Issues in Computational Linguistics: Semantics Dick Crouch & Tracy King Overview What is semantics?: – Aims & challenges of syntax-semantics interface Introduction to Glue Semantics: – Linear logic for meaning assembly Topics in Glue – – – – – – The glue logic Quantified NPs Type raising & intensional verbs Coordination Control Skeletons and modifiers What is Semantics? Traditional Definition: – Study of logical relations between sentences Formal Semantics: – Map sentences onto logical representations making relations explicit All men are mortal Socrates is a man Socrates is mortal Computational Semantics – Algorithms for inference/knowledge-based applications x. man(x) mortal(x) man(socrates) mortal(socrates) Logical & Collocational Semantics Logical Semantics – Map sentences to logical representations of meaning – Enables inference & reasoning Collocational semantics – Represent word meanings as feature vectors – Typically obtained by statistical corpus analysis – Good for indexing, classification, language modeling, word sense disambiguation – Currently does not enable inference Complementary, not conflicting, approaches What does semantics have that f-structure doesn’t? Repackaged information, e.g: – Logical formulas instead of AVMs – Adjuncts wrap around modifiees Extra information, e.g: – Aspectual decomposition of events break(e,x,y) & functional(y,start(e)) & functional(y,end(e)) – Argument role assignments break(e) & cause_of_change(e,x) & object_of_change(e,y) Extra ambiguity, e.g: – Scope – Modification of semantic event decompositions e.g. Ed was observed putting up a deckchair for 5 minutes Example Semantic Representation The wire broke Syntax (f-structure) Semantics (logical form) PRED break<SUBJ> SUBJ PRED wire SPEC def NUM sg TENSE past w. wire(w) & w=part25 & t. interval(t) & t<now & e. break_event(e) & occurs_during(e,t) & object_of_change(e,w) & c. cause_of_change(e,c) F-structure gives basic predicate-argument structure, but lacks: – Standard logical machinery (variables, connectives, etc) – Implicit arguments (events, causes) – Contextual dependencies (the wire = part25) Mapping from f-structure to logical form is systematic, but can introduce ambiguity (not illustrated here) Mapping sentences to logical forms Borrow ideas from compositional compilation of programming languages (with adaptations) Computer Program parse compile Object Code Execution NL Utterance parse interpret Logical Form Inference The Challenge to Compositionality Ambiguity & context dependence Strict compositionality (e.g. Montague) – Meaning is a function of (a) syntactic structure, (b) lexical choice, and (c) nothing else – Implies that there should be no ambiguity in absence of syntactic or lexical ambiguity Counter-examples? (no syntactic or lexical ambiguity) – Contextual ambiguity » John came in. He sat down. So did Bill. – Semantic ambiguity » » » » Every man loves a woman. Put up a deckchair for 5 minutes Pets must be carried on escalator Clothes must be worn in public Semantic Ambiguity Syntactic & lexical ambiguity in formal languages – Practical problem for program compilation » Picking the intended interpretation – But not a theoretical problem » Strict compositionality generates alternate meanings Semantic ambiguity a theoretical problem, leading to – Ad hoc additions to syntax (e.g. Chomskyan LF) – Ad hoc additions to semantics (e.g. underspecification) – Ad hoc additions to interface (e.g. quantifier storage) Weak Compositionality Weak compositionality – Meaning of the whole is a function of (a) the meaning of its parts, and (b) the way those parts are combined – But (a) and (b) are not completely fixed by lexical choice and syntactic structure, e.g. » Pronouns: incomplete lexical meanings » Quantifier scope: combination not fixed by syntax Glue semantics – Gives formally precise account of weak compositionality Modular Syntax-Semantics Interfaces Different grammatical formalisms – LFG, HPSG, Categorial grammar, TAG, minimalism, … Different semantic formalisms – DRT, Situation semantics, Intensional logic, … Need for modular syntax-semantics interface – Pair different grammatical & semantic formalisms Possible modular frameworks – Montague’s use of lambda-calculus – Unification-based semantics – Glue semantics (interpretation as deduction) Some Claims Glue is a general approach to the syntax-semantics interface – Alternative to unification-based semantics, Montagovian λ-calculus Glue addresses semantic ambiguity/weak compositionality Glue addresses syntactic & semantic modularity (Glue may address context dependence & update) Glue Semantics Dalrymple, Lamping & Saraswat 1993 and subsequently Syntax-semantics mapping as linear logic inference Two logics in semantics: – Meaning Logic (target semantic representation) any suitable semantic representation – Glue Logic (deductively assembles target meaning) fragment of linear logic Syntactic analysis produces lexical glue premises Semantic interpretation uses deduction to assemble final meaning from these premises Linear Logic Influential development in theoretical computer science (Girard 87) Premises are resources consumed in inference (Traditional logic: premises are non-resourced) Traditional Linear A, AB |= B A, AB |= A&B A, A -o B |= B A, A -o B |=/AB A re-used A, B |= B A discarded A consumed A, B |=/ B Cannot discard A • Linguistic processing typically resource sensitive Words used exactly once Glue Interpretation (Outline) Parsing sentence instantiates lexical entries to produce lexical glue premises Example lexical premise (verb “saw” in “John saw Fred”): see : Meaning Term 2-place predicate g -o (h -o f) Glue Formula g, h, f: constituents in parse “consume meanings of g and h to produce meaning of f” • Glue derivation |= M : f • Consume all lexical premises , • to produce meaning, M, for entire sentence, f Glue Interpretation Getting the premises Syntactic Analysis: S PRED NP VP f: John V NP saw Fred Lexicon: John NP john: Fred NP fred: saw V see: SUBJ -o (OBJ -o ) see SUBJ g: PRED John OBJ h: PRED Fred Premises: john: g fred: h see: g -o (h -o f) Glue Interpretation Deduction with premises Premises Linear Logic Derivation john: g fred: h see: g -o (h -o f) g -o (h -o f) g h -o f h f Using linear modus ponens Derivation with Meaning Terms see: g -o (h -o f) john: g see(john) : h -o f fred : h see(john)(fred) : f Linear modus ponens = function application Modus Ponens = Function Application The Curry-Howard Isomorphism Curry Howard Isomorphism: Pairs LL inference rules with operations on meaning terms Fun: g -o f Arg: g Fun(Arg): f Propositional linear logic inference constructs meanings LL inference completely independent of meaning language (Modularity of meaning representation) Semantic Ambiguity Multiple derivations from single set of premises Alleged criminal from London PRED f: Premises criminal: f alleged alleged: f -o f from London from-London: f -o f criminal ADJS Two distinct derivations: 1. from-London(alleged(criminal)) 2. alleged(from-London(criminal)) Quantifier Scope Ambiguity Every cable is attached to a base-plate – Has 2 distinct readings – x cable(x) y plate(y) & attached(x,y) – y plate(y) & x cable(x) attached(x,y) Quantifier scope ambiguity accounted for by mechanism just shown – Multiple derivations from single set of premises – More on this later Semantic Ambiguity & Modifiers Multiple derivations from single premise set – Arises through different ways of permuting -o modifiers around an skeleton Modifiers given formal representation in glue as -o logical identities – E.g. an adjective is a noun -o noun modifier Modifiers prevalent in natural language, and lead to combinatorial explosion – Given N -o modifiers, N! ways of permuting them around an skeleton Packing & Ambiguity Management Exploit explicit skeleton-modifier of glue derivations to implement efficient theorem provers that manage combinatorial explosion – Packing of N! analyses » Represent all N! analyses in polynomial space » Compute representation in polynomial time » Read off any given analysis in linear time – Packing through structure re-use » N! analyses through combinations of N sub-analyses » Compute each sub-analysis once, and re-use Combine with packed output from XLE Summary Glue: semantic interpretation as (linear logic) deduction – Syntactic analysis yields lexical glue premises – Standard inference combines premises to construct sentence meaning Resource sensitivity of linear logic reflects resource sensitivity of semantic interpretation Gives modular & general syntax-semantics interface Models semantic ambiguity / weak compositionality Leads to efficient implementations Topics in Glue The glue logic Quantified NPs and scope ambiguity Type raising and intensionality Coordination Control Why glue is a good computational theory Two Rules of Inference Modus ponens / -o elimination A: a F: a-o b F(A): b F is a function of type a –o b that takes arguments of type a to give results of type b Hypothetical reasoning / -o elimination [ x: a] : F(x): b λx.F(x): a –o b Assume a and thus prove b a implies b (discharging assumption) Have shown that there is some function taking arguments, x, of type a to give results, F(x), of type b. Call this function λx.F(x), of type a –o b λ-terms describe propositional proofs A direct proof of f from g –o f and g A: g F: g –o f F(A):f A roundabout proof of f from g -o f and g [x:g] F: g -o f F(x): f λx.F(x): g –o f (λx.F(x))(A): f By λ-reduction: (λx.F(x))(A) = F(A) Intimate relation between λ-calculus and propositional inference (Curry-Howard) – λ-terms are descriptions of proofs – Equivalent λ-terms mean equivalent proofs A:g Digression: Structured Meanings Glue proofs as an intermediate level of structure in semantic theory – Identity conditions given by λ-equivalence – Used to explore notions of semantic parallelism (Asudeh & Crouch) Unlike Montague semantics – MS allows nothing between syntax and model theory. – Logical formulas are not linguistic structures; cannot build theories off arbitrary aspects of their notation Unlike Minimal Recursion Semantics – MRS uses partial descriptions of logical formulas – A theory built off aspects of logical notation Two kinds of semantic resource Some nodes, n, in f-structure gives rise to entity-denoting semantic resources, e(n) – e(n) is a proposition stating that n has an entity-denoting resource Other nodes, n, give rise to proposition/truth-value denoting semantic resources, t(n) – t(n) is a proposition stating that n has a truth-denoting resource Notational convenience: – Write e(n) as ne, or just n (when kind of resource is unimportant) – Write t(n) as nt, or just n (when kind of resource is unimportant) Variables over f-structure nodes The glue logic allows universal quantification over fstructure nodes, e.g. N. (e(g) –o t(N)) –o t(N) – Important for dealing with quantified NPs But the logic is still essentially propositional – Quantification allows matching of variable propositions with atomic propositions, e.g. t(N) with t(f) Notational Convenience: – Drop explicit quantifiers, and write variables over nodes as upper case letters, e.g. (ge –o Nt) –o Nt Non-Quantified and Quantified NPs PRED sleep f: PRED f: SUBJ g: PRED John sleep: ge –o ft john: ge john: g sleep: g –o f sleep(john): f SUBJ sleep g: PRED everyone QUANT + sleep: ge –o ft everyone: (ge –o Xt) –o Xt sleep: ge –o ft everyone: (ge –o Xt) –o Xt everyone(sleep): ft everyone = λP.x.person(x)P(x) everyone(sleep) = λP.x.person(x)P(x)[sleep] = x.person(x)sleep(x) Quantifier Scope Ambiguity Two derivations f: PRED SUBJ OBJ see: g –o h –o f :(g –o X) –o X :(h –o Y) –o Y see g: everyone h: someone see:g –o h –o f [x:g] see(x): h –o f [y:h] see(x,y): f (g –o X) –o X f (h –o Y) –o Y h –o f see: f f g –o f f h –o f (h –o Y) –o Y f g –o f see: f (g –o X) –o X Quantifier Scope Ambiguity Two derivations f: PRED SUBJ OBJ see: g –o h –o f :(g –o X) –o X :(h –o Y) –o Y see g: everyone h: someone see:g –o h –o f [x:g] see(x): h –o f [y:h] see(x,y): f see(x,y): f :(g-oX)-oX λx.see(x,y): g-o f λx.see(x,y): f :(h-oY)-oY λyλx.see(x,y): h-of λyλx.see(x,y): f see(x,y): f λy.see(x,y): h-o f :(h-oY)-oY λy.see(x,y): f λxλy.see(x,y): h-of :(g-oX)-oX λxλy.see(x,y): f No Additional Scoping Machinery Scope ambiguities arise simply through application of the two standard rules of inference for implication Glue theorem prover automatically finds all possible derivations / scopings Very simple and elegant account of scope variation. Type Raising and Intensionality Intensional verbs (seek, want, dream about) – Do not take entities as arguments * x. unicorn(x) & seek(ed, x) – But rather quantified NP denotations seek(ed, λP.x unicorn(x) & P(x)) Glue lexical entry for seek λxλQ. seek(x,Q): SUBJ –o ((OBJ –o Nt) –o Nt) –o (subject entity, x) (object quant, Q) (clause meaning) Ed seeks a unicorn f: PRED SUBJ OBJ seek g: Ed h: a unicorn ed: g λP.x unicorn(x) & P(x)) : (h –o X) –o X λxλQ. seek(x,Q): g –o ((h –o Y) –o Y) –o f Derivation (without meanings) g g –o ((h –o Y) –o Y) –o f ((h –o Y) –o Y) –o f (h –o X) –o X f Derivation (with meanings) ed: g λxλ,Q): g –o ((h –o Y) –o Y) –o f λ,Q):((h –oY)–oY)–of λP.x unicorn(x) & P(x):(h–oX)–oX seek(ed, λP.x unicorn(x) & P(x)): f Ed seeks Santa Claus f: PRED SUBJ OBJ seek g: Ed h: Santa ed: g santa: h λxλQ. seek(x,Q): g –o ((h –o Y) –o Y) –o f Looks problematic – “seek” expects a quantifier from its object – But we only have a proper name Traditional solution (Montague) – Uniformly give all proper names a more complicated, type-raised, quantifier-like semantics λP.P(santa) : (h –o X) –o X Glue doesn’t force you to do this – Or rather, it does it for you Type Raising in Glue [h –o X] h Propositional tautology h |- (h –o X) –o X santa: h X (h –o X) –o X [P: h –o X] P(santa): X λP. P(santa):(h –o X) –o X Ed seeks Santa Claus PRED SUBJ OBJ f: ed: g santa: h λxλQ. seek(x,Q): g –o [(h –o Y) –o Y] –o f seek g: Ed h: Santa santa: h g g –o ((h –o Y) –o Y) –o f ((h –o Y) –o Y) –o f [P: h –o X] P(santa): X λP. P(santa):(h –o X) –o X seek(ed, λP. P(santa)): f Glue derivations will automatically type raise, when needed Coordination Incorrect Treatment PRED eat SUBJ Ed PRED drink SUBJ ed: g eat: g –o f1 drink: g –o f2 and: f1 –o f2 –o f Resource deficit: There aren’t enough g’s to go round Coordination: Correct Treatment PRED eat SUBJ Ed PRED drink SUBJ ed: g eat: g –o f1 drink: g –o f2 λP1 λP2 λx. P1(x)&P2(x): (g –o f1) –o (g –o f2) –o (g –o f) λP1P2x. P1(x)&P2(x): (g–o f1) –o (g–o f2) –o (g–o f) eat: g –o f1 λ (g–o f2) –o (g–o f) drink: g –o f2 λ (g–of) ed: g eat(ed)&drink(ed): f Resolving Apparent Resource Deficits Deficit: – Multiple consumers for some resource g – But only one instance of g Resolution – Consume the consumers of g, until there is only one Applies to coordination, and also control Control: Apparent resource deficit PRED SUBJ XCOMP want<SUBJ, XCOMP> Ed PRED sleep<SUBJ> SUBJ want: e –o s –o w sleep: e –o s ed: e Resource Deficit: Not enough e’s to go round Resolve in same way as for coordination Control: Deficit resolved PRED SUBJ want<SUBJ, XCOMP> Ed XCOMP want: e –o (e –o s) –o w sleep: e –o s ed: e PRED sleep<SUBJ> SUBJ ed: e want: e –o (e –o s) –o w want(ed): (e –o s) –o w sleep: e –o s want(ed,sleep): w Does this commit you to a property analysis of control? i.e. want takes a property as its second argument Property and/or Propositional Control Property Control λxλP. want(x,P): SUBJ –o (SUBJ –o XCOMP) –o ed: e λxλP.want(x,P): e –o (e –o s) –o w λP.want(ed,P): (e –o s) –o w sleep: e –o s want(ed,sleep): w Propositional Control λxλP. want(x, P(x)): SUBJ –o (SUBJ –o XCOMP) –o ed: e λxλP.want(x,P(x)): e –o (e –o s) –o w λP.want(ed,P(ed)): (e –o s) –o w want(ed,sleep(ed)): w sleep: e –o s Lexical Variation in Control Glue does not commit you to either a propositional or a property-based analysis of controlled XCOMPs (Asudeh) The type of analysis can be lexically specified – Some verbs get property control – Some verbs get propositional control Why Glue Makes Computational Sense The backbone of glue is the construction of propositional linear logic derivations – This can be done efficiently Combinations of lexical meanings determined solely by this propositional backbone – Algorithms can factor out idiosyncracies of meaning expressions Search for propositional backbone can further factor out skeleton (α) from modifier (α –o α) contributions, leading to efficient free choice packing of scope ambiguities – Work still in progress