In this unit students will have a basic understanding of marketing and the marketing components, develop a small business and design a product, plus advertise and promote that business. You will be introduced to careers that are available in the Marketing, Entrepreneur and Management Pathways. Standard 4: Students will explore skills, knowledge and concepts related to College and Career Pathways in Business and Marketing Objective 1: Explore the relationship and impact of business and marketing within Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Management. Indicators: Understand how price, product, promotion, and place impact the success of a business. Understand how advertising and promotion used in social media and digital media drive profit. Use global examples of how goods, services, and ideas are marketed and distributed. Using career exploration in business, marketing, and related areas; develop a small business that is role played out in the classroom with successful operations. Explore related career Pathways. RESOURCE FOR: Marketing Entrepreneur Management Name: Period: Introduction to Marketing 1. List three places you see marketing: , , 2. What are the 4 P’s of Marketing? a. b. c. d. PRODUCT 3. Product (definition): 4. What is a good? a. Give one example of a good: 5. What is a service? b. Give one example of a service: 6. What is an idea? c. Give one example of an idea: 7. What is a target market? d. If you were to create a product, who would be your target market? PRICE 8. Price (definition): 9. What is Production Cost? 10. What is Selling Price? 11. What is Profit? 12. How is Profit calculated? 13. Why is competition important? RESOURCE FOR: Marketing Entrepreneur Management PROMOTION 14. Promotion (definition): 15. Why do companies use promotions (what is the goal)? 16. What is a slogan? 17. What is a logo? 18. What is a jingle? PLACE 19. Place (definition): 20. What is another word for place? 21. What are four steps in the distribution process? ************************************************************************************* Discuss the following as a class: 22. In your own words, how do price, product, promotion, and place impact the success of a business? 23. How do you think advertising and promotion, used in social media and digital media, drive profit? RESOURCE FOR: Marketing Entrepreneur Management Name: Period: _ The “Four Ps” Worksheet Directions: Write the following words in the appropriate spot below. The words are the same as the 4 corner activity you just did so let’s see what you remembered. LIST OF WORDS: Coupons, Restaurant Billboard, www-Address, Car, Coat, Discount, Dentist, Radio, Markup, Warehouse, All-Day-LagoonPass, Business-Address, Flyer, Sale, Cost, Newspaper, Internet-Ads, Building/Office, Retail-Value, Computer, Wholesale, Food, Profit Product Price Promotion Name at least 5 careers that go with the list of words: RESOURCE FOR: Marketing Entrepreneur Management Place Name Period Entrepreneur & Management As a class discuss the Entrepreneurial Skills and Careers PowerPoint. While discussing, answer the following questions below: 1. Is there a need for entrepreneurial skills? Yes or No 2. How can entrepreneurship be risky? 3. Is there a profit in starting your own business? 4. What other rewards are there, besides money, for starting your own business? 5. Entrepreneurship allows you to can excel at. your own and craft a that you As a class discuss the Types of Entrepreneurs PowerPoint. Be sure to look at the notes provided in the PowerPoint. Answer the following questions below: 1. What is an entrepreneur? 2. Write down traits of a successful entrepreneur: 3. What is an inventor? 4. Brainstorm traits of a successful inventor and write it down: 5. What is an innovator? 6. What is a marketing entrepreneur? RESOURCE FOR: Marketing Entrepreneur Management Types of Entrepreneurs Answers are found in the PowerPoint Types of Entrepreneurs. This assignment can be done together as a class or individually. Be sure to look at the notes in the PowerPoint for elaborated information. You will need it to answer some of the questions. 1. What is an entrepreneur? 2. What are some traits of a successful entrepreneur? 3. What did these people invent? a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Thomas Edison Alexander Graham Bell Eli Whitney Benjamin Franklin Henry Ford James Naismith – Go to the following link: Name some of the Utah inventors: 4. Come up with some ideas for entirely new products and services. 5. What are some traits of a successful inventor? 6. Did Edison think of himself as an inventor or an entrepreneur? 7. What is an innovator? 8. What are marketing entrepreneurs? RESOURCE FOR: Marketing Entrepreneur Management a. Go to the following website:, which talks about 10 marketing stunts done right. Read at least three of them and find out: the company, the stunt, what happened next, and lesson learned. 1. Company Name: Stunt: What Happened Next? Lesson Learned: 2. Company Name: Stunt: What Happened Next? Lesson Learned: 3. Company Name: Stunt: What Happened Next? Lesson Learned: RESOURCE FOR: Marketing Entrepreneur Management Name: Period: Pitch #1 Product: Product Name: Goods Services Idea (Highlight one) Description: Who is the Target Market? What are the product’s/company’s strengths? Weaknesses? Notes: Price: Think about production cost, sale price, profit, profit margin, personal salary Notes: Promotion: Think about the sales pitch, methods of advertising, packaging Notes: Place: Where do they sell it—what stores, what type of stores, online, etc? Place is often the main thing they are asking the Sharks for help on. Notes: Let’s talk about it! In the end, what do you think of the decision made? Did either the Sharks or the business owner make a mistake? RESOURCE FOR: Marketing Entrepreneur Management Follow up: Search for the company on the internet. Can you find them? Does their business appear to be thriving? What do you think? RESOURCE FOR: Marketing Entrepreneur Management Pitch #2 Product: Product Name: Goods Services Idea (Highlight one) Description: Who is the Target Market? What are the product’s/company’s strengths? Weaknesses? Notes: Price: Think about production cost, sale price, profit, profit margin, personal salary Notes: Promotion: Think about the sales pitch, methods of advertising, packaging Notes: Place: Where do they sell it—what stores, what type of stores, online, etc. Place is often the main thing they are asking the Sharks for help on. Notes: Let’s talk about it! In the end, what do you think of the decision made? Did either the Sharks or the business owner make a mistake? Follow up: Search for the company on the internet. Can you find them? Does their business appear to be thriving? What do you think? RESOURCE FOR: Marketing Entrepreneur Management Outfox those Charming Schmoozers A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. Bandwagon – “Everyone is doing it.” Join in for certain victory, or because it’s a mass movement and you don’t want to be left behind Beautiful People – Using famous, happy, and/or attractive people to make you feel like the product can make you like them. Card Stacking – Making the product look better by comparing certain facts to the competition, but not sharing all the facts. Common Man – Also known as “ordinary people sell,” this technique uses ordinary people, clothing, language, etc, to sell the product, in order to relate to regular people. Emotional Appeal - Arouse emotions such as fear, humor, love, or desire Glittering Generalities – Uses emotionally appealing words but no actual data or concrete argument to prove it. Broad statements about audience beliefs. Name Calling – Targeting a specific competitor and using negative names to create an unfavorable opinion about them. Repetition – Using a jingle or word this is repeated over and over again, getting stuck in your head. Can be catchy music and jingles as well as slogans or phrases. Stretch the Truth – Exaggerate a fundamental aspect of the product that is true, but only to a certain degree. Statistics - Facts and figures are often used to make a product sound better, healthier, more effective, etc. Demonstrations of the product vs. a competitor are common. Testimonial - Popular stars as spokespersons, receiving big contracts to endorse products. YOU can resemble your celebrity idol by using the product. Transfer - Associate the product with something consumers love or relate to (so they will transfer the qualities of that positive image to the product.) Commercial Video Directions: As you watch the video, each commercial will be numbered. Determine which of the strategies above are used the MOST PROMINANTLY in that commercial. Put the letter or the name of the strategy in the box provided. Check the box if you heard a slogan or saw a logo in the commercial. Strategy Strategy Strategy 1 6 11 2 7 12 3 8 13 4 9 14 5 10 15 RESOURCE FOR: Marketing Entrepreneur Management Marketing Poster Assignment You are an entrepreneur starting up a new business. Look around your community and figure out what product would sell. Based on your interests and the community needs, answer the following questions. 1. Come up with a business name: 2. What is the product you would like to market: a. Is this a good, service, or idea? _ 3. Who is your target market? 4. How much would you charge for this product? (Do a little research on the internet to find out similar items and their pricing.) 5. How do you plan on promoting your product? 6. What is your slogan for your product? _ _ 7. How about your logo? (Draw your logo below) 8. Come up with a jingle (put the lyrics and also the name of the tune): 9. Where do you want to distribute your product (store, internet, etc)? RESOURCE FOR: Marketing Entrepreneur Management Once you have done this assignment, put all your information onto a poster. Use markers and your creativity to make an informative poster. You will be presenting your poster to the class. Are you and your product worth investing in? RESOURCE FOR: Marketing Entrepreneur Management Marketing PowerPoint Assignment You are an entrepreneur starting up a new business. Look around your community and figure out what product would sell. Based on your interests and the community needs, answer the following questions. 1. Come up with a business name: 2. What is the product you would like to market: a. Is this a good, service, or idea? _ 3. Who is your target market? 4. How much would you charge for this product? (Do some research on the internet to find out similar items and their pricing.) 5. How do you plan on promoting your product? _ 6. What is your slogan for your product? 7. How about your logo? (Draw your logo below) 8. Come up with a jingle (put the lyrics and also the name of the tune): 9. Where do you want to distribute your product (store, internet, etc)? _ RESOURCE FOR: Marketing Entrepreneur Management Once you have filled out the above information, create an electronic presentation from the information you have filled out. There are 9 questions above and you are to put each answer on its own slide. You will be presenting your slide show to the class so be prepared when it is your turn to present. Be able to defend your product! Are you and your product worth investing in? RESOURCE FOR: Marketing Entrepreneur Management Marketing Commercial Video Assignment You are an entrepreneur starting up a new business. Look around your community and figure out what product would sell. Based on your interests and the community needs, answer the following questions. 1. Come up with a business name: 2. What is the product you would like to market: a. Is this a good, service, or idea? _ 3. Who is your target market? 4. How much would you charge for this product? (Do some research on the internet to find out similar items and their pricing.) 5. How do you plan on promoting your product? 6. What is your slogan for your product? _ _ 7. How about your logo? (Draw your logo below) 8. Come up with a jingle (put the lyrics and also the name of the tune): 9. Where do you want to distribute your product (store, internet, etc)? _ RESOURCE FOR: Marketing Entrepreneur Management Once you have filled out the above information, create a commercial from the information you have filled out. Be sure to include all your answers above in your commercial. You will be presenting your commercial to the class so be prepared when it is your turn to present. Are you and your product worth investing in? RESOURCE FOR: Marketing Entrepreneur Management