boston area have an ple, by limiting transfers of credits between schools engineering department, or the facilities for empirical to ensure that once students begin degree courses research in astrophysics? Why not collaborate to they cannot readily switch to another school, or by share expensive activities and specialized depart- implementing early admissions procedures that ments? What opportunities are there for cooperation commit a student to accept a place if offered. But and alliances among institutions that will both more could be done. Offering tuition reductions if a improve cost efficiency and reduce rivalry?23 student had signed up at birth would lock them into an even earlier purchase decision. Rivalry is reduced the more differentiated the strategies of industry participants. In the U.K., Trying to make the choice of institution less particular universities are known for their strength price sensitive by reducing the initial cost of a degree in particular subjects. Why do not U.S. universi- would also help offset buyer power. Rather than ties specialize, so that a high school graduate charging $25,000 for a four-year degree, the expan- who wanted to attend an Ivy League school sion of lifelong learning, in principle, would allow uni- would know that Yale was best for one subject, versities to charge, say, $3,000 per annum for life in Brown for another, and Columbia for a third. To return for free access to courses at any time after the some extent there is a geographic segmentation initial degree. A 3 percent price increase seems far in the United States. There is also what econo- more justifiable, and much less worth bargaining mists call vertical differentiation 24 —a tiering in the over when it is $90 and not $750! (By the way, such perceived quality of universities. But with the a pricing policy would have the additional bene- exception of institutes of technology and small fit of creating lifelong switching costs.) liberal arts colleges, the industry has not, by and Alternatively, strategies can be devised to shift large, pursued horizontal differentiation by spe- the buyer to one who is inherently less price sensi- cializing in different product offerings. 25 Yet, the tive. Cereal is sold primarily to children because they more segmented the products institutions offer, do not respond to price promotions. In the educa- the less direct the competition. tional arena, this suggests selling to the student and Offsetting Buyer Power not the parent (assuming that it is parents that nor- 59 mally foot the bill). The more guilt a parent can be The impending degree of change to the struc- made to feel when they do not fulfill their child’s ture of higher education can be likened to that facing desire to attend a particular college or university, the industries less price sensitive the customer becomes. (telecommunications, energy), new technologies suddenly opened to deregulation But perhaps the best strategy for reducing (pharmaceuticals, computers), and foreign competi- buyer power is branding the product. I know that tion (steel, autos). Andy Grove, CEO of Intel, calls when companies receive the Harvard insignia on an such junctures strategic inflection points.27 These executive education course, they pay a premium occur when exogenous influences lead to a funda- over the exact same course offered privately by the mental reconfiguration of industry structure. In the exact same faculty of up to 150 percent! Not many computer industry, the introduction of the PC and products or services enjoy this kind of brand value. then the emergence of the Internet represented Indeed, it is equivalent to the premium received by strategic inflection points that disrupted the indus- Coca Cola—the most valuable brand in the world— try's trajectory and overthrew previously dominant and it sells just sugar and water! With an experience competitors in a gale of “creative destruction” initiat- product, whose worth is apparent only after you ed by entrepreneurial innovators. have used the product, brand names are extraordi- We can, therefore, look to other industries that narily valuable as signals of quality. Clearly, all institu- have experienced such strategic inflection points to tions cannot be above average quality, but a strategy help predict the future evolution of the higher educa- of specialization allows for the creation of brands as tion industry. While less precise and theoretically the “best premed course” in the country, the “best valid, the strategy field is beginning to understand Italian language program” in the country, etc. industry dynamics by developing typologies of transitions from the use of analogy (or pattern recognition). Industry Dynamics Specialization and Vertical Disintegration But how will the system of higher education itself evolve under these pressures? In this paper I One of the most relevant transformations of cannot hope to describe all the feasible scenarios for industries facing extensive change (particularly entry the future of higher education, even if contemporary and substitution) is to become more specialized and theory allowed me to be that intellectually exhaus- less vertically integrated. At the extreme, an industry tive. What I will do is suggest one scenario that reconfigures itself from a limited number of vertically seems likely to me, and then suggest appropriate integrated entities into horizontal layers of firms that strategic responses for colleges and universities by specialize in one specific activity. More generally, an referring to successful examples from other indus- industry alters from exploiting vertical scope to tries that faced similar changes. exploiting horizontal scope. 26 60 Historically, for example, electric utilities were only the most profitable segment of the industry. responsible for the generation, transmission, and Second, specialist providers emerge to meet distribution of electricity to every customer in their the needs of the different functionalities within the region. They also provided the full range of customer industry because each functionality requires a differ- services—marketing, billing, repair, and often even ent set of skills and capabilities. In the electric utility the sale and installation of electric appliances. industry, for example, the skills required to safely Deregulation and the consequent flood of new and efficiently run nuclear power generating facilities entrants has led to the reconfiguration of the indus- are very different to those required to trade electrici- try. Utilities are now spinning off their generating ty futures, or market electricity to residential cus- units to specialist companies with a track record of tomers. Under the traditional regulatory regime, one efficient plant operations. They are outsourcing firm undertook all these activities. In the new dereg- billing to companies, like credit card processors, that ulated and competitive world, companies are spe- have billing experience. They are concentrating mar- cializing on one or other of these competencies,28 keting efforts on particular segments of the business, and exiting businesses that do not draw from their while allowing new entrants that specialize in whole- particular competence. To compensate they are sale electricity trading to establish long-term con- leveraging that competence across industries. tracts with major industrial users. And most utilities Enron, for example, began as a trader in the oil and have now exited the appliance sales and service gas market, but has recently leveraged its unique business. trading capabilities to enter the electricity business, offering a full product line.2 9 Two related trends drive the emergence of specialists and the consequent vertical disaggregation For universities, any similar pattern of evolution of industries. First, specialists enter those stages of toward a more disaggregated and specialized set of the value chain and those segments of the product providers will challenge the tradition of the integrat- line which offer the highest profit potential. They pur- ed provision of higher education. Universities will sue what is called the “cherry picking” strategy, then need to reconsider the rationales for being ver- ignoring the less profitable products that incumbents tically integrated into every activity that must take offer, in order to pick off those parts generating the place to deliver the educational product, and for highest return. MCI began the breakup of the tele- offering a full product line. phone industry when it entered the long distance To help them do so we must identify the func- telephone market, because AT&T was required to tionalities—the set of different and potentially dis- use profits from its long distance business to subsi- crete needs 3 0 —that higher education currently dize “universal” service. Not being subject to any offers, and see how alternative institutions and new legal constraints, MCI sensibly chose to compete in entrants might provide these same functionalities 61 using different technologies and skills to create com- First, the library need no longer exist as a service petitive advantage. offered by the university. Online access to written Again, I cannot hope to derive a complete list of (and other forms) of material can replace the stacks the products and services that colleges and univer- and hard copy books we all know and love.3 1 If that sities offer. What I can do is note the more obvious happens, why should the online library be provided categories, illustrate how each category would be by the university? A more likely provider would be a affected by specialist competitors, and let you Bill Gates (who is already buying up the electronic extend or amend the list at your leisure. rights to famous works of art), who would own the copyright of all important materials and could charge It seems to me that colleges and universities a low per use fee for every book or article accessed. offer (again in no particular order): Colleges and universities have no great skills in elec• socialization through the experience of living tronic access, and they surely would appreciate not among peers away from home for four years having a library's operating and acquisition costs in • liberal arts education as a renaissance man the annual budget! (or woman) appreciating the value of learning Second, universities are already competitors in and being capable of pursuing independently the hotel and conference center business, renting guided learning throughout life out housing and classroom facilities to third parties • professional certification and specific skills during periods of low capacity utilization (notably in training for particular careers the summer). Unfortunately, they are not particularly cost efficient providers of such facilities. We are • academic research already seeing a trend to the outsourcing of restau- • postgraduate training of the next generation rant services by universities 3 2—why not outsource of researchers and university teachers the management of other physical facilities to a • signaling to the labor market the intrinsic qual- Marriott? The logical extension would then be to sell ity of the individual by the granting of a degree off the building and real estate to partnerships that • library can exploit a tax break, just as most hotel and con- • sports teams ference center chains lease the underlying assets • physical facilities for large and small group from REITs. If universities have no competitive advantage in the provision of housing and confer- gatherings and living accommodations. ence facilities, why not let firms that do so gradually Physical Facilities. Let's start by examining the take over the business? physical facilities that have traditionally been required for universities and which have been one of Currently university sports teams are either for the major barriers to entry into higher education. the physical education of the average student, or are 62 feeder teams for the professional leagues. The latter provision of full time professional courses. In the is an unsustainable role for universities because of U.S., the consulting firm Arthur D. Little offers an the goal conflict it produces among student athletes. open enrollment MBA course. In the U.K., a number NCAA violations, low graduation rates, bribery and of private sector institutions, including Cranfield and corruption, are all results of the quasi professional Ashridge, flourish as providers of many residential nature of major college sports. The resolution would business courses. Some of these institutions even seem to be the separation of education from profes- use teaching faculty from universities, paying out sional sports by the establishment of farm teams some of the profits as higher per diem compensation which are independent of any academic institution, than the university offers. Long term, it is hard to see as occurs today in baseball in the U.S., or soccer in how universities can hold onto a share of the the U.K.. expanding market for teaching technical skills, if they continue to price them to subsidize other parts of the Educational Products. Turning to the various institution. educational products that universities offer, I would argue that there could be a dramatic unbundling as The second most vulnerable university product focused and specialist competitors enter each of the offering would seem to be those courses that enrich fields in turn. and educate individuals throughout their life. The The most vulnerable educational product of uni- ready availability of distance learning and nontradi- versities is professional skills training. I suspect, on tional educational institutions, such as the Disney the evidence of the size of endowments and my Institute, will allow individuals to educate themselves business school experience, that professional whenever, and on whatever topics they choose. The schools are the most profitable part of the university. potential cost advantage of the new methods of They, therefore, represent the most attractive market learning will lead them to displace the traditional uni- for “cherry picking” entrants. Unfortunately, profes- versity delivery system. As a result, a more econom- sional skills are also the easiest part of the educa- ically rational consumption pattern of continuous tional market for firms to enter as they can readily part-time education might emerge to replace the full- backward integrate into the internal provision of time four-year undergraduate degree. training. Short computer courses are offered by What would remain as the core product and dif- thousands of private sector companies. More exten- ferentiating feature of universities, because it is diffi- sive professional skills training and certification is cult for alternative providers to offer, would be as the already provided by other institutions (e.g., account- initial provider of the skills needed for lifelong learn- ants, realtors, investment advisors), and many firms ing. Everyone needs to be taught how to learn and provide their own campus-like training centers. how to independently guide themselves through a Some companies are even entering into the external process of continuing personal development. This 63 can only be provided with the methodologies and which is not related to training in specific professions mechanisms of a traditional university, which can or trades, but to the training of the next generation of influence behavior and motivate students. Whether academics as researchers and teachers. I suspect fulfilling this role requires the traditional four-year that this is the least profitable university product—if undergraduate education is another question. not actually a money losing proposition. I am certain Perhaps a two-year (or as in the U.K., three-year) that the apprenticeship nature of the educational undergraduate degree would suffice. process cannot be provided by alternative technolo- Similarly, universities may be the best providers gies or distribution systems. New academics have to of the socialization skills we expect young adults to learn at the feet of existing academics, and there can acquire. However, that need not necessarily be the be no replacement for that education. case since there are now many institutions like the Research. Academic research has always been military, Peace Corps, Outward Bound, boot camps somewhat ungainly paired with education within uni- for juvenile offenders, and residential counseling versities. Debates about faculty promotion criteria programs of various sorts that can be seen as pro- and the quality (and interest) of top researchers in viding an environment where young people can teaching are all too familiar. While some institutions, learn life skills that family and high school have not notably the professional schools, have to some exposed them to. Moreover, universities have never extent solved the problem by employing effective made it their primary purpose to teach these skills, teachers with practical experience but no research rather they have always been a byproduct of the “in track record as adjunct or clinical professors, the ten- loco parentis” role they play during the undergradu- sion remains. We are all familiar with the arguments ate experience. In the future, unless colleges and of the symbiotic relationship between the two activi- universities consciously provide this training, they ties, but for many faculty, and the arguments of com- may be attacked by specialists who focus their atten- parative advantage, suggest that, if not a separation, tion on this function alone. at least far more specialization of activities is required. This suggests that the traditional liberal arts education will be the last bastion of universities. Moreover, student fees are currently subsidiz- Teaching young adults life skills and the appreciation ing research. This is unsustainable in a competitive and ability to pursue lifelong learning, rather than market. Entrants who compete only in the market transmitting any particular body of knowledge or from which the subsidy is derived can undercut content, may well be the greatest strength of the tra- incumbents and gain share. An entrant that paid fac- ditional institutions of higher education. ulty just for their teaching and did not compensate for their research activities would have a substantial Finally, the educational product that is perhaps cost advantage. least threatened is postgraduate education—that 64 The result of teasing apart the research and improving utilization of the university's fixed assets. It educational functions of the faculty could result in will also match private sector entrants who are not substantially less research being performed at uni- constrained by the old agriculturally determined versities. Already today, the vast majority of scientif- timetable that higher education still operates under. ic research is not done in universities but in Benchmarking against other organizations, within companies. The pharmaceutical companies alone education and in industry at large, will facilitate the spent $20 billion on R&D last year—a number that is adoption of best demonstrated practices in all the greater than the entire budgets of the Ivy League universities activities. The list of steps that will schools. Moreover, universities are looking to make strengthen the current way of doing business goes their research budgets pay off by commercializing on. discoveries and inventions. Given this commercial- However valuable all these initiatives may be, ization of research, why not go the whole way and none is strategic. They may all improve the opera- establish for-profit research entities, which could bid tional effectiveness of the organization—they enable for government funds, and establish them in you to “do things right”—but none addresses the crit- research parks alongside their existing commercial ical strategic question of what is “the right thing to brothers? do?” As Michael Porter has suggested, strategy involves choice. Choosing what to do, and choosing Strategic Implications what not to do is the essence of strategy. 3 3 This is The underlying driver of all these potential particularly true when facing, as you do, the potential changes, of course, is competition. Whether it is disaggregation of your business. introduced by deregulation, technological innova- It seems to me that the fundamental strategic tion, or foreign competition, whenever competition choice that universities face is whether or not to increases because of reduced entry barriers or the embrace the new technologies, new modes of dis- improved appeal of substitutes, or when a more eco- tribution, and new product offerings and remain a nomic way can be found to provide a similar service, full service provider, or whether to retrench to the industries tend to fragment. core by sloughing off activities and products until Universities therefore need to take the new all that remains is something like a small liberal competitive threats seriously and become more arts college (with postgraduates), in which tradi- competitive themselves. How can you achieve this? tional universities will continue to retain a compet- One way is just to improve the cost efficiency of itive advantage. everything you do. Part time, teaching-only faculty The traditional strategic prescription for firms in reduces costs and matches new entrants who com- your situation would indeed be to identify your cur- pete in only a few educational programs. Introducing rent competitive advantages and to participate only a year-round academic calendar will reduce cost by in markets that require those strengths. This would 65 lead you to concede entire market segments to new Conclusion entrants and retreat to the core product that cannot In conclusion, I would argue that the leading readily be imitated or substituted. institutions of higher education are today faced It is also the prescription that the U.K. motorbike industry pursued in the 1970s. Faced with with a deteriorating industry structure and the Japanese competition in mopeds and small need to make a fundamental strategic choice. With respect to the deteriorating structure, I out- (<100cc) motorbikes, the British producers—BSA, Norton, and Triumph—chose to concentrate on lined a few steps that might be considered. I also bikes above 250cc where they believed they had a suggested that attempts to improve the cost efficiency of current operations will become increas- competitive advantage. When the Japanese entered those markets, the U.K. producers retreat- ingly valuable in holding off the attacks from ed to the superbike segment…. until the Japanese lower cost entrants. successfully invaded that market, thus ensuring However, universities must also make a deci- that no U.K. motorbike industry exists today. This sion as to who they want to be in the future. They sad example illustrates the risk to universities of a can either choose to hunker down and retrench to strategy that concedes markets to new entrants the segment of the industry in which they retain and substitutes. the strongest competitive advantage, or they can The alternative strategy is to aggressively adopt broaden their scope and embrace the new deliv- the new technologies and distribution mechanisms ery systems and customer needs that the changing environment are generating. This is a dramatic in order to compete head on with new rivals. While choice. extremely challenging, both in developing the skills required to be successful in the new markets and in The benefit of retreating to a core is that it is managing profound change within the organization, the most defensible and most profitable part of the the payoff can be large. Rather than acting like the current industry, and it is the one most compatible railroads under the threat of trucking and airlines, with the traditions of higher education. The risk is confining themselves to a shrinking market segment, that, like the U.K. motorbike industry, the retreat is a strategy to expand and embrace the new tech- to an untenably small and unsustainable part of nologies can ensure the survival and growth of the the market—that the broad sweep of competitors traditional institutions of higher education. This sur- ultimately overwhelms an institution that clings to vival and growth may come in a very different form, the past. perhaps as a host of discrete entities, each offering If, instead, colleges and universities expand a unique product and employing a unique technolo- their domain and enter the emerging parts of the gy. higher education market, they can potentially 66 retain their leadership position even as the face of comes from outside the institution. Unfortunately, education changes. The risk of that strategy is that the first usually happens too late to save the com- the institution may be unable to make the transi- pany. The second is atypical of colleges and uni- tion to the new industry and unable to build the versities, and the third will run foul of their capabilities to compete successfully in the new governance structure. world. In the attempt to do so, it loses the distinc- A contorted governance structure that con- tive competence and the heritage that supported strains a university president's freedom of action its past success and role. may be the ultimate barrier to dramatic strategic There are no easy answers to strategic choic- change in higher education. Lacking a recognized es like this. These are the domain of managerial crisis, driving through the sort of farsighted strate- judgement, of leadership, and of broader concepts gic changes to universities that may well be like mission and heritage. required to succeed in the next millennium, may Whatever the choice made to address the well be impossible, even for the most able leaders. coming changes in higher education, nothing will Unlike the private sector, there are multiple con- happen until those strategies are implemented. stituencies represented in the various levels of This paper focuses on what colleges and universi- governing bodies—faculty, administrators, alumni, ties might do to meet the challenges ahead, but as state governments, federal government—all have a last word I should also comment on the process representation on the councils of governance. of implementing strategic change. Reacting to industry changes in time to preserve the vital role of colleges and universities may One of the invidious aspects of the sort of require as much change in governance as in the industry changes potentially facing higher educa- strategies of universities themselves. tion is that they will come slowly and haltingly. It will be possible at times to argue that dramatic strategic responses are not necessary. The threat will be interpreted as a temporary disruption or a cyclical downturn, not a long term trend. Incumbent leaders often face this problem of interpretation, and many fail to make strategic adjustments in time. What triggers fundamental change in such institutions is either a crisis that compels action; an acquisition or other major organizational disruption; or a new transformational leader who often 67 8 Endnotes 1 The research, carried out within the Structure— Conduct—Performance framework, began with U.S. Department of Education, Digest of the work of Bain and Mason in the 1950s and has Education Statistics (1997). been continued and extended since then. For a 2 fairly recent summary of the findings see F. M. College endowments rose between two and Scherer Industrial Market Structure and Economic three times from 1990-1997, according to a study Performance (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1989) and by the National Association of College and R. Schmalensee and R. Willig, Handbook of University Business Officers (NACUBO). Industrial Organisation, (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 3 1989): chapter 10. Eli Noam, “Electronics and the Dim Future of Academic Publishers,” Forum for the Future of 9 Higher Education, 1997. Noam quotes numbers One study measured the seven-year average return on equity for the pharmaceutical industry as on articles written in Chemical Abstracts. It took nearly 30 percent, the soft drink industry as over thirty years for the first million articles, but only 25 percent, the domestic airline industry as 8 per- 1.75 years for the last million. cent, and the steel industry as 4 percent. Study 4 conducted by Monitor Consulting Co., 1992, This is, however, a role I comfortably adopt Cambridge, MA. whenever I begin a consulting assignment with a new client. 10 5 Defining an industry's boundaries requires a book unto itself. Are luxury cars, for example, a Sumantra Ghoshal and Christopher Bartlett, discrete industry or part of the broader automobile The Individual Corporation, (New York: Harper market? The essential issue is the cross price Collins, 1997) elasticity of demand and supply between products. 6 See Of the many recent cases that of a famous econ- Derek Able, Defining the Business, (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1980). omist who ultimately rejected a move to Columbia University stands out. 11 So-called 7 experience goods, like consulting serv- ices, whose value can only be determined after their Adam Brandenburger and Barry Nalebuff, consumption, often produce markets where price Coopetition, (New York: Doubleday, 1986). The and perceived quality are positively related. “sixth force” introduced by Brandenburger and Nalebuff is that of complements to the industry. 12 Obvious examples include the recently chal- lenged Ivy League agreement on financial aid and 68 the NCAA athletic rules, which in other contexts from their position as the largest firms in the United might be considered restraints of trade. States. See A. Chandler, Scale and Scope, (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1990). 13 Williams classifies industries into three types according to their underlying rate of price. See 20 No Jeffrey Williams, “How Sustainable Is Your ing academics, but certain superstar business Competitive Advantage,” California Management school professors regularly earn incomes in the Review, Spring 1992: 29-51. high seven figures. 14 21 See, for example, the numbers on college “sav- one has yet compiled the list of highest earn- Offsetting this is the trend toward virtual uni- ings” from Gordon Winston, “Do Private Colleges versities with low fixed costs where the pressure Make Big Profits?” in Forum Futures, 1998 Papers, to cut price and fill capacity is reduced. ed. Maureen Devlin and Joel Meyerson 22 (Washington, D.C.: Forum Publishing, 1999) ch. 2. W. Buffet, Letter to Shareholders, (Omaha: Berkshire Hathaway, 1992). 15 T. Dunne, M.J. Roberts, and L. Samuelson, “Patterns of Exit and Entry into U.S. Manufacturing 23 Industries,” Rand Journal of Economics, 1998. Seeking Solutions to Common Problems,” in Forum See Will Reed, “Higher Education Consortia: Futures, 1998 Papers, ed. Maureen Devlin and Joel 16 Eli Noam, “Electronics and the Decline of Books: Meyerson (Washington, D.C.: Forum Publishing, The Transformation of the Classroom,” in Forum 1999) ch. 3. Futures, 1998 Papers, ed. Maureen Devlin and Joel Meyerson (Washington, D.C.: Forum Publishing, 24 1999) ch. 7. Willig, Handbook of Industrial Organisation: For a discussion see R. Schmalensee and R. chapter 16 17 P. Ghemawat, “The Market for Strategy Ideas,” Harvard Business School Working Paper 1998. 25 Estimates are from a study by McKinsey and Co. colleges, which aim to provide a different educa- for the Harvard Business School. tional experience than large state or private insti- The exception might be the small liberal arts tutions. 18 The best known recent example is Ralph Bossidy who left GE to successfully turn around 26 Allied Signal. of industry dynamics. See A. Slywotzky, D. 19 Morrison, T. Moser, K. Mund, J. Quella, Profit A. Chandler documents the decline of railroads 69 The best attempt at this is Rumelt’s list of types Patterns (New York: Random House, 1999). 27 Business Review 74 (1996): 61-78. A. Grove, Only the Paranoid Survive (New York: Doubleday, 1997). 28 The notion of core competence, what a company does distinctively well, has become popular in the strategy field recently. See C.K. Prahalad and G. Hamel “The Core Competence of the Corporation,” Harvard Business Review 68 (1990): 79-91. 29 The strict economic conditions that facilitate ver- tical disaggregation and specialization are that focused competitors are able to achieve a minimum economic scale within a single niche, and that the transaction costs involved in purchasing items separately or contracting for their provision from outside suppliers are minimal. 30 G. Hamel and C.K. Prahalad, Competing for the Future, (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press, 1994). Hamel and Prahalad argue that when industry boundaries blur, they reemerge based around products that meet underlying customer needs. 31 Noam, “Electronics and the Decline of Books.” 32 Sharon Oster, “Privatizing University Services,” in Forum Futures, 1998 Papers, ed. Maureen Devlin and Joel Meyerson (Washington, D.C.: Forum Publishing, 1999) ch. 1. 33 M.E. Porter, “What Is Strategy?” Harvard 70