Documentation for Notional Baseline System Models Version 0.1 DRAFT November 2010 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 System Models .................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 MVDC System ................................................................................................................ 3 2.1.1 Main Generators...................................................................................................... 3 2.1.2 Auxiliary Generators ............................................................................................... 5 2.1.3 Propulsion Systems ................................................................................................. 6 2.1.4 Ship Service Loads ................................................................................................. 7 2.1.5 Pulse Load ............................................................................................................. 16 2.1.6 Energy Storage ...................................................................................................... 17 2.2 MVAC System .............................................................................................................. 20 2.2.1 Gearbox for Auxiliary Generators in the MVAC System .................................... 20 2.2.2 MVAC System Generators ................................................................................... 20 2.2.3 AC/DC Rectifiers .................................................................................................. 21 2.3 HFAC System ............................................................................................................... 21 2.3.1 Prime Movers ........................................................................................................ 22 2.3.2 Generators ............................................................................................................. 23 3.0 Component and Subsystem Models .................................................................................. 24 3.1 Components of Generator Sets ..................................................................................... 24 3.1.1 Notional Single-Shaft Gas Turbine ................................................................... 24 Notional Twin-Shaft Gas Turbine .................................................................... 27 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.2 Prime Movers ........................................................................................................ 24 Electric Machines.................................................................................................. 30 Notional Round Rotor Synchronous Machine .................................................. 30 Exciters and Voltage Regulators ........................................................................... 32 Simplified IEEE Type AC8B Exciter ............................................................... 32 Generator Load Sharing Controls ......................................................................... 33 Components of Propulsion Systems ............................................................................. 35 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 Propulsion Motors................................................................................................. 35 Notional Permanent Magnet Machine .............................................................. 35 Motor Drives ......................................................................................................... 36 Two-Level IGBT Bridge................................................................................... 36 Motor Drive Controls ............................................................................................ 37 iii Hysteresis Current Control for Two-Level Drive for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine ....................................................................................................... 37 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.3 Notional Supercapacitor Energy Storage System ................................................. 45 DC/DC converter control .................................................................................. 47 Specialized Loads ......................................................................................................... 47 3.5.2 Radar Systems ....................................................................................................... 47 Notional Radar Load ......................................................................................... 47 Notional Free Electron Laser Pulse Power Load .................................................. 47 Power Conversion Modules .......................................................................................... 49 3.6.1 3.6.2 AC/DC Rectifiers .................................................................................................. 49 Notional Diode Rectifier ................................................................................... 49 DC/DC Converters ................................................................................................ 50 Isolated DC/DC Converter ................................................................................ 50 Ancillary Components .................................................................................................. 54 3.7.1 3.7.2 Transformers ......................................................................................................... 54 Three-phase, Two Winding Transformer ......................................................... 54 Circuit Breakers .................................................................................................... 55 Three-phase Circuit Breaker ............................................................................. 55 Notional Unidirectional DC Switch .................................................................. 56 3.7.3 4.0 Notional Ship Service Loads ................................................................................ 43 PWM inverter and controls ............................................................................... 46 3.7 Notional Destroyer Hydrodynamic Characteristics .......................................... 42 3.5.1 3.6 Ship Hydrodynamic Characteristics ..................................................................... 42 Bulk Energy Storage Systems ....................................................................................... 45 3.4.1 3.5 Notional Fixed-Pitch Propeller ......................................................................... 39 Ship Service Loads ....................................................................................................... 43 3.3.1 3.4 Propellers .............................................................................................................. 39 Overvoltage Mitigation ......................................................................................... 57 Shunt Braking Resistor ..................................................................................... 57 References ......................................................................................................................... 58 5.0 Appendix A: List of possible case studies to assess the performance of the baseline power system architectures ............................................................................................................. 1 5.1 Case studies requiring a dynamic model for transient analyses ..................................... 1 iv 5.1.1 Typical ship maneuvering and operation scenario: ................................................ 1 5.1.2 Load pick-up ........................................................................................................... 1 5.1.3 Load rejection ......................................................................................................... 2 5.1.4 Loss of a generator .................................................................................................. 2 5.1.5 Fault in a high-power rectifier ................................................................................ 2 5.1.6 Faults in propulsion motor windings ...................................................................... 2 5.1.7 Series faults in DC loads ......................................................................................... 2 5.1.8 Power restoration to vital load requiring load shedding ......................................... 3 5.1.9 Power restoration to vital load requiring use of energy storage ............................. 3 5.1.10 Harmonic analysis ................................................................................................... 3 5.1.11 Steady State Operation (extended study of scenario 1) .......................................... 3 5.2 Case studies requiring model for top-level system analyses ......................................... 3 5.2.1 1. Power balance analysis during early stage ship design ...................................... 4 5.2.2 Fuel consumption analysis ...................................................................................... 4 5.2.3 Power system mass, volume, and cost ................................................................... 4 5.2.4 Prime power optimization ....................................................................................... 4 5.2.5 Reliability/Survivability Assessment ...................................................................... 4 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: General Topology for Baseline System Models............................................................. 1 Figure 2: General Topology for Baseline MVDC System............................................................. 3 Figure 3: Main Generator Sets for Baseline MVDC System ......................................................... 4 Figure 4: Propulsion System Module and Hydrodynamics Module for Baseline MVDC System 7 Figure 5: Five load types represent the detailed zonal load demand (Zone 1) .............................. 8 Figure 6: Zonal load DC 1 (constant resistance) ........................................................................... 9 Figure 7: Zonal load DC 2 (constant power using current injection model) ................................. 9 Figure 8: Zonal load AC 1 (constant impedance) ........................................................................ 10 Figure 9: Zonal load AC 2 (uncontrolled induction motor and RL-impedance) ......................... 10 Figure 10: Zonal load AC 3 (single-phase constant impedances) ............................................... 11 Figure 11: PWM-Inverter Voltage Regulator .............................................................................. 11 Figure 12: Simplified zonal load (masked zone and DC bus interconnection) ........................... 15 Figure 13: Simplified zonal load (shown here is Zone 2) ............................................................ 15 Figure 14: Pulse load model ........................................................................................................ 16 Figure 15: MVDC energy storage circuit and controls ................................................................ 19 Figure 16: General Topology for Baseline MVAC System......................................................... 20 Figure 17: General Topology for Baseline HFAC System .......................................................... 22 Figure 18: Single-shaft Gas Turbine ............................................................................................ 24 Figure 19: General Model for Single-shaft Gas Turbine ............................................................. 25 Figure 20: Notional Single-shaft Gas Turbine Model ................................................................. 25 Figure 21: Acceleration Control for Notional Single-shaft Gas Turbine Model ......................... 25 Figure 22: Simple-cycle Twin-shaft Gas Turbine ....................................................................... 27 Figure 23: Notional Twin-shaft Gas Turbine Model ................................................................... 28 Figure 24: Gas Generator (Engine) Model for Notional Twin-shaft Gas Turbine Model ........... 28 Figure 25: Engine Shaft Dynamics for Gas Generator (Engine) Model for Notional Twin-shaft Gas Turbine Model ....................................................................................................................... 28 Figure 26: Acceleration Control for Notional Twin-shaft Gas Turbine Model ........................... 29 Figure 27: Interface for Notional Round Rotor Synchronous Machine ...................................... 31 Figure 28: Default Saturation Curve for Notional Round Rotor Synchronous Machine ............ 32 Figure 29: Simplified Implementation of the IEEE type AC8B exciter model. .......................... 33 Figure 30: Configuration of Droop Control for Turbine/Governor ............................................. 34 Figure 31: Configuration of Droop Control for Voltage Regulator/Exciter ................................ 34 vi Figure 32: Load Divider Control ................................................................................................. 35 Figure 33: Interface for Notional Permanent Magnet Machine ................................................... 36 Figure 34: Two-Level IGBT Bridge ............................................................................................ 37 Figure 35: Hysteresis Current Control for Two-Level Drive for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine......................................................................................................................................... 38 Figure 36: Interface for Notional Fixed-Pitch Propeller Model .................................................. 39 Figure 37: Thrust Coefficient Curves for Notional Fixed-Pitch Propeller Model ....................... 40 Figure 38: Torque Coefficient Curves for Notional Fixed-Pitch Propeller Model ...................... 41 Figure 39: Taylor Wake Fraction Curve for Notional Fixed-Pitch Propeller Model .................. 41 Figure 40: Notional Destroyer Hydrodynamic Characteristics ................................................... 42 Figure 41: Hydrodynamic Resistance for Notional Destroyer Model ......................................... 43 Figure 42: 4.16KV/60Hz ac source with an energy storage system (ESS) and a test load ......... 45 Figure 43: Notional Supercapacitor Energy Storage System Inverter/converter control ............ 46 Figure 44: Notional Supercapacitor Energy Storage System DC/DC (buck-boost) converter control ........................................................................................................................................... 47 Figure 45: Sub-loads of Notional Free Electron Laser System ................................................... 48 Figure 46: Circuit Model of Notional Diode Rectifier ................................................................ 49 Figure 47: Isolated DC-DC Converter Block .............................................................................. 51 Figure 48: Isolated DC-DC Converter Circuit ............................................................................. 52 Figure 49: Interface for Three-phase, Two-winding Transformer Model ................................... 54 Figure 50: Single-phase Element of Three-phase Circuit Breaker Model ................................... 55 Figure 51: Interface for Three-phase Circuit Breaker Model ...................................................... 56 Figure 52: Interface for Notional Unidirectional DC Switch Model ........................................... 56 Figure 53: Shunt Breaking Resistor ............................................................................................. 57 vii LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Salient Features of Baseline System Architectures ......................................................... 2 Table 2. Parameters for Main Generator Modules of Baseline MVDC System ............................ 4 Table 3. Parameters for Prime Mover Model of Main Generator Module of Baseline MVDC System ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Table 4. Parameters for Exciter Model of Main Generator Module of Baseline MVDC System . 5 Table 5. Parameters for Auxiliary Generator Modules of Baseline MVDC System ..................... 5 Table 6. Parameters for Prime Mover Model of Auxiliary Generator Module of Baseline MVDC System ............................................................................................................................................. 5 Table 7. Parameters for Synchronous Machine Model of Auxiliary Generator Module of Baseline MVDC System ................................................................................................................. 5 Table 8. Parameters for Exciter Model of Auxiliary Generator Module of Baseline MVDC System ............................................................................................................................................. 6 Table 9. Parameters for Rectifier of Auxiliary Generator Module of Baseline MVDC System ... 6 Table 10. Parameters for Propulsion Modules of Baseline MVDC System .................................. 7 Table 11. Parameters for Permanent Magnet Machine for Propulsion Module of Baseline MVDC System ................................................................................................................................ 7 Table 12. Parameters for Motor Drive Controls for Propulsion Module of Baseline MVDC System ............................................................................................................................................. 7 Table 13. Parameters for Braking Resistor for Propulsion Module of Baseline MVDC System .. 7 Table 14. Parameters for detailed MVDC zonal loads: DC1—constant resistance .................... 12 Table 15. Parameters for detailed MVDC zonal loads: DC2—constant power .......................... 12 Table 16. Parameters for detailed MVDC zonal loads: AC1—constant impedance ................... 12 Table 17. Parameters for detailed MVDC zonal loads: AC2—uncontrolled induction motor and constant impedance ....................................................................................................................... 13 Table 18. Parameters for detailed MVDC zonal loads: AC3—single-phase loads ..................... 14 Table 19. Parameters for simplified zonal load representation (Zones 2, 3, 4, and 5) ................ 16 Table 20. Parameters for pulse load ............................................................................................. 17 Table 21. MVDC Supercapacitor Parameters .............................................................................. 17 Table 22. Parameters for MVDC Energy Storage’s Isolated DC-DC converter ......................... 17 Table 23. Controller Parameters for MVDC Energy Storage’s Isolated DC-DC converter ........ 18 Table 24. Parameters for Generator Models of MVAC System .................................................. 20 Table 25. Parameters for Uncontrolled Diode Rectifier Models of MVAC System ................... 21 Table 26. Parameters for Gas Turbine Models of HFAC System ............................................... 22 Table 27. Parameters for Generator Models of HFAC System ................................................... 23 viii Table 28. Parameters for Notional Single-Shaft Gas Turbine Model .......................................... 26 Table 29. Parameters for Notional Twin-Shaft Gas Turbine Model ........................................... 30 Table 30. Parameters for Notional Round Rotor Synchronous Machine .................................... 31 Table 31. Parameters for Simplified IEEE Type AC8B Exciter ................................................. 33 Table 32. Parameters for Generator Load Sharing Controls........................................................ 35 Table 33. Parameters for Notional Permanent Magnet Machine ................................................. 36 Table 34. Parameters for Two-Level IGBT Bridge Model.......................................................... 37 Table 35. Parameters for Hysteresis Current Control for Two-Level Drive for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine ..................................................................................................... 38 Table 36. Parameters for Notional Fixed-Pitch Propeller Model ................................................ 40 Table 37. Additional Parameters Associated with Notional Fixed-Pitch Propeller Model ......... 42 Table 38. Parameters for Notional Destroyer Hydrodynamic Characteristics Model ................. 42 Table 39. Ship Service Load Data ............................................................................................... 43 Table 40. General Parameters for Notional Supercapacitor Energy Storage System .................. 45 Table 41. Parameters for Notional Supercapacitor Energy Storage System Inverter .................. 46 Table 42. Parameters for Notional Supercapacitor Energy Storage System Buck/boost converter ....................................................................................................................................................... 47 Table 43. Notional Free Electron Laser Data .............................................................................. 48 Table 44. Parameters for Notional Diode Rectifier Model .......................................................... 49 Table 45. Parameters for Isolated DC-DC converter ................................................................... 53 Table 46. Controller Parameters for Isolated DC-DC converter ................................................. 53 Table 47. Parameters for Three-phase, Two Winding Transformer ............................................ 55 Table 48. Parameters for Three-phase Circuit Breaker ............................................................... 56 Table 49. Parameters for Notional Unidirectional DC Switch Model ......................................... 56 Table 50. Parameters for Shunt Braking Resistor ........................................................................ 57 ix GLOSSARY ATG – Auxiliary Turbine-Generator Set ESRDC – Electric Ship Research and Development Consortium HFAC – High Frequency Alternating Current MTG – Main Turbine-Generator Set MVAC – Medium Voltage Alternating Current (60 Hz) MVDC – Medium Voltage Direct Current PGM – Power Generation Module UPS – Uninterruptible Power Supply x 1.0 INTRODUCTION This document describes baseline system models developed by the Electric Ship Research and Development Consortium (ESRDC) for the study of three power system architectures. These are: the medium-voltage dc architecture (MVDC), the conventional 60 Hz medium-voltage architecture (MVAC), and the high-frequency medium-voltage architecture (HFAC), all of which are primarily based upon the information originally provided to the consortium in [1]. The fundamental topology used by each of the baseline models is illustrated by Figure 1. In this topology, four turbo-generators are connected to a ring-bus which supplies two propulsion power trains, four ship service zonal loads, a radar load, and a pulse load. A bulk energy storage system is also connected to the distribution bus for Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) and/or ridethrough power capabilities. The salient features and components of the three baseline architectures are summarized in Table 1. The details for the system models are given in Section 2.0. To the extent reasonable, attempts have been made to construct the three baseline models from consistent component models. The details of the component models, from which the system models have been constructed, are given in Section 3.0. Auxilary PGM 1 Main PGM 1 Energy Storage VSD Stern Cross-hull Disconnect Special Load Zonal Ship’s Service Loads Starboard Power Distribution Bus Zonal Ship’s Service Loads VSD Auxilary PGM 2 Port PM Zonal Ship’s Service Loads Port Power Distribution Bus Zonal Ship’s Service Loads Starboard PM Main PGM 2 PGM = Power Generation Module VSD = Variable Speed Drive PM = Propulsion Motor Figure 1: General Topology for Baseline System Models 1 High Power Pulsed Load Table 1. Salient Features of Baseline System Architectures Feature Generation power Distribution Voltage Prime movers Generators Turbogenerator coupling Generator Rectifiers Common to All Architectures 80 MW MVDC MVAC HFAC Ring bus DC 5 kV 60 Hz 4.16 kV 240 Hz 4.16 kV 3600 rpm 3600 rpm Indirect (1 gear box) 3600 rpm 14400 rpm Direct (no gear boxes) NA NA Gas turbines 2×36 MW, 3600 rpm twin-shaft (MTG) 2×4 MW, 14400 rpm single-shaft (ATG) Synchronous wound-field cylindrical rotor 3600 rpm 2×47 MVA (MTG) 14400 rpm 2×5 MVA (ATG) Direct (no gear boxes) 6-pulse Diode bridges Fixed pitch propeller Permanent magnet synchronous propulsion motors (36.5 MW, 120 rpm) Current-controlled PWM variable speed drive (hysteresis control) Variable duty cycle breaking resistor for dissipation of regenerative power. Hydrodynamics Mass and hydrodynamic resistance of notional destroyer-class ship Service loads 4 distribution zones (22 total loads) Special load Radar load Pulse power Notional free electron laser load Switch gear 3-phase AC breakers Semiconductor switches for DC busses Propulsion power trains 2 2.0 SYSTEM MODELS 2.1 MVDC System The general topology of the MVDC system is illustrated by Figure 2. The models used for each of the modules of the system are described in the following sections. Main AC Generator 1 Energy Storage GT DC/DC Converter Generator Rectifier Auxilary AC Generator 1 Generator Rectifier MTG1 ATG1 Capacitor Bank GT AC Circuit Breaker AC Circuit Breaker Port Propulsion Motor Propulsion Motor Drive DC Sectionalizer 5000 VDC Port Bus DC/DC Converter Stern Cross-hull Disconnect Radar Zone 4 Load Center Zone 3 Load Center Zone 2 Load Center Bow Cross-hull Disconnect Zone 1 Load Center Zone 5 Deck house 5000 VDC Starboard Bus AC Circuit Breaker GT ATG2 Auxilary AC Generator 2 Pulsed Load AC Circuit Breaker GT Generator Rectifier Propulsion Motor Drive Starboard Propulsion Motor MTG2 Main AC Generator 2 Generator Rectifier DC/DC Converter Pulse Charging Circuit Figure 2: General Topology for Baseline MVDC System 2.1.1 Main Generators The main generator modules make use of the notional twin-shaft gas turbine model (Section for the prime mover, the notional round rotor synchronous machine model (Section for the synchronous machine, the IEEE Type AC8B exciter model (Section for the exciter, and the notional diode rectifier (Section for the rectifier, as illustrated by Figure 3. The inputs to the generator module are the requested speed, ωr, the requested DC voltage at the terminals of the rectifier, Vdc-r, and the requested power to be supplied from the unit, Pr. The two exposed electrical nodes, p and n, are the positive and negative rail connection points, respectively. The prime mover model provides an input power, Pshaft, to the synchronous machine model, which, in turn, provides the shaft speed, ωshaft, as feedback. (Note that the per unit power from the prime mover must be scaled before being input to the synchronous machine if the prime mover rated power is not the same as the base apparent power for the synchronous machine.) The synchronous machine model also accepts a field winding excitation voltage, Ef, from the exciter model and exposes three electrical nodes (A, B, and C), which are connected to the rectifier model. At these nodes, the power supplied by the generator, P, is measured. From the positive and negative rail electrical nodes, the rail-to-rail DC voltage, Vdc, is measured. The measured voltage is supplied to the exciter model, and the 3 measured power is used, in conjunction with the power reference, to provide an adjustment to the reference voltage to the exciter, based on the power droop characteristic. The parameter values employed for the model are given in Table 2. Note that the default speed governor model for the twin-shaft gas turbine was replaced by a PI controller, given by (1), with anti-windup controls enabled. Deviations from the default parameter values for the prime mover and exciter models are given in Table 3 and Table 4. kdroop + Σ Pr Vdc-r + + Σ Vdc Exciter P Ef ωr Prime Mover Pshaft kscale A Synchronous B Machine C Rectifier p n ωshaft Figure 3: Main Generator Sets for Baseline MVDC System H SG ( s ) k p SG k i SG 1 s (1) Table 2. Parameters for Main Generator Modules of Baseline MVDC System Parameter kdroop kscale Description Value Power droop factor. 0.05 Prime mover scaling factor (prime mover rated 0.7660 power (36 MW) divided by synchronous machine base apparent power (47 MVA).) Source Table 3. Parameters for Prime Mover Model of Main Generator Module of Baseline MVDC System Parameter kp-SG ki-SG Description Speed governor proportional gain. Speed governor integral gain. 4 Value 25 8 Source Table 4. Parameters for Exciter Model of Main Generator Module of Baseline MVDC System Parameter kDR kIR kPR Description PID controller derivative gain. PID controller integral gain. PID controller proportional gain. Value 0 6.0 6.0 Source 2.1.2 Auxiliary Generators The main generator modules make use of the notional single-shaft gas turbine model (Section for the prime mover, the notional round rotor synchronous machine model (Section for the synchronous machine, the IEEE Type AC8B exciter model (Section for the exciter, and the notional diode rectifier (Section for the rectifier, as illustrated by Figure 3. The connection of models within this subsystem is described in Section 2.1.1. The parameter values employed for the model are given in Table 5. Note that the default speed governor model for the sing-shaft gas turbine was replaced by a PI controller, given by (1), with anti-windup controls enabled. Deviations from the default parameter values for the prime mover, synchronous machine, exciter, and rectifier models are given in Table 6, Table 7, Table 8, and Table 9, respectively. H SG ( s ) k p SG k i SG 1 s (2) Table 5. Parameters for Auxiliary Generator Modules of Baseline MVDC System Parameter kdroop kscale Description Value Power droop factor. 0.05 Prime mover scaling factor (prime mover rated 0.8 power (4 MW) divided by synchronous machine base apparent power (5 MVA).) Source Table 6. Parameters for Prime Mover Model of Auxiliary Generator Module of Baseline MVDC System Parameter kp-SG ki-SG Description Speed governor proportional gain. Speed governor integral gain. Value 25 8 Source Table 7. Parameters for Synchronous Machine Model of Auxiliary Generator Module of Baseline MVDC System Parameter Sr Rs Description Rated apparent power (MVA). Stator resistance (pu). Value 5 5.0e-3 5 Source Ll Lmd Lmq Rfd Llfd H p Stator leakage reactance D-axis unsaturated magnetizing inductance Q-axis unsaturated magnetizing inductance Field resistance Field leakage inductance Inertia constant (MW*s/MVA) Pole pairs 0.1 1.0 1.0 1.0e-3 0.05 10 1 Table 8. Parameters for Exciter Model of Auxiliary Generator Module of Baseline MVDC System Parameter kDR kIR kPR Description PID controller derivative gain. PID controller integral gain. PID controller proportional gain. Value 0 6.0 6.0 Source Table 9. Parameters for Rectifier of Auxiliary Generator Module of Baseline MVDC System Parameter Cd Ls Description DC side filter capacitance (F). AC side series inductance (H). Value 0.111e-3 1.1e-3 Source 2.1.3 Propulsion Systems The propulsion system modules are modeled as shown in Figure 4. The notional fixed-pitch propeller model and notional destroyer hydrodynamic characteristics models are described in Section and Section, respectively. The notional permanent magnet synchronous machine, described in Section, is used to model the permanent magnet machine. The motor drive is modeled as a two-level IGBT bridge, as described in Section, and the hysteresis current control described in Section is employed for the motor drive controls. The shunt breaking resistor model, described in Section, is employed for the braking resistor model in order to dissipate power regenerated from the drive during braking of the propellers. The modules each expose two electrical nodes, p and n, which are connected to the positive and negative rails, respectively, of the medium voltage distribution bus, as illustrated in Figure 2. The modules also take a requested propeller speed, ωr. Each of the modules provides propeller thrust, Fship1 and Fship2, to the hydrodynamics model, which, in turn, provides the ship speed, vship. The propeller model takes the shaft speed, ωshaft, as an input from the machine model, and provides the counter torque on the shaft, Tprop, as an output which is fed back to the machine model. The motor drive controls make use of the requested propeller speed, ωr, the actual propeller speed, ωshaft, the rotor angle, θ (obtained from integration of the shaft speed), and the phase currents of the propulsion motor, Ia, Ib, and Ic. The gating pulses for the motor drive, g1 through g6, are supplied from the controls to the motor drive. The parameters for the modules are given in Table 10, and the deviations from the default values for the parameters of the propulsion motors, motor drive controls, and braking resistor models are given in Table 11, Table 12, and Table 13, respectively. The values for the moments of inertia for the permanent magnet machines reflect the inclusion of the moments of inertia of the propellers, propeller shafts, and entrained water, given by Table 37. Here, an inertia constant of H=0.5 MW∙s/MVA 6 was assumed for each of the synchronous machines, and this moment of inertia was added to the values indicated in Table 37. Starboard Propulsion Module p Rf Lf Drive Cf n Tprop Motor Drive BR1 A B C Braking Resistor Permanent Magnet Machine ωshaft Notional Fixed-Pitch Propeller Model Fship1 Ia … Ic Fship2 Notional Destroyer Hydrodynamic Characteristics Vship (From Port Propeller) g1 … g6 Motor Drive Controls ωr 1 s θ Figure 4: Propulsion System Module and Hydrodynamics Module for Baseline MVDC System Table 10. Parameters for Propulsion Modules of Baseline MVDC System Parameter Cf Lf Rf Description Filter capacitance (F). Filter inductance (H). Filter resistance (Ω). Value 15.0e-3 10.0e-6 0.001 Source Table 11. Parameters for Permanent Magnet Machine for Propulsion Module of Baseline MVDC System Parameter J J Description Moment of inertia (kg∙m2) (Starboard) Moment of inertia (kg∙m2) (Port) Value 4.3687e5 4.5881e5 Source Table 12. Parameters for Motor Drive Controls for Propulsion Module of Baseline MVDC System Parameter Iq-r-max Iq-r-min Description PI controller upper limit (A). PI controller lower limit (A). Value 8.9550e3 0 Source Table 13. Parameters for Braking Resistor for Propulsion Module of Baseline MVDC System Parameter Vmax Description Maximum voltage set point (V). Value 6500 Source 2.1.4 Ship Service Loads The implementation of the zonal loads follows the power ratings for cruise and battle mode (see Section 3.3.1) and connects each load type using or-ing diodes to the medium voltage DC bus. 7 Due to the computational complexity, only Zone 1 has been implemented in detail, see Figure 5. The implementation of the individual load types are: DC 1—constant resistance (Figure 6), DC 2—constant power using current injection (Figure 7), AC 1—constant impedance (Figure 8), AC 2—uncontrolled induction motor (10% of load level) and constant impedance (90% of load level) (Figure 9), and single-phase loads allowing for unbalanced demands (Figure 10). The load level can be switched between cruise (Mode = 2) and battle mode (Mode = 1). 1 V+ V+ Mode Type 3 AC load 1 phase 208 V (L-L) V- Type 2 AC load IM/RL V- V- V- 3 V- Mode V+ Type 1 AC load 3 phase 208 V (L-L) Constant power DC 2 Constant impedance DC 1 Vstb+ Mode V+ Mode 1 V+ Vport+ Mode Mode 2 V- Figure 5: Five load types represent the detailed zonal load demand (Zone 1) 8 1 ZoneData.CruiseMode == 0 Constant1 Compare To Zero1 1 RDC 1 Battle Data Type Conversion g 1 m 2 C ruise Battle int32 Mode 1 Compare To Zero g Constant 2 == 0 m ZoneData.BattleMode V+ + v - out_LoadCenter_Vdc_RDC1_Z1 V 2ws 1 RDC 1 C ruise i + - out_LoadCenter_Idc_RDC1_Z1 I 2ws 2 2 V- Figure 6: Zonal load DC 1 (constant resistance) ZoneData.PDC2(ZoneData.BattleMode) ZoneData.RDC2fp.num{1}(z) Product1 Constant3 Product2 Compare To Zero CCS DC 2 Rp ZoneData.CruiseMode == 0 Constant1 Compare To Zero1 int32 Data Type Conversion - == 0 Constant Saturation s ZoneData.BattleMode V+ + 1 1 ZoneData.RDC2fi.den{1}(z) Product TF current TF power ZoneData.PDC2(ZoneData.CruiseMode) Mode ZoneData.RDC2fi.num{1}(z) ZoneData.RDC2fp.den{1}(z) Constant2 i + - + v - out_LoadCenter_Vdc_RDC2_Z1 V 2ws 1 out_LoadCenter_Idc_RDC2_Z1 2ws 2 I 2 V- Figure 7: Zonal load DC 2 (constant power using current injection model) 9 V+ out_LoadCenter_Vabc_AC1_Z1 out_LoadCenter_Iabc_AC1_Z1 RLdc ZoneData.PT150ms.num{1}(z) Cf A B C PT1 filter g out_LoadCenter_p_AC1_Z1 C SwBC SwAB SwBB 1 g 1 g 1 g g SwC C SwC B 2 SwAC -K- m Gain2 Vabc (pu) 2 Vabc_inv m Uref m Pulses 2 1 V- m Voltage Regulator 2 m g out_LoadCenter_Idc_AC1_Z1 I 1 Three-Phase V-I Measurement 1 Universal Bridge + i - B Rf Lf Dot Product g C Vabc Iabc a b c 2 B - A A B C m A B C 1 A 2 + Cdc out_LoadCenter_pAvg_AC1_Z1 ZoneData.PT150ms.den{1}(z) 2 1 z Discrete PWM Generator m Vd_ref (pu) Vref (pu) B C B C B C B C C B A RsB A A ZoneData.BattleMode A Pp RsC A B C A C B 1 A out_LoadCenter_m_AC1_Z1 == 0 Compare To Zero ZoneData.CruiseMode 1 == 0 int32 Mode Three-Phase Parallel RLC Load C ruise Compare To Zero1 Three-Phase Parallel RLC Load Battle Data Type Conversion Figure 8: Zonal load AC 1 (constant impedance) out_LoadCenter_Vabc_AC2_Z1 out_LoadCenter_Iabc_AC2_Z1 PT1 filter m Vd_ref (pu) 1 RL C ruise B C <Rotor speed (wm)> <Rotor speed (wm)> int32 -K- <Electromagnetic Gain1 torque Te (N*m)> Mode out_LoadCenter_rpm_AC2_Z1 out_LoadCenter_Tem_AC2_Z1 1 (2*pi*1800/60)^3 ZoneData.PAC2(ZoneData.CruiseMode) ,2 Product * Multiport Switch ZoneData.BattleMode == 0 Compare To Zero ZoneData.CruiseMode == 0 Compare To Zero1 Figure 9: Zonal load AC 2 (uncontrolled induction motor and RL-impedance) 10 g 1 2 C m out_LoadCenter_m_AC2_Z1 ZoneData.PAC2(ZoneData.BattleMode) m SwC C 1 Induction Motor 1 1 g 1 g SwBC 1 2 1 g SwAC 1 2 A Vref (pu) Discrete PWM Generator SwC C -K- Vabc (pu) z SwBC m Vabc_inv B V- Uref A T=kw ^2 Tn=P/(2*pi*w s) k=Tn/w s^2 rpm=1800 SwAC Gain2 Tm Pulses m Voltage Regulator 1 2 C out_LoadCenter_Idc_AC2_Z1 I 2 C Three-Phase V-I Measurement m B C R-Lf 1 C g C Universal Bridge out_LoadCenter_p_AC2_Z1 Dot Product 2 B Vabc Iabc a b c m B B A B A A A g - A m Cdc i + - ZoneData.PT150ms.den{1}(z) g + out_LoadCenter_pAvg_AC2_Z1 1 Relay breaking R C 2 Vbus Rbrk ZoneData.PT150ms.num{1}(z) Cf 2 + - v RLdc A B brk m V+ 1 g 1 RL Battle V+ out_LoadCenter_Vabc_AC3_Z1 out_LoadCenter_Iabc_AC3_Z1 RLdc ZoneData.PT150ms.num{1}(z) Cf B C A out_LoadCenter_p_AC3_Z1 B C C R-Lf SwAB 1 g 1 g 1 g SwC C SwBB 1 SwBC g SwAC -K- 2 Gain2 m Vabc (pu) SwC B 2 Vabc_inv m Uref 2 Pulses m 1 V- m Voltage Regulator 2 m g out_LoadCenter_Idc_AC3_Z1 I 1 Three-Phase V-I Measurement g Universal Bridge Dot Product 2 C Vabc Iabc a b c m B C A A B 1 A B 2 A - + -i PT1 filter g + Cdc out_LoadCenter_pAvg_AC3_Z1 ZoneData.PT150ms.den{1}(z) 2 1 z Discrete PWM Generator m Vd_ref (pu) A B C C RsB C B A ZoneData.BattleMode B Pp RsC A B A B C A 1 C Vref (pu) out_LoadCenter_m_AC3_Z1 == 0 Compare To Zero ZoneData.CruiseMode 1 == 0 Compare To Zero1 int32 Mode PQ Load ab C ruise Data Type Conversion PQ Load bc C ruise PQ Load ab Battle PQ Load ca C ruise PQ Load bc Battle PQ Load ca Battle Figure 10: Zonal load AC 3 (single-phase constant impedances) Demux hypot modulation index 2 m 1 abc dq0 Vabc (pu) PI sin_cos abc_to_dq0 Transformation Selector Vd Vq Vd Vq inv erter Discrete PI Controller 2 dq0 abc sin_cos 1 Vabc_inv dq0_to_abc Transformation Vd_ref (pu) 0 0 Freq V0 Vq_ref (pu) Sin_Cos wt Discrete Virtual PLL Figure 11: PWM-Inverter Voltage Regulator The corresponding parameters of the implementation are given in Table 14 through Table 18. The dq0-abc transformations used in the PWM-inverter controls are taken from the SimPowerSystems library. Figure 11 depicts the dq-based control scheme using the nominal 11 fixed frequency as reference, the phase voltages are per-unitized using the peak-value of the nominal phase-voltage. Table 14. Parameters for detailed MVDC zonal loads: DC1—constant resistance Parameter PDC1 RDC1 Description taken from zonal data equivalent resistance (ohm) Default Value Source (5000V)2/PDC1 Table 15. Parameters for detailed MVDC zonal loads: DC2—constant power Parameter PDC2 RDC2 VUL VLL RDC2p Tp Ti Description taken from zonal data equivalent resistance (ohm) upper voltage limit for current injection (V) lower voltage limit for current injection (V) parallel resistance (ohm) power demand time constant (s) current injection time constant(s) Default Value Source (5000V)2/PDC2 10000 4000 5000 1/(2π) 1/(2π1000) Table 16. Parameters for detailed MVDC zonal loads: AC1—constant impedance Parameter VAC1 fAC1 PAC1 QAC1 kp kI PI limits fc Rf Lf QCf PCf RdcL Ldc Cdc Pp RsC RsB Ron Rs [Vf Vfd] [Tf Tt] Description AC line-to-line voltage (V) frequency (Hz) from zonal load data computed using PF = 0.8 (kVAR) proportional gain of voltage regulator integral gain of voltage regulator PI control upper and lower limits PWM carrier frequency (Hz) filter resistance (ohm) filter inductance (H) parallel filter capacitive demand (VAR) parallel filter active demand (W) resistor in parallel to DC inductor (ohm) DC filter inductance (H) DC filter capacitance (F) permanent resistive load (W) series resistance (ohm) series resistance (ohm) on-resistance of switches (breakers, bridge) (ohm) snubber resistance of switches (breakers, bridge) (ohm) Forward voltages (V) Fall time and tail time of bridge switches (s) 12 Default Value 450 60 [682.5 300] 0.02 25 [1 -1] 1260 1e-4 200e-6 30e3 100 5000 100e-6 2.5e-3 5000 1e-3 1e-3 1e-4 5000 [0.6 0.6] [Ts 2Ts} Source Table 17. Parameters for detailed MVDC zonal loads: AC2—uncontrolled induction motor and constant impedance Parameter VAC2 fAC2 PAC2 PAC2RL QAC2RL kp kI PI limits fc Rf Lf QCf PCf RdcL Ldc Cdc Rbrk VUL VLL Ron Rs [Vf Vfd] [Tf Tt] Pn Vn fn Rs Lls Rr’ Llr’ Lm J F p Description AC line-to-line voltage (V) frequency (Hz) induction motor load (from zonal load data, 10%) (W) constant impedance load (from zonal load data, 90%) (kW) computed using PF = 0.8 (kVAR) proportional gain of voltage regulator integral gain of voltage regulator PI control upper and lower limits PWM carrier frequency (Hz) filter resistance (ohm) filter inductance (H) parallel filter capacitive demand (VAR) parallel filter active demand (W) resistor in parallel to DC inductor (ohm) DC filter inductance (H) DC filter capacitance (F) breaking resistance (ohm) upper voltage limit (V) lower voltage limit (V) on-resistance of switches (breakers, bridge) (ohm) snubber resistance of switches (breakers, bridge) (ohm) Forward voltages (V) Fall time and tail time of bridge switches (s) Induction motor Nominal power (VA), nominal PF = 0.8 Nominal voltage (V) Nominal frequency (Hz) Stator resistance (ohm) Stator leakage inductance (H) Rotor resistance (ohm) Rotor leakage inductance (H) Mutual inductance (H) Inertia (kg m2) Friction (N m s) Pole pairs 13 Default Value 450 60 [643.5 576] [482.6 432] 0.04 50 [1 -1] 1260 1e-5 200e-6 100e3 10 5000 50e-6 5e-3 1 850 810 1e-4 5000 [0.6 0.6] [Ts 2Ts} PAC2 / 0.8 VAC2 fAC2 0.029 6e-4 0.022 6e-4 34.6e-3 8 0.048 2 Source Table 18. Parameters for detailed MVDC zonal loads: AC3—single-phase loads Parameter VAC3 fAC3 PAC3 QAC3 PAB QAB PBC QBC PCA QCA kp kI PI limits fc Rf Lf QCf PCf RdcL Ldc Cdc Rp Description Default Value AC line-to-line voltage (V) 208 frequency (Hz) 60 from zonal load data, divided by 3 as base power level computed using PF = 0.8 (kVAR) [682.5 300] phase A-B (kW), 110% of base power [146.7 130] phase A-B (kVAR), PF=0.85 [82.6 80.6] phase A-B (kW), 90% of base power [120 117] phase A-B (kVAR) , PF=0.85 [74.4 72.5] phase A-B (kW), 105% of base power [140 136.5] phase A-B (kVAR) , PF=0.85 [86.8 84.6] proportional gain of voltage regulator 0.02 integral gain of voltage regulator 25 PI control upper and lower limits [1 -1] PWM carrier frequency (Hz) 1260 filter resistance (ohm) 1e-4 filter inductance (H) 200e-6 parallel filter capacitive demand (VAR) 40e3 parallel filter active demand (W) 100 resistor in parallel to DC inductor (ohm) 5000 DC filter inductance (H) 100e-6 DC filter capacitance (F) 2.5e-3 breaking resistance (ohm) 5000 Source The remaining zones 2 through 5 have been implemented using a constant power load, modeled through current injection. The masked zone is shown in Figure 12, the details are shown in Figure 13. The implementation allows the nominal power demand to be augmented by a harmonic component, see Table 19 for parameter values chosen. 14 1 Vport+ 1 V+ Mode Mode V- Constant power DC load 2 V3 Vstb+ Figure 12: Simplified zonal load (masked zone and DC bus interconnection) Sine Wave Sine Wave1 -CZoneData.Fi.num{1}(z) P battle Product1 -C- Product P cruise ZoneData.Fi.den{1}(z) TF current Product2 Battle Compare To Zero Rp ZoneData.CruiseMode == 0 Cruise Compare To Zero1 CCS DC 2 - == 0 Saturation s ZoneData.BattleMode V+ + 1 + - v > ZoneData.Vmin V Compare To Constant out_LoadCenter_Vdc_Z2 2ws 1 1 Mode int32 Data Type Conversion + -i out_LoadCenter_Idc_Z2 2ws 2 I 2 V- Figure 13: Simplified zonal load (shown here is Zone 2) 15 Table 19. Parameters for simplified zonal load representation (Zones 2, 3, 4, and 5) Parameter P Pr fr Ti Rp eta Description Power demand (taken from zonal load data) power ripple, 10% of power demand (W) ripple frequency (Hz) current injection time constant (s) parallel resistance (ohm) interface efficiency (%) Vmin minimum voltage level (V) Default Value Source 1000 1/(2π700) 5000 97 (battle), 94 (cruise) 4000 2.1.5 Pulse Load The pulse load is based on a simplified version of that described in Section 3.5.2 and is implemented using as constant power load. See Figure 14 for the model and Table 20 for parameter values. The pulse is a sequence of power demands that can be triggered through the positive edge of the “trigger input.” The look-up table (see the model in Figure 14) uses the vectors tpulse and Ppulse to generate the pulse pattern. out_PulseLoad_Pd 2ws 3 K Ts PulseLoad.Fi.num{1}(z) Lookup Table PulseLoad.Fi.den{1}(z) Gain efficiency 1 Product TF current V+ Saturation Rp - T 10 s Discrete-Time Discrete Integrator Monostable s Trigger -K- z-1 CCS + - v > PulseLoad.Vmin V Compare To Constant + 1 out_PulseLoad_Vdc + -i out_PulseLoad_Idc I 2 V- Figure 14: Pulse load model 16 Table 20. Parameters for pulse load Parameter tpulse Description pulse timing (s) Ppulse pulse power (kW) fr Ti Rp eta Vmin ripple frequency (Hz) current injection time constant (s) parallel resistance (ohm) interface efficiency (%) minimum voltage level (V) Default Value Source [0 1 1.01 3.5 3.51 7 7.01 9.25 9.26 10] [0 0 400 400 1300 1300 25000 25000 0 0] 1000 1/(2π700) 5000 97 4000 2.1.6 Energy Storage The energy storage model is based on the supercapacitor (see Section XX) with an isolated DCDC converter interface to the MVDC bus. The circuit model and controls are shown in Figure 15, the data are given in Table 21, Table 22, and Table 23. Table 21. MVDC Supercapacitor Parameters Parameter RSC LSC CSC VSC0 Description Series resistance (ohm) Series inductance (H) Capacitance (F) Initial capacitor voltage (V) Default Value 100e-6 200e-6 300 850 Source Table 22. Parameters for MVDC Energy Storage’s Isolated DC-DC converter Parameter RHV1 RHVC CHVC LHV VH VL f S R1 L1 R2 L2 Rm Lm Description High-voltage side circuit Resistance towards ground (ohm) Series resistance (ohm) Capacitor (mF) Inductance (uH) Transformer high-side voltage (V) low-side voltage (V) frequency (Hz) Nominal power (MVA) Primary side winding resistance (pu) Primary side leakage reactance (pu) Secondary side winding resistance (pu) Secondary side leakage reactance (pu) Magnetization resistance (pu) Magnetization reactance (pu) Low-voltage side circuit 17 Default Value 500 0.001 2.7 300 5000 850 700 4 0 0 0 0 5000 5000 Source RCC CCC LCP RLV1 RLVC CLVC RLV RON RS CS f Clamping capacitor series resistance (ohm) Clamping capacitor (mF) Inductance low-voltage side (H) Resistance towards ground (ohm) Series resistance of capacitor (ohm) Low-voltage capacitor (F) Resistance low-voltage side (ohm) Switch parameters resistance (ohm) snubber resistance (ohm) snubber capacitance (F) switching frequency (Hz) 1e-4 4.86 12e-3 500 1e-4 7e-3 10e-6 10e-6 1e5 1e-6 700 Table 23. Controller Parameters for MVDC Energy Storage’s Isolated DC-DC converter Parameter Tfbu kP kI kD N max min Escale VSCREF VSCDB ISCmaxC Tfbu kP kI kD N max min Escale VHVREF VSCMIN ISCmaxD Description Buck mode PI-controller with anti-windup filter time constant (s) proportional gain integral gain derivative gain derivative filter factor maximum control signal minimum control signal Scaling factor on error signal Reference voltage for charging (V) Deadband on capacitor voltage (V) Maximum charging current (A) Boost mode PI-controller with anti-windup filter time constant (s) proportional gain integral gain derivative gain derivative filter factor maximum control signal minimum control signal Scaling factor on error signal HV reference voltage (V) Minimum voltage (stop discharging) (V) Maximum discharging current (A) 18 Default Value 10e-3 0.13 1.4 0 100 0.48 0.02 1e-2 850 200 6000 10e-3 0.042 0.5625 0 100 0.48 0 1e-3 5010 500 6000 Source Figure 15: MVDC energy storage circuit and controls 19 1 [VHV] v + - Multimeter 7 [ILV] [VLV] [IHV] [VHV] [VCc] [ICc] [Iw2] [Iw1] [VLVC] [IHVC] [VHVC] 2 |u| |u| out_es_ICc out_es_VCc [ICc] [VCc] buck.filter.den{1}(z) buck.filter.num{1}(z) buck.filter.den{1}(z) buck.filter.num{1}(z) buck.filter.den{1}(z) buck.filter.den{1}(z) buck.filter.num{1}(z) out_es_PLV 1 out_es_VHVC [VHVC] out_es_PHV out_es_Iw2 out_es_Iw1 [Iw1] [Iw2] out_es_boostCtrl [BoostCtrl] out_es_VLV [VLV] out_es_buckCtrl out_es_ILV [ILV] [BuckCtrl] out_es_VLVC out_es_IHV [VLVC] [IHV] out_es_VHV out_es_IHVC S7 1 [FP78] 2 [FP34] [FP12] max 1 S2 S4 max 0 > ,2 Multiport Switch * 1 0 current filter boost.filter.den{1}(z) boost.filter.num{1}(z) es.Ctrl.VSCmin [VLV] [VHV] -K- Mode 2 3 1 [VLV] [ILV] == 100 Cc Sc1 == Relay current filter1 AND 0 > -K- PID(z) [FPScBuck] [FP78] [FP56] Constant5 0.5 RLV 2 out_es_FPScBuck out_es_FP78 > > [BoostCtrl] > > [BuckCtrl] BrkLVstat out_es_FP56 Triangle 2 Triangle 1 Buck PID PID(z) scaleEi Boost Switch1 PID > -K- C LV scaleEv RLV2 RLV1 LC P Switch Sc2 [FPScBoost] out_es_eff AND buck.filter.den{1}(z) buck.filter.num{1}(z) es.Ctrl.ISCmaxC S3 S1 [FPScBuck] boost.filter.num{1}(z) -Kboost.filter.den{1}(z) es.Ctrl.ISCmaxD droop1 droop filter4 [ILV] es.Ctrl.VHVref Linear Transformer LHV [VHV] S6 S5 [IHVC] C HV S8 [FP56] buck.filter.num{1}(z) RHV12 RHV11 BrkHV 1 BrkHVstat VHV VnHV 2 VpHV [IHV] m g m E C g m g 1 g m C E m g E C g m C E g m C E g m C E m g E C g m C E g m C E E C [FPScBoost] [FP34] [FP12] AND AND NOT VLV + v - 2 m BrkLV NOT 1 g XOR AND AND AND AND [VLV] [FP78] [FP56] [FPScBuck] [FPScBoost] out_es_FPScBoost out_es_FP34 out_es_FP12 [FP34] [FP12] AND Super C apacitor [ILV] 2.2 MVAC System The general topology of the MVAC ship power system is shown in Figure 16. The main distribution bus has 4.16 KV voltage and 60 Hz frequency. Each component in the system model has been tested individually in Matlab/Simulink platform, and they all work properly. Auxiliary AC Generator 1 Main AC Generator 1 DC/DC Converter PWM Inverter/converter AC Circuit Breaker = = GT MTG1 Energy Storage System AC/DC Converter AC Disconnect = GT = Capacitor bank Stern Cross-hull Disconnect ATG1 GB AC Circuit Breaker AC Disconnect Drive Inverter = Port PM MVAC (4.16 KV, 60 Hz) Port Bus Radar Zone 4 Zone 3 Zone 2 Load center Load center Load center Zone 1 Load center Bow Cross- hull Disconnect Zone 5 Deck house MVAC (4.16 KV, 60 Hz) Starboard Bus = AC/DC Converter AC Circuit Breaker ATG2 GB Auxilary AC Generator 2 GT Starboard PM = Drive Inverter GT Pulsed load MTG2 Main AC Generator 2 Figure 16: General Topology for Baseline MVAC System 2.2.1 Gearbox for Auxiliary Generators in the MVAC System In case of the auxiliary generators of the MVAC system, in order to reduce the speed from 14,400 rpm to 3600 rpm, gear box (in terms of gearbox friction) is added between the turbine and generator. In order to demonstrate the gear box in Matlab/Simulink model, a gain is added in "wm" to change the pu value into actual value; also in turbine block, "wm" is changed back to the pu value. 2.2.2 MVAC System Generators The main parameters of the synchronous generators selected for the MVAC ship power system are presented in Table 24. Table 24. Parameters for Generator Models of MVAC System Generators 1 and 2 (main) 20 Generator 3 and 4 (auxiliary) Main specifications Power (MVA) Speed (rpm) Number of poles Frequency (Hz) Voltage (kV) Power factor Parameters in (p.u); where p.u.=actual value/base value; Base impedance=base (KV)2/base MVA Stator winding resistance Stator winding leakage inductance Stator d-axis mutual inductance Stator q-axis mutual inductance Field-winding resistance Field-winding leakage inductance d-axis damper resistance d-axis damper leakage inductance q-axis damper1 resistance q-axis damper1 leakage inductance q-axis damper2 resistance q-axis damper2 leakage inductance Inertia Constant Friction factor (N.m.s) Rs Ll Lmd Lmq Rf Llf Rkd Llkd Rkq1 Llkq1 Rkq2 Llkq2 H F 47 3600 2 60 4.16 0.8 5 3600 2 60 4.16 0.8 0.002 0.135 1.35 1.35 0.001 0.081 0.045 0.0225 0.01 0.0405 0.01 0.0405 4s 0.04 0.005 0.09 0.9 0.9 0.001 0.045 0.04 0.018 0.04 0.018 0.04 0.018 5s 0.04 2.2.3 AC/DC Rectifiers MVAC system uses uncontrolled diode rectifiers in four zonal loads (Zone1-Zone4). Table 25 shows the parameters for the uncontrolled diode rectifiers in the zonal loads. Table 25. Parameters for Uncontrolled Diode Rectifier Models of MVAC System Parameters Snubber capacitance, Cs Snubber resistance, Rs On-state resistance, Rd Forward voltage, Vf Values 1e-7 F 10000 Ohm 0.001 Ohm 0.8 V 2.3 HFAC System The general topology of the HFAC power system is shown in Figure 17. 21 Figure 17: General Topology for Baseline HFAC System 2.3.1 Prime Movers The prime movers consists of two large twin-shaft gas turbines rated at 36MW with a nominal shaft speed of 3600rpm, and two smaller single-shaft gas turbines rated at 4MW with a nominal speed of 14400rpm. The total number of generating units used in this study and their ratings, are not necessarily optimal. They were chosen as a baseline system which will, eventually, be compared to other configurations with different number of units and power ratings. The main turbine parameters are shown in Table 26. Table 26. Parameters for Gas Turbine Models of HFAC System Main turbine specifications Type Turbine cycle Power (MW) Speed (rpm) Engine speed (rpm) Main turbine control parameters Speed governor gain Speed governor time constant Maximum power limit Minimum power limit Valve positioning gain Gas turbines 1 and 2 (main) Gas turbines 3 and 4 (aux) Twin-shaft Simple-cycle 36 3600 ~5000 (assumed) Single-shaft Simple-cycle 4 14400 N/A 25(4% droop) 0.01 1.5 -0.1 1 25 0.05 1.5 -0.1 1 22 Valve positioning time constant Fuel system gain Fuel system time constant Combustor time constant Compressor time constant No load fuel (p.u) Engine speed control parameters Governor gain Governor time constant Governor lag 0.05 1 0.4 0.01 0.2 0.20 0.05 1 0.4 0.01 0.2 0.20 30 1 1 N/A N/A N/A 2.3.2 Generators The electric generators are similar to those used in all three architectures in terms of type and topology but they differ in some of their parameters. The main parameters of the synchronous generators selected for the high-frequency power system are presented in Table 27. The mathematical models are described in Section 3.0. Table 27. Parameters for Generator Models of HFAC System Generators 1 and 2 (main) Generator 3 and 4 (aux) 47 3600 8 240 4.16 0.8 96% 5.25 14400 2 240 4.16 0.8 95.5% 0.002 0.15 1.5 1.5 0.001 0.09 0.01 0.045 0.01 0.045 0.01 0.045 0.005 0.1 1 1 0.001 0.05 - 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.04 Main specifications Power (MVA) Speed (rpm) Number of poles Frequency (Hz) Voltage (kV) Power factor Efficiency Parameters in (p.u) Stator winding resistance Stator winding leakage inductance Stator d-axis mutual inductance Stator q-axis mutual inductance Field-winding resistance Field-winding leakage inductance d-axis damper resistance d-axis damper leakage inductance q-axis damper1 resistance q-axis damper1 leakage inductance q-axis damper2 resistance q-axis damper2 leakage inductance Rs Ll Lmd Lmq Rf Llf Rkd Llkd Rkq1 Llkq1 Rkq2 Llkq2 23 3.0 COMPONENT AND SUBSYSTEM MODELS 3.1 Components of Generator Sets 3.1.1 Prime Movers Notional Single-Shaft Gas Turbine A schematic representation of a simple-cycle, single-shaft gas turbine is illustrated by Figure 18. In this type of setup the generator and turbine share the same shaft. Air Fuel Input Exhaust Figure 18: Single-shaft Gas Turbine The gas turbine model described herein a transfer function-based model that consider the effects of various components on the working fluid as it enters the compressor and exits through an exhaust after transferring some of its energy to the turbine shaft that drives the generator. A tested model using this approach, originally proposed by GE [6], is shown in Figure 19. In general, the model includes a speed control loop, an acceleration control loop, and a temperature control loop. This model is often used by the utility industry for power system stability studies of power plants that use gas turbines [7]. Further simplifications of the model are often made when they are justified by testing conditions. For example, the temperature loop can be omitted if the temperature in the turbine can't reach critical limits that activate the control system. In addition, the acceleration control loop is usually only needed during the start-up stage of the turbine, and during normal operation this loop can be omitted as well. For the model employed as the baseline notional single-shaft gas turbine, illustrated by Figure 20 and Figure 21 (acceleration control), the temperature control has been omitted, but the acceleration control loop has been retained. The parameters and default values for the model are given in Table 28, and the corresponding equations and transfer functions are given in (3) through (8). Note that the governor model can operate in either droop or isochronous mode, given the appropriate choice of parameter values. 24 Figure 19: General Model for Single-shaft Gas Turbine Speed Governor ωr + Σ - kflma HSG(s) π min kflmb Compressor + + Σ HFS(s) HC(s) HCP(s) WF f1 Valve Fuel Combustor Positioner System Limit 1 Fα HVP(s) π Acceleration Control ωshaft Figure 20: Notional Single-shaft Gas Turbine Model kα-limit ωshaft + s - Σ ki-α 1 s Fα Figure 21: Acceleration Control for Notional Single-shaft Gas Turbine Model 25 Pshaft W ( sX 1) Z H SG ( s ) Y 1 s Z (3) a H VP ( s) c b 1 s c (4) H FS ( s ) 1 (5) 1 FS s H C ( s ) e sTc H CP ( s ) f1 (WF , shaft ) 1 k flmb W F (6) 1 (7) 1 CP s k flma 0.51 shaft (8) Table 28. Parameters for Notional Single-Shaft Gas Turbine Model Parameter a b c kflma kflmb kα-limit ki-α Llower-Limit1 Lupper-Limit1 Tc W X Y Z τFS τCP Description Valve positioner constant. Valve positioner constant. Valve positioner constant. No-load fuel parameter. No-load fuel parameter (1- kflma). Acceleration limit (pu/s). Acceleration control integral gain. Lower limit for limit block “Limit 1” (fuel limit). Upper limit for limit block “Limit 1” (fuel limit). Combustor delay time (s). Speed governor constant. Speed governor constant. Speed governor constant. Speed governor constant. Fuel system time constant (s). Compressor discharge volume time constant (s). 26 Default Value 1 0.05 1 0.2 0.8 0.01 100 -0.1 1.5 0.01 25 0 0.05 1 0.4 0.2 Source Notional Twin-Shaft Gas Turbine In a twin-shaft system, the compressor is connected to a high-pressure turbine, on a separate shaft from the generator that extracts power from the low-pressure turbine (see Figure 22). The mathematical model representing a twin-shaft gas turbine is similar to that of a single-shaft turbine (described in Section, but with an additional speed control loop for the generator shaft. The model employed for the baseline notional twin-shaft gas turbine is illustrated by the Figure. This model is very similar to that described in [8], which was tested in a power plant installation. The notional twin-shaft gas turbine model is illustrated by Figure 23, Figure 24 (Gas Generator), Figure 25 (Engine Shaft Dynamics), and Figure 26 (acceleration control). The parameters and default values for the model are given in Table 29, and the corresponding equations and transfer functions are given in (9) through (17). Note that the governor model can operate in either droop or isochronous mode, given the appropriate choice of parameter values. As reported in [7], the use of turbine parameters obtained through field testing results in models that are more representative of turbine dynamics than typical models that use assumed parameters, which often require a tedious trial and error process until the simulation data matches the experimental results. In the model for the twin-shaft turbine, the parameters for the engine speed calculation are based on test data for a 46.5 MW gas turbine, as reported in [8]. This turbine rating is somewhat higher than the 36 MW turbine considered in this study. Nevertheless, at this stage of this modeling effort, it is assumed that the data is representative. In addition, the functions that define the turbine's torques are usually given by the manufacturer, as a function of the fuel flow parameter and output shaft speed, in a format that includes the no-load value of the fuel parameter. In the present twin-shaft model the torque functions were written in the format just described, and using test parameters reported in [8] whenever applicable. During this modeling period and in the near future, additional turbine test data will be sought, as those reported in [7] and [8], in order to enhance the understanding of how to use published turbine test data in developing accurate gas turbine models for power system dynamic studies. Ultimately, a high-fidelity gas turbine model can be obtained when a gas turbine installation becomes available and steady state tests can be performed to determine the needed parameters. Air Fuel Input Exhaust Figure 22: Simple-cycle Twin-shaft Gas Turbine 27 Speed Governor ωr + Σ - kflma HSG(s) π Fα Compressor + + Σ kflmb HFS(s) HC(s) HCP(s) WF f1 Valve Fuel Combustor Positioner System Limit 1 min HVP(s) π Pshaft Acceleration Control ωshaft FE Gas Generator (Engine) Figure 23: Notional Twin-shaft Gas Turbine Model Engine Speed Governor Engine Speed Request ωg-r f3 WF f2 Engine Torque Tg HES(s) + FE Σ HESG(s) - ωg Engine Shaft Dynamics Figure 24: Gas Generator (Engine) Model for Notional Twin-shaft Gas Turbine Model Tg + Σ- 1 1 s Ig ωg x2 Figure 25: Engine Shaft Dynamics for Gas Generator (Engine) Model for Notional Twin-shaft Gas Turbine Model 28 kα-limit ωshaft + s - Σ ki-α Fα 1 s Figure 26: Acceleration Control for Notional Twin-shaft Gas Turbine Model W ( sX 1) Z H SG ( s ) Y 1 s Z (9) a H VP ( s) c b 1 s c (10) H FS ( s ) 1 (11) 1 FS s H C ( s ) e sTc H CP ( s ) f1 (WF , shaft ) 1 k flmb f 2 (WF , g ) W 1 k flmb (12) 1 (13) 1 CP s k flma 0.51 shaft F W F k flma 31 g (14) (15) f 3 (WF ) k EFR1WF k EFR2 (16) WE ( sX E 1) ZE H ESG ( s) Y 1 s E ZE (17) 29 Table 29. Parameters for Notional Twin-Shaft Gas Turbine Model Parameter a b c kflma kflmb kEFR1 kEFR2 kα-limit ki-α Llower-Limit1 Lupper-Limit1 Tc W WE X XE Y YE Z ZE τIg τFS τCP Description Valve positioner constant. Valve positioner constant. Valve positioner constant. No-load fuel parameter. No-load fuel parameter (1- kflma). Engine speed request function slope. Engine speed request function intercept. Acceleration limit (pu/s). Acceleration control integral gain. Lower limit for limit block “Limit 1” (fuel limit). Upper limit for limit block “Limit 1” (fuel limit). Combustor delay time (s). Speed governor constant. Engine speed governor constant. Speed governor constant. Engine speed governor constant. Speed governor constant. Engine speed governor constant. Speed governor constant. Engine speed governor constant. Time constant for engine shaft dynamics (s). Fuel system time constant (s). Compressor discharge volume time constant (s). Default Value 1 0.05 1 0.2 0.8 0.25 0.75 0.01 100 -0.1 Source 1.5 0.01 25 30 0 1 0.01 1 1 0 8 0.4 0.2 3.1.2 Electric Machines Notional Round Rotor Synchronous Machine The model employed for the notional round rotor synchronous machine for the baseline system makes use of the synchronous machine model in Simulink SimPowerSystems [12]. The interface to the model is illustrated by Figure 27. As shown, the model takes an input shaft power, Pshaft, from a prime mover model and a field winding excitation voltage, Ef, from an excitation system. The model provides the speed of rotation, ωshaft, as an output, and exposes three electrical nodes, A, B, and C. For future reference it is important to note that models of synchronous machines in the software packages Matlab\Simulink and PSCAD are slightly different. Mainly, the field and d-axis damper-windings mutual inductance, also referred to as the differential leakage inductance, is neglected in the Simulink synchronous machine models while it is included in PSCAD. However, it can be set to zero if needed for model consistency between the two software packages. The default parameters of the model are given in Table 30. 30 Ef Pshaft Synchronous Machine A B C ωshaft Figure 27: Interface for Notional Round Rotor Synchronous Machine Table 30. Parameters for Notional Round Rotor Synchronous Machine Parameter Sr Vr fr Rs Ll Lmd Lmq Rfd Llfd Rkd Llkd Rkq1 Llkq1 Rkq2 Llkq2 H F p Vsat(Ifd) Description Rated apparent power (MVA). Rated voltage (line-line, RMS) (kV). Rated frequency (Hz). Stator resistance (pu). Stator leakage reactance D-axis unsaturated magnetizing inductance Q-axis unsaturated magnetizing inductance Field resistance Field leakage inductance D-axis damper resistance D-axis damper leakage inductance Q-axis damper resistance Q-axis damper leakage inductance Q-axis damper resistance (2nd damper winding) Q-axis damper leakage inductance (2nd damper winding) Inertia constant (MW*s/MVA) Friction factor (pu). Pole pairs Saturation curve. 31 Default Value 47 4.16 240 2.0e-3 0.15 1.5 1.5 1.0e-3 0.09 0.01 0.045 0.01 0.045 0.01 0.045 6 0 4 See Figure 28 Source Generator Power 2 Terminal Voltage (pu) Terminal Voltage (pu) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0 2 4 6 Field Current (pu) 8 10 Figure 28: Default Saturation Curve for Notional Round Rotor Synchronous Machine 3.1.3 Exciters and Voltage Regulators Simplified IEEE Type AC8B Exciter The model employed is a simplified version of the IEEE type AC8B model, which is described in [10]. The actual model employed is illustrated by Figure 29, in conjunction with (18). The model takes a requested voltage, Vr, and feedback of the actual voltage, Vm, as inputs, and provides the field winding excitation voltage, Ef, as an output. The parameters and default values of the model are described in Table 31. 32 VEMAX VRMAX Vr + Vm Σ - k sk DR k PR IR s 1 sTDR PID Controller kA 1 TA s + - Ef 1 Te s Σ VEMIN VRMIN Voltage Regulator Σ + kE + π SE fEF Figure 29: Simplified Implementation of the IEEE type AC8B exciter model. f EF ( E f ) k EF1e k EF 2 E f (18) Table 31. Parameters for Simplified IEEE Type AC8B Exciter Parameter kA kDR kIR kE kEF1 kEF2 kPR TA Te TDR VEMAX VEMIN VRMAX VRMIN Description Voltage regulator gain. PID controller derivative gain. PID controller integral gain. Default Value 1 0.001 0.08 1 1.0119 0.0875 200 0.0001 1 controller 0.001 Saturation function coefficient. Saturation function coefficient. PID controller proportional gain. Voltage regulator time constant (s). Integration time constant (s). Filter time constant for PID derivative branch (s). Field winding excitation voltage upper limit. Field winding excitation voltage lower limit. Voltage regulator upper limit. Voltage regulator lower limit. Source ∞ 0 5 0 3.1.4 Generator Load Sharing Controls The approach for implementing real and reactive power sharing among paralleled generators makes use of droop controls for both the turbine/governor and voltage regulator/exciter of each unit, as illustrated by Figure 30 and Figure 31 (where all quantities are considered to be in per 33 unit values). Figure 30 illustrates the configuration for the turbine/governor, for which a requested speed (ωs) and requested power (Ps) are provided. The droop control loop allows generators with potentially different speed references (or biases on the speed feedback measurements) to be stably operated in parallel. When connected in parallel with a generator operating in isochronous mode, the power supplied by the unit in droop control mode is controlled through the power reference. The machine in isochronous mode maintains the system frequency to its 1reference frequency, supplying any additional load on the system. Similarly, when two machines are paralleled on the same bus (with little impedance between them), reactive power droop control can be employed, as illustrated by Figure 31. However, if all of the 0.9 paralleled generators employ droop control, the system frequency and voltage can vary from the respective set point values according to loading conditions and the droop characteristics. For example, if the 0.8 typical droop gain of 5% is employed, this implies that the deviation in system frequency from the nominal value may vary up to 5%, depending on the loading conditions. Droop 0.7 Ps + Σ kD 0.6 P 1 0.5 ωs + + Σ System Turbine/Governor ω 0.9 0.4 0.8 0.3 Figure 30: Configuration of Droop Control for Turbine/Governor Droop 0.7 0.2 + Σ kD Qs 0.6 0.1 Q Vs 0.5 0 + + Σ System VR/Exciter - 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 V 0.8 0.9 1 0.4 Figure0.3 31: Configuration of Droop Control for Voltage Regulator/Exciter In the approach employed, all generators are operated with droop control for both real and reactive power, 0.2 and a master load sharing control is employed. This slower outer control loop is used to adjust the real and reactive power set points for each unit in order to properly distribute the real and reactive power load among units and maintain nominal frequency and voltage. A 0.1 load divider control, such as that illustrated by Figure 32 (illustrated for the real power set point control for generator 1), is employed for each quantity (real and reactive power) for each 0 0.1 of the 0.2load 0.3 0.5 machine, where the0 output divider0.4component (P0.6s1-c) is0.7 given 0.8 by (19).0.9 In this1 context, each Pi quantity represents the real power supplied by generator i, and each Pbi quantity represents the rated power of generator i. Each Si1 quantity is a binary quantity ({0,1}) indicating whether generator i should share power with generator 1 (a value of 1) or not (a value 34 1 of 0). The0.9output of the load divider component is then filtered in order to avoid potential interference with the faster inner loops of the control structure, and then provided as the power reference for generator 1. In this way, the real and reactive power set points for each machine are obtained0.8such that paralleled generators equally share the real and reactive power load on a per unit basis. 0.7 Pb1 Pb2 Pb3 Pb4 P1 0.6 P2 Ps1-c Load Divider Control 0.5 1 1 s P3 Ps1 P4 0.4 S11 0.3 S21 S31 S41 Figure 32: Load Divider Control 4 Ps1c 0.2 PP S i bi i 1 4 0.1 P S i 1 bi 0 0 i1 (19) i1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 The settings of the binary status signals must be determined through an algorithm appropriate for the topology. This could be done in an automated fashion by considering the status of breakers in the system, or these might be configured manually for a given scenario through a script or some other method. The default parameter values for the load sharing controls are given in Table 32. Table 32. Parameters for Generator Load Sharing Controls Parameter τ 3.2 Description Filter time constant (s). Default Value 1.0 Source Components of Propulsion Systems 3.2.1 Propulsion Motors Notional Permanent Magnet Machine The model employed for the notional permanent magnet machine for the baseline system makes use of the permanent magnet machine model in Simulink SimPowerSystems [13]. The interface to the model is illustrated by Figure 33. As shown, the model takes an input shaft torque, Tshaft, from a torque load model, and provides the speed of rotation, ωshaft, as an output. The model 35 exposes three electrical nodes, A, B, and C. The parameters and default values for the model are given in the Table. Tshaft Permanent Magnet Machine A B C ωshaft Figure 33: Interface for Notional Permanent Magnet Machine Table 33. Parameters for Notional Permanent Magnet Machine Parameter Rs Ld Lq λ J F p Description Stator resistance (Ω). D-axis stator inductance (H). Q-axis stator inductance (H). Flux linkage established by magnets (V∙s). Moment of inertia (kg∙m2) Friction (N∙m∙s) Pole pairs. Default Value 0.005 0.8e-3 0.8e-3 16.58 1.6e3 0.0005 12 Source The Simulink permanent-magnet machine model does not include damper windings, while the PSCAD model does. However, for permanent-magnet machines that include metallic shields, for example, corresponding models with damper windings can easily be built using native library components in any software package. 3.2.2 Motor Drives Two-Level IGBT Bridge The basic topology for the model is illustrated by Figure 34. The model exposes five electrical nodes, A, B, C, p, and n, and receives six gating signals, g1 through g6. The model makes use of the Simulink Universal Bridge model [14], using three bridge arms and using “IGBT/Diode” for the power electronic device. Although not explicitly shown in Figure 34, snubber circuits are employed on the IGBTs. The parameters and default values are described in the Table. 36 g1 g3 g5 p A B C n g2 g6 g4 Figure 34: Two-Level IGBT Bridge Table 34. Parameters for Two-Level IGBT Bridge Model Parameter Cs Ron Rs Tf Tt Vf Vfd Description Snubber capacitance (F). IGBT on-state resistance (Ω). Snubber resistance (Ω). Fall time for the IGBT (s). Tail time for the IGBT (s). IGBT forward voltage drop (V). Diode forward voltage drop (V). Default Value 1.0e-6 1.0e-3 1000 1.0e-6 2.0e-6 0.8 0.8 Source 3.2.3 Motor Drive Controls Hysteresis Current Control for Two-Level Drive for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine The general control approach is illustrated by Figure 35. The controller takes a reference speed, ωr as an input, along with feedback signals for the actual shaft speed, ωshaft, the rotor angle, θ, and the instantaneous phase currents for the machine, Ia, Ib, and Ic. The controller provides the binary gating signals, g1 through g6, for a two-level, three-phase bridge motor drive using force-commutated devices. The convention for the DQ to ABC transformation is given by (20). The blocks labeled “fhys” implement a hysteresis-based comparison function. For example, consider the block receiving input from the reference phase-A current, Ia-r, and the actual phase-A current, Ia. If gating signal g1 is on (a value of 1), the signal will remain on until Ia becomes larger than an upper threshold, given by Ia-r+ΔI, at which point g1 will be turned off (a value of 0). Signal g1 will then remain in the off-state until Ia drops below a lower threshold, given by Ia-r-ΔI, at which point g1 will again be turned on. Throughout the process, gating signal 37 g2 is maintained as the complement of gating signal g1. The parameters for the model are given in Table 35. Ic Iq-r-max ωr + ωshaft Σ - kP Ia Ia-r Id-r fhys g1 g2 Ib-r Iq-r kI s DQ→ABC fhys Ic-r Iq-r-min PI Controller Ib fhys p g3 g4 g5 g6 θ Figure 35: Hysteresis Current Control for Two-Level Drive for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine sin( ) cos( ) 1 I d r I a r I 0.5( sin( ) 3 cos( )) 0.5( cos( ) 3 sin( )) 1 I br q r I c r 0.5( sin( ) 3 cos( )) 0.5( cos( ) 3 sin( )) 1 0 (20) Table 35. Parameters for Hysteresis Current Control for Two-Level Drive for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Parameter Id-r Iq-r-max Iq-r-min ki kp p ΔI Description Requested d-axis current (A). PI controller upper limit (A). PI controller lower limit (A). PI controller integral gain. PI controller proportional gain. The number of pole pairs of the machine. Hysteresis comparator dead-band width parameter. 38 Default Value 0 ∞ -∞ 10 7500 12 0 Source 3.2.4 Propellers Notional Fixed-Pitch Propeller The propeller modeled is generally based on the description provided in [1]. The model provides the counter torque exerted on the shaft (Tprop) and the thrust exerted on the ship (Fship) as a function of the propeller angular frequency (ωprop) and the ship speed (Vship), as illustrated by Figure 36. The particular mathematical model employed is that described in [3], given by (21)(25). The default parameters for the model are given by Table 36. As noted, most of the information for the model was taken from [1]. However, while [1] provides information about propeller thrust and torque coefficients (black curves of Figure 37 and Figure 38), the information does not cover the entire range of the advance ratio, ν. In order to develop complete characteristics, information provided by [4] (dotted curves of Figure 37 and Figure 38) was used to supplement the information from [1]. As use of the complete curves from [4] would result in powering data inconsistent with that provided in [1], a curve-fitting routine was used to smoothly merge the data provided in [4] with the data provided in [1], resulting in the solid curves (red and black) of Figure 37 and Figure 38. ωprop Vship Tprop Notional Fixed-Pitch Propeller Model Fship Figure 36: Interface for Notional Fixed-Pitch Propeller Model D3 2 (Va (nD) 2 ) T prop CQ ( ) r (21) Fship C ( ) D 2 (Va (nD) 2 )(1 t ) (22) 2 n prop 2 (23) nD 2 Va (nD) 2 (24) Va Vship ( 1 wT ) (25) 39 Table 36. Parameters for Notional Fixed-Pitch Propeller Model Parameter ρ D ηr CQ(ν) Cτ(ν) 1-wT 1-t Description Density of salt water. Propeller diameter. Relative rotative efficiency. Open water propeller torque coefficient Open water propeller thrust coefficient Taylor wake fraction. Thrust deduction factor. Default Value 1027 kg/m3 7.01 m 1.0 See Figure 37 See Figure 38 See Figure 39 0.96, Vship 0 0.97, Vship 0 Source [1] [1], [4] [1], [4] [1] [1] Figure 37: Thrust Coefficient Curves for Notional Fixed-Pitch Propeller Model 40 Figure 38: Torque Coefficient Curves for Notional Fixed-Pitch Propeller Model Taylor Wake Factor 1.025 Taylor Wake Factor 1.02 1.015 1.01 1.005 1 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Ship Speed (knots) 25 30 35 Figure 39: Taylor Wake Fraction Curve for Notional Fixed-Pitch Propeller Model As this model takes the propeller angular velocity as an input and provides a torque as an output, it is assumed that the moment of inertia of the propeller, entrained water, and propeller shaft are modeled as part of the component to which the propeller model is coupled (e.g. gear box model, propulsion motor model, etc.). So that this can be properly modeled in the accompanying component, the total moment of inertia of the propeller, shaft, and entrained water is given in Table 36 for a two-propeller notional destroyer, for which the model parameters are intended. 41 Table 37. Additional Parameters Associated with Notional Fixed-Pitch Propeller Model Parameter J1 J2 Description Default Value Moment of inertia of the starboard propeller 2.0573e5 kg∙m2 (not used in the model). Moment of inertia of the port propeller (not 2.2767e5 kg∙m2 used in the model). Source [1] [1] 3.2.5 Ship Hydrodynamic Characteristics Notional Destroyer Hydrodynamic Characteristics The ship hydrodynamic characteristics are based on those given in [1]. The general model, illustrated by Figure 40, takes the thrust of two propellers, Fship1 and Fship2, as inputs, and provides the ship speed, Vship, as an output. The model simply accounts for the mass of the ship, mship, and the ship hydrodynamic resistance, Fdrag, as a function of the ship speed. The parameters for the model are described in Table 38. Information for the ship hydrodynamic resistance was provided by [1] for values of the ship velocity at 10 knots and above. For ship speeds at less than 10 knots, the values of the hydrodynamic resistance were estimated through extrapolation and curve fitting of the data, using the same values for astern ship speeds up to 10 knots. Fship1 Fship2 + - Σ + 1 Vship mships Fdrag (Vship ) Figure 40: Notional Destroyer Hydrodynamic Characteristics Table 38. Parameters for Notional Destroyer Hydrodynamic Characteristics Model Parameter mship Fdrag(Vship) Description Mass of the ship. Hydrodynamic resistance. Default Value 14.29e6 kg See Figure 41 42 Source [5] [1] See text Hydrodynamic Resistance 6 3.5 x 10 Force (N) 3 Force (N) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Ship Speed (knots) 25 30 35 Figure 41: Hydrodynamic Resistance for Notional Destroyer Model 3.3 Ship Service Loads 3.3.1 Notional Ship Service Loads There are 22 loads distributed within 4 zones. Load definition and initial implementation in the baseline models are shown in Table 39. In the initial set-up, simple constant impedance loads are used for simplicity but they can be replaced later with other loads such as uncontrolled induction machines and other power electronics controlled equipment. Table 39. Ship Service Load Data ID 1 Typ e ID2 Z1 DC Z2 DC Z3 AC Z4 AC Z5 AC Z6 AC Z1L 1 Z1L 2 Z1L 3 Z1L 4 Z1L 5 Z1L 6 Battle mode (kW) Cruise mode (kW) Original lumped category Syntek ESRDC Initial baseline load implementation 150 70 DC loads 1 615 0 DC loads 2 Constant impedance load (resistive load) Same as Z1 715 640 Type 1 AC loads Same as Z1 400 390 120/208 VAC loads 910 275 0 7 Non-vital type 1 AC loads Non-vital single-phase AC loads 450 Vac 3-phase (resistive load) 450 Vac 3-phase constant impedance load (RL) 120/208 AC load (constant impedance load (RL)) 1460 1330 2790 735 647 1382 43 Z7 DC Z8 DC Z9 AC Z1 0 Z1 1 Z1 2 AC Z1 3 Z1 4 Z1 5 Z1 6 Z1 7 AC AC DC AC AC AC AC Z2L 1 Z2L 2 Z2L 3 Z2L 4 Z2L 5 Z2L 6 Z3L 1 Z3L 2 Z3L 3 Z3L 4 Z3L 5 1 0 Non-vital DC loads Lumped DC load (resistive) 75 20 DC loads Same as Z2 1400 930 Type 1 AC loads Same as Z3 750 300 120/208 VAC loads Same as Z4 975 400 Same as Z5 40 35 Non-vital type 1 AC loads Non-vital 120/208 AC loads 1726 1515 3241 40 700 20 DC loads Same as Z1 1200 1200 Type 1 AC loads Same as Z2 1900 550 120/208 VAC loads Same as Z3 750 375 Same as Z4 0 4 Non-vital, type 1 AC loads Non-vital, 120/208 AC loads 60 1750 399 2149 0 DC loads Same as Z2 480 200 Type 1 AC loads Same as Z3 1750 415 120/208 VAC loads Same as Z4 675 220 Same as Z5 0 4 Non-vital, 120/208 AC loads Non-vital, 120/208 AC loads 735 224 HP Radar DC const. impedance load 790 Z1 8 Z1 9 Z2 0 Z2 1 Z2 2 Z2 3 DC AC AC AC AC DC Z4L 1 Z4L 2 Z4L 3 Z4L 4 Z4L 5 Z5L 1 3100 3890 223 0 2965 3750 Same as Z6 985 1685 Same as Z5 Same as Z6 615 839 2850 4701 817 3409 264 5 6 Total Load Power 12872 (kW) 6055 (kW) Loads initially connected to upper bus Loads initially connected to lower bus 44 3.4 Bulk Energy Storage Systems 3.4.1 Notional Supercapacitor Energy Storage System In power systems, energy storage devices are usually used to minimize fluctuations of line power, frequency and grid voltage, and also to support voltage sag. In case of the ship power system that we are currently addressing, the main purpose of using the capacitor energy storage system is to provide a maximum of 4MW of power to the 4.16 KV distribution bus/grid in case of a loss of one of the 4 MW auxiliary generators. Figure 42 shows that a 4.16 KV/60 Hz ac source, an energy storage system (ESS), and a test load are connected to a grid point through breakers eBrk1, eBrk2, and eBrk3, respectively. The energy storage system consists of a Wye-Wye 4.16KV/0.45KV transformer, a 6-pulse pulse width modulation (PWM) inverter/converter using insulated-gate-bipolar-transistors (IGBT), a DC-DC (buck-boost) converter using IGBT, and a supercapacitor (SC). The PWM inverter/converter and the DC-DC converter are linked by a dc link capacitor C1. eVc, eid, eV0, and ei0 indicate the voltage across the supercapacitor, output current of the supercapacitor, voltage across the dc link, and inverter current, respectively. The value of test load should be less than or equal to 4 MW. The ESS inverter gate signal (gDischgInvP) and the DC-DC converter gate signals (gchgP for charge and gDischgP for discharge) are determined according to control logics as described in following two subsections. The specifications of the ESS are described in Table 40. gchgP + v - eid eR eL + i - E gDischgP eV0 g C Charge (Buck mode) eL1 + i - ei0 gDischgInvP g C SC (Capbank) + C1 Discharge (Boost mode) E + v - - g A a A A a a A A B b B B b b B B C c C C c c C ESS eBrk2 inverter 0.45/4.16KV eVc A A a B B b C C c Test load eBrk1 C 4.16KV/60 Hz source eBrk3 Figure 42: 4.16KV/60Hz ac source with an energy storage system (ESS) and a test load Table 40. General Parameters for Notional Supercapacitor Energy Storage System Parameter Description Supercapacitor (SC) Power Supercapacitor (SC) energy Capacitance of Supercapacitor (SC) Supercapacitor (SC) initial voltage 45 Default Value 4.0 MW 100 MJ (approximately) 850.5 F 500 V Source eL eR C1 eL1 Inductance Resistance Dc link capacitance Inductance Transformer Nominal power Transformer Nominal frequency Transformer Winding 1 voltage, V1 Ph-Ph (Vrms) Transformer Winding 1 resistance, R1 (pu) Transformer Winding 1inductance, L1 (pu) Transformer Winding 2 voltage, V2 Ph-Ph (Vrms) Transformer Winding 2 resistance, R2 (pu) Transformer Winding 2 inductance, L2 (pu) Transformer Magnetization resistance, Rm (pu) Transformer Magnetization inductance, Lm (pu) 2×10-4 H 0.0001 ohm 0.2 F 5×10-8 H 5 MVA 60 Hz 4.16KV 0.002 0.045 0.45KV 0.002 0.045 500 500 PWM inverter and controls PWM based inverter/converter is the main interface between the grid and the supercapacitor energy storage unit as shown in Figure 43. The control block for the inverter/converter is described in Figure 49. Table 47 describes the parameters for the inverter and controls. ESS Inverter/ Converter Pulses Transformer 4.16/0.45kV Y Y ED DC link >0 C gDischgInvP Timer Discharge1 0 a) 3-phase ESS Inverter/ Converter b) Discharge Switch2 Discharge Inverter Figure 43: Notional Supercapacitor Energy Storage System Inverter/converter control Table 41. Parameters for Notional Supercapacitor Energy Storage System Inverter Parameter ecarrierF eModIndex Rs Cs Description Carrier frequency Modulation index Snubber resistance Snubber capacitance Default Value 2400 Hz 0.84 1×105 Ohm 1×10-9 F 46 Source DC/DC converter control Figure H.4 shows the control strategy for the DC-DC (buck-boost) converter. Table H.4 shows the buck-boost converter data. Boost Converter Buck Converter 0 -eIcharge eVc Relay eid Relay1 eVc >0 >0 Timer Discharge 0 a) gDischgP Timer Charge Discharge Switch1 DISCHARGE CONTROL 0 >= gchgP gchgP Charging Switch Stop Charging when V=Capbank voltage b) CHARGE CONTROL Figure 44: Notional Supercapacitor Energy Storage System DC/DC (buck-boost) converter control Table 42. Parameters for Notional Supercapacitor Energy Storage System Buck/boost converter Parameter eIcharge eboostV eboostF 3.5 Description Charging current Boost voltage Boost frequency Default Value 6000 A 825 V 1,000 Hz Source Specialized Loads 3.5.1 Radar Systems Notional Radar Load The radar load is presently modeled as a constant impedance load requiring 300 Vdc and up to 3.75 MW of continuous DC power. The 300 Vdc is obtained through power conditioning modules that are specific to each architecture. 3.5.2 Notional Free Electron Laser Pulse Power Load The free electron laser system (FEL) is a pulse power system that is expected to be installed on future Navy ships. This system is highly inefficient. It requires about 25 MW to produce a 3 MW laser beam. The FEL has eleven sub-loads and requires AC and DC power at various voltage levels as shown in Figure 45 and Table 43. In addition some of the sub-loads are powered continuously while others are energized at different times during operation. This is indicated by the transition times in Table 43. 47 Figure 45: Sub-loads of Notional Free Electron Laser System Table 43. Notional Free Electron Laser Data FEL load definitions Z6L1 Filament(1) 10KW Z6L2 RF 16MW Z6L3 Beam dump 7.7MW Z6L4 Cooling 300kW Z6L5 Cryogenics 1MW Z6L6 Beam control 20KW Z6L7 Vacuum 5kW Z6L8 Beam optics 1KW Z6L9 Computers 5KW Z6L1 0 Z6L1 1 Housekeeping 5KW Wiggler(2) ~0(2) A C D C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C D C 4.16kV\240H z 45 KV Pier side 10 Modes of operation (required power in KW) Under Operational Hot Engagemen way readiness standby t 10 10 10 10 - - 80 16000 16000 4.16KV\60Hz - - 38.5 7700 7700 4.16kV\60Hz 300 300 300 300 300 450V\60Hz 100 1000 1000 1000 1000 450V\60Hz - - - - 20 450V\60Hz 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 112.5V\60Hz 112.5V\60Hz 5 5 5 5 5 112.5V\60Hz 5 5 5 5 5 600 V - - - - - 48 Total power during each mode of operation (kW) Transition times 425 days 1325 hours 1444.5 minutes 25026 seconds 25046 ~ 1 second Some of the assumptions for the model are described below: (1): It is assumed that the filament is a simple resistive load that can be heated by any supply. In the HFAC system, for example, the 4.16 kV\240 Hz power available at the main distribution bus is used. (2): The wiggler load shows 600 Vdc with 300kW (EM) but ~0 permanent power. In the model, it is assumed to be a load that requires 600 Vdc with basically 0 real power (modeled as a very large resistor). This is the device where the accelerated electrons exchange energy with the wave. 3.6 Power Conversion Modules 3.6.1 AC/DC Rectifiers Notional Diode Rectifier A notional six-pulse diode rectifier with AC side line reactance and DC filter capacitor is illustrated by the circuit model of Figure 46. The parameters of the model, along with the default values used for MTG rectifiers for the MVDC system, are given in Table 44. For convenience, the equations associated with the rectifier model are given by (26). Figure 46: Circuit Model of Notional Diode Rectifier Table 44. Parameters for Notional Diode Rectifier Model Parameter Cd Csnub Description DC side filter capacitance (F). Diode snubber capacitance (F). Default Value 1e-3 1e-5 49 Source Ls Ld Rd Rs Rsnub AC side series inductance (H). Diode on-state inductance (H). Diode on-state resistance (Ω). AC side series resistance (Ω). Diode snubber resistance (Ω). 1.24e-4 0 1e-5 7.5e-3 100 R RD 2 R R di v di D1 v ac Rs RD1 di di i D1 s iD 2 s iD 4 s iD5 D 2 D 4 D5 d dt Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls dt dt dt Ls R RD3 R R di di di v di D 2 vcb Rs RD 2 iD 2 s iD3 s iD5 s iD6 D3 D5 D6 d dt Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls dt dt dt Ls di D 3 vba Rs RD 3 R RD 4 R R di v di di iD3 s i D 4 s i D 6 s i D1 D 4 D 6 D1 d dt Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls dt dt dt Ls R RD 5 R R di v di D 4 v ac Rs RD 4 di di iD 4 s i D 5 s i D1 s i D 2 D 5 D1 D 2 d dt Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls dt dt dt Ls (26) di D 5 vcb Rs RD 5 R RD 6 R R di di v di iD5 s iD6 s iD 2 s iD3 D6 D 2 D3 d dt Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls dt dt dt Ls di D 6 vba Rs RD 6 R RD1 R R di v di di iD6 s i D1 s i D 3 s i D 4 D1 D 3 D 4 d dt Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls dt dt dt Ls dv d (i D1 i D 3 i D 5 ) vd dt Cd Cd * RL 3.6.2 DC/DC Converters Isolated DC/DC Converter This model provides an interface between two DC voltages levels using a high-frequency transformer. The transformer serves two purposes namely isolation and bridging the high voltage difference. Further details on circuit and switching can be found in [18]. The converter uses two full bridges to achieve the high-power levels required. The switching scheme implemented makes use of a clamping capacitor for improved efficiency. The masked Simulink converter model with its connections to the high-voltage bus, low-voltage bus, and controlling signals is shown in Figure 47. 50 IsoDCDC BrkLVstat 4 VH+ 1 2 mea V+ DC 805V Buck Vref Boost Iref 2 V- enable enable 3 m Brk Energy Storage 1 VpLV Mode Buck = 1 Boost = 0 1 Constant3 BrkHVstat Breaker HV&LV g 1 VH- VpHV VnLV VnHV Iref boost Vref buck Figure 47: Isolated DC-DC Converter Block Control signals include the high- and low-voltage breaker status information, the mode of operation, i.e., buck or boost, enabling of power electronics switching, and reference command for voltage (buck mode, low voltage side) and current (boost mode). The arrangement shown here includes an example of connecting an energy source on the low voltage side for boost mode operation. The Isolated Dc-DC converter circuit diagram is shown in Figure 48. The main components are the two full-bridges, transformer, and clamping capacitor. The default parameters for the circuit and controls are given in Table 45 and Table 46. 51 Figure 48: Isolated DC-DC Converter Circuit 52 1 + v - [VHV] [ILV] [VLV] [IHV] [VHV] |u| |u| [VCc] [ICc] [Iw2] [Iw1] [VLVC] [IHVC] [VHVC] C HV buck.filter.den{1}(z) buck.filter.num{1}(z) buck.filter.den{1}(z) buck.filter.num{1}(z) buck.filter.den{1}(z) buck.filter.den{1}(z) buck.filter.num{1}(z) S6 S8 [FP56] buck.filter.num{1}(z) RHV12 Multimeter 7 2 RHV11 BrkHV 1 BrkHVstat VHV VnHV 2 VpHV [IHV] 1 2 out_IsoDCDC_VCc_Z1P [VCc] 1 out_IsoDCDC_PLV_Z1P max max out_IsoDCDC_ICc_Z1P [ICc] 1 out_IsoDCDC_VHVC_Z1P [VHVC] out_IsoDCDC_PHV_Z1P out_IsoDCDC_Iw2_Z1P out_IsoDCDC_Iw1_Z1P [Iw1] [Iw2] out_IsoDCDC_boostCtrl_Z1P [BoostCtrl] out_IsoDCDC_VLV_Z1P out_IsoDCDC_buckCtrl_Z1P out_IsoDCDC_ILV_Z1P [ILV] [VLV] S2 S4 [BuckCtrl] out_IsoDCDC_VLVC_Z1P [VLVC] out_IsoDCDC_IHV_Z1P out_IsoDCDC_IHVC_Z1P [IHVC] [IHV] out_IsoDCDC_VHV_Z1P Linear Transformer LHV [FP34] [FP12] [VHV] S7 S5 [FP78] -1 > boost.filter.num{1}(z) [IHV] boost.filter.den{1}(z) 100 current filter I droop -K- Cc Sat Sc1 1 out_IsoDCDC_eff_Z1P AND 0 > -K- PID(z) Triangle 2 Triangle 1 Buck PID PID(z) [FPScBuck] [FP78] [FP56] Constant5 0.5 RLV >= >= [BoostCtrl] >= >= out_IsoDCDC_FPScBuck_Z1P out_IsoDCDC_FP78_Z1P [FPScBoost] [FP34] [FP12] AND AND NOT VLV + v - 2 m BrkLV NOT 1 [BuckCtrl] g 2 BrkLVstat out_IsoDCDC_FP56_Z1P scaleEi Boost Switch1 PID > -K- C LV scaleEv RLV2 RLV1 LC P Switch Sc2 [FPScBoost] AND voltage filter buck.filter.den{1}(z) buck.filter.num{1}(z) boolean Boost Iref 5 [VLV] Buck Vref 4 filter4 buck.filter.den{1}(z) buck.filter.num{1}(z) enable Mode 6 3 [ILV] S3 S1 [FPScBuck] m g m E C g m g 1 g m C E m g E C g m C E g m C E g m C E m g E C g m C E g m C E E C AND AND AND AND [FPScBuck] [FPScBoost] [FP78] out_IsoDCDC_FPScBoost_Z1P out_IsoDCDC_FP34_Z1P out_IsoDCDC_FP12_Z1P [FP34] [FP12] XOR AND 4 VnLV [FP56] [ILV] [VLV] VpLV 3 Table 45. Parameters for Isolated DC-DC converter Parameter RHV1 RHVC CHVC LHV VH VL f S R1 L1 R2 L2 Rm Lm RCC CCC LCP RLV1 RLVC CLVC RLV RON RS CS f Description High-voltage side circuit Resistance towards ground (ohm) Series resistance (ohm) Capacitor (mF) Inductance (uH) Transformer high-side voltage (V) low-side voltage (V) frequency (Hz) Nominal power (MVA) Primary side winding resistance (pu) Primary side leakage reactance (pu) Secondary side winding resistance (pu) Secondary side leakage reactance (pu) Magnetization resistance (pu) Magnetization reactance (pu) Low-voltage side circuit Clamping capacitor series resistance (ohm) Clamping capacitor (mF) Inductance low-voltage side (H) Resistance towards ground (ohm) Series resistance of capacitor (ohm) Low-voltage capacitor (F) Resistance low-voltage side (ohm) Switch parameters resistance (ohm) snubber resistance (ohm) snubber capacitance (F) switching frequency (Hz) Default Value Source 500 0.001 2.7 300 5000 850 700 4 0 0 0 0 5000 5000 1e-4 4.86 12e-3 500 1e-4 7e-3 10e-6 10e-6 1e5 1e-6 700 Table 46. Controller Parameters for Isolated DC-DC converter Parameter Tfbu kP kI kD N max min Escale Description Buck mode PI-controller with anti-windup filter time constant (s) proportional gain integral gain derivative gain derivative filter factor maximum control signal minimum control signal Scaling factor on error signal Boost mode PI-controller with anti-windup 53 Default Value 25e-3 0.0325 0.35 0.0025 50 0.02 0.048 1e-2 Source Tfbu kP kI kD N max min Escale 3.7 filter time constant (s) proportional gain integral gain derivative gain derivative filter factor maximum control signal minimum control signal Scaling factor on error signal 10e-3 0.252 1.125 0 100 0.48 0 1e-3 Ancillary Components 3.7.1 Transformers Three-phase, Two Winding Transformer This model makes use of the Simulink SimPowerSystems three-phase, two-winding transformer model, as described in [16]. As illustrated by Figure 49, the model exposes thee electrical nodes (A1, B1, and C1) for the side 1 windings, and three electrical nodes (A2, B2, and C2) for the side 2 windings. If a side is configured in a Y configuration, an electrical node for the neutral point (N1 or N2) may also be exposed. Figure 49 illustrates a view in which each of the electrical nodes is explicitly exposed, as well as single-line view. The parameters for the model are described in Table 47. A1 B1 C1 3P-2W 1 2 XFMR N1 T1 1 A2 B2 C2 N2 T2 Single Line 2 N1 N2 Figure 49: Interface for Three-phase, Two-winding Transformer Model 54 Table 47. Parameters for Three-phase, Two Winding Transformer Parameter C1 C2 C1-Y C2-Y Sb fb V1 R1 X1 V2 R2 X2 Rm Xm Φ(i) Description Configuration of side 1 windings ({Y, Delta}) Configuration of side 2 windings ({Y, Delta}) Configuration of side 1 Y (if applicable) ({exposed neutral, unexposed neutral, NA}) Configuration of side 2 Y (if applicable) ({exposed neutral, unexposed neutral, NA}) Rated apparent power (MVA). Rated frequency (Hz). Winding 1 rated RMS line-line voltage (kV). Winding 1 resistance (pu). Winding 1 leakage reactance (pu). Primary side rated RMS line-line voltage (kV). Primary side winding resistance (pu). Primary side leakage reactance (pu). Magnetization resistance (pu). Magnetization reactance (pu). Saturation characteristic. Default Value Delta Delta NA Source NA 5 60 4.16 0.001 0.01 4.16 0.001 0.01 500 500 NA (saturation disabled) 3.7.2 Circuit Breakers Three-phase Circuit Breaker The 3-phase breaker model consists of three single-phase breakers, one for each phase. The breaker is modeled as a small conducting resistance when closed and infinite resistance when open, with a series R-C snubber, as illustrated by Figure 50. In addition, the breaker is modeled to reflect actual high-power breakers. When ordered to close, it first senses the voltage and closes only when the voltage reaches zero value (zero crossing). Similarly, when ordered to open, it first senses the current and opens only when the current is zero. The model employed is the Simulink SimPowerSystems Three-Phase Breaker model, as described in [17]. As illustrated by Figure 51, the model exposes six electrical nodes (A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, and C2), and accepts a binary input, s1, to control the state of the breaker. The parameters for the model are given in the Table. . Figure 50: Single-phase Element of Three-phase Circuit Breaker Model 55 s1 A1 B1 C1 3P Breaker A2 B2 C2 s1 T2 Single Line T1 . Figure 51: Interface for Three-phase Circuit Breaker Model Table 48. Parameters for Three-phase Circuit Breaker Parameter Cbs Rbs Ron Description Snubber capacitance (F). Snubber resistance (Ω). Breaker on-state resistance (Ω). Default Value ∞ 1000 0.001 Source Notional Unidirectional DC Switch A basic unidirectional DC switch controlling input power to DC loads is modeled by a semiconductor switch. This is an assumption used until more elaborate DC switch models are developed. The Simulink SimPowerSystems IGBT component, described in [15], is employed for this model. As illustrated by Figure 52, the model exposes two electrical nodes, N1 and N2, and accepts a binary input, s1, to control the state of the switch. With this model, DC current can only flow from node N1 to node N2. The parameters for the model are described in Table 49. s1 N1 N2 . Figure 52: Interface for Notional Unidirectional DC Switch Model Table 49. Parameters for Notional Unidirectional DC Switch Model Parameter Csnub Description Snubber capacitance (F). Default Value 10e-6 56 Source Lon Ron Rsnub Tf Tt Vf On-state inductance of the semiconductor switch (H). On-state resistance of the semiconductor switch (Ω). Snubber resistance (Ω). Current 10% fall time of semiconductor switch (s). Current 10% tail time of semiconductor switch (s). Forward voltage drop of semiconductor switch (V). 0 0.001 50 1.0e-6 2.0e-6 0.8 3.7.3 Overvoltage Mitigation Shunt Braking Resistor This voltage regulator is a simple shunt regulator with a force-commutated semiconductor switch (e.g. IGBT or GTO) in series with a shunt resistor, as in Figure 53. The model takes a maximum voltage set point, Vmax, as a parameter, and exposes two electrical nodes, p and n. The IGBT switching is controlled by comparing the measured voltage across the terminals, Vm, with Vmax through an on-off comparator, such that when the measured voltage is above the reference voltage, the bus is closed into the resistor through the switch. The parameters for the model are given in Table 50. The Simulink SimPowerSystems “IGBT” model [15] is used to model the semiconductor switch. p Vmax + Σ Comparator Rshunt + Vm - n Figure 53: Shunt Breaking Resistor Table 50. Parameters for Shunt Braking Resistor Parameter Csnub Description Snubber capacitance (F). Default Value ∞ 57 Source Lon Rshunt Ron Rsnub Tf Tt Vf Vmax On-state inductance of the semiconductor switch (H). Resistance of shunt resistor (Ω). On-state resistance of the semiconductor switch (Ω). Snubber resistance (Ω). Current 10% fall time of semiconductor switch (s). Current 10% tail time of semiconductor switch (s). Forward voltage drop of semiconductor switch (V). Maximum voltage set point (V). 0 2.0 0.001 1.0e5 1.0e-6 2.0e-6 0.8 5616 4.0 REFERENCES [1] Syntek, “DD(X) Notional Baseline Modeling and Simulation Development Report,” Internal Report, August 2003. [2] Syntek, “CAPS DD IPS Electrical Distribution One-Line Diagram.,” Internal Report, August 2003. [3] E. J. Lecourt, Jr., “Using Simulation To Determine the Maneuvering Performance of the WAGB-20,” Naval Engineer’s Journal, January 1998, pp. 171-188. [4] Robert F. Roddy, David E. Hess, and Will Faler, “Neural Network Predictions of the 4-Quadrant Wageningen Propeller Series, NSWCCD-50-TR-2006/004, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, West Bethesda, MD, April 2006. [5] Collins, M., “DD(X) Transformational Technologies for the Navy’s Surface Combatant”, in Proc. of FIATECH, Wilmington, DE, April 6-7, 2004. [6] W.I. Rowen, “Simplified mathematical representations of heavy-duty gas turbines”, Journal of Engineering for Power, Vol. 105, 1983. [7] L.N. Hannet and A. H. Khan, “Combustion turbine dynamic model validation from tests”, IEEE Transactions on Power systems, vol. 8, pp. 152-8. [8] L.N. Hannet, G. Jee, and B. Fardanesh, “A governor/turbine model for a twin-shaft combustion turbine”, IEEE Transactions on Power systems, Vol. 10, no.1, pp. 133140. [9] IEEE Standards 1110-2002. [10] L.M. Hajagos and M.J. Basler, “Changes to IEEE 421.5 recommended practice for excitation system models for power system stability studies”, IEEE/PES 2005 Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 58 [11] A.E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley, Jr., and Stephen D. Umans, Electric Machinery, Fifth Ed. McGraw/Hill. [12] Mathworks, “Synchronous Machine,” MATLAB R2010b Documentation, November, 2010, .html [13] Mathworks, “Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine,” MATLAB R2010b Documentation, November, 2010, chronousmachine.html [14] Mathworks, “Universal Bridge,” MATLAB R2010b Documentation, November, 2010, [15] Mathworks, “IGBT,” MATLAB R2010b Documentation, November, 2010, [16] Mathworks, “Three-Phase Transformer (Two Windings),” MATLAB R2010b Documentation, November, 2010, ertwowindings.html [17] Mathworks, “Three-Phase Breaker,” MATLAB R2010b Documentation, November, 2010, ml [18] Kunrong Wang, Fred C. Lee, and Jason Lai, “Operation Principles of Bi-Directional Full-bridge DC/DC Converter with Unified Soft-Switching Scheme and Soft-Starting Capacity,” in Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), pp. 111–118, vol.1, New Orleans, LA , USA, Feb. 6–10, 2000. 59 5.0 APPENDIX A: LIST OF POSSIBLE CASE STUDIES TO ASSESS THE PERFORMANCE OF THE BASELINE POWER SYSTEM ARCHITECTURES The proposed case studies are organized in two sets of scenarios. The first set deals with cases that require short time scales, μs to ms, and necessitate a detailed dynamic model. This is the model that is under development in Matlab\Simulink and PSCAD and will be used to address case studies listed under Section 5.1. The second set of scenarios addresses system-level cases that are characterized by long time scales, seconds and higher, and requires a system-level model that is less detailed so that fast iterations can be achieved during the early design stages of electric ship power systems. This model will be developed once the dynamic models have been completed and will be used to address case studies listed under Section 5.2. 5.1 Case studies requiring a dynamic model for transient analyses 5.1.1 Typical ship maneuvering and operation scenario: This could be one of the maneuvering scenarios proposed by Syntek in their original modeling document (2003). A modified scenario would be to simulate ship acceleration to a prescribed speed and provide power to all ship service loads, radar load, and a high-power pulsed load. Loads are switched on and off intermittently while keeping total load power within the installed power. a. Verify that frequencies, voltages, currents, and output powers of generating units are as expected b. Verify that output voltages and currents of power conversion units (converters, transformers) are as expected c. Verify that all loads get their prescribed powers d. Observe effects on bus voltage, especially, when a pulse load is initiated e. Observe gas turbines’ response f. Monitor bus voltage distortions when loads are turned on and off using existing software tools to calculate the bus voltage THD level (total harmonic distortion) g. Perform other analyses to ascertain that the model is giving results within a range that is reasonable These initial observations and qualitative analyses are excellent verification exercises that show that the software is solving model equations correctly. 5.1.2 Load pick-up Sudden connection of large loads to ship grid, such as a large uncontrolled motor, a high power pulse load directly connected to the grid, a sudden ship acceleration, etc… a. Prime movers initially loaded ~ 50% b. 10%, 20%, or any xx% power is added by connecting a large load 1 c. Study dynamics/transients (including, but not limited to) • Deviations from nominal of generator frequencies (generally check frequency deviations against requirements in MIL standard 1399) (maximum deviation, duration of time that fluctuations exceed a specified limit, etc.) • Deviation from nominal of voltage of main distribution bus • Deviation from nominal of voltages/frequencies at ship service loads One scenario might include operation in a split plant configuration in order to assess how the disturbance on one bus may propagate through the load zones to the other part of the system. 5.1.3 Load rejection Sudden loss of large load (load breaker(s) trip) (Also consider the effect in split plant operation) a. Prime movers operating close to capacity b. Open breakers to selected loads c. Study transients…(see response variables identified in 2) 5.1.4 Loss of a generator Sudden loss of a generator: a. Case 1: remaining generation capacity larger than connected loads b. Case 2: remaining generation capacity less than connected loads (load shedding required). c. Study transients…(see response variables identified in 2) 5.1.5 Fault in a high-power rectifier Fault in a high-power rectifier (propulsion rectifier for MVAC and HFAC or main rectifier for MVDC system) a. Specific fault TBD b. Study transients… 5.1.6 Faults in propulsion motor windings Balanced (3-phase) ground faults and unbalanced faults (single-phase and phase-phase faults). a. Study transient… 5.1.7 Series faults in DC loads Effect of arc formation across a DC load (requires arc models etc…). a. Simulate fault condition where arc across faulted load maintains a possibly large current in the circuits that can cause heating, fire, and other damages… b. This scenario requires special development… 2 5.1.8 Power restoration to vital load requiring load shedding One of two buses connected to a vital load and initially supplying power to it is damaged. The second bus is already supplying power at full capacity to other loads. Non-vital loads are shed to free enough power for the vital load. a. Look at transients during power switching events b. Estimate time needed to restore power 5.1.9 Power restoration to vital load requiring use of energy storage Total power loss to a vital load requires the use of energy storage to act as a UPS unit until regular power is restored. a. Look at transients during power transfer b. Estimate time needed to restore power c. Estimate needed energy storage capacity 5.1.10 Harmonic analysis Calculate harmonic distortion on main distribution bus, as various loads are turned-on, especially high-power loads requiring rectification, and evaluate filtering needs. 5.1.11 Steady State Operation (extended study of scenario 1) Assess the behavior of the model over a range of steady state operating conditions. Parameters to be varied: Propeller speed (i.e. propulsion power), Ship service loading Response Variables to be observed: Generator frequency, terminal voltage, real and reactive power Efficiency of all major components (including, but not limited to): a. propulsion motors (shaft power/terminal electrical power) b. propulsion drives (electrical power delivered to propulsion motor/electrical power drawn at point of coupling to the main distribution bus) c. generators (terminal electrical power/shaft power) d. architecture-specific power conversion modules e. transformers Voltage ripple on DC busses Harmonic distortion on AC busses 5.2 Case studies requiring model for top-level system analyses 3 5.2.1 1. Power balance analysis during early stage ship design Is installed power adequate to supply all loads, under expected operational conditions? The loads include special loads such as intermittent pulse loads and energy storage during charging cycle. Total peak power is usually higher than installed power but loads do not need power simultaneously. For example, in situation where the ship needs to take evasive actions while defending itself using special loads, how fast can it sail? If the calculated speed is 15 knots for example, how much additional power is needed to increase that speed to 25 knots? Alternatively, what other loads can be shed, if any, in order for the ship to sail at 25 knots? Similar scenarios can be set-up and analyzed to ascertain that installed power is adequate to accomplish ship missions under expected operational conditions. A probabilistic approach could also be employed to assess, for example, the expected maximum speed (in the context of the distributions of the loads), or the maximum attainable speed for which a given level of confidence exists. 5.2.2 Fuel consumption analysis For a given power system, calculate fuel consumption for a prescribed ship mission profile (e.g. typical DDG 51 ship mission profile is available in the open literature and can be used as a benchmark or a similar profile can be developed). Again, probabilistic techniques could be applied to account for uncertainty in conditions or significant uncertainty in model parameters. 5.2.3 Power system mass, volume, and cost Calculate total mass and volume, and estimate cost, of a given power system, using typical data for current commercial equipments. 5.2.4 Prime power optimization Under given operational load demand what generating units should be used so that fuel consumption is minimal? a. Use initial ratings of 4 prime movers: calculate minimum fuel consumption. b. Change ratings of prime movers and determine minimum fuel consumption. c. Repeat case b) as necessary. d. Compare results and determine the most efficient rating combination of the four prime movers. e. Similar analyses can be done for weight, volume, cost, etc… 5.2.5 Reliability/Survivability Assessment For a given system topology, set of component ratings, and load request profile, the proportion of the load demand that could be met by the system in the event of failure of one or more of system components could be assessed. For given probability distributions for the failure/loss of components and/or the probability of load profiles, the reliability/survivability of the system could be assessed through quantitative indices. In this way, the reliability and survivability of systems could be compared, facilitating the design process. 4