Week 5: Factors in Decision Making - Discussion

Week 5: Factors in Decision Making Discussion
Humor in Advertising (graded)
Describe a recent advertisement that you found to be humorous. It may be from print, radio, or television. What
characteristics did the advertisement have? Were you more likely to purchase the product or use the service after
viewing the ad?
Darlene M. Jaffke
5/27/2012 6:59:58 AM
Why do you think that people tend to be drawn to the humorous ads?
Dr. Darlene Jaffke
Mayah Wong
6/2/2012 11:20:36 PM
In regards to the medium of television, it seems that several people like
spending time watching television as a sort of escape as entertainment and in
addition to the feature presentation that they watch there are also numerous
commercial advertisements. All in all, because the television watching
experience should be an entertaining pass-time and a large part of the
experience should be enjoyable that most people associate enjoyment with
feeling good, happiness, and laughter then laughter is also associated with
humor, So it would seem that with all those connections then people would
tend to be drawn to humorous ads. Additionally, humorous ads can be
attention-grabbing and useful strategy for the advertisement. However,
sometimes the humor of an ad can be distracting and the concept of the ad
itself could be lost altogether and forgotten. Humor is also a matter of taste,
so what one person might find funny might not even cause half a smile from
another. Also along those lines, humorous ads might get lost in translation -so to speak-- with cultural distinctions of what is funny and/or appropriate.
Joon Chang
6/1/2012 6:31:04 PM
Modified:6/1/2012 6:33 PM
I think that people have a tendency to be drawn to humorous ads because it
gives them a sense happiness. Making an individual laugh can brighten their
day and put them in a good mood. When a consumer is in a good mood, it
tends to make them feel conformed and has a positive view of the company or
product. By doing this a marketer can successfully market their product
knowing that their consumer has a positive feeling about them.
This website shows some interesting points on using humor in advertising:
Monica Franco
5/30/2012 10:24:39 PM
I like the m&m commercial. It shows a brown m&m, it's female very
sophisticated at a party and naked m&m shows up, he interprets her brown
shell as her being naked and he takes her shell off. I think that commercial is
hilarious. And believe it or not it does make it want to purchase m&m,
because when I look at the package I remember the add and it makes me
smile. I even laugh when I get the brown m&m.
Jason Weaver
5/30/2012 11:29:05 PM
I feel that everyone is drawn to something that makes them smile or laugh. If
it is funny enough people enjoy sharing the experience with friends.
Sean Parris
5/30/2012 8:09:57 PM
Humorous ads are typically the ones people feel the need to share, the ones
that have a temporary impact on the customer and the one they remember. It
creates an emotional experience and connection between the viewer and the
product/advertisement. People will discuss them and share them in order to
get their friends to laugh and it will be a memorable moment temporarily in
their lives. Some of them also emphasize awkward situations that people find
themselves in and because of this customers can easily relate. People prefer to
be entertained over being "educated" for the most part, humans are very
simple in nature. We prefer to have things simplified, enjoyable and layed out
- As opposed to having to listen to a "lecture" of an advertisement.
Maria Sandor
5/30/2012 9:25:15 PM
Modified:5/30/2012 9:30 PM
I think that humorous ads have a more human element to them that people
can relate to, and an ad that makes people laugh is more memorable than one
that is dry and serious. I really like the Aflac commercials, it's almost
impossible to see the company name and not think of the duck. My favorite is
the Aflac Pigeon Rap commercial, I think the pigeon is hysterical:
Darlene M. Jaffke
6/1/2012 2:33:37
Great introduction of your favorite humorous ads.... does the humor
change consumer behavior? In other words, does a humorous ad
entice you to buy more than a non-humorous ad?
Dr. Darlene Jaffke
Sharell Griggs
6/3/2012 4:10:20 PM
I don't feel that humor makes the final decision on if a
consumer will purchase a product/service, because there are
other variables that effect consumer behavior . I do believe
that humorous commercials play a part in how memorable a
commercials/ad's maybe to a consumer so when it's time to
purchase the product will be considered.
Sean Parris
6:49:53 PM
I agree, for the most part the commercial will keep
that product and commercial in my mind and I
might share it with friends. But it does not provide
me with an ample reason to follow through with a
purchase. Sometimes there is so much humor
attached to brands that I see it more as a joke then a
product for me to purchase. Thinking of old spice
when I say that.
Though that being said I know many people who
buy items solely for their novelty value. Novelty
has never appealed to me, but it does appeal to
many other people. Who buy things such as
Shamwow, Snuggy, Old Spice.
I think the cheesiness of these ads make people buy
them. "It is the greatest thing" and we all know it
isn't, but there is novelty in trying it so we can brag
about it and try and say it is.
Angela Garey
5/30/2012 11:02:45 AM
My favorite television commercial right now is the milk ad featuring Selma
Hayak. I think it's funny how she goes to such great lengths to get milk for
her daughter in the morning and find it especially humorous that she looks a
mess in the ad. She runs all around the countryside trying to find milk.
I think people are drawn to funny advertisements because they are memorable
and make us feel good. Also, funny ads tend to be more memorable because
people can relate to them in some way and really that's what's what important.
Krystal Brennan
5/29/2012 8:46:42 PM
I have always found the Kia Soul Hamster commercials to be humorous.
When of the most memorable ones is the 2010 Kia Soul commercial. A
website you can find it on is
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOHwjjhFTac. This commercial makes me
want to buy the car because of the humor of it and I like the cute hamsters in
it. My friend purchased a Kia Soul not too long ago and the first thing I
thought of was the hamsters in the ad. She said that was what made her want
to buy one. I and think people tend to be drawn more towards the humorous
ads because they are the most memorable and everyone talks about a funny
commercial when they see one.
Darlene M. Jaffke
5/30/2012 7:36:51 PM
This brings in the power of word-of-mouth (WOM) which is
considered one of the most trustworthy and reliable types of
advertising. Powerful is what I call it!
Dr. Darlene Jaffke
Angela Garey
5/31/2012 11:24:49
I found a great article online about the power of word of mouth
advertising and how it's 2.5 times more effective than other types of
advertising. Many companies are now posting their commercials on
YouTube and Facebook and soliciting comments from consumers--what
a great way to get feedback! What a great way to connect to your
customer base and further enhance your brand's image.
If you'd like to read the whole article, go
to: http://brandperiscope.com/blog/2011/07/the-power-of-word-ofmouth-2-5-times-more-effective/
Darlene M. Jaffke
5/31/2012 7:41:13
Thanks for the great article... reader friendly packed
with loads of excellent information.
Dr. Darlene Jaffke
Sharell Griggs
6/3/2012 4:18:20
It is very powerful, I would more likely buy or not
buy a product/service if someone I know has
personally used it. Sometimes (WOM) is so
powerful the company does not have to publicly
advertise the product or service at all. For example,
I've been looking to move and I have found several
apartment complexes that I can not find an
advertisement for the property anywhere, and
complexes are constantly at full capacity.
Meghan Frace
5/29/2012 11:24:49 AM
People tend to be more drawn to humorous ads because they are the most
memorable ones. Those advertisements are the one's that people talk about
when they are with people. The one advertisement that I thought was really
funny was the one where a mom was shopping and was told that she could
save more money on all of the savings that were happening in the store. A
baby was in the shopping cart and she turned to her husband and said, "she is
taking up valuable space, she needs to start walking." I couldn't find the link
on YouTube, but this one was very memorable for me. It shows how much
people are willing to do just to complete a major shopping because of a huge
sale. After viewing the ad, I was able to recognize that many people can
relate to filling their shopping carts to the very top, and having to get another
cart because there was just so many things on sale. I have experienced this
when shopping at the Christmas Tree Shop in New York with my sister-inlaw. We filled an entire shopping cart with my niece's car seat in the
carriage, and only spent about $100.
Christopher Gonzalez
5/29/2012 3:03:10 PM
The humorous commercial tend to evoke an emotional response. That is why we are drawn
to them. They are more memorable because they made you laugh. They are also more likely
to be the water cooler discussion at work. The Superbowl commercials are mostly humorous
in nature because the companies want to establish a top-of-mind awareness situation when it
comes to their products. It is also extremely hard to convey a serious message in a 30 second
spot. It isn't hard to make you laugh in that amount of time though.
Kareem Carr
5/29/2012 3:33:30 PM
A humorous commercial that I have seen recently are the Direct TV
commercials that talk about what happens when your cable company keeps
you on hold. It didn't make me buy the service but I think it's a good
advertising technique for people who don't have Direct TV or cable. I think
people are drawn to funny things because it make them smile and people feel
better when they smile. No matter what mood your in something funny will
make you forget about it even if it's just for a little while.
Leo Rodriguez
5/30/2012 5:15:08 PM
Thank you for your post, I have to agree with you regarding these
commercials because they are very funny in my opinion. Although I
don’t have cable either, I think the way that the marketing works is
by spreading word of mouth. If I like the commercial, I am more
likely to tell people who will either know about the company or go
and want to watch it. they may need cable or in the future need it. So
as it might not make me choose cable it may give me the opportunity
to tell others which is even more powerful than any commercial, they
always the best advertisement is word of mouth. Thanks again
Christopher Amos
5/29/2012 3:39:29 PM
I think people respond to humorous as because they draw on an emotion and
there is no pressure. It’s important to attract, hold, and focus attention of the
viewers. If an ads makes a person laugh or smile that will have an impact on
the consumer and they consumer will also remember the ad.
My favorite now is All State and Mayhem. The ad also commands peer to
peer conversation.
Leo Rodriguez
6/2/2012 3:24:51 PM
I also like the mayhem commercials or the state farm. I think that
they are very funny, creative and overall clever. I also think that the
impact that they have also makes a great point of how many other
insurance companies may not cover what they will. Also they are
memorable, which is priceless when it comes to marketing. Thanks
again for your post.
Omer Mennan Guler
5/28/2012 8:16:36 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nhbjUS_oCg I think, these are very
humorous ads. In each of these ads have a subtle humor. Most important
specialty of them is, being from real life. You can also be in a situation like
this in your own life. It makes you laugh but at the same time gives its
message. It says at the end "Don't judge too quickly, we won't".
Erick Pena
5/28/2012 9:28:50 AM
The reason why people tend to be more attached to humorous ads is because
it grabs their attention. Cause who wants to see a boring ad, they would much
rather see an ad that could make them laugh or grab their attention in the few
seconds. Also, some other reason is that like for example when the humorous
ads come up people tend to remember those ad more often then boring ads,
simply cause we tend to tune out boring things then humorous things.
Samantha Donohue
5/27/2012 8:16:27 PM
I love the M&M “Sexy and I know it” commercial! I think it is hysterical. It uses a song that is pretty
good but very catching, so its sticks in your head all day. It’s a really cute commercial that just makes
me laugh. I don’t think it has made me more inclined to eat M&M’s. Although I do like them and I did
talk about the commercial after I saw it. I did not go out and buy M&M’s or want to eat them.
Humorous Darlene M. Jaffke
5/28/2012 10:41:15 AM
Modified:5/28/2012 10:43 AM
Samantha and class,
So, generally speaking, humor is used to capture and maintain the consumer's
attention? Certain companies have used humorous themes in their
advertising; for example the Kia Hamsters and the eTrade babies. Do you
think it is effective to use these type of themes? Why or why not?
Dr. Darlene Jaffke
Kia hamsters
eTrade babies
Humorous Nate Ramser
5/29/2012 4:36:40 PM
Yes, I believe this is effective. The Geiko gecko is another
example. If you use a different character, such as a cartoon, animal,
or baby, people will more likely be more interested what they have to
say. People listen to pother people everyday. Maybe they would
rather listen to a talking elephant.
Humorous Linda Dean
5/30/2012 7:09:28 PM
People learn and retain things differently, for me, humor works, because if I enjoy
the commercial, I will remember it, and the product. I may not purchase the
product, but I will remember it, and hey, I might refer someone to the product; it's
not all about me, word of mouth is the best advertising.
Humorous Gaulden Chindime
6/1/2012 7:49:19 PM
It is very effective to use these types of themes because the humor
part is a constant reminder of the product’s availability in the
consumers' minds. An ad doesn’t have to be serious or the type that
instills fear in the consumers' mind to be effective. By being a little
funny, the consumer looks forward to watching the commercial
every time he turns on the TV and eventually he takes the extra step
of checking out the actual product that is being promoted. Most of us
will watch an ad a few times before we decide even to check out the
actual product, so, repetitive or funny ads do not hurt the
marketing strategy being used but in fact helps it to be more
Humorous Samantha Donohue
6/1/2012 8:30:15 PM
Yes I do think this is effective. I think this because it grabs your
attention and you remember the company. E*TRADE is a perfect
example, I wouldn’t normally know anything about investments and
finances but I do know that name. And if I ever were to take an
interest in something of that nature, I would probably look there first
because I know the name and it automatically comes to mind. So
when you see the commercial it may not interest you but you
remember the commercial and you remember the name and when
you do or might need it you have it saved in your head. It’s actually a
pretty clever concept.
Humorous Angela Garey
6/1/2012 6:43:30 PM
Believe it or not, the Kia hamster ads are effective and have helped Kia sell lots of
cars, especially the Kia Soul. It's rather obvious that Kia is marketing to and
targeting a youthful audience and has been very successful and have showed us all
a "New Way to Roll," which is the name of the first commercial featuring the
hamsters. I did some quick research and found that this particular ad was awarded
the 2010 Effie (short for Effective) Award by the NY chapter of the American
Marketing Association.
Here's a quick link to the whole article if you'd like to read
it: http://www.kiamedia.com/secure/corporate060910b.html
Humorous Krystal Brennan
6/1/2012 9:18:11 PM
Yes I think it is very effective when companies use themes in their
advertising. It is effective because it makes the advertisement more
memorable. When someone sees an advertisement with a consistent
theme it makes them remember that product and talk about it to
others. My boyfriend always wears oldspice deodorant because he
loves the theme song they play. He even has the ringtone on his
phone. Whenever people hear this they are reminded of oldspice.
Oldspice made it more trendy for younger men to wear it. When I
was younger I used to think of old spice it would remind me of my
grandpa because he wore it so I thought only older people wore it.
Humorous Carrie Patrick
6/3/2012 8:21:34 PM
It's a very effective strategy to use any form of advertising that gets
the customers attention and is memorable. Humor happens to be
very memorable and whats even better is people naturally want to
share humor. Several times this week I have searched for humorous
adds and called my husband in to view them with me when I find
extra humorous ones. The human interaction involved with
witnessing something humorous together just reiterates the memory
of the ad. Things that are funny and cute evoke enjoyable feelings
and people want to re-experience those feelings which is powerful
for the product.
Humorous Sara Deese
5/28/2012 12:38:44 PM
The point of a humor ad is so people will remember it, and possibley buy the
I picked this ad with the tomatoes.
I have seen the one where the tomatoes talk about don't squeze me. I found
that one really funny, because I do that to pick my tomatoes. For some reason
i couldn't find that commercial.
Humorous Andres Valdes
6/2/2012 10:39:17 PM
I believe not only will people remember the ad, but since they find it
funny they are more likely to pay attention to it. If there was a boring
commercial on and funny commercial on, it would be a no brainer
which to watch, and thus advertisers use humor in order to get
consumers to pay attention and then eventually buy their product.
Re: Humor in
Berker Bulbuloglu
5/29/2012 11:08:57 AM
I found this advertising found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1ZZreXEqSY
very humorous and funny. Heineken tries to showcase how much men love their beer
by comparing it to the notion in our society about how much women love new clothes
and shoes. They try to portray that every man’s cream to have a room full of Heineken
beer by linking it to a common cultural notion. Funny commercials are better at
keeping their audience hooked to it. People will tend to remember the brand the next
time they see it due to the commercials impact.
RE: Re:
Humor in
Christopher Amos
5/30/2012 6:33:21 PM
Thanks for sharing this article. That was a pretty ‘cool’ commercial. I like to drink beer – I
actually like beer too much. Heineken in my opinion does not taste well at all. However, I
think it’s popular and it’s been nested in the mind of the consumers. Additionally, they do a
lot of marketing at bars and clubs. This is a ‘cool’ beer that taste bad and is over priced in my
Humorous advertising can give consumers a break from the norm. Life is serious enough.
Humor in
Nate Ramser
5/29/2012 4:33:36 PM
The commercials that come to my mind are the "mayhem" commercials for
Allstate. These commercials feature a man that basically shows you what can happen
if you don't have reliable insurance, and they have all made me laugh. I already have
insurance through a good company, so it didn't make me want to change to
Allstate. But, these commercials are so funny and memorable, that I bet their client-el
has increased because of these ads. I believe that making funny commercials are the
best way to attract customers because you can remember them the most. Personally, if
a company just spews out facts about their service, I just get bored, and can't even
remember who the ad was for.
Darlene M. Jaffke
5/29/2012 6:31:19 PM
Many times these humorous advertisements end up going viral. Maybe the first
person to post can explain viral marketing. For the rest of you, do you think this type
of marketing is more effective than traditional or less effective? Is it more effective to
certain groups of people? By effective I mean that it would change consumer
behavior and/or persuade them to buy.
Dr. Darlene Jaffke
MARKETING Gaulden Chindime
6/2/2012 10:28:06 PM
Viral marketing is effective in increasing sales in a particular target
market. When an ad goes viral, it is a certain group of people who
get this viral message due to their affiliation to certain groups,web
surfing habits or because they are of a particular demographic. Most
messages will feature on youtube for example,and other social
media but it is not everybody in a community that will be reached by
that message. However, when the viral message or advertisement hits
home, it is very effective because it reaches everyone in that target
market and consumers are attracted to buy or try the product that is
being promoted. A viral message will alter consumer behavior
because most viewers of this message belong to the same target
market that is composed of people of similar likes and dislikes. Since
people of the same group like to be identified by their possessions
their purchasing behavior changes so that they conform to these
MARKETING Monica Franco
6/1/2012 10:33:58 PM
In my opinion internet marketing is very efficient. For a person like me that
doesn't have time to watch tv, or go to a mall, the internet is the only way I
keep up with what's going on in the world. I did a little research online and
found an article and talks about why email marketing works for every
business. It talks about the low cost and how it keeps your consumer inform
of what is going on in your business. I believe this is an effective way, I look
in my inbox every morning and if there's a sale that interest me I will visit
that particular business site or store.
MARKETING Samantha Donohue
6/1/2012 8:33:54 PM
I do think this marketing is effective as well. I find that even if the product or service is
nothing that you would consider or interests you if you know that name and product and find
yourself goggling the commercial, that’s pretty effective. I find that there are not many
people anymore that do not have a computer, so if you go viral everyone is going to see it
and that is great publicity.
MARKETING Christopher Amos
6/1/2012 11:36:04 AM
Viral marketing is designed in such a way that it encourages people to pass on the marketing
message to others. This creates the potential for exponential in the way of the message’s
exposure and influence growth I think the operative word is encourages people to pass it on.
This strategy if a form of word of mouth and has the potential to reach thousands and even
millions of others.
I think it’s effective because the message is being delivered by a network of people who
know each other.
Elements of a Viral Marketing Strategy
“Accept this fact. Some viral marketing strategies work better than others, and few work as
well as the simple Hotmail.com strategy. But below are the six basic elements you hope to
include in your strategy. A viral marketing strategy need not contain ALL these elements, but
the more elements it embraces, the more powerful the results are likely to be. An effective
viral marketing strategy:”
1. Gives away products or services
2. Provides for effortless transfer to others
3. Scales easily from small to very large
4. Exploits common motivations and behaviors
5. Utilizes existing communication networks
6. Takes advantage of others’ resources
5/31/2012 5:16:02 PM
I feel that viral marketing is more effective according to the product and the
group that it is targeted. It is effective to give away free services or products
when using viral marketing to spark the spread of the company. Generally, it
would also be more effective when marketing to a younger crowd than the
elderly because the use of internet is most common. This is because I feel that
viral marketing would be most effective through the use of internet. Using the
internet can make the spread greater and faster than person to person.
This is a greatly written and informative website on viral marketing.
5/31/2012 9:10:44 PM
I think that advertisements that end up going viral is more effective than traditional
marketing, because there are many generations on the web at any time, at the same time, and
they are surfing, chatting, bloging, tweeting, and posting on Facebook. If one sees a
commercial on YouTube that they like, they can share it with their friends, and their friends
friends, and so on, before you know it thousands have seen this one commercial. Traditional
advertisements don't compare with the speed of word of mouth on the web.
MARKETING Jason Weaver
6/2/2012 11:30:40 PM
Viral video's are what marketing managers dream of. They get
spread like wild fire on all social outlets on the web, as well as by
word of mouth. These types of videos almost always have a
humorous side to them. These videos make some people celebrities
landing later gigs in commercials and movie cameos. That even
indirectly markets the product of focus. People automatically
associate that person w the product in turn putting in the consumers
head hopefully producing a customer.
5/31/2012 9:46:17 PM
Viral marketing is most effective with the younger generation between ages
14-28. But the age gap is getting larger and incorporating more people as
people learn to effectively use technology. The reason these groups are more
inclined to be effected by viral marketing is due to the fact that they are more
interconnected to one another through the use of technology. Examples of this
would be Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot, Tumblr, Liveleak, Google+, etc. One
message can go viral in a matter of hours as everyone feels the need to share
it with others through technology. I believe it is more effective because it is
quickly able to reach a wide array of audiences and the word of mouth used
by those effected keeps the advertising campaign alive.
MARKETING Meghan Frace
5/30/2012 3:27:52 PM
Viral marketing can be more effective towards younger market groups since
they are more present in the viral marketing stages. They are more aware of
new products, and can interact with others on how well the product
doing. Traditional marketing seems to be lessening over the years due to the
amount of information that is readily available online and through
technological devices. Viral marketing can persuade consumers to try new
products because of the mass coverage being applied to the product or
service. Consumers can be swayed to make a purchase just because others
have made a decision to, they normally will not be the first just because there
is a need for acceptance by others.
MARKETING Helen Miller
5/30/2012 6:15:41 AM
When an ad goes viral, its means that is is being passed on from one person to another at high
speed. If one person passes the ad to a group of friends, then it grows exponentially.
This type of ad certainly can help a product, but in general, I don't think it makes it more
effective to the population as a whole. Certain age groups would find this type of advertising
very effective because they spend most of their time online and this is the way they get most
of their information about almost everything. I do think younger people could be swayed into
buying based on this type of advertising, especially since all of their friends are viewing the
same material. I think it's a matter of following the crowd. Without thinking about it, they
believe this will help them fit in with their peers.
MARKETING Berker Bulbuloglu
5/30/2012 6:47:59 AM
If an advertisement goes viral, it definitely helps the brand associated with it
to increase its brand recognition. The product advertised can also see an
increase in sales. In case the advertised was targeted at a certain age group,
then it might be effective to that age group. Apart from that, people who
actively use the internet and their friends are more likely to be affected by
viral ads. People who do not have access to the internet will be better targeted
by traditional advertisements like paper ads, etc.
MARKETING Darlene M. Jaffke
5/30/2012 7:40:38 PM
Great discussion on viral marketing. Take a look at this
advertisement that went viral. Its a great example of making a
somewhat "boring" product (a mini-van) cool. Check out the number
of hits.
Dr. Darlene Jaffke
Toyota Mini van
6/2/2012 2:11:34 PM
That's the beauty of viral marketing. If you create an ad that
has that certain appeal and lovability, it can cause a huge
stir, and be seen by millions in a short period. This type of
marketing can be cheaper, and reach many more willing
MARKETING Samantha Donohue
6/3/2012 5:43:47 PM
I have never seen this commercial until now but it is absolutely
hysterical! I loved it and if I ever were interested in a mini-van
that would be my first option. My second choice would be the
Honda Odyssey, they also of humorous commercials glamorizing
driving a mini-van.
MARKETING Maria Sandor
6/3/2012 2:01:37 PM
I think that viral marketing can be effective to the groups in which it's
targeted to, since an affiliation already exists within that group, therefore it's
easier for that group to relate to this this type of marketing.
6/3/2012 11:44:14 PM
The ads that go viral basically the ones that catches people attention. That is
why people tend to follow and persuade them to buy the product, all it takes
to make it simple and then people will tend to tune in and get the product
because it was simple for them to understand about the product.
Humor in
Ray Shaw
5/29/2012 7:12:37 PM
humor in adds doesn't convince me to buy the product more than any other product,
however when a funny commercial comes on there is a better chance that I will keep it
on rather than skipping through just because they are amusing.So in a way I guess
those brands would stick with me more if I ever had to recall them but I dont think
that I would pick them over another product just because of the add. I am more driven
by prices.
humor in
Carrie Patrick
5/29/2012 8:51:41 PM
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB9F260CE56D04E73 old spice
This is a playlist of the recent Old Spice commercials. They actually are targeting
women with this string of commercials thinking that the women who do the shopping
will purchase the products for the men in their lives. This tactic works quite well, or
at least it did for myself. The commercials are quite humorous and caught my
attention, and on more than one occasion I have purchased the old spice products for
my husband. I in fact even purchased the old spice Fiji scented deodorant for myself
because I liked the way it smelled. I think Old spice has changed the face of their
product making it younger and more fresh and giving it a humorous personality
doesn't hurt.
Humor in
Linda Dean
5/29/2012 9:34:07 PM
The advertisement that I found to be humorous is the Jimmy Fallon's credit card commercials with the
baby in the high chair. It had a lot of humor, primarily coming from the baby's expressions and
feedback from Jimmy Fallon's questions, as well as Jimmy's reactions to the baby throwing things, and
making faces at him. I'm not likely to get the credit card, because I already have one from capital One,
but if I didn't own one, I don't think the commercial would make me want to go and apply for a cash
rewards card, I just enjoy the commercials.
Humor in
Matthew Douds
5/30/2012 9:33:12 AM
Humor is very risky in advertising but when done correctly humor in advertising can
create a large return of new and past customers. A funny advertisement recently I've
seen was a sketchers commercial during the superbowl that had a pug in a race with
greyhounds but the pug was super fast since he had little sketchers on, then when
he neared the finnish line he stopped turned around and moon walked threw the
finnish line.
RE: Humor
Darlene M. Jaffke
5/30/2012 7:42:09 PM
Good point Matthew about humor being risky. After all, not everyone thinks
the same things are funny. You are taking the risk of offending someone.
Dr. Darlene Jaffke
Humor in Berker Bulbuloglu
5/31/2012 7:24:39 AM
Yes, humor is a very risky tool but also perhaps one of the most
effective. Lot of thinking needs to go behind the humor used in a ad.
Apart from the humorous appeal which an advertisement should have
for the maximum number of viewers, it also needs to be sensitive in
many cases. There have been many cases where there have been
lawsuits because the advertisement was offensive to some section of
the society and it was not kept in mind during the production of the
Joon Chang
5/30/2012 4:07:44 PM
I'd like to refer back to one of my previous week's discussion posts on advertisements.
I wrote of the Corona commercial, "Stan." This is one of my favorite television
commercials and at the same time very humorous. The commercial creates a relation
with its viewers, as in my case, because it portrays an average male in his mid 20's to
late 30's. Although it does not make it more likely to choose that particular product, it
constantly makes me think of it. It stays in my mind at all times. It can be effective for
brand identification. People like myself, can tell others if they have seen this
commercial, and can spread new of the company's product.
Leo Rodriguez
5/30/2012 5:21:04 PM
One of my favorite commercials is the Dos Equis commercials with”The most
interesting man in the world” quotes. I think they are great because not only are they
really funny, but they are also “sophisticated” in a way that is funny. I think the
marketing is very well thought of because it gets people talking and also has had
people create websites with him. This is great news for Dos Equis because it helps
spread the word and also gives them “free” advertisement because others have created
tons of other websites helping promote the beer. Funny commercials are also ones that
people remember and want to tell others about. They always say that the best
marketing is word of mouth. So this definitely helps.
RE: Funny
Commercials Ray Shaw
5/31/2012 5:04:30 PM
You hit a key point that I completely agree with and that is the free
advertising. many times these funny commercials can be found online and if
some are good enough I actually have shown them to friends and family. I
think if you can create an ad that is good enough its bound to spread even
further than intended just because of word of mouth.
Damien Hernandez
5/30/2012 7:06:05 PM
Family Guy is one of my favorite shows. They recently had a commercial for Wheat
Thins that played off a running joke in the show. It's off the way Stewie pronounces
the 'h' in things that are meant to be silent. It was a fun commercial to watch, and
made me laugh, but didn't give me the urge to buy wheat thins. I eat them
occasionally, but this commercial made no impact toward my purchasing decision. It
brought a brand name to a brand name product, clever - but didn't have an effect on
Darlene M. Jaffke
5/30/2012 7:43:57 PM
Lets segway away from humor in advertising for a moment. Solomon discusses the
saying "he who dies with the most toys wins". What does this mean and what does it
mean to a marketer? How would this thinking affect consumer behavior?
Dr. Darlene Jaffke
WITH Kareem Carr
6/2/2012 9:46:14 AM
I think this saying is kind of poking fun at people that put to much on material
things but you have to really look at what is consider material things and what
are considered something that is needed. Like a car is a very good thing to
have especially in today's world. People will say you don't have to get a new
car but people get new cars not with the thought of showing off but with the
though of having a reliable car to get back and forth to their kids school and
their jobs. There is a very thin line between what people considers material
things or not. I think it goes back to when people say you can take these thing
with you when you die.
WITH Helen Miller
5/31/2012 12:31:45 PM
The saying "he who dies with the most toys wins" refers to value that people put on material
possessions. There are many people who think that material possessions automatically
equal success, and ultimately, happiness. People who think like this would be a marketer's
dream. All the marketer would have to do is track the type of purchase the individual makes
and then target him for similar products or updated products that he already owns. An
example would be the iPad. The iPad was released in April 2010, the iPad2 began shipping in
the U.S. in March of 2011, and the iPad3 was released in March 2012. I know people who
have purchased all three. Do they really need them? And in such a short period of time? But
time and again, all I hear is "I gotta have it!" Amazing.
WITH Christopher Gonzalez
5/31/2012 1:51:50 PM
I agree with Helen about the value people put on material goods. I
see this type of behavior everyday. I sell alarm systems for a living
and I am constantly visiting different types of communities. I have
noticed that this behavior is more apparent in upper and lower class
communities. I see run down homes with top of the line
entertainment systems and I see last year's popular electronics in the
garbage of nice neighborhoods. What is funny to me is, these two
groups are the first ones to complain about taxes or lack of
government funding.
WITH Helen Miller
6/1/2012 11:36:20 AM
Agreed. The last line of your post says it all!
WHO Nate Ramser
6/2/2012 2:14:33 PM
I think it's interesting that you find this in the highest end
neighborhoods, and the lowest. This shows that some
people live by this saying, and even if they don't have
enough money to put food in the fridge, they always have
enough to buy things that make them look flashy.
WITH Christopher Gonzalez
6/3/2012 10:34:04
I work in towns that have million dollar homes and
I work in towns like Gary, Indiana. I see cars with
15,000 dollar rims parked at a house that isn't work
25,000. It is sad and depressing, but it is reality.
WITH Meghan Frace
5/31/2012 3:12:54 PM
This depicts the consumers that divulge in all things that have materialistic
values to them. You can see many people from Wall Street or even
consumers that like to spend thousands of dollars on toys such as cars,
houses, or lavish trips to Europe. This to a marketer is a major advantage
when selling a high end product because they already know what target group
they will attract. It is when money is no option, and when the product has a
meaning of status rather than quality. This thinking can affect consumer
behavior because then people can become only concerned about the label or
name of a product and not what the product may stand for entirely.
WITH Carrie Patrick
5/31/2012 4:52:44 PM
In regards to the saying, "He who dies with the most toys wins", is definitely
referring to the way people view their material possessions. They view them
as status symbols. The toys they are speaking of are signs to the world of
their achievements in life. This is important to a marketer because they can
use these feelings of the consumer. They can focus their campaign showing
the prestige behind the products they are selling. They show the product
being used by a person of prestigious standing and consumers get the feeling
of need for the product to accomplish the appearance of success as well.
VS. HEDONIC Darlene M. Jaffke
5/31/2012 7:44:39 PM
Great discussion on "he who dies with the most toys wins". As most
of you agreed this is a very materialistic view and certainly affects
consumer behavior thus affects marketers. Would you consider these
hedonic or utilitarian needs? Why?
Dr. Darlene Jaffke
WITH Helen Miller
6/1/2012 11:51:45 AM
Even though there may be an item or two purchased by these individuals
that could be classified as a necessity, the vast majority of these
purchases are definitely hendonic. This is the way these buyers get thrills
and pleasure. I don't think that the thought of how much money they are
spending even enters their heads. All they know is that they want it. I am
surrounded by people who live like this. They live from paycheck to
paycheck, yet somehow they figure out a way to buy all these toys. I
have heard them talking. Often times they come up with the money
by ignoring bills that need to be paid. I think that this has helped create a
new area for the mental health field.
WITH Maria Sandor
6/1/2012 9:17:15 PM
I think that they could be both hedonic and utilitarian needs
because many products serve both. For example, somebody
might purchase a BMW car over another brand to fulfill a
hedonic need, considering it a status symbol and a luxury,
and they may have also purchased it to fulfill a utilitarian
need, if they consider the car to be well built and designed,
and will perform well and last for a long time.
WITH Sara Deese
6/1/2012 7:20:22 PM
I would say both hedonic and utilitarian. Hedonic needs are products
that are more luxuries while utilitarian needs are more functional. A
computer I consider funtional people may materialize over. Then a
car a lot people do materialize those. A cell phone can be both
hedonic and ulitilarian.
WITH Leo Rodriguez
6/1/2012 8:30:17 PM
I think marketers try and “Sell” them as utilitarian products
because of the fact that there is a need to keep up with the
Jones’ I also have to say that they are most likely hedonic
products but I believe that the way they market some of the
products is to make the consumer believe that they need
them and it will improve their quality of life.
WITH Ray Shaw
6/3/2012 3:57:44 PM
I think that most of these purchases are definetly hedonic. Specially how even in the saying
the word "toys" isnt something that is needed. But I have also just read a paper that gave
proof that hedonic products sell better because they are marketed in a way to be considered
as a commodity and not really a need. So maybe the "he who dies with the most toys wins"
could be seen as a way all hedonic products are marketed. interesting read found here:
VS. HEDONIC Jason Weaver
6/3/2012 11:15:18
I guess we have to just face it we live hedonic
lives. I think it would be a very hard thing for an
average person that they live a completely
utilitarian life. I think that is almost impossible. It
is what makes us human. we all have desire just
different ways of fullfilling them.
WITH Berker Bulbuloglu
6/1/2012 12:09:04 AM
He who dies with the most toys wins tries to show the attitude many people
have developed today. The society overall has become more materialistic and
many times people are only concerned about their material possessions and
seem to draw happiness out of them alone. Peer competition also takes place
based on that. For marketers, this is very good since these are the people who
can be easily influenced into buying something new with properly targeted
WITH Monica Franco
6/3/2012 7:24:19 AM
According to the book page 156. "Our possessions play a central role in our
lives, and our desire to accumulate them shapes our value systems.
Materialism refers to the importance people attach to worldly
possessions". This means that most people work hard to have what its
considered a good life. It is marketing that defines what a good life is,
advertising and TV is what sets that standards. What we see on TV what
celebrities have influence our lifestyles. This expectations vary across
different cultures.
Re:Humor in
Gaulden Chindime
5/30/2012 10:11:58 PM
The advertisement I enjoy the most is the one by FreeCredit report.com. I
like the characters they use in this ad because they are funny and they add a
sense of humor to this serious issue of consumer credit reports and identity
theft. The young people used in these advertisements will do everything that
somebody with a huge credit problem might end up doing, like staying with
a mother because they cant get an apartment, or even working in a low-class
diner because they couldn't secure a good job due to credit issues. I signed
up with freecreditreport.com after enjoying these advertisements. I have
included a link to one of these advertisements on you tube.
Darlene M. Jaffke
6/1/2012 2:43:30 PM
We talked earlier of how our subculture and/or other groups that we belong to can
affect our buying behavior. It some instances, there is conformity within the
group. What are some measures within the group that assure this conformity? As a
marketer striving to understand consumer behavior, what would be the learning from
this situation?
Dr. Darlene Jaffke
Gaulden Chindime
6/3/2012 9:42:46 PM
Most groups require its members to behave in a certain way as a sign
of conformity to the group. This includes dressing, riding certain
types of bikes and kind of hairstyle in the case of bikers for example.
By behaving and looking like most of the other members of
the group, the members show sign of loyalty to the group. As a
marketer , by understanding what the situation demands for a
particular group I would learn what to market the most to such
groups and how to position the products that sell well in those
Christopher Gonzalez
6/1/2012 6:39:16 PM
Modified:6/1/2012 7:45 PM
Every group has different ways to assure conformity. The Amish, for
example, will shun a member of their community if they do or say something
that is deemed unacceptable. A marketer can better reach a group by knowing
what that group's wants and needs are. Once the marketer knows the
consequences for a group member not abiding by a group norm, they can
instill a fear of loss in the target group by not purchasing a product or service
that they offer. People are more likely to react to a fear of loss compared to a
want. This website is just one of many on a google search that provide
examples http://www.10stepstomakingmoney.com/sellingyourproduct/TheFear-Of-Loss-Factor-In-Sales.html .
Matthew Douds
6/1/2012 5:28:18 PM
A consumer would need to figure out what the hobbies, and interest of the
target market to better understand how to sell to them most efficiently.
Leo Rodriguez
6/1/2012 8:25:21 PM
It is interesting that funny commercials are used more because if you think about it
nobody really talks about sad commercials. You never really hear anyone talk about
“hey, did you see that very depressing commercial?” that is why the Super Bowl
which is the Mecca of commercial time is mostly funny commercials. I really can’t
seem to think of any sad commercials but I can definitely think of funny ones from
years ago.
Darlene M. Jaffke
6/2/2012 7:32:17 AM
We began this thread with a thorough analysis of humor as used in advertisements and
the impact of humor on consumer buying behavior. As some of these ads go viral, we
analyzed the impact of this. The adage "he who dies with the most toys wins" was
examined through the eyes of materialism and consumer behavior. Finally, we began
a discussion of groups and conformity. As we close out this week, lets discuss how
needs influence what we buy. In chapter 4 Solomon discusses four needs. How doe
these relate to consumer buying behavior?
Dr. Darlene Jaffke
SUMMARY Kareem Carr
6/3/2012 10:08:48 PM
Needs have a huge impact on buying patterns especially when someone has a
budget to follow. Then it turns into I really want this pair of shoes but I have
to pay my car payment this month. Needs will always do that to people that
have a budget to follow because even though they want something they may
not be able to get it because they have to pay for something they need. This
jut happened to me where I wanted to buy a new watch but I had to pay my
cell phone bill.
SUMMARY Andres Valdes
6/3/2012 10:47:09 PM
Needs affect us greatly, for example if someone were to buy a car they
wanted then after the purchase they would NEED to buy gasoline, insurance
and pay for maintenance. This now affects the price of the car, even though a
consumer may be able to afford the initial price of a BMW but if they can not
cover the overhead costs of insurance, gas and maintenance then they would
probably want to rethink buying that vehicle. Needs affects the consumers
wants and therefore aid in the decision making for various purchases.
SUMMARY Damien Hernandez
6/2/2012 11:39:26 PM
Needs have a huge impact on our purchasing patterns. Our need for affiliation
could be a result of a social pattern. We purchase things based on the trend to
maintain a social status. Our need for power may point us toward a product
that gives us leverage in social standing. Our need for uniqueness could sway
us in getting something solely for the purpose of defining ourselves.
SUMMARY Maria Sandor
6/3/2012 1:50:24 PM
Modified:6/3/2012 1:51 PM
Solomon discusses biogenic needs, which are basic needs that are necessary
to life, such as air, food, water, and shelter. The other, non innate needs are
the psychogenic needs, which develop from being part of a culture. They are:
1. The need for achievement, which is what drives people to value personal
accomplishment and products and services which support it, for example, a
business suit or dress shoes. 2. The need for affiliation, which is what drives
people to want to be in the company of others, and is demonstrated in team
sports, shopping at malls, or hanging out in bars. 3. The need for power,
which drives people to want to control their enviroment and feel as though
they are the masters of their surroundings, such as in traveling to a luxury
resort where the staff is at their disposable for their every whim. 4. The need
for uniqueness, which drives people to seek out products and services which
enhance their individuality. (Solomon, 2011, pp. 132-135).
Sharell Griggs
6/3/2012 3:42:22 PM
The State Farm commercials are hilarious to me; the jingle commercials "like a good
neighbor state farm is there, with...". I also like the All State commercial where the
guy represents himself as different forms of mayhem, I laugh every time. Has it
encouraged me to change my auto insurance to their companies? No, because I'm
getting a better deal with the insurance I have, but I do enjoy the clever antics and they
are unforgettable.
RE: Funny
Advertisements Damien Hernandez
6/3/2012 7:55:03 PM
These commercials probably made you think about getting a quote though. If
they swayed you to just see if their insurance is better, then the mission was
accomplished. Plus with auto insurance, a lot of it has to do with customer
service and not just rates.