
0 To learn about the daily routines of students in
Spanish-Speaking countries
0 Create an audio cover for SpongeBob’s Morning
Routine in Spanish.
Parte 1 - Direcciones
0 Type the following questions on a blank word
document and answer them based on the reading on
the following slide, as if you were the person who
wrote it.
1. ¿A que hora levanta la joven mexicana?
2. ¿Antes de dormir, que necesita hacer la joven?
3. Write 3 transition words in Spanish, used in the
La rutina de una joven
Me levanto a las siete de la mañana. Me ducho, me
pongo la ropa y desayuno para ir a la escuela. Tengo
muchas clases. Mis favoritas son la de matemáticas,
español y educación física. La hora de la salida es a la
una y media. Voy a mi casa.
Cuando llego me quito la ropa de escuela y me
pongo la ropa confortable. También tengo que cocinar
con mi mamá para preparar la cena. Después de cenar,
tengo que hacer los deberes. Por la noche hago mis
tareas, y antes de me duermo, me cepillo los dientes y
me lavo la cara. Finalmente me duermo para ir a la
escuela el próximo día.
Parte 2 - Direcciones
0 Watch the following video and type a detailed
paragraph in English about what she did throughout
the day, when, and with who. (4-6 Sentences)
0 Type your paragraph on the same Word Document as
you did for Parte 1, label as Parte 2
Parte 3 - Direcciones
0 Watch the following video about SpongeBob’s routines
in the morning
0 Create a script for SpongeBob in Spanish explaining
what he does, what tools he uses and use transition
words, using the vocabulary you know. DETAILS!
0 Write on a separate sheet of paper
0 Pretend you are writing a script for SpongeBob, so write
it as if you were him.
0 Ex. “En la mañana me ducho con champu antes de me pongo
la ropa.”
Parte 3 - Direcciones
0 Once you have made the script, record yourself
reading it aloud, save it with your name as the title
and attach it to an email to me
0 How to Record: Click on Button in bottom left corner
(circle w/ flag), search for “Sound Recorder”, open
software, click red button to record.
0 Make sure headphones/microphones are plugged into
the correct jacks in the computer
Exit Ticket
0 Save your Word Document with your Part 1
and Part 2 Responses
0 Save your audio recording for SpongeBob
0 Send an email to me at with your Word
Document and your Audio Script attached
0 Pay $2 to see your teachers play basketball
against the officers at the Pep Rally Today!
0 Have a wonderful, safe weekend and come
support your football team, majorettes,
cheerleaders and band tonight at the game!!
7pm at REHS