A FURTHER CONTRIBUTION TO THE THEORY OF SYSTEMATIC STATISTICS .; i/'.t: :PlfK by J·unjiro. Ogawa . University of North Car9}ina Sponsored by the Office of Naval Research under the contract for research in probability and statistics at Chapel Hill. Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted for any purpose of the United States government. Table 3.1 produced under sponsorship of the Office of Ordnance Research. Institute of Statistics Mimeograph Series No. 168 April, 1957 A FURTHER CONTRIBUTION TO THE THEORY OF SYSTEMATIC STATISTICS by l Junjiro Ogawa, Institute of Statistics, University of North Carolina Introduction. Until 1945 the main interest in the field of statistical estimation seems to have been in the so-called lI efficient" estimators. But from the point of view of economy in practical use, it seems reasonable to 1nquire whether the output of information is worth the input measured in money, man-hours, or otherwise. Thus we may ask whether comparable results could have been obtained by a smaller expenditure. From this standpoint F. Mosteller 2 proposed £2_7 in 1946 the use of order statistics for such purposes on the ground that, however large the sample size, the observations can easily be • ordered in magnitude With the help of punch-card eqUipment. He considered the problem of estimation of the mean and standard deviation of a univariate normal population, and that of estimation of the correlation coefficient of a bivariate normal distribution. Then in 1951 J. Ogawa £4_7 considered more systematically the problem of estimation of the location and the scale parameter of a population whose density function depends only on these two parameters, and obtained the optimum solutions in some cases for the univariate normal population. There are many cases in which the samples are by their very nature lSponsored by the Office of Naval Research under the contract for research in probability and statistics at Chapel Hill. Reproduction in whole or 1npart is permitted for any purpose of the United states government. Table ;.1 produced under sponsorship of the Office of Ordnance Research. 2The numbers in square brackets refer to the bibliography listed at the end. 2 ordered in magnitude as for example in a life test of electric lamps or a fatigue test of a certain material. Usually in such cases the population probability density functions are assumed to be exponential. So at least for the exponential distribution estimation and testing of an hypothesis based upon systematic statistics are of great importance, from the point of view of application. The first two sections of this paper will be devoted to the general theory of systematic statistics from the population whose density function depends only upon the location and scale parameters for sUfficiently large values of sample size. Then in § 3 the application of the general theory to the exponential distribution will be given and optimum spacing of the selected sample quantl1es and the corresponding best estimators will be tabulated. Finally, in § 4, discussion on testing an hypothesis will be presented. 1. Relative Efficiencies. The fundamental probability distribution of the large sample theory of systematic statistics from the population whose probability density function depends only on the location parameter m and the scale parameter a is as follows. The limiting frequency function 1s , (1.1) where f(u) denotes the standardized frequency function of the population and u i stands for the Ai-quantile of the population, i.e., i = 1,2, ••• ,k ( 1.2) and f.1. = f(u.), 1. i = 1,2, ••• ,k • (1.3) Finally, we put AO = 0, ~+ 1 = 1. (1.5) In the first place, we define the relative efficiency of the systematic statistics with respect to parameter to be the ratio of the amount of information in Fisher's sense derived from (1.1) to that derived from the original whole sample. We shall consider the following two cases separately: Case I. The case in which the scale parameter a is known and the location parameter m is unknown. For the sake of convenience, put (1.6) 4 where the right-hand side is the same as the expression in the ex~~,~ in the density function h(X(n )'X(n )""'X(n » except for the constant k 2 l factor - n/2 1,2, then we have (1.7) ThuS it follows by differentiation 'with respect to m that (1.8) where k+l Kl = r, i=l and f k+l = 0 and f O should be equal to lor" 0 as the case may be:.- Hence the amount of information Is(m) of the systematic statistics With respect to the location parameter ill is asymptotically equal to (1.10) The likelihood function of the original whole sample, considered as a random sample of size n, is L = a- n n TI i=l xi-m. f( -a- ) I (1.11) 5 hence we have n log L L == xi-m --a- ) - log f( (1.12) n log cr , i=l and consequently the amount of information IO(m) of the ori$inal whole sample with respect to the location parameter m is equal to 2 (1.13) where e Ui = (Xi - m)/cr, i.e. U stands for the standardized variate. If f(t) )== (21C \ 1/2exp 1.- t 2/2 } , then IO(m) == and i f f(t) =e J. -\I for t > 0, n -;- , (1.14) then IO(m) = n 2 -; (1.15) Thus the relative efficiency of the systematic statistics with respect to the location parameter m is defined as: 2 ) 1)(m) ~ (1.16) In particular, for the normal distribution we have ,,(m) = Kl ' (1.17) 6 and for the exponential distribution we get T} e (m) = ~J = .! ,-...n n 0 (1.18) In the case of the one-sided exponential distribution defined by - x-m g(x) = -1Cf e - Cf o = we know already that min for x > m, otherWise, xi i.e. x(l) is the maximum likelihood estimator, !<i<n and further that this is the uniformly minimum variance estimator of m for ~ all values of n. Thus, the estimator based upon the frequency function (1.1) becomes meaningless. Case 2. The case in which the location parameter m is known and the scale parameter a is unknown. log h = - k log In this case n Cf - --- 2(;'2· S + a term independent of a. (1.20) Therefore we get (1.21) and since it can easily be seen that (1.22) 7 where ( 1.23) we obtain finally the amount of information of the systematic statistics with respect to the scale parameter 0, i.e. (1.24) or I S (0) On the other hand we have o log ao h _ 1 ~ - -; 1=1 n - - (j X. -m (1.26) f(~~:---) Hence by making use of the general relation I [ (Ufffg~) = 1, (1.27) we obtain (1.28) In particular, for the normal distribution we have 8 I O( a) 2n = 2' (J and for the exponential distribution we have n (1.30) = -; Thus we obtain the relative efficiency of the systematic statistics with respect to the scale parameter a as follows: '1 ( a) , E 2 (U;(bY») - 1 (1.31) In particula; for the normal distribution we have (1.32) and for the exponential distribution we have (1.33) 2. The Best Linear Unbiased Estimators of the Unknown Parameters Based upon the Selected Sample Quantiles for Sufficiently Large Sample Size n. In the circumstance now under consideration, the basic distribution is given by (1.1), and the unknown parameters are m and a. ~ Since the dis- tribution given in (1.1) is a k-dimensional normal distrtubtion, we can apply 9 the extended Gauss-Markov theorem on least squares the best linear unbiased estimators which are estimators, L:'_7 in order to find asymptotical~etticient Hence, as far as the large sample problems are concerned there are no other estimators which are more efficient than the best linear unbiased ones. Case I. The case in which the scale parameter a is known and the location parameter m is unknown. 1\ In this case, we can find the best linear unbiased estimator m of the location parameter m by solving the single normal equation oS I 1\ dill m=m =0 ' (2.1) which turns out to be (2.2) where k+l X = (fi-fi-1)(fiX(ni)-fi-1X(n1_1» .E )..1-)..i-1 i=l and (2.4) ;\ Hence the best linear unbiased estimator m of m is 1 m= - X - .J\ Kl 10 and it can easily be seen after small calculation that (2.6) From (2.6), we can see that the best linear unbiased estimator In? is an "efficient estimator" (so to speak) from the point of view of the relative efficiency given in the preceding section. If in particular the frequency function f(t) of the population is symmetric with respect to the origin, for example the normal distribution, )' x(n2)""'x(~) and the spacing of the selected sample quantiles X(n i is also symmetric, i.e., n i + nk _1+ 1 n,; i == Ai + 'K-i+l = 1,; i = 1,2, ••• ,k, u + uk _ + = 0,; i i 1 i=1,2, ••• ,k == 1,2, ••• ,k (2.7) or in terms of hi (2.8) then we have (2.9) and fi e == fk_i+l; 1 == 1,2, ... ,k. In such e. case, it follows clearly that (2.10) 11 (2.11) Hence we have /\ 1 m =-K X, l (2.12) and Case 2. The case in which the location parameter m 1s known and the scale parameter (J is unknown. In a quite similar manner, we can find the best linear unbiased estimator /\ (J of the scale parameter (J by solVing the normal equation ~I· ocr .cr = 1'=0. (J (2.l4) This comes to be where (2.16) Hence we get (2.17) 12 and 1 !' Var( 0) (2.18) K2 In the particular case in which f{t) and the spacing of the selected sample quant11es are symmetric we get as before and the variance of 3. 1\ 0 is the same as before. Determination of the Optimum Spacings for the Estimation of the Scale Parameter of the One-Parameter Exponential Distribution Based on the Selected Sample Quantiles for SUfficient~y Large Sample Size n. ~5_7 In L:4_7, the author developed the general theory of estimation' of the location and the scale parameters based upon the selected sample quantiles for sUfficiently large sample size n and determined the optimum spacings in the case of the normal population. Owing to its importance in practical applications, optimum spacings are calculated herein for the estimation of the scale parameter q of the exponential distribution whose density funotion is given as follows: x 1 Ci e g(x) = i 0 , if x >0 (3.1) 0 , otherwise 13 Suppose we are given an ordered sample of size n, where n is sufficiently large. In other words, the sample size n is l.arge enough so that the con- elusions drawn making use of the limit distribution are valid with enough accuracy. For given k real numbers such that o < ).,1 < A2 < ••• < \: < we select k sample Ai-quantiles for i = 1,2, ••• ,k, l, i.e., k order statistics where and the symbol ~nAi_7 stands for the greatest integer not exceeding nAif Furthermore, let the A.-quantile of the standardized exponential 1 distribution, whose density is given by __ [ eo-X: f(x) l , if x> 0 (3.4) otherwise be u i ' and that of (3.1) be ·x , then it is clear that i The limiting joint distribution of the k sample quant11es x(n ), ••• ,x(D ) 1 k haa the density function 14 ~ = Cn, kexp[ .. 2(Jc:. where Ai e = l-e -u.1 1 I = 1,2, ••• ,k (3.7) • Hence we get log h =- ~ c; log (J2 - n 2l- S + term which is independent of (J (3.8) where k - 2 r: 1=2 e Thus we get the amount of information of the systematic statistics with respect to the scale parameter cr in this case 15 (3.10) where K 2 = k+1 t 1=1 == k+l t (3.11) i=l Consequently we get the relative efficiency of the systematic statistics with respect to G as (3.12) The best linear unbiased estimator ~ of where Y= k+l t i=l and this can be written as k Y ~ where = r i=l a x i (n i ) G is 16 (3.16) The coefficients a for the optimum spacings are calculated in Table 3.1. i From (3.13) and (3.15) we have where (3.18) I Although it may appear to be more convenient to tabulate a. than a., for 1 k = 10, for instance, there are ten rounding errolBin using 1 (3.17), while /'0 the calculation of a by the formula I has the error obtained by only one rounding process. The required optimum spacing is the set (Al'A2?"~'~)' or equivalently the set of values (u i ,u 2 , ••• ,uk ) which gives the maximum value of the relative efficiency K2 • We can obtain the optimum spacings step by step as follows: 17 (i) The case where k = 1: in this case it is easily seen that (3.20) = 0.6471 at u1 = 1.59, and the corresponding which has only one maximum K 2 probability is ~l (ii) =1 - e- l •59 The case where k = 0.7961. = 2: put u2 = ul + + x, then we have ~2 ). > e -1 and this function of x and ul is maximized at the point x = 1.59 i.e., and the maximum value of K2 is (iii) The case where k = 3: put then it follows after some calculations that 18 2 2 x + x+ e -x { -x e -1 It is easily seen that this function of x,y and ul is maximized at the point Hence we get the optimum spacing in this case as follows: and the correspoinding maximum value of K2 is In a similar way, the following results in Table 3.1 have been calculated. In Table 3.1, u i stands for the Ai-quantile of the standardized population. The bottom row of the table which representing the relative efficiencies K2 has been graphed as Fig. 1 to show the increasing rate of relative efficiencies against the number of sample quentiles which has been selected. It will be seen from Fig. 1 that after k relative efficiency is not appreciable. = 10, the gain in e. .e Table 3.1 1 1 1 2 2 .s.... optimum Spacings for Estimates of Relative Efficiencies and the Coefficients of Best Estimates*. 1 2 1.59 1.02 .79607 .63941 .40731 .4283 2.1 .92647 .14687 3 3 3 4 .4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 3 0.75 .52763 .30974 1.77 .82967 .20233 3.36 .96527 .06938 4 0.61 -.45665 .36098 l.3 .74334 .21719 5 0.50 .39347 .33051 loll .67044 .21896 2~38 1.86 .90745 .84433 .10994 .13173 3.97 • 2.88 .98113 .94387 .03770 .06668 4.47 .98855 .02286 8 6 7 0.45 0.37 .34949 .30927 .29900 .27352. 0.93 0.0 .60545.55067 .21499 .20654 _ 1.54 1.30 .78562'.727 47 .14242 .14850 2.29 1.91 .89873 .85192 .08571 .09839 3.31 2.66 .96348 .93005 .04394 .05919 4.90 3.68 .99255 .97478 .01487 .02996 5.27 .99486 .01027 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 lO 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 .64761 .82026 .89049 .92691 .94757 .96056 .96926 8 0.33 .28108 .24989 0.70 .50341 .19671 1.13 .67697 .14845 1.63 .80407 .10677' 2.24 .89354 .07074 2.99 .94971 .04255 4.01 .98187 .02154 5.60 .99630 .00739 _ .9'1)37 9 10 11 12 _ 13 0.30 0.27 0.25 0.23 0.21 .25918 .23662 .22120 .20541 .18942 .23224 .21644 .20181 .19003 .17766 0.3 . 0.57 0.52 -0. O. _ .46741 .43447 .40548 .38122 .35596 .18514 .17729 .16860 .16032 ..15409 1.00 0.90 0.82 0.75 0.69 .63212 .59343 .55956 .52762 .49842 .14569 .14135 .13803 .13398 .13001 1.43 1.27 1.15 1.05 0.96 .76069 .71917 .68336 .65006, .61711 .10999 .11122 .11012 .10971 .10856 1.93 1.70 1.52 1.38 1.26 .85485 .81732 .78129 .74842 .71635 .07910 .08396 .08661 .08748 .08887 2.54 2.20 1.95 1.75 1.59 .92113 .88920.85773 .82623 .79607 .05239 .06037 .06539 .068$0 .07093 3.29 2.81 2.45 2.18 1.96 .96275 .93980 .91371 .88696 ..85914 .03152 .04000 .04702 .05195 .05578 4.31 3.56 3.06 2.68 2.39 .98657 .97156 .95311 .93144 .90837 .01596 .02407 .03115 .03736 .04213 3.81 3.29 2.89 5·90 4.58 .99726 .98975 ..97785 .96275 .94442 .00547 ..01218 .01874 .02475.03028. 6.17 4.83. 4.04 3.50 .99791 .99201 .98240 .96980 .00418 .00948 .01489 .02006 6.42 5.06 4.25 .99837 .99365 .98574 .00325 .00754 .01207 6.65 5.22 .99871 .99486 .00258 .00611 6.86 .99895 .00210 e 14 0.20 .18127 .16759 0.41 .33635 .145=:;2 0.64 .47271 .12609 0.89 .58934 .10644 1.16 .68651 .08890 1.46 .76776 .07281 1.79 .83304 .05802 2.16 .88467 .04570 2.59 .924 98 .034 47 3.09 .95450 .02479 3 .70 .97528 .01643 4.45 .98832 .009':\9 5.47 .99579 .00500 7.06 .99914 .00172 15 0.19 .17304 .16096 0.39 .3229 h .1386:: 0.60 .45119 .12031 0.83 .56395 .10430 1.08 .66040 .03203 1.35 .74076 .07350 1.65 .80795 .06019 1.98 .86193 .04300 2.3) .90463 .03778 2.7B .93 7 96 .02851 3 .28 .96237 .02051 3.89 .97956 .01358 4.64 .9~034 .00817 5.66 .99652 .00414 ( .2) 9°02 0 :0)142 .97982 .98316 .98374 .98739 .98939 .99071 .99180 20 Fig. 1. The curve of relative efficiencies against the number of selected sample quantiles to be used l.000 .980 .960 .940 .920 .900 .880 .860 e .840 .820 .800 .780 .760 .740 .720 .700 .680 .6 0 .6 0 .6 0 1 e 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Number of Sample Quantiles 12 13 14 15 21 Example: As an illustration of the estimation procedure, we shall calculate the estimate of the standard deviation of the time intervals in days between explosions in mines, involving more than 10 men killed from 6th December 1875 to 29th May 1951. The data are from Maguire, Pearson and Wynn £1_7. It should be noted that this example may not be the best to point out the value of this method because the sample size (n = 109) is not so large that the labor necessary for the classical estimation is almDst cG:lmparable 'tOt) , that necessary for our estimate. This example should be regarded as an illustration of the calculating procedure itself. There are cases, which are tmportant in applications such as in life testing of the electric lamps and in fatigue tests of certain material, where the samples are ordered in magnitudes in natural order. In such a case the procedure here may be of great help in getting quickly the estimate of 0, especially for a large bulk of data. The Table 1 of B. A. Maguire, E. S. Pearson and A. H. A. Wynn is reproduced here with observations arranged in order of magnitude as follows: 22 e Table 3.2. Time intervals 1n days between explosions in mines, involving more than 10 men killed from 6 Dec. 1875 to 29 May 1951. (B. A. Maguire, E. S. Pearson and A. H. A. wynn) Order 1 2 e e 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 .34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Observation Order 1 46 4 47 4 48 49 7 11 50 13 51 15 52 15 53 17 54 18 55 19 56 19 57 20 58 20 59 22 60 61 23 62 28 63 29 64 31 32 65 66 36 67 37 68 47 48 69 49 70 50 71 72 54 54 73 74 55 58 75 76 59 77 59 61 78 61 79 66 80 81 72 ·82 72 83 75 84 78 78 85 81 86 87 93 88 96 89 99 108 90 Observation 11; 114 120 120 123 124 129 131 137 145 151 156 171 176 182 188 189 195 203 208 215 217 217 217 224 228 233 255 271 275 275 275 286 286 312 312 315 326 326 329 330 336 338 345 348 Order 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Observation 354 ·361 364 369 378 390 457 467 498 517 566 644 745 871 1205 1312 1357 1613 1630 23 For k = 10, we can see from Table 3.1 that 1 .. 1 109 x ,23662_7 + 1 = 26 n2 = £n>-'2_7 + 1 = 1 109 x .1j.3447_7 + 1 = 48 .59343_7 + 1 = 65 £ 109 x .71917_7 + 1 = 79 n1 = n 1 n>-'1_7 + 3 = £ n>-'3-7 + 1 n4 = £n>-'4-7 + 1 n = £n>-'5-7 + 1 5 f n;"6-7 + 1 n6 == n = £n;"7_7 7 = £109 = x = £109 x .81732_7 + 1 = 90 = £109 x .88920_7 + 1 = 97 + 1 = £ 109 x .93980_7 + 1 = 103 nS = 1n).8-7 + 1 = 1 109 x .97156_7 + 1 n 9 = £nr.,)-7 + 1 = £109 x .98975_7 + 1 = loB n10= .Ln;"1~7+ 1 = 1 109 x .99791_7 + 1 == 106 = 109 Thus, we used the ordered observations as follows: Order(n.) J. e Observations(x( 11 » 1 Coeff1c1ents(a.1- ) 26 50 .21646 48 120 .17729 65 208 .14135 79 291 .11122 90 348 .08396 97 459 .06037 103 745 .04000 106 1312 .02407 108 1613 .01218 109 1630 .00418 24 Thus we calculate the expression and consequently we have If we compare the estimate 0 = 241 which was calculated using all of the sample by the classical method with the above, there is quite good agreement. 4. Testing Statistical Hypothesis. In order to test the hypothesis (4.1) if we start with the frequency function given by (l.l), then this can be done as follows: n ~ k E { 1=1 (A if the null-hypothesis H is true, then Ai + l-A i _1 A }{~ A ) i+1- 1 i- i-1 O 2 2 f1(XCn.)-uiOO) 1 25 is distributed according to the X2-distribution with degrees of freedom k. This comes out as The minumum value So of S under the variation of a is given by S ~ and a = k+l L 1=1 (fiX( n. )-f.~- lX( n. 1 »2 1. ~- (4.4) n 2 So 1s distributed according to the ;t2-distribution with degrees 0'0 of freedom k-l, provided EO is true. Hence is independent of So and is distributed according to the;t2-distr1bution with degree of freedom 1. Thus the statistic t = ~ vk-I (4.6) follows the Student's t-distribution with degrees of freedom k-l if the 26 null-hypothesis Ho is true. If H:o::: the null-hypothesis H is not true, and an alternative hypothesis O 0(1°0) is true, then the distribution of t in (4.6) follows the non- central t distribution 'With non-centrality parameter- 5 = ,/if; (1 - °0 (1 ) (4.7) , and the power functWJ1 of' the t-test is an increasing function of the absolute value of 5. Hence"tt Ls reasonable to se.~e8t sample quantiles the spacing of which makes K maximum, i.e. optimum spacing for estimation purpose 2 is also optimum for testing purpose. Thus we can use Table ;.1 also for testing purposes. Finally, it should be noted that the confidence interval of a with confidence coefficient 100(1-0:) per cent it given by (4.8) where tk_l(lO(~) with degrees of Example: stands for the 1000 per cent point of the t-distribution freedom k-l. We shall calculate the 95% confidence interval for ° in the example of the preceding section, as an illuetration of the procedure explained in this section. We consider case k = 10. Then we have 27 e ""'0 -- 11 '£ i=l (f' 1.. x ( 01 ) -f.J.- 1x ( n _ i 1 l _ K 1,2 2 )..1- A1_1 2 .- 11 l..: 1=1 (fiX(ni)-f1-1X(ni_l» ""i- A1_1 10 2 (E18 i X(n. » 1 K 2 and calculation Ylill be executed as shown in the following table. (4.9) The 95% confidence interval calculated below seems to be somewhat wide, which may be due to the smallness of the sample size. e . . .e Calculating SCheme for ! l:fo ~O! . So 2 I_~_n__ f1X(n~) fIX(n ) Al-~O D 1 ! . f1 I I· 76:;:;8 I ~-~ a~ I .19785 11'2 X(D ) 1 \5 0 IX(D f 1X(D ) 1 138.16900 ) 2 38.16900 16.13093 f'2X(n )-f 1X(n ) 2 1 I :f2x(n2 ) -fIx(n1 ) 'L-lL .~ If X(n I 29.69460 2 2 a3 1"3 1.15896 1.56553 1120 167.86360 If:; t:;x(n:;) X(n,) I t 3X(D . 3 ) -f2X(n ) 2 16.70296 a4 I A4 1·1257!~ .40657 208 11'4 IX(n4) 04.56656 f (D4) -f ,x(n,) a5 l~ 1~-A4 1.28083 I.09815 If, If4X(n4) I -2.84503 .08396 1.81732 "'6-"'5 ,.18268 81.72153 X(D ) 5 f 1:;48 5X(n5 ) ~ 2 -18.14889 16:;.57264 ' f 6X(n6)-f5X(n ) 5 ) -:f 4x(n ) 4 ~-A4 f 5X("5)-f 4X(D4) 5 .~ 2 (f :;x en :;) -f2X(n 2 I >"6-~ a 2 x(D ) 2 ,) I &3x {n } 3 (f 4X(n4}-f:;X(D:;»2 "'4-"'3 t a4x(D~) (f5X(n ) -f 4X(n4»2 5 ~-A4 I -184.90973 f 6X(n6)-:f5X(n ) 5 1X(D ) 1 -lL I I D 2 -2.26263 f ,X(D 291 (f 2X{n )-f1X(n » 2 1 3X(n.:;) -f 2X(n ) 2 '" _~ 3 "'4-"'3 . .11122 1.71917 , ·-1 f4x(n4)-f~(n:;) .141:;5 I .59:;43 ;\.4-"'3 I 10.50765 I 4X ~ 15.00864 ) f .17729 I .43447 I "':;-A2 - Al 1 .21644 I .2366'2 1).,2 l l'1 x (n ) !'1. I .23662 ~ (f 6X(n )-f5X(D 6 ~6-~ 5 » 2 a 5x(D ) 5 Calculating Scheme for 11. a6 6 1'6 .88920 A.-r-1I.6 .06037 a .0'1~~ ;"7 7 .11080 457 •05060 f .04000 .93980 1\8-11. 7 Aa aa 1'6x (n6) x(n6) .03176 7 f r (n 7) • -5.78660 f 8x (DS) -f fS fSX(oa) -7.16a36 (oa) .97156 ~9-1I.S .02872 1312 37.68064 a ~ .01819 f'9 f 9X(n x(n ) 9 9 ) -179·9ts100 r (n7) -f6x(n6) 44.a4900 .02407 9 f .06020 745 x (ContLuUen) -12.93701~ 50.63560 x(D ) 7 So f't (D,) -f6x (n6) A.-r-A6 .98975 1"10-1'9 .01025 1613 16.53325 r (n7) r fax(nS) -f (n ) 7 ! 11.10 .00816 flO I Pt(n 10 ) f 1<f(n 10 1\9-1'8 .00209 1630 A11 -"-10 I - IAll .00209 i 3.40670 10x (n10 )-1'9x (n ) 9 ) 10 e- aax (08) (1' 9X(09) -1'ax(D » a A9-hg 2 a x 9 (D ) 9 C:. (f10x(D10)-f9x(09» ['10-11.9 ) l-~O a10x (n f C: C 10 x(n 10 1-11,10 10 ) ) -1630.00000 Total it r (n7) "a-A.r :'10-~ -1' 10x (n 10 -3.40670 2 -1608.64563 ) -13.12655 -f 1<f(n (faK(na)-f rCn7 » -1162.58329 10x (D 10 ) -1' 9x (n ) i .co418 1.99791 a 1\s-~ 1'9X(D )-f8X(n8) 9 9 a10 2 -225.70403 f 9x (n ) -f~ (118 ) 9 -21.1 4739 l' (f't(n )-f6X(n » 6 7 '1-1\6 -114.35969 l' .01~18 a6x (n6) 60461.82398 238.50937 ·e 30 = 2600.72348 2 ?62 x • <;. / /2600.72348 9 x .98316 = 38.77971 31 REFERENCES £1_7 Maguire, B. A., Pearson, E. S. and Wynn, A. H. A., "The time intervals between indus tria.1 accidents," Biometrika, Vol. 39 (1957). pp. 168-180. £2_7 Mosteller, F., "On some useful 'inefficient' statistics," Annals of Mathematical Statistics, Vol. 17(1948). pp. 377-408. £3_7 Neyman, J and David, F. N., "Extension of the Markoff's theorem on least squares," Statistical Research Memoir~, Vol. 1(1936). pp. 105-116. £4_7 Ogawa., I," J., "Contributions to the theory of systematic sta.tistics, Osaka Mathematical Journal, Vol 3(1951). pp. 175-213. 15_7 Ogawa, J., Determination of optimum spacings for the estimation of the scale parameter of the exponential distribution based on sample quantiles • .Typew~ltten manuscript <JfBtostat~CS'-f a~ th~ Depar~nt SChool -Ofl"'Ptlblie Health, University of North -Carolina, Chapel J{iJ:l, North Carolina - 32 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author wishes to" express his thanks to Professor B. G. Greenberg and Dr. A. E. Sarhan of the Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina for their kind encouragements, essential suggestions and discussions given to him while this paper was prepared. The author I s thanks are also due to Professor HSl:cHd 'Hotelling and Dr. David ':8; :.Dunc'anr.0f tHe, Ud ver,j-ity.of for their v.alua.bl~"comments on North~C.grolina this paper.