EDM 320 – Leadership Behavior in Educational Setting Karen Luz Y. Teves, PhD. kartevs@yahoo.ca Course Description Schools are complex organizations that bring together diverse groups of people toward a common goal of educating society. School administrators are charged with the responsibility of bringing together a diverse array of human resources and creating a cohesive effective group. This course will introduce the prospective school administrator to theories of organizational and leadership behavior and practices of managing/leading people within the context of the school organization. Students will better understand the dynamics of schools and school personnel, as well as the organizational culture that guides and defines educational institutions. Learning Objectives The graduate student should, upon completion of the course, be able to : 1. understand the complexities of school organizations. 2. learn the concepts of strategic planning and human resource planning in the context of schools. 3. understand the concepts of organizational theory and leadership as they relate to the school organization. 4. develop, and be able to utilize/apply in actual situation the learned skills in conflict management, negotiation, decision making, and group leadership. 5. understand, and be able to utilize/apply in actual situation the learned techniques and practices that ensure effective human resource management. Course Content Introduction to Human and Leadership Behavior in an Organization II. Individual Differences , Mental Ability and Personality III. Learning, Perception and Attribution IV. Values, Attitudes, Motivation and Job Satisfaction V. Communication, Work Teams/Groups and Leadership- leading and managing the organization VI. Performance Management, Rewards and Promotion VII. Professionalism/ Ethical Practice and Organizational Structure VIII.Conflict, Collective Bargaining and Negotiation I. Learning Activities and Requirements 1. Class Participation - an important aspect of this course is the active participation of each graduate student as member of the class. Each graduate student has had experiences that have shaped their abilities as a leader and manager. Active thoughtful discussion adds to the course immensely, and will be rewarded. 2. Case Study Presentation – graduate students are expected to apply the principles studied in the course to a practical case study that will be presented to the class. 3. School Strategic Staffing Plan – following the overall vision of your institution, you as a school leader has a great role in creating a new and improved model of teaching and learning where education happens anytime, anywhere, thus in order to transform your students into dynamic life-long learners, values-centered, productive and responsible citizens, you need to develop a strategic staffing plan to be presented, be critiqued in the class and be graded using a rubric. Guide in drafting the Strategic Staffing Plan You will create a Strategic Staffing Plan for your school or a school of your choosing. The plan should include vision and mission statements and district/school strategic objectives and strategies. It will also include performance measures, to determine if the objectives have been accomplished. You will include in the plan a five year staffing plan for your school. You will need to identify 3-5 issues that may affect enrollment/staffing needs in the next 5 years, and develop an enrollment projection for your school. Based on the enrollment projection, you will develop a staffing plan that will address needed changes to the staff, and the school enrollment. 4. Pass the Final Examination. Human and Leadership Behavior in an Organization- An Introduction Organizational Behavior (OB) - the study of human behavior, attitudes, and performance in organizations. - Studying organizational behavior helps people attain the competencies needed to become effective employees, team leaders/members, or managers People exhibit certain behavior in and out of organizations. The realization of individual, group, or organizational goals will depend on the human factor . Organizational Behavior (OB) - is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness. - it studies three determinants of behavior in organizations: individuals, groups, and structure. - applies the knowledge gained about individuals, groups, and the effect of structure on behavior in order to make organizations work more effectively. OB studies what people do in an organization and how that behavior affects the performance of the organization. 9 OB Dependent variable Things which will be affected by OB Productivity Absenteeism What factors influence the effectiveness and efficiency of individuals Absenteeism is not all bad Having too high employee absent rate will affect productivity Turnover Not all turnover is bad High turnover rate…in some degree affect productivity, particularly 4 the hospitality inducstry 10 Goals of Organizational Behavior Explain, predict and control human behavior 11 Goals of OB Explanation If we are to understand a phenomenon,we must begin by trying to explain it. We can then use this understanding to determine a cause. Prediction It seeks to determine what outcomes will result from a given action. Control The control objective is frequently seen by manager as the most valuable contribution the OB makes toward their effectiveness on the job. Leadership & Management in organization Leadership versus Management Management Approaches The central process through which organizations achieve the semblance of congruence and direction. A process designed to coordinate and control productive activities. Managerial Role An expected set of activities or behaviors stemming from a position held in an organizational setting. Planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling Leadership versus Management Dimensions of Modern Management Managerial activities Managerial contingencies Forces and events, both outside and inside the organization, that affect management behavior Managerial processes 1–15 Planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling The means by which managers communicate ideas, gain acceptance of those ideas, and motivate others to implement them Copyright © 2005 South-Western. All rights reserved. Leadership versus Management (cont’d) Management Maintain the status quo Create order and consistency “Doing things right” Transactional (contractual) relationships Leadership Create vision Create change or movement “Doing the right thing” Transformational relationships (psychological contract) Management and Leadership Compared Effective Versus Successful Managerial Activities Effective Versus Successful Managerial Activities Fred Luthans A 1.Traditional management 32% 2.Communication 29% 3.Human resource management 20% 4.Networking 19% S 13% 28% 11% 48% E 19% 44% 26% 11% This finding challenges the historical assumption that promotions are based on performance, and it illustrates the importance of networking and political skills in getting ahead in organizations. Management and Leadership Management Managerial Leadership Leadership INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES , MENTAL ABILITY and PERSONALITY Individual Differences People show substantial individual differences, or variations in how they respond to the same situation based on personal characteristics Behavior is a function of person interacting with the environment: B = f (P x E) Individual Differences Behavior is therefore determined by the effects of the individual and the environment on each other INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES Individual differences exert a profound effect on job performance and behavior. Key sources of individual differences on the job are personality, mental ability, values, and emotional intelligence. An example of individual differences is the ability to concentrate on work. Exceptional managers capitalize on strengths of workers. Individual differences have many including productivity and quality. consequences Seven consequences of individual differences that have a major impact on managing people : 1. People differ in productivity. 2. Quality of work varies because people vary in their 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. propensity for achieving high-quality results. Empowerment is effective with some workers, but not with all. A given leadership style does not work with all people. People differ in their need for contact with other people. Company management will find that commitment to the firm varies considerably. Workers vary in their level of self-esteem that in turn influences their productivity and capacity to take on additional responsibility. Demographic Diversity Refers to background factors that shape worker attitudes and behavior Sex and gender differences Generation and age-based differences such as Baby Boomers, generation Y Ethnic, racial, and cultural differences (culture has biggest effect) Sex and Gender Differences Evidence suggests that there are few differences between men and women in such factors as ability and motivation that will affect their job performance. Gender differences in communication patterns have been noted. Men typically communicate to convey information or establish status. Women are more likely to communicate to establish rapport and solve problems. A researcher has noted that men are more likely to value equity, whereas women opt for equality. laims of gender differences can do harm in the workplace, such denying people opportunities. Generational and Age-Based Differences People may behave differently on the job based somewhat on the behaviors and attitudes of many members of their generation. The four generations currently in the workforce are: Traditionalists (1925 – 1945) Baby boomers (1946 – 1960) Generation X (1961 – 1980) Generation Y (1981 – present) Every generation is influenced by major economic, political, and social events of its era, such as the Great Depression, the women’s movement, and advances in information technology Gen Y, also called Millennials, differ from Gen X and baby boomers in many ways, but perhaps most significantly in their media savvy, their need for quick gratification and recognition, and their lack of long-term commitment to a particular company "This is a generation that expects a lot from institutions. They expect learning opportunities, creative challenges and proof of their ability to add value," Bruce Tulgan, founder of Rainmaker Thinking, a New Haven, Connecticut. (http://www.workforce.com/section/06/feature/24/64/42/246444.html) VALUE STEREOTYPES FOR THREE GENERATIONS Baby Boomers (1946-1964): Like hierarchy, loyal, diplomatic. Generation X (1961-1980): Techno- savvy, like teamwork, loyal to self. Generation Y (1981-2002): Techno-savvy, like teamwork, question traditional way of doing things. Ethnic, Racial, and Cultural Differences Ethnic and racial differences in job performance and behavior are usually attributable to culture rather than ethnicity itself. some ethnic groups take long lunch breaks because of their culture, not the fact of being a particular nationality Demographic diversity will often give an organization a competitive advantage - similarity to the work group positively influenced the individual’s perception of group productivity and commitment to the work group. Job satisfaction tends to higher for employees when others of similar demographic characteristics are present in the workplace Mental ability (Intelligence) Intelligence is capacity to acquire and apply knowledge Components of Intelligence Triarchic theory (analytical, creative, and practical intelligence) Multiple Intelligences (8 types or faculties) Components of Intelligence A standard theory of intelligence explains that intelligence consist of a g (general) factor along with s (special) factors that contribute to problem-solving ability. The g factor helps explain why some people perform so well in so many different mental tasks (the have the right stuff). Special Factors Verbal comprehension – the ability to understand the meanings of words Word fluency – the ability to use words quickly and easily Numerical – the ability to handle numbers, mathematical analysis Special factors (2) Spatial – the ability to visualize forms in space, manipulate objects mentally Memory – The ability to recall for symbols, words, numbers etc. Perceptual speed – the ability to perceive visual details, identify similarities and differences Inductive reasoning – the ability to discover a rule or principle and apply it in problem solving The Triarchic Theory of Intelligence Emphasise on Practical Intelligence The theory holds that intelligence is composed of three different subtypes: analytical, creative, and practical. Practical intelligence incorporates the ideas of common sense, wisdom, and street smarts. Analytical intelligence (also called fluid intelligence) may decline from early to late adulthood. However, the ability to solve problems of a practical nature (crystallized intelligence) is maintained or increased through late adulthood. So being older makes you wiser. IMPLICATIONS OF PRACTICAL INTELLIGENCE Person who is not great scholar may still make a good living, and lead a good life. Person with high practical intelligence usually has good intuition. Experience is helpful in developing intellectual skills and judgment. However, people with high analytical intelligence can still be practical minded. Multiple Intelligences People know and understand the world in distinctly different ways, or look at it through different lenses. The eight intelligences or faculties are: linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, body/kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and naturalist. The profile of intelligences influences how an individual will best learn, and to which types of jobs he/she is best suited. Linguistic (language) LogicalMathematical Naturalist (external world) Interpersonal (knows others) Musical (sounds are sensible) Components of Multiple Intelligences Spatial (brain images) Intrapersonal (knows self) Bodily/ Kinesthetic (motor skills) Personality Differences Personality characteristics contribute to success in many jobs, and many job failures are caused by personality problems. Personality refers to the persistent and enduring behavior patterns of an individual that are expressed in a wide variety of situations. Personality Differences (2) Five Factor Model consists of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Neuroticism Extraversion Openness to experience Agreeableness Conscientiousness Other Key Traits: 6. Self-monitoring of behavior 7. Risk taking and thrill seeking 8. Optimism All eight traits can affect job performance and behavior Big Five Personality Traits Eight Major Personality Factors and Traits All eight factors a substantial impact on job behavior and performance 1. Neuroticism (reflects emotional instability versus emotional stability) 2. Extraversion 3. Openness (well-developed intellect) 4. Agreeableness (friendly and cooperative) 5. Conscientiousness (dependability and thoroughness) 6. Self-monitoring of behavior (adjusting how we appear to others) 7. Risk taking and thrill seeking (craving constant excitement) 8. Optimism (a tendency to experience positive states) EIGHT PERSONALITY FACTORS AND JOB PERFORMANCE A particular trait may give us a bias toward certain actions, such as being conscientious. Conscientiousness (particularly dependability) is the trait most consistently related to success. Extraversion is linked to success for managers and sales representatives. High self-monitors get better performance ratings. Combination of traits often helps performance. Optimism and pessimism can help performance, depending on the job. PERSONALITY TYPES (MBTI®)AND COGNITIVE STYLES Cognitive styles are modes of problem solving, based on four dichotomies: 1. Extraversion-introversion 2. Sensing-intuition 3. Thinking-feeling 4. Judging-perceiving 16 personality types result from combining all four of the above, such as the ESTJ (organizer). DEALING WITH DIFFERENT PERSONALITY TYPES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Be laid back with neurotics. Be friendly and warm toward extraverts. Move slowly with introverts. Share information and ideas with person open to experience. Stick closely to facts with closed person. DEALING WITH PERSONALITY TYPES With agreeable person, relax and be yourself. 7. With disagreeable person, be patient and tolerant. 8. With conscientious person, give freedom and do not nag. 9. Keep close tabs on low conscientious person. 10. Don’t believe all a self-monitor tells you. 6. DEALING WITH PERSONALITY TYPES, 11. With risk takers, emphasize risks. 12. With low-risk takers, emphasize stability and 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. security. For sensing-type person, emphasize facts and figures. For intuiting-type person, emphasize feelings and judgments. ?.. ?.. ?.. Did it work for you ??? Emotional Intelligence How effectively people use their emotions has a major impact on their success. Emotional intelligence refers to qualities such as understanding one’s feelings, empathy for others, and the regulation of emotion to enhance living. Emotional Intelligence (2) Deals with ability to connect with people and understand their emotions 1. 2. 3. 4. Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness Relationship management EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Emotional intelligence deals with the management of feelings and emotions, as follows: Self-awareness (understand moods, emotions and needs) Self-management (control one’s emotions) Social awareness (empathy for others, intuition about work problems) Relationship management (good interpersonal skills including building strong bonds) Emotional Intelligence (3) High emotional intelligence is associated with the ability to cope with job setbacks. Emotional intelligence underscores the importance of being practical minded and having effective interpersonal skills to succeed in organizational life. RELATING TO PEOPLE OF DIFFERENT INTELLIGENCE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mentally quick—present ideas in depth Mentally slow—present ideas without depth, use basic vocabulary Number cruncher—use quantitative data Creative intelligence—solicit input Low emotional intelligence—explain attitudes and feelings carefully. Let’s altogether take EQ test !!! How’s your score??? Let’s see how intelligent are you in understanding/reading people’s reaction…. (see EQ test answers)