Moses on the Mounte -


Moses on the Mount - Pre-Tribulation & The Mega Church

Hello folks and welcome back to the This is going to be a very important YouTube message today, because there is a lot of concern about why everything is happening the way it is with the world disasters. This is also going to be a sermon because I’m not intending to persuade the sheeple of this great nation, but the Bride of Christ (the current church as it stands today). At the end of the sermon I’m going to give a quick breakdown of how things will slowly degrade to an unimaginable state for this country and the world.

As a watchman of God I cannot continue to be silent and watch the majority of mega churches in America abandon

God/Jesus. I feel like I’m Moses on Mt. Sinai and I’ve just come down from the mountain and what I see but God’s people worshiping idols and sinning in front of God. Just like Moses however, I too am just a man, and I too sin. We all have to remember that each and every one of us has fallen short of the glory of God and DOES sin, even those going to church. I will admit here that I’ve not gone to church in over 10 years; however as a Christian I try to read the bible at least every 3 days. I still believe Jesus came to save us from our sins. I believe in the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Folks it’s time to wake up if you are going to a mega church and realize that Jesus Christ is coming back soon, but he’s not coming back to today’s mega churches. None of these natural/human disasters are by accident, they are a clear sign by God that Jesus Christ is coming back for the Bride and that is all of us. It’s time to stop living in moral deprivation and start living as a Christian should. Moral deprivation (lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy & pride) is separating all of us from God’s glory right now, and we have to change our lives NOW. God is judging America with his “Winds of

Change” (Joplin Tornado, Mid-West Fires, and Mississippi Flood). He is giving us precursors on things to come if we don’t change (Japan Earthquake, Fukushima daiichi Nuclear Power Plant explosions). As it stands right now in God’s eye, the church is not where it needs to be, and is not ready for the worst things that WILL happen down the road. I’ll talk about those things later in the sermon, but for now I need to focus on the church’s short fallings in the order of most important to least important.

I’m going to focus on the church leadership for the moment, because I’ve always had a firm belief that the leadership makes the church, not the other way around. If I dislike the pastor I will NOT attend the church, period. Leadership has the authority and power to change their church and turn back to God, if they would only listen to me here today.

My first complaint is not quoted by many people, but it is one of the reasons many American’s today are feeling lost and abandoned. The leadership has for the most part shunned the prophets of today. The leadership is preaching that nothing will ever change and things will continue the way they always have. This is Marxist ideology and it is evil in

God’s eyes. I can tell you with confidence that God is already changing the seasons using the sun. Demitru Duduman

(now deceased), Micheal Baldeau (his grandson), and many others mentioned on the prophecy channel and blogs are going unnoticed at the church’s in a pivotal time. This all boils down to preachers and leadership not wanting their congregation to hear what is going to happen if the church does not change its ways. Folks we are at the Birth Pains in the Bible, there is not too much time left to prepare. It is up to the church to be prepared to help the world, it is not the job of government. The reason people in the world are lost is because all of these bad things are happening and they don’t see any end in sight and do not know why it is happening. It seems like God has abandoned them, but he has not, he is trying to help them. People are hungry for the truth, but the people that should be preaching the Way, the Truth, and The Light are not doing it. It is now up to prophets and people like me to tell people what is going to happen, and very few of you visit our blogs or web pages. Many people feel like they are going to have a heart attack if anything else bad happens. If the prophecies of today were read and then related to the news that matters (not mainstream news) they would be prepared for what God has in store for us next, and what we (the Bride of Christ) should do when they happen. Pastors need to get up on that podium and talk about these prophecies and let people know that Jesus loves everybody and wants everyone in heaven, and these things are to prepare the Bride of Christ for his return. It is to bring

a change in the church. It is not to prepare the sheeple of this country, as they will never completely understand. The oil spills, earthquakes, nuclear disasters, tornadoes, droughts, floods, and pestilence are signs it’s time for pastors to get their heads out of the sand, take off their blindfolds, and start preaching what happened to the Jews in the Old

Testament when they didn’t follow God’s laws, the Ten Commandments. Don’t be afraid that preaching hellfire and brimstone sermons is going to cause you to lose some so called Christians. American churches need a wakeup call, the alarm bell needs to sound, and the ones sinning the worst need to have the fear of God put in them. It’s time for pastors to separate the lukewarm and backslidden Christians of Laodicea and the true born again Christian.

Pastors sin the worst by making their sermons about the American Dream (how to succeed in life – health and wealth).

If you live a life following man’s ways and give generously to the church you’re going to be saved. Everything to these pastors is about business as usual / commercialism & capitalism instead of giving to missions (the poor and needy). Do your churches devote more money to your building and leadership instead of “The Church” which is “The People”? How many in church leadership at board meetings ask God how to spend the money they were given? How many just give their own opinions and never bother to ask God or read scripture?

Does the leadership of the church teach the ways of the world and not that of God? So many of you don’t even believe in the soul having a spiritual transformation after being baptized. Baptism is just something you do to be accepted in the church, and not something that means anything to you. If a person is not baptized in your church they are just shunned by you and the congregation. This is why churches are more about being accepted and gossip than about God and Jesus.

Is your church leadership more concerned with entertainment rather than a change in the people? The reason why a majority of the older population and me left the church revolves around this issue. Many church pastors today start their sermons off with a joke instead of taking things seriously. God is not joking around and neither should leadership.

How many people in leadership would give up the majority of their fortunes and salaries to help the church body out?

Jesus said whoever wants to be first in heaven needs to be a slave to all. Jesus was not a rich or prosperous man when he died, but he gave up the only thing he had left, his life to save the rest of ours. How many in leadership can say they helped someone at their church in need, that they helped the victims of the BP Oil Spill (Project Gulf Impact) or victims of the Japanese Earthquake? God is giving all of us plenty of opportunity to help those in needs, but not too many are willing to give. Jesus taught us all that money is the root to all evil (we can see that in the politicians of today) and we should flee from it and practice righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Jesus taught that NO

ONE can take wealth into heaven; we are only taking our souls. This topic begs another question to you. How many in leadership today can say that their sermons come from what God put in their hearts? How many people in leadership read the Bible privately at home?

Another big sin of leadership is watering down the good word of God. Too many church’s today try to downplay portions of the Holy Bible, and many have fallen away from God’s true word. There are some Church’s today that are even mixing Islam with Christianity and God hates this.

Now let’s talk about the congregations “sheeple” sins. The “sheeple” I refer to here are not the ordinary secular

“sheeple” of America, because at least they believe in Jesus Christ; however so do the demons in hell believe in Jesus.

So believing in Jesus doesn’t necessarily free you of being thrown into the fiery pit of hell.

A big sin that I was even guilty of at one time is that we forget about the one hour sermon and for a whole week we get caught up in our own lives. These people are pew warmers. The only reason these people come is to feel guilt free by saying they go to church.

I know you think this applies to me now, but I’m not doing this to destroy the church or cause harm to it in any way. I like God want to see everyone in heaven with him. I am doing this to try to stir a change in the church of today so it does not end up like the church of Laodicea. Many congregation members will accuse others of something, but not look at their own lives and their own sins. I admitted earlier that I’m not above anyone here, and that I too am just a sinner.

I am saying all of this because I care about each and every one of you listening or reading this today. A good example just happened in Florida with the KC Anthony case, in which KC was found not guilty by law abiding citizens of this state that were upholding the constitution that God gave this nation. I believe it was best said that forgiveness is divine, and that’s what I think all of us need to do is forgive her and her family and leave them in peace. Jesus forgave the thief on the cross so why shouldn’t we forgive KC of her sins. It is sad that Caylee is dead because of an accident, but it was just that an accident, she did not intentionally wake up and say she wanted to kill her daughter, and that is what the state tried to make everyone believe. This brings me to a point connected to this and that is hatred. If you hate a person so much that you go to their houses and heckle them like KC, or if you can’t even look a person in the eye because of something they did it’s time to let that hate go. You do not want to die and go to heaven and stand before God with that type of sin in your heart, and have him judge you for that. You do not want that to prevent you from being with him in heaven, because heaven and hell both are an eternity (they last forever there is no end).

How many of us devote some of our money to our walk with Jesus Christ and give to the needy and poor?

Jesus let everyone who has read the Bible know this. He who wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and the gospel will save it. When this country is invaded by foreign forces talked about by the prophets what congregation or leadership will have the faith to proclaim to the communist they believe in Jesus Christ as their savior and lord. The consequence of this statement spoken to a communist is your death. How many of you will deny

God/Jesus when this happens? How many will take up the cross of Christ?

Some of you are ashamed to talk of Jesus Christ or God to others today, because it’s not politically correct, ignorance, indifference, and fear. This is not a true born again Christian. When Jesus comes back you don’t want him to say I never knew you. You got to start being Followers of the Way and a living sacrifice.

There was one thing God hated in the Old Testament above almost every other sin. It is the first one when reading the

10 commandments. It is idol worship. We all have made things in our lives more important than God. We get caught up in living life, and not living a life for God. There is NO ONE HERE that can say they do not worship idols, not even I.

For the majority of America and even the church we all sit down at our TV’s between 8-10pm every night, and are fixed on watching our melodramas and favorite TV shows. Instead of reading the Bible and getting closer to God/Jesus we are watching TV. You can try to deny it that TV is not idol worship, but you are being deceived by Satan. The whole TV experience makes us believe in a lie, even the news cast (Osama Bin Laden’s death). The lie being feed to the sheeple of this country is that life will go on as normal, when everything that happens around us tells us it is not. Satan makes it seem that nothing will change and this wicked world will continue. The first TV show I want to mention had 26.23 million viewers this last season. There were 624 million votes cast. Over 9% of the population watches this show. 75% (230 million people) of our population in America claim to be Christians. How many of you watch American Idol? The television shows name AMERICAN IDOL should ring loud bells. Let’s talk about melodramas like House MD or perhaps

Fringe which the media tries to portray man as the one that solves the world’s woes, but never mentions God as an answer to the world’s problems. Instead God/Jesus is laughed at, ridiculed and even cursed on national television.

What things replace God on television but sex, drugs, and even idolatry? To make it even worse it is all out in open sight for all to see.


Prophecy through Thomas S. Gibson

Thus says the Lord, repent and listen to the word of God. Note that there shall be persecutions arising in all places, throughout the United States and Canada, and through Europe these nations shall rise up in persecutions against My people. It shall purge the church. Those of Mine, that are truly Mine, who walk in the power and are committed to Me, they shall stand in this persecution no matter what it brings. But listen to Me, and heed Me. For thus saith the Lord, I am

God, and I am allowing this, for it shall purge My church. For there are many that shall quickly deny Me, shall quickly deny the truth, quickly revert to a world religion, shall quickly deny the power of the Word; they deny the truth of the

Word. They shall quickly deny many things, and they shall become politically correct for the day and the age that they live. For they do not want to be in persecutions and they do not want to stand against the world--they love the world, and they are part of the world, and they were never part of Me. But they have a form of Godliness in the church, and they were in the church shining as Christians and looking as Christians in the outward appearance, but in their heart they were not of Me. This shall purge the church and bring it to pass that I have said, I will split the sheep from the goats, that is My people from the world.


Also before I begin I want everyone to know what was told to Elane Durham by God in a book she published called

“Death-and-Back Vision of Coming Calamities and Triumph”:

A Changed North America

As the angel pointed in front of me a wide view of land and water opened up, so that at first I thought I was seeing two countries. Instantly it was made known to me that I was looking at a vastly changed portion of North America, which was completely divided by a large body of water, and which had lost a large part of both eastern and western shorelines. As I saw this I was given a total understanding of the natural and man-made disasters that would need to occur to make these changes, and I was informed that these might or might not come to pass according to our choices as a people -- according to my choices as an individual.


Now that I went over the why this country is being judged I’m going to go over the judgments in the order that God has told the prophets of today that not too many have listened to and heeded their words. Not all of these judgments are going to come true, but for the most part pre-tribulation must happen with America being invaded to cleanse the church and prepare it (us) to be part of Christ kingdom (heaven) since we are in these times to be the “Bride of Christ” and we are to “carry the cross”. Carrying the cross I believe literally means every one of us, even myself, must give up our lives as Christians in order to gain our lives in heaven.

Before I go into judgments, there is another reason why America is to be judged, and Demitru Duduman has talked about it in his vision, but I’m going to go over it here today. This country as a whole, regardless what Obumer says, is a

Christian nation. I believe our founding fathers were for the most part God fearing people, and that the Constitution was a God ordained document for this country. That document alone has keep this nation together, as no other document has. There is not one country in the world as free as America is today, even with all that has happened. The

Constitution allowed God’s chosen people to escape tyranny by the hands of the Nazi’s and flee to “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” Our judgments started when those people “The Jews” fled from Germany, France, and on and on and made America their new home. 7 million Jews made America their home away from home. I am not being anti-sematic when I say this, because I’ve always admired the Jews and their ingenuity, and above all else their love for

God. I even buy most of my camera equipment from the Jews. God has graced his people with abundant wealth, of which I have no problem with. Today however the Jews of America have “divorced” God from their lives and are living in sin and moral deprivation. The Jews of America are solely responsible for the porn that has forever corrupted this nation and many people’s hearts. The Jews are responsible for the news networks, since they own them lock stock and barrel. The networks as a whole keep the majority of this nation sheeple believing that “things are always the same and

will never change” the communist motto. As it was stated on “House MD” by Lisa Cuddy’s mother over 70% of the

Jewish people in America are atheist. Atheism = Communism. The Jews here have also corrupted the Jews in Israel and as such the Jews in Israel do not place their faith in Jesus Christ but place their faith in the Jews of America and their wealth. Not to mention that for the most part the Orthodox Jews do not believe Jesus is their Messiah, who came back to save them from their sins. They are still waiting for an earthly king.

I’m sorry if what I said above offended some, but I had to mention it as it is a big deal when trying to describe all the things that will happen to this nation. It’s time for this nation to understand that judgment has already begun for

America and the world. If you need proof just look at the BP Oil Spill that many thought was done and over with, and today is leaking again and BP is saying it could leak until has exhausted itself, that could alone take 30 years. You also got to realize that the Japanese Earthquake / Tsunami and still impending Nuclear accident at Fukushima which was prophesized by David Wilkerson and many others is a demarcation in time and another judgment. Dangerous radiation has leaked around the entire world including the US in the form of Cesium, Iodine, Strontium, Plutonium, and many other particles which will take centuries to decay completely. Ask yourselves if the news media has told you the truth on Fukushima yet. The answer is a resounding no. So far 90% of the seas of the world have been ruined by oil, and radiation leakage (Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and The Pacific Ocean). As bad as these catastrophes were these are only “The Beginning of Sorrows” as the Bible describes this pre-tribulation period we are entering.

For the next part of this sermon I am going to be using a timetable that God has given me in a vision. God spoke from above and said we would have 10 years before the worst will happen to America, and I still today believe that to be the occupation of America by foreign forces Russia/China. In my vision a cloaked character stood before a post-it board on an easel, head facing down. His face was shrouded in black and was not discernable. I believe him to be our next president after Obama. The post it board had a triangle with post-it note cards 4 at the bottom, 3 above that, 2 above that, and 1 above that. All of those post-it notes I believe in my heart are years till tribulation of the Christians, each of those years I believe has at least 1 major event happening until tribulation and the end of our country as a nation. It’s no coincidence that 2010 started with the BP Oil Spill and now 2011 is the Japanese Tsunami/Earthquake/Nuclear

Disaster. None of these are by chance. It is no coincidence that 4 + 3 + 2 +1 = 10 years and 10 major events.

Beginning of Sorrows:





















You are here…

Pre-Tribulation Time Table: Year 1 = 2010 to Year 10 = 2020

Now is the fun part of this, breaking down certain events and how everything is to play out until the year 2020 when

America is no longer America. I’ve created a time leading up to occupation of America in 2020. In the time-line I’ve added the prophecies and visions and the order of which I think they all happen. Again they might not all happen in this order, but most of them have to happen. It’s like a Macy’s Day Parade, the turkey float has to be there, it can be first, it can be somewhere between, or last, but it has to be in the parade.


2008-2010 – BP OIL SPILL

Second Stock Market Crash Since 9/11/01

Obama Elected President of US

Obama sets up Beast system of the Bible

April 19, 2010 - BP Oil Spill fulfills prophecy in

Revelations Ch8 vs8.

Gulf Current no longer flowing into Atlantic

Current due to oil in Gulf of Mexico begins the

– this

“Beginning of Sorrows”

Plants injured by oily rain from BP Oil Spill and the Corexiant being used to contain the spill

September 19, 2010

– Oil Well is successfully sealed and capped. The now capped well is creating great pressures under the Gulf of

Mexico, causing instability of the ocean floor along the “New Madrid Fault Line”

Food Shortage begins in America as

EXTREME Winter last through April of 2011.



Massive riots in Middle East and kings being taken out of power by NW O.

Muslims converting to Jesus in mass inside of churches.

Australia Earthquake devastates Christ

Church area.

Pestilence / Floods around the world

Government starts New Madrid Fault drill called NLE 2011

Second catastrophe

– Japanese

Earthquake & Tsunami destroy

Fukushima & iitate and surrounding areas close to the fault line. 9.0+ earthquake

May 12, 2011 Japanese Tsunami damages Fukushima daiichi Nuclear

Plant in Japan

– 4 reactors blow and is still leaking unseen radiation around the world

First sighting of Nibiru observed around


??? September 28-29 (Rosh


– Nibiru causes problems


– December 2011 – Next

US earthquake to happen in NY.C then spread to San Andreas California Nov.

2011. ???

Obama reelected President of US

Pre-Trib Trigger

– Israel Divided on

Peace Day 2011, Palestine Recognized as a State.

Middle East Situation


– New Madrid Earthquake - Super

Dollar Devaluation

– Something Bad

This W ay Comes


– February 2012 star Nibiru still causing massive problems for the US as it leaves the solar system.???

Elite planning a Super Dollar

Devaluation in which the US dollar will be worth as much as a Peso.

This is the time of Patriotic Picnics.

New World Order removes kings of

Middle East, Syria, Iran next on list

– the consolidation of oil around the world into the elite’s hands. US to pump our own oil.

Nibiru is seen by everyone around the world around mid-2012. Is it a comet or a star

– we all will see at this time. Regardless what it is there will flip of the world toward the object.

Fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant still causing trouble around the world, as this situation is never going to end.



Open Vision Middle East- Pastor

Joh W. Matutis

Fear and terror strikes world as

Saudi Arabia explodes and causes

Middle East to go up in flames. –

Israel blamed – no more Mid East

Oil – Mark of the Beast.







Obama forced to leave office, is fired by elite (hopefully not assonated as Bible codes are saying)

New President is from Europe and has black hair

– more evil than Obama.

End of Middle East Conflict

Start of new Mid East Conflict

Fukushima daiichii nuclear power plant still causing trouble around the world, as this situation is never going to end.




Middle East- Pastor Joh W.







March 23, 2013 - MARK OF






– No power because of black cloud.??

2013? - Could Mark of the

Beast be setup to deal with a

Coronal Mass Ejection of the

Sun directed at Earth?

Solar Maximum

2015-2016 - BOOK OF THE



Black Cloud causes all countries to not defend Israel leaving Israel open for attack.

US without power and electricity cannot defend Israel

2015-16? - Israel must attack

Iran and/or the Palestinians to defend itself. Israel wins and destroys its walls. Peace is throughout the Middle East.

Israel finishes Temple in peace time.

God unleashes plagues around the entire world.

Water is unsafe to drink due to the black cloud. See this prophecy and this prophecy.

Russia and China hatch up plan to invade America in secret meetings.


– 2020 and beyond all social order breaks down and communist ideology takes over, Sodom & Gomorrah in

US, along with witchcraft.

People curse God due to the plagues and woes.

2017? - Massive volcanic explosions in US. 50% or more of US in a volcanic plume cloud like Iceland was.

China invades Japan then in 72 hours invades US West


Social Communism - Complete Economic & Social

Collapse, Governments Fail, No Electricity, Mobs,

Private Armies, Rule of Guns, Borders Collapse…

Gog /

Magog War

Israel Wins

China Invades

US from West


2017-2018 - BOOK OF THE





2018? - China invades US on

West Coast.

Russia invades Israel FOR


God unleashes plagues around the entire world.

Water is unsafe to drink due to the black cloud. See this prophecy and this prophecy.

Russia and China hatch up plan to invade America in secret meetings.


– 2020 and beyond all social order breaks down and communist ideology takes over, Sodom & Gomorrah in

US, along with witchcraft.

People curse God due to the plagues and woes.

END OF 2017



2018? - Massive volcanic explosions in US. China invades USA. Invasion last 1 year – America heavily outnumbered as they are like a swarm of ants.


Eruptions in

US West


2019-2020 - BOOK OF THE






– Volcanic explosions in the US cause Russian subs around America to fire ICBM’s at several US cities.

US defenses are down at this time due to catastrophes.

Russia claims this was an accident, and tricks the United

States, months later a full invasion force overcomes the east coast of America.

Russian invasion starts with

Biological warfare attack.

The nuked states and cities include California, Las Vegas,

New York, and Florida as described by Demitru


If the Mark of the Beast did not

 happen in 2012-2013 it is to happen now.

“First Fruits” of Jesus Christ to be martyred for their belief, because God and Jesus allowed all of this to happen to

Christians, and he did not save us.

World economies are now completely over and

Communism wins the day again.

God allows world to reach the stage of another “Tower of

Babel” so Satan could win.

7 years of tribulation before invading forces kicked out of

USA by God’s chosen few


Now as many of you see that I have two charts here, one is mine, and my own personal beliefs as to how these things happen, and the other is Roger K. Young’s timeline till pre-tribulation, which shows by around 2013 we will be invaded.

This is the belief of the Mormon Church as to when this country will be invaded, and this timeline is only speculation.

I’m not saying the events on the chart are wrong in any way, just the timing is off. You will see I’ve used the events in my chart, because those are the steps leading up to communism, and they must happen in that order for our nation to turn against God, there is no way around it. I truly admire Roger and the LDS Church even though I’m not a Mormon. As all of you already know I’m not speaking out against any one Christian faith, as that will never help the cause of Jesus

Christ, we all as one church body need to come together in the end of all of this and recognize we are all God’s people, when that happens not if that happens there will be no end to miracles we all can achieve.

“Shades of Gray” 2010 – 2013:

Israel Is Split Apart & US Split Apart By God (New Madrid Earthquake & Pasadena Earthquake)

Nibiru is seen in Presidential Elections in 2012 (It’s Not Elenin) – Obama Fired or Assonated by AL-CIA-DUH

On to interpretation of the timeline I’ve provided and some things that are already in process as I speak. Elenin as many have talked about in recent days has been split up by an “explosion” of sorts . Either God ordained or man-made, either way it’s what God intended to happen. This has caused the comet to split into pieces which upon observation looks like two pieces. I’m however going to say it was really three pieces Elenin was split into, which coincide with Agusto Perez and his prophecy here and here . Here is an interpretation of events happing in the heavens that coincide with

Revelation as Elenin passes constellations in the sky. What Augusto didn’t see coming was the comet splitting apart into three separate pieces. I believe that these last 3 years and the Elenin events in the sky are a warning to Christians to act as Jesus Christ, because the world is soon to change. This coincides with Catholic prophecy here on this page as Elenin being a last warning from God. On my time line you will see in brackets from 2010 to 2013 as “Shades of Gray” as these are just glimpses of things to come. The BP Oil Spill, Japan Earthquake / Nuclear Accident and Elenin are all signs of worst things to come for this world. There are two major earthquakes about to happen this year. I think most of them occurring between the end of September 2011 to the middle of 2012 possibly stretching into the beginning of 2013. The first prophecy talks about a great N.Y. earthquake and the cracks it will cause across the whole nation. This is God’s spiritual veil being lifted on this nation. God has been this slowly removing his protection on the United States and is separating the “Bride of Christ” from the lukewarm Christians and goats. I believe the N.Y. earthquake will morph into the Great Lakes and the start of the New Madrid Earthquake as this prophecy talks about. This also coincides with

Nathan Leal’s prophecy of “Liberty Being Decapitated” . These cracks from the N.Y. earthquake will cause a California earthquake around Pasadena as this prophecy talks about. As to what really caused these earthquakes is what God is hiding from us talked about in this prophecy and I am saying this is Nibiru/Wormwood and Nibiru/Wormwood is not

Elenin as we are lead to believe by the scientist and the elect. See this video on YouTube on Nibiru/Wormwood sighted at the South Pole @ Niemeyer Research Facility.

People’s question to me on the blog is why the earthquakes so soon? I believe the earthquakes are going to happen because the UN and the US will split Israel apart, thus God will split the United States apart and it will be at the New

Madrid Fault and then Pasadena California. How much land and life is lost in Israel will determine in magnitude how much life is lost in the United States. I like everyone else seem to think it ironic that this vote happens on Peace Day, when everyone says peace, peace across the entire world when Israel is split and divided to make a Palestinian statehood. This will also happen near the end of September when Elenin is closest to our planet, this is also ironic.

Here is David Wilkerson’s prophecy about this same event that I think we all need to heed:

The Vision & Beyond by David Wilkerson Page 118-119

“I was given a prophetic message nine years ago and I delivered it at Time Square Church on September 7, 1992. Let me share it with you now:

This warning is not to scare you. It is only for you to take to the Lord and pray. This is what I believe God has shown me:

“Thirty days of chastisement will fall upon N.Y.C. such as the world has never seen. God is going to let down the walls.

There will be unimaginable violence and looting. The violence will be so ferocious that it will shock the entire world.

OUR streets will be lined with not just the National Guard but with militia.

“A thousand fires will burn at the same time throughout the city. The Los Angeles fires will be confined to a few sections of that city, but N.Y. will be ablaze in all its boroughs. Time Square will be ablaze, and the flames will ascend into heaven and be seen for miles. Fire trucks will not be able to handle it all.

Trains and buses will be shut down. Billions of dollars will be lost. Broadway shows will stop completely. Businesses will flee the city in an unstoppable hemorrhage. Such things are expected in Third World countries, but not in a civilized nation like the United States. Yet in not too long a time afterward, New York City will go completely bankrupt. The

Queen City will be cast in the dirt, becoming a city of poverty. ..

“Yet when it does God’s people are not to panic or fear.””

Just a little glimpse into that time period of earthquakes is another prophecy from David Wilkerson:

The Vision & Beyond By David Wilkerson Page 28-29

Earthquakes Coming to the United States

The United States is going to experience in the not too distant future, the most tragic earthquake in history. One day soon this nation will be reeling under the impact of the biggest news story of modern times. It will be coverage of the biggest, most disastrous earthquake in modern history.

The earthquake will cause widespread panic and fear. Without a doubt it will become one of the most completely reported earthquakes ever. Television networks will suspend all programming and carry all-day coverage.

Another earthquake possibly in Japan will precede the one that I see coming here. There is not the slightest doubt in my mind about this forthcoming massive earthquake on our continent. I believe it will be many times more severe than the San Francisco earthquake….

It will be so high on the Richter scale that it will trigger two other massive earthquakes.

2012 the US will be reeling from these earthquakes around the world and especially in the US. If the earthquakes are as powerful as many are predicting them to be (well in the 7.0+ ricketier scale range) then the New Madrid Earthquake either this year or next will be all-consuming on the networks and our nightly dramas/melodramas will be cancelled as

God takes center stage. That means no TV shows. By the middle to end of 2012 this prophecy will be the normal standard for the United States.

The main question that arises out of these events is do the prophecies of three comets hitting the United States specifically Florida happen before or after the New Madrid Fault coming apart, and that is the main reason why I have pushed the two events together. Here is the prophecy page that deals with these three comets and the events that follow. Demitru Duduman also has gone over the three comets as well. As to how horrible these events will be only one prophecy tells the tale. This is why I’m warning everyone now to get your lives right with God, because starting from

2010 it is only going to get worse.

A very good article dealing with the next seven years and what news articles to expect from the newspapers in these times, including the solar maximum “CME’s” one of which is prophesized to take out both satellites and electronic devices. It talks about how the time zones will change due to something unforeseen. It also talks about martial law in certain states because of wickedness and lawlessness as the federal government is unable to help us more and more.

God is rendering every one of our idols (the things we trust in more than him) useless. We will only have our trust in him left at the end.

"Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God forever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: He revealeth the deep and secret things: He knoweth what is in darkness, and the light dwelleth with him. Daniel 2: 20-23

As for Obama and his presidency in this 2011-2013 maybe even 2014 year period God has a plan for him as well. Before

I get into prophecy on Obama I want America to know that God picks our Kings, Queens, and Presidents, not the other way around. You have to think of God as a sovereign God, a God who even created the devil, and his plan for the devil was to test his chosen people, and everything the devil does God already knew he would do, because he allowed it to happen. The devil knows he can’t beat God so his last resort is to bring God’s creation (us – humanity) with him to hell.

Everything the devil does to us is a test of God, to see our reactions. This is why God is sovereign, because he is omnipotent and knows everything, he is the only one with a plan, and the devil only plays catch-up because he only knows impending consequences not the near future ones. God does not share his throne. Obama for the most part in my belief has two possible ways his presidency will end. I am NOT making threats here, but just saying what has already been written in Bible code and foreseen in prophecy. Bible code usually does not lie and as such it states that Obama will be assonated . See this prophecy for more proof. I think this will happen after Nibiru/Wormwood is seen. It is up to

God as to the when, because it could be the next election cycle or it could be after he is elected president again. I put it around 2013 possibly 2014 in September by Al-CIA-DUH. Like the prophecy says he will be replaced with a man from

Europe, white, with slick black hair (Russian?). Let’s all pray and hope that Obama truly is humbled by God and repents, it would be in America’s best interest for this to happen. As often as I pray that Obama will turn to God and do what

God wants him to do, we all know as human beings we choose our own destinies. We either do what God put us here to do or we turn away from him and do what we want to do. My gut feeling is this goes south, and Obama continues to listen to the NWO. Nibiru/Wormwood happens in 2012 and Obama is fired/assonated, which would throw my timeline off a little.

Shortly before the end of 2012 to beginning of 2013 the situation in the Middle East will be over with. A new US conflict will emerge as this prophecy talks about which will start America’s real sorrows , and even though the interview is a hoax it will happen in almost the same way as described and shown in this prophecy. This event will probably lead to Obama declaring we need “Obamacare” and it is passed by 99% of the House and Senate. This event could happen up to 2014.

Then shortly after this prophecy has a high probability of occurring “The Mark of the Beast”. Something I’ve know in my heart for a while now is that the NWO are so scared of Nibiru/Wormwood that they are going to use Obama to make one last attempt to destroy the dollar. This time we are going to see the dollar collapse as much as 70%. It will be super dollar devaluation as we’ve never experienced before, much worse than the Great Depression of the 20’s. David

Wilkerson’s dream here tells the story:

Macy’s Raped

David Wilkerson's Economic Vision

Key points to remember about this vision:

1. From the time the first country goes down, you'll have two weeks to get your money out of the bank.

2. America will come through this crisis-there will be restoration.

3. But the nation will never be as it was before.

4. God is saying: Get our lives straight... Get rid of idols... Seek the face of God in holiness...

5. God will be a wall of fire about you... And the glory in the midst of you!

It's about to happen---very soon, one nation, and I'm speaking prophetically--if I've ever heard anything from God in my life, I heard it ... Very soon a European or North African or Eastern nation is going to default on its international loan and when that happens, within two weeks, Mexico is going to default.

Mexico owes $100 billion ---80% of it to American banks---and here's what is going to happen: about two weeks after the first country goes bankrupt, (we're going to survive that, because most of that (money of the first country) is owed to European banks---German, Swiss and French banks) but a second country is going to go down, probably Argentina or

Brazil, and we'll kind of live that down and say: "Well, maybe it's not going to hurt," but two weeks after the first country goes down, Mexico's going to default on $100 billion.

And when the banks open the next day at 9 in the morning, $15 billion an hour is going to be withdrawn from our

American banks - they're going to be running our banks-the Arabs---all the Latin American countries, they're going to be running our banks- and before the day is over, the U.S.A is going to have to declare a "bank holiday."


And we're going into six months of the worst hell America has ever seen---there's going to be chaos---not even the

National Guard's going to be able to quiet it down---we're going to have to call out the whole U.S. Army.

Now I've had visions recently, for I've been in New York City and I was in Macy's in a vision, and I saw people walking around stunned because they couldn't get their money out of the bank.

Now I'm going to give you a word of advice, the first country goes bankrupt---I've documented this and I've got it sealed in an envelope, and I'm going to call all my friends and I'm telling you---this is the first time I've said it in a public meeting like this---but the first country that bellies up, you go get every dime you have---church get your money out of the bank--because there's going to be a 'bank holiday' and you won't be able to get a dime for six months. Now, of course, things are going to be restored, but the nation will never be like it is again.

There's going to be fear like we've never known---judgment at the door. When I was at Macy's Dept. store in a vision and

I watched people walking around stunned, they didn't know what to do, they didn't know what was happening; then a bunch of people walked into Macy's and suddenly went wild and began to steal and within an hour everybody---I saw the spirit of everybody in the store---they were robbing and stealing---they raped Macy’s and destroyed five floors---

Macy's was raped and ruined in a period of an hour or two.

That's just the beginning. Folks it's all in this book (the Bible) ---we've been warned and warned and warned---you can't tell me God hasn't warned us. You can't tell me God isn't saying something awesome here tonight in this church...we better get our prayer life straightened up, our lives straightened up, get rid of the idols, as Paul writes, and seeking the face of God in holiness or you're not going to be ready for what's coming. God's warning, get ready and you'll not fear these things that come onto you and you'll start rejoicing, you'll not be afraid because your hands will be clean. You've been praying and God's building a wall of fire around you to keep you."

We'd like to teach you a song about God's protection. It goes like this.

"There's a wall of fire around me...There's a wall of fire between my soul and the enemy.

There's a wall of fire that you can't see...Between my soul and the enemy. There's a wall of fire around me. May it be so with us all..."

2012-2015 Nibiru: Something Bad This Way Comes

The Coming Woes: Black Cloud World Event & Mega-Hurricanes

When we all see Nibiru/Wormwood and after Obama’s Super Dollar Devaluation this will be when the wicked ones fill the cup of inequity and this will begin a world judgment and the worst US judgments will soon follow. The judgments that happen after Nibiru/Wormwood are going to frighten a lot of people, do not be frightened but know that Jesus

Christ is soon to come and these events are getting all of us ready to walk with him in heaven. In my opinion which varies a little from the prophecies I think the New Madrid Earthquake / Pasadena Earthquake are very close within 2 years or so. I do not believe America will be invaded at this time as God has changed some of his plans. John Taylor’s prophecy of just one of these diseases stricken in our nation is shocking and needs to be read to understand the gravity of the time this happens in. I also ask people to refer to the prophecies at the end of this speech to see more plagues and diseases to come that confirm what John Taylor is saying is true.

By this time Obama will be out of office, and another president from Europe will have taken the Oval Office. Not too long before a mega-hurricane event a “black cloud world event” will happen. I believe this event to happen in 2013-

2014. This will be the event that will be caused by the New World Order, it could happen right after the earthquakes in the US or it could happen right before the hurricanes, but it has to be within that time frame. Here is the prophecy of the Black Cloud HIGHLY IMPORTANT PROPHECY FOR CHRISTIANS: Open Vision Middle East- Pastor Joh W. Matutis . I expect the black cloud event to happen around 2015. Here is the same event described by Demitru Duduman. Glynda

Lomax of Wings of Prophecy gave Christians the same vision just a few short months before this report was put together. If you want a glimpse of what the cloud will look like God has given us a ash cloud event in Iceland earlier in

2010 that I think will closely resemble what it will be like world-wide.

This will end all the world economies and will give the actual European NWO time to plot a takeover of the United States in secret. Russia at this time will give their entire land to China. Demitru Duduman prophesized this. I want to read this prophecy, because of its significance to this time period:

China and Russia Strike

Dumitru Duduman - April 22, 1996

I prayed then went to bed. I was still awake, when suddenly I heard a trumpet sound. A voice cried out to me,


In my vision, I was in America. I walked out of home, and began to look for the one who had spoken to me. As I looked, I saw three men dressed alike. Two of the men carried weapons. One of the armed men came to me. "I woke you to show you what is to come," he said. "Come with me."

I didn't know where I was being taken, but when we reached a certain place he said, "Stop here!"

A pair of binoculars was handed to me, and I was told to look through them.

"Stand there, don't move, and look," he continued. "You will see what they are saying, and what they are preparing for America."

As I was looking, I saw a great light. A dark cloud appeared over it. I saw the president of Russia, a short, chubby man (Kim Jong Ill’s son? – Demitru could be alluding to this man), who said he was the president of China, and two others. The last two also said where they were from, but I did not understand. However, I gathered they were part of

Russian controlled territory. The men stepped out of the cloud.

The Russian president began to speak to the Chinese one. "I will give you the land with all the people, but you must

free Taiwan of the Americans. Do not fear, we will attack them from behind."

A voice said to me, "Watch where the Russians penetrate America." Then I saw these words being written: Alaska,

Minnesota, and Florida.

Then the man spoke again," When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning."

The other two presidents spoke, "We, too, will fight for you." Each had a place already planned as a point of attack.

All of them shook hands and hugged. Then they all signed a contract.

One of them said, "We're sure that Korea and Cuba will be on our side, too. Without a doubt, together, we can destroy America."

The president of Russia began to speak insistently, "Why let ourselves be led by the Americans? Why not rule the world ourselves? They have to be kicked out of Europe, too! Then I could do as I please with Europe!"

The man standing beside me said, "This is what you saw: they act as friends, and say they respect the treaties made together. But everything I've shown you is how it will REALLY happen. You must tell them what is being planned against

America. Then, when it comes to pass, the people will remember the words the Lord has spoken."

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am the protector of America. America's sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God, however, still has people that worship Him with a clean heart as they do His work. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people."

As I looked a great army, well-armed and dressed in white, appeared before me. "Do you see that?" the man asked.

"This army will go to battle to save My chosen ones. Then, the difference between the Godly and the ungodly will be evident.

“"The sin of the great whore has spread throughout the world. The stench of her sin has reached me, and it will not be long until I will raise the whole Arab world, the Russians, and other countries against her, that they may destroy her." A


The Mountain “ An angel came to me and said, "Come with me. I will show you what it will be like when America


He took me down to the backyard of the pastor's house. All around me the trees and houses were exploding! Fire erupted from the ground. The natural gas pipes exploded.

He said, "This is what it will be like when America burns."

Then he continued, "Do you know what the mountain is?"


"The mountain is Jesus!" he said. Then he said, "Do you know who the people were who only made it halfway up the mountain, then fell back into the fire?"


"They are the people who backslid away from Jesus."

Then the vision ended. I was back in front of the pastor once again.”

So according to Demitru China and Russia will make a treaty at this time and they will plot to take over America. Several events to watch for are China’s invasion of Taiwan and Japan. When Taiwan is invaded we don’t have long to prepare, and when Japan is attacked we only have 72 hours before we are invaded by China on the West Coast

I want to direct everyone to this prophecy , this prophecy , and this prophecy of upcoming hurricanes, one that will devastate most of Central and southern Florida. The Russians will use this one massive hurricane event, described in the prophecies above, to get their troops in our country to “help” us.

The Mega Hurricane in My Dreams

Another dream I personally had is this hurricane event. I and my brothers were in total utter fear of God’s power and glory, everyone in the eastern US was. This hurricane was located somewhere in Louisiana at the moment but it was headed directly for central Florida / Northern Florida as well. A cold front coming from Texas was steering it, and what was pushing this weather from N. to S. was an occluded front which was stationed over the US middle. Massive tornadoes were happing over the middle of the US at this time. The outer fringes of this hurricane were well into hurricane strength winds. The sky was almost as pitch black as Charley was in Central Florida. Nobody was in their own house, we were all running around like wild dogs in utter fear and panic as this storm was about to hit in under a day’s time perhaps two (I can’t recall exactly). I remember still having electricity at the time and the TV station I was on was the Weather Channel. They were saying the winds at the center were around 200 mph. I remember the weatherman saying that once the hurricane passed over an area the weather would be forever changed, and our temperatures would be dropping to 12°F forever. I remember the word forever, it stuck with me. At this time God took me above America and focused me on the middle of the United States where there was mega-tornadoes devastating those areas as well.

These tornadoes went from west to east.

2014-2015 Major Judgment’s Start: Mega Hurricane After the Black Cloud Event

I am giving my timeline a little leeway as the Black Cloud could happen in 2014, but I don’t think it will happen after

2014, as these judgments are going to be quickly passed and seen in real time up to the Black Cloud event, which I believe is nuclear fallout mixed with dust. Prayer and faith that Jesus will get you through this period is people’s only hope, otherwise you will be lost and parish from fear. Sometime after the black cloud the massive Gulf Coast hurricane will follow, perhaps in this time period, and then the Russians will come in to “help” us deal with this catastrophe, but will have ill intentions. This prophecy goes over the hurricane and the Russians “helping” us (Heed The Warning or

Become Captives). This is the Russian pre-invasion force “NATO” troops. America and the world will fall into communism following the Black Cloud event and this will be social communism, creature worship in church’s, looting, steeling, all out Satanism will be rampant, Sodom & Gomorrah, and Christians will also be blamed for the Black Cloud event specifically Israel. The U.S.A. and the world will be driven into social and economic collapse, nothing will matter anymore, and borders and boundaries will cease to exist as the U.S. is at civil war with itself on the East Coast while on the West Coast there is peace and some prosperity due to the native Indian tribes helping people live off the land and within their means.

2016-2021 Judgment’s Continue Then Volcanoes Erupt & Communist Invade

A second event will happen around 2016-2017; personally I think we are going to see several major volcanic eruptions at this time in the United States, specifically in Washington State at Mt. Rainer. The two other explosions to happen are in

Oregon and California. A plume cloud will cover 50% of the US at this time. Before the Chicom invasion lands in

America China and Japan will make an economic agreement seemingly aimed at Russia, but really is aimed at the US.

The Chicoms will take their chance and invade us at this time, since we will be the weakest we will ever be. Russia will invade in 2019 after the Chicoms take over the West Coast. See this prophecy . The whole invasion will last 7 years from the day it starts to finish. The Chinese invasion will be like a swarm of red ants on the surface of the US. The Russian

invasion will involve Biological warfare to not cripple our country more than it already is. See AA Allen’s prophecy here for the proof of volcanoes erupting at the time of invasion and biological warfare used by the Russians. The Russian invasion will start with perhaps another massive eruption at Old Faithful, the mega volcano. The Russians will claim that this eruption set off their nuclear subs ICBM’s. The nuclear subs by this time will be parked on our beaches of America.

This so-called accident will lead to the nuclear destruction of California, Las Vegas, New York and Florida . More cities that could be included in this destruction include Lexington, KY, Richmond, VA, and Columbia, SC. The US then counter attacks and hits 3 Russian cities. The Russians will soon invade after the Chicoms invade the United States west coast.

Two months later after the Chicom invasion the Russians invade landing at Slaughter Beach, Delaware moving into

Philadelphia where no one is alive from 3 neutron bombs. The bombs were planted by the Russians. They also land at

San Francisco, Astoria Oregon (Japanese) Russians (Alaska, who kill everyone there they find). Hawaii will surrender to the Japanese. Russians will take control and win Washington D.C. which will be abandoned and the President will flee.

The President and his government will setup base in two mid-western states. There will still be resistance cells in the west that will deal a heavy blow to the Chicoms, specifically a battle in San Francisco that we win. The east coast however will be total desolation from the massive hurricanes and invasion force of Russia. The President will try to negotiate “Peace, Peace” but it will fall on deaf ears as the war will continue. Sometime right before the war starts or just as we’re being invaded, N. Korea invades S. Korea.

Somewhere nearing the middle to end of the third year of invasion (2021?) persecution will be in full swing once army officials are replaced by communist invading forces. God will make sure there is compassion for the “Holy Seed” at this time. The 144,000 Americans left I am presuming. Most of undestroyed USA will be left intact. The Japs and Chicoms forces will be growing in power, while Russian resources of oil dwindle. Russia is now in trouble and needs oil resources it does not have. The Leviathan oil rig in the Mediterranean Sea is now at stake and so is Israel. China and Japan come to help Israel for some unforeseen reason. I am guessing the anti-Christ has something to do with this. The EU also joins in to help Israel. Russia now tries to take Israel thinking the Chicoms and Japs are on their side, but to their surprise they defend Israel in the attack. Russia is destroyed as a world power. Israel survives.

My person belief is that there will only be 144,000 left in the United States at this time nearing the end of 2021. It will take a person with such great conviction by God to push the invading armies out of America. The busts of Karl Marx will be set up in churches and people worshipped him. Children will be sold for food. Witches and homosexuals will hunt

Christians for food, cannibalism! Nearing the end of this occupation Americans were put on trains, told they were going to re-education camps and taken to slaughter houses where they are processed for food. Upon the invasion of America the true “Bride of Christ” will be martyred for our belief in God and Jesus, which did not save us from any of the above.

Over 70% of the Christians will be killed at this time.


Now for some serious talk. I’m not saying that the events are arranged in exactly the order they will happen in, but it seems the most logical order and God is very logical. My timing of all of this could be horribly off, but mark my words

God told me there would be 10 years and America would no longer be America. He personally told me that and I believe it. Our final test of being God’s people ends with the invasion forces as the “first fruits” are martyred for their belief in

God and Jesus Christ who did not save us from all that was described in prophecy. As the events get to be overwhelming to the US it will be more and more blamed on the Christians for our God being an uncaring God that didn’t even protect the Christians. We will start to be persecuted very soon I think. The most important thing I can say is when they ask you to give up your faith you tell them that will never happen. Don’t let things that happen to your flesh tempt you away from God at that time. We all need to carry our own personal cross to be as godly as Jesus was by walking with him even unto death. It will take a Christian of extreme faith in Jesus Christ and God to get through those times, as that is only pre-tribulation. After pre-trib there will be the anti-Christ ruling the earth, his deception to the Jews, an alien

invasion force (Aliens will claim to be the ones who created the universe and if you go with them they will say they will be bringing you to heaven, but the aliens are demons and they will eat you upon arrival), the anti-Christ invasion of

Israel with help from Muslims. Shortly after that invasion he will be utterly slaughtered by Jesus Christ and his invading army will be destroyed and it will take 7 days to pick up the dead.

Let’s talk a little of who this anti-Christ will be. He is a person in the Bible that was and is. We know that communism will be in full swing at this time period. There is only person, who was a communist long ago and still is a communist, even though his soul is in hell. His name is Vladimir Lenin and he is laid to rest in Russia in a glass coffin. He is pickled and preserved, and is the perfect candidate for the anti-Christ. Why Lenin? He was perhaps the best ruler of Russia and the reason communism got as far as it has come worldwide. He will most likely be killed again and be ushered up by Karl

Marx recreated who Satan is now in procession of. These are just my beliefs, but I don’t worry too much about, because everything after pre-trib is all up to God.

Folks it’s literally time to turn to God for help. That’s all we are going to have in the coming days, and if you don’t have his help, him within you, you are going to be totally lost. He alone can get you through all of this, but you have to walk in Jesus ways and believe in Jesus Christ and God before he can help and guide you to what you are to do when these events happen. You don’t need to go to a Catholic Church and ask someone to forgive you of your sins; you need to ask

God in private prayer. We’ve all sinned, we’ve all fallen short of his glory only through repentance can we be saved.

---Plague & Diseases End Times Prophecies---

Chaos and Woe

Messianic Pastor Caleb Kinley

Shabbat Shalom! May YHWH truly bless you this Shabbat and may He wrap His arms of love around you and embrace each of you into His glory. I have included a dream I had several times about a week or so ago. I'm not a prophet, and this is only a dream, but usually, at least parts (if not all) of some of my dreams do come true. For example, two weeks before Sept. 11th I did dream of the exact events, verified by my mother and my wife. About three days before the

December 26 tsunami, I dreamed the tsunami would happen, and it came true, verified by my mother, my wife, and my congregational members as I shared the tsunami dream with my congregation. Again, I am not a prophet and I pray this does not alter anyone's opinion of me... :-) I'm too afraid to not share this dream and can only hope and pray this one does not transpire...anyway...

These were terrifying to me, to say the least. The dream began with a loud voice saying, "Thus saith Elohim, the wicked has witnessed 'chaos' and still they refuse to repent. 'Chaos times Chaos times Chaos.' They ignore my call and refuse to gather under my wings. 'Chaos time Chaos times Chaos.' They are busy bodies with idle hands, putty for evil, and they send a rancid stench to my nostrils. O miserable wretches they have become. They worship the sun and everything that is under the sun, but Me. They worship man, but not Me. They worship lust, but not Me. They worship envy and covetousness, but not Me. They worship power, money and fame, but not Me. They worship science and nature, but not

Me. They bow down to pleasure for a season, and I will cut them off from among my people. Therefore, 'Chaos times

Chaos times Chaos' will be their just reward.

"Watch and see O servant, watch and see the meaning of 'Chaos times chaos times chaos.' O servant, take and eat of this parchment, and your tears will be for visions and your tongue shall prophesy forth My words. Few will hear you speak of My words, and fewer will come forth and share the mantle of My blessings. Many will not believe and will continue in their sin, and make great hate of you and the rest of My servants. The infidels will despise my people and

bear false witness to try and remove the virtue from My bride. But the light of your menorah will not burn out. Thus saith Elohim YHWH." (There was more that I just cannot remember right yet).

I was then lifted up above the high mountains by a breeze of wind and the wind was like an invisible floor so that I was able to stand in the sky and see the earth through the wind like it had a glass floor. There were great movements of water in the oceans/seas (hurricanes?) bearing Greek names that caused more flooding and wreaked more devastation. Then came a pause, and I'm not sure if the days of the pause represent days, months or years. But once the quiet pause was completed, there was four or five great lights coming from the ground that turned the mountains

into dust and rubble.

Some like Chuck Youngbrandt have said that the Lord has, through concerted prayer, knocked this 4 or 5 explosions down to 1 or 2 in the U.S. But that does not mean that there will not be more in Iran or even Israel. This is what I suspect.

The flesh of people from miles away dissolved and all that was left from those who perished were their skeletons, clean down to the bones. They had no eyes and their eye sockets were clean as if someone used bleach to clean out a white plate. Many who survived were maimed, amputees, and as they wept, bright green tears mixed with blood melted away the parts of their face made wet by their tears with a fizzing sound like Alka-Seltzer. They had no eyelids as their eyelids dissolved because of their tears, and their eyes swelled up until they looked bug-eyed. It was then that the skeletons of the dead came alive and hunted the living and killed whoever they caught (i.e. pandemic-disease?).

And then the earth opened in many places, swallowing up many of those who survived the bright lights, and the oceans and seas grew large, sending waves and storms, too many to count. The dead of many floated on the water and included women, children, babies, animals, men, and cities once hidden from water were now covered in water. And the rivers and the oceans and the seas cried because they were polluted by rotten flesh and blood. I could hear the cries of thousands of people and the cries made my ears have sharp pains so that I had to put my fingers in my ears. And many of the living blasphemed YHWH and searched for His people to place blame on us. They said "let us find the bride and eat their flesh, for it will taste sweet like honey."

Then I saw great famine, such as has never been. Rich nations were now begging for bread and were happy to pay much money for rotten bread covered with worms. And many began drinking unclean water from rivers and oceans and seas that were still full of dead human flesh. And some would drain the blood of their children and roast their child over an open fire, and then feast upon their children, drinking their blood while eating their flesh, and being merry. And disease stood tall, and caused many more to perish.


Amos Skaggs said: G-d said He would postpone the destruction on America one more time to show His mercy to the believer because they prayed for this country. BUT HE WILL NOT DO IT AGAIN. I saw this Aug. 3, 2005 and recorded it also.


A VISION OF THE PLAGUES by A.C. Ville, 18811: Remarkable Dreams, Add Caput Ville, Contributor Magazine, vol 5, pgs

411-412, 1884

Saturday, October 30, 2010 posted by Nate

It was recorded by A.C. Ville around 1881-82 and published in 1884. “The present times seem to be more than usually prolific of prophetic dreams among the Latter-day Saints. In nearly every settlement the people have been warned of events soon to occur; and visions of the future glory of the Kingdom of God upon this earth have passed like a panorama before many of those who love God and obey His commandments.

Some two or three years ago, I had retired for the night, when suddenly a glorious messenger appeared at my bedside and awoke me from my slumber. The light of his presence filled the room, so that objects were discerned as clearly as at noonday. He handed me a book saying, “Look, and see what is coming to pass.” I took the book in my hands and, sitting up in bed, examined it carefully and read its contents. In size this book was about seven by ten inches, opening like a copybook and bound in beautiful covers, on the front of which was stamped in gold letters its title, which was The Book of the Plagues. The leaves were printed only on the front side of each, and were composed of the very finest quality of pure white linen, instead of paper. The typography throughout was in the finest style of the printer’s art. Each page was composed of a picture printed in colors as natural as art can copy nature, which occupied the upper half of the space, below which was the printed description of the scene represented.

On the first page was a picture of a feast in progress, with the long table set upon a beautiful lawn, over which were interspersed clumps of fine shrubs and towering trees. In the background through the foliage, could be discerned a stately suburban villa, adorned with all the ornaments of modem architecture. The landscape presented the appearance of midsummer. The sky, and indeed the whole atmosphere, appeared of a peculiar sickly brassy hue, similar to that which may be observed when the sun is wholly eclipsed, and the disc is just beginning again to give its light. Throughout the atmosphere small white specks were represented, similar to a scattering fall of minute snowflakes in winter. About the table a party of richly dressed ladies and gentlemen were seated in the act of partaking of the rich repast with which the table was laden.

The minute specks falling from above were dropping into the food apparently unheeded by all, for a sudden destruction had come upon them. Many were falling backward in the agonies of a fearful death; others drooping upon the table, and others pausing with their hands still holding the untasted food, their countenances betraying a fearful astonishment at the peculiar and unlooked for condition of their companions. Death was in the atmosphere; the judgments of od had come upon them as silently and swiftly as upon the proud Sennacharib and his host of Assyrians.

In one corner of this picture was a small circular vignette, showing the front of the store of a dealer in pork. The wide sidewalk was covered by an awning supported on posts at the outer edge, and on this walk were shown barrels of pork, long strings of sausages, fresh slaughtered hogs, piles of smoked bacon and headcheese; and along the edge of the walk, next to the store, beneath the front windows, leaned a number of large hams and pieces of side meat, reaching across the whole front, except a small space at the doorway. There were twelve of these pieces, and on each

piece was painted a large letter, in order to make as a whole the word ABOMINATIONS.

Below this scene was the description: A Feast among the Gentiles, commencement of the Plague. And in smaller type below, a note saying that the particles of poison, though represented in the picture, are so small as to be invisible to the naked eye. On the next page was another picture. It was a street scene in a large city. In the foreground were the residences of wealthy city merchants. The character of the buildings gradually changed; along the view and in the distance were shown the great buildings of trade and commerce in the heart of a large metropolis. On the sidewalks throughout the long vista, the busy, throbbing, rushing crowd had been cut down like grass before the mower.

Again it was a midsummer scene. The same atoms of poison were failing through the air, but their work was done; the same sickly brazen atmosphere that seemed thick with foul odors laid upon the earth, in which no breeze stirred a leaf of the foliage. Upon the balconies of the richly decorated residences, across the thresholds of the opened doorways, along the walks and upon the crossings, lay the men, women and children, who a few days before were enjoying all the pleasures of life. Further on, the dead were everywhere. Houses of business that had been thronged with customers stood with open doorways, frowning upon streets covered with the dead. Across the thresholds of the banks lay the guardians of wealth, but no thieves were there to take the unlocked treasures within. The costly merchandise of a thousand owners lay untouched upon the counters and shelves. In the noonday glare of the sickly sun, not a soul was shown alive; not one had been left to bury the dead–all had been stricken or had fled from the death-dealing plague and the doomed city. Along midway upon the street, a hungry drove of those horrible ugly slaughterhouse hogs, (which may be seen in the pens attached to the filthy slaughtering places in the outskirts of many cities), was tearing and devouring the dead and feasting upon the bodies of rich and poor alike with none to molest them.

Below this picture was the description: Progress of the Plague among the Gentiles. A street scene in a large city. Nearly fifty of these pictures I carefully observed, wherein the fearful effects of this and other plagues were almost as vividly portrayed as if I had actually seen them. The last scene in the book was descriptive of the same plague as the first. A beautiful park-like, grassy prairie was surrounded by elm and cottonwood trees, the area embraced being about eighty rods across. In the center of this enclosure was a large cone-shaped tent of a bright purple color, about thirty feet in height by twenty in diameter at the base. Midway in height in this tent was a floor dividing the inside into two stories.

Near this tent was another, a round wall tent, about thirty feet in diameter, and nearly as high as the first. This was clean and white. Leaving a space of about a hundred yards from these central tents were hundreds of small rectangular wall tents in rows, reaching as far as the surrounding trees, each tent clean and white, and appearing to be of a size suited to the wants of an ordinary family. Not a human being, animal, bird or vehicle was in sight. Not a breath of air appeared to be stirring. The same atmosphere as in the previous pictures, with the atoms of poison, was represented, and the same time and season of the year.

Below this picture was the description: A camp of the Saints who have gathered together and are living under the daily

revelations of God, and are thus preserved from the plague. I understood from this that each family was in its tent during the hours of the day that the poison falls, and thus were preserved from breathing the deathly particles. Handing the book to the messenger, who all this time had remained by my side, he vanished from my view as suddenly as he had appeared. I awoke my wife, who was soundly sleeping, and commenced to relate to her what I had just beheld. After telling her the description of the two pictures at the beginning of the book, and commencing on the third, this third picture and all up to the last was suddenly taken from my memory, so that I have never been able to recall them; but still I remember that they were scenes about the plagues and judgments.

A VISION OF THE FUTURE by Charles D. Evans, 1893

Saturday, October 30, 2010 posted by Nate

While I lay pondering in deep solitude on the events of the present my mind was drawn into a reverie such as I had never felt before. A strong solicitude for my imperiled country utterly excluded every other thought and raised my feelings to a point of intensity I did not think possible to endure. While in this solemn, profound, and painful reverie of mind, to my infinite surprise, a light appeared in my room, which seemed to be soft and silvery as that diffused from a northern star.

At the moment of its appearance, the acute feeling I had experienced instantly yielded to one of calm tranquility.

Although it may have been at the hour of midnight, and although the side of the globe whereon I was situated was excluded from the sunlight, yet all was light and bright and warm as an Italian landscape at noon; but the heat was softer or more subdued. As I gazed upward, I saw descending through my bedroom roof, with a gentle gliding movement, a personage clothed in white apparel, whose countenance was smoothly serene, his features regular, and the flashes of his eye seemed to shoot forth scintillations, to use an earthly comparison, strongly resembling those reflected from a diamond under an intensely illumined electric light, which dazzled but did not bewilder. Those large, deep, inscrutable eyes were presently fixed on mine, when he instantly placing his hands upon my forehead his touch produced an indescribable serenity and calmness, a calmness not born of earth, but at once peaceful, delightful and heavenly. My

whole being was imbued with a joy unspeakable. All feelings of sorrow instantly vanished.

Those lines and shadows which care and sorrow impress upon us were dispelled as a deep fog before a blazing sun. In the eyes of my heavenly visitor, for such he appeared to me, there was a sort of lofty pity and tenderness infinitely stronger than any such feeling I ever saw manifested in ordinary mortals. His very calm appeared like a vast ocean stillness, at

once overpowering to every agitated emotion.

By some intuition or instinct, I felt he had something to communicate to me to sooth my sorrow and allay my apprehensions. Whereon, addressing me, he said: “Son, I perceive thou hast grave anxieties over the perilous state of thy country, that thy soul has felt deep sorrow for its future. I have therefore come to thy relief and to tell thee of the causes

that have led to this peril. Hear me attentively.

My vision now became extended in a marvelous manner, and the import of past labors of the Elders was made plain to me. I saw multitudes fleeing to the place of safety in our mountain heights,. The church was established in the wilderness. Simultaneously the nation had reached an unparalleled prosperity, wealth abounded, new territory was acquired, commerce extended, finance strengthened, confidence was maintained, and peoples abroad pointed to her as the model nation, the ideal of the past realized and perfected, the embodiment of the liberty sung by poets, and sought for by sages. “But,” continued the messenger, “thou beholdest a change. Confidence is lost, wealth is arrayed against labor, labor against wealth, yet the land abounds with plenty for food and raiment, and silver and gold are in abundance.

Thou seest also that letters written by a Jew have wrought great confusion in the finances of the nation which, together with the policy of many wealthy ones, has produced distress and do presage further sorrows.” Factions now sprang up as if by magic; capital had entrenched itself against labor throughout the land; labor was organized against capital. The voice of the wise sought to tranquilize these two powerful factors in vain. Excited multitudes ran wildly about; strikes increased; lawlessness sought the place of regular government. At this juncture I saw a banner floating in air whereon was written the words, Bankruptcy, Famine, Floods, Fire, Cyclones, Blood, Plague. Mad with rage men and women rushed upon each other. Blood flowed down the streets of cities like water. The demon of bloody hate had enthroned itself on the citadel of reason; the thirst for blood was intenser than that of the parched tongue for water. Thousands of bodies lay untombed in the streets. Men and women fell dead from terror inspired by fear. Rest was but the precursor of the bloody work of the morrow. All around lay the mournfulness of a past in ruins. Monuments erected to perpetuate the names of the noble and brave were ruthlessly destroyed by combustibles. A voice now sounded aloud these words: “Yet once again I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. And this word once again signifies the removing of things that are

shaken, as of things that are made; that those things that cannot be shaken may remain.”

Earthquakes rent the earth in vast chasms, which engulfed multitudes; terrible groaning’s and wailings filled the air; the shrieks of the suffering were indescribably awful. Water wildly rushed in from the tumultuous ocean whose very roaring under the mad rage of the fierce cyclone, was unendurable to the ear. Cities were swept away in an instant, missiles were hurled through the atmosphere at a terrible velocity and people were carried upward only to descend an unrecognized mass. Islands appeared where ocean waves once tossed the gigantic steamer. In other parts voluminous flames, emanating from vast fires, rolled with fearful velocity destroying life and property in their destructive course. The seal of the dread menace of despair was stamped on every human visage; men fell exhausted, appalled and trembling. Every element of agitated nature seemed a demon of wrathful fury. Dense clouds, blacker than midnight darkness, whose thunders reverberated with intonations which shook the earth, obscured the sunlight. Darkness reigned, unrivaled and


Again the light shone, revealing an atmosphere tinged with a leaden hue, which was the precursor of an unparalleled plague whose first symptoms were recognized by a purple spot which appeared on the cheek, or on the back of the hand, and which, invariably, enlarged until it spread over the entire surface of the body, producing certain death. Mothers, on the sight of it, cast away their children as if they were poisonous reptiles. This plague, in grown persons, rotted the eyes from their sockets and consumed the tongue as would a powerful acid or an intense heat. Wicked men, suffering under

its writhing agonies, cursed God and died, as they stood on their feet, and the birds of prey feasted on their carcasses.

I saw in my dream the messenger again appear with a vial in his right hand, who addressing me, said, “Thou knowest somewhat of the chemistry taught in the schools of human learning, behold now a chemistry sufficiently powerful to change the waters of the sea,” He then poured out his vial upon the sea and it became putrid as the blood of a dead

man, and every living soul therein died. Other plagues followed which I forbear to record.

A foreign power had invaded the nation which, from every human indication, it appeared as if it would seize the government and supplant it with monarchy. I stood trembling at the aspect, when lo, a power arose in the west which declared itself in favor of the constitution in its original form; to this suddenly rising power every lover of constitutional rights and liberties throughout the nation gave hearty support. The struggle was fiercely contested, but the stars and

stripes floated in the breeze, and, bidding defiance to all opposition, waved proudly over the land.

Among the many banners I saw, was one inscribed thus: “The government based on the Constitution, now and forever;” on another “Liberty of Conscience, social, religious, and political.”

More Prophecy from the Woman Who Predicted 911


"The next thing that came to me was more felt than seen. It was the understanding that shortly after the crashing of the buildings in New York City (911), commerce ceased. Shopping and buying seemed to stop, and the economy failed throughout the world. Few had any money at all, and those who did have it could not buy anything of worth with it.

Gold and silver and other commodities had value and could be traded.

I then saw a man walk into a middle of a crowd of people and drop what seemed like a quart jar full of liquid. The jar broke and the liquid spread. I understood that people nearby had become infected with a disease from the liquid, and they didn't even know it. A day or two later the people became sick and started dying. I saw that this would happen in four particular cities: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Salt Lake City. The disease started with white blisters, some the size of a dime, appearing the hands, arms and face of the victims. The blisters quickly developed into white puffy sores. Those with the disease would stumble around and fall over dead. Many died within a short time, perhaps 24 hours.

I also saw other people with a flu-like virus that spread more quickly than the first disease. The victims had blood coming from their nose, mouth, eyes, and ears. These people died even faster of this disease than the ones who had the first sickness. These diseases became wide-spread across the United States with hundreds of thousands infected.

As the people were fleeing the cities in the hope of saving their lives, gangs were attacking them and killing them. In the towns that were struck with disease there was chaos, with looting, rioting and murders involved in a complete breakdown of society. Many people seemed to go crazy. I sensed that the electricity had failed everywhere and that nothing was running throughout the country, including any of the communication systems. I watched people throw rocks through windows to steal TV's that would not work and thought it was very strange....

There was a tremendously long winter that caught everyone by surprise following the siege of sickness. It started early and lasted into the summer months. A famine had begun over the few years leading up to the long winter because of storms, droughts, floods and other plagues that had taken place; and the abnormally long cold period seemed to cause the famine to suddenly increase to its full measure.

In the period of time following the disease, which was quickly followed by the long winter, things started going downhill very quickly. Events piled up one on top of another without any breaks. My sense of timing was not very clear at this moment; however because I was seeing several things happening all at the same time or very close together.

During and after the long winter, the disease spread everywhere and increased in severity. The economy and the electricity were completely gone. Chaos and anarchy reigned over the entire United States. Without any government there was a total breakdown, and I saw people panicking everywhere. They were trying in vain to find food. There was none. I saw people even digging in the ground for worms to eat because they were so hungry from the lack of food.

Also, during this time I became aware that there was very little drinking water, and the remaining water had become contaminated, so that if a person drank it they would contract the disease and die. Because of their great thirst many people drank the water in spite of the danger of poisoning and died.

I mentioned earlier the gangs that killed people trying to escape the cities. It seemed that some of the people had lost their minds and went around in these gangs killing people just for the sake of killing; others killed for food or to gain some material possessions from their victims. Those that were killing for no reason were like beasts: animals completely out of control, as they raped, looted, burned and butchered people. I saw these gangs go into the homes of those who were hiding. They would drag them out of their hiding places, rape and dismember them.

For many there was an unnatural fear and hatred that came over the people. Family ties that once existed between husbands and wives, parents and children no longer mattered. The only thing that mattered was individual survival. Men

would kill their wives and children for food or water. Mothers would kill their children. For me, the events that then lay before me were horrible beyond description and almost unbearable to watch....

As I looked upon this scene of chaos, smoke and destruction I noticed that there were small pockets of light scattered over the United States. There were, I would guess, about twenty or thirty of them that I saw. I noticed that most of the locations of light were in the western part of the United States, with only three or four of them being in the east. These places of light seemed to shine brightly through the darkness and were such a contrast to the rest of the scene that they caught my attention. I focused on them for a moment and asked, 'What are these things?'

I was then able to see that these points of light were people who had gathered together and were kneeling in prayer.

The light was actually coming from the people, and I understood that the light was showing forth their goodness and love. I further understood that they gathered together for safety and that, contrary to what I had witnessed everywhere, they cared more for each other than for themselves. Some of the groups were small with only a hundred people or so, but other groups consisted of what seemed to be thousands.

I realized that many, if not all, of these places of light, or cities of light as I began to think of them, had somehow been established just before the biological attack, and that they were very organized. It was as if they had known what was coming and had prepared for it. I did not see who or what had organized them, but I did see many people struggling to reach them with nothing but what they could carry.

The cities of light had food that others outside of those groups did not have, and within the cities of light food was readily shared with those who joined their groups. In these places there was peace and safety. The inhabitants were living in tents of all kinds, many of which were no more than blankets held up by poles. I noticed that the gangs made no threats on these groups and left them completely alone, choosing to pick on other targets and unprotected people, as many of the people in those cities had guns that they would use for self-defense. The gangs also preyed upon the people who were traveling, trying to reach the cities of light.

As I looked upon them, I realized that these cities of light were temporary and that in a short time the people living within them would go to another place. I do not know where they were to go but seemed to think that they gathered in the mountains, to higher places." (Sarah Menet)

Note: Sarah Menet focused on four things that are necessary for survival, food, clean water, community and faith. More in the next article.



Two Urgent, Similar Messages – Prophetic

Tuesday, August 3, 2010 posted by Nate

July 29, 2010

Jim Bramlett

Dear friends:

The below came to me urgently, labeled as a “Two-part Warning from the HOLY SPIRIT.” You be the judge. I pass them along for your discernment.

The sender thought it was unusual that both messages were dispatched on the exact same day, unknown to one another, but with a similar content.

I know who Maurice Sklar is. He is a noted concert violinist and Messianic Jew. He was the featured violin soloist on the widely popular “Shalom Jerusalem” music video several years ago, recorded in Jerusalem. His music is awesome. I have always respected him, musically and spiritually. I have never heard of Susan Davis.

This is a heavy message. Pray for insight and discernment. While I am not sure of the details, I have no doubt that the basic warning is accurate, worthy of our rapt attention. (“Rapt” is from the same root as rapture!)

Jim Bramlett



“And now you know WHAT IS RESTRAINING him (from being revealed at this time) (the antichrist); it is so that he may be manifested (revealed) in his own (appointed time). For the mystery of lawlessness (that hidden principle of rebellion against constituted authority) is already at work in the world, (BUT IS) RESTRAINED ONLY UNTIL HE (OR THAT) WHICH

RESTRAINS IS TAKEN OUT OF THE WAY. And then the lawless one (the antichrist) will be revealed and the Lord Jesus will

slay him with the breath of His mouth and bring him to an end by His appearing at His coming.” —2 Thessalonians 2:6- 8

(Amplified Bible)

Dear Beloved,

I always thought that it was the Holy Spirit that was restraining the evil in the earth and keeping the anti-Messiah – that wicked world dictator that will be empowered by Satan during the last seven years – from taking over everything. But, the Lord corrected me and said to me:

“If I took My Spirit out of the earth, then no one would be able to come to Me in the last time. But many millions of souls will cry out to me and be saved during the final seven years. But they will pay with their lives for their faith in Me. No one can come to Me unless the Holy Spirit draws them. No! It is not My Spirit that will be taken out of the earth. It is My

Bride that will be taken out of the earth. Who is My Bride? It is only those that choose to love Me, walk with Me, obey

Me, serve Me, and choose Me over all else right now. It is those that choose to be overcomers and will endure to the end. It is the prayers and the intercession of My Bride that is holding back the flood of evil and judgment soon to come upon the whole earth. It is to allow My grace to continue to reach out to the lost and the backslidden church just a little bit longer. It is not My will that any perish in hell.

”I am now at the door! All is now ready! I am ready to come for My beautiful Bride! How I long for her! But, only the

Father knows the precise day and hour of My appearing. First I must APPEAR to take My Bride away. Then, I must

RETURN to this earth as KING OF KINGS. She will return with me. Time has run out. There will be no stopping the judgments much longer from coming like birth pangs upon the earth.

“Nevertheless, tell My Bride that I have heard her cries, her prayers, and her intercession. I have seen her tears. It has restrained much that would have already happened. My grace is abundant in this final hour! How I weep for those that refuse to repent and come to Me now! My heart is broken for them, for I know the terrible evils coming upon them.

Satan is now gathering his full armies to devour and destroy the nations of the earth. Only you, My precious Bride, are holding him back through your prayers…for this I am pleased.

Stay with Me in the place of prayer now! Nothing else matters. Take up the mantle of intercession and prayer as never before. Pray in the supernatural languages I have given you through the Holy Spirit and let ME pray through you. This is your highest calling! I am sweeping through this earth in a final call of revival that will rapidly end the time of grace to the nations. Do not waste the precious time I have given you. You can never recover it again in the eternities to come!

Great is the reward for those that take hold of the horns of the altar and go to war to restrain the evil storm clouds on the horizon. Many millions of souls are at stake, even now, My Beloved!

“The lines have been already drawn. I know who are Mine and who are not. All of heaven is now ready for the greatest party and celebration that has ever been in the eternities past! There is no more preparation for the Wedding Supper any longer. It is DONE! I am waiting to appear in the air to catch and take My Bride home. What a Wedding Day it will

BE! But, Beloved, YOU must prepare yourself so that you can hear the call of the shofar. Many will not hear because they have lost their bridal veils and their crowns. Hold fast what I have given you. Do not let Satan steal your heart from Me.

“These are events that will soon come that will signal your departure from this earth, My Beloved:

 I am taking Billy Graham home.

War will soon erupt upon and all around Israel. She will be wounded, but not destroyed. But, all around her, whoever has cursed her from the house of Esau will be destroyed. Lebanon, Syria, Iran and others nations that have poked Me in the eye will experience the wrath of nuclear fire and destruction.

If the President your nation has elected does not repent and change, I will continue to judge the United States concerning the attempts he has made to give up and divide My land and force Israel to divide Jerusalem. If He continues, I will divide America right down the middle. If he continues to put economic pressure on Israel, I will further collapse the economy of America. If he keeps encouraging and allowing terrorism to flourish, I will allow terrorism to destroy and wreak havoc in America. It is one hundred to one: I will see to it that one hundred times more comes upon America for what Israel experiences in this realm. I will judge America a thousand to one concerning any land that is taken from Israel and Jerusalem, just as it happened when you forced My people from their homes in Gaza and I responded with Hurricane Katrina. For every settler that has been or will be forced from their homes in Judea and Samaria, I will require one thousand homes in America to lose their homes. Since you forced Israel to ‘freeze’ construction of homes, you housing markets have been ‘frozen’ to the same degree – only a thousand homes to one.

 Concerning Iran: If America does not join in Israel in a preemptive attack upon Iran and Israel has to go it alone,

America will experience nuclear attack through terrorism. You must attack with Israel now, or you will be attacked.

 Concerning sexual sin, homosexuality, pornography, abortion , molestation of children, and witchcraft in

America: I will tolerate it no longer. A new sexually transmitted and incurable disease will bring rapid and painful death to many. It is coming. There will be no cure. Those that promote and murder children, I will see to it that

YOUR children are murdered. Those that abuse and molest My children, I will see to it that YOUR children suffer the same for all of eternity. They will be chained to you forever as you burn in the hottest fires of hell. You will burn together. Those that have performed the murder of My children through abortion and have supported these murders of innocent blood, you will experience the very same tortures that you inflicted upon them. It will

 never stop for all of eternity. Forever you will be tortured if you do not repent and turn to Me and cry out for mercy. It is only My blood that can cleanse and remove these horrible sins. Those that have enslaved the souls of children through witchcraft, sorcery, Satanic worship and sacrifice, and the occult: You will be tormented the worst of all. Forever you shall be chained to those you enslaved as you are tormented by Satan himself. I warn you: do NOT participate in these things for it will ruin your souls!

Concerning genetic manipulation and mind control though technology: This brings My wrath upon those that try

 to mix what I have not allowed. But, soon when the Tribulation begins, this will sweep through the earth and eternally enslave all who worship the Beast, as it is written in My Word. Those who develop and participate in this now will lose their minds in torment forever in hell. To the degree they participate in enslaving and creating mutations that I have forbidden, to that degree, they shall be mutated and tortured forever and ever.

“I will NOT allow these things to continue much longer without judging and destroying those that continue in lawlessness and sin. I am a HOLY GOD and I have reserved the cup of wrath for those that hate Me and will not forsake evil and sin. I am weary of holding back any longer! I WILL do exactly as it is written in My Holy Word.

”Oh earth, earth, earth, hear the Word of the LORD: Repent and forsake these abominations! Before it is too late, turn to Me or you will perish!

”My Beloved Bride, I am pouring out a fresh anointing of fire and protection upon you. Do not fear the things that are coming upon this earth. Soon and very soon you shall be with Me!”

May the Lord continue to help us to hear and obey!

As given by the Holy Spirit to:

Maurice Sklar

Maurice Sklar Ministries . 12127 Mall Bouelvard . Suite A-440 . Victorville, CA 92392 . USA

(646) 244-7350,


Goodbye Miss American Pie

There has never been a time in history, according to the Bible, that a country went up against GOD, His Chosen People, or His Covenants and survived. This is what the United States is engaging in now and it is futile. This country used to have the blessings of God because of our support for Israel now apart from that we’ve got nothing. We offer no more arguments for God to look our way and to bless us. We have thoroughly turned our backs to God in unison.

 We have embraced all types of pagan cultures and turned our back on God’s only begotten Son.

 We have created vile and monstrous entertainment that captivates our time through all types of mediums.

 We have successfully become the way the Bible said we would: we have forgotten how to blush.

 We worship pagan gods and our pastors release us from church on Sunday so we can rush home to take in football, basketball, and soccer gods of our own making playing within gigantic temples that would astound the

Greeks & Romans and we do this on God’s Holy Day.

 We have built museum exhibits; amusement parks; and publishing industries that worship wizards and witches and could care less that God has meticulously outlined in the Bible that HE hates witchcraft and wizards.

 We have glorified the occult and even Christians who say they read about vampires on the weekdays and then go to church on Sundays think this behavior is perfectly normal.

 We promote peace signs and have no clue that they originated as satanic symbols of upside down broken

 crosses and are anti-Christian.

We have become caught up in our own cushy lives and become angry at the thought that the rapture could be near although many fellow Christians are suffering greatly through persecution in other parts of the world and little children around the world are suffering grossly from sex trade and child abuse in this country and in third world countries.

 We think it is strange that other ancient cultures sacrificed their children to strange gods but we have done that in this country on such a monumental and well-organized scale: only we call it abortion.

Many Christians believe that we will be here 10, 20, 30 years from now and refuse to believe that the rapture could be so close. Let me ask you this: How can the world that has so efficiently and systematically turned its back on God improve itself apart from God? Just what condition do you think things will be in 20 or 30 years from now without God intervening? Do you really want to be here in the next 20 or 30 years if things progress in this same direction we are moving in apart from God?

Have you ever wondered how the people of Sodom & Gomorrah could have been so bad to be destroyed by God?; and how could the people during Noah’s time be so dense to not get on the ark; and how could Lot’s wife had wanted to

look back before she was turned into a pillar of salt? We are those people: we are that bad; we are not willing to get on the ark; we are looking away from God back to the city.

Time is running out and God is trying to warn you. If you don’t turn to HIM and continue to cling to the false belief that you can play now and pay later - you are going to miss the boat. Stop praying for this country and start praying for the

Bride of Christ; for Israel and for your family. Pray for God’s protection through the coming judgment of this world. The path is narrow & safe….that path is through God’s only Son: Jesus.

How would you treat God if you knew you had 20 years to live than if you had 20 days to live?

Written by Susan Davis & released the same day as the Maurice Sklar letter above.


Terry Bennet on 666:


6 Prophetic Messages by Lance Lambert – Very good and very telling


Important Part of Demitru’s Vision: “ He said, "Dumitru, didn't I tell you that I am here with you also? I brought you here to this country because this country will burn."

"Then why did you bring me here to burn? Why didn't you let me die in my own country?"

"Dumitru, have patience, and I will tell you. Get beside me."

I don't know what it was, Brothers. I got beside the angel. He showed me all of California. He showed me all the cities of California. Then he showed me Las Vegas. "You see what I have shown you. This is Sodom and Gomorrah. In one day it will burn." He said, "Its sin has reached the Holy One."

He showed me another great city. He said, "Do you know what city this is?"

I said, "No."

He said, "This is New York City. This is Sodom and Gomorrah. In one day it will burn."

He showed me Florida. He said, "This is Florida. This is Sodom and Gomorrah. In one day it will burn."

He didn't let me say a word until he brought me back to the place we had left. He said, "Now, Dumitru, you can talk to me."

He said, "I brought you to this country, Dumitru. I want to wake up a lot of people. I love this country. I love the people. I want to save them. America will burn."

And I said, "How can I save them? I can't even speak their language. Who knows me here? How will they call me?"

He said, "Don't worry. I will be ahead of you. I will make great healings amongst the American people. You will go to television stations, radio stations, and churches. Tell them everything I tell you. Don't hide anything. If you try to hide anything, I will punish you. America will burn."

"How will America burn? It is so powerful."

He said, "The Russian spies have discovered where the most powerful nuclear missiles are in America.

"It will start with the world calling for 'peace, peace.' Then there will be an internal revolution in America, started by the Communists. Some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then from the oceans, Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Central America, Mexico, and two other countries

(which I cannot remember) will attack! The Russians will bombard the nuclear missile silos in America. America will burn."

I said, "What will you do with the church?"

He said, "The church has left me."

I said, "How? Don't you have people here?"

He said, "People honor people. The honor that should be given to God, they give to other people. Americans think high of themselves. They say, 'I work,' but they don't. In the church there is divorce. In the church there is adultery and

fornication. In the church there is sodomy. In the church there is abortion and all kinds of sin. Jesus Christ doesn't live in sin. He lives in HOLINESS. I brought you here so you could cry out loud. Don't be afraid. I am with you. Tell them to stop sinning. God never stops forgiving. Tell them to repent. He will forgive them. Tell them to start preparing themselves so I can save them in the day of trouble."

Brothers, these aren't fairy tales. I didn't come here to ask you for money. I didn't ask God for money. I came here to tell you the message of God. If you call me, God loves you. That's what the angel of God told me. "Whoever I love, I want to wake up. I will put on their hearts to call you. Don't hide anything, or I will punish you." Stop sinning and repent.

He will forgive us, and we will have salvation.

I said, "How will you save the church if America will burn?"

He said, "Tell them as I tell you. As he saved the three young men from the oven of fire and Daniel from the mouth of the lion, that is how I will save them. Tell them to stop sinning and repent. I have blessed this country because of the Jews that are here. I have seven million Jews here. They haven't tasted war or persecution. God blessed them more than anyone else. Instead of thanking God, they started sinning and doing wickedly. Their sins have reached the Holy One. God will punish them with fire."

Israel doesn't recognize the Messiah because they place their trust on the power of the Jews in America. When

God will hit America, all the nations will be terrified. God will raise up China, Japan, and many other nations, and they will beat the Russians. They will push them back to the gates of Paris. There they will make a peace treaty, but they will make the Russians their leader. All the nations with the Russians as their leader, will go against Israel. It's not that they want to; God makes them.

Israel doesn't have the help of the Jews in America anymore. In their terror, when they see what is coming, they call upon the Messiah. The Messiah will come to help Israel. Then the Church of God will meet him in the clouds." (1

Thes 4:16)”

The Future of Israel

Dumitru Duduman - June 17 & 18, 1996

(Tiberias, Israel)

The dream was first received on the 17th and then again on the 18th. For two days afterwards Dumitru was physically sick every time he tried to recount this dream so it could be recorded.

After eight days of traveling through Israel, I asked myself, "Why did I come here? All I see is land, and a people that are wicked. Why did I come here?" After I thought about this, I prayed and fell asleep.

In this dream the five of us; myself, my two grandsons and the couple we were staying with in Israel, were on the

Sea of Galilee in Israel, and we were looking around. We noticed how nice and warm it was. A good place for a vacation.

Suddenly, I heard a voice from my left side. It said, "You didn't come just for this. Look at me." I looked and saw a man in white, shining clothing. Tears were running down his cheeks.

"Who are you, and why are you crying?" I asked.

"I am Jesus Christ, and I am looking over My blood relatives and My people for whom I gave My life. Their sins have put a wall between God and themselves. God has decided to bring back all of the scattered people from the nations.

Instead of thanking God for watching over them and giving them safe passage, they have become even more wicked that they were in the nations they left. I am crying because of the tribulation that is to overcome them. They say they

keep the Sabbath, but they don't. They say they keep my laws, but they do not. All the nations of the world have their eyes on this place, thinking that this place is holy. They come to seek holiness, and see an example in this place. This place is not holy, but has become defiled. Because of this, God has decided to take peace from this country. They do not trust in the peace God provides, but seek to make their own peace. God can no longer stand their sins. Because of their wickedness, look and see how punishment will come upon Israel."

I then saw a cloud of airplanes in formation from the left (Golan Heights*) and a large army coming from a corner

(Yarmouk River Valley) with every kind of weapon. They had horses, carriages, cars, tanks, and soldiers on foot. I began to hear screaming from my right, and asked: "Can you stop this?"

"Until they pass through hard times, they will not recognize Me as God, and will not call upon Me for help," He answered. "You will be sad and sorrowful when you leave this place," Jesus said, "but after a time, your heart will be full of joy. Tell those who love Me, that I first loved them. They will be saved. I am the Eternal One. I do not change.

Everything that I have told you will come to pass."

"You will go in peace," Jesus said. Then there was a loud roar of thunder, and we were looking for a place to hide, because we thought that the war had started. A lightning bolt came down in front of us, but Jesus said, "Don't be afraid.

You will leave this place in peace. Tell the people what you have seen."

*When we were visiting Galilee, I pointed in the direction where the airplanes and army came from. The people we were staying with identified these places.

Three Scrolls

Dumitru Duduman - Dream, July 1, 1994

It was past midnight. I could not sleep because I felt inside that God was going to speak to me; so I began to pray.

After I prayed, I went to bed. Then I began to hear thunder and see lightning. The earth began to move and shake violently. I yelled to my family, "Wake up because something is happening outside!"

When I got outside, there was such a darkness that I could not see anything. Yet in that great darkness, I could hear the voices of children, women, and men screaming. I told my family to be careful of how they walked.

From the clouds that released this darkness on the earth I heard a powerful voice say, "I am taking revenge against the sin. I am taking revenge that they may see my power!

"With as much as I have blessed them, that is how much I will send destruction!

"I will send storms, heavy rains, flooding, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes because I want them to see my power and know that without me they can do nothing. They trusted in themselves and in their own strengths. This is why I will punish this place."

The earth moved as if it were on water! The people lived in complete terror, each one yelling louder than the other, not being able to understand anything. The earth shook so violently I was unable to walk.

Suddenly in the midst of all the tumult, a light appeared––more powerful than any I've seen! In the shining light there were two men. One of them said to me, "I came to talk with you. I will send great plagues over America, and I want you to be aware. I am the one who talked with you in the past, and I am talking with you now. I told you what will happen in this place. Be cautious, for the time is drawing near!"

After saying these words, he took out a scroll which he began to unroll very quickly. It was so long that I could not see its end. On this first scroll of paper were written all kinds of names. Beside each name was listed their punishment–– a type of disease (all kinds were listed), trial, or torment. "Those named will have to go through what is listed by their

name in order to be cleansed and be able to stand."

That scroll was then rolled up and sealed, and a second one was brought out. On it was written "peace, joy in the

Holy Spirit, salvation, or victory, for those that loved me and worked for me and kept their life clean, not for the hypocrites, the proud, the boastful, the hateful," nor others which I cannot recall. The scroll continued to pass by slowly before my eyes until it finished passing.

Then the third scroll opened up, and this had names written on it. Yet there was something written only beside the names on the top half. From the halfway mark down by each name there were flashing stars. I asked what this meant.

Then one of the men said to me, "These are those with whom the number will be completed. The seed of God has reached their hearts and is even now working toward repentance.

"When the total number will be complete, all of the devastation will begin. Until then, I will send great plagues over

America that they may wake up from the sleep with which they are sleeping and from their self-reliance, that they may see their pride and boastfulness."

It then began to rain with ice and hail. The people were scattering all over, not knowing which way to go. From the terror of the screams, I woke up. This dream was so real to me that I went directly outside to see if it was happening at that moment.

Occupation >Chuck divides the Judgment into a three year progression. We will assume the Judgment will start in the year 2000. It will progress into an enemy occupation of America lasting seven years. At the end of the seven years, the occupying armies will be driven out.






The Lord gave me this mini vision earlier today, and several times today, off and on, since then. It does not leave, and this is what he said to me about it...

I saw this vast place of flat land and not much vegetation, but a lot of rocks and rough landscape, with a few scrub brushes and things.

It was not the desert, but a wilderness area. In this area, were scattered pieces of broken pottery or vessels lying scattered and in a discarded manner.

A wind began to blow upon the pieces and they began to lift up off of the ground and to come together and to attach together and fit as if they belonged to each other, even though each piece was different in every aspect. They began to form into an urn of some type. It became a huge urn and it sat upon the ground and was all different colors as it was made up of all the different pieces that were lying around, and yet, they all fit supernaturally, as if they were all from one piece formerly.

The Lord then stood next to me and said,

"What you see before you is the Season of Refining that has now closed for My Remnant. I broke My Vessels and scattered them and brought them fully into My Fire and drove every bit of identity from them, so that nothing of their former selves would interfere with

My new plans for them in this new season. All that was against me was stripped from them, and broken into ashes, and removed by

My Breath, as it blew all traces of flesh out of them, and also it released the hearts that were bound within, and caused them to

be released and to beat again."

"The wilderness was the Season that has now past. My Remnant are rising up into their places and coming into an understanding of who they are, and their purpose in Me. I have taught them and hand fed them as they walked with Me in the lonely and barren times. I have been their sole portion and their provision. They know both My Love and My Severity. They embraced My judgments and will now stand in the Hour of Justice that will burn across the globe."

"The Urn that you saw standing is My Remnant that will be poured out in the earth. They are the Vessels that I will live through, and be released through, as I perform My Will in the earth. I am filling

My People with Myself. I have shown you this. You carry a portion, just as they will and are. I will come forth out of My People in many ways. I will come forth as I choose to, and do My Work, and it will not be as the world or the church would want or desire, or even expect, for I alone am God, and not a man. Man cannot know Me, unless He is one with Me. My Ways are not man's ways or the church's ways."

"My Word will bring division to those who are Mine and those who are not. The breaking has begun and the separation is beginning to increase greatly, and great will the chasm be between, for no one will cross over to the other side anymore. Either they are Mine or not. I showed you the splitting of the heart and it will come. For

I will divide the hearts and spare those who will come to Me. I do have a People who love Me as their God and who love no other besides Me."

"Great turmoil will increase as the division increases, for many will try to save themselves and play in the safe place, but the only place there will be is in My House. You know the Truth, and you must walk in it, and must show the ones looking for Me the way.

You must run your race and not try to fix the pieces that fall, but call them forth into obedience to Me, and I will fix those who cry out to Me."

"This is not the same as the Season of Refinement. This is the

Season of Resurrection and the coming together of the dry bones of My people in the earth. I am not only moving in America, as I am moving in all nations. The Hour has come, for Mine to come to

Me fully, or be left to the opposite side. Just as when I called to My people to come to me through Moses upon the Mount, and those who heard Me, came to Me, and those who didn't perished in the great shaking, so it shall be again."

"I will no longer tolerate lukewarmness in My House. It will be hot

with Me or cold without Me. I am a Consuming Fire, and My People will burn and be consumed with Me, or be empty sepulchers. I have shown you the Tents of Meetings. I have told you to ignite My Tents, as I have many who are now doing so, as you are. You must not stop. For the Urn you see, is the corporate rising up of My Tents.

It has begun, and My people are rising up."

"Go and look in the Urn."

I walked up to the Urn and looked inside. It was full of water. It looked like water. I reached in and felt the water. It was cold and felt inviting. The Lord stood by Me and nodded. He said to me, "It is not water. It is the oil that comes through the pipes of My Light and fills the bowls that will burn with My Fire. I am filling them with

My Living Oil, and am igniting Myself within them, through them, and upon them, so that no man can say that they have done this.

For it is a heavenly fire that man does not have, and cannot. It is

Holy. It is Me."

Then, the Lord said to look in again.

I looked in again, and it was full of Fire. The Lord smiled this time, and reached in Himself, and gave me some of it. He said to Me,

"This is the greater portion that has been reserved for My People in the last Hour. It has been held back, for it is Holy, and I will not give what is Holy to a generation that did not treasure it above all else. My Holiness is the pearl of great price. My Word is to be sought after as that pearl and reverenced as such. I am the Living

Word and the Holy Fire. I will not give Myself to those who do not love Me nor want Me."

The Lord said to look in again.

I did look in again, and this time, there was a great storm in the

Urn. I was surprised. The Lord said then," I told you the Storm was coming. It is now upon the earth and will hit. The Storm will bring the full division of Mine from those who are not, and bring My

Justice. The Remnant has made herself ready and is awaiting my breath to now bring about the full restoration. That is now begun also. I am moving them into their places. They will stand, under my

Hand, as I pass over the earth."

"Do not be concerned with when it will happen, but be concerned with those who I have given to you, and raise them up, as I told you to. You know what to do, as do all who have My assignments, now it is time to do so. For the breaking forth now comes and so

does the division. Do not shrink back because of the opposition, but run with My Mission, and see Me gather Mine to Myself. The time is drawing close for the Unveiling."

The Lord said to Me one last time, to look into the Urn.

I did so, but felt apprehensive this time. He nodded and so I looked in. There was black death in the Urn. He nodded gravely and said to me, "Yes. The black death will come, and it will claim many. I have warned and called and cried out, and few responded to Me, even now. What is to be, will now be. The death comes from the

Urn, for My Vessels are instruments of My Mercy and My Wrath.

They will speak forth whatever I tell them to, and they will do My

Will. My Word will judge all men. Every man will choose their fate.

My Word has indeed already gone forth, and it is now being brought forth, for many plagues have begun, but will increase, as the hearts now harden."

"You must go and trust Me. If you do not fulfill your destiny and if you choose to disobey, you too will perish. All who deny Me will perish. Either on this earth or in eternity, forever apart from Me. No man is exempt. Even you. You know Me, and have My Word living in you, and know My Presence, and have partaken of My Fire. You have no excuse and must follow Me. Do not waver, but go, and give my Word as I reveal it to you, and fear not, for I am with you, and with all who are Mine."

"The winds are blowing and the breaking will only increase till the separation is complete, as I said, so go, for the hour is late, and the people await Me. For I am the Shepherd and I will gather My

Flock unto Me and shepherd it in the midst of the darkness and great will be its Glory as I rise up within it, in the earth."

The Lord then walked away and I was there standing by the wilderness.

The Day of the Lord Is Almost Upon Us


I was still in my bed, when I was awakened by the Spirit of the Lord as began saying these words to me: "There are things about to happen that will make many people wish that the Day of the Lord was already gone, but it is only beginning". As I was completely awake, I realized these words were still resounding in my spirit and in my head.

The last time I experienced this was in December when He warned me that there would be an event of major proportions taking place in 2011 in the United Nations that would facilitate and usher in the New World Order and that there would be a nuclear attack on America.


This is a sober warning that The Day of the Lord is almost upon us. We are in the calm before the storm. I would encourage every believer in Yeshua to get as close to Him as you can, preparing through a season of fasting’s and prayers for the things about to take place. There is no need to fear if we are prepared spiritually, mentally and physically. Walk in His Shalom, not in fear. Put your eyes on Him and not on the things that are about to take place all around you. He will take care of His own.

However, there are ominous events about to happen on this September involving the United Nations and the dividing of the land of Israel. This is not good; the Lord is very angry because that is His land, and the city of

Jerusalem is His City; The City of God. Keep your eyes on the United Nations Building and New York City. The recent earthquake that rocked New York and Washington damaging several monuments in Washington DC, and

Hurricane Irene that hit the New York and New England areas was just a warning shot across the bow from Papa.

Things that have survived hundreds of years, yeah even things that survived thousands of years are about to be destroyed. Everything that does not belong to the Father, nothing that He has not built will be plucked up, thrown down and destroyed. He is about to do a quick, marvelous work through His end time remnant, those that are His hidden ones, the illuminated ones that will rise in power and glory. There will be no more delay. D-

Day is coming; behold, the Son of the Creator comes.

Joel 2:1 “Blow the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: f or the day of the LORD comes, for it is near at hand”

Isaiah 2:12 “For the day of the LORD of hosts shall come upon everyone that is proud and lofty, and upon everyone that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low”

Zephaniah 1:14 “The great day of the LORD is near, it is near, and hastens quickly, even the voice of the day of the LORD: there the mighty man shall cry out bitterly.”

Zephaniah 2:3 “Seek you the LORD, all you meek of the earth, who have kept his commands; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be you shall be hidden in the day of the LORD'S anger.”
