Economics 312 Money and Banking Professor: Office: Phone: Email: Rob Blackstock, Ph.D. CAB 329 257-2311 In order to help the University save money during these times of financial hardship, I will not return a long distance phone call. The very best way to communicate with me is through email. My schedule (including office hours) are posted on Moodle. Office hours are also available by appointment. Textbook: We will be using the online Textbook, “M & B” (3nd Ed.) by Dean Croushore, which is an online text / study / homework service provided by the textbook manufacturer titled Aplia Online. You may purchase the online text and service directly from the website or through the bookstore (slightly cheaper if you buy direct). Registration instructions will be provided on the first day of class. Financial Calculator: You must have a financial calculator for this class. The TI BAII meets the criteria (or the HP 10BII) and is affordable (you can get either at Wal-Mart for $28.96). However, if you plan to take upper level math, economics, finance or statistics classes or plan to attend graduate school, then I suggest investing in a more powerful calculator which would also perform graphing functions (such as the HP 49G+ or the TI0-84+, each for about $90). Tech’s bookstore offers a “cheap” financial calculator produced by a company no one has ever heard of. Be warned; my students who have attempted to use that calculator have never had success with it. Calculators Supported in this class are: Texas Instruments BAII+ HP 10BII HP 48G, 49G, 50G (any in this series) TI 84 HP 30b Business Professional Course Objectives: This course will explain the interactions of financial markets and financial institutions from the point of view of both the Chicago and the Austrian schools of economics. Grading: 2 exams 100 points each Final exam 100 points Daily Online Homework Daily quizzes Your final grade will be the total points you’ve earned divided by the total number of possible points. For example, there are 2 tests at 100 points each and a final at 100 points for the class total of 300 points. If you have earned a total of (say) 214 points, then your grade would be 214 / 300 = 71.3%. Ten percent of your grade will come from written communication. Be forewarned: I do not round up grades at the end of the quarter. If your final grade is 89.9%, then you will receive a B. No exceptions. (And don’t come to me after the grades are in and say, “But I was present at every, single class!” You’re supposed to be at every, single class!) Grading will be based on the ubiquitous 10 point grading scale. Missing an exam / quiz / homework / etc. will result in a zero grade unless the student presents a valid, University approved excuse. The excuse must be presented in writing and be signed by the appropriate figurehead (for example, athletes must bring excuses signed by coaches or other official athletic personnel… all excuses will be verified by the professor. Yes, I actually call and verify). All excuses must be presented on the day you return to the class. If you walk into the classroom late (and late is defined as: I’ve already called your name on the roll) you must present a valid, university approved excuse for being late in order to receive your attendance points for that day. If you miss an assignment / exam and have presented a valid, university approved excuse, then your final exam grade will be reweighted to count for the missing work. I do not give make-ups. Note: Oversleeping is NOT an excuse. You will not receive special consideration because your alarm didn’t sound. Here's an example: Let's say you miss test 1 but present to me a valid, University approved excuse. You take your final exam and earn a 75%. Your test 1 grade is now a 75%. As you can see, missing an exam / quiz makes your comprehensive final much more important! I return exams during the class period after testing. If you miss that class, you must present a valid, university approved excuse to receive your test. Your grade will be on blackboard, but I will not dig through files looking for your exam because you decided to sleep-in. All grades will be posted on Moodle. Note: for your grade to be posted, your Moodle email address must be your LaTech email address. This is because the computer posts the grades according to email. Other Things: Everything (everything) that you turn in to me must have your Student ID number and name PRINTED (not signed) in the top, right-hand corner. Failure to do so will cost you points. Everything which is turned in to me must have been written with black or blue ink or in pencil. Red ink is reserved for grading. Most other colors are hard for old teachers to read clearly. Cell Phones If your cell phone rings during class, you will lose 5 points from your overall grade. If your cell phone rings during a test, you will lose a letter grade on that exam. You may not use your cell phone as a calculator or as a clock during tests because of text messaging. If you are seen even looking at your cell phone during a test, the exam will be removed and you will receive a zero. There will be no texting or other cell phone use during class. If something is so important that it needs to be updated to Facebook immediately, you can do so elsewhere. Anyone seen using their cell phone for any purpose during class will be asked to leave. That person must then meet with Dr. Gilley, Head of Economics and Finance before being allowed back into the class. “Technology” I do not permit the recording of my lecture unless you have special permission from the office of Students with Special Needs. Users of computers must sit on the front row. It has been my experience that 1% of computer users actually use the machine to take notes while the other 99% distract themselves and others around them by surfing, checking email, playing games, following twitter, reddit and etc. Disturbing Others If you have a habit of talking to your neighbors (even to ask “what did he say?”) I may evict you from the class. Should this occur you will need Dr. Gilley’s (head of the Econ / Finance Dept.) permission to return the next class period. Academic Integrity: The Honor Code Statement Being a student of higher standard, I pledge to embody the principles of academic integrity. Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Academic dishonesty may result in a grade of zero on the assignment(s) and / or dismissal from the class with a grade of “F”. Students with Special Needs: If you need special accommodations or arrangements, please contact the Coordinator of Services for Students with Special Needs at 257-3036. Attendance: Attendance will be kept during every class meeting. We will follow the rules of attendance as printed in the current academic catalog. In case of Disaster (such as another hurricane) If we are unable to meet on campus, it is your responsibility to check Blackboard in order to follow along with class work. Syllabi Changes The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus throughout the course. However, if that occurs the new syllabus will be distributed to the class before the change is made, will be posted on blackboard and will be posted on the COB website. NOTE "All students should enroll in the Louisiana Tech Emergency Notification System and keep their contacts current on BOSS. In the event of an emergency closing the Tech campus, students are directed to the off-campus Louisiana Tech Moodle site for all course communication and for the continuation of course work. Information on class continuation will be available within three days of the closure." See Moodle on the first day of class for Aplia registration instructions. Louisiana Tech University adheres to the equal opportunity provisions of federal and civil rights laws, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status or disability.