Entrepreneurship Task 1 Name : M. Irsan Syahwildani NIM : 41809014 Class : IK-Humas3 Critical Thinking Questions 1. Why wouldn’t Google take the simpler and cheaper route of creating a strategic alliance with DoubleClick, rather than purchasing the company outright? Answer : Google doesn’t choose the cheaper path because, Google doesn’t have a much time to build it. With limited time, Google choose to buy the company. If we can analyze the story above, we can see that there are other benefits from the purchase of the company. The benefit is, Google get the whole network which has been established in the company. It provides easy access for Google. 2. The FTC doesn’t have the authority to stop the Google acquisition on the basis of privacy concerns, but should it? Why or why not? Answer : The criticism that the FTC to stop acquisition by Google is right. Buying habits of a client is a privacy. So, Google don’t have a right to know. But according to my analysis, the FTC doesn’t have authority to stop the acquisition. FTC serve only as an observer organization, and not an institution that can interfere in the internal affairs of the company purchase. 3. What are the risks of buying a company simply to keep it out of a competitor’s hands? What is likely to happen to the acquired firm when this happens? Answer : I think the risk of buying companies only to get out of the hands competitors are : - The companies have to synchronize both. Because it’s not easy to achieve the goal if there is no synchronization between the core and the second company. - With the pressure of time and the presence of strong competitors, spend a lot of money to buy a company in a short time can backfire for corporate finance sooner or later. And the risk to the company being acquired is, purpose, vision, and mission of the company will be changed because of the influence of the companies that have bought their company. Online 1. If you were a sole proprietor, how could you use these services to promote your business? Answer : I’ll use this service as it’s basic functions. I’ll promote my own business. Its main objective is to my business recognized by the public. And finally, hopes to increase purchases. 2. If you were the advertising manager of a major corporation, how might you use Google’s advertising services? Answer : First, I’ll use the service to advertise. Second, I’ll use this service to see where the potential market is. Because with this service we are able to see the potential market. Calculated from the number of clicks in a particular area. Once I know the potential market it will do some other ways to improve marketing. Questions of Review 1. What are the three basic forms of business ownership? A : Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, and Corporation. 2. What is the difference between a general and a limited partnership? A : In a limited partnership, a limited partner can be held liable for only the amount of money he or she invested in the company. In a general partnership, the individual liability for debts is the partner's share of the total amount of debts accrued by the partnership. 3. What is a closely held corporation, and why do some companies choose this form of ownership? A : A closely held corporation is a corporation in which more than half of the shares are held by fewer than 5 individuals. Closely held corporations are private companies, and are not publicly held. And why do some companies choose this form, it’s because with this form of ownership, it reduces the risk of loss if it occurs. with more than one owner, the responsibility will be charged to all owners, and not like the kind of general ownership. 4. What is the role of a company’s board of directors? A : The board of directors' key purpose is to ensure the company's prosperity by collectively directing the company's affairs, whilst meeting the appropriate interests of its shareholders and stakeholders. In addition to business and financial issues, boards of directors must deal with challenges and issues relating to corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and corporate ethics. 5. What is culture clash? A : Culture clash is the misunderstandings, and disagreements between different cultures. Questions of Analysis 6. Why is it advisable for partners to enter into a formal partnership agreement? A : The reason is to share the risks that are involved in the business when especially when a dispute arises. When you form a partnership, you should address the nature and purpose of the business, name of the business, capital supply and treatment if financial maters, salary payments and the sharing of profit and losses. 7. To what extent do shareholders control the activities of a corporation? A : The role of shareholders in a corporation is electing directors through those with voting shares. They are not directly involved in company management as their connection to company management is typically via the Board of Directors. 8. How might a company benefit from having a diverse board of directors that includes representatives of several industries, countries, and cultures? A: This allows them to have a variety of input and leadership styles. So, they can unite these things to run the company in a great way. 9. Why do so many mergers fail? A : According to my analysis, many reasons why it could happen a failed merger. First, unplanned. The point is there is no clear plan when the partners formed. Second, there is no rapid dissemination to employees. So it can’t achieve the goal of the merger. 10. Illustration Story A : Actually it’s legal to do. All people have an equal right to purchase the shares of any company.But the problem is, the illustrations are buying is the son of a company director who became victims of the merger. Question of Aplication 11. I will take the form of limited partnership. Because initially this effort has been initiated by several people. And the main thing is I think that with such a form can reduce the risk in the event of loss, and all the decisions can be considered good. Because there are some ideas and considerations which will arise from the owners. 12. Step I take is, to see whether the company is involving stakeholders in all decisions. If so, then it can be judged that the company has the benefit of the shareholders. 13. I think regardless of the consultant is there to solve the problem of the company, without the direct support and hard work of the company itself, will not be able to get through hard times in the company. A bit about the culture of Thailand Thai society is very tolerant of different cultures throughout the nation do not offend the royal life and Buddhism. Thai language is the language of sound (fonal languange) and has its own letter. Thai language, including the language is difficult because sometimes one word when spoken with different intonations which means it will be different. Discovering Career Opportunities 1. I chose the efforts in the field of media. form partnerships that I chose is a limited partnership. why? Because in this business it takes more than one person in charge. with this form, the responsibility will be held properly. 2. I prefer a shared responsibility. And I also prefer talking to a lot more parties in decision-making. The goal is to get a better judgment on the decision to be taken. 3. All forms of ownership interest. but the most interesting to me is a form of limited partnership. Because it involves many parties form to get a result and responsibility. Online Exploration This is a condition of the merger in Indonesia: 1. Fulfill the terms of the merger. General terms this merger provided for in Article 126 of Law No.. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Companies ("Company Law") jo. Article 4 paragraph (1) PP. 27 Year 1998 on Merger, Consolidation and Acquisition Company Limited ("PP 27/1998") 2. Draft merger. After fulfilling the requirements mentioned above, the Company shall draft the merger. The design of this merger provided for in Article 123 of the Company Law in conjunction with Article 7 PP 27/1998: 3. The merger was approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders 4. Incorporation deed 5. The announcement of the merger