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AP Euro Today Jan. 14
• Reviewing 755-61: The Congress of
Vienna Crossword! Use your
reading notes, text and a study
buddy to solve as many clues as you
• Class Notes: Cold War containment
theory and how it’s similar to the
Congress System
• HW: 761-64. Those Darned Isms
The Congress
System (1815-48) vs.
the American
containment system
A quick word on terms…
•The “Concert
of Europe”
• (Austria, Russia,
Prussia, later,
1. How were Containment and
the Congress System similar?
1. Both the Congress System
and Containment were
aimed at maintaining
peace in a Europe been
torn apart by wars—wars
carried out by ambitious
2. And, most important…
Both systems were aimed at
stopping the spread of
“dangerous” ideas.
The Congress System—led by
Austria’s Metternich—hated
everything about the new
ideas that came out of the
French Revolution
It’s almost as if, if it was
hated it!
•And he would
use military
force to stop
new ideas.
Why stop new ideas? One reason:
The U.S., too, would use its
military power to stop
communism from spreading.
• So, another similarity: In both systems,
military force would be sued to stop these
new ideologies from taking hold.
The most familiar example of
using force to stop communism
under containment policy?
This was part of the policy of
Containment, begun by President
Truman in 1945, guided America and
its allies for 45 years.
•Containment was
aimed at
stopping the
spread of Soviet
Europe, 1945
“Iron Curtain”
Nations, 1945
So, these years of Containment—
of trying to contain Communism-1945 to 1990
• Were the years of the “Cold War,” a
constant state of near war between the
Soviet Union and the United States.
• That’s why my generation’s so
weird—we lived under the threat of
nuclear war with the communists.
• Now, let’s get to those notes
Here’s what many
Americans feared:
• The communists had taken over
eastern Europe in 1945—might not
they eventually try to do the same to
the United States?
• You can see this fear of communism
throughout American culture in the
1950s and 1960s.
So, both the Congress System and
• Were aimed at halting the spread of
ideologies (political philosophies)
that were seen as dangerous.
• Containment, again, was dedicated
to containing (stopping the spread
of) communism.
It’s helpful to me…
• To visualize both the
Congress System, or
Concert of Europe,
and the term you’ll
learn today—
alliances of nations
that acted kind of
international “cops.”
2. In what nations was the
Congress system first applied to
stop the new “isms?”
Congress powers sent in troops
to end liberal revolts in The
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
and Spain.
(Spanish Flag Fish)
• In both cases,
wanted to replace
monarchies with
Why were these revolts
put down?
•Metternich saw
liberalism and
nationalism as
dangerous to order
and peace--and
these ideas were
3. How were both Containment
and the Congress System
The good news: Under both
containment and The Congress
Major wars were averted! They were a
success! This is really good news in the
20th century because a “major war”
would’ve looked like THIS—from a test
explosion of a nuclear bomb…
4. Then why did both of these
systems generate tremendous
Hey, what if your
country wanted to try
out some of those
new “isms?”
People who wanted to try out
the new “isms” after 1815 or
during the Cold War years
Saw the Congress powers—
or the United States—as,
essentially, bullies—
especially when those
powerful nations
intervened militarily.
This map
intervention in
Latin American
since 1945—
because we
influence there.
Another example: Our troubles
with Iran…
• Go back to 1953,
when the U.K. and
the U.S. overthrew a
democraticallyelected socialist
leader and replaced
him with a
dictator—the Shah
or Iran, a staunch
5. What year signaled the end of
the Congress System? What kind
of system replaced it?
After a huge wave of European
revolutions in 1848, the Congress
System end with a wave of
revolutions—Metternich would be
one of that year’s victims.
The Congress System would be
replaced by a Balance of Power
where two powerful European
alliances would be formed to
keep the peace
Balance of Power? Using
my fight to explain the
So, a “Balance of Power…”
• …means that, in
nations will
seek alliances to
discourage the
“Bad Guys”
from attacking.
6. What even ended the (relative)
peace Europe had enjoyed since 1815
(Thanks to the Congress System and,
later, the Balance of Power System)?
But the balance of power
system failed spectacularly
when World War I broke out
in 1914: A 99-year peace
ended in a catastrophe that
would kill 8 million men.
7. Why did Soviet-style
communism itself help to bring
and end to the Cold War—and the
need for Containment policy?
By the mid 1980s…
• The cracks in the
façade of Russian
communism began to
show because of the
inefficiency and
hardship that
A Quick Summary of the Communist
economic system:
Another way to show you why
communism failed?
• Shopping at an
American grocery
• Shopping at a
1970s grocery
store in the Soviet
So the Cold War—and the
need to contain communism-ended in 1989-90…
• Because Soviet-style communism
collapsed. It could not meet the needs
of its own citizens.
Your job:
• Turn to a partner and take turns
explaining your answers to each
other—one person takes the oddnumbered questions, the other the
• Then begin the HW in your McKay
Just one more…