Learning Management and the Learning Management Questions Al Strangeways Lecturer in Education Charles Darwin University CHARLES DARWIN UNIVERSITY The Teacher as Learning Manager Visualisation Exercise • Picture a Teacher • Picture a Learning Manager • What are the similarities and differences in your pictures? (Dim 3) learning teacher manager CHARLES DARWIN UNIVERSITY Teacher CHARLES DARWIN UNIVERSITY Learning Manager CHARLES DARWIN UNIVERSITY Some Key Terms • Learning Manager (LM): the person • Learning Design (LD): the process • Learning Management Questions (LMQs): the scaffold • Learning Management Plan (LMP): the result CHARLES DARWIN UNIVERSITY Why the new names? • New type of teacher for new era (socio-econ change accelerating) • Evidence: one size learning program doesn’t fit all • Teach the student not the subject • Customise programs based on researched best practice (manage and design) CHARLES DARWIN UNIVERSITY Learning Management Questions Overview 1. What does the learner already know? 1: Profiling 2. Where does the learner need/ want to be? 3: Assessment 7. How will I check to see the learner has achieved the learning outcomes? 8. How will I inform the learner and others about the learner’s progress ? 2: Delivery 3. How does my learner best learn? 4. What resources do I have at my disposal? 5. What will constitute the Learning Journey and therefore what is the best context for the learning? 6. Who will do what? CHARLES DARWIN UNIVERSITY LMP for: Reading Group 2 LMP Focus: Guided Reading (1) What does my Learner Already Know? • The reading group is classified as working at KPG3 in reading. This means that they are reading texts for beginner readers, which have repetitive language structures and supportive illustrations. • It must be noted that within this group- there are some that are working at either higher or lower levels of the group. For those that are working lower- it must be ensured that they have an easier page to read and that they have help if needed. (2) Where does my learner(s) need / want to be? • My learner will be able to: • (Procedural Knowledge): Be more independent with their reading, therefore increasing their comprehension and understanding of texts. • (Declarative Knowledge): NA (3) How does my learner best learn? Guided, quiet reading within a small group. This enables each student to be able to have a go at reading and be heard by the teacher/pre-service teacher. It gives the opportunity for one on one reading. In using guided reading, the students feel safe as it is a non-threatening environment and the students are also working collaboratively. (4) What resources do I have at my disposal? • 1- Curriculum Framework • 2- Guided Reading book- ie “The Big Yellow Castle” • 3-Teachers guide to particular book. (5) What will constitute the learning journey? Learning Experiences : What is to be taught? What are the Sequential Strategies 1: Settling students- gain attention- ask questions about front cover of book 2: Individual children reading page each- all following with fingers 3: Oral questions throughout (stopping to increase understanding) and at end, discussion at end of book 4: Discuss and give out comprehension exercise. Watch and help where needed to ensure student understands and completes comprehension well. (6) Who will do what? I will complete the reading group- ie creating comprehension task, guide the reading, ask questions, explain comprehension and ensure students understand and complete task 7) How will I check to see my learner has achieved the defined learning outcomes? Through the guided reading I will be able to identify whether the students are reading at the right level. I will also be able to identify if the outcomes have been met by the comprehension task. (8) How will I inform the learner and others of the learner’s progress? Discuss with Donna as to how the task went, how they are reading and how the students answered the comprehension task. This will later on help with reporting and identify whether students are still reading at this level or if they are reading at a higher level. CHARLES DARWIN UNIVERSITY Envoy and Structured Overview Task Group 1: Phase 1 As, Bs, C,s Group 2: Phase 2 As, Bs, C,s Group 3: Phase 3 As, Bs, C,s 1. Work in expert group to understand key elements of your assigned phase and fill in your areas of structured overview, in preparation for envoying to new group. 2. As, Bs, Cs, form new groups to give and receive information , and fill in remaining areas of structure overview 3. Groups 1, 2, 3, reform to check new information received from envoys from other expert groups CHARLES DARWIN UNIVERSITY Dimension 4 Task: use knowledge meaningfully Create your own LMP • Choose your knowledge area (learning about mentoring, broader professional learning, something you want to learn in your non-professional life) • Have a go at filling in the 8 LMQs to design your learning program www.cdu.edu.au