Module_03_SSL - Citrix Synergy Labs Home Page

SSL Certificates
Topics in this module include:
• SSL and Digital Certificates
• SSL Administration
• SSL Deployment Decisions
• Deployment Scenarios
• SSL Offload Configurations
• Advanced SSL Settings
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SSL and Digital Certificates
• The SSL protocol is a session layer encryption and authentication protocol
• SSL uses digital certificates to verify the identity of the holder
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SSL Offload
The NetScaler system offers:
• High-performance SSL offload
ᵒ Sustains 6GBPS bulk encryption
ᵒ Supports up to 48,000 transactions per second
• A complete solution
Rich Traffic Management feature set
Transparent SSL
Backend encryption
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SSL Administration
An SSL certification can be obtained by:
• Requesting a certificate and key from a CA
• Using an existing SSL certificate and key
• Generating a new SSL certificate and key
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SSL Session Process
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SSL Keys
Keys must be generated in the following situations:
• Before generating and submitting a CSR to a CA
• Before generating a self-signed certificate for testing purposes
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SSL Certificates
The NetScaler system certificate tools can generate:
• Root CA certificates
• Intermediate CA certificates
• Server certificates
• Client certificates
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Certificate Key Pairs
A certificate must be paired with its corresponding key
• The certificate key pair is referred to as the certkey on the NetScaler system
• The certkey is then bound to the virtual server and used for SSL processing
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SSL Deployment Decisions
Required components and settings include:
• A defined SSL termination point
• A server certificate installed on the NetScaler system
• The root, intermediate and client certificates installed on the client, depending
on environmental needs
• The appropriate servers, services and virtual servers configured on the
NetScaler system
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Termination Points
SSL transactions can be terminated on the:
• Citrix NetScaler Application Switch
• Citrix Application Firewall
• Network Firewall
• Web server
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Deployment Scenarios
• Front-end SSL with back-end HTTP
• Front-end SSL with back-end SSL
• Front-end SSL_TCP over SSL with back-end TCP
• SSL Bridge
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Deploying Front-End SSL with Backend HTTP
• Requirements include:
• An installed certificate-key pair
• A load balancing virtual server using the SSL protocol
• One or more HTTP services associated with backend web servers
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Deploying Front-End SSL with Backend SSL
• Requirements include:
• An installed certificate-key pair
• A load balancing virtual server
• An SSL service or services
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Deploying Front-end SSL_TCP with Back-end
• Requirements include:
• An installed certificate-key pair
• A load balancing virtual server using the SSL_TCP protocol
• A TCP service or services
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Deploying SSL_BRIDGE
• Requirements include:
• A load balancing virtual server using the SSL_BRIDGE protocol
• A SSL_BRIDGE service or services associated with back-end web servers
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Configuring SSL Offload
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SSL Virtual Servers
SSL virtual servers:
• Accept encrypted traffic
• Decrypts traffic
• Sends clear text messages to services bound to the vserver
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SSL - Certificate Flow Chart
Request New Cert
Generate Key
SSL->Cert Management
Create RSA/DSA Key
Generate Request
SSL->Cert Management
Create Certificate Request
Create New Cert
Generate Key
SSL->Cert Management
Create RSA/DSA Key
Generate Request
SSL->Cert Management
Create Certificate Request
Submit to CA and
Receive Cert
Load Cert / Key
SSL->Certificate Key Pair
Create Certificate
SSL->Cert Management
Create Certificate
Load Cert / Key
SSL->Certificate Key Pair
Use Existing Cert
Transfer Cert to
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Convert Cert to
PEM /DER if needed
Load Cert / Key
SSL->Certificate Key Pair
SSL Offload
SSL – What Is It
• Broad use across website and applications
ᵒ Retailers
ᵒ Financial Institutions
ᵒ VPNs
• Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security
ᵒ TLS is current version
ᵒ SSL developed by Netscape Communications
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NetScaler Basic SSL Configuration
• Basic NetScaler SSL entities
ᵒ Services
ᵒ Service Groups
ᵒ vServers
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NetScaler Basic SSL Configuration
Installing SSL Certificates
ᵒ Done via GUI or CLI
• CLI Example:
- > add ssl certKey sslckey -cert server_cert.pem -key server_key.pem -password ssl
- Done
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NetScaler Basic SSL Configuration
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NetScaler Basic SSL Configuration
• Service
ᵒ add service svc-red-443 SSL 443
ᵒ Binding certificate
• bind ssl service svc-red-250-443 -certkeyName et-test-client-1024-3812.ctky
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NetScaler Basic SSL Configuration
• vServer
ᵒ add lb vserver vsvr_rgb1_250_443 SSL 443
ᵒ Binding Certificate
• bind ssl vserver vsvr_rgb1_250_443 -certkeyName et-test-server-1024.certkey
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NetScaler SSL Configuration
• Certificate Chaining
ᵒ Used for verifying CA not recognized by standard browsers
ᵒ Without the chain SSL session will terminate
• Configuration
ᵒ Ex:
• >link ssl certykey cert-inter-A ca-certkey
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SSL Troubleshooting
NetScaler SSL Troubleshooting – Client Side
• In many cases it is useful to view the HTTP headers when debugging various
problems including
• Two free tools that are available are very useful for this task, and easy to use
ᵒ Live HTTP Headers for Mozilla/Firefox
ᵒ IE HTTP Headers for Internet Explorer
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NetScaler SSL Troubleshooting – Client Side
• Live HTTP Headers is available at
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NetScaler SSL Troubleshooting – Client Side
• IE HTTP Headers can be downloaded from
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Troubleshooting Encrypted SSL Connections
Few options
• NetScaler based options:
ᵒ Connection Table
• Available in both CLI and GUI
- CLI:
NS10 > show connectiontable "DESTIP ="
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Troubleshooting Encrypted SSL Connections
• Show connection table in GUI:
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Troubleshooting Encrypted SSL Connections
• Packet Level Analysis
ᵒ Nstcpdump
root@ns# -ni eth0 dst host
Setting 1000 pages (8000 KB) of trace buffers ...
Enabling all nic trace mode=6 ...
Changing trace packet length from 0 to 0 ...
Saving current trace data in file 'pipe' ... in TCPDUMP format
reading from file -, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet)
18:20:01.648022 IP > P 1399707342:1399707975(633) ack 3361875067 win
18:20:01.660517 IP > . ack 244 win 65457
18:20:01.661513 IP > P 633:1252(619) ack 244 win 65535
18:20:01.678028 IP > . ack 1969 win 65284
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Troubleshooting Encrypted SSL Connections
• Wireshark Capture
ᵒ Still limited when the flow is encrypted:
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Decoding SSL Traffic with
Decoding SSL Packet Captures with Wireshark
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Decoding SSL Packet Captures with Wireshark
ᵒ What you need:
Wireshark installed with compiled SSL decryption
SSL Server IP Address
Key File
Password (if required)
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Decoding SSL Packet Captures with Wireshark
• Before Decryption:
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Decoding SSL Packet Captures with Wireshark
• Add collected info
• in Wireshark for decryption
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Decoding SSL Packet Captures with Wireshark
After decryption
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Decoding SSL Packet Captures with Wireshark
• Decoding Tips
Vserver Config:
set ssl vs test -sessReuse DISABLED -sessTimeout 120
Full Handshake
Passworded Key File
Exported from Web Server
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