ISP Forum 4th October 2012 slides


4 th October 2012

Kris Barker

GM, Broadband

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The information contained in this Presentation slide-pack is confidential information for discussion purposes only and should not be disclosed without British Telecommunications plc (BT's) permission. Please treat it accordingly and do not forward, republish or permit unauthorised access.

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References to any such service and time scales contained within this document are indicative and estimates for information purposes only and these and other information do not constitute any contractual or other obligation.

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Agenda for today - morning








Welcome & introduction


L2012 Broadband platform performance

Broadband roadmap Fibre:

Regional bid progress

Cornwall update

FTTP / FTTC & Broadband Availability Checker update

[audience: product related people]

Broadband roadmap WBC/ WBMC


Multi-Service Edge

Broadband usage reports


SFI process

[audience: product related people]

Introducing the morning breakout sessions

Coffee break

– 15 minutes




Focussed improvement area:

KBD overhaul

Self serve

Broadband retirements surgery:

Alternative products

–WBC and its many additional benefits –

DLM, Annex M, Real Time QoS

Lunch on T34


Kris Barker

Graeme Snell

Graeme Snell

Neil Tye

Andy Wright

Paramjit Bahra

Ahmed Mohamed

Simon Brisbourne

James Lamb

Simon Brisbourne

Agenda for today - afternoon

Time Subject

13.05 Virtualisation & brief introductions to Broadband Architecture debates at the World Broadband Forum

13.40 eCo BB closure & other system infrastructure projects

Online changes

[audience: system & operational people]

14.10 Migrations: Sub Loop Unbundling back to SMPF

[audience: product related people]

14.25 Introducing the afternoon breakout sessions

14.30 Broadband retirements surgery:

How to migrate from 20C to 21C

14.55 Coffee break

15.10 Focussed improvement area:

Service including:

Overall performance

Contact reduction

15.40 Action point update

Dates for diaries

Open forum

16.00 Close of Forum


David Thorne

(Guest speaker: Chief Broadband and Access

Strategist, BT Innovate & Design)

Tony Estcourt

Nigel Hannant

Bev Bytheway-Jackson

Kris Barker

James Lister / Simon Brisbourne

Richard Marsh

Kris Barker

Broadband roadmap - Fibre

Graeme Snell

Demand Stimulation Director

BT’s commercial roll out and Government (State Aid) funded fibre broadband rollout

Openreach is delivering fibre to approximately 2/3 rd of the UK as part of its commercial rollout

BT is committed to helping meet the government aspiration of 90% fibre broadband coverage by 2017

• BT’s approach

– Intervention roll out will mirror commercial rollout

- standard products and services

– “Fibre as far as possible”

Funding for the final 1/3 rd is organised and administered by Broadband Development UK (BDUK) on behalf of Department of Culture, Media and Sports

Practically every local authority has applied for BDUK funding

• BTW will be deploying WBC alongside the rollout (with very few exceptions)

– For BTW customers practically zero effort to serve the additional intervention areas

Following open tender, two providers have signed a framework contract with BDUK


CP agnostic demand stimulation complements retail marketing and accelerates adoption

BT is offering ‘CP agnostic’ marketing support to local bodies

• Driving market growth and awareness

Helping to position roll out as a regional activity, driven and ‘owned’ by local government

• Funded primarily by LBs, but potentially with BT contribution (at wholesale level, not BT Retail)

Services Include

• Regional campaigns, with a dedicated marketing team in region

• Local authority branded portal with white label content, availability checkers etc.

CRM system and eDM/direct mail services

• Events, workshops

Regionally branded cabs, flyers, vans etc.


A white label demand stimulation campaign would seem to increase the rate and level of adoption of fibre broadband – in all markets

Demand stimulation impact in Milton Keynes vs. based case of other comparable exchanges

(M3 exchanges where Virgin presence >80%)

Demand stimulation impact in Cornwall vs. base case of other comparable exchanges

(M1 exchanges)


Rest of


0 200 400

Days since exchange went live

600 0 200 400

Days since exchange went live


Now is the time to focus your marketing campaigns to coincide with rollout

Northern Ireland



North Yorkshire


Campaigns up and running

Campaigns expected to start in Q4




Superfast Cornwall update

• £132m partnership – EU, Cornwall Council & BT - started OCT-2010 – targeting all 250k premises

• Aims: aiming for 80-90% FTTX coverage + strong focus on take-up

• Coverage now: FTTX: 109k premises passed NOW inc. 7.5k FTTP

(Falmouth, Truro, Liskeard, St Austell)

• Take-up: 14,000 live customers through 27 ISPs

• Next phase: 180-200k FTTX premises by APR-13 including 48k premises


• Business & strategic growth areas prioritised for FTTP

• New trials & tests being pioneered in Cornwall eg. Fibre on Demand

• Superfast Cornwall keen & resourced to work with ISPs to drive take-up, particularly around FTTP

(opp. Truro station, SEP-12)

• Contact:

BDUK – Get involved now!

• Who in your organisation needs to know about the rollout plans for BDUK areas?

– Suggest Marketing & Sales, Customer Service, Network build teams

• Tell us what type of information you would like us to provide about the plans for exchange enablement in BDUK areas

– E.g. timings, coverage, PR/Marketing activity

• Openreach in conjunction with BT wholesale will then create a communications channel to provide updates on BDUK plans

– Likely to use the existing BT wholesale fibre surgeries (contact

for details) – our aim is to launch this by the end of the year

– Do you require regular updates at this ISP forum as well?

• Finally, this is not just about a mass market consumer sales opportunity.

– There are likely to be bespoke SME sales engagement opportunities for

CPs in BDUK areas as SME business support / capability training is a key part of the demand stimulation programme in many of the BDUK bids

Fibre Broadband FTTC and FTTP

Neil Tye

Head Fibre Broadband

How is Fibre doing?

Nearly 12 million

‘premises’ passed 7 months ahead of schedule with over 850,000 End Users

Approx 31,000 cabinets RFS at 1,210+ exchanges and

1 600+ planned 163 extra newly announced exchanges

FTTC up to 80Mb service available, FTTP in EMD

Services up to 330Mb & trials on fibre on-demand

70 CPs selling the service, over 40 of whom we see as

‘commercially launched’

33% of BTW external SP FTTC lines are 80/20. Availability checker will always show the FASTEST available speed

22% ADSLcustomers in footprint. Average ‘Business’ conversion of 12% of enabled footprint. ‘Best in class’ conversion of 42%

Negligible impact on backhaul costs; the heavy users on Fibre were the heavy users on copper.

Integral part of BTW’s WBC and WBMC portfolio, systems and network

Part of £2.5Bn BT funding to 2/3rds end 2014

BDUK: 8 regions signed and growing

Broadband Fibre Product Road Map 2012 & 13


Q1/2 Q3/4 Q1/2

Differentiated SLA launch

FTTx Real Time Quality of

Service EMD

Launch of “80/20” FTTC:

80Mb up / 20Mb down

Availability Checker URL retirement

FTTC self install systems trials


“Wires Only” launch


220M FTTP launch

FTTC self install trials

Differentiated through put trial

FTTP On Demand trials

Fibre Performance Tester


EMD 330Mb FTTP product

Remote Assure Trials

Availability Checker

FOX strategic solution

BDUK areas roll out

Fibre on Demand launch

Free bulk check

Connection offer £20 off

80/20 reduced rental offer

FTTP 330/20 Rental offer

Migration from LLU offer £40 off 40/2 STOP Sell

Future activities are aspirational and not fully committed

Differentiated SLA, Remote Assure and Availability Checker

Diff Services products

Objective: Improved peak throughput and differentiation between



Launch Q1 13/14



Remote Assure Trial

Objective: remote assure vs SFI for subset of fault types

Trial status: Live

Availability Checker

Version Control:

Next version: Removal of Broadband Availability Checker Version 26 on 21st October 2012

Changes: Added fields and “Look and Feel” changes Q4

Broadband roadmap – WBC/WBMC

Andy Wright

Head of Product Management

Wholesale Broadband Connect

Broadband Product Road Map

Q2 Q3 Q4 2013/14

Migration from 20C IPstream to 21C Wholesale Broadband Connect

IPstream ‘Stop Sell’

Advance Services on 20C

Stop Sell

Advanced Services on 20C


IPstream retirement within

WBC & Datastream in total

Notify FTTC self install technical trials

Release AD

19 th Aug

Rollout of WBC expands footprint to exceed 90% of UK end users

Weekend appointing

Dynamic Line Management

(DLM) improvements

CGNAT Private Addressing

Early mkt

Launch deploym’nt FTTx

Real time Quality of Service

Early market deployment of

330Mb FTTP product

FTTP on demand trails

Further WBC expansion plans

Trials of Cool Broadband also Fixed Rate Product

Multi Service Edge Trials

Advance Services (WBC

Assured) Stop Sell

Usage Report


WBC EP 40Gb Host Links launch

Rollout 119 MSEs

Advanced Services (WBC

Assured) Withdrawal

Consumer switching:

OfCom Statement

Rollout 416 MSEs

Differentiated throughput Trial

Availability Checker URL retirement

FTTC self install systems trials

Remote assure trails

Migrate from LLU offer £40 off

FTTP 330/20 rental Offer

Release AE

21 st Oct

Availability Checker

Release AF

13 th Jan

Release AG

18 th Mar

Differentiated SLA launch

Launch of 220Mb


Fibre Only Exchange strategic solution

Launch of “Wires

Fibre on Demand


Release AH

20 th May

Release AI

22 nd Jul


BD UK areas roll out

40Mbs Stop sell

(40/2 product)

Release AJ

23 rd Sep

2013/14 information covers full year & is future info/aspirational

Broadband Product Road Map

Q2 Q3 Q4 2013/14

Migration from 20C IPstream to 21C Wholesale Broadband Connect

IPstream ‘Stop Sell’

Advance Services on 20C

Stop Sell

Advanced Services on 20C


IPstream retirement within

WBC & Datastream in total

Notify FTTC self install technical trials

Release AD

19 th Aug

Rollout of WBC expands footprint to exceed 90% of UK end users

Weekend appointing

Dynamic Line Management

(DLM) improvements

CGNAT Private Addressing

Early mkt

Launch deploym’nt FTTx

Real time Quality of Service

Early market deployment of

330Mb FTTP product

FTTP on demand trails

Further WBC expansion plans

Trials of Cool Broadband also Fixed Rate Product

Multi Service Edge Trials

Advance Services (WBC

Assured) Stop Sell

Usage Report


WBC EP 40Gb Host Links launch

Rollout 119 MSEs

Advanced Services (WBC

Assured) Withdrawal

Consumer switching:

OfCom Statement

Rollout 416 MSEs

Differentiated throughput Trial

Availability Checker URL retirement

FTTC self install systems trials

Remote assure trails

Migrate from LLU offer £40 off

FTTP 330/20 rental Offer

Release AE

21 st Oct

Availability Checker

Release AF

13 th Jan

Release AG

18 th Mar

Differentiated SLA launch

Launch of 220Mb


Fibre Only Exchange strategic solution

Launch of “Wires

Fibre on Demand


Release AH

20 th May

Release AI

22 nd Jul


BD UK areas roll out

40Mbs Stop sell

(40/2 product)

Release AJ

23 rd Sep

2013/14 information covers full year & is future info/aspirational

Broadband Developments Road Map: October 2012

Release AD

20 th August

Release AE

21 st October

FTTP: add Layer 2 switch ID on new & succession provides


BB Availability Checker: Version

Removal (BB145-12)

FTTP: Traffic Management Act

Permit or Notice (BB135-12)

Migration from 20C eCo BB to

21C eCo Plus for 20C assets (BB275-12)

KBD: End User TV Connect and

RTQoS diagnostics (BB267-12)

Technical changes for 20C BB

Retirement (BB323-12)

Knowledge Based Diagnostics:

SuperLite Diagnostics (BB134-12)

BB Availability Checker: Version

Removal (BB415-12)

Extension of Order & Fault

Tracker Notes (BB270-12)

New Error Code: “DN not recognised” (BB135-12)

WCR: New measure “Create to


New Fault Clear Codes for Fixed

Rate product (BB271-12)

FTTC: Introduction of PCP Only

Trial (BB270-12)

WBC Fixed Rate: Service Trial

(BB 270-12)

FTTP: processing of FVA discount message


T2R Journey: change of “Clock has Stopped” policy


Enhanced Broadband Usage

Reports (BB425-12)

New 40Gb Extension Path


Portal changes for Extension of

Order & Fault Tracker Notes


Broadband Release Schedule


Release AE

Release AF

Release AG

Release AH

Release AI

Release AJ

Release AK


22 nd October 2012

14 th January 2013

18 th March 2013

20 th May 2013

22 nd July 2013

23 rd September 2013

25 th November 2013

The above dates are not confirmed until 90 day notification has been published

MSE: Multi-service Edge

See briefing: BB450-12

Any questions? please contact

If this affects you we will be contacting you to make sure the impacts and any action required are clear and to answer your concerns

What are BT doing?

• Introducing a new Broadband Remote Access server (BRAS) called Multi-service

Edge (MSE)


• Growth in bandwidth demand from increased volume and usage requires us to expand the BT Wholesale 21CN Broadband Platform.


• Initial phase has 5 trial sites starting with Bradwell Abbey (off Milton Keynes) then:

119 MSEs by March 2013

416 MSEs by March 2014

Who is affected?

• All CPs who buy WBC and WBMC

So what does it mean for you?


We will notify you of some IP address changes. If you use your own IP addressing as part of WBC Aggregation Point build, there are additional requirements.


Once MSE goes live, as part of the authentication process and within accounting records there will be additional NAS IP addresses in RADIUS IETF Attribute 4.


Implementation of MSEs requires end users to be migrated, with a break in service of between 1 and 30 mins.

Broadband Usage Reports

See briefing: BB425-12

Any questions? please contact Bev Bytheway-Jackson at:

or 01244 657938

What are BT doing?

• We are enhancing Broadband usage reports to show 21C data as well as the existing 20C data and changing the delivery method to the Data Exchange

Distribution Server (DEDS)


• Due to customer demand


• During October and November we will deploy the software and hardware needed

• Full launch will follow (date tbc)

Who is affected?

• Any CP that uses Broadband Usage Reports may wish to act

• If you don’t consume Broadband Usage Reports data there is no impact for you

So what does it mean for you?

• If you do consume Broadband Usage Reports then the data will soon be available via DEDs (20C and 21C data) in addition to Concorde Network Health (CNH) which will have 20C data.

WBMC - Bandwidth

Paramjit Bahra

WBMC Product Manager

Olympics – A success story

London 2012 was the most connected Games ever and BTW own gold medal performance helped

- BTW CPs reach new heights too

• High usage on our broadband network without any issues is testament to the

- planning, investment and interaction with our customers to deliver a great end to end experience.

• Internet traffic reached an all-time high on the broadband network

• Bandwidth demand from some BTW CPs grew by up to 40 per cent in August

– with Rebecca Adlington’s 400 metres swimming event creating the demand peak.

• One node reached over capacity and some orders had to be re-planned

• BW forecast is of paramount importance to plan and size the network

• BW required by date needs to be planned with current T&Cs (5 WD)

• BTW initiated “Network re-use of Hostlink” during the Olympics which helped

2 CPs

• The Network re-use option for Host Links will be used under exceptional circumstances in the future

Olympics - Highlights of the first week



Swimming/f ootbal l



100m final

3 athletics golds

Broadband roadmap –WBMC

Ahmed Mohamed

SFI Product Manager

SFI2: Re-instatement of

Base Module ONLY charging

See briefing:BB448-12

Any questions? please contact Ahmed Mohamed

020 7777 6112

What are BT doing?

• Re-introducing the Base Module ONLY charges for SFI2


• BT have now agreed a strategic fix with their supplier (Openreach) to correct a billing issue, that previously meant that that the SFI2 charge had sometimes been billed when not appropriate and also not billed when it should.


• Full charging for SFI2 Base Only modules will begin from 10 th October 2012.

• The first full SFI2 charges will appear in the November 2012 bill

Who is affected?

• All CPs taking IPStream, Datastream, IPSC, WBC and WBMC

So what does it mean for you?


Increased accuracy in billing for SFI2’s


The current SFI2 waiver process will cease on the 9 th of October.


All Base Module ONLY SFI2’s booked from the 10 th of October will appear on the

November 2012 bill.

Breakout sessions

Simon Brisbourne

Head of WBMC & 20C Products

Morning breakout sessions

Delegates have the opportunity to attend both breakout sessions as each session will be run twice

On your name badge your session order has been allocated:

Session Title



KBD overhaul/Self-serve focussed improvement area

Broadband retirements surgery



Maple Suites

Lunch on T34 will follow straight after your final breakout session

But first a 15 minute coffee break


ServicEdge Review 14/03/12

eCo Broadband closure & system infrastructure projects

Tony Estcourt

Project Director

BTW End of Service Life (EoSL) System Infrastructure Projects 12/13

System Change Description CP Benefit CP Impact /Action Required Timescales

B2B Gateway eCo Plus

(One Siebel)







Migration to new Virtual Data Centre

(VDC) Platform environment

Oracle Upgrade, VDC migration,

Cosmetic changes in the portal

Database Oracle Upgrade

Database Upgrade & VDC migration

Hardware & Software changes inc.

Weblogic Upgrade

Oracle and Linux Upgrades Broadband











(BIP) eCo BB

Business Objects upgrade and

Reports rationalisation

VDC migration and upgrades to back end systems.

Migration of 20C BB product to eCo


Bulk Change Tool


Migration to BUT (Bulk Utility Tool)

Improved availability & resilience

Improved supportability

Improved supportability

Improved availability & resilience

Pre-migration testing & change of


Outage - aligned to planned


6 Hour Outage on L2C - aligned to planned Release

Oct ‘12 to Jun


Mid Mar ‘13

Sep ‘12 / Nov


Outage on L2C - aligned to planned Release

Improved supportability availability & resilience

Outage - aligned to planned


Oracle support availability Non-customer Impacting -

Aligned to planned Release

Improved ‘look & feel’ of


Improved availability & resilience

Changes to XML will be needed where required

Outage during which access to reports lost

Mid Feb ‘13

Mid Mar ‘13


Feb’13 – April


Feb ‘13 / Mar


Nov ‘12 to June


Single System to manage

20C/21C Assets

Simpler handling of Bulk

Orders, Novations etc.

Changes to XML & User Training on eCo Plus

PostDeployment ‘live’ testing will be required

Jan ‘13 to Jun


Nov ‘12


B2B Gateway Migration

Impact Statement  We’re migrating to new software (Oracle) and hardware platform

(VDCs based HP Blades) and upgrading certificate security at the same time. This means

CPs will need to point to a new URL in production at a particular point in time. We would like customers to engage with us before the migration on connectivity and functionality testing.

What products are impacted by the change?  All BT Wholesale Broadband (20& 21c) for provision and repair journeys.

Benefits to CP’s 

• High Availability , Improved security through use of 2048 bit encrypted certificates instead of 1024 bit, reduced outage timelines.

What Should You Do?

• Migrate from 1024 to 2048 bit secure certificates.

Perform connectivity test with new onramp environment

• Perform functional test on new onramp environment

Establish connectivity with the new VDC sites.

• Migrate to the new URL/Portal at agreed time slot.


B2B Gateway Migration

Will you (the CP) be required to undertake any code development?  based on experience of previous migrations the majority of CPs using standard CoTs packages will not need to make code changes

– to be confirmed through On Ramp testing.

Will this change impact any CP owned screens or interfaces?  Minor – URL and

Certificate Changes as described..

Will 30 or 90 day notifications be issued?

90day notifications before turning off the old URL.

Timescales 

• “On Ramp” is available in Sept 12

• Customer Migration is dependent on individual CP engagement Q3 12/13 to Q2 13/14.

Final withdrawal of existing gateway end 13/14.


BBCR (Actuate Upgrade)

Impact Statement  We’re changing from one version of the base software tool to the latest supported version e.g. Actuate v9 to Actuate v11. There will be minor changes to the look and feel of Actuate reports (we think it’s an improvement)

What products are impacted by the change?  BT Wholesale Broadband (20& 21c) –

BBCR Reports.

Benefits to CP’s 

• Improved usability of screens, some small functionality improvements.

What Should You Do?

• Users will be switched over to the new reports in Mid Oct 2012.

Please check your reports and feedback any comments or issues.


BBCR (Re-Write Using Oracle Tool-sets)

Impact Statement  We will be re-writing the existing BBCR reports using Oracle software. 90% of the reports impacted are used through XML interface.

What products are impacted by the change?  BT Wholesale Broadband (20& 21c)

BBCR Reports.

Benefits to CP’s 

Cleaner, more modern graphics.

Timescales 

BTW expect to deliver XMLs and one set of reporting in AF/AG timescales (Jan &

March)… Q4 this year

What Should You Do? 

Look out for 90 day notifications associated with XML.

• Schedule XML development resource.

Will 30 or 90 day notifications be issued?

90 day notifications for XML changes … this will be notified in Q3 (Won’t force switch to new XMLs this year – optional in Q4)


Eco Broadband Migration

Impact Statement  Our 20c Broadband ordering and fault gateway is reaching the end of its service life. We plan to support the provision and repair interface through our 21c systems (Eco+). This will require a development and migration activity by our customers.

What products are impacted by the change?

IPStream and Datastream.

Benefits to CP’s 

• Continued support for 20c Broadband.

A single interface for 20c and 21c products.

What Should You Do? 

All Broadband customers need to develop their XML interfaces.

• Existing 21c customers – to add in 20c products.

• Existing 20c-only customers – to develop an Eco+ interface.

Train your agents in Eco+ portal.

• Migrate in one of three tranches Jan 13-June 2013.

Will 30 or 90 day notifications be issued?  90 day notifications for XML and monthly engagement meetings are proposed.


Key Dates













ISP Forum – Notice of closure of eCo BB at ISP forum (Oct 11, Dec 11 & Jan 13)











Comms Notice – Industry wide eCo BB closure comms (30 th April)

Comms Notice – IPStream, first exchange based stop sell 6mth notification issued (30 th April)

Comms Notice – DataStream, notify stop new supply of CALs and ATM Access ports (30 th April)

STOP – Datastream, notify no further supply of new EU access or new VPs

STOP – IPStream, first exchange based stop sell begins as notified

Must be able to place

21c orders on eCo

Plus or via 21c B2B

START - Customer transition to Eco


STOP - Completion of customer migration to Eco Plus – eCo BB closure

STOP – DataStream withdrawn within WBC footprint

Must be able to place

20c orders and

20c/21c repair on eCo Plus or via 21c


Must have transitioned from eco

BB to eCo plus by this date

STOP - IPStream first exchange based retirement of service begins as notified

STOP - DataStream withdrawn nationally


DataStream = ADSL & SDSL

IPStream = ADSL & SDSL

STOP - IPStream retired within WBC footprint


Introducing Business Zone

BT Wholesale.Com transformation

Nigel Hannant

Online GM

Introducing Business Zone

Transforming BT Wholesale.Com

We’re difficult to do business with

• You have a fragmented online user experience

• You don’t have a single view of your business

• You spend too much time learning how to find and use our systems

So we’re creating Business Zone

• Consolidated quick view of your orders, faults and inventory

• Single search and less clicks for key tasks

• Personalised experience based on role

Where are we now?

Customer Hot House in June 2012

• Designed and built an ‘Alpha’ version of

Business Zone

• Today we want to share and test this with you!


From applications to tasks

Validating our understanding of your requirements

We want you feedback

Testing our approach

• Running webinars to demonstrate new capabilities and experience

• Formal lab testing to put our design in the hands of real users

• We want to engage directly with more of you

• Ensure it meets your needs

How do I get involved?

• Opportunities to register for webinars

• Take part in hands-on testing

• Contact me:


Teaser…logged out Business Zone


Teaser…logged in Business Zone ‘Overview’


Key Dates









Customer Hot House









Customer Testing / Feedback (Alpha)







Final changes and development

Business Zone Trial


Business Zone Full

Launch (20/05/13)

Business Zone

Phase II


Sub Loop Unbundling migrations to BT

Wholesale Broadband

Bev Bytheway-Jackson

Product Manager

Where are we?

A migration path for SLU SMPF to BT Wholesale Broadband products (with MAC) was developed and launched by Openreach in April 2012.

We notified you in July via briefing BB239-12, that we are experiencing systems issues with the SLU MAC where an error code is being returned by our systems preventing the migration order from completing.

This does not affect any other migration journey; only SLU to BT Wholesale Broadband, where there is a change of CP.

You are able to identify where an SLU SMPF installation is present , where we will return the code ‘S’ where SLU SMPF is present.

If you win customers from SLU, you must advise the end user to cease their SLU service first, before submitting a Broadband provide order into us. During this time, you should not advise prospective end users to obtain a MAC from their SLU CP.

We have a solution due to be delivered in January 2013 to resolve the technical problems and we will notify you via the Broadband briefings nearer the time.


Kris Barker

GM, Broadband

Afternoon breakout sessions

Again delegates have the opportunity to attend both breakout sessions as each session will be run twice

We’ll use the same session order on your name badge:

Session Title



Broadband retirements surgery



Service: focussed improvement area Maple Suites

We’ll have a 15 minute coffee break in between the

2 sessions


ServicEdge Review 14/03/12


Action point update

Dates for diaries

Open forum & Q&A

Kris Barker

GM, Broadband

Action update


AP1 5/12

AP8 5/12

AP9 5/12


Product team




AP 10 5/12 Simon


AP 11 5/12 Simon


Action Status

Request for broadband roadmaps on after each release

An ongoing issue where engineers are not receiving the notes on fault jobs

– is there anything else that could be done?

Include thought leadership topics at the ISP Forum

Capacity issues on migration from 20C to WBC in

Northern Ireland

SFI to present back/update – potential feedback?


– new roadmap to be presented today

Ongoing – request to CPs to email examples to track through where engineers have not received notes


– but noted for future

Forums – David Thorne presented at today’s Forum. Please let us know if this fitted the bill. You can suggest future agenda topics on the feedback form

Closed – covered in today’s presentations

Closed – covered in today’s presentations


Closed actions

Action Owner























Neil Tye


Ethernet team)

Action Status Closure date

Closed July 12 Provide information on

TPON exchanges – what is happening on those under retirement?

FTTC – Ethernet – is there a 7 hour repair map

– can we have a slide on it & add targets to the slides and first contact resolution

MSO/PEW customer impacts & volumes

KBD testing – request to test on KBD even when an MSO is outstanding – would still want to test

KBD testing – want to be able to do a TAM test even when the questions down lead to it – eg

ADSL line lost sync but no PDD

Can the ISP Forum include Ethernet service as well?






July 12

July 12

July 12

July 12

July 12


Broadband is not supported on these lines

FTTC will be included in future service packs. The Forum will remain BB focussed so Ethernet will not be covered

Covered in July interim ISP Forum webcall

Yvonne has submitted this for consideration in KBD overhaul – to take place in Q3

Yvonne has submitted this for consideration in KBD overhaul – to take place in Q3

The Wholesale Ethernet product team use the main product event

(the BTW Showcase) to detail their propositions and have regular meetings with their customers, where product issues can be discussed. Service issues are dealt with via the normal service escalation channels. The team are also looking at holding update webcalls aligned with the roadmap releases – to explain what’s new and what’s coming up. It is therefore more appropriate to keep the ISP Forum Broadband focussed.


What’s coming up? Dates for your diaries

Next Fibre surgery – 25


October via webcall


for details)

Next ISP Forum (interim webcall) – January 2013

Open forum & Q&A

Close of Forum

An e-feedback survey will follow shortly

Thank you for attending the Forum

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