PHYSICS TDC (ELECTIVE) SYLLABUS FOR PART-II (According to 1+ 1+1 system implemented in 2008) PAPER-II MARKS-lOO UNIT-I ELECTROSTATICS UNIT-II MEGNETOSTATICS U IT-III CURRENT ELECTICITY I UNIT- IV CURRENT ELECTICITY II UNIT-V ATOMIC PHYSICS UNIT-VI ELECTRONICS U IT-I: ELECTROSTATIC S~ Electrostatics: Electrostatics due to charged spherical field and potential, and cylindrical Gauss theorem bodies. field. IDielectric and dipole parallel medium, plate polarization, and cylindrical charged conductor, dipole condenser, capacity loss of energy due to sharing theorem, Coulomb's energy per unit volume in an electrostatic of normal mechanical moment,,Hsimple of spherical of charges and condenser between inductiontand its applications, on force composite <:1 charged dielectric). (two concentric .ntensity spheres). surface, Capacity Energy of of a two conductors. U IT-JI: ]\1EGNETOSTATICS I"iB' -4-<£3 's Iaw, A rnpere.s L' iot-Savart conductor, Magnetic I force, carrying circular (y)~ circuita c~~lnt carrying conductor, field due to small current force JJl current con.luctors. I Iaw, ca Icu I'anon carrying Magnetic potential f magnetic ~~S-fi Id d . h ie ue to straig t current . carrYll1g due ~ 1{0lenoidj loop '- concept conductor 0 placed of magnetic in magnetic and intensity dipole field. at any point and magnetic dipole force between due to a short two magnet moment; lung parallel and magnetic Lorentz _ current shell Effect of magnet magnetometer, Permea~ility, on magnet: determination. Gauss's and Tangent-B positions. Deflection and vibratic of Earth's horizontal field and moment ofa magnet. intensity of magnetization, calculation of hysteresis Tangent-A .- susceptibility and their relations. Cycle of magnetization, loss of energy and its importance, choice of materials for electromagnet Hysteresi and perrnaner magnets. UNIT-III: CURRENT ELECTICITY-I D.C. circuits, Kirchoff's tJC-" laws, Wheatstone bridge principle by applying Kirchoff's laws, problems on current in complicated circuits. Meter bridge, Carey Foster's bridge: Working principle and their applications, concept of end corrections in case of meter bridge Working principle of Potentiometer and its applications, inadequacy of Wheatstone "Thermoelectricity: thermoelectricity, temperature Seebeck, total Peltier and Thomson's e.m.f. developed and temperature effect, Peltier in a thermocouple, of inversion, thermoelectric and bridge. Thomson's thermoelectric curve power, thermoelectric coefficient, laws oi and concept of neutral diagram and its applications, considerations . q calculation of Peltier and Thomson coefficient from thermodynamic Moving magnet type galvanometers: Tangent galvanometer and its application. I Moving coil galvanometers: working principle and its application in determining the galvanometer constant, figure of merit and current sensitivity.g Theory of ballistic galvanometer (damping correction is not required). 6/'UNIT- IV: CURRENT ELECTICITY-II hlectromagnetic induction: self and mutual inductance, self inductance due to a circular coil and solenoid, mutual inductance between two circular coils and between two coaxial solenoid. Growth and decay of current in LR circuit, charging and discharging of condenser in CR circuit, time constant. / \ Mean and r.m.s. value of ac current and e.m.f., current in L-R, C-R and L-C-R circuit by operator method. Series and parallel resonant circuit, vector impedance diagram and its applications in analyzing different AC circuits, Q .. factor, LC oscillation (qualitative idea only) power factor, p~cuit, by-pass condenser, skin effect, principle of an ideal transformer, wattles current. choke coil and transformer losses. UNIT-V: ATOMIC Measurement Millikan's 0 PHYSICS of elm of electron by Thomson's oil drop experiment, method, Measurement positive rays, parabola method, of charge of an electron by isotopes. Atomic weight, atomic number, atomic mass unit, mass energy equivalence. Bohr-Rutherford atom model, Bohr's theory of hydrogen spectra, quantum numbers, statement ofPau li exclusion principle. ~)(/ X-rays production and properties, continuous and characteristic spectra, Mosley's law and its explanation from Bohr's theory. [Bragg's law and explanati<;m.,V' Compton effect and calculation of Compton shift. ') Photo electricity- definition, features, explanation and usesl Vector atom model, space quantizationatomic magnetism, normal Zeeman effect. .. ,' - UNIT-VI: ELECTRONICS «p PN junction diode and its use as a half wave and full wave and bridge rectifier. Calculation of average current and voltage, r.m.s. current and voltage, ri~e rectifier, removal of ripples: T and rt filters. factor and efficiency of half wave and full wave • Zener break down, zener voltage, zener diode and its use as a voltage regulator. Junction transistor: structure, =t: operations, CB, CE & CC configurations, their comparisons. Transistor characteristics in CE mode, load line analysis, Q-point, Working of CE transistor an:plifier. Field effect transistor (FET) and its differences from bipolar transistor, n and p channel FET, FET operations.cstatic and dynamic characteristics, FET parameters and their relation, use of FET as a voltage amplifier. operatiomll amplifier (ideal), concept of virtual ground, basic equation of an ideal OP-AMP, use of OP [ AMP as inverter, phase shifter, adder, differentiator and integrator. Network theorem: Thevenin, Norton, Superposition and Maximum power transfer theorem and their simple applications. ? /