Kolmogorov Complexity Krzysztof Zawada University of Illinois at Chicago E-mail:

Kolmogorov Complexity
Krzysztof Zawada
University of Illinois at Chicago
E-mail: kzawada@uic.edu
Information theory is a branch of mathematics that attempts to quantify information. To quantify
information one needs to look at the data compression and transmission rate. Information theory
has applications in many fields. The purpose of this paper is comprehensively present a subset
of information theory as it applies to computer science. Andrei Kolmogorov was the pioneering
mathematician that applied information theory to computer science. The branch of information
theory that relates to computer science became known as Kolmogorov complexity or algorithmic
In 1965 Andrei Kolmogorov a researcher and mathematician presented a definition for the
descriptive complexity of an object. He stated that the complexity of an object is the length
of the shortest binary computer program that describes the object. Kolmogorov complexity or
algorithmic complexity studies the complexity of strings and other data structures. Although
he was the pioneer in this area other researchers such as Solmonoff and Chaitin contributed
to this idea in this time frame (1960s-1970s).
To measure the computational resources to specify an object in the real world, an embedded system is one example. Embedded systems use hardware and software to accomplish
something specific for an application. Embedded systems use messaging schemes, data
structures, and algorithms that define information and transmit this information reliably.
There is a high level of complexity that produces something deterministic (real-time) using
some computational resources.
Kolmogorov complexity is an abstract and deep idea and it can be used to state or prove
many impossibility results, statements that are true but cannot be proven. In essence there is
no way to actually solve or find the shortest computer program for a given string in practice
because this might take an infinite amount of time. Kolmogorov complexity is considered
as a way of thinking and a good basis for inductive reference to fundamental understanding
of computer science as well as other areas such as physics and communication theory. This
paper will present the basic idea, author contributions, and new developments in the area.
To understand and explain the concept or of Kolmogorov complexity a few classic examples are used. Since it is a study of complexity of strings and other data structures consider
the examples of strings in figure 1. Kolmogorov complexity attempts to answer the following
questions: (a) What is the length of shortest description of the above strings or sequences? (b)
What is the shortest binary computer program for the above string or sequences? (c) What is
the minimum amount of bits to describe the sequences or strings above? Analyzing the string
sequences above it is easy to see that each has a length and an English language description.
Some can be described easily, but others are not described easily. In fact, the only way to
Fig. 1.
Kolmogorov Examples
describe the more complex and random strings is by the giving the string itself. To find a
shortest computer program that could generate the above strings would involve CPU, memory,
input/output, encoding (ASCII), and a description language such as assembly, C/C++ or Java
Virtual Machine byte code. Even though this would be something to consider Kolmogorov
showed that the definition of complexity is computer independent. Thomas and Cover[6]
explain this and define the Kolmogorov complexity of a string with a universal computer as
the following:
πΎπ‘ˆ (π‘₯) = π‘šπ‘–π‘›π‘:π‘ˆ (𝑝)=π‘₯ 𝑙(𝑝)
Where, π‘₯ represents a string, π‘ˆ is a universal computer, and 𝑝 is the program. This equation
states theπΎπ‘ˆ (π‘₯) is the shortest description (program) length of string π‘₯ interpreted by a
universal computer. The universal computer is called a Turing machine, developed by Alan
Turing to be the simplest universal computer. It is a widely used computational system for
analysis that simplifies a computer. In a Turing machine, input tape is a binary program
that is fed to the computer. The computer uses a state machine to interpret the instructions
and produce a binary output on another tape. This in fact is a simple and a good model to
represent a digital computer for academic analysis. Mathematically it is represented by the
following formula:
πΎπ‘ˆ (π‘₯) ≤ 𝐾𝐴 (π‘₯) + 𝑐𝐴
βˆ£πΎπ‘ˆ (π‘₯) − 𝐾𝐴 (π‘₯)∣ < 𝑐
𝐴 is a computer with a constant (𝑐𝐴 ) that does not depend on the string length π‘₯. The constant
𝑐𝐴 in this equation account for the difference in using a univeral computer versus computer
𝐴 which may have large instruction set or function. The idea that the universal computer
has a program with a specific minimal length that could generate a string or sequence was
further developed. The development stated that the program (or the minimal description)
could not be much larger than the string itself. The proof of this is provided by Thomas and
Cover[6]. Using conditional Kolmogorov complexity, with the precondition that the string
is some known length. It relates the length of the string to the minimum program length as
𝐾(π‘₯βˆ£π‘™(π‘₯)) ≤ 𝑙(π‘₯) + 𝑐
𝐾(π‘₯βˆ£π‘™(π‘₯)) ≤ 𝐾(π‘₯βˆ£π‘™(π‘₯)) + 2 log 𝑙(π‘₯) + 𝑐 (π‘’π‘π‘π‘’π‘Ÿ π‘π‘œπ‘’π‘›π‘‘)
This means that there is an upper bound on the size of the minimal description (or program).
There also exists a lower bound on this minimal description. It is defined for a prefix-free
set that satisfies Kraft inequality by Thomas and Cover[6] as:
𝑓 (π‘₯𝑛 )𝐾(π‘₯𝑛 βˆ£π‘›) ≥ 𝐻(𝑋1 , 𝑋2 , 𝑋3 , ..., 𝑋𝑛 ) = 𝑛𝐻(𝑋)
The relationship of Kolmogorov complexity to information theory is through entropy. The
entropy is the expected length of the shortest binary computer description. It is defined by:
log 𝑛 𝑐
𝐸𝐾(𝑋 𝑛 βˆ£π‘›) ≤ 𝐻 + βˆ£π‘‹βˆ£
Chain rule in information theory also has an analog in Kolmogorov complexity and it is
defined by:
𝐾(𝑋, π‘Œ ) = 𝐾(𝑋) + 𝐾(π‘Œ 𝑋) + 𝑂(log(𝐾(𝑋, π‘Œ ))
Kolmogorov complexity has many other applications that can also be applied to find bounds.
For instance, image compression; the measure of the algorithmic complexity of an image
with n pixels that is compressed by some factor f can be defined by
𝐾(π‘–π‘šπ‘Žπ‘”π‘’βˆ£π‘›) ≤ ( ) + 𝑐.
Another example is gambling, where it can be shown that the logarithm of wealth a gambler
achieves on a sequence is no smaller than length of the sequence [6]. This idea also extends
to finding the complexity of integers, algorithmically random and incompressible sequences,
universal probability, statistics, and other applications. Although from the given examples
we know that Kolmogorov complexity cannot be computed, the outcome converges to the
true value and this provides a framework to study randomness and inference. The main
contributors to the original idea are Kolmogorov, Chaitin, and Solomonff. Their contributions
are given next.
A. Andrei Kolmogorov
The original ideas of complexity were published in two main papers. The first was in
1965 titled ”Three approaches to the quantitative definitions of information”[11]. In this
paper Kolmogorov presented the combinatorial approach, probabilistic approach, and the
algorithmic approach to define information. He stated that the two common approaches were
the combinatorial and probabilistic. When describing the combinatorial method the author
used sets of elements, language alphabets, and Russian literary text as examples in deriving
the entropy, mutual information, and bounds on information. Then he applied meaning to
these outcomes. With the probabilistic approach Kolmogorov focused on random variables
with a given probabilistic distribution. He showed that the mutual information 𝐼(𝑋; π‘Œ ) is
non-negative in the combinatorial approach, but the probabilistic approach shows it could
be negative and that the average quantity πΌπ‘Š (𝑋, π‘Œ ) was the true quantity of information
content. The probabilistic approach was identified to be more applicable to communication
channels with many weakly related messages. The last topic in his paper was the algorithmic
approach which used the theory of recursive functions. To describe the length of a string
π‘₯ (𝑙(π‘₯) = 𝑛), he proposed to do it recursively in log 𝑛 + log log 𝑛 + log log log 𝑛 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ bits,
and continue this recursively until the last positive term. This would give a more efficient
way to describe the length of a string π‘₯ (𝑙(π‘₯) = 𝑛). With the use of recursive functions
Kolmogorov stated that this allowed for a correct description of the quantity of hereditary
information. He concluded that he intended to study the relationship between the necessary
complexity of a program and its difficulty.
The second paper published in 1968 titled ”Logical basis for Information Theory and
Probability”[12], Kolmogorov linked conditional entropy 𝐻(π‘₯βˆ£π‘¦) to quantity of information
required for computing. His definition of condition entropy𝐻(π‘₯βˆ£π‘¦) was interpreted as the
minimal length of a recorded sequence of zeros and ones of a program (denoted by 𝑃 ) that
constructs the value (denoted by π‘₯) when the length of it (denoted by 𝑦) is known. The
definition was given by
𝐻(π‘₯βˆ£π‘¦) = π‘šπ‘–π‘›π΄(𝑃,𝑦)=π‘₯ 𝑙(𝑃 ).
He saw a need to take the conditional entropy 𝐻(π‘₯βˆ£π‘¦) and mutual information 𝐼(π‘₯βˆ£π‘¦) and
attach a definite meaning to these concepts. He stated that he was following Solomonoffs
work, since he was the first to support his idea. After developing the conditional entropy
definition the next developments were slowed because he could not prove algebraically or
derive the concepts of 𝐼(π‘₯βˆ£π‘¦) = 𝐼(π‘¦βˆ£π‘₯) and 𝐻(π‘₯, 𝑦) = 𝐻(π‘₯) + 𝐻(π‘¦βˆ£π‘₯). He was able to able
to derive some form of the concepts with approximate inequalities. The new definitions he
gave were
∣𝐼(π‘₯βˆ£π‘¦)∣ − 𝐼(π‘¦βˆ£π‘₯) = 𝑂(log 𝐼(π‘₯, 𝑦))
𝐻(π‘₯, 𝑦) = 𝐻(π‘₯) + 𝐻(π‘¦βˆ£π‘₯) + 𝑂(log 𝐼(π‘₯, 𝑦))
He went on to analyze long sequences π‘₯ = (π‘₯1 , π‘₯2 , , π‘₯𝑙 ) with length 𝑙(π‘₯) consisting of zeros
and ones to show that these sequences have entropy that is not smaller than their length,
𝐻(π‘₯) ≥ 𝑙(π‘₯). With his student Martin-L¨
π‘œf he next looked at the symptom of randomness
and approximated this to Bernoulli sequences. In this paper he also included Martin-L¨
work with m-Bernoulli type sequences that have the joint entropy 𝐻[π‘₯βˆ£π‘™(π‘₯), π‘˜(π‘₯)]πΆπ‘™π‘˜ − π‘š
and 𝐻(π‘₯𝑙 βˆ£π‘™, π‘˜)πΆπ‘™π‘˜π‘™ − π‘š. He also stated that Bernoulli sequences have logarithmic increasing
entropy 𝐻(π‘₯𝑙 ) = 𝑂(log 𝑙). These were the new basic information theory concepts that
he found linking to probability theory and as well as introducing random sequences or
sequences that do not have periodicity. He concluded the paper with a universal programming
method defined by 𝐻𝐴 (π‘₯βˆ£π‘¦) ≤ 𝐻𝐴 (π‘₯βˆ£π‘¦) + 𝐢𝐴 and noted himself as well as Solomonoff
for the accomplishments. There were several other papers he publish that built up to this
idea [9] [8] [10].
B. Gregory Chaitin
Gregory Chaitin was a mathematician and a computer scientist that contribute to Kolmogorov complexity. In 1966 he wrote a paper titled ”On the Length of Programs for
Computing Finite Binary sequences” [2]. Chaitin goes into a great amount of detail about
the functionality of Turing machines. He describes Turing machines as a general purpose
input/output computer as shown below. The general purpose computer takes the input tape
and scans the tape for binary input. It subsequently produces a binary output on the tape. The
Turing machine is defined to be N-state M-tape-symbol or N-row by M-column table. Chaitins
interest was in finding the shortest program for calculating an arbitrary binary sequence. The
study includes several factors such as the number of symbols a Turing machine can write,
changing the logic design, removing redundancies, recursion, and transferring from one part
of the program to another. He concludes that there are exactly ((𝑁 + 1)(𝑀 + 2))𝑁 𝑀 possible
programs for a N-state M-table-symbol Turing machine and this means that the machine has
Fig. 2.
Turing Machine
𝑁 𝑀 log2 𝑁 bits of information. He also proposes a redesign of the machine to remove any
redundancies. The result of the paper shows the mathematical outcomes for changing the
factors above.
Chaitins second contribution to Kolmogorov complexity was in 1974 with a paper titled
”Information Theoretic Limitations of Formal Systems” [3]. In this paper Chaitin investigates mathematical applications of computational complexity. The goal of this paper was to
examine the time and the number of bits of instructions to carry out finite or infinite amount
of tasks. To be able to accomplish this he considered the size of the proofs and the tradeoffs
between how much is assumed. After analyzing Turing machines and mathematic models
for these machines Chaitin began to research randomness. In 1975 he wrote a paper titled,
Randomness and Mathematical Proof. In this paper he established that for a non-random
sequence 01010101010101010101 (01 ten times) that a computer would execute to produce
the output would be relatively small. For example:
1010 → π‘π‘œπ‘šπ‘π‘’π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿ → 01010101010101010101.
It is obvious the input processed by the computer is smaller size than the output. However, for
a random sequence 01101100110111100010 with twenty random outcomes, this is closely
modeled as twenty coin flips with the outcome of 220 binary series. Therefore, the program
length to produce a random output sequence would be at least the length of the sequence
itself. For example:
01101100110111100010 → π‘π‘œπ‘šπ‘π‘’π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿ → 01101100110111100010.
The input is the same size as the output. He also touched on other properties of randomness
such as frequencies of binary digits as well as formal systems which were concluded to not
be able to prove a number can be random unless the complexity of the number is less than
the system itself. G¨dels theorem was used to prove this.
Lastly, in 1977 Chaitin publish a paper titled, Algorithmic Information Theory [5], in
which he attempted to show that Solmonoffs probability measure of programs and his and
Kolmogorovs ideas about size of smallest programs were equivalent. Others also examined
randmoness with mathematical proofs [4].
C. Ray Solomonoff
Solmonoff is known as being one of the founders of Kolmogorov complexity. Solomonoff
used induction to predict future events based on prior results. In 1964 he published a
two part paper titled, ”A formal Theory of Inductive Inference”[22][23]. For instance, if
taking a Turing machine that outputs some sequence of symbols from some length of input
sequence, these output sequences could be assigned probabilities and predict the future
events. This is a form of extrapolating data, specifically extrapolating of long sequences of
symbols. Some of the mathematical models that he presented involved Bayes Theorem. Bayes
Theorem of probability is based on conditional probability. One modern example of this is
Bayesian SPAM filters. For instance, to predict if an incoming message is SPAM, previous
information is used to assign a probability to the incoming message. If a user builds up an
extensive list of known SPAM a Bayesian filter can use this to predict if the new incoming
message based on the content of the message. Solomonoff develops mathematics to prove
his induction/extrapolation methods, but at the time of his writing he also states that these
findings are based on heuristics and it is likely that the findings (equations) may need to be
corrected. Another method that he proposed in his paper is what he called inverse Huffman
coding. When using Huffman coding, knowing the probability of strings allows a code to be
constructed to code the strings minimally, so that the strings with highest probability are as
short as possible. Inversion of Huffman code means that a minimal code is obtained for the
string first, and using this code a probability of the string is found. In part two of his paper
he applied his models to Bernoulli sequences, some Markov Chains, and phase structure
D. Others
There are two authors that provide basis for developing proofs and have been mentioned
through the previous publications. One is William of Ochkam and is attributed to Occams
Razor principle. This principle states that ”entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity” [17]. This means that if there are multiple theories, chose the simplest theory which
will make the confidence of a prediction higher. The next is Kurt G¨
π‘œdel which is attributed
to G¨
π‘œdel’s incompleteness theorem. This theorem used self-reference to prove statements
within the system are true. This theorem is used in theory to determine what can be done
and its limits. The fact that Kolmogorov complexity cannot be computed is due to G¨
After the ideas of Kolmogorov complexity were put forth. Students of Kolmogorov began
further developing the ideas. Martin-Lofs work in 1966[15] was dedicated to defining random
sequences as well as developing test for random sequences. This was presented in a paper
titled, The Definition of Random Sequences. In this paper Martin-Lof first restates the
complexity measure of Kolmogorov and follows this by definitions and proofs of universal
test for randomness. He also develops the idea that all non-random sequences are defined as
the null set. The remainder of the paper is dedicated to Bernoulli sequences.
Zovkin and Levin[14] also studied Kolmogorovs work and developed a paper that surveyed
the results of Kolmogorov, Solomonoff, Martin-Lof, and others. They developed more ideas
about universal probability and its relationship to complexity.
In the 1970s, Schnorr studied and published three papers [19] [20] [21] on random
sequences. These papers state several definitions about finite and infinite random sequences.
In one paper he stated that he formulates a thesis on the true concept of randomness. These
studies are related to gambling. Thomas and Cover[6] explain this in a more comprehensive
manner and call this universal gambling. They explain that if a gambler gambles on sequences
consisting of 0 and 1 (π‘₯ ∈ {0, 1}) without knowing the origin of the sequence there is a
way to associate his wealth with a betting scheme. The theorem that is proposed states that
the length of the sequence (𝑙(π‘₯)) is smaller than the wealth that a gambler achieves on a
sequence plus the complexity of the sequence, formally: log 𝑆(π‘₯) + 𝐾(π‘₯) ≥ 𝑙(π‘₯). This is
proven using Schnorr′ s papers.
Since the publishing of Kolmogorov complexity in the 1960s there have been several
developments and applications in this area.
One of the topics is called prefix-free complexity. Prefix-free languages are used to solve
a specific problem determining where one string stops and another begins. Several papers
have been written by Miller [16], Bienvenu, and Downey [1] to look at the upper bounds on
plain and prefix-free Kolmogorov complexity.
New applications of Kolmogorov complexity have also been developed. For example, Boris
Rybko and Daniil Ryabko have published a paper titled, ”Using Kolmogorov Complexity for
Understanding Some Limitations on Steganography” [18]. Steganography is a way of writing
hidden messages so that the sender and the recipient can convey messages, but others do
not suspect that any message exists. They describe cover texts which can be a sequence of
photographic images, videos, or text e-mails that are exchanged between two parties over
a public channel. The main idea is that the speed of transmission of secret information is
proportional to the length of the cover text. Therefore, cover texts with maximal Kolmogorov
complexity need to have a stegosystem with the same order of complexity and this system
does not exist. They also define secure stegosystems that are simple and that have a high speed
of transmitting secret information. The simplicity is determined by the equation exp(𝑂(𝑛)),
when n is very large and approaches infinity. Highly complicated sources of data are modeled
by Kolmogorov complexity.
Kolmogorov complexity has also been used to study data mining because data mining
is equivalent to data compression. The process of data mining is looking at and extracting
patterns from large set of data. Faloutsos and Megalooikonomou have written a paper, ”On
Data Mining, Compression, and Kolmogorov Complexity” [7], in which they argue that data
mining is an art and not a theory because the Kolmogorov complexity cannot be found. That
is, data mining cannot be automated and many different approaches to it exist.
Another very interesting and recent application of Kolmogorov complexity is detecting
denial-of-service attacks. Kulkarni, Bush, and Evans wrote a paper on this topic titled, ”Detecting Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks Using Komogorov Complexity Metrics” [13]. A
denial-of-service attack occurs when a source machine floods a target machine with typically
ICMP or UDP protocol packets overloading the target with packets. In this case the details
(bits) of the packet are of specific interest and can be analyzed based on fundamentals of
information theory. In this paper complexity definitions for two random strings X and Y are
given by:
𝐾(π‘‹π‘Œ ) ≤ 𝐾(𝑋) + 𝐾(π‘Œ ) + 𝑐.
This definition comes from the fundamental theorem of Kolmogorov complexity. In this
theorem 𝐾(π‘‹π‘Œ ) is the joint complexity of strings 𝑋 and π‘Œ . The individual complexities of
strings 𝑋 and π‘Œ are given by 𝐾(𝑋) and 𝐾(π‘Œ ). When the correlation between the strings
increases the joint complexity decreases. When a high amount of traffic occurs the packets
can be analyzed in terms of their destination, type, and execution pattern. In this paper
the authors were able to show that by sampling packets a complexity differential over the
samples can be made from the collected samples. This complexity can be used to determine
if a denial-of-service attack is occurring. The results in this paper showed that this type of
method outperforms current methods of applying filters.
In conclusion, Kolmogorov complexity studies the complexity of object and defines it to
be the shortest binary program that defines the object. It is a subset of information theory
relating to computer science. This idea was developed by Solomonoff, Kolmogorov, and
Chatin. Each of these authors created the idea through inductive inference, use of Turing
machines, random and non-random of objects (strings), and others. Although, Kolmogorov
complexity cannot be solved it can be used as way of thinking and inductive reference for
understanding computer science. It is a subset of information theory fundamental concepts
such as entropy which is the expected length of the shortest binary computer description
and others. This topic has many applications to physics, computer science, communication
theory [17] and still an active area of research.
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