YOUR HEALTH PARTNERSHIP ANNUAL REPORT NOVEMBER 2013 YHP Annual Report 2013 _________________________________________________________________________________ CONTENTS PAGE FOREWORD BY DR SIMON MITCHELL ABOUT THE YOUR HEALTH PARTNERSHIP 3 WHO WE ARE 3 THE YHP WORKFORCE 3 OUR WORKFORCE PROFILE 4 PATIENT ENGAGEMENT 6 WHAT HAVE WE DONE SO FAR 7 PROGRESS TO DATE 8 OUR PLANS FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS 9 1 YHP Annual Report 2013 _________________________________________________________________________________ Foreword I’m delighted to introduce this first Annual Report for the Your Health Partnership that summarises our progress to date and sets out our Strategic Business Plan for the next two years. In 2011, when we established YHP, the Partners reaffirmed the core values and aspirations that emphasise the ethos and approach to all that we do. These remain the core principles of YHP’s development and are summarised by placing the highest priority on; High quality clinical care and supporting the development of that locally Treating patients with respect and sensitivity Maintaining core business as being that of general medical services Delivering services efficiently and with integrity Being an employer of excellence Our vision for YHP is directed at developing a sustainable general practice organisation that delivers the highest quality of care, in the most efficient manner with excellent health outcomes and experience for our patients. This vision builds on the values and historical approach taken by the Partnerships at both Regis Medical Centre and Carters Green Medical Centre in developing successful and well respected local primary care organisations. The value of us joining together is clearly evident as we move forward. There are significant changes ahead in how general practice services are commissioned and we believe that large scale general practice will be in a stronger position to take advantage of the opportunities this creates than the smaller practice model. In fact, over the last few months, many practices around the country are now exploring the YHP model and so we are in many senses ahead of the game. As you will see from this report, we have achieved an enormous amount in developing YHP over the last two years and without compromising patient care. The partners are very appreciative of the hard work and commitment of all our staff in contributing to this. You will also see that we have an ambitious Business Plan moving forward but believe this to be the right direction to withstand the many challenges ahead for general practice and the NHS more widely but also to contribute positively to improving local service provision. Delivering on our plan will be a challenge. We are moving forward within an environment of uncertainty about the future of general practice and increasing patient demand for our services. However, the ongoing development of the organisation with a focus on working as smart as we can, combined with a commitment from us all to doing a good job, leaves me in no doubt we will be successful. Our measure of success is delivering our core principles outlined above but most important of all that we provide the highest quality of care for our patients and care for our staff and their development as key to this. My role as Executive Partner is to ensure we have the resources we need, in the right place and at the right time to make sure we can deliver this. I will report back in 2014! Dr Simon Mitchell Executive Partner 2 YHP Annual Report 2013 _________________________________________________________________________________ ABOUT THE YOUR HEALTH PARTNERSHIP The Your Health Partnership (YHP) is a growing primary care organisation built on local general practice by local GPs and their staff. It is one example of how general practice is changing around the country to meet the future needs and demands of its patients. The model we are developing is called a ‘Super Partnership’ where we increase the size of organisation my merging local practices together. Developing this larger general practice organisation delivers a number of benefits for our staff and patients that smaller practices find difficult to achieve; Make the most of the resources we have to ensure we continue to provide, and improve, high quality care Increases our ability to deliver a wider range of services locally so patients don’t need to travel to hospital We can attract specialists to come and work with us in our practices as we have a larger patient population A larger workforce gives us more flexibility to ensure all services are always covered at times of holidays and sickness We can keep the ‘feel and personal approach’ of the smaller practice whilst creating greater efficiencies by centralising some of our management and administration functions which allows us to invest money service and facility development A larger clinical workforce enables a sharing of best practice across the organisation and greater level of peer support The organisation is more sustainable against changes to national contracts and income We now provide services to over 24,000 patients registered at Regis Medical Centre, Blackheath and Carters Green Medical Centre in West Bromwich. WHO WE ARE YHP Partners YHP, like most general practices, are private businesses owned and managed by GPs. YHP has 10 partners who manage the ‘business’ and lead the development of YHP. Regis Medical Centre Dr Cornish Dr Hamilton Dr Lennie Dr Mitchell Dr Padley Dr Tabassum Carters Green Medical Centre Dr Crampton Dr Weller Dr Gwilt Dr Dhadday 3 YHP Annual Report 2013 _________________________________________________________________________________ THE YHP WORKFORCE We are proud of the workforce we have with many of our staff having worked at RMC or CGMC for many years and know our patients well. An appropriately skilled and resourced workforce is critical to the success of YHP. First and foremost we need staff that are committed to providing high quality care for our patients. Did you know? YHP’s prescribing spend was £2,564,000 for 2012/13 However, we also need staff that understand, and are committed to, our strategic plan to improve local service provision. This requires flexibility, openness to new ways of working and a continuous effort to make improvements in all that we do. It also requires leaders within the organisation to make sure the workforce has the appropriate training and equipment to do their jobs properly and ensure a high level of communication. We have done much to improve effort in this area and there is still more to do. The Central Management Team YHP has a developing Central Management Team (CMT) that ensures all the management and administration of the business is efficient and supports the delivery of high quality clinical care for our patients. The CMT replaces the ‘traditional’ practice management role and works across YHP practice sites. This prevents duplication of work in each practice and ensures we have a wide range of skills working across the organisation. We have taken on a number of new people to diversify the sills in the management team to reflect a growing and innovative organisation. With recent retirements we have been able to do this within existing resources. CENTRAL MANAGEMENT TEAM: Back row l-r Tom Finan, Operations Manager at RMC; Emma Hart, Operations Manager at CGMC; Jackie Clarke, Nursing Services Lead, Jeremy Thomason, Finance Manager Front row l-r Emma Jeavons, Governance Support Lead; Sarah Harris, Head of Operations; Lesley O’nions, Business Support Lead 4 YHP Annual Report 2013 _________________________________________________________________________________ OUR WORKFORCE PROFILE In addition to CMT, our workforce is now organised into four distinct but equally important clinical and non-clinical groups; Salaried GPs, Physician Associates, Nursing We have developed an excellent skill mix within our clinical workforce and were one of the first practices in the country to introduce Physician Associates to the team. Many more practices and hospitals now do this. This skill mix allows us to deliver flexible services to meet the needs of those patients who require an urgent appointment and those with ongoing conditions that need different models of care. Patient Services Our team in patient services manage the large administrative workload involved in managing patient care behind the scenes. On behalf of our patients they ensure patient records are kept up to date, results are processed and reported in a timely manner, answer telephone queries and manage all the correspondence in and out of the practices. Another significant part of their workload is monitoring all clinical activity so that we can provide the required reports to the Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS England. This work is increasing and by centralising some of these functions we are able to be more efficient. Outlet Services Whilst we have begun to centralise some of our management and administration services, there are some activities that need to remain close to the patient and these are our Outlet services. We have recently appointed two new Operations Managers to each practice to oversee the day to day management of each practice and manage the facilities alongside the partners based at that site. This role replaces the traditional practice manager role. Tom Finan (RMC) and Emma Hart (CGMC) have experience outside the NHS and are bringing this to help us improve and develop our services. The quality of our reception service significantly influences how patients feel about the care they receive in the practice and we strive to ensure each patient that walks through our doors feels positive about the experience. Many of our receptionists have been here for a long time and have built up good relationships with patients, getting to know them and their families which all contribute to the quality of care. Did you know? Our clinical workforce provides approximately 140,000 appointments per year FIGURE 1: WORKFORCE PROFILE AT OCTOBER 2013 (WHOLE TIME EQUIVALENT) Did you know? Our secretaries type 700 patient letters every month 5 YHP Annual Report 2013 _________________________________________________________________________________ OUR SERVICES In addition to the general medical and nursing services that most practices provide, YHP provides other services to provide more convenient care for its patients and to contribute to business growth. These include; Outpatient Services We have a contract with our Clinical Commissioning Group to deliver a range of secondary services across YHP outlets. Local consultants work with us to deliver these services which allows us to improve communication between primary and secondary care and share patient information more effectively. We are keen to continue to develop these as we know our patients prefer to receive care at their practice rather than attend a hospital appointment. We provide clinics for: Gynaecology Gastrology Ophthalmology Cardiology Rheumatology ENT Did you know? YHP nurses give around 1000 injections every month Dermatology Dementia Care Supporting Local Hospital Care RMC GPs provide medical care, Monday to Friday, to patients on Henderson and Eliza Tinsley wards at Rowley Hospital. Some of these are our own patients and some are patients of local practices. Providing this service enables patients to leave hospital sooner and return closer to home. Sexual Health Drop In Clinic We still provide a sexual health drop-in clinic even though we are not funded to do so. This is because we believe it provides good care for our patients and ultimately leads to lower costs elsewhere in the system. How long we will be able to continue to do this will depend on changes to the GP contract from the 1st April 2014. PATIENT ENGAGEMENT We strongly believe in the value of patient engagement and involvement in our service delivery and development and appreciate the feedback we do get from patients. Since YHP was formed, we have ensured a Partner has time to focus on this area by making it a formal management role. We have a Patient Participation group active at each practice and these are very valuable for getting feedback and suggestions for improvement. We recognise that these groups are not always convenient for those who work or have young families and so we will develop ways to engage better with these patients. We now have an online presence on Twitter (@yhpcoms) and Facebook and working hard to make this relevant and interesting for patients. We have also had a ‘real time’ feedback system in the reception which has worked well but needs developing further and rolled out to CGMC. We are also working towards the national policy for patients having online access to their medical records from 2015. WHAT HAVE WE DONE SO FAR? Since the inception of YHP we have had a planned programme of development set out in our Strategic Business Plan. This has recently been updated to take us forward to 2016. We have achieved a lot in the last couple of years, bearing in mind that partner time is limited and our first priority is to our clinical services. Table 1 below summarises the achievements all our staff have contributed to. 6 YHP Annual Report 2013 _________________________________________________________________________________ Table 1: Progress to Date Strategic Objective Progress Strategy agreed Patient Groups active on both sites and joint meetings in plan Real time feedback implemented at RMC Elephant machine at RMC Information leaflets updated Text messaging in place Reception refurbishment at RMC underway Improving Clinical Quality Strategy agreed Clinical Operational Group established Key performance indicators developed and monitored Prescribing safety measures improved Quality Outcomes Framework delivery maintained Care planning developed Pharmacist pilot completed Business Continuity Plan in place Business Growth Business planning process embedded Merger with CGMC increasing list size to 24k Specialist services expanded as per plan GP event held with local practice to discuss mergers Organisational Development Review undertaken and strategy developed GP Leadership roles embedded Organisational Review completed Clinical and Corporate Governance structure in place Recruitment of new staff with non-NHS skill base Central Management Team development New management and administration structure developed Centralisation agenda commenced Information Management and Technology Strategy agreed Extranet established Information systems across both sites aligned SystmOne training undertaken Workforce Development + Human Resources Strategy agreed Short term and long term structures agreed Clinical workforce modelling undertaken Physician Associate recruited to CGMC Management role development Standardisation of contracts, terms and conditions underway Training needs analysis underway Communications and YHP brand established Improving the Patient Experience 7 YHP Annual Report 2013 _________________________________________________________________________________ Marketing Strategy agreed Working Group established Facebook and Twitter activated Marketing leaflet agreed Held Sandwell practices event on future of Sandwell General Practice Sponsorship of tri-athlete Jodie Stimpson Education and Training Strategy agreed Increased our number of GP trainers Introduction of medical students at CGMC Accredited for Yrs 1-5 medical student training Premises and Facilities Reception refurbishment at RMC planned Business Case process for CGMC new build commenced CGMC refurbishments for training completed OUR PLANS FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS Underpinning principles An integral element of the Super Partnership model is to create a business model that is less reliant on the core national GP contract through diversification of income streams and using the economies of scale to ensure a lean and efficient business. This section sets out the plans to increase the scope of service provision and increase the size of the registered list. However, this will be delivered within the framework of some agreed principles and values; Did you know? YHP doctors visit approximately 3,500 patients at home every year Any new service fits the philosophy of high quality general practice The needs of registered patients and the quality of their clinical care shall not be compromised in any way An appropriate balance of partner time between clinical care and YHP management and leadership. YHP staff, and staff delivering services on contract, will have the appropriate skills and be appropriately trained for their roles Mergers will be planned for a time when there is the appropriate workforce capacity to ensure a smooth transition without a negative effect on staff or services New Service Development We will continue to explore opportunities to grow the range of services we provide, working in partnership with the local commissioning group. Not only will this be of benefit to our patients but will enable us as a business to have greater financial security at a time when NHS funding to general practice is reducing. In particular, we would like to expand the services we provide supporting urgent and unplanned care and this may be developing our role at Rowley Hospital or redesigning the care we give at our practices. 8 YHP Annual Report 2013 _________________________________________________________________________________ We will also continue to grow our specialist services, working with local consultants to deliver more care in the practice to save out patients having to make the journey to hospital. Growing YHP Practices YHP is committed to its strategic direction of growing the organisation through mergers with local, like-minded practices and we are continuing discussions with local GPs to this effect. As we grow in size, we can then improve the service offer to patients that a larger registered list makes it feasible to do and increase the efficiency of how we manage the organisation to ensure we make best use of the resources available to us. Improving and Developing What We Currently Do: Our Business Plan Moving Forward Over the past few months, the partners and management team have spent time reviewing what we do and how we do it. This means keeping up to date with expected changes of national and local health policy that determines much of what we do but also striving to meet the needs of our patients and our workforce. All staff will be involved in the some of the changes we are intending in making and we hope that you will contribute to shaping how they are made when there is opportunity to do so. Our move towards centralising much of the management and administration services will probably be one of the larger changes we make but we believe this is absolutely necessary to help us move forward in developing the Super Partnership model and enables us to make the most efficient use of all our resources rather than being split over different sites. This will become more important as we grow further. Did you know? A key factor in organisations that fail is carrying on doing what you always did when everything is changing around you We know that for some change is difficult but we also know that unless we respond to the changes happening in the health service we will not be able to continue providing the same level of care as we do now. When making decisions about how we are developing the organisation, we take into account the impact on current service provision, our staff and how best change can be implemented. We also have to take into account our financial forecast for the year to ensure we develop a sustainable organisation. One of your priorities moving forward is to improve communication to all staff so you are aware of what changes are being made and why. Our Business Plan for the next two years sets out in detail a planned programme of work to improve and develop YHP. Table 2 below summarises this. In developing the Business Plan we aim to continue to deliver high quality services and develop YHP into an organisation to be proud of, one that recruits and retains a high calibre workforce. Of course, it isn’t the Business Plan that enables us to maintain a high quality service but every day all our staff playing their part in achieving excellence in everything we do. Each GP Partner has a lead role for a specific area and, together with the Central Management Team, will implement the actions arising from the Business Plan over the next couple of years as time and resources allow. The Executive Management Board is responsible for monitoring progress. 9 YHP Annual Report 2013 _________________________________________________________________________________ Table 2: Business Plan 2014-16 NEW BUSINESS GROWTH We are proposing to produce a number of business cases that support wider service development such as urgent care, weekend working and new clinics We will progress plans to engage with other practices regarding mergers. We anticipate completing at least one merger in 2014 PATIENT ENGAGEMENT AND EXPERIENCE We will continue to implement our 3 year strategy of improving how we provide information to patients and how we receive feedback We will implement plans to improve access including working towards a maximum 3-ring answering target We will work to ensure appropriate continuity of care for our palliative patients and those with chronic or ongoing conditions We will develop technology in the practices to improve care such as access to patient records and installing Wifi at each practice. We will increase the capacity at CG reception service by one full time person to better manage patient demand at the front desk. We aim to improve the information provided to patients to improve patients ability to self care We will build up the member base of our PPGs and encourage a greater diversity of those who participate We have set out plans for improving how we collect patient feedback for all our services and review the way we manage complaints to make sure it is standardised to best practice across YHP and sensitive to patients needs. We are developing a training programme for reception staff to ensure they are equipped with the appropriate skills to provide a quality service. We are exploring ways in which we can improve facilities at CGMC and RMC. This will include a reception refurbishment at RMC and we are making plans for new premises for CGMC. We will look to appoint a dedicated manager to oversee all patient engagement activity as we grow. 10 YHP Annual Report 2013 _________________________________________________________________________________ IMPROVING CLINICAL QUALITY We will continue to use our performance improvement dashboard to monitor the quality of the care we give We are going to review and develop the care and management of our patients who are discharged from hospital We will develop our joint care planning process for patients with more than one disease We will implement our prescribing improvement plan and develop further joint work with local pharmacists We have set out plans to appoint GP lead roles for urgent care and care of those with a chronic disease. We will review how we can improve the management of patients to make best use of patient and clinician time and resource and improve care outcomes. DEVELOPING YHP OPERATIONS We will continue our centralisation of management and administration functions to ensure the greatest efficiency We will continue to review workload and capacity at each practice to ensure even distribution in line with patient need We will implement a management team development programme to ensure staff have the appropriate skills and expertise moving forward We will establish a universal dictation system to standardise care and improve efficiency We will separate the reception and telephone service at RMC to improve care at the front desk WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AND HUMAN RESOURCES Partners Clinical staff Establish a leadership and management training programme in line with roles and responsibilities Develop new lead roles as organisation grows to include support to salaried GPs and PAs Develop career structures for YHP salaried GPs, PAs and ANPs to ensure opportunities for clinical and managerial development Review and development of the ‘same day’ team to ensure timely, cost effective and safe access to the clinical team at all outlets. Work towards ensuring workforce distribution is equitable across each outlet Promote flexible working patterns to ensure timely response to service development needs Undertake workforce modelling to reflect the needs of service development plans Undertake workforce modelling to ensure capacity within the clinical team to respond to unexpected requirements Creation of in-house training department to ensure best use of internal skills and expertise (Links to Education and Training Strategy) 11 YHP Annual Report 2013 _________________________________________________________________________________ Management Administration Continue development of Central Management Team Leadership and management training for middle managers to ensure core skill base but also aligned to specific roles Develop cost base for each clinical speciality to assist in business case planning/tendering Design and implement staff reward and recognition scheme. Undertake a needs analysis across all Operations to produce a skills and people development training plan for 2014/15. To include areas such as SystmOne; Excel; Customer Services; Teambuilding and Leadership by end Q3 Aim to have all new YHP contracts in place by April 2014 Workforce modelling and planning based on service development plans Development of reception staff in line with a reception service review INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY Telephony Wifi Establish new system at CGMC to; resolve issue with phones for Medical Students facilitate cross site communication including centralisation of phones; provide DECT technology Also new modules that facilitate improved links into SystmOne which allow patients to book; cancel or amend appointments out of hours; order repeat prescriptions; etc. Agreement of final option to EMB December 13 Establish Wifi at both outlets Produce an organisational policy for use EDUCATION AND TRAINING Education/ Training Organisation Design and cost an annual clinical education programme Agree core skill set for YHP management and admin staff Develop a programme of training for reception staff Centralise mandatory training where appropriate Establish relationships with local nursing schools and pharmacy schools with view to extending training portfolio Develop programme for educational evenings for local GPs To scope the potential to be funded to mentor nurses undertaking prescribing courses Agree core skill set for management and administrators to support effective recruitment Create a centralised training database Set an annual budget for all training Set finance template for all income and expenses in relation to all activity Establish criteria for budget allocation across YHP Identify local training rooms available to support YHP group activity 12 YHP Annual Report 2013 _________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING Internal communications External communications Marketing Develop Communications and Marketing Plan Review membership of the Communications group Ensure all staff trained in the use of the Extranet to raise usage and therefore functionality Establish staff meetings at CGMC Feedback staff survey 2013 and action plan Establish programme of social events Continue to develop Twitter and Facebook communications and monitor traffic Review website content and standardise RMC and CGMC websites 2014 follow up GP event with local practices Maintain sponsorship of Jodie Stimpson Internal fundraising initiatives PREMISES AND ESTATE Premises Explore the business case application to NHSE for a CGMC new building Explore office options for centralised administration functions Facilities Progress the refurbishment of RMC reception to improve the patient environment 13