
In Denmark, 15,000 people are employed
in the winder energy industry and 13% of
its household electricity is produced by
The Benefits of Wind Power:
Wins is free and wind farms need no fuel.
Wind powers produces not pollution or carbon
The UK is the windiest country in Europe
Wind power could supply 10% of the world’s
electricity in 20 years time.
“Wind power is cheap, sustainable and
inexpensive.” Nick Goodall (Chief Executive
of the British Wind Energy Association
The Problems with Wind Power:
Some think big wind turbines are an
eyesore, especially if they are on land.
It is not always reliable – what happens
if there is no wind?
Suitable sites for wind farms are often
near the coast, where land can be
Even if wind power could supply 10% of
the world’s electricity in 20 years, we
still need other forms of energy
Fossil Fuels mean coal, gas and oil)
The Benefits of Energy from Fossil Fuels:
It is relatively cheap to create.
Transporting oil and gas to power stations is
relatively easy.
Gas produces much less pollution than coal
or oil.
Very large amounts of electricity can be
produced from one power station. A third of
the UK’s electricity comes from coal.
New technologies are reducing the pollution
it creates.
Over 90% of Britain’s energy comes from
fossil fuels at the moment.
The Problems of Energy from Coal:
It creates of lot of carbon emissions (pollution),
contributing to global warming and an unhealthy
Coal produces 2-3 times more C02 than gas.
The coal industry receives a lot of money from the
government to keep it going – why is this money
not invested in renewable energy?
Mining coal and gas and oil pipelines can damage
the environment and create a major eyesore
The Benefits of Nuclear Power:
It produces no harmful carbon emissions (pollution) like coal does.
It costs about the same as coal, so it’s not expensive to make.
It is a reliable, sustainable power source because it is not dependant on
the weather or fossil fuels.
It only produces s small amount of waste
The Problems with Nuclear Power:
In 1986 an accident at a nuclear
power plant in Ukraine (near
Russia) affected millions of people.
Many died. Many children got
cancer from the radiation. These
children are receiving treatment to
cure them. The treatment has
caused their hair to fall out.
However, events like this are
very rare.
It is potentially very dangerous (see example left)
The waste it produces is also very dangerous. It must be sealed up and
buried for many thousands of years to allow the radioactivity to die away.
For all that time it must be kept safe from earthquakes, flooding,
terrorists and everything else. This is difficult.
It is expensive to build and to deal with the waste.
It is a potential terrorist target – one study estimated that if a plane flew
into a nuclear plant it could cause 30,000 deaths in 2 days on the local
Would you want to live near one?
The Problems of Tidal Power:
At the moment it has not been widely tested
It only supplies 1% of electricity in the UK at the
moment – even if we develop it we will need other
sources of energy
This is a picture of wave turbines which are set into the
ocean floor. The waves turn the blades generating
electricity which is sent to land underground.
A barrage across an estuary is very expensive to
build, and affects a very wide area - the
environment is changed for many miles upstream
and downstream, affecting birds and fish.
Tidal and wave power has the potential
to produce 20% of the world’s electricity
Tidal power only provides power for around 10
hours each day, when the tide is actually moving
in or out.
The Benefits of Tidal Power:
There are few suitable sites for tidal barrages.
It creates no pollution
Once you’ve built it, tidal power is free.
It is safe
It is guaranteed – there will always be the tide
The Problem:
A quarter of the Canada’s carbon emissions
come from our homes.
This is mostly because we waste so much electricity
by… using old light bulbs, charging our phones too long…..
Also, a lot of heat escapes from our homes, usually
through the loft / roof.
The Solution:
Three ways to stop wasting electricity are:
• use energy saving light bulbs
• charge our phone for just an hour
• and…………………………………………………..
One of the best ways to reduce
our energy use is to insulate our
The Problem:
Over 90% of electricity in our country comes from
fossil fuels.
Some of the problems with fossil fuels are that:
They create a lot of carbon emissions
They will eventually run out
The Solution:
We need to use more forms of energy that will not run
out, and do not produce carbon emissions, such as
wind power, solar power etc.
We need to put limits on the amount
of carbon emissions a power station
is allowed to produce.
The Problem:
Many countries are suffering from the effects of
climate change. It’s usually the poorest countries that
suffer the most, but it’s the richest countries that
produce the most pollution (carbon emissions).
The United States has 5% of the world’s population, but
produces 25% of the world’s pollution.