Teacher Name: __Hazelip, Leachman, Wood, Rhadans_____________________________________ Grade: 6 Subject: Earth Science Week 1 Date: Standard(s) Unit: Layers of the Earth Title: Monday 8/10/15 S6E5. Students will investigate the scientific view of how the earth’s surface is formed. Tuesday 8/11/15 ½ the standards for the year within pretest 1. Compare and contrast the Earth’s crust, mantle, and core including temperature, density, and composition. Wednesday 8/12/15 S6E5. Students will investigate the scientific view of how the earth’s surface is formed. 1. Compare and contrast the Earth’s crust, mantle, and core including temperature, density, and composition. EQ TKES Standard # 2 What did we learn about How do we know the Earth density from the marshmallow has layers? lab? Differentiation Content Process and/ or Product TKES Standard # 4 No data to group Data Talk – Discuss lab safety quiz grades No data to group What happens to the layers of the Earth with depth in regard to temperature, density, Pressure, and composition By product posters or models Group lab recovery students together for recovery Discuss pretest scores if graded TKES Standard # 6 Opening TKES Finish Lab Reports Unpack and discuss lab Learning styles inventory Syllabus and introduce projects for modeling layers of the earth Coke Float demo Standard # 3 Work Time Finish presenting density posters. Pretest for yr. Vocabulary for unit one Learning styles survey #1 Introduce layers of the Earth project Complete pretests Finish Explanation section of Coke float P.O.E. Complete Density Task Cards Pair and share what you learned about learning styles Pair share ideas for Layers of the Earth project with Ticket out the door to teacher TKES Standard # 3 Closing TKES Standard # 3 Students explain density DOK Questions TKES Standard # 8 Assessment Strategy TKES Standard # 5 How does density relate to layers of the Earth How do we know the Earth has layers? Indirect observations Have students list other things that settle out into layers. Apply how settling is used in industry (sewage treatment, Fuel refinement) NBI/class-Recovery work for Lab Safety Quiz: Complete lab safety section in lab. Manual pages xiixiii. Teacher Name: ______Hazelip, Leachman, Wood, Rhadans___________________________________ Grade: Subject: Earth Science Date: Standard(s) Unit: Lab Safety Title: Thursday EQ What is the crust? Friday EQ: What are the characteristics of the mantle? 8/13/15 S6E5. Students will investigate the scientific view of how the earth’s surface is formed. 8/14/15 S6E5. Students will investigate the scientific view of how the earth’s surface is formed. 1. Compare and contrast the Earth’s crust, mantle, and core including temperature, density, and composition. 1. Compare and contrast the Earth’s crust, mantle, and core including temperature, density, and composition. EQ TKES Standard # 2 DOK DOK Differentiation Content Process and/ or Product TKES Standard # 4 Product Product/Process Data Talk – Discuss pretest scores and ways to differentiate based on data TKES Standard # 6 Opening TKES Standard # 3 Work Time Begin layers of the Earth information Present info on crust thru ppt. and students complete chart Work on layers of the Earth projects, Crust section from checklist and notes Layers of Earth ppt part 2 the mantle, students complete their charts Pass around silly putty to model plastic texture of mantle Work on layers of the Earth projects, Mantle section from checklist and notes Weekly Reflection: TKES Standard # 3 Closing TKE Students explain how more dense things sink while less dense things float. Ticket out the door: quick quiz the crust Ticket out the door: quick quiz the mantle Density= Mass/Volume Students explain in their own words Students explain how more dense things sink while less dense things float. Examples of density in real life Loading things heavier (more dense) goes over axles or on the bottom Students explain their understanding of density as it relates to the layers of the Earth. Student checklist, teacher checkpoints for understanding Student checklist, teacher checkpoints for understanding Standard # 3 DOK Questions TKES Standard # 8 Assessment Strategy TKES Standard # 5