The Constitution 7000 Words 7 Articles The Constitution Preamble We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. The Constitution We the people: everyone inside the boundaries, on military bases, and sovereign soil A more perfect union: try to make the country better (Articles were bad lets try again) Justice: fairness in terms of the law Domestic tranquility: peace at home, social order Common defense: national military General Welfare: well being Secure the blessing of: never take away freedom Posterity: children, future generations Ordain and establish: make and keep 6 Principles The Constitution 1. Popular Sovereignty: rule by the people 2. Federalism: power divided between the natl and state govts 3. Separation of Powers: power divided among branches 4. Checks and Balances: each branch has some power over the others 5. Judicial Review: federal courts have the power to rule laws and actions of gov’t unconstitutional 6. limited Gov’t: Const. limits gov’t; lists the power it does / does not have The Constitution Article I - established legislative branch (largest) - wanted the legislature to be superior - consists of 10 sections 1. Congress established as 1st branch The Constitution Powers of the Legislature 1. Enumerated: the powers specifically given in the Const. -i.e. make taxes 2. Implied: “read between the lines” – hidden powers, the ones “necessary and proper” to carry out enumerated powers -i.e. can make taxes so… (can make tax evasion illegal) 3. Inherent: the powers that all countries have b/c they are countries -i.e. control immigration The Constitution 2. Established House of Reps. a. 2 year terms -b. must be 25 years old, US citizen for 7 years, resident of state you rep. -c. each state at least 1 rep. (1/30,000 then 1/600,000 now) - d. vacancies filled by special election called by state’s governor - e. Speaker of the House chosen by majority party, chooses committee heads and handles charges against officials The Constitution 3. Established the Senate, origionally selected by state leg., not the people (kept them accountable to the states) -a. 6 year term, staggered elections 1/3 at a time -b. 30 years old, US citizen for 9 years, resident of state -c. Vice Pres. Leader of Senate, no vote unless tied -d. President pro tempore, serves in absence of VP Constitution - e. Sole power to try impeachments (not Pres, done by Chief Justice), 2/3 vote for impeachment - if impeached, a person can be tried in civil/criminal courts - f. If senate convicts, they can only remove from office Constitution 4. Elections and Meetings of Members: -Elections, Tuesday after 1st Monday of Nov. - Regular congressional sessions begin on January 3rd of the year Constitution 5. Organization and Rules: - Quorum: required number of reps: 50%, plus 1 - each house sets own rules - can punish its members -expel with 2/3 vote - must publish a journal of proceedings -neither house can adjourn for more that 3 days without the consent of other house Constitution 6. Pay and Privileges: - $174,000/year: rank and file members - $193,000/year: majority & minority leaders - $223,500/year: Speaker of the House (orig. $6 a day) - immunity privileges: cannot be sued or prosecuted for anything said in congress - cannot be arrested while in session except for treason, felonies, or breach of peace Constitution 7. Passing Laws: - revenue bills begin in the House (Senate can Amend) - bills must be passed by both houses and signed by President who can veto -if vetoed, 2/3 vote to override -silent veto: no Pres. action within 10 days becomes law -pocket veto: no action by Pres. while congress is adjourned, bill dies Constitution Powers and Duties of Congress Section 8: Congress has power to…(enumerated powers) - levy/collect taxes and duties - borrow money by issuing bonds - regulate commerce (trade) with other nations and b/t states - set rules of naturalization and bankruptcy - coin money and regulate its value; set a standard of weights and measures Constitution Power and Duties of Congress - devise punishment for counterfeiting - established post office & post roads - established process of copywriters/patents - set up courts below the U.S. Supreme Court - define, set rules regarding piracy and felonies committed at sea Constitution Power and Duties of Congress - declare war (President requests it, congress decides) - raise & maintain an army/navy - pass regulation that guide military discipline - the organization of the national guard regulated by states, but Congress my pass legislation allowing them to govern National Guard - they my make and pass laws for Wash. D.C. - Elastic Clause (necessary and proper) can make laws needed to Constitution Powers and Duties of Congress Section 9: - Has dates that were set regarding the slave trade - stops in 1808, & can set a tax up $10 per slave - Habeas Corpus can not be suspended except in the cases of rebellion or invasion, to protect public safety - HC: those under arrest must be brought to court to show just cause for holding - There can be no Bill of Attainder (punishment of a person without a jury trial), or Ex Post Facto (a law making an act a crime after the act was committed) Constitution Power and duties of Congress - can’t set export tax - cannot favor a state or region over another in trade - No money can be drawn from U.S. treasury without being appropriated by Congress - The U.S. cannot issue titles of nobility Constitution Powers and Duties of Congress Section 10: - States may not conduct foreign affairs - States cannot levy taxes on exports or imports Constitution Article II – Executive Branch Section 1 - Terms: 4 year and with the 22nd Amendment, a maximum of 2 terms - Each state, in the terms set up by their legislature will choose electors The number of electors each state has is based on the number of reps and senators the state has This is the electoral college These individuals are now nominated by the political parties Constitution - The Tuesday after the 1st Monday in Nov. is general election day - The Monday after the 2nd Wed. in Dec. is the day electors cast their electoral votes at their state capitals - Jan. 6th, Congress counts and verifies the electoral votes, 270 needed to win the election, if not , House of Reps. (1 vote per state) votes - Jan 20th is Inauguration Day Constitution Qualifications: - A natural born U.S. citizen - 35 yrs old - Resident of the U.S. for at least 14 plus yrs - All these qualifications apply to the VP as well Constitution Vacancy in office - Death, resignation, or removal by impeachment - VP takes office - Amendment 25: addresses disability, and succession Constitution Salary - Currently $400,000 (Originally $25,000) - $55,000 expense account, and $120,000 non-taxable travel & entertainment allowance - VP $202,900 along with pension Oath of Office: usually administered by Chief Justice Constitution Section 2 - Powers of the President - many of these powers are not found in the Constitution but are a result of precedent and court decisions along with the expansion of government over time Constitution - Commander and Chief over the Army, Navy, and National Guard called into service - May require the opinions of principal officers of each executive department -i.e. the cabinet which is only alluded too - Has the power of reprieves and pardons (for federal law issues) except for impeachment Constitution Treaties and appointments - Is the chief figure regarding foreign policy, and is responsible for conducting foreign relations -treaties must be approved by 2/3 of senators present as well as for some Presidential appointments Constitution Filling Vacancies - Pres. appoints individuals to various positions which need to be approved by senate -If congress is not in session the Pres. Can make recess appointment -it is temporary, and expires at end of congressional term - often controversial because they are used commonly when the Senate refuses a nominee Constitution Section 3 - the Pres. Must give a State of the Union from time to time (generally given in January) - may call for a special session for either or both houses - Pres. Will receive ambassadors and foreign officials - must execute all laws faithfully Constitution Section 4: - Pres. And VP may be impeached -i.e. treason, bribery, high crimes, and some misdemeanors Constitution Article III: Judicial Branch -Sec. 1 - Judicial power is vested in one supreme court - The U.S. Supreme Court - Inferior courts may be established by Congress - usually serve for life or until they retire - pay cannot be diminished allows for judges to be impartial and immune to political pressures Constitution Sec. 2 - addressing of statute laws -i.e. laws passed by Congress - addresses treaties and cases regarding the Constitution Constitution Sec. 3 -Defines treason -levying war vs. U.S. or helping enemies - requires at least 2 witness present to testify -punishment could be death, and cannot be passed to children, parents property cannot be taken from children - It was placed here because monarchs would use the charge of treason to remove opposition, and framers wanted relief from this Constitution Article IV: Relations between States -Sec. 1: - Full Faith and Credit shall be given to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state -acts= laws -records= mortgages, wills, marriage licenses, leases -judicial proceedings= only applies to civil law Constitution Sec. 2: -Privileges and immunities -states cannot treat nonresidents differently than its own citizens -only applies if passing trough, living, marrying, using courts -does not apply to voting, certain professions, state university fees Constitution - Extradition: accused persons who flee to another state must be returned to the state where the crime was committed. -Congress has made it a federal crime to flee, this closes some loopholes Constitution Sec. 3: - admission of states, and it can only be done by Congress, which sets the guidelines for applying - Congress has this power regarding territories -but does not grant the power to acquire new land Constitution Sec 4: - Guarantees a republican form of Govt -Promises all states: 1. they have power and responsibility of electing officials 2. the federal govt is bound to protect them from foreign invasion 3. states may call federal govt to quell domestic violence Constitution Article V -How to amend the Constitution - 2 possibilities 1. requires 2/3 vote of each chamber of Congress, and ratification by 3/4 of all state leg. -most common method Constitution -2. requires 2/3 of the states legs. to call for a constitutional convention -never used - every section of the Constitution is able to be changed/amended except… - states must have equal representation in the Senate - slave trade is untouchable until 1808 Constitution Article VI -Supremacy of Constitution 1. Federal law takes precedent over state law 2. All state and federal official must pledge by oath to support and uphold the Constitution Constitution Delaware - December 7, 1787 Article VII Pennsylvania - December 12, 1787 - 9 of 13 states must ratify for adoption of Con. New Jersey - December 18, 1787 Georgia - January 2, 1788 Connecticut - January 9, 1788 Massachusetts - February 6, 1788 Maryland - April 28, 1788 South Carolina - May 23, 1788 New Hampshire - June 21, 1788 Virginia - June 25, 1788 New York - July 26, 1788 North Carolina - November 21, 1789 Rhode Island - May 29, 1790 - became effective June of 1788