Step-by-Step APA Format

APA Format
What is APA Format?
Why do we have to use it???
Format is used by individuals who
study the social sciences.
 We are using this format right now due
to our research for our Science Fair
 In order to complete the written essay
correctly, we need to make sure we do
a few things. ..
First thing….
 Make
sure your paper is TYPED in
the following format:
◦ Size 12 Font on the ENTIRE document—
even your name.
◦ Font Style: Times New Roman (ONLY)
◦ Double Spaced (Hold Ctrl+A, then Ctrl+2)
◦ 1” margins on top, bottom, left, right side of
the document
◦ Must only be in BLACK INK
Creating a Reference List
 To
create your Reference List, you
need to make sure you have filled out
the Bibliography Worksheet I gave you
before we began writing our essays.
 You
were to fill in all of the information
you could find based on where you
gathered your research from.
Creating Citations/ In-Text Citations
Go to the following website:
 Using
your Bibliography Worksheet,
begin creating citations.
◦ First, select what type of resource you
have. Is it a book? Website? Magazine
article? Select whichever it is.
Begin filling in the areas that need filling in.
 To show you an example, I’m going to create
a citation for the following website:
 As you can see, there is no specified author
or a date when it was published. That’s
alright though, leave those areas blank.
 What I DO have is the title of the webpage,
and the URL…
The results…
After inserting the information I do have
and clicking “Make Citation,” I have the
following citation:
 E.coli. (n.d.). Retrieved from
 And below that, the in-text citation of:
◦ ("E.coli," )
 Make
sure that FOR EVERY
CITATION you create, you COPY
AND PASTE the citations AND intext citations into a Word
Document and SAVE IT
 Otherwise you will lose all of the
citations created and have to start all
over again.
to do this for
EVERY resource you have.
Again, make sure you C&P
these citations AND in-text
citations into a Word
document and SAVE.You
will need this for the next
 Create
a new word document
 Title this document References
 Make sure the document is in…
◦ Times New Roman (Font)
◦ 12 Point Font (Size)
◦ 1” Margins (all around)
◦ Black Ink
On the References page, do the
 Copy & Paste each citation you
gathered but make sure you do
 If you have a citation that extends
past two typed lines, TAB the
second line to indent it.
On my TeacherWeb, I’ve uploaded
an example Reference page…
 Refer
to the following website:
 Note the margins and font/font size
 Also, it is placed in alphabetical order.
You can explore the sites on the
Reference page for yourself!