Synchronous Machines in Power Systems and Drives Most of the electrical power generators are threephase synchronous generators Synchronous motors are competitive in higher power ranges because of efficiency and lower costs Reluctance and permanent motors are popular at lower power ranges Synchronous generator in power systems transient stability study: maintain synchronism from large oscillations caused by a transient disturbance dynamic stability study: small signal behavior and stability about some operating point long-term dynamic energy balance study: dynamics of slower acting components Stability Studies Sub-transient time constant of machine is between 0.03 to 0.04 second, shorter than electromechanical oscillation Electromechanical oscillation frequency between synchronous generators in a power system lies between 0.5 to 3 Hz (0.33 to 2 second) Transient time constant of machine is between 0.5 to 10 second which is longer than the period of electromechanical oscillation Slower acting component with longer time constants such as boilers and AGC response may need more time between 10sec to 2 min Different model shall fit into the different analysis Basic Dynamics of Synchronous Generators Basic dynamic behavior of synchronous generator in transient situations: voltage behind the transient reactance of a generator and network E’=Eth+ j Xt I, Xt = X’d + Xth jX’d AC Network One-line diagram jX’th E’ E’th Circuit Equivalent take Thevenin’s voltage as reference phasor Eth= Eth ∠0, and E’=E ∠δ Basic Dynamics of Synchronous Generators electrical output power of the generator E ' Eth Pgen= R(E’I*) = pu sin δ Xt from the above equation, we can see that power transfer characteristic for the system is a sine wave with max value E’Eth/Xt the rotor motion without damping Pmech-Pgen= 2 H dω pu ωb dt replace the dω/dt with d2δ/dt2, we obtain swing equation Pmech − Pgen 2 H d 2δ = ωb dt 2 ω dδ pu or = b 2H dt 2 ∫ (P mech − Pgen )dδ If machine was to maintain synchronism, excursion of δ would be bounded and (dδ/dt) would have return to zero Transient Power Angle Characteristics δ max ∫δ min Pmech1 transient power angle characteristics ( Pmech − Pgen )dδ = ∫ δ ss δ min A2 ( Pmech − Pgen )dδ + ∫ δ max δ ss ( Pmech − Pgen )dδ A2max A1 Pmech1 δmax δSS Pmech0 δ0 δ0 δSS δmax π-δSS Equal Criteria: A1 = A2 A1 < A2max A1 = A2max A1 > A2max Stable Critically Stable Unstable t0 t Transient Power Curve And Dynamics Without damping loss, rotor oscillates about δSS. Otherwise, δ eventually settles to δSS. The gain in rotor momentum could carry δ beyond critical angle π- δSS which Pmech1>Pgen and rotor accelerates to lose synchronism For purpose of determining the synchronism of the machine, area of A2max should be larger than area of A1 (area of A2max is from δSS to π- δSS) Transient power angle curve may be raised by increasing the excitation control of E’ As a need to give a high speed control of E’ would introduce a negative damping and adversely affect the dynamic stability, see [103] The power system stabilizer (PSS) is introduced to obtain a better transient performance over the control of excitation system adverse impact of PSS: interaction of PSS and torsional mode of turbine shaft gives rise to sub-synchronous oscillations Transient stability study is mainly concerned in the synchronous generator, to switch from motor notation to generator notation, it is required to invert the sign of all stator currents in the voltage equation, flux linkage equation, and torque equations. Transient Model with d,q Field Windings In this chapter, there are two more models to express the synchronous machine dynamics: transient model and sub-transient model The model difference between transient model in this chapter and that in chapter 7 is that transient model in this chapter uses more machine parameters directly obtained from standard tests, such as reactances and time constants For derivation of transient model equations, please see pp. 468-474 Transient model (without damper winding): state variable λd, λq stator winding equations dλq rs − Ed' − λq + vq = − ' + ωr λd Lq ω dt rotor winding equations ' dE Ld − L'd Ld ' q ' Tdo + ' Eq = E f + ' dt Ld Ld Torque ωr λd r vd = − s' Ld dλd Eq' ω − λd + dt − ωr λq ' ' − L L L dE q q q ' ' d ωr λq + ' Ed = − E g − Tqo ' dt Lq Lq ' 3 P λd Ed' λq Eq 1 1 + − ' − ' λd λq Tem = ' ' 2 2 ωr Lq ωr Ld Ld Lq Transient Model with d,q Field Windings Simplification of transient model in the transient analysis, damper windings are no longer active in transient stability prediction, rotor winding transient are dominant. first swing of the rotor would be the interval of interest, and the rotor transients vary at the rate of Tdo’ and Tqo’ the rotor transient would impact speed voltage term, ωrλd, ωrλq, and greater than that of dλq/dt, dλd/dt. Therefore, the effect of dλq/dt, dλd/dt could be neglected the transient model can be further simplified by neglecting dλq/dt, dλd/dt Transient Model Equations Simplified transient model equations (ωr=ωe except for rotor mechanical dynamics) Stator winding equations (see pp.473 ) inputs : vq , Eq' , vd , Ed' vd = − rsid + xq' iq + Ed' outputs : iq , id Rotor winding equations vq = − rsiq − xd' id + Eq' Tdo' dEq' + Eq' = E f − ( xd − xd' )id dt ' ' dEd Tqo + Ed' = − E g + ( xq − xq' )iq dt Torque Equation: Tem = − inputs : E f , E g , id , iq outputs : Ed' , Eq' 3 P { Eq' iq + Ed' id + ( xq' − xd' )id iq } 2 2ωe N.m Transient Model Equations Rotor equations dωrm J = Tem + Tmech − Tdamp (N.m) dt inputs : Tem + Tmech − Tdamp d {(ωr − ωe ) / ωb } = Tem ( pu ) + Tmech ( pu ) − Tdamp ( pu ) (pu) 2H dt output : ωr dδ e = ωr − ωe , dt P ωr = ωrm 2 Transient Model Block Diagram Stator Block Transient Model Block Diagram Rotor Block Transient Model Block Diagram Field voltage equation d axis q axis Transient Model Block Diagram Overall block diagram from excitation system Synchronous machine model in Chap 7 Overall block diagram Project 10-1 Fault tests of Synchronous Machine (Homework): You are given a synchronous machine model with the machine parameters given in Table 10.7 Set 1 to construct the transient synchronous machine model. The machine is connected to the following source: v1=1√2sin(120πt+0) pu v2=1√2sin(120πt-2π/3) pu v3=1√2sin(120πt+2π/3) pu 1. With excitation reference voltage Ef= 1pu, Tmech = 1 pu (mechanical torque), apply three-phase bolted fault to ground at t=10 sec, fault clear at t=10.25 sec, observe and plot a. b. c. d. e. f. vq, vd, iq, id, in one figure ia, ib, ic in one figure Pgen, Tem, δ, ω in one figure Qgen, If’, in one figure Show the critical fault clearing time and plot δ vs. time with stable and unstable conditions discuss what you see on the plots (ex. observe transient in field current and qd, abc current) Project 10-1 Fault tests of Synchronous Machine 2. With excitation reference voltage Ef = 1pu, Tmech = 1 pu (mechanical torque), apply single phase to ground fault on phase c at t=10 sec, fault clear at t=10.25 sec, observe and plot 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) vq, vd, iq, id, in one figure ia, ib, ic in one figure Pgen, Tem, δ, ω in one figure Qgen, If’, in one figure discuss what you see on the plots (ex. observe transient in field current and qd, abc current) Suggestion: the figure time scale can be shown starting from t=9 sec through the time when system becomes stable after the fault cleared EXCITATION SYSTEMS Scheme of Excitation systems contains pilot exciter main exciter to provide field winding voltage/current of synchronous machine slip rings (optional) automatic voltage regulator Classification of excitation systems dc excitation primary excitation power is from dc generator whose field winding is on the same shaft as rotor of synchronous generator rotating part EXCITATION SYSTEMS Classification of excitation systems ac excitation (static) field winding of alternator is on the same shaft as the rotor of the synchronous machine alternator’s stator and rectifier are stationary EXCITATION SYSTEMS Classification of excitation systems ac excitation (rotary) armature of alternator and rectifier are on the same shaft as the rotor of the synchronous machine alternator’s rotor field winding is stationary EXCITATION SYSTEMS Classification of excitation systems ac excitation (from ac bus) pilot exciter function is replaced by ac bus voltage use controllable rectifier to adjust dc excitation EXCITATION SYSTEMS Overall scheme of excitation systems detector, regulator, exciter, stabilizer, diode bridge, power system stabilizer components exciter detector diode bridge regulator COMPONENTS OF EXCITATION SYSTEMS voltage transducer and load compensation circuit voltage transducer and rectifier are modeled by a single time constant with unity gain compensation of excitation voltage due to internal load is represented by RC+jXC compensator transducer COMPONENTS OF EXCITATION SYSTEMS voltage regulator consists of an error amplifier with limiter transient gain reduction can be achieved by adding a zero-pole compensator stabilizer signal stabilizer feedback signal error amplifier with limiter transient gain reduction Tc<TB zero-pole (lead-lag) compensator COMPONENTS OF EXCITATION SYSTEMS Exciter output signal from regulator must be amplified by the exciter before it is used to excite the field winding of the synchronous machine the resistance and inductance of the armature winding of exciter is neglected due to the small number of turns voltage of the field winding and armature winding in exciter are: v f = i f rf + dλ f (i f ) , v x = f (i f , ix ) dt v x is armature voltage of exciter field current can be expressed in terms of saturation function Se and armature voltage vx saturation part if = vx + Se v x , Rag where Se = Aex exp Bev x COMPONENTS OF EXCITATION SYSTEMS Stabilizer provide more phase margin in the open-loop frequency response of regulator/exciter loop (add zero to increase stability) transient gain reduction (to counter negative damping) can be achieved by adding a zero-pole compensator with a proper value of TF or in TC and TB PSS regulator exciter stabilizer COMPONENTS OF EXCITATION SYSTEMS Exciter substitute if in vf equation and we get vfpu equation r dv v fpu = K E + f Sepu (v xpu )v xpu + τ E xpu Rbase dt where dλ f (v xpu ) rf τE = , KE = , Rbase = Rag dv xpu Rbase transfer function of the exciter, integrate (1) rf dv xpu ∫ v fpu dt = ∫ K E + Rbase Sepu (vxpu )vxpu dt + ∫ τ E dt dt rf 1 v xpu = ∫ v fpu dt − ∫ K E + S epu (v xpu )v xpu dt Rbase τE (1) COMPONENTS OF EXCITATION SYSTEMS Exciter transfer function of the exciter v xpu v xpu rf 1 = ∫ v fpu dt − ∫ K E + S epu (v xpu )v xpu dt τE Rbase rf 1 ( ) = − + v K S v E fpu epu xpu v xpu dt ∫ τE Rbase block diagram of the exciter KE COMPONENTS OF EXCITATION SYSTEMS Diode bridge (optional) mode 1: dc voltage output: Vd=Vdo-RCId mode 2: dc voltage output: Vd = end of mode 3: 3Vdo 2 2X I 1 − C d 3VS where Vdo = 2 I d = 2 I s 2 / 3 = Vs / ωe LC range of three modes of a diode bridge rectifier 3 3 π VS COMPENSATION OF EXCITATION SYSTEMS Instability problem of exciter Solution to the instability of exciter even the amplifier gain KA is small, AVR step response would be likely cause system unstable introduce a controller which add a zero to AVR open loop transfer function How to add a zero to AVR open loop transfer function? add a rate feedback to the control system by properly adjust KF and τF regulator model of rate feedback PSS exciter stabilizer Why to we need the Power System Stabilizer (PSS) As a need to give a high speed control of E’ would introduce a negative damping and adversely affect the dynamic stability, see [103] The power system stabilizer (PSS) is introduced to obtain a better transient performance over the control of excitation system adverse impact of PSS: interaction of PSS and torsional mode of turbine shaft gives rise to sub-synchronous oscillations COMPENSATION OF EXCITATION SYSTEMS Power system stabilizer (PSS) filter to suppress the frequency component in the input signal that could excite undesirable interactions wash-out circuit for reset action to eliminate steady offset two phase (lead-lag) compensator to make phase compensation (phase margin), compensation center frequency at 1 / 2π T1T2 , 1 / 2π T3T4 limiter to prevent output of PSS from driving exciter into heavy saturation prevent saturation compensate frequency bandwidth eliminate dc offset suppress undesired frequency PSS stabilizer SIMULATION OF EXCITATION SYSTEMS Overall scheme of simplified excitation systems regulator, exciter, stabilizer components exciter PSS regulator VF stabilizer Project 10-2 Excitation tests of Synchronous Machine 1. (Homework): You are given a synchronous machine model with the machine parameters given in Table 10.7 Set 1 to construct the transient synchronous machine model with the excitation system. The machine is connected to the following source: v1=1√2sin(120πt+0) pu v2=1√2sin(120πt-2π/3) pu v3=1√2sin(120πt+2π/3) pu With excitation reference voltage Vref= 1pu, Tmech = 1 pu (mechanical torque), change Vref= 0.5pu at t=10 sec, observe and plot a. b. c. d. e. vq, vd, iq, id, in one figure ia, ib, ic in one figure Pgen, Tem, δ, ω in one figure Qgen, If’, in one figure discuss what you see on the plots (ex. observe transient in field current and qd, abc current) Project 10-2 Fault tests of Synchronous Machine 2. With excitation reference voltage Vref= 1pu, Tmech = 1 pu (mechanical torque), change Vref= 1.5pu at t=10 sec, observe and plot a. b. c. d. e. vq, vd, iq, id, in one figure ia, ib, ic in one figure Pgen, Tem, δ, ω in one figure Qgen, If’, in one figure discuss what you see on the plots (ex. observe transient in field current and qd, abc current) Suggestion: the figure time scale can be shown starting from t=9 sec through the time when system becomes stable after the fault cleared Case 1: Transient Models (single machine) Case: one machine is connected to a simple external network: Vz = (re+ j xe) IZ I VZ re + jxe Such a phasor quantity could be expressed in qd components of synchronous reference frame: Vz = vqze – j vdze and Iz = iqe – j ide To incorporate with generator side parameter in rotor frame, bus voltage of synchronous reference frame should be transformed from synchronous frame into rotor frame by multiplying e-jδ The rotor frame voltage can be expressed as: vqr – jvdr = e-jδ (vqze – j vdze)= (re+ j xe) e-jδ (iqe – j ide ) = (re+ j xe) (iqr – j idr) Case 1: Transient Models (single machine) The external line drop of re+ j xe can be directly added to the stator winding voltage equations. vq = −( rs + re )iq − ( xd' + xe )id + Eq' vd = −( rs + re )id + ( xq' + xe )iq + Ed' The infinite bus voltages in phasor quantity should be expressed in qd quantities and the synchronous frame needs to be transformed into rotor frame ~ e ~ e v − jv = 2Va , iq − jid = 2 I a ~ for Va = Va ∠0o , vqe = 2 Va , vde = 0 e q e d vqr – jvdr = e-jδ (vqe – j vde) steady state to qd from synchronous frame to rotor frame Case 1: Transient Models (single machine) Stator module with external network stator resistor: rs+re stator reactance: x’d+xe, x’q+xe 1 1 = DZ (rs + re )2 + (xd' + xe )(xq' + xe ) Case 1: Transient Models (single machine) qd synchronous to rotor frame module transform bus voltage of synchronous reference to rotor reference value Case 1: Transient Models (single machine) Overall synchronous generator transient model rotor winding rotor winding Case 2: Multi-machines System Main interests in the study of multi-machine examine the interactions between generators transients of the electro-mechanical oscillations check whether the generators will maintain in synchronism Case study, two machines interconnected with external buses Four bus test system 4 r14 3 r34 jx14 1 gen1 jx34 ∞ bus I1 I4 load4 r24 jx24 2 gen2 I2 Case 2: Multi-machines System Model setup: network is expressed by [ ie ]=[ Y ][ Ve ] in synchronous reference frame machine model is in rotor reference frame needs a module between stator and network to convert quantities (v, i) of synchronous frame to rotor frame network matrix should have voltages (Eqd, Vqd) or injected currents (iqd) as inputs and associated currents iqd as outputs to feed the inputs of generator model or voltages (vqd) as output of injected bus (load bus) i qe1 Eqpe1 Eqpe2 i de1 1. T2 vqe3 T3 i qe4 i qe2 Edpe1 Edpe2 i de2 0 T4 vde3 T5 i de4 network Case 2: Multi-machines System Incorporate stator voltage equation into network equation stator voltage equation is in rotor frame network equation is in synchronous frame and expressed in phasor form to incorporate these two sets of equations together, transform stator equation in synchronous frame whose q-axis is aligned with reference phasor stator voltage in synchronous frame and phasor form: ( vqe − jvde ) = −( rs + jxd' )(iqe − jide ) + e jδ ( Eq' − jEd' ) ~ ~ ~ V = − ( rs + jxd' ) I + E' the fixed stator impedance of (rs+jxd’) can now easily added into Zbus or Ybus of the network matrix ~ E ' can be obtained from simulation of rotor field winding equation if Thevenin equivalent circuit is used Case 2: Multi-machines System Incorporate stator voltage equation into network equation combine stator admittance with network admittance 4 3 g34 load4 jb14 1 jb34 ggen1 jbgen1 g24 jb24 2 Eq1’-jEd1’ gen1 I1 I4 g14 ggen2 jbgen2 I2 Y11=(g14+ggen1)+j(b14+bgen1) Y14=Y41=-(g14+jb14) Y22=(g24+ggen2)+j(b24+bgen2) Y24=Y42=-(g24+jb24) Eq2’-jEd2’ gen2 Case 2: Multi-machines System Bus admittance matrix of the network including transient admittance of two generators iqe1 − jide1 Y 11 e e iq 2 − jid 2 Y21 = e e iq 3 − jid 3 Y31 i e − ji e Y41 d4 q4 Y12 Y13 Y22 Y23 Y32 Y33 Y42 Y43 'e 'e E jE − q d 1 1 Y14 'e 'e Y24 Eq 2 − jEd 2 Y34 vqe3 − jvde 3 Y44 v e − jv e d4 q4 choose bus 4 voltage as output and bus 4 injecting current as input for load or fault current iqe1 − jide1 e e iq 2 − jid 2 = e e iq 3 − jid 3 v e − jv e d4 q4 Eq'e1 − jEd'e1 'e 'e Eq 2 − jEd 2 gyrated vqe3 − jvde 3 i e − ji e d4 q4 Y Case 2: Multi-machines System Model setup: network is expressed in [ ie ]=[ Y ][ Ve ], Y is complex matrix with Gij+jBij (conductance and susceptance), ie is matrix with iqe+jide, Ve is matrix with Vqe+jVde need to separate xq+jyd components into q, d components method to separate complex quantities (iq - jid)=(G + jB)(vq - jvd) into q, d quantities: B vq iq G = v − B G i d d matrix gyration to reform input and output components base VA ratio of network and generator inet S sys = igen S gen Case 2: Multi-machines System Overall model diagram ide1 U(E) Scope U y1 Selector1 Sbratio(1) Sys/Gen1VA_ T o Workspace Mux Mux vref(1) Initialize and plot Vref1 m2 Clock T Eqpe1 Edpe1 T mech1 tmodel Sys/Gen1VA iqe1 -K- Sys/Gen2VA iqe2 -K- U(E) Scope1 U y2 Selector Eqpe2 T o Workspace1 Mux Mux_ 1. vref(2) T3 iqe4 Vref2 Edpe2 0 T1 T4 vde3 T mech(2) T mech2 T2 vqe3 Clock1 tmodel1 T5 ide4 ide2 network Sbratio(2) Sys/Gen2VA_ Case 2: Multi-machines System Model setup: Network module Case 2: Multi-machines System Inside generator model : generator model Ef 1 Exc_sw(1) Exc_sw in_Vref |Vt| vqt Sw 1 vdt 1 s 1/Tpdo(1) sum exciter 1/Tpdo xd(1)-xpd(1) out_|Vt| Eqp_ 3 2 out_|I| Eqp out_Pgen id_ 4 out_Qgen VIPQ stator_wdg Gain2 delta 2 5 out_delta in_iqe iq 6 3 id out_puslip in_ide 7 qde2qdr 4 iq_ out_Tem in_Tmech xq(1)-xpd(1) Rotor Gain 8 1/Tpqo(1) Sum Gain1 1 s out_Eqpe 9 Edp qdr2qde out_Edpe Case 2: Multi-machines System Inside generator model: stator module inputs: Eq’, Ed’, iq, id not Eq’, Ed’, vq, vd stator module outputs: vq, vd Case 2: Multi-machines System Inside generator model : excitation system: Ef => (vref-vfb), (1/s) and feedback loop. Case 2: Multi-machines System Inside generator model : exciter Case 2: Multi-machines System Inside generator model : rotor block ωr Case 2: Multi-machines System Inside generator model : generator model Ef 1 Exc_sw(1) Exc_sw in_Vref |Vt| vqt Sw 1 vdt 1 s 1/Tpdo(1) sum exciter 1/Tpdo xd(1)-xpd(1) out_|Vt| Eqp_ 3 2 out_|I| Eqp out_Pgen id_ 4 out_Qgen VIPQ stator_wdg Gain2 delta 2 5 out_delta in_iqe iq 6 3 id out_puslip in_ide 7 qde2qdr 4 iq_ out_Tem in_Tmech xq(1)-xpd(1) Rotor Gain 8 1/Tpqo(1) Sum Gain1 1 s out_Eqpe 9 Edp qdr2qde out_Edpe Case 2: Multi-machines System Overall model diagram ide1 U(E) Scope U y1 Selector1 Sbratio(1) Sys/Gen1VA_ T o Workspace Mux Mux vref(1) Initialize and plot Vref1 m2 Clock T Eqpe1 Edpe1 T mech1 tmodel Sys/Gen1VA iqe1 -K- Sys/Gen2VA iqe2 -K- U(E) Scope1 U y2 Selector Eqpe2 T o Workspace1 Mux Mux_ 1. vref(2) T3 iqe4 Vref2 Edpe2 0 T1 T4 vde3 T mech(2) T mech2 T2 vqe3 Clock1 tmodel1 T5 ide4 ide2 network Sbratio(2) Sys/Gen2VA_ Project 10-3 Multi-synchronous machines Project Read carefully on project 2 in 10.9.2: multi-machines system Use the simulation model (machine parameters are in Set 1 of TABLE 10.7) to run the simulation as follow: run the simulation to create plots as figure 10.24 (a), (b), and (c). In this case, step changes in torque is applied at generator 2. As you can see in the figure, machine originally operate in Tmech = 0.8pu, a step change in torque to 0.9pu at t=7 sec, then a step change to 0.7pu at t=15 sec, finally a step change to 0.8 pu at t=22 sec. Use the line impedances (in pu) as follow: z14 = 0.004+j0.1, z24 = 0.004+j0.1, z34 = 0.008+j0.3, y40=1.2-j0.6, report and comment on the figures. run the similar simulation as above but increase the line impedance of z14 = 0.016+j0.4, z24 = 0.016+j0.4 (decrease the electrical strength), plot results similar to figure 10.24(a,b,c) and observe the interaction of generator 1 and 2 due to the change of electrical strength z14 and z24, report on the difference due to the change of electrical strength Tmech2 = 0.8pu and Tmech1 = 0pu, a fault current of iq4e-jid4e = -(2-j2) pu is to be introduced at t=5 sec. the fault duration is 0.15 seconds. Use the line impedances (in pu) as follow: z14 = 0.004+j0.1, z24 = 0.004+j0.1, z34 = 0.008+j0.3, plot results similar to figure 10.25(a,b,c) , plot all the bus voltages vs. time, and report the interaction of generator 1 and 2 due to the fault Observe how long the duration of the fault is so that the generator 2 will be out of synchronism?