Holidays’ Homework Class-III Subject- English Do all the work on the sheets and insert it in a folder. Revise all the chapters done in the class. Read LS-4 & 5 and find out the meanings of 20 difficult words from each chapter and use any 10 words to frame sentences. Learn the poem ‘upside down’. Do comprehension from BBC pg no-13, 14, 25, and 26. Draw and colour pictures to show any five ways in which you can save water at home. Write one sentence with each picture. Write 10 lines describing your best friend with the help of following points:- Hobbies, name, when do you play, does he or she need your help, how do others like her/him, Is he/she helpful, kind any special thing about her/him. Make a list of nouns and write it in different categories:- person, place, animal or thing (max 20) Roll no. 1-10: Make two slogans on “Save Environment”. As a student how can you help to keep public places clean and show respect for public property. (Mention three ways). Roll no. 11-20: Make a chart on opposites from BBC pg-63 by pasting or drawing. Write a short speech for morning assembly on the topic. “Importance of Books” Roll no. 21-30: Make two quiz cards on antonyms from BBC pg-63. Write a paragraph how I spend my holidays. Roll no. 31-42: Paste the picture of beautiful park on a sheet and make a list of five ways in which people would like the park to be used. CD Work: - Spend some quality time with your parents and prepare a CD regarding the conversation between you and your parents. Topic: - What new things or values you have learnt during vacation. Subject- Social Science Note: - Revise all chapters done in the class. 1. Paste picture of different types of houses and clothes in your scrap file and write few lines on it. 2. Paste the pictures of seasons and clothes according to the season. Write two lines on every season. (Take help from LS-13) 3. Make your own First Aid Box. (Take help from LS-6) 4. Paste the pictures of public services e.g. - Bank, police station, market, fire station, hospital, school, post office etc and write two lines on every place. (Take help from LS-5) Roll no. 1-10: Make four flash cards on safety rules at home and school. (Take help from LS-6) Roll no. 11-20: Make a pictorial chart of traffic lights and road signs. (Take help from LS-6) Roll no. 21-30: Make a chart on national symbols. (Take help from LS-10) Roll no. 31-42: Make a chart on source and uses of water. (Take help from LS-4) Subject- Math In Book: -Do Pg-40, Pg-41(a, c), Pg-43, Pg-44(c), Pg-50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, Pg-60(b) In Notebook (separate note book): - Pg-41(b), Pg-44(a, b) Lab File:1. Paste picture of 5 objects and measure its length. (Pg-104) 2. Pate 5 different vessels used to measure capacity. (Pg-125) 3. Do activity of roman numbers with match-sticks. (Pg-27) Learn tables 2 to 12 Revise chapter- 2 & 3 Charts:Roll no. 1-10: Make a chart of Roman numbers. Roll no. 11-20: Make a chart of tables 2 to 12. Roll no. 21-30: Make a chart of different shapes for e.g.- Triangle, square, circle, cone, cuboids, cylinder etc. Roll no. 31-42: Make a chart of fractions like (3/4, 2/4, 1/3) (pg-81). Subject- Science For all students: 1. Paste any five items of first aid box in lab file. 2. Visit to a park with your parents and collect a few leaves of different plants, paste & name them them in lab file. 3. Paste different types of fabrics used in summer, winter and rainy season in lab file. Roll no. 1-6: Make a first aid box with the help of any empty box available at home and keep all the items in the box, you would need. Roll no. 7-12: Make a beautiful collage on a chart paper to collect pictures of living things. Roll no. 13-18: Make a beautiful collage on a chart paper to collect pictures of non-living things. Roll no. 19-24: Make a colorful chart of seed germination. (Pg-55) Roll no. 25-30: Make a model of water cycle on a thermo coal sheet. (Pg-99) Roll no. 31-36: Make a model of kutcha and pucca house on a thermo coal sheet. (Pg-102) Roll no. 37-42: Make a beautiful chart of photosynthesis. (Pg-54) Revise chapter- 2 & 3. Foundation of IT Learn lesson 1, 2. Collect 10 picture of computer & other peripheral devices from newspaper or magazine and paste them in a folder along with their labels.