64th Oxford Farming Conference The Oxford Farming Conference Research in association with Volac and BBSRC: Agricultural research needs and priorities: survey findings from the food and farming industry Facilitator OFC Research in association with: Professor David Leaver 3/24/2016 1 Introduction The Oxford Farming Conference, in association with dairy nutrition company Volac and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, has commissioned leading market research specialists National Farm Research Unit and IGD to gather the views of UK farmers the UK food industry on the future needs of agricultural science. The following are the results of the IGD food industry survey OFC Research in association with: Annual UK spending on agricultural science R&D Organisation R&D spend (£) Government £264 million* Defra £65 million Scottish Government £30 million Northern Ireland £7 million BBSRC Ca £150 million Funding Council support for universities £12 million Technology strategy board (new for 2010) Expected to be >£80million over 5 years (£16 million/year) Trade £56 million+ UK Agricultural Supply Industry £45 million+ UK plant breeders £10-£12 million Farmers £29 million AHDB levy payer funding £22.6 million (HGCA £5.5m HDC £4.7M EBLEX £4.6M DairyCo £3.1M Potato Council £2.66M BPEX £2.1M) Farmer membership organisations (e.g. TAG) Ca £3 million Agricultural charities Ca £3.5 million *Potential total for 2010 - £280 million (Based on previous spending plus £16M from Technology Strategy Board) OFC Research in association with: Annual UK spending on agricultural science R&D Overall estimated total on agricultural science R&D for 2010 £365 million (based on previous spending plus Technology Strategy Board funding) OFC Research in association with: IGD Survey Contents IGD Survey • Slide 6: Background • Slide 7: Objectives • Slide 8: Methodology • Slide 10: Results. 1. Current engagement in agricultural science research • Slide 14: Results. 2. Scope of current agricultural science research • Slide 18: Results. 3. Usefulness of current agricultural science research • Slide 22: Results. 4. Future agricultural science research requirements • Slide 29: Summary • Slide 30: Note • Slide 31: Website contacts OFC Research in association with: Research by IGD Background • Modern agriculture faces a series of challenges in meeting future demand for food – A global population of 9 billion by 2050 – Rising oil prices – Changes in land use and area under cultivation due to climate change • Farmers and growers will need to – Produce more food efficiently and safely – Optimise the use of inputs – Minimise environmental impact • To tackle these challenges successfully, the needs of the whole food supply chain must be considered – from producer to processor to retailer to consumer OFC Research in association with: Research by IGD Objectives • Research was carried out to seek views from the food industry on agricultural science research • Businesses at different points along the food supply chain were asked about: – Their current engagement in agricultural science research – The scope of current research – The usefulness of current agricultural science research – The research needs of their businesses in 10 years time OFC Research in association with: Research by IGD Methodology • Qualitative survey of food businesses • Telephone interviews of approximately 30 minutes duration • Views from 10 food businesses from the following sectors: – Retail – Composite food manufacture – Dairy processing – Cereal processing – Meat processing – Fresh produce grower – Wholesale – Foodservice operation Many thanks to those who took part in the survey OFC Research in association with: Research by IGD Methodology continued • For the purposes of the survey, agricultural science research was limited to that focused on primary food production* • Questions included in the qualitative survey focused on four areas: 1. Current engagement in agricultural science research 2. The scope of current research 3. The usefulness of current agricultural science research 4. The research needs of their businesses in 10 years time • Emerging themes were identified * Defined as cultivation of plants for human consumption, or for conversion into products for human consumption; cultivation of plants as feed for animals for human consumption; rearing and maintenance of animals for human consumption, or to produce outputs for human consumption. OFC Research in association with: Research by IGD Results 1. Current engagement in agricultural science research OFC Research in association with: Research by IGD 1. Current engagement in agricultural science research In what ways is your business involved in research? Collaborative research with industry partners UK and overseas Government-funded, applied research projects Through industry association or levy board Projects directly funded at universities Have our own facilities in house OFC Research in association with: Research by IGD 1. Current engagement in agricultural science research Within primary food production, which area(s) of agricultural science research are currently most important to your business? Sustainability Low carbon farming Efficient water use Reducing chemical inputs Biodiversity Animal welfare •Ensuring business is sustainable •Impact on environment •Growing population •Meeting consumer demand •Government demands Measures of sustainability Varietal innovation and Yield improvements methods of cultivation Crop efficiency Adaptation to drought Food quality and safety Tools to assess quality Non-destructive testing Nutritional and functional improvements OFC Research in association with: •Food security •Ensuring there is food to sell in the future •Grower and customer benefit •Consumer expectation of quality •Government policy on nutrition & health Research by IGD 1. Current engagement in agricultural science research How do you view the overall importance of scientific research in primary food production to your business? 1 (no importance) If it stopped, the national diet would just have to change 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 Median 8 10 10 (crucially important) It is linked to sustainability and food security Costs of production are not sustainable It is part of our general horizon-scanning mix Need to meet demands of population growth We need to produce more for less Keeping ahead of the competition To increase functionality of crops and single ingredients in foods OFC Research in association with: Research by IGD Results 2. Scope of current agricultural science research OFC Research in association with: Research by IGD 2. Scope of current agricultural science research How well does agricultural science research meet the current needs of your business? It meets our needs The right areas are not funded…….. It’s not applied enough……….. Don’t know what is out there…….. OFC Research in association with: •Requirements met through trade bodies and literature •Funding depends on what’s “in vogue” •Projects are tailored to meet expertise within an institution, and not industry needs •Commercial needs not met •No application to industry setting •Lack of awareness of research •Poor dissemination of information •IP restricts access Research by IGD 2. Scope of current agricultural science research What are the gaps in agricultural science research? Global focus Sustainability & food security Meat quality Strategy Applied research Share best practice Meeting needs of growing population Effects of forage systems Clear roadmap of research programme Meeting market needs Look outside of EU Reduce carbon and water use Improving animal health Clarity of current activities and future needs Connection to commercial world Understand benefits of different farming systems OFC Research in association with: Research by IGD 2. Scope of current agricultural science research Why do gaps in research exist? Funding structure Loss of skills Commercial awareness and organisation Short term political outlook Skills lost from areas now recognised as important Scientists need to understand the environment in which research outputs will be employed Poor availability of funds Loss of good university departments through lack of funding Speed of implementation of research needs to increase No overall responsibility for research OFC Research in association with: Fragmented nature of parts of the industry makes implementation of technology more challenging Research by IGD Results 3. Usefulness of current agricultural science research OFC Research in association with: Research by IGD 3. Usefulness of current agricultural science research Is it relevant? Is it timely? Is there sufficient industrial participation? YES But it takes time to find the areas of interest YES When there is clear government-driven need YES It is in industry’s interests to take part NO Not applied enough NO Too short term NO Consultation with industry is needed Pure research is interesting but not relevant Too slow to market Contentious areas are not addressed e.g GM OFC Research in association with: Research by IGD 3. Usefulness of current agricultural science research What other factors affect the usefulness of agricultural science research? Illustrations and ideas to show how research can be applied in the “real world” Demonstrate benefits to business Funding for implementation following the research Working in collaboration will make it more impactful Cluster farming and industry to deliver a research programme giving value across the supply chain Make it global OFC Research in association with: Research by IGD 3. Usefulness of current agricultural science research How do you rate the overall usefulness of agricultural science research? 1 (no importance) 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 7 10 (crucially important) Median OFC Research in association with: Research by IGD Results 4. Future agricultural science research requirements OFC Research in association with: Research by IGD 4. Future (10 years) agricultural science research requirements What issues do you think will be most important to your business? Sustainability and food security Food quality and safety Crop varieties and yield Methods of cultivation Withstanding climate change Use of GM technology Resource depletion Water scarcity Mineral depletion in soil Sourcing New markets Post harvest physiology Pest control Nutrition Non-destructive, rapid testing Improving nutritional value Animal welfare Improving standards Food safety Pathogen control OFC Research in association with: Research by IGD 4. Future (10 years) agricultural science research requirements Rank the following research areas in terms of importance to your business Ranking Climate change & other environmental considerations Top Food safety Second (equal) Energy prices, efficiency savings & waste reduction Second (equal) Human diet & health, including obesity Second (equal) Spread of new or emerging pests & diseases Bottom Respondents ranked each research area in importance from 1 (highest) to 5 (lowest). Final ranking was based on the average of all scores. OFC Research in association with: Research by IGD 4. Future (10 years) agricultural science research requirements Why are these areas important? Climate change and other environmental considerations Food safety OFC Research in association with: • • • • • • Climate change affects all 5 areas Maintaining a sustainable global supply base Feeding a growing world population Reducing impact on supply chain Maintaining consumer confidence Threat from changes in supply chain due to climate change Research by IGD 4. Future (10 years) agricultural science research requirements Why are these areas important? • Impact on climate and environment Energy prices, efficiency savings and waste reduction Human diet and health, including obesity Spread of new and emerging pests and diseases OFC Research in association with: • Cost perspective • “Water is the new oil of tomorrow” • Energy and carbon reduction • Role of food industry in producing food for health • Addressing obesity • Climate change and diet • New pests arising as a result of climate change • Spread of current diseases e.g Blue tongue in cattle Research by IGD 4. Future (10 years) agricultural science research requirements Consequences for the food industry if research is not carried out • Increased food prices • Increased food imports • Shifting global politics: countries whose climates support food production increase in power • Individual businesses implement their own solutions: fragmented response • UK will lose competitive advantage OFC Research in association with: Research by IGD 4. Future (10 years) agricultural science research requirements Technologies which will help us GM Introduction to UK and EU Offers significant advantages Concerns over loss of skills Nanotechnology Potential not yet clear Danger of developments being blocked Genomics Whole genome selection in cattle Varietal selection Sustainable agriculture Hydroponics Water management Soil science OFC Research in association with: Research by IGD Summary • Agricultural science research is important to the food businesses surveyed – Sustainability and food security – Food quality and safety • Engagement varies – Out of the loop/unaware – Engaged and active in research • There is scope to increase application of research • Without research – Increased food prices – Increased reliance on food imports OFC Research in association with: Research by IGD Note • Sample size used in this research is small (10 businesses) • Research is qualitative in nature • Caution should be used in drawing wider inference for the food and grocery sector OFC Research in association with: Research by IGD Website contacts Oxford Farming Conference: www.ofc.org.uk Volac: www.volac.com BBSRC: www.bbsrc.ac.uk IGD: www.igd.com OFC Research in association with: