Exam 1 Results 4 Perfect Scores! Average = 67 27% 22% 12% 23% 14% 2% Week 5 CHEM 1310 - Sections L and M 1 Exam 1 Score Look up Score – Via WebCT: One point already added to ScanTron™ score! – Via Lecture Notes Link: Correct Score Listed Papers returned in lab this Fri Week 5 CHEM 1310 - Sections L and M 2 Content Recap ATOMS Bonding Bonding MOLECULES IONS States of Matter Gases, Liquids, Solids Week 5 CHEM 1310 - Sections L and M 3 1 Content Recap ATOMS Bonding MOLECULES Bonding IONS Quantum Mechanics Week 5 How does bonding occur on the molecular level? How do molecules interact with each other to form liquids and solids? CHEM 1310 - Sections L and M 4 Mon| Sep 17, 2007 Chapter 12: Quantum Mechanics & Atomic Theory – – – – – – 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 Electromagnetic Radiation The Nature of Matter The Atomic Spectrum of Hydrogen The Bohr Model Quantum Mechanical Description of an Atom SKIP THIS SECTION What is quantum mechanics? Why study electromagnetic radiation to understand it? Week 5 CHEM 1310 - Sections L and M 5 What is Quantum Mechanics? Classical Mechanics F=mxa Only applies to “big” objects! Scanning Tunneling Microscopy 1986 Nobel Prize in Physics Quantum mechanics is a field of study that describes the motion of “small” objects (i.e. subatomic particles). Week 5 CHEM 1310 - Sections L and M 6 2 What is Quantum Mechanics? Bonding – Occurs through movement in electrons – Must understand how electrons move Quantum Mechanics – Small objects (such as light and electrons) move according to rules of quantum physics – “Quantum” = small packet of radiation that exhibits a discrete amount of energy How can we describe quanta, or radiation? Week 5 CHEM 1310 - Sections L and M 7 Electromagnetic Radiation Forms of Energy – Kinetic – Potential Modes of Energy Transfer – Light (or Radiation) – Heat (Enthalpy - Chapter 9) Week 5 CHEM 1310 - Sections L and M 8 2 Views of Light Frequency vs. Wavelength Amplitude Time, s Amplitude λ, nm Week 5 CHEM 1310 - Sections L and M 9 3 Electromagnetic Radiation λν = c Week 5 λ = “lambda” ν = “nu” = frequency CHEM 1310 - Sections L and M 10 Frequency λν = c Units of Frequency cycles/sec = hertz Notice how λ changes with ν Week 5 CHEM 1310 - Sections L and M 11 Electromagnetic Spectrum V-I-B-G-Y-O-R Week 5 CHEM 1310 - Sections L and M 12 4 Dual Nature of Quantum Matter Dual nature of light: wave and particulate nature of EM radiation Ephoton = h ν = Week 5 hc λ CHEM 1310 - Sections L and M 13 5