Boulder Lake Association Dear new neighbor, Boulder Lake

Boulder Lake Association
Dear new neighbor,
Boulder Lake Association (BLA) wants to welcome you to our “Little piece of Heaven”. BLA was founded
in 2005 and has been actively working for the betterment of our lake since then. The purpose and
objectives of our Association are:
To promote and maintain the environmental, economic and recreational protection of
Boulder Lake.
To work in conjunction with federal, state and local agencies (public and private) to
maintain the quality of the lake.
To promote the fishing resources of Boulder Lake for the benefit of its residents.
To support education and provide information relating to the protection and quality of the
Boulder Lake area and its wildlife to the membership.
To inform the Membership of civil concerns relating to the purposes of the Association.
Some of our accomplishments and ongoing activities include:
Completed our Lake Management Plan (LMP) in 2010. Our LMP allowed us to identify attainable
goals, helped us to set priorities and gave us a road map of action steps to achieve those goals.
As part of our LMP we completed a comprehensive Vegetation Mapping of Boulder Lake in
2011. This gives us a baseline so that we can monitor changes in types of vegetation, growth
patterns and movement within Boulder Lake. The mapping also allowed us to monitor for any
Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS).
Lake Water Testing – Each year, May through September, water samples are taken from our
lake and sent to RMB Environmental Laboratories in Detroit Lakes for water quality analysis. You
can look on their web site for our results at once there click on the Lakes
Monitoring Database.
Watercraft Inspections -In partnership with Hennrietta Township and Hubbard County Soil and
Water Conservation District (SWCD), Boulder Lake Association is helping to fund Watercraft
Inspections at our Public Landing. These inspections are designed to help educate the public on
all new state laws regarding AIS. Things the inspectors check include Drain Plugs (which must be
out when boats are being transported), any vegetation that is attached to the boat, motor or
trailer, and any water in the boat that remains from a trip from another body of water. This
water includes areas like live wells or minnow buckets which need to be emptied before you
may legally transport your boat. In 2013 we had 60 hours of inspection time at our landing and
in 2014 we are planning on having at least 100 hours. Currently we are seeking donations to
help with the costs of DNR trained watercraft inspectors. If you can help us with this very
important part of keeping our lake AIS free please contact our treasurer, Kevin King at 218-6524879 or email at .
Road Cleanup – BLA sponsors a road cleanup which includes Friendly Bay Drive, Fairway Drive
and County Road 18 in between them. We have two road cleanups each year one in the Spring
and the other in the Fall. Information on the exact dates and places to meet will be announced
in the annual newsletter.
Annual Meeting/Election of Officers - Each year in late June or early July we have our annual
meeting and pot luck lunch. Officer elections are held on even numbered years. Again exact
dates, times and places are announced in our newsletter. It is our hope that you can join us in
these activities for some good fellowship.
Many of us on Boulder Lake were first drawn here because of the natural beauty of the lake and the
surrounding area. We have learned that good stewardship of the lake and the land adjoining it helps
keep our Lake water clean and our property values as high as possible. What one individual does can
affect the entire lake and everyone who lives around it. We hope you share our values and will join us at
BLA. For information on BLA membership please call Kevin King at 218-652-4879.
For more information on what is considered good lake stewardship, visit the Minnesota DNR website at . Two additional DNR resources on shoreland stewardship are the CD –
“Restore Your Shore” and the book “Lakescaping for Wildlife and Water Quality”, both are available
through the Minnesota DNR or U of M Bookstores. You can also get information about these resources
online at and at
htpp:// . Please also visit the Hubbard County Environmental
Services page at On the “Quick Links” part of page
you will find Hubbard Counties “Shoreland Guide to Lake Stewardship”. This guide is available to read
online or you can pick up a copy at the Hubbard County Soil and Water Conservation District office at
212 ½ 2nd Street West in Park Rapids (218-732-0121). While on the Environmental page please check out
Hubbard Counties “Shoreland Management Ordinance”. There are special rules for waterfront
properties and this ordinance can help answer questions like “When do I need a permit for building
projects”. It also has a lot of other great information on what alterations may and may not be made to
soil and vegetation in the area between the home and the waters edge.
Once again “Welcome to Boulder Lake!” We look forward to getting to know you!
Boulder Lake Association