www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/334/6062/1533/DC1 Supporting Online Material for Growth of Uniformly Oriented Silica MFI and BEA Zeolite Films on Substrates Tung Cao Thanh Pham, Hyun Sung Kim, Kyung Byung Yoon* *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: yoonkb@sogang.ac.kr Published 16 December 2011, Science 334, 1533 (2011) DOI: 10.1126/science.1212472 This PDF file includes: Materials and Methods SOM Text Figs. S1 to S25 Tables S1 to S5 References (39–42) Table of Contents Materials Methods Preparation of leaflet shaped SL seed crystals Preparation of rounded coffin shaped SL seed crystals in four different sizes Preparation of pure silica beta zeolite seed (Si-BEA) seed crystals Preparation of glass plates coated with a-oriented monolayer of silicalite-1 crystals (aSLm/g plates) Preparation of glass plates coated with b-oriented monolayer of silicalite-1 crystals (bSLm/g plates) Preparation of glass plates coated with a-oriented monolayer of Si-BEA crystals (a-SiBEAm/g) Secondary growth of b-SLm/g in a TPA gel Secondary growth of b-SLm/g in a t-TPA gel Secondary growth of a-SLm/g plates in Gel-1 Secondary growth of b-SLm/g plates in Gel-2 Secondary growth of a-Si-BEAm/g plates in Gel-3 Laser Scan Confocal Microscope (LSCM) measurement Inclusion of 1-bromododecane into b-SLf/g/b-SLf plates and analyses of the included amounts Inclusion of hemicyanine dyes (HC-n) into b-SLf/g/b-SLf plates and analyses of the included amounts Preparation of porous silica substrates Assembly of SL monolayers on porous silica substrates Secondary growth of b-SLm/p-SiO2 plates in Gel-2 (Preparation of perfect b-oriented SL film on porous SiO2) Separation of the o-/p-xylene mixture with b-SLf/p-SiO2 Instrumentation SOM Text Tables S1 to S5 Figs. S1 to S25 2 Materials Aqueous tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAOH, 25%, Sigma-Aldrich), aqueous tetraethyl ammonium hydroxide (TEAOH, 35%, Alfa), aqueous tetrapropyl ammonium hydroxide (TPAOH, 1M, Sigma-Aldrich), tetra-n-butylammonium hydroxide (TBAOH, 40%, Sigma-Aldrich), ammonium hexafluoro silicate [(NH4)2SiF6, 98 %, SigmaAldrich)], tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS, 98 %, Acros-Organic), and n-hexane (HPLC grade, ≥ 95%, Sigma-Aldrich), Fluorescein free acid [2-(6-Hydroxy-3-oxo-(3H)-xanthen9-yl) benzoic acid 95 %, Aldrich], HF (48-51 %, A. C. S. reagent, J. T. Baker) were purchased and used as received. Slide glass plates with the sizes of 75 25 1 mm3 were purchased from Marienfeld. bis-N,N-(tripropylammoniumhexamethylene) di-N,Npropylammoniumtrihydroxide (trimer-TPAOH) was synthesized according to the reported procedure. (6) Methods Preparation of leaflet shape SL seed crystals Leaflet shape SL crystals with the average size of 0.3 × 1.3 × 1.5 μm3 were synthesized according to the literature procedure. (6) For this, a gel consisting of TEOS, trimerTPAOH, KOH and distilled deionized water (DDW) was prepared, where the molar ratio of the gel in terms of TEOS:trimer-TPAOH:H2O:KOH was 4.0:0.5:950.0:0.8. The rest of the procedure is the same with the procedure for the secondary growth of a-SLM/g in TPAOH gels. The SL powder sedimented at the bottom of the autoclave was collected by centrifugation, washed with DDW to remove the mother liquor. The washed leaflet shape SL crystals (fig. S1) were dried at 100 C by placing them in an oven. Preparation of rounded coffin shape SL seed crystals in four different sizes Rounded coffin shape SL crystals with the average size of 0.35 × 0.12 × 0.7 μm3 were synthesized from a gel composed of TEOS, TPAOH, and H2O with the mole ratio of 6:3:330. The SL crystals with the average size of 1.0 × 0.5 × 1.4 μm3 were synthesized from a gel composed of TEOS, TPAOH, and H2O with the mole ratio of 6:1.28:620. The SL crystals with the average size of 1.5 × 0.6 × 1.9 μm3 were synthesized from a gel composed of TEOS, TPAOH, and H2O with the mole ratio of 6:0.9:620. The above synthesis gels were prepared by introducing TEOS into the solution containing TPAOH and H2O. The mixture transformed into a clear gel after stirring for 24 h at room temperature. The clear gel was filtered through a filter paper (Whatman® No.5) and charged into a Teflon-lined autoclave. The hydrothermal reaction was carried out at 150 ºC for 12 h with vigorous stirring with the aid of a magnetic stirrer. The rounded coffin shape SL crystals with the average size of 2.8 × 1.1 × 4.8 μm3 were synthesized from a gel composed of TEOS, TPAOH, TEAOH, ethylene glycol (EG), and H2O with the mole ratio of 6:0.9:0.6:24:600. The gel was prepared by first adding 31.8 g of TEOS to the solution containing TPAOH (22.5 mL), H2O (247 mL), and EG (37.2 g). The mixture was stirred for 24 h at room temperature, and TEAOH (6.17 mL) was added into the mixture. The clear gel was aged for 12 h more at room temperature. The obtained clear gel was filtered through a filter paper (Whatman® No.5) and charged into a Teflon3 lined autoclave containing a magnetic stirring bar. The hydrothermal reaction was carried out at 150 ºC for 12 h with stirring at the spin rate of 490 rpm. The obtained crystals were thoroughly washed with copious amounts of DDW to remove the mother liquor. The crystals were then re-dispersed into a 25 % TMAOH solution and shaken for 6 h to remove amorphous nanoparticles adsorbed on the crystals. The TMAOH-treated crystals were washed with DDW until the supernatant solution became neutral. The washed crystals were dried at 100 ºC by placing them in an oven overnight. Preparation of pure silica beta zeolite seed (Si-BEA) seed crystals Si-BEA zeolite was synthesized as the procedure described in the literature (25) with some modifications. The gel consisting of fumed silica, TEAOH, (NH4)2SiF6, KOH and DDW was prepared, where the molar ratio of the gel in terms of fumed silica:TEAOH:(NH4)2SiF6:KOH:H2O was 4.00:1.92:0.36:0.40:31.20. The gel was prepared as follows. (I) Preparation of the fumed silica/TEAOH solution (solution I): TEAOH (35 %, 12.62 g), DDW (0.91 g) and KOH (95 %, 0.60 g) were sequentially added into a plastic beaker and continuously stirred by magnetic stirrer. Fumed silica (SiO2, 6.01 g) was slowly added within 30 min with continuously stirring until all SiO2 became dissolved. This mixture was stirred for additional 10 min until it became clear yellow and viscous solution. (II) Preparation of the TEAOH/(NH4)2SiF6 solution (solution II): TEAOH (35 %, 7.57 g), (NH4)2SiF6 (1.64 g) were introduced into a plastic beaker and stirred until it became a homogeneous gel. Solution II was transferred into solution I with vigorously stirring. The mixture was stirred for additional 1 h until it solidified. The solidified mixture was aged under a static condition for 24 h. After aging, the solid gel was ground using a food mixer until it became pale yellow dry powder. It was transferred and packed into a Teflon-lined autoclave. The hydrothermal reaction was carried out at 165 C. After 7 days of reaction, the autoclave was removed from the oven and quickly cooled to room temperature by running tap water onto them. The obtained crystals were thoroughly washed with copious amounts of DDW and dried at 100 C by placing them in an oven overnight. Preparation of glass plates coated with a-oriented monolayer of silicalite-1 crystals (a-SLm/g plates) Slide glass plates were washed by first placing them in a Piranha solution for 45 min followed by rinsing them with copious amounts of DDW. The rinsed glass plates were dried by blowing N2. The clean glass plates were coated with a thin layer of PDMS (polydimethylsilane) by spin coating a PDMS solution (0.1 % in Hexane) at spin rate of 2,500 rpm for 15 sec. The PDMS layer was cured at 80 C for 1 h and etched with O2 plasma etching for 30 sec to make the surface hydrophilic. On the hydrophilic PDMScoated glass plates a solution of PEI in ethanol (0.1 % PEI) was coated by spin coating at the rate of 2,500 rpm for 15 sec. Onto the PEI-coated glass plates leaflet shape SL crystals were rubbed using a flat PDMS mold. The glass plates coated with the monolayer 4 of leaflet shape SL crystals were (denoted as a-SLm/g) calcined at 500 C for 10 h. The rate of temperature increase from the room temperature to 500 C was 1.2 C/min and after calcination the temperature of the furnace was decreased back to room temperature with the same rate 1.2 C/min. After calcination, the supported seed crystals were washed by placing the glass plates in a magnetically stirred NH4F solution (0.2 M) for 4 h. After treatment with the NH4F solution, the a-SLM/g monolayers were washed with copious amounts of DDW, and dried by blowing N2 gas. Preparation of glass plates coated with b-oriented monolayer of silicalite-1 crystals (b-SLm/g plates) Monolayers of rounded coffin shape SL crystals were assembled on clean slide glass plates (denoted as b-SLm/g) by directly rubbing the seed crystals on glass plates with a finger, without coating the glass plates with any polymer glue. The monolayer coating was conducted on both sides of the glass plates (denoted as b-SLm/g/b-SLm) when the glass plates coated with continuous films of perfect b-oriented SL films were used as the host materials for the production of 2-NLO films. Otherwise, the monolayer coating was conducted only one side of each glass plate. The b-SLm/g and b-SLm/g/b-SLm plates were calcined in a furnace at 550 C for 10 h. The rate of temperature increase from the room temperature to 550 C was 1.2 C/min and after calcinations the temperature of the furnace was decreased back to room temperature with the same rate 1.2 C/min. Preparation of glass plates coated with a-oriented monolayer of Si-BEA crystals (aSi-BEAm/g) A PEI solution in ethanol (0.3 % PEI) was coated on clean slide glass plates by spin coating at the spin rate of 2,500 rpm for 15 sec. Monolayers of truncated bipyramid shape Si-BEA crystals on the PEI-coated slide glass plates were prepared by rubbing Si-BEA crystals with a latex glove wearing finger. The glass plates coated with the monolayer of Si-BEA crystals (denoted as a-Si-BEAm/g) were calcined in a furnace at 550 C for 24 h. The rate of temperature increase from the room temperature to 550 C was 1.2 C/min and after calcinations the temperature of the furnace was decreased back to room temperature with the same rate 1.2 C/min. Secondary growth of b-SLm/g in a TPA gel For the secondary growth of b-SLm/g plates in a TPA gel, a gel consisting of TEOS, TPAOH, and DDW was prepared, where the molar ratio of the gel in terms of TEOS:TPAOH:H2O was 4:1:600. TEOS (10.6 g) was added into the solution containing TPAOH (8.4 mL) and DDW (84 g). This mixture was stirred at room temperature for 12 h. The obtained clear gel was poured into a Teflon-lined autoclave containing a Teflon support having several b-SLm/g plates. The b-SLm/g plates were tilted by ~30 with the SL monolayer side tilted down. The secondary growth was carried out under a static condition in an oven preheated at 165 ºC for desired periods of time. After reaction, the autoclave was removed from the oven and the reaction was quenched by quickly cooling the autoclave with running tap water. The glass plates coated with randomly oriented silicalite-1 crystals were removed from the autoclave and subsequently washed with copious amounts of DDW. The SL powder sedimented at the bottom of the autoclave was collected by centrifugation and washed several times with fresh DDW. The washed SL 5 crystals were dried at 100 C by placing them in an oven. The dried silicaite-1 powder was weighed. Secondary growth of b-SLm/g in a t-TPA gel The secondary growth of b-SLm/g plates in a t-TPA gel was carried out according to the literature procedure. (6) For this, a gel consisting of TEOS, trimer-TPAOH, and DDW was prepared, where the molar ratio of the gel in terms of TEOS:trimerTPAOH:H2O:KOH was 4.0:0.5:950.0:0.8. The rest of the procedure is the same with the procedure for the secondary growth of b-SLm/g in a TPA gels. The SL powder sedimented at the bottom of the autoclave was collected by centrifugation washed with copious amounts of DDW to remove the mother liquor. The washed silicaite-1 crystals were dried at 100 C by placing them in an oven. The dried silicaite-1 powder was weighed. Secondary growth of a-SLm/g plates in Gel-1 Gel-1 consisting of fumed silica, TEAOH, (NH4)2SiF6, KOH, and H2O with a mole ratio of 4.00:1.92:0.36:0.40:n1, where n1 = 30 to 80 was prepared as follows. (A typical procedure) (I) Preparation of the fumed silica/TEAOH solution (solution I): TEAOH (35 %, 12.62 g), DDW (0.91 g) and KOH (95 %, 0.60 g) were sequentially added into a plastic beaker and continuously stirred with the help of a magnetic stirrer. Fumed silica (SiO2, 6.01 g) was slowly added into the above solution during the period of 30 min with continuous stirring until all SiO2 became dissolved. This mixture was stirred for additional 2 min until it became clear yellow and viscous. (II) Preparation of the TEAOH/(NH4)2SiF6 solution (solution II): TEAOH (35 %, 7.57 g), (NH4)2SiF6 (1.64 g) were introduced into a plastic beaker and stirred until it became homogeneous. Solution II was transferred into solution I with vigorously stirring. The mixture was stirred for additional 1 h until it solidified. The solidified mixture was aged under a static condition for 12 h. After aging, the solid gel was ground using a food mixer until it became pale yellow dry powder. It was transferred into a Teflon-lined autoclave. The aSLm/g plates were placed vertically inside the solid gel. To induce good contacts between a-SLm/g plates and the solid gel, the autoclave was tapped by gently hitting the bench top. The sealed autoclaves were placed in an oven preheated 150 ˚C. After desired periods of time, the autoclaves were removed from the oven and quickly cooled to room temperature by running tap water onto them. The perfect a-oriented films supported on glass (denoted as a-SLf/g) were removed from autoclaves and washed with DDW to clean the surface, and dried by blowing N2 gas. Secondary growth of b-SLm/g plates in Gel-2 A gel consisting of TEOS, TEAOH, (NH4)2SiF6, and H2O (denoted Gel-2) was prepared, where the molar ratio of the gel was 4.00:1.92:0.36:n2, where n2 = 40-80. The gel was prepared as follows. (A typical example). 6 (I) Preparation of the TEOS/TEAOH solution (solution I): TEAOH (35 %, 20.2 g) and DDW (22.2 g) were sequentially added into a plastic beaker containing 31.8 g of TEOS (98 %). This beaker containing the above solution was tightly covered using plastic wrap and magnetically stirred for about 30 min until the solution became clear. (II) Preparation of the TEAOH/(NH4)2SiF6 solution (solution II): TEAOH (35 %, 10.1 g), (NH4)2SiF6 (2.45 g), and DDW (11.1 g) were introduced into a plastic beaker and stirred until all (NH4)2SiF6 became dissolved. Solution II was quickly poured into the solution I with vigorously stirring. The mixture solidified immediately. The solidified mixture was stirred for additional 2 min using a plastic rod, and aged under a static condition for 6 h. After aging, the semisolid gel was ground using a food mixer and transferred into a Teflon-lined autoclave. The b-SLm/g plates were placed vertically within the semisolid gel. The sealed autoclaves were placed in an oven preheated at desired temperatures. After desired periods of time, the autoclaves were removed from the oven and quickly cooled to room temperature by running tap water onto them. The perfect b-oriented SL films supported on glass (denoted as b-SLf/g) were removed from autoclaves and washed with DDW to clean the surface. After cleaning the films by sonication in a sonic bath charged with DDW for 1 min, they were washed with DDW, and dried under the stream of N2 gas. The obtained b-SLf/g plates were calcined at 550 C for 15 h under the oxygen flow to remove TEA+ ions from the channels. The rate of temperature increase from the room temperature to 550 C was 1 C/min and after calcination the temperature of the furnace was decreased back to room temperature with the same rate. The calcined films were washed with the 0.2 M NH4F solution for 6 h and subsequently with copious amounts of water to remove the amorphous silica layers or particles from film surfaces to expose channel openings to the atmosphere. Secondary growth of a-Si-BEAm/g plates in Gel-3 The a-oriented continuous Si-BEA film on glass plates (denoted as a-Si-BEAf/g) was prepared from Gel-3 (TEOS:TEAOH:HF:H2O = 4.00:2.20:2.20:n3, where n3 = 30-40). The gel was prepared as follows. (39) TEAOH (35 %, 23.14 g) and TEOS (98 %, 21.2 g) were introduced into a plastic beaker. This beaker containing the above solution was tightly covered using plastic wrap and magnetically stirred for about 30 min until the solution became clear. HF (50 %, 2.20 g) was added drop-wise into the above clear solution with vigorously stirring. The mixture solidified immediately. The solidified mixture was stirred for additional 2 min using a plastic rod, and aged under a static condition for 5 h. After aging, the semisolid gel was ground using a food mixer and transferred into a Teflon-lined autoclave. The a-SiBEAm/g plates were placed vertically within the semisolid gel. The sealed autoclaves were placed in an oven preheated at 150 C. After 4 day of reaction time, the autoclaves were removed from the oven and quickly cooled to room temperature by running tap water onto them. a-Si-BEAf/g plates were removed from autoclaves, washed with DDW to clean the surface and dried by blowing N2 gas. 7 Laser Scan Confocal Microscope (LSCM) measurement The LSCM measurements were carried out with two type of membrane including random oriented silicalite-1 films supported on porous silica substrates (denoted as r-SLF/p-SiO2) and b-SLf/p-SiO2. The calcined membranes were mounted on a home-made permeance cell. The zeolite site was contacted to pure MeOH while the support site was contacted to fluorescin (see below) solution 0.1 M in MeOH. The contact areas were sealed by O-ring. After 4 days for dye inclusion at room temperature, the membranes were removed and washed with copious amount of MeOH, dried by blowing N2 gas, and kept at room temperature for 12 h. The LSCM measurements were conducted using LSM-710 (Carl Zeiss) with Argon laser source (488 nm) and z-stack scan mode. The r-SLF/p-SiO2 membrane was measured at laser power of 3.5 % using Plan-Apochromat 40/0.95 Korr M27 objective lens with the zoom value of 0.6 and the master gain value of 547. The b-SLF/p-SiO2 membrane was measured at laser power of 6.5 % using Plan-Apochromat 40/0.95 Korr M27 objective lens with the zoom value of 2.0 and the master gain value of 700. The 3D images were built using ZEN 2009 Light Edition software (Carl Zeiss). Molecular structure of fluorescein [2-(6-hydroxy-3-oxo-(3H)-xanthen-9-yl) benzoic acid]. O Absorption maximum: 496 nm O OH O OH Inclusion of 1-bromododecane into b-SLf/g/b-SLf plates and analyses of the included amounts The inclusion of 1-bromododecane (1-Br-C12) into b-SLf/g/b-SLf plates was carried out by immersing them in neat 1-Br-C12 under vacuum. Four b-SLf/g/b-SLf plates which were calcined calcined and washed with NH4F (18 25 1 mm3) were first evacuated at 300 ºC for 24 h to dehydrate the films. The dehydrated b-SLf/g/b-SLf plates were transferred into a Schlenk flask in a glove box charged with dry Ar. 1-Br-C12 (5 mL) was added into the Schlenk flask containing dry b-SLf/g/b-SLf plates and the Ar gas residing inside the Schlenk flask was removed by briefly applying vacuum through the connection of the side arm of the Schlenk tube to a vacuum line connected to the external (outside the glove box) vacuum system. After disconnection from the vacuum line the tightly capped Schlenk tube was inserted into an aluminum block whose temperature was maintained at 50 C. After 3, 5, and 7 days, one (after 3 and 5 days) or two (after 7 days) b-SLf/g/b-SLf plates were removed from the Schlenk tube and washed the surface-coating 1-Br-C12 molecules off the b-SLf/g/b-SLf plate by flowing 15 mL of n-hexane onto the plate. The profiles of the relative concentrations of 1-Br-C12 in SL channels along the film depth 8 were obtained from a 1-Br-C12-incorporating b-SLf/g/b-SLf plate by energy dispersive Xray spectroscopic (EDX) analyses of Br and Si. From the two 7-day 1-Br-C12incorporating b-SLf/g/b-SLf plates 1-Br-C12 was also extracted as follows. The 7-day included plates were introduced into a plastic beaker containing 3 mL of HF solution (3 M). After gentle shaking for 5 min, the glass plates were removed from the solution and washed them with additional 1 mL of HF solution (3 M) in the plastic beaker. The collected HF solution was cooled to ~0 C by placing the plastic beaker in an ice bath. An aqueous NaOH solution (3 M, 4 mL) was added drop wise into the cold HF solution. After warming up the aqueous mixture to room temperature 8 mL of n-hexane was added into the aqueous mixture. The mixture was shaken for 1 min and subsequently transferred into a separatory funnel. After standing still for 10 min the upper organic phase was transferred into a 25-mL volumetric flask. The lower aqueous phase was transferred back to the separatory funnel and 8 mL of fresh n-hexane was added into the funnel. After the cycle of shaking, standing still, and separation, the n-hexane layer was transferred into the 25-mL volumetric flask already having ~8 mL of the first cycle extract. The extraction procedure was repeated one more time using 8 mL of n-hexane. Into the 25-mL volumetric flask fresh n-hexane was added until the total volume of the n-hexane solution became 25 mL. The concentration of 1-Br-C12 was analyzed from the area of the chromatogram after injecting 5 μL of the solution into a FID-GC equipped with a HPINNO Wax column. A calibration column was independently made for the concentration analysis. To check the accuracy of our analytical procedure we carried out the following simulated experiment using a known amount of 1-Br-C12. In a plastic beaker, 5 mg of freshly calcined SL powder and two slide glass plates with the same size (18 × 25 × 1 mm3) were introduced. Into the plastic beaker 3 mL of HF solution (3 M) were added. After gentle shaking until silicalite-1 powder was completely dissolved, these glass substrates were removed from solution and washed with 1 mL of HF solution (3 M). The HF solution was first cooled to ~0 C by placing the plastic beaker in an ice bath. Into the HF solution 4 mL of NaOH (3 M) was added to neutralize the solution. After warming up, 5 mL of an n-hexane solution of 1-bromododecane (200 mM) was added into the neutral solution. The rest of the extraction and analysis procedure was the same. The obtained recovery was 99.3 %. The key notes used to calculate the incorporated amount of 1-Br-C12 in an SL channel are as follows. Film type: b-SLf/g/b-SLf Thickness of the film on each side = 3 m Area of the film in one side = 17 × 25.8 mm2 (slide glass) Number of channels in one side = 3.25 1014 channels. Number of channels in two sides = 3.25 1014 2 channels. Total number of 1-bromododecane molecule = 9.4322x1017 Exp. Nc = 1448.063 Corrected total Nc = 1448.063 (extraction factor: 100 / 99.25) = 1,459 9 Molecular length = 18.051 Å Total length = 2.634 μm Occupied = 87.8 % Inclusion of hemicyanine dyes (HC-n) into b-SLf/g/b-SLf plates and analyses of the included amounts The synthesis of hemicyanine dyes with different alkyl chain lengths (HC-n) and their inclusion into SL films supported on glass plates are well described in our previous report. (14) For this, each NH4F washed b-SLf/g/b-SLf plate was divided into 6 pieces with the size of 12 × 25 × 1 mm3. The glass supported small b-SLf/g/b-SLf plates were calcined at 385 C for 15 h under the oxygen flow and used immediately after calcination. Into each vial containing a methanol solution of difference HC-n (n = 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 22), three pieces of b-SLf/g/b-SLf plates were added. These vials were capped and kept at room temperature for 1 week. The films were removed from each solution and washed with fresh methanol, and dried by blowing N2 gas. The analyses of the number of HC-n molecules incorporated in each channel (NC) and the second harmonic (SH) intensity measurements were carried out according to the procedures described in our previous report. (14) Preparation of porous silica substrates Porous silica substrates were prepared from 50-550 nm sized silica beads which were synthesized according to the Stöber method. (40) For this, 10 g of 350-nm SiO2 beads and 10 g of 550-nm SiO2 beads were mixed together using food mixer. Into the mixed silica beads 0.6 mL of aqueous solution of Na2SiO3 (0.5% in DDW) was added drop wise and the silica bead mixture was ground for 10 min in food mixer. Porous silica supports were prepared by placing 1.8 g of the above mixture in a home-made stainless steel mold and pressing at the pressure of 150 kgf/cm2. The resulting silica dishes were calcined at 1,020 C for 2 h with the heating rate of 100 C/h. After cooling to room temperature, both sides of the porous silica disc were polished using a SiC sandpaper (Presi, grit size P800). To make the surface smooth, one side was polished again using a SiC sandpaper (Presi, grit size P1200). The diameter and thickness of the porous silica disc were 20 and 3 mm, respectively. The porosity measured by a mercury porosimeter is 45.5 % with the average pore size of 250 nm. One drop of DDW was dropped onto a porous silica support. Independently, 70-nm silica beads were prepared and calcined at 550 ºC for 24 h. The calcinced 70-nm silica beads were gently rubbed on the porous silica supports until the surface became shiny. The shiny porous silica supports were dried overnight at room temperature and sintered at 550 C for 8 h on a muffle furnace. The temperature was increased to 550 C during the 8 h period and cooled to room temperature during the period of 4 h. An acetone solution of epoxy resin (10 wt%) was spin coated onto the porous silica at the speed of 3,000 rpm for 15 sec and cured at 80 ºC for 30 min. Assembly of SL monolayers on porous silica substrates Onto the epoxy-coated porous silica supports an ethanol solution of polyethyleneimine (PEI, 0.1 %) was spin-coated with the spin rate of 2,500 rpm for 15 sec. Perfect boriented SL crystals (1.0 × 0.5 × 1.4 μm3) were assembled on the porous supports by 10 rubbing them onto the supports using a finger. The SL crystal monolayer supported on porous silica is denoted as b-SLm/p-SiO2. The b-SLm/p-SiO2 plates were calcined at 550 ºC for 24 h in air on a tubular furnace to remove the organic polymer layers as well as to fix the SL monolayers on the silica supports through the formation of Si-O-Si bonding. The rate of temperature increase was 65 ºC/h. The rate of temperature decrease was 100 ºC/h. The calcined b-SLm/p-SiO2 plates were kept in a constant humidity chamber overnight to allow the plates to absorb H2O. The hydrated b-SLm/p-SiO2 plates were then immersed into an aqueous NH4F solution (0.2 M) for 5 h. The NH4F-treated b-SLm/p-SiO2 plates were immersed in fresh DDW for 1 h and dried at room temperature for 24 h. Secondary growth of b-SLm/p-SiO2 plates in Gel-2 (Preparation of perfect b-oriented SL film on porous SiO2) b-SLm/p-SiO2 plates were placed vertically in Gel-2. The hydrothermal reactions were carried out at 165 C for 18 h. After the reaction, the produced perfect b-oriented SL films supported on porous SiO2 substrates (denoted as b-SLf/p-SiO2) was removed and washed with copious amounts of DDW. To remove the alkali in the porous SiO2 support, the bSLf/p-SiO2 membranes were immersed in DDW for 2 h and subsequently in a NH4F solution (0.2 M) for 4 h. The membranes were then washed with DDW, dried by blowing N2 gas, and kept at room temperature for 24 h. Finally they were calcined at 440 ºC for 8 h in air to remove TEAOH template. The heating rate was 60 ºC/h and the cooling rate was 90 ºC/h. The calcined membranes were kept in a desiccator for permeation test. Separation of the o-/p-xylene mixture with b-SLf/p-SiO2 The separation of the xylene mixture was carried out according to the Wicke-Kallenbach method (41) (fig. S25). A b-SLf/p-SiO2 membrane was mounted on a home-made stainless steel cell. AS-568A O-rings (Kalrez® , DuPont Performance Elastomers) were used as the sealing materials. The active area was 2.0 cm2. Helium was passed through the xylene mixture placed in a container whose temperature was kept at 25 ºC. This vapor stream was mixed with a second He stream in a mixer. This xylene vapor was fed into the feed side of the membrane. The total flow rate in the feed side was maintained at 60 mL/min. The p- and o-xylene vapor pressures in the feed side were 0.32, and 0.31 kPa, respectively. Helium with the flow rate of 15 mL/min was used to sweep the permeate side. The total pressure on both sides was atmospheric pressure. The separation cell was mounted in a convection oven. To prevent the condensation, all the lines of system were kept at 110 ºC by tape heater. The permeance tests were conducted at a desired temperature to which the temperature was increased slowly at the rate of 1 ºC/min from the room temperature. A fresh membrane was used for each test at different temperatures. During the temperature increase, pure He gas was passed to both sides of membrane. For permeance measurements, the gas stream of the permeate side was passed to a GC through a 6-port valve. The concentrations of the components (p- and o-xylene) were analyzed by the GC chromatogram areas. The area-concentration curve was obtained before the membrane tests for each component by passing reference streams of He with different concentrations of each component. 11 The permeance (P in mole s-1 m-2 Pa-1) is defined as the flux (F in mole s-1 m-2) of a component M over the difference in the partial pressure of M between the feed and permeate sides (eq. 1). P = F/p (1) The separation factor (αp/o) is defined as the ratio of the mole fractions of the para isomer (fp) with respect to the ortho isomer (fo) at the feed and permeate sides (eq 2). αp/o = [(fp/fo)]permeate/[(fp/fo)]feed Instrumentation Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images were obtained using a field-emission scanning electron microscope (Hitachi S-4300) operating at an acceleration voltage of 20 kV and JEOL (JSM-7600F) operating at an acceleration voltage of 15 kV. Elemental analyses of the samples were carried out by analyzing the energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectra of the samples using a Horiba EMAX 6853-H EDX spectrometer. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images were collected on a JEOL JEM 4010 microscope. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were obtained using a Rigaku D/MAX-2500/pc diffraction meter. Gas chromatographic analyses were carried out on a HP 6890 GC equipped with a HP INNO Wax Polyethylene Glycol (HP-19091N-136) column. The laser-scanning confocal microscope (LSCM) images were obtained using a LSM-710 (Carl Zeiss) equipped with an argon ion laser source (488 nm) and z-stack scan mode. 12 SOM Text This result shows that the fast in-plane growth along the c direction significantly contributes to interconnection between the b-oriented SL crystals. Furthermore, as Tsapatsis and coworkers pointed out (6, 8) the higher growth rate along the b (out-ofplane) direction than the a (in-plane) direction seems to help preserving the b-orientation. Moreover, it appears that during growth, the growth along the c-axis is effectively suppressed yielding grains with a isometric cross section which further points to a balanced in-plane vs. out-of-plane growth. 13 Table S1-S5 Table S1. Thermal expansion coefficients of SL in several temperature ranges. thermal expansion coefficients (10-6 °C-1) αa αb αc αV * 25 - 150 °C -13.518 +8.853 +7.180 +2.647 Temperature range 150 - 600 °C -4.204 -1.339 -2.159 -7.602 600 - 750 °C -3.990 -5.698 -2.493 -12.080 Data from (32, 33) The SL crystals have complex temperature-dependent anisotropic thermal expansion coefficients, αa, αb, αc, and αV, where the subscripts a, b, c, and V denote the principal axes and volume, respectively. Accordingly, each crystal undergoes anisotropic thermal expansion during the initial stage and anisotropic thermal contraction during the later stage of calcination, that is, in the 25-150 and 150-550 °C regions, respectively. 14 Table S2. Performances of the glass places coated with HC-n-incorporating uniformly boriented SL films on both sides. Thickness (nm)* HC-n 130 2,400 2,700 3,000 Nc† I2w‡ d33§ Nc† I2w‡ d33§ Nc† I2w‡ d33§ Nc† I2w‡ d33§ 6 10.3 2.1 6.78 10.2 0.17 0.10 11.4 0.8 0.21 12.9 1.0 0.15 9 13.4 8.7 13.65 16.2 20.6 1.09 31.9 20.1 1.00 33.9 19.2 0.88 12 16.5 51.1 32.95 42.9 104.1 2.97 50.0 116.9 2.43 60.5 113.8 2.18 15 15.9 58.9 35.42 50.0 144.5 2.93 66.2 158.7 2.86 71.9 174.5 2.68 18 12.6 41.1 29.72 40.4 126.9 2.72 51.5 134.5 2.68 53.3 170.9 2.64 22 9.90 43.6 30.48 38.5 108.0 2.53 43.9 119.4 2.47 47.5 159.3 2.55 SL film thickness in nm. †Number of HC-n dyes in each channel. ‡Relative second harmonic intensity of the HC-n-including SL film with respect to that of a 3-mm y-cut quartz as the reference . §A corresponding polarizability tensor component. * 15 Table S3. Values of tensor components for the quadratic nonlinear susceptibility of a 2-NLO materials. * Materials dnm (pm/V)* Quartz 0.364 (d11) LiNbO3 2.76 (d22) BBO 2.22 (d22) 0.16 (d31) KTP 6.5 (d31) 5.0 (d32) 13.7 (d33) COANP 10.0 (d33) Data from (42) H N CH2OH NO2 COANP: 2-cyclooctylamino-5-nitropyridine 16 Table S4. Performances of the glass plates coated with HC-n-incorporating randomly oriented SL films on both sides prepared from glass plates coated with SL films which were prepared by secondary growth of b-SLm/g plates in TPA and t-TPA gels, respectively. From TPA gel (400 nm) From t-TPA gel (1,300 nm) HC-n * Nc* I2ω† d33‡ Nc* I2ω† d33‡ 6 23.1 0.1 0.50 5.6 0.23 0.22 9 15.4 1.6 2.25 7.6 0.23 0.22 12 8.20 3.8 3.59 8.0 2.44 0.69 15 5.70 7.0 4.99 12.6 7.08 1.21 18 3.50 7.9 5.30 8.8 2.83 0.76 22 0.90 0.9 1.71 8.0 2.72 0.75 † Number of HC-n dyes in each channel. Relative second harmonic intensity of the HC-nincluding SL film with respect to that of a 3-mm y-cut quartz as the reference. ‡A corresponding polarizability tensor component. 17 Table S5. Comparison of the characteristics and performances of the uniformly b-oriented SL membranes prepared by our method with the SL membranes prepared by other groups. Orientation p-xylene permeance [10-10 mol s-1 m-2 Pa-1] SF* Temp. [C] Calcination method Ref (in text) random 0.5 2,700 17 400 C† 5 b 1.0 2,460 378 150 C† 6 b 1.0 1,960 483 200 C† 6 60 150 C† 7 ~5,000 200 - 12 ~1,000 150 C† This work random - 270 random - - b * Thickness [μm] 2,100-500 1.0 † Separation factor. Conventional slow temperature rising and slow temperature cooling. ‡ Rapid thermal processing. 18 Figure S1-S25 2 µm Fig. S1. A SEM image of leaflet shaped SL crystals used in this work. 19 A B 5 µm 5 µm C D 5 µm 10 µm Fig. S2. SEM images of SL crystals with the sizes of 0.35 × 0.12 × 0.7 (A), 1.0 × 0.5 × 1.4 (B), 1.5 × 0.6 × 1.9 (C), and 2.8 × 1.1 × 4.8 mm3 (D). 20 25 µm 25 µm Fig. S3. SEM images of Si-BEA crystals with the sizes of 14 × 14 × 19 m3 in two different magnifications. 21 A B C 10 µm 25 µm 25 µm 5 µm 10 µm 10 µm Fig. S4. SEM images (top and side views) of SL films supported on glass which were pre pared from b-SLm/g plates by secondary growth in a TPA gel (TEOS:TPAOH:H2O = 4:1: 600) at 165 ⁰C for 3 (A), 6 (B), and 24 h (C). 22 A D 5 µm B E 25 µm C 25 µm F 1 µm 1 µm Fig. S5. SEM images of SL films prepared by secondary growth of b-SLm/g plates in a T PA gel which was pre-heated at 150 °C for 2 h to consume most of the nutrients (in other words to dilute the concentration of the nutrients) according to the method of (21) after 3 (A-C) and 6 h (D-F). 23 A B C 5 µm 5 µm 5 µm 5 µm 5 µm 5 µm Fig. S6. SEM images (top and side views) of SL films prepared from b-SLM/g by seconda ry growths in a t-TPA gel at 175 ⁰C for 3 (A), 12 (B), and 24 h (C). 24 A B 5 µm 5 µm C D 5 µm 5 µm E F 5 µm 25 µm G H 25 µm 10 µm Fig. S7. SEM images (top and side views) of SL films prepared from a-SLm/g plates by s econdary growths in the TPA gel at 175 ⁰C for 3 (A, B), 6 (C, D), 12 (E, F), and 24 h (G, H). 25 A B 2 µm 2 µm C D 2 µm 2 µm Fig. S8. SEM images of SL films prepared from a-SLm/g plates by secondary growths in the t-TPA gel at 175 ⁰C for 3 (A), 6 (B), 12 (C), and 24 h (D). 26 A 25 µm BEA seed gel 165 ⁰C – 3 d B MFI gel / TPAOH 165 ⁰C - 24 h D F 25 µm 50 µm C E 25 µm Zeolite Y gel 100 ⁰C - 24 h 50 µm G 20 µm 5 µm Fig. S9. SEM images of Si-BEA films prepared from a-Si-BEA/g plates (A) by secondar y growths in the Si-BEA seed gel at 175 ⁰C for 3 d (B, C), in the TPA gel at 175 ⁰C for 2 4 h (D, E), and in a gel for the synthesis of zeolite Y (Y gel) at 100 ⁰C for 24 h (F, G). 27 B A 10 µm 25 µm D C 10 µm 10 µm Fig. S10. SEM images of Si-BEA films prepared from randomly oriented-Si-BEA/g plate s (A) by secondary growths in Gel-3 at 165 C for 4 d. Top views with different magnific ations (B, C) and side view (D). 28 Selectively to film (Sf), % 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Gel-2 TPA gel 3 6 9 12 TPA gel 15 18 21 24 Reaction time (h) Fig. S11. Plot of Sf values with respect to time for the cases of secondary growth of b-SL m/g plates in Gel-2, TPA gel, and t-TPA gel. 29 8 1.1 (m) 1.1 1.1 1.1 0.6 0.6 0.6 Thickness (m) 7 6 5 4 0 180 ( C) 165 150 140 180 165 150 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Reaction time (d) Fig. S12. Plot of the thickness of the uniformly b-oriented SL film with respect to time du ring the secondary growth of b-SLm/g plates having different initial thicknesses of SL see d crystals in Gel-2 at different reaction temperatures 30 A B 5 µm 5 µm C 6 D nd c 5 t (m) Intensity (arb.) MFI powder 2 -growth MFI seed powder 4 3 2 b 1 a 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 2 theta (deg.) 0 10 20 30 40 50 Reaction time (h) 60 70 E Fig. S13. SEM images of leaflet shaped SL seed crystals (A) and the SL crystals grown fr om the SL seed crystals by secondary growths in Gel-2 (B). (C) XRD diffraction patterns of leaflet shaped SL seed crystals and the SL crystals grown from the seed crystals by se condary growth in Gel-2. (D) The plots of the average length increases of the SL crystals vs. reaction time during the secondary growths of leaflet SL crystals in Gel-2. (E) Illustra tion of the morphology change of SL seed crystals after secondary growth 31 2 μm 2 µm 10 µm 25 µm 2600 (040) (080) (0100) ka1 ka2 2400 Thickness (nm) Intensity (arb.) (020) (060) o 180 C o 165 C o 150 C o 140 C 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 2 theta (degree) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Reaction time (d) 6 7 Fig. S14. SEM images of a b-SLm/g plate (A) and the continuous b-SLf/g plate prepared b y secondary growth of b-SLm/g plates in a TMAOH analog of Gel-2 (B). The reaction wa s carried out at 165 °C for 7 d. (C) The corresponding XRD pattern of a b-SLf/g plate. (D). Plot of film thickness vs. reaction time at different reaction temperatures. The insets i n (A) and (B) show the corresponding side views. 32 5h 10 h 500 0C 4h RT Gel-2 A RT TPA gel B t-TPA gel C Fig. S15. Comparison of the crack formation tendencies after calcination at 500 C. (A) A uniformly b-oriented SL film supported on glass prepared from b-SLm/g plates by seco ndary growth in Gel-2. (B) A randomly oriented SL film supported on glass prepared fro m b-SLm/g plates by secondary growth in a TPA gel. (C) A randomly oriented SL film su pported on glass prepared from b-SLm/g plates by secondary growth in a t-TPA gel. They were calcined simultaneously under the same condition. The calcination condition was a 5-h increase of the temperature to 500 C with the heating rate of 100 C/h (1.67 C/min), calcination at 500 C for 10 h at the temperature, and cooling with the rate of 125 C/h. 33 A D 10 µm B C Laser power = 3.5% Gain = 547 Zoom = 0.6 5 µm E Laser power = 6.5% Gain = 700 Zoom = 2.0 F Fig. S16. A typical SEM image (A), 2D (B), and 3D (C) LSCM images of a calcined, ran domly oriented SL membrane after treatment with fluorescin and a typical SEM image (D), 2D (E), and 3D (F) LSCM images of a calcined, uniformly b-oriented SL membrane after treatment with fluorescin. The 3D images were built after caring out slice scans in t he selected areas indicated in (B) and (D). Note that the laser power, zoom value, and ma ster gain are much higher in the case of uniformly b-oriented SL membrane. The bright s pots in (E) and (F) arise from unreacted solid gel particles residing on the membrane surf ace owing to incomplete washing. 34 A 5 10 B 15 20 25 30 35 2 (degree) C 2 µm 5 µm 2 µm 25 µm 25 µm 25 µm 40 45 505 10 15 20 25 30 35 2 (degree) 40 45 505 10 15 20 25 30 35 2 (degree) 40 45 50 fig. S17. (A) SEM images of a b-SLm/g plate before calcination (top) and after secondary growth in Gel-2 (middle) and the corresponding X-ray diffraction pattern of the film (bott om). (B) SEM images of a b-SLm/g plate after calcination (top) and after secondary growt h in Gel-2 (middle) and the corresponding X-ray diffraction pattern of the film (bottom). (C) SEM images of a b-SLm/g plate after calcination followed by washing with the aqueo us 0.2 M NH4F solution (top) and after secondary growth in Gel-2 (middle) and the corre sponding X-ray diffraction pattern of the film (bottom). 35 A B 10 nm D 1 m 10 nm Si Spot 1 10 nm C E F G Spot 2 10 nm H I J K Spot 3 10 nm L W Fig. S18. High resolution TEM (HRTEM) images. Typical cross-sectional images of a SL crystal in the monolayer assembled by rubbing before (a) and after (b) washing the monolayer with a 0.2 M NH4F solution for 6 h. A piece of a uniformly b-oriented SL film grown on a Si wafer prepared by a focused ion beam (FIB) cutter and mounted to a copper TEM grid with W as the glue (c). A 1.2-m thick W layer was deposited onto the SL film layer prior to cutting the SL film. The selected area electron diffraction (SAED) patterns were taken from three spots. Lattice image of the SL film in Spot 1 (d) and its expanded image (e) and the SAED pattern of Spot 1 (f). Lattice image of the SL film in Spot 2 (g) and its expanded image (h) and the SAED pattern of Spot 2 (i). Lattice image of the SL film in Spot 3 (j) and expanded image (k) and the SAED pattern of Spot 3 (l). Uniformity of b-orientation was further supported by the analyses of the cross sections of the films (fig. S18C) with a high resolution transmission electron microscopy. Thus, the lattice fringes and selected area electron diffraction patterns of the cross sections of the films are identical regardless of the spots within the film (fig. 4, D to L), confirming once again that the SL films grow in perfect b-orientation (from the Si layer to W layer in fig. 18C) regardless of the depth of the film. When the direction from the Si layer to W layer is b-axis direction, the direction normal to the Cu TEM grid could be either a-axis or c-axis direction. The observed lattice fringes and selected area electron diffraction patterns (fig. 18, F, I, and L) coincide with the case where the direction normal to the Cu TEM grid is the c-axis direction, indicating that the particular small portion of the SL film cut by a focused ion beam happens to be oriented with the c-axis normal to Cu TEM grid. 36 Fig. S19. (A) Illustration of the structure of 1-bromododecane prepared by Chem Draw® showing its total length of 18.051 Å . (B) Illustration of 1-bromododecane molecules inclu ded in SL channels. (C) Illustration of a side view of a perfect b-oriented 3-μm thick SL f ilm supported on glass and the areas in the film where Br-to-Si atomic ratios were measur ed using an EDX equipped in the SEM. 37 1.0 after 7 d Bromine (atomic %) 0.9 0.8 5d 0.7 0.6 3d 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Depth (m) Fig. S20. Plot of Br content (atomic %) versus film depth for the three cases with different incorporation time (as indicated). 38 180 I2/I2[qz], (%) 160 HC-15 HC-18 HC-22 HC-12 HC-09 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 Incident angle ( ) 70 80 Fig. S21. Maker fringes of the 3-µm thick b-SLf/g/b-SLf plates incorporated with HC-n (n = 9, 12, 15, 18, and 22) dyes. The Maker fringe appears because the uniformly b-orient ed SL films are coated on both sides of the 1-mm thick glass plate. 39 A B C D Fig. S22. Digital camera images of a clean bare glass plate with the thickness of 1 mm (A) and the same glass plates coated with three different types of SL films which were pr epared by secondary growth of b-SLm/g plates in three different gels, Gel-2 (B), t-TPA ge l (C), and TPA gel (D). 40 Transmittance (%) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 200 Air Bare glass Gel-2 t-TPA gel TPA gel 400 600 800 Wavelength (nm) 1000 Fig. S23. Transmittance spectra of air, a clean bare glass plate, and three glass plates coated with three different types of SL films which were prepared by secondary growth of b-SLm/g plates in three different gels, Gel-2, t-TPA gel, and TPA gel (as indicated). 41 A B 1 m 1 m 5 µm C 2 µm D 1 m 5 m 1 m 5 m Fig. S24. Top SEM views of a typical porous substrate (3 mm) composed of a 1:1 mixture of 350 nm and 600 nm silica beads prepared by pressing (150 kgf cm-2) for 30 s and calcining at 1,020 C for 2 h (A) after surface polishing and (B) after additional rubbing its surface with 70-nm silica beads followed by calcination at 550 °C for 8 h. (C) SEM images of b-oriented SL monolayer assembled on porous silica supports and (D) boriented continuous SL film supported on porous silica supports prepared by the secondary growth of the monolayer in Gel-2 at 165 C for 18 h. 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