District Student Council Business Meeting Friday January 10th


District Student Council Business Meeting

Friday January 10th, 2013

9:00am -1:30pm

Sylvania Campus, HT 113B

1.0 Preliminary Business

1.1 Call to Order

1.2 Roll Call



1.3 Approval of minutes

1.4 Changes to the Agenda

-Adding SAF Nominations if time will go in old business section but will be reported on after all other agenda items.

1.5 Welcome from: Heather Lang (9:10-9:15)

2.0 Old Business

2.1 SAF Nominations(finalized list)

-Discussed importance of time line.

-Looked at diversity and relevance of nominees

-Sylvania and Rock Creek have the most representation


Rachel Black Elk

-Agreement: Sylvania will be in consensus if Robert Coberier from SYL is added: QR

Advocate, district chair of QRC task force. Added to the list, no objections from other campuses. Agreement on final nomination list.

3.0 New Business 9:20am-12:00am

3.1 OCCSA Lizzy Atwood(9:20-9:25)

3.2 Sustainable Purchasing Erin Stanforth (9:25-9:35)

-Report by Mandy Ellertson

3.3 Parking Fees John Garner (9:35-9:55)

-Parking Fees are to increase from $4.00 to $8.00. In 2009 the fee was supported by DSC

To charge credit students. This was to subsidize trimet passes and pay for the PCC

Shuttles. The second proposal was to raise parking pass fees.

-John Garner, head of the department, came to ask for DSC support to increase fees.

-DSC: Did not give support yet because DSC asked for the following:

-Budget Spreadsheet

-TDM Goals

-The process also concerned the DSC members. John Garner will be presenting to the Board of Directors on Feb.20

th ,2014; which for a student would take 2


-Garner agreed to come back and present requested information to the DSC at the next DSC meeting.


Student Conduct Policy Wendy Palmer(9:55-10:25)

-Contact information: Wpalmer@pcc.edu

-Gaining student representatives to give input. Will send Wendy student names.

-Next meeting 2-4pm,feb.5

th at the CLIMB Center

-Students suggested carpooling to make transportation easier for students

To make it to the next meeting, Wendy will take this on.


Students on Committees, PCC Policy DeLinda Martin-Higgins (10:25-10:45)

-Each campus agreed to look over documents/power points shared. Each will contact

DeLinda with any further questions/clarifications.

-Each campus will share information with their teams

-Deadline for input is Mid-February. Friday, Feb.14

th is the deadline.


DSC February Meeting Rachel Black Elk (10:45-10:55)

-Day at the Capitol with Rob Wagner, show support.

-Agreement to move DSC feb.7

th meeting

-Two options for dates proposed, Jan.31

st or Feb.14

th : Consensus on Jan.31

st .

Stretch/Breathing Break 10min (10:55-11:05)


Funding Request: Zen Dragons Hillary Forster (11:05-11:30)

-campus caucus

-agreed upon funding:$900

-Notes for funding/suggestions: Charter club at every campus, outreach to students to get representation from every campus.


Funding Request: The Bridge Anthony Robotham (11:30-12:00)

-campus caucus

-agreed upon funding:$1280

-Notes for funding/suggestions:

*Total DSC budget after two funding request on Jan.10

th , 2014: $9139.00

Stretch/Breathing Break 10 min(12:00-12:10)


Budget Committee(SAF task force) Rachel Black Elk(12:10-1:20)

Propose forming Budget Committee as an extension of DSC business. History of Budget Committee.

Save time going through funding requests so that we may focus on the larger picture/advocating for students. Spending too much time on money matters-disappointing since it’s already January.


- Campus Caucus/discussion: agreed to form Budget Committee

- Campus Caucused/discussion: agreed budget to review funding requests and RECOMMEND to DSC, do not have final or only approval. Would make sure paperwork and presentations are in order and will make recommendations based on the budget and preparedness of the groups submitting funding requests.


-Work on consensus

-Voting members would comprise: 4 DSC campus representatives (one from each campus) and

4 ASPCC members(one from each campus). Two advisers and a dean will overlook the budget committee, but will not have voting rights, suggestions and advising similar to DSC meetings.

-Will report back at the next DSC meeting on progress and timeline.

-Nominations for Budget Committee Chair:

-Maricruz and Grace nominated.

-3/4 Campuses voted for Grace. Grace is now Chair of Budget Committee.

4.0 Discussion Items

5.0 Public Comment

6.0 Reports:

6.1 Chair’s Report:




Rachel Black Elk

Thank you for being willing to work with me on the Budget Committee. I really hope that we can refine our processes to insure that we are a body that advocates for students and to allow ourselves time to be creative and innovative voices on behalf of students.

6.2 Cascade Campus Report Shannon Olive

Cover Oregon was present at Cascade in the fall 5 times. There were a total of 68 students registered majority of them qualified for Oregon Health Plan with leaving two who qualified for Cover Oregon. To become eligible for OHP you have to have a income of $16,000.00 or below and you qualify for no copays.

For Cover Oregon you have to have a income of $45,000.00 or below and you qualify for low reasonable premiums.

This was a great first experience to have Cover Oregon certified agents to be on campus to answer questions, to assist students with filling out the application, get info about website, ask question about premiums, and get registered. I'm planning on following up at the end of the month with the students either through email or phone to ask:

1. How was their experience?

2. Did they receive their benefits?

3. By having Cover Oregon coming to campus, did it benefit them?

If you're interested in having Cover Oregon come to your campus to register your students before March 31, 2014. You can reach Leslie Hickcox at 503-201-9743 or you can email her at lesliekay@MSN.com

6.3 Rock Creek Campus Maricruz Gonzalez Vasquez

Campus Affairs: Steering Committee, New Campus President Hired: Welcome Sandra Fowler-Hill.

Leg: EAC, Winter Retrerat, Preparation for Vote or Vote, OCCSA Budget Committee

Programing Team: Survival Kits, Winter Retreat, Book Sale.

6.4 Southeast Campus

Completed Events:

Patrick Stupfel

OCCSA Student Issue Choosing:

 Collaborated with OCCSA and OSA and came up with the top 6 issues we will be focusing on in the 2014 legislative session.

International Night

 Take Back The Tap

 Survival Bags

 Bike Locker Promotion

 Zoo Lights

 Blazers vs. Jazz

 ASPCC Southeast Winter Training

Current Events:

Asian New Year celebration planning: We are forming subcommittees while focusing on logistics, advertising, community engagement, budget...ect.

 Student Book Exchange

OCCSA Vote OR Vote: We are gearing up to do a huge voter registration push the next couple weeks.

Upcoming Events:

Welcome Back BBQ

Asian New Year Celebration

Math Events: At Southeast we are striving to change the perception of mathematics and help revolutionize the way we learn about math by putting on events that show the benefits of mathematical education.

General Campus Update: There has been lots of construction and innovation going on at southeast for the past year but I am proud to announce that we have finally opened the new Student Commons building for classes! One of the integral highlights of the new building is the new Answer Center. It’s a place where you can just walk right in and have all your questions answered with a simple conversation instead of hassling with long lines and appointments. It is another great example of systematic change done right. This is definitely a welcome change for students that tremendously adds a sense of community to the campus.

6.5 Sylvania Campus Victory LaFara

- Finance department helped 23 families with children receive gifts for the holidays through our Holiday

Gift Drive. The Finance department also hosted a large Holiday Bazaar that raised around $2,600. Book

Exchange has gone much better since the wall has been removed and we now have regular student traffic. So far, we have collected about 429 books and sold 137.

- The Senate department is working hard on voter registration, getting trained and performing class raps, organizing a student debt educational event with Michael Dembrow on Jan. 28 th , improving engagement of volunteer recruiting efforts, and discussing the OCCSA/OSA merger.

- Communications department is designing and printing promotional materials for the Senate's Student

Debt event, Winter Club Fair, and the new Potty Press issue. They have also been creating film shorts that either inform students or document our events and then posting them to our facebook page.

- Directors went on a 3 day intensive work retreat to catch up on clarifying our policies, reviewing our forms, organizing our budgets, scheduling our hiring process, setting our vision for Winter term, setting our leadership goals, improving the efficiency of our communication, and improving our dynamics. Some examples of that work: For hiring, We are scheduled to begin working on it by the beginning of Feb.

By Mar 1st, we hope to be accepting applications and beginning advertising our positions. Our application deadline is Apr 25 th . May 23 rd is our goal for having everyone hired. Our vision for leadership involves improving how we consult the student body on issues/services, evaluate our effectiveness, and inform our student body of the issues.

- Events department partnered with veteran club to plan an appreciation ceremony. About 40 people attended. For International Week, we had students pin which country they were from on a world map so that we, and the student body, could see the abundance of diverse cultures. About 175 people participated. We played musical chairs with a variety of cultural music, using the game as a way to expose students to the music. About 25 people participated. Partnered with MC and IEO to sell tickets, plan, and advertise an international themed talent show. About 220 people attended. Experimented with outreach to night students through a pizza party. About 90 people attended. To advertise ASPCC, we put on a pie eating contest in the cafeteria. 20 people participated and around 300 attended. For

Beat The Stress we provided fun games to play and a cake walk for releasing stress and increasing social interaction among students, thus enabling students to build support networks. Provided opportunities to win prizes, including a guessing jar. About 175 people participated. Additionally, Events has been conducting Welcome Week and starting to plan events for Winter Clubs Showcase and Asian

New Years. We are also helping other departments such as the Service Learning Office and an outside organization, the American Red Cross, to advertise for MLK Day of Service and the Blood Drive.

7.0 For the good of the order/ Announcements:

8.0 Meeting adjourned.

Meeting ended at 1:45pm.


