ComMotion™ Let’s Get Emotional About Advertising 1 Introducing System 1 vs. System 2 Thinking… 2 Implicit has greater processing power (and is less effortful) 50 bit/sec System 2 “We are not thinking machines that feel; we are feeling machines that think” Antonio Damasio System 1 11,000,000 bit/sec Zimmerman, M. (1989) "The Nervous System in the Context of Information Theory". 3 Can you tell what it is in the picture? Go to the Walking Man Website 4 The way we think: What color is the word? fffddddggg 5 The way we think fffddddggg 6 The way we think green 7 The way we think green 8 The way we think blue 9 The way we think red 10 The way we think blue 11 Intuitive Judgement “A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?” “People are not accustomed to thinking hard, and are often content to trust a plausible judgement that quickly comes to mind.” Daniel Kahnemann, Nobel Prize Winner 12 Human behaviour driven by two independent brain systems, 1 & 2 … System 2 System 1 Explicit Slow Analytical Learned Propositional Conscious Implicit Fast Intuitive Instinctive Metaphoric Unconscious 13 Current view is that emotion simply helps message cut through… 14 But new evidence reveals that the most effective advertising draws people closer to the brand… 15 Emotional campaigns outperform rational, info-based campaigns… “Emotional advertising campaigns are more effective & more profitable than rational campaigns - even in 'rational' categories…” V large profit gains (% reporting) 35% 30% 31% 25% 26% 20% Les Binet & Peter Field 15% 16% Marketing in the Era of Accountability, 2007 (IPA dataMINE analysis study on 880 case studies). 10% 5% 0% Emotional Ad Strategy Combined Rational Ad Strategy Campaign strategy “…The most effective advertisements of all are those with little or no rational content” Dec 10 16 Paul Ekman 7 key emotions…. 17 Dec 10 FaceTrace® - Measuring Emotional Appeal “Which of these faces best expresses how you feel about this ad?” Contempt “To what degree did this ad make you feel [selected emotion]?” Sadness Surprise Neutral Happiness Fear “And what was it about this ad that made you feel this way?” Anger Disgust BrainJuicer® 2006 Captures ‘Reasons for Emotion’ 2007 2007 Award Winner 2007 2007 2007 Award Award Winner Winner 1 18 Cadbury Dairy Milk Gorilla Link: Cadbury Gorilla 19 Cadbury Gorilla Ad 100% 2.17 5 Intensity Score measured on a scale from 0 to +3 90% 1 1 Contempt 16 80% 70% Neutral Happy Surprise % of respondents Anger Sadness 60% Ad is brilliant and gorilla makes me laugh, its very clever and easy to remember 50% 65 40% The best ad around! I just love it!!!! it is different and memorable Great ad, gets people talking about it, memorable 30% First time I saw it I was really surprised it was for 20% 10% 12 0% Don't understand the connection between a gorilla and chocolate Good filming, but what has it to do with chocolate? Excellent ad, not quite sure what gorilla represents, but who cares. Fantastic Disgust Fear Cannot see what the connection was between Phil Collins, Gorilla & Chocolate What does a gorilla playing the drums have to do with chocolate? Not what I was expecting. Trying to work out whether the gorilla was real... 20 Bizarre and unique. Makes you watch the whole ad to find the tagline. Cadbury’s most effective ad ever… WOULD have been progressed on emotional engagement measures Emotional Intensity (0 to +3) 100% Would NOT have been progressed on usual information measures CDM Gorilla 2.17 1.33 5 5 2 Very Positive Contempt 80% Disgust 43 70% Masterbrand payback 171% vs previous campaigns Revenue ROI of £4.88 for every £1 spent (vs £3.16 for previous persuasion campaign) 90% 16 UK TV ad test norm Hardened price elasticity by 27% 1 Anger Fear 60% Sadness Neutral 50% 65 Happy 40% 0 Surprise 30% 43 20% -1 Very Negative 10% 12 6 0% CDM (Gorilla) Commercial ads norm How easy it How relevant How How much it is to it is to you persuasive told you understand you found it about the brand 21 St a 2 rt se 4 c se 6 c se 8 c s 10 ec s 12 e c s 14 e c s 16 e c s 18 e c s 20 e c s 22 e c s 24 e c s 26 e c s 28 e c s 30 e c s 32 e c s 34 e c s 36 e c s 38 e c s 40 e c s 42 e c s 44 e c s 46 e c s 48 e c s 50 e c s 52 e c s 54 e c s 56 e c s 58 e c s 60 e c s 62 e c s 64 e c s 66 e c s 68 e c s 70 e c s 72 e c s 74 e c s 76 e c s 78 e c s 80 e c s 82 e c s 84 e c s 86 e c s 88 e c s 90 e c se c FaceTracing Output: Phil Collins 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% Month Yr Contempt Disgust Anger Fear Sadness Neutral Happy 30% Surprise 20% 10% 0% 22 Heineken Walk-In Fridge Link: Heineken Walk-In fridge 23 Month Yr …would not have been progressed on cognitive KPIs - Heineken ‘Walk-In fridge’ ad - Emotional measurement shows how brilliant the ad really is Would not have been progressed on cognitive KPIs Finished TV-ad Norm Finished TV-ad Norm Intensity Score 1.33 2.10 Contempt 3 1 2 0 4 3 1 Disgust Very Positive UK TV ad test norm 1 21 Anger 40 Fear 0 Sadness 63 Neutral Happiness 43 -1 Surprise Relevant 7 12 Very Negative Persuasive Made you w ant buy the product How m uch it told about brand 24 FaceTracing – Tracing the Emotional Journey Intensity Score measured on a scale from 0 to +3 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 1 3 0 1 3 0 1 3 1 0 1 6 1 0 1 10 11 12 12 13 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 3 1 0 1 4 2 0 1 Contempt 11 11 10 3 2 0 1 3 2 0 2 4 2 0 1 5 3 1 0 2 Disgust 5 3 1 0 1 5 3 1 0 1 5 3 1 0 2 5 3 1 1 2 32 29 29 29 36 39 40 40 22 21 20 20 3 2 1 1 1 5 2 2 1 1 5 3 2 0 1 5 3 2 0 1 6 3 2 0 1 6 1 2 0 1 27 26 26 24 27 44 47 48 49 52 50 18 16 16 15 13 13 29 % of respondents 38 Anger 69 59 Fear Sadness 54 52 46 43 44 44 43 83 100 100 99 99 97 95 94 93 92 90 Neutral 32 Happiness Surprise 15 18 20 12 12 24 25 25 25 12 11 12 13 25 12 7 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 3 6 10 12 16 19 Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec 25 February 2010 …Enjoyed by millions of people on the web More Emotional Appeal = Exponential Growth in Fame 100,000,000 10,000,000 YouTube Hits 2 R = 0.79 1,000,000 100,000 10,000 1,000 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 Emotional Intensity Score 2 2.25 2.5 26 ….Traditional pre-testing fails to identify raw emotional power Emotional Measurement Traditional Measurement Extremely Weak Ads Highly Effective Ads 27 Month Yr …AND REDUCES ad effectiveness “Cases with favourable pre-testing results did significantly worse in market than those that were not tested” - Binet & Field, Marketing in the Era of Accountability, 2008 Effectiveness Success Rate % 80 71 70 60 50 44 40 30 20 10 0 Not Pre-tested Pre-tested Source: Marketing in the Era of Accountability, Binet & Field, 2008. Analysis from the IPA DataMine effectiveness database. Dec 10 28 The Dirty Little Secret of Traditional Ad Pretesting “The dirty little secret of traditional, information-based ad pretesting is that it’s actually making things worse, by actively discriminating against the best creative & most effective work and suggesting ‘improvements’ to fit it’s rational, information-based agenda.” 80 71 70 60 50 44 40 30 20 10 0 Not Pre-tested Pre-tested 29 So are all categories driven by emotion? 30 World Exclusive: IPA experiment correlating big business effects XL Business Effects 18 Ad campaigns – all submitted for IPA ‘most effective campaign’ award Key criterion: # of very large business effects achieved, for example: market share gain reduction of price sensitivity increased penetration profit gain loyalty gain Experiment: which KPI can best select most effective 9 out of these 18 ads? Month Yr 31 Rational Question 1 “How likely are you to buy this product?” 32 Rational Question 2 “How often will you buy this product?” 33 Rational Question 3 “What brand/ product was being advertised?” 34 System 1 measure much more predictive…. Average number of business effects achieved for top and bottom 9 ads when ordered on each measure 3 2.67 2.56 2.56 2.33 2.33 2.00 2.00 2 1.78 1.78 1.67 1 Best 9 Ads Bottom 9 Ads Emotion-intoAction Best 9 Ads Bottom 9 Ads Persuasion Best 9 Ads Bottom 9 Ads Established Industry Cut-through Measure Equivalent Best 9 Ads Bottom 9 Ads Brand Linkage Best 9 Ads Bottom 9 Ads Specific Key Message On Message 35 Base: 18 ads for which business effectiveness data is available from the IPA Rational Question 4 “What message did you take out from this ad?” 36 Success often achieved with very low message takeout so long as emotion is strong Start 5 Seconds 10 Seconds 15 Seconds 20 Seconds 25 Seconds End 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 Emotion-into-Action 10 0 Key Message 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 IPA Silver Award Winner IPA Bronze Award Winner Note: All IPA Award Winners Shown Month Yr 37 Message takeout = simply not predictive of success… Average number of business effects achieved for top and bottom 9 ads when ordered on each measure 3 2.67 2.56 2.56 2.33 2.33 2.00 2.00 2 1.78 1.78 1.67 1 Best 9 Ads Bottom 9 Ads Emotion-intoAction Best 9 Ads Bottom 9 Ads Persuasion Best 9 Ads Bottom 9 Ads Established Industry Cut-through Measure Equivalent Best 9 Ads Bottom 9 Ads Brand Linkage Best 9 Ads Bottom 9 Ads Specific Key Message On Message 38 Month Yr Base: 18 ads for which business effectiveness data is available from the IPA Emotion-into-Action™ has a strong, positive correlation with efficiency; Traditional cognitive KPIs actually show a negative correlation Extent to which variation in each measure explains variation in efficiency (R-squared values) – with positive or negative correlations marked (+/-) 0.5 + 0.4 0.37 - - - - 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.16 -0.2 -0.3 -0.27 -0.30 -0.4 -0.5 Emotion-intoAction Persuasion Established Industry Cut-through Measure Equivalent Brand Linkage Specific Key Message = on Message 39 Month Yr Base: 10 ads for which SOM and ESOV data is available from the IPA Guide to Likely Business Effects Blockbuster Must See Solid Performance Pedestrian Straight to Video Profit gain extremely likely Share gain very likely Reduction in price sensitivity likely Viral potential in some cases Profit gain quite likely Share gain likely Profit gain possible Share gain potential limited Negative return on marketing investment quite likely Negative return on marketing investment likely 40 Month Yr 40 Indication of Efficiency using Emotion-into-Action™ Score Efficiency = share gain/extra share of voice Efficiency CDM Gorilla ROI £1.85* IPA Silver 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 * Calculated using a reported revenue ROI of £4.88 and a reported ‘conservative industry estimate for gross margin’ of 38%. Source: Advertising Works 19, WARC, 2010 Em otion-into-Action™ Score Month Yr Note: colour = confidence band (based on average size of 95% confidence interval for efficiency values) 41 Tropicana Fruit to the City Tropicana Fresh From the Tree 42 Month Yr Tropicana Breakfast in New York picana Breakfast In NY Month Yr 43 Emotional response predicts, rational measures mislead… ROI*: Emotional Intensity (0 to +3) 100% £1.83 £1.73 Brand X: Ad A 1.79 13 1 1.66 9 2 90% 27 80% 1.33 5.47 5.5 5 8 0 1 30 5.22 43 70% Contempt 5.17 5.13 Disgust 5.08 Anger 60% 5.00 Fear 50% 40% Brand X: Ad B Sadness 5 Neutral 72 Happy 66 30% 43 Surprise 20% 10% 0% 1 1 Brand X: Ad A Brand X: Ad B 6 Commercial ads norm 4.5 How much it told you about the brand How relevant it How persuasive is to you you found it *ROI measured by Nielsen 44 Indication of Efficiency using Emotion-into-Action™ Score Efficiency = share gain/extra share of voice Efficiency Tropicana Breakfast in New York ROI £1.83 IPA Silver 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Tropicana Fruit to City ROI £1.73 * Calculated using a reported revenue ROI of £4.88 and a reported ‘conservative industry estimate for gross margin’ of 38%. Source: Advertising Works 19, WARC, 2010 Em otion-into-Action™ Score Note: colour = confidence band (based on average size of 95% confidence interval for efficiency values) 45 Can ComMotion™ help me improve a message-driven ad? 46 Dec 10 First cut = a weak ad triggering feelings of contempt ….improved towards delivering a more positive emotional response …turned into a thought-provoking, inspirational narrative. Pretentious, smug, patronising character that just ‘keeps waffling on’… 100% 63.9 0.70 67.4 1.02 3 2 3 3 Emotion-intoAction™ Score Intensity Score Contempt 90% Disgust % of respondents 80% 70% 60% 50 Anger 65 Fear 50% Sadness 40% Neutral 30% 35 20% Happiness 25 10% 0% 8 4 Surprise Finance Brand - First cut Finance Brand - Final cut (100) (101) 47 Dec 10 Total Sample: 201 FaceTracing emotional diagnostics reveal main character perceived as pretentious, smug, patronising, and who is waffling on I’m being patronised 100% Contempt smug looking man 90% Don’t believe they’re listening 80% 70% % of respondents Pretentious Disgust Feel capitalist looking down on me The actor is too smug 60% Anger Waffling on, people doing mundane tasks 50% Fear 40% Sadness 30% Neutral 20% 10% Happiness 30 sec 29 sec 28 sec 27 sec 26 sec 25 sec 24 sec 23 sec 22 sec 21 sec 20 sec 19 sec 18 sec 17 sec 16 sec 15 sec 14 sec 13 sec 12 sec 11 sec 10 sec 9 sec 8 sec 7 sec 6 sec 5 sec 4 sec 3 sec 2 sec 1 sec Start 0% Surprise 48 Dec 10 Total Sample: 100 With the aid of the diagnostics the final cut becomes a much more thought-provoking, inspirational narrative 100% Contempt 90% Disgust 80% % of respondents 70% Anger I need no inhibitions to hold me back 60% character seems personable and believable. 50% 40% gives a sense that the world is your oyster Made me think about life 30% Its an inspirational scene 20% nice friendly man 10% Fear Sadness Neutral thought provoking Happiness 30 sec 29 sec 28 sec 27 sec 26 sec 25 sec 24 sec 23 sec 22 sec 21 sec 20 sec 19 sec 18 sec 17 sec 16 sec 15 sec 14 sec 13 sec 12 sec 11 sec 10 sec 9 sec 8 sec 7 sec 6 sec 5 sec 4 sec 3 sec 2 sec 1 sec Start 0% Surprise 49 Dec 10 Total Sample: 101 Emotion-into-Action™ Score relative to our UK Financial Finished Film Norms Database % of Cases UK Financial Finished Film Norm = 65.5 (17 cases) 100 90 The revisions made to CEO have brought it from being a below average performer in its category on Emotion-into-Action™, to an above average performer Ad 2 80 [New] [ 67.4 EiA score] 70 60 Ad 1 50 [Original] [ 63.9 EiA score] 47 40 30 20 24 18 12 10 0 <61 61-65 66-70 Emotion-into-Action™ Score Dec 10 Total Sample: 201 >71 50 Emotional Diagnostics Shedding Light on Storytelling… 100% 90% Emotional journeys during the course of a TV ad also have a bearing on effectiveness - resolving negative emotions the most powerful, with happiness/surprise building at the end also good. 80% Contempt 70% Disgust Anger 60% Fear 50% Sadness Neutral 40% Happy Surprise 30% 20% 10% 100% se c se c se c se c se c se c se c se c se c se c 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 se c se c se c se c se c se c 10 9 8 7 6 se c 5 se c se c se c 4 3 2 1 St ar t 0% 100% 90% 90% 80% 80% Contempt Contempt 70% 70% Disgust Disgust Anger 60% Anger 60% Fear Fear 50% Sadness Sadness 50% Neutral Neutral 40% 40% Happy Happy Surprise 30% Surprise 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0% 2 sec 4 sec 6 sec 8 sec 10 sec 12 sec 14 sec 16 sec 18 sec 20 sec 22 sec 24 sec 26 sec 28 sec 30 sec 1 St ar t se c 2 se c 3 se c 4 se c 5 se c 6 se c 7 se c 8 se c 9 se 10 c se 11 c se 12 c se 13 c se 14 c se 15 c se 16 c se 17 c se 18 c se 19 c se 20 c se 21 c se 22 c se 23 c se 24 c se 25 c se 26 c se 27 c se 28 c se c Start 51 As-salt the senses… Link: Knoor Salty 52 Knorr Sidekicks developed a sympathetic character in Salty in the TV ad and used Online Salty makes quite aand lotfame of people sad… advertising to build happiness in second wave of campaign Which of these faces best expresses how you feel about the advert you saw? 100% 1.33 1.16 1.39 0 2 1 0 1 4 1 0 10 10 90% Emotional Intensity Score (from 0 to +3) Contempt 27 80% Disgust % of respondents 70% 38 45 Anger 60% 38 Fear 50% Sadness 40% 30% 40 35 20% Neutral 32 Happiness 10% 0% 3 Knorr Sidekicks Salty TV (Wave 1) Jan 11 7 7 Knorr Sidekicks Neck Brace Knorr Sidekicks Mask Surprise Online (Wave 2) 53 As-salt the senses (2)… Link: Knorr Salty Neck Brace Jan 11 54 Knorr Sidekicks developed a sympathetic character in Salty in the TV ad and used Online Creating positive resolution across advertising to build happiness and fame in second waveaofcampaign…. campaign Which of these faces best expresses how you feel about the advert you saw? 100% 1.33 1.16 1.39 0 2 1 0 1 4 1 0 10 10 90% Emotional Intensity Score (from 0 to +3) Contempt 27 80% Disgust % of respondents 70% 38 45 Anger 60% 38 Fear 50% Sadness 40% 30% 40 35 20% Neutral 32 Happiness 10% 0% 3 Knorr Sidekicks Salty TV (Wave 1) Jan 11 7 7 Knorr Sidekicks Neck Brace Knorr Sidekicks Mask Surprise Online (Wave 2) 55 As-salt the senses (3)… Link: Knorr Salty Mask Jan 11 56 Knorr Sidekicks developed a sympathetic character in Salty in the TV ad and used Online Creating positive resolution across advertising to build happiness and fame in second waveaofcampaign…. campaign Which of these faces best expresses how you feel about the advert you saw? 100% 1.33 1.16 1.39 0 2 1 0 1 4 1 0 10 10 90% Emotional Intensity Score (from 0 to +3) Contempt 27 80% Disgust % of respondents 70% 38 45 Anger 60% 38 Fear 50% Sadness 40% 30% 40 35 20% Neutral 32 Happiness 10% 0% 3 Knorr Sidekicks Salty 7 7 Knorr Sidekicks Neck Brace Knorr Sidekicks Mask TV (Wave 1) Jan 11 62.0 Surprise Online (Wave 2) 68.5 69.1 57 Salty dating…. Link: Knoor Salty Dating Jan 11 58 The right music can make a huge difference 100% 90% 74.9 81.3 87.7 1.68 2.06 0 2.31 0 2 0 0 4 12 7 13 80% Emotion-into-Action™ Intensity Score Contempt Disgust 11 23 % of respondents 70% Anger 60% Fear 50% 82 Sadness 40% 55 71 30% Neutral 20% Happiness 10% 9 0% Music Score #1 Month Yr 4 7 Music Score #2 Music Score #3 Same ad – 3 different music scores Surprise 59 This is not just a UK phenomenon: CASSIES Experiment Canada 2010 McCain Sweet Potato Superfries. Packaged Goods Foods & Best Launch Bronze Winner, 2010. Year 1 sales of $8.4m vs $3.9m objective. Now leading sweet potato brand in frozen category. Rickards Pint of Delicious. Off To A Good Start – Silver Winner, 2010. Sales Volume Growth of 12% YOY. Reversed fortunes of Rickards Red. McDonalds Mornings. Off To A Good Start – Silver Winner, 2009. Increased breakfast sales by +9%, breakfast guest counts by +13.2%, morning guest counts by +18.2%, coffee unit growth +28.6%. Pillsbury Cookies. Off To A Good Start – Bronze Winner, 2008. Baseline tonnage growth of +24% (vs prior average 3 year growth rate of 1%). + Competitor Ad A + Competitor Ad B + Competitor Ad C + Competitor Ad D 60 CASSIES Experiment Canada: Emotional Response Which of these faces best expresses how you feel about the advert you saw? 72.2 100% 59.6 2 0 1 0 2 8 80% % of respondents 70.0 73.2 71.2 78.4 2 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 4 2 0 5 0 1 1 2 0 15 90% 70% 75.6 2 1 0 1 0 Contempt 33 35 2 0 45 73.6 Emotion-intoAction™Score 39 53 37 45 60% Disgust Anger 44 50% Fear 40% 41 52 62 50 30% 46 41 20% 25 Neutral 10% 0% Sadness 46 19 4 6 Rickards AWARD WINNER Brand A Beer 10 2 McDonald's AWARD WINNER Brand B Fast Food 6 3 2 McCain Sweet Potato Superfries AWARD WINNER Brand C A Pillsbury Ready to Bake Cookies AWARD WINNER Frozen Potatoes Happiness Brand D Surprise Home Baking Mixes 61 Contact us Keep in touch… Will Goodhand Juicy Evangelist +44 7980 673 186 62