BIO 205 Microbiology Syllabus - Spring 2010

BIO 205
Tasneem Ashraf
Spring 2010
Course syllabus
BIO 205-Microbiology
CLASS HOURS: Lecture / Time: Friday 10:30-1:30 pm Room 104
515-5340 (work, SV office) Best way to reach me is by email.
OFFICE HOURS: Room # 117
W: 9:00 am to 2 pm. Tuesday: 12 noon to 1:30 pm Thursday: 3-5 pm Friday 9:00-10:30 am
Microbiology an Introduction: Toratora, Funke (10th edition)
BIO 205 Lab and lecture packet at the bookstore Tasneem Ashraf
Available at the bookstore; price reflects cost of printing only.
Lab apron or coat. Students are required to wear a lab apron or coat before doing any work in the lab.
Clicker (electronic keypad) – buy at bookstore, register online by following instructions that come with
the clickers and using the class key provided on the first day of class.
In college, for each credit hour, it is expected that students will work two or more hours a week outside of class time in
preparation for class. This means that for a typical 4 credit hour course, you would expect to spend eight hours a week
in prep time outside of class. Lab credits generally require more work than non-lab credits. To succeed, you will need
to be prepared to spend adequate time on this class. The amount of time actually spent will depend upon your
background, study habits and goals.
Successful completion of BIO 156.
This course is an introduction to the taxonomy and life histories of bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoans and offers
students the opportunity to learn about their roles in disease.
By the end of the course the student will be able to describe and explain the following concepts and apply appropriate laboratory skills
associated with these concepts:
1. History of microbiology
2. Classification of microorganisms
3. Functional anatomy of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
4. Microbial metabolism
5. Microbial growth and control
6. Microbial genetics
7. Recombinant DNA and biotechnology
8. Characteristics and importance of microbes
9. Principles of disease and epidemiology
BIO 205
Course syllabus
Tasneem Ashraf
Spring 2010
10. Microbial mechanisms of pathogenicity
11. Defenses of the host
12. Practical applications of immunology, anti-microbial drugs, microbial diseases, environment and applied
Go to and then click on Online Instructions. Select the WebStudy links and login. You
should be automatically enrolled in this class. If you are not, contact Tasneem. Please make sure you have a
valid, current email address listed on your preferences so Tasneem can contact you!! If you don’t have an
email address, go to the library, get on Internet and create a free email account through a free website such as Cochise
College, Hotmail, Yahoo etc. Ongoing announcements will be posted in the announcement folder - very
important for you to check the announcements regularly. (At least three times a week)
You will be required to do college level work- this level of performance is absolutely mandatory; a reading
level of 110 or exemption, MAT 82 or placement in, or completion of MAT 122 or higher would be
Course Specific Outcomes: Students will be able to:
History of microbiology
Classification of microorganisms
Functional anatomy of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
Microbial metabolism
Microbial growth and its control
Microbial genetics
Recombinant DNA and biotechnology
Characteristics and importance of microbes
Principles of disease and epidemiology
Microbial mechanisms of pathogenicity
Defenses of the host
Practical applications of immunology, anti-microbial drugs, microbial diseases, environment and applied microbiology
COURSE LOGISTICS: Online participation and completion of electronic assignments. This web‐enhanced
version of BIO 205 aims to help you become an independent learner. Since nearly all lectures will not take place
during class time, you will need to be able to access the internet so that you can complete the assigned weekly
lectures before coming to class. All electronic lectures are available to view and listen to on your computer or to
listen to on your mp3 player. You will need to have access to a computer and the internet and are expected to
login within 48 hours after your class meets face‐to‐face each week to check announcements and assignments.
You must also complete all online assignments and listen to all audio/visual lectures each week (no waiting until
end of semester—each assignment/lecture has an absolute, posted due date).
1. Quizzes and Examinations: (a total of 45 % of the course grade):
a. PREP QUIZZES: (10% of the course grade). PREP quizzes are planned for each class meet, unless
there is a test scheduled for that day. All prep quizzes will be given at the beginning of each class
period to ensure you have the read the new chapter and are ready for class lecture. There’s a second
benefit to frequent quizzing: the more you spread out your learning and review of material, the
BIO 205
Course syllabus
Tasneem Ashraf
Spring 2010
more likely you are to remember the information and retain it over time. Consult the course
schedule to anticipate what chapters you need to read for the coming class. Prep (clicker) quizzes
will be multiple choices and you will take them with your clicker. When final grades are calculated, I
will drop two of your quizzes towards your total final grade calculations.
b. EXAMINATIONS: (30% of the course grade): Five lecture examinations will be given during the
semester. The exam includes a multiple‐choice section with somewhere between 25 and 35 multiple
choice questions, as well as a short answer section (consisting of short essay, fill‐in‐the‐blank, labeling
illustrations, etc.). You must answer all essay questions with complete sentences or you will lose points.
EXAM I – Ch. 1, 10, 4, 12
EXAM II – Ch.6, 7, 5,
EXAM III – Ch. 8, 9
EXAM IV – Ch.13, 14, 15
FINAL EXAM (16, 17. 18, 20)
c. Lecture exam TEST CORRECTIONS:
You may correct lecture exams one through four to add up to 10% of the total value of the exam to your
original score. Students have until the next class after receiving their graded exam to make corrections.
For example: If a test is worth 100 points then the correction rubric is as follows:
Short answer portion: A student may earn a maximum of 5 pts. If s/he correctly re-answer all missed
parts of his/her short answer portion. If a student correctly re-answers 80% of the questions she missed,
I will add 0.80 X 5 pts = 4 points to her grade. If another student only correctly re-answers 30% of the
questions he missed, I will add 1.5 points (5 pts X 0.30 = 1.5) to his grade. A student may not improve
his/her grade in excess of 100%.
Multiple choice portion: A student may earn a maximum of 5 pts. if s/he correctly re-answer all parts of
his/her multiple choice portion. For example, if you correctly answer 95% of the multiple choice
questions on the take-home portion, I will multiple 5 by 0.95 to determine that you will have 4.75 added
to your exam score. If you miss an exam, you lowest grades from another exam will be substituted and
you can’t do test corrections. See the “Correcting Tests” handout in this lecture packet for detailed
2. Homework: (15% of the course grade) you have assigned homework for each week under WebStudy.
WebStudy assignments are available each week on a Monday and will end the following Tuesdays at
11PM unless otherwise noted. You cannot make up any missed assignments, so please get into the habit
of taking assignments on time, no exceptions will be made! Also in mind, that you can take the quizzes
multiple times however ONLY the BEST ATTEMPT WILL BE IN YOUR GRADE BOOK.
3. Laboratory: (35 % of the course grade) You are expected to come to laboratory having read that day’s
experiments and having a general idea of what you will be doing.
i. Portfolio. Students will keep a portfolio of their in-class work and out-of-class assignments. The
portfolio will be due on exam days. Each will be worth between 50-60 points and may include both
lecture and lab assignments. I will grade you on the effort and quality of your work (e.g.
thoroughness of responses, proper grammar, correct spelling, complete sentences, etc.).
BIO 205
Tasneem Ashraf
Spring 2010
Course syllabus
ii. Initials. Some portfolio items must be initialed for full credit. You must be present in class (or
give your completed assignment to a classmate to be initialed) on the day it is due. You cannot
obtain initials after the due date. The point of initials is to ensure you finished in a timely fashion.
iii. Due items within portfolios will be given all semester long.
Near the end of the semester you will take a LAB EXAM (25%), more on this later.
4. Classroom response system for participation (5% of the course grade): We will use clickers in class on a
daily basis- even on test days. You will also need them to take quizzes, as well during class
participation and responses in-class questions. Therefore, you must remember to bring clickers to class
every day.
 If you forget to bring your clickers on the day of the quiz or exams, you will be allowed on two
occasions only to turn in handwritten sheets, which I will grade manually. If you forget to bring
your clicker on the day for class participation, you will not be allowed to submit handwritten sheets.
 You will receive points for class participation, with your clicker throughout the semester and will
earn a total number of points, out of 30 semester’s end for participation. You will receive points for
trying to answer the question and not be penalized for incorrect answer.
5. Disease detectives (5% of the course grade): Working in your group, you will solve an Outbreak the
same way as epidemiologists. Your final report will include a review of current literature on the topic,
data, including case definition and index case, and appropriate tables. The Discussion & Conclusions
should include how you arrived at your conclusions (source, method of transmission) and prevention
and treatment. You will need to do relative risk calculations to determine the source of the outbreak.
Later in the semester handout will be given with more detail instructions.
MAKE-UPS TESTS: If you miss an Exam, your missed grade will be substituted by the lowest points
earned from the other given exams.
 Your ONE lowest Exam grade will be dropped at the time when Final Grades are calculated.
ACADEMIC HONESTY: Cheating and plagiarism are unethical. Students are expected to do their own
work. Students must present ideas in their own words or give proper credit to original sources if text is
used verbatim from any outside sources. If students work together on an assignment, they must type their
answers separately. Plagiarism is the use of another person’s words and/or ideas without adequate
acknowledgment. This includes copying or cutting and pasting from online sources, taking information
from a book or article, copying someone else’s paper, or having someone else do your work for you. When a
student uses research sources, those sources must be properly documented. Students found cheating or
intentionally plagiarizing will receive a zero for the assignment and may be dismissed from the class with a
failing grade. Plagiarism will not be tolerated by Tasneem!!!!
BIO 205
Course syllabus
Tasneem Ashraf
Spring 2010
GRADING POLICY: On all work done in the class; grades will be assigned on the following basis:
GRADE SCALE: A = 90%-and above, B = 80%-89%, C = 70%-79%, D = 60%-69%, F = below 60%
Grade Standards—for Cochise College
A: The highest academic grade possible; an honor grade which is not automatically given to a student who
ranks highest in the course, but is reserved for accomplishment that is truly distinctive and demonstrably
B: A grade that denotes achievement considerably above acceptable standards and mastery of course
C: Indicates a satisfactory degree of attainment and is the least acceptable standard for graduation from
college or additional studies within the discipline. This grade implies completion of the minimum outcomes
identified in the course curriculum.
D: Denotes a limited understanding of the subject matter, meeting only the minimum requirement for
passing the course. This grade will not transfer to another institution of higher education nor is it acceptable
for additional studies within the discipline.
F: Indicates inadequate or unsatisfactory attainment, serious deficiency in understanding of course material,
or failure to complete requirements of the course.
Accessing grades online:
I use Snapgrade separate grading software. I will be sending you an email from snap grade
( with instructions on how to log in within this online grade book sometimes by the
second week of the semester. Periodically grades will be transferred from WebStudy to Snapgrade. Please
note that as soon as you enter an assignment, online test, forum, WebStudy assignments I cannot
automatically grade it. Many assignments require for me to read and review before I can assign a grade.
Since I am teaching four science classes allow about a week after the deadline for these to be posted.
Attendance policy: Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class meeting. Tardiness is highly
disruptive and annoying. In an intensive course like this one attending each lecture is very important, as
even one absence can cause you to be behind the rest of the class. After four (4) absences I will reserve the
right to drop you from the course. There are no make-up laboratories and therefore you are not allowed to
miss a laboratory without penalty. I will assign a zero to any missed lab. If you miss a class it is your
responsibility to obtain notes, and or supplementary materials by visiting the WebStudy website, contacting
other students, or come see me.
BIO 205
Course syllabus
Tasneem Ashraf
Spring 2010
Please use BIO 205 in any communication to me in the subject matter, I teach about 3-4 sections and it is
hard for me to know exactly what your situation maybe be that needs attention. This is a college class.
Proper English is required and expected. All sentences you write in emails and in online discussions for
this course must abide by the following criteria.
a. You must use complete sentences. This means start with a capital letter, contain at least a noun a
verb an must end with a proper appropriate punctuation mark.
b. Writing all words in lower case is unacceptable.
c. Do not write in all capital letters unless your intention is to yell at your recipient, as messages in all
Capital letters are construed as yelling.
The pronoun “I” must be capitalized in all uses.
d. The pronoun “you” must be spelled y-o-u and not “u”.
e. All other words must be spelled correctly and in their entirety.
f. Please refresh your memory on the differences between there/their/ they’re, to/ two/too and its/it’s
so that your use.
g. All emails must be signed with your name and make sure you mention the exact class you are
enrolled in.
Your success in this class is up to YOU. I am here to help you understand difficult material, but it is
your responsibility to read assigned material, to take notes while listening to the audio (wmv files) lectures
and to organize information so that you can retrieve it. If you need help improving your study skills, email
me. I won't know you're having trouble till test time, and it might be too late! Exams will be primarily
composed of a blend of multiple choice, definition, short answer and essay question. Students needing or
meeting needs of incomplete grades please check with me and we have to follow the college’s policy on
ADA Coordinator in the Special Needs Office: Students wishing to receive an accommodation for a
disability should make an appointment with the ADA Coordinator in the Special Needs Office. Please
contact: Ken Laux, Director of Disability Services: Cochise Community College, 901 N Colombo Ave, Sierra Vista,
Arizona 85635-2317. Tel #(520) 515-5337SV and (520) 417-4023 (DC) email at:
Cochise College provides accessible educational opportunities that are responsive to a diverse population
and lead to constructive citizenship, meaningful careers, and lifelong learning. Cochise College is
committed to continuous improvement in order to provide the best possible service. A key part of this
commitment involves assessing student learning outcomes. Assessment, which occurs apart from the
regular grading of student work, is conducted by faculty using tests, research papers, projects, presentations
or standardized examinations to discover how well students who have passed a course actually achieved
the expected learning goals. Faculty members analyze the results so they can develop strategies to help
improve student learning in future classes.
BIO 205
Course syllabus
Tasneem Ashraf
Spring 2010
Correcting tests
1. Your corrected test is due the next class after you receive it. No late papers will be accepted. No
2. You must follow all instructions on this page exactly. If you fail to follow instructions you will not
receive additional points. You will not be allowed a second chance to turn in your corrected test for
extra points.
3. You must fully correct both the short answer and clicker section to receive any additional points.
4. Refer your syllabus if you can’t remember how I determine how many points to add to your exam.
You can only earn a maximum of 10% of the total value for the short answer part ( = 5 pts) by correcting your short
answer portion, with the following exceptions.
a. You can NOT correct bonus questions nor can you receive greater than 100 pts. on your corrected test.
b. Remember that you also will help raise your grade by retaking the clicker section.
a. Re-answer your multiple choice portion.
b. On the day you turn in your written portion of your test corrections, be ready with your clicker to
resubmit your multiple choice answers into the computer at the beginning of class.
b. We will calculate what percentage you earn on your multiple choice corrections and multiply that by
5 pts. For example, if you correctly answer 85% of the multiple choice questions on your retake, we
will add 0.85 X 5 = 4.25 pts to your test score.
Sally Gomez
Exam 1 corrections
a. You must TYPE all corrected answers to questions
you missed on a separate sheet of paper.
58. A positive feedback loop is often
b. Type your name and the exam number at the top of
explosive and does not help maintain
the sheet.
c. When typing the corrected answer, please number
the questions according to its number on the exam
61. True. Medial means closer to the
and write complete sentences, unless otherwise
midsagittal plane; an adequate
indicated in instructions 7i-7iv below.
descriptor when discussing the
i. Short answer questions. Type out your new answer
ii..True/False. Write the correct answer (true/false) then
write one to two sentences explaining why your new
answer is the correct answer.
iii. Fill-in-the-blank. Type out the entire question and
underline the correct word you put in the blank.
iv. Matching or labeling a diagram. You only need to
provide the answer (e.g. the correct letter or number).
You do not need to type out the entire question.
location of the nose in relationship to
the ears.
64. B
67. AC
72. Oxygen is an electron greedy atom,
compared to hydrogen. When
hydrogen forms a covalent bond with
oxygen, the shared pair of electrons
between the two atoms tend to hang
d. Remember: you cannot correct bonus questions for more points.
e. Staple your typed sheet to the TOP of your original exam before
in. oxygen. This causes
out closer
the hydrogen to carry a partial
Suppose you missed questions 58, 61, 64, 67 and 72 on the short answerpositive
Above is
an the
of to
how your corrected test sheet should look when you staple it on top of your original exam.
BIO 205
Tasneem Ashraf
Spring 2010
Course syllabus
Lecture schedule
Ch. 1—Microbial world and you
Ch. 10—Classification of microorganisms
(Also pp. 274-279)
Ch. 4—Prokaryotic profiles: the bacteria and archaea
(Also pp. 68-70 & selected sections from ch.11)
Ch. 4—Eukaryotic cells and microorganisms
Ch. 12 –Fungi, Algae, Protozoa & Helminths
Ch. 5—Microbial metabolism
Ch. 8—Microbial genetics (no T class)
Also pp. 47-51
Ch. 8 —Microbial genetics, con’t
Ch. 9—Biotechnology and Recombinant DNA
Spring Break
Ch. 13—Viruses, viroids and prions
EXAM 3* – Ch. 8, 9
Portfolio 3 Due
Ch. 14, 15—Disease, epidemiology and Pathogenicitiy
Part II data given out
Ch. 16—Nonspecific defenses of the host
Ch. 17, 18-Specific defenses of the host
(Also pp 506-508)
EXAM 4* – Ch.13, 14, 15
Portfolio 4 Due
Ch. 18—Diagnosing infections
Ch.20 —Antimicrobial drugs, microbes, host—the
elements of chemotherapy
Lab Final
Ch.20 —Drugs, microbes, host—the elements of
chemotherapy cont.
Final report- Disease detectives
Finals Week
EXAM 5* – Ch. 16, 17. 18, 20
Ch. 6 —Microbial growth
Ch. 7—Control of microbial growth
EXAM 1* – Ch. 1, 10, 4, 12
Portfolio 1 Due
Disease detectives groups-assigned
Part 1data & relative risk given
EXAM 2* – Ch.6, 7, 5,
Portfolio 2 Due
Part II data given out
BIO 205
Tasneem Ashraf
Spring 2010
Course syllabus
Laboratory schedule
Check In
Lab # 2 Sampling for microorganisms
Lab # 1 How to...use a microscope
Look at lab 6 & 7
Lab # 8 Selective, enriched and differential media
Lab # 9 Aerotolerance; Affect of oxygen of microbes
Look at lab 8 & 9
Lab # 3 how to …..prepare a bacterial smear
Lab # 4 How to …….do a simple stain
Lab# 5 How to….gram stain
Finish 4, 5
Lab # 6 How to…..safely transfer organisms
Lab # 7 How to……separate a mixture of microbes by steak plating.
Spring break
Look at lab 12, 13 & 14
EXAM 1* – Ch. 1, 10, 4, 12
Portfolio 1 Due (1-5)
Disease detectives groupsassigned
Part 1data & relative risk given
EXAM 2* – Ch.6, 7, 5
Portfolio 2 Due (6-9)
Lab # 10 Biochemical activity of microbes A: hydrolysis tests
(starch hydrolysis, casease test, DNse test, gelatin hydrolysis)
Lab # 11 Biochemical activity of microbes : oxidation-reduction tests
(SIM deeps, catalase test, oxidase test
Lab # 14 Begin identification of unknown organism
Look at lab 10 & 11
Lab # 12Biochemical activity of microbes C: utilization tests
(citrate slants, malonate broths, nitrate broths)
Lab # 13 Biochemical activity of microbes D: fermentation tests
(phenol red broths, purple broths, MRVP broths)
Lab # 14 Continue identification of unknown organism
Lab # 15 Enterotube ll Rapid identification system
Lab #16 Susceptibility to cavities
Review for lab exam
Look at lab 15 & 16
Lab # 17 Normal flora of nose, throat and skin
Lab # 18 Kirby-Bauer antimicrobial susceptibility test
Review for lab exam
Look at lab 17 & 18 results
Review for lab Exam
Part II data given out
EXAM 3* – Ch. 8, 9
Portfolio 3 Due (10-14)
Part II data given out
EXAM 4* – Ch.13, 14, 15
Final report- Disease detectives
EXAM 5* – Ch. 16, 17. 18, 20
Lab Final
Portfolio 4 Due (15-18)