Short Story Elements

An Introduction to
The Short Story
The long and short of it.
Short Stories
A short story is one that holds all the elements of a
story, in a shorter format.
Short Story Elements:
Setting is the time and place
of the story’s action.
Setting includes ideas,
customs, values, and
Ex: Long ago, in a galaxy far,
far away
Short Story Elements:
Characters are the actors in
a story’s plot. They can
be people, animals, or
whatever the writer
The protagonist is the
main character.
The antagonist is in
conflict with the main
character. Not all stories
have personified
Ex. The characters in Little
Red Riding Hood are
LRRH, the Big Bad
Wolf, Grandma, and
the woodsman.
Protagonist: Little Red
Riding Hood
Antagonist: The Big Bad
Which is Which?
Short Story Elements:
Point of View
Point of View refers to the relationship of the
narrator, or storyteller, to the story.
In first-person point of view, the narrator is a
character in the story, and referred to as “I”
Ex: Twilight
In third-person, the narrator reveals the
thoughts of only one character, referring to them
as “he” or “she”
Ex: Harry Potter
In third-person omniscient the narrator knows
everything about the story’s events and can
reveal thoughts of all characters.
Ex: The Lord of the Rings
Short Story Elements:
Conflict is the struggle
between opposing forces
in a story or play.
External conflict exists when
a character struggles
against some outside
Internal conflict exists within
the mind of the character.
Common applications:
Man vs. man
Man vs. self
Man vs. nature
Man vs. society
Man vs. technology
Man vs. fate
“We’re going to need a bigger boat.”
Conflict and Resolution
What can you tell about conflict and resolution based
on this picture?
More Practice
You can thank me after class. As you watch this clip:
1. What is the conflict? Who or what is it with? Are
there multiple conflicts?
How is it resolved?
Short Story Elements:
Theme is the central idea or message of a story often a
perception about life or human nature.
Stated theme are directly presented in a story.
Implied theme must be inferred by considering all the
elements of a story and asking what message about life is
This story is about two kids who are dying
of cancer, but despite it all, choose to fall in
What might the theme of this book/movie be?
Short Story Elements:
Plot is the sequence of
events in a story. Each
event causes or leads to
the next.
Most plots develop in five stages:
Exposition introduces the
stories characters, setting,
and conflict.
Rising action occurs as
complications, twists, or
intensifications of the conflict
Climax is the emotional high
point of the story
Falling action is the logical
result of the climax
Resolution presents the final
outcome of the story
Let’s Map It Out
The Story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named
Goldilocks. She went for a walk in the forest. Pretty soon, she
came upon a house. She knocked and, when no one answered,
she walked right in. At the table in the kitchen, there were
three bowls of porridge. Goldilocks was hungry. She tasted
the porridge from the first bowl.
"This porridge is too hot!" she exclaimed. So, she tasted the
porridge from the second bowl.
"This porridge is too cold," she said
So, she tasted the last bowl of porridge.
"Ahhh, this porridge is just right," she said happily and she ate it all
After she'd eaten the three bears' breakfasts she decided she was feeling a little tired. So,
she walked into the living room where she saw three chairs. Goldilocks sat in the first
chair to rest her feet.
"This chair is too big!" she exclaimed.
So she sat in the second chair.
"This chair is too big, too!" she whined.
So she tried the last and smallest chair.
"Ahhh, this chair is just right," she sighed. But just as she settled down into the chair to
rest, it broke into pieces!
Goldilocks was very tired by this time, so she went upstairs to the bedroom. She lay down
in the first bed, but it was too hard. Then she lay in the second bed, but it was too
soft. Then she lay down in the third bed and it was just right. Goldilocks fell asleep.
As she was sleeping, the three bears came home.
Still Rising…
"Someone's been eating my porridge," growled the Papa bear.
"Someone's been eating my porridge," said the Mama bear.
"Someone's been eating my porridge and they ate it all up!" cried the Baby
"Someone's been sitting in my chair," growled the Papa bear.
"Someone's been sitting in my chair," said the Mama bear.
"Someone's been sitting in my chair and they've broken it all to pieces," cried
the Baby bear.
They decided to look around some more and when they got upstairs to the
bedroom, Papa bear growled, "Someone's been sleeping in my bed,"
"Someone's been sleeping in my bed, too" said the Mama bear
And now it all ends…
"Someone's been sleeping in my bed and she's still there!"
exclaimed Baby bear.
Just then, Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears. She
screamed, "Help!" And she jumped up and ran out of the
room. Goldilocks ran down the stairs, opened the door, and
ran away into the forest. And that snot-nosed hooligan
Now it’s your turn…
You have the elements. Now I want you to put them
into practice.
In your notebooks, jot down your thoughts on setting,
characters, point of view, theme, and plot as we watch
the short film.
We will map this out on the board afterward.