March 2012

March 2012
Treasure’s Report:
Thanks to everyone who attended Family
Fun Night at Bonkers. We made $202.50
from the admissions. Our next Family
Fun Night will be at Scotties Fun Spot. A
portion of the admission price will be
coming back to our school for this event,
as well. Thank you for collecting HyVee
Labels and turning them in. HyVee
donated $66.50 from our last
submission. A full report will be given at
our next PTA meeting.
Lisa Wiegand, Treasurer
Shop For Schools:
Our PTA has made $681.18 since the,
“Shop for School Program was started at
Monroe. We will be selling gift cards
every Monday and Friday from 2:30p- to
3:30p. I am usually available every day
please call 217-257-3209 if you need to
make different arrangements.
Thank you for supporting this program.
Linda Hermens PTA President
You may use Kohl’s Gift cards to pay your
Kohl’s Bill each month. You also can use
Lands End for your purchases at K-Mart
or Sears. Thank you for supporting this
Linda Hermens, PTA President
A Refreshing Way
to Support Our
Note From Our Principal:
I cannot believe that 3 rd quarter is
almost over. This year is flying by
quickly. Now that the weather is
changing and is very unpredictable
please make sure that your child has the
appropriate type of coat or jacket on. I
want every child to get to go and play
outside and be warm enough. Also,
please come and check out our lost and
found. I take it and show everything in
the morning assembly every so often and
nothing is getting returned to the
owner. As I say to the children, “I know
that I did not wear it in and some of
these items are very expensive. I know
moms and dads work very hard and they
would want it back.” Please come by
and check it out.
Mrs. Stratman
The time has come for our 3rd Quarter
Celebration!!! Below you will find a little Q & A
about the Celebration.
Q: Who will be coming? A: The Quincy High
School Blue Devil Basketball Players and
Q: Who will get to go? A: Any student who has
not received a Major referral for 3rd quarter only
and seen Mrs. Stratman will automatically get to
go. This is since we have returned from Christmas
Q: What if a student has received a Major
referral? A: If a student has received only 1 Major
Referral, they may buy it back for 25 mustang
bucks. If a student has received more than one
Major referral, they will be attending a behavior
What’s Happening in Music?”
booster session with Mrs. Stratman instead of
The 1st Grade classes will be presenting a concert
going to the celebration.
on Thursday, March 29 at 6:30. We will be
sending out more details closer to the date, but
please make sure you have this on your calendar
for 1st grade families. The students will be
singing downhome songs and we are talking about
Q: What will the students be doing? A: The Blue
Devils will have a meet and autograph session in
our hallways and then will come around and visit
with the students afterwards. The cheerleaders
will be visiting the classrooms as well.
how to dress. We want to dress "hillbilly" or in
jeans, overalls, checkered or plain shirts,
Q: My child has been talking about buying
Pepsi has brought back, “Pepsi Community
bandanas, sandals, etc. Girls might want to wear
coupons. What are these? A: Students had the
Caps” from March 1 through May 15, 2012.
braids. There are ideas on the internet and you do
opportunity to buy special extra things to do at
Monroe School will earn 5 cents for every
not need to buy anything. We are getting excited
the celebration at our Mustang Market. They
specially marked yellow cap on 1-liter, 2- liter,
as we work on the music!
could buy one coupon to cheer with the
16 oz., and 24 oz. 6 pack bottles, and 20 oz.
bottles of various Pepsi products. We will have
Ms. Jean Murray
cheerleaders, get a picture with the Blue Devil, or
shoot hoops with the Blue Devil Basketball
Family Fun Night is scheduled for Thursday,
the chance to earn hundreds of dollars for
March 8th from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Scotties Fun
Monroe School the amount we earn is totally up
Spot. You can also attend a free skating lesson
to us- there is no limit! As you buy Pepsi
from 5:30-6:00 p.m. The cost is $3.00 for Roller
products, please save the yellow caps and drop
Skating or Ballocity (or) Both for
them off in the Pepsi container right outside of
$5.00. Parental supervision is required for this
the gym doors.
event. Lisa Wiegand
Q: When is this? A: Wednesday, March 21st in
the morning before our 1/2-day early dismissal.
Karilyn Lipcamon, PBIS Internal Coach
Working Cash Bond Q A attached
Use What You Know: Reading
March/April/ May
New Words
Bailey Dean- Bedtime Kiss for Little Fish
Hyvee Math Night is scheduled for
It is very helpful to teach your child
Luka Lithila- Put me in the Zoo
how he can use words he already
Ayesha Waheed - Fairly Colors
for our children and it gives you a
Leah Berter- Ponyella
unique opportunity to work with your
Aubrey Sparrow- Fancy Nancy
child at the grocery store. After your
Tyler Bowen- Little Mouse
finished check out food court to see
Aubrey Pool- Have You Seen My Dinosaur?
what’s cooking. Dine in or take out
Katelyn Laurich- 3 Little Kittens
and that will give us a percentage of
knows to read new words. Here’s
Start with your child’s name.
Troy, for example, might have
Tuesday, March 27th it is a fun event
Leila Dade- Bridget’s Barrette
Grace Ellerman- Dr. Duck and the Babies
an easier time learning “tr”
Courtney Johnson- Diamond & Love
words such as “train.” You can
Isaac Goings- Amelia and the Alligator
use the “tr” consonant blend
Lucas Burry- Jullian Gillian
at the beginning of his name
Kerrigan Bridgman- Butterflies & Moths
to teach him other blends as
money collected from the foodcourt
Ava Kenady- Grace for President
during those few hours.
Cole Herman- Bones
Currently we are planning the Spring Fling
Alexis Roach- May Never Smile at a monkey
on April 26 from 5-8pm. We have some
well, such as “cr”, “pl”, and
exciting activities planned for that evening
such as games, crafts, food, entertainment,
Point out patterns in sight
and several presentations .We will need
words your child recognizes.
help running this event A sign up sheet will
Example: If your child knows
be sent out or contact Linda Hermens @
“they,” he can learn “then,”
257-3209 or
“this,” and “that.” “Could,”
We will need help with set up and clean up
as well. Please sign up for an hour or two.
“would,” and “should” are
three common sight words
Upcoming Dates:
that also share a pattern.
March 6th-8th ISAT Testing
Break down syllables in a
March 16- End of Quarter
longer word, such as
“yesterday.” Cover the entire
5:45 PTA Meeting/ 6:30p
March 8- Monroe Family Fun Night @Scotties
March 21, Tues.- SIP ½ Day
Grade Music Program
April 5-9- Spring Break, No School
April 13- Kindergarten Round-up 9:15am
April 16-20- Literacy Week
April 26-27- BOGO Book Fair
April 26- Spring Fling 5-8pm
May 7-11 -Staff Appreciation Week
May 11, Friday-3rd grade Field Trip
May 16 3rd Grade Recognition 6:30pm
word with a small slip of
paper. Then, slowly slide the
paper to the right to show
each syllable one at a time
(yes-ter-day.) This works
especially well for words with
several syllables.
May 15- End of Year Party @ Scotties Fun Spot 9am-2pm