C H AP T E R T h eo r e t i ca l S E V E N m o d e l s o f b e h a vi o r Developing Models of Rational Consumer Behavior and a Theory of the Firm A Model Of The Rational Consumer Individual consumers actively attempt to placate their desires through the act of consumption. We seek satisfaction, which when achieved, leaves us with a pleasurable feeling. How can we theoretically demonstrate this phenomena, in general terms, for all consumers? This presents us with a problem because we must discover a way to circumvent the subjective nature of personal consumption. Consider for a moment your individual measurement of satisfaction. When you walk through the local retail mall you face many products you desire, but unfortunately you cannot buy them all because of your limited income. How do you decide what to buy? Well we take into account our budget, our present mood, the time of the year, and, subliminal forces, all come into play. Given the existence of all these forces we finally purchase one pair of neutral slacks and three shirts. This we find to be satisfying. Now suppose that your income has instantly increased, which enables you to purchase more. In this case you purchase 2 pairs of slacks and 6 shirts which you find to be more satisfying than the former case. But how much more satisfying is it? Do we normally conclude that since we have purchased twice as much that now we have doubled our levels of satisfaction? No! Generally, we conclude that one situation pleases us more than the other. As consumers we tend to rank our individual preferences in some kind of order. But remember that this is all dependent upon our individual subjectivity. Now let’s take those observations of consumer behavior and construct a model that depicts what every consumer would do (in the same situation). The first problem we confront here is measuring satisfaction. We have already observed that this depends on each individual’s personal preferences, and what we need here is some way to standardize this measurement. Suppose that a meter could be made to measure the levels of satisfaction people get from consuming various combinations of goods. Let’s just say that this machine, when strapped to one’s arm, can detect different levels of tension in the skin that correspond to the amount of satisfaction the individual is demonstrating from that purchase. This machine is perfect for us because it converts every one’s satisfaction to measurable units called utils. Thus the util is a standard measurement of satisfaction received by consumption. The greater the utils measured the higher the level of satisfaction. This is of course very hypothetical, but suppose such a utility meter does exist and furthermore suppose that it has shown the following: Coffee Bagels Utils 2 2 5 3 1 5 2 4 10 5 1 10 4 2 10 8 1 15 6 2 15 3 5 15 Typically economists would seek thousands of bits of information to construct their model and then plot a “scatter diagram” to establish relationships. A scatter diagram is simply a graph of individual points which the analyst studies for relationships. Here is an example: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Bagels Coffee By connecting the points that have identical util values we can demonstrate a particular combination of goods that we prefer (at that time) or to which we are indifferent. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Bagels Coffee Every point on each of these lines provides the same level of satisfaction. Each curve by itself is called an indifference curve, collectively an indifference curve map. An indifference curve is a particular combination of goods that consumers prefer (at that time) or to which they are indifferent. The existence of one indifference curve suggests the existence of an infinite number of curves on that plane. Indifference curves have certain implications and peculiarities. They are downward sloping and convex to the origin. This shape provides for substitution and explains the rate at which substitution takes place. Constructing a tangent to an indifference curve and calculating its slope will reveal the rate at which substitution occurs at that point on the curve. A second feature is that by definition each specific indifference curve represents a given level of utility throughout its range. Using standard graphing relationships the closer to the origin the lower the level of satisfaction being depicted along that curve. Therefore curves further to the right are associated with higher levels of satisfaction and are therefore always preferred. One last observation is that indifference curves cannot intersect. Since each point on a curve represents a specific level of utils, intersecting points would, in theory, represent different values at that point. since no two identical points on a grpah can have different values we say indifference curves cannot intersect. Finally we can symbolize all this mathematically with the following equation: U = f(q1,q2) + b. This simple identity says there is a functional relationship between two goods (q1,q2) along with outside forces (b) that determine utility. We have also observed that the consumers ability to consume is being constrained by the scarcity of available resources. Ideally we would like to move to higher and higher indifference curves. Realistically, however, scarcity is constraining us. This constraint can be depicted by constructing a budget constraint in our graphical model of an indifference curve map. Bagels y • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Budget Constraint x Coffee Indifference curves help us demonstrate how consumers are always attempting to maximize their satisfaction. One constraint imposed was limited resources, and so a production possibilities curve can be constructed to demonstrate this. While consumers are indeed forced to make choices due to limited resources, we normally do not attribute that choice to scarcity. Instead, it is our limited income that really limits our consumption. Using the same logic as when we constructed production possibilities curves can lead to the construction of our budget constraints. If you put all your income into the consumption of coffee and only coffee you would be at point “x” on the graph. On the other hand if you put all your income into the consumption of bagels and only bagels you would be at point “y” on the graph. Connecting points “x” and “y” leads to a line known as a budget constraint. Bagels y all bagels & no coffee all coffee & no bagels x Coffee Connecting points x & y yields a budget constraint. Bagels y Budget Constraint x Coffee Budget constraints reveal not only the total amount of money available for consumption but also how much we can consume. In addition, relative prices are implied. Calculating the area of the triangle formed by the budget constraint and the axis of the graph indicates either total dollars or amounts (of bagels and coffee) available. To determine relative prices examine where the budget constraint intersects the axis and compare the amount of one good that income can purchase relative to the other. A relative price is simply the price of one good expressed in terms of the price of another good. In the graph below, coffee is relatively more expensive than bagels because the total income purchases fewer units of coffee than bagels. y Bagels Coffee is more expensive than bagels because the total income purchases fewer units of coffee relative to the units of bagels that can be purchased. x Coffee Notice that when point “x” shifts, while point “y” remains constant, the price of coffee relative to bagels falls. y Bagels x x' x'' Coffee This graph shows the price of bagels changing relative to bagels. B a g e l s y'' y' y x Coffee Using all this information let’s now add indifference curves to the budget constraints to complete our model of the rational consumer. B a g a e l a'' s z y x b'' b Coffee Once again the above graph shows the familiar indifference curve map with a series of budget constraints. This particular map says that with income level a’’ b’’ I will maximize my satisfaction at point “x” , which represents some combination of coffee and bagels. If my income rises to ab my satisfaction increases because now I can consume more of both. And finally if my income falls back to a’’b’’ my satisfaction diminishes because now I am consuming smaller quantities of both coffee and bagels. This simple little graph is great because it implies a lot. For example the area to the left of line a’’b’’ represents both total income available, and the total amount of bagels and coffee. Point “x” therefore represents an equilibrium between the goods we are purchasing and our income. Similarly, points y & z represent equilibriums associated with higher levels of income. If we now connect these equilibrium points we construct yet another curve called an income-consumption curve. An income-consumption curve is the locus of equilibrium budgets resulting from various levels of money income and constant money prices. B a g a e l a'' s Income-consumption Curve b'' b Coffee The income-consumption curve simply says that as your income rises so will consumption (assuming prices remain constant). But are prices always constant? No! Almost everyday we see them fluctuate. One day Tab is selling for $1.99/64 oz. and the next day for $.99/64 oz. These fluctuations in price affect our choices because often our decisions are based on relative prices between products. If prices of one product fall in relation to another product then it is like getting an increase in income if you buy the less expensive good because more money is available for additional consumption. For example if the price of coffee falls we then have more income left to purchase other goods. Here is a graph of such a case: B a a g e l s b b' Coffee b'' Connecting the equilibrium points yields a new curve called the priceconsumption curve. A price-consumption curve is simply the locus of equilibrium budgets resulting from variations in the price ratio, money income remaining constant. B a a g e l s Price-consumption curve b b' Coffee b'' This curve shows that as the price of one good falls relative to another, consumption of the less expensive good will rise. Awareness of price sensitivity is revealed in the types of goods we purchase. Goods are considered to be substitutes, complements, inferior, and superior. Substitutes are products that are related such that an increase in the price of one will cause an increase in demand for the other (i.e. coffee & tea). Complements are products that are usually consumed jointly (peanut butter & jelly). An increase in the price of one will cause the demand for the other to fall. Inferior goods are those who consumers buy less of as their incomes rise. While normal or superior goods consumers tend to buy more of as their incomes rise. Now we can use the price-consumption curve to derive the individual consumer’s demand curve. Dropping a perpendicular from each equilibrium point on the graph below will show how much coffee will be consumed at that price. The quantity shown by point x1 is the amount of coffee purchased at the highest price. Notice that as the price of coffee falls, our willingness and ability to buy more increases (points x2 and x3). B a a g e l s x1 x2 x3 Coffee Plotting the price and quantity of coffee from the above graph yields a demand curve for coffee. P D x1 x2 x3 Q While consumers are conscious of relative prices they are also interested in the demand that exists for the products they want. Knowledge of demand is important because it helps consumers analyze their own behavior providing them with ways to consider how economic changes affect them. Producers are interested so they can predict how changes will affect markets for their products. Government is also interested because of its obligation to provide stability in our market. Changes in relative prices that encourage us to substitute one good for another causes what is known as a substitution effect. In the process a reduction in the price of one good is like receiving an increase in income. Therefore, as a result of a substitution effect an income effect is realized.