COURSE SECTION INFORMATION Dave Eibner Massage Lab I Massage Therapy Professor’s Name: Dave Eibner Email: Phone: X5125 Academic Year: 2009/2010 Office: J117 Term: Fall 2009 Academic Level: 001 Course Number: Course Section: MSS3011 010 Section Specific Learning Resources See related course outline Learning Schedule The following schedule may change slightly depending on statutory holidays and the Fall 2009 weekly scheduled lab days. MSS3011 Weekly Schedule Fall 2009 Week/ Sequence Daily Learning Objectives & Readings 1/Class A Today’s Lab By the end of the class you will: 1. Understand the course expectations and lab protocols. 2. Complete a Student Collective Agreement for Classroom Behaviours as a group. 3. Understand and be ready to employ components related to personal hygiene, universal precautions and lab appropriate dress. 4. Demonstrate the ability to measure and set appropriate table height. 5. Consider what components you will want to include in creating your personal portfolios. . For Next Lab 1. Read: a. Trail Guide (TG) pgs. 12 & 13, 29 to 39 2. Bring several different coins, a blindfold, and two inanimate hand held objects of differing material make up, e.g. plastic and wood. 3. Ensure you purchase the required texts – see the course outline in Bb under Course Information for details. 4. Hand in your completed self addressed letter. 1/Class B Today’s Lab By the end of the class you will: 1. Begin exploring concepts related to standards of practice and professionalism. 2. Agree to a Student Collective Agreement for Classroom Behaviours as a group. 3. Demonstrate obtaining informed Consent using the CMTO’s Informed Consent guidelines. 4. Demonstrate movement through the planes, directions, positions of the body as per TG. 5. Begin building a palpatory ‘library’ through palpatory exploration of inanimate vs. organic objects. For Next Lab 1. Read: a. Outcomes Based Massage (OBM) Ch. 6 p. 153 to 174 – review pillowing and draping for prone and supine positions only. b. OBM Superficial Reflexive Techniques Ch. 7 p. 187 to 204 c. TG p. 14 to 18 2. Download the Standards of Practice (SOP) from the College of Massage Therapist (CMTO) website ( – these should be brought to all lab classes and made available for quick reference at anytime. a. Read Standards 2 & 7 3. Bring shorts (preferably not large bulky Bermuda type shorts, but rather a type that will allow for easy movement while under sheets) and suitable tops for females, e.g. sports top/bathing suit, for the purpose of draping and palpation. 4. Linens are required for next class. NB. For most of the remaining labs you should either bring or have easy access to the following texts/documentation: Trail Guide (TG) and the CMTO’s Standards of Practice (SOP) as well as all essential treatment equipment. Outcomes-Based Massage (OBM) would be extremely helpful but is not always necessary – especially if you complete the required readings and prepare a technique reference sheet for that day’s lab. Palpation and Assessment Skills (PAS) text will only be required for certain labs – as listed. 2/Class A Today’s Lab By the end of the class you will: 1. Demonstrate bodily awareness through the use of various self-care strategies. 2. Demonstrate at least two safe methods for clients to move on and off a table. 3. Demonstrate client positioning, draping and pillowing in prone and supine positions. 4. Demonstrate appropriate sheet handling when turning from prone to supine & vice versa. 5. Model the application of the following Superficial Reflex Techniques: static contact, superficial stroking and fine vibrations. 6. Understand and begin to use the palpation hints from TG. NB. All following interventions (massage techniques) are taken from OBM. For Next Lab 1. Read: a. OBM Superficial Fluid Techniques, Ch. 8, p. 213 to 232 and p. 17 on the components of Intelligent Touch. b. TG, Ch.2, Shoulder & Arm, p. 53 to 63. c. SOP Techniques Standard 4 2. Bring shorts and sports type tops (females) NB. Reading about new techniques in OBM can be overwhelming. When reading through technique/intervention information for the first time, focus on the definition and its uses. Then look at it’s various components, i.e. what makes that particular technique unique. Using the related figures and videos (you’ll need to go online for these) may help put the component words into action. Finally, review the clinician’s position (that’s YOU!) and movement as well as communication with client – for now you can disregard all other headings. 2/Class B 3/Class A 3/Class B Today’s Lab: By the end of the class you will: 1. Demonstrate a novice understanding of the components of Intelligent Touch via palpation as per OBM 2. Demonstrate client positioning, draping and pillowing in side lying 3. Demonstrate the Superficial Fluid Techniques of superficial effleurage and superficial lymph drainage 4. Palpate the bony landmarks of the shoulder, TG, Ch.2, Shoulder & Arm, p. 53 to 63 For Next Lab: 1. Read: a. OBM – Neuromuscular Techniques, Ch. 9, p. 241 to 256 b. TG p. 64 to74 (review actions only – not synergist muscles) Today’s Lab: By the end of the class you will: 1. Demonstrate the Neuromuscular Techniques of broad contact compression, muscle squeezing and wringing. 2. Palpate the remaining bony structures of the shoulder as well as review all shoulder actions. TG p. 64 to 74 For Next Lab: 1. Read: a. OBM – Neuromuscular Techniques, Ch. 9, p. 256 to 265 b. TG p. 116 to 126 Today’s Lab: By the end of the class you will: 4/Class A 4/Class B 5/Class A 5/Class B 6/Class A 1. Demonstrate the Neuromuscular Techniques of picking up (“C” – scooping) broad contact kneading, deep effleurage and specific kneading. 2. Palpate the bony landmarks of the forearm and hand. TG p. 116 to 126 For Next Lab: Review Informal OP Template in Bb. For the class after the Informal OP read: 1. OBM – Neuromuscular Techniques, Ch. 9, p. 269 to 283. 2. TG p. 127 to 134 & 138 to 139. (review actions only – not synergist muscles) Today’s Lab: Informal OP: self-care, movement and mechanics, positioning and draping, palpation, technique application. See Bb for OP Template. For Next Lab: 1. Read: a. OBM – Neuromuscular Techniques, Ch. 9, p. 269 to 283. b. TG p. 127 to 134 & 138 to 139. (review actions only – not synergist muscles) Today’s Lab: Interventions – Neuromuscular Techniques, Ch. 7, p. 201 to 219 (disregard trigger point information) Palpation TG p. 127 to 134 & 138 to 139 For Next Lab: 1. Read: a. OBM - Passive Movement Techniques, Ch. 11, p. 349 to 375. b. TG p. 174 to 184 Today’s Lab: By the end of the class you will: 1. Demonstrate the Passive Movement Techniques of shaking, rhythmical mobilizations and rocking. 2. Palpate the bony landmarks of the spine & thorax, TG p. 174 to 184 For Next Lab: 1. Read: a. OBM – Percussive Techniques, Ch 12, p. 377 to 386. b. TG p. 185 to 193 & 200 to 201 (review actions only – not synergist muscles) Today’s Lab: By the end of the class you will: 1. Demonstrate the Percussive Techniques of pincement, tapping, and light and heavy hacking. 2. Palpate remaining bony landmarks of the spine and thorax as well as well as review regional actions. TG p. 185 to193 & 200 to 201 (review actions only – not synergist muscles) For Next Lab: 1. Read: a. If you haven’t already done so…OBM - Percussive Techniques, Ch. 12, p. 377 to 386 b. TG p. 232 to 240 Today’s Lab: By the end of the class you will: 1. Demonstrate the Percussive Techniques of slapping, clapping, beating and pounding. 2. Explore the skin and fascia as well as general bony landmarks and Trail 1 of the head, neck & face. TG p. 232 to 240 For Next Lab: 1. Read: 6/Class B 7/Class A 7/Class B 8/Class A 8/Class B a. OBM - Connective Tissue Techniques, Ch 10. p. 307 to 315 and 325 to 331 (direct fascial) – readings should now include Cautions & CIs. b. TG p. 241 to 245 & 248 to 249. Today’s Lab: By the end of the class you will: 1. Demonstrate the Connective Tissue Techniques of skin rolling and direct fascial. 2. Palpate the remaining bony palpations of the head, neck and face as well as the actions of the cervical spine and mandible TG p. 241 to 245 & 248 to 249. For Next Lab: 1. Review all interventions and palpations to date, as well as the Semi-Formal OP template from Bb. 2. For Lab 9A and in preparation for designing sequences you should read: a. OBM p. 405 Design of Regional Sequence of Massage Techniques and Theory in Practice boxes 13-8 & 13-4 (disregard the Myofascial technique component). The text is meant to be used as a guide, therefore copying direct sequences from the text is unacceptable. b. Make the time to view related online videos. c. TG p. 274 to 287. 3. Design your own regional sequence for the back and arms on paper prior to coming to lab. Review all interventions and palpations to date. Perform exchanges in triads while using the Semi-Formal OP template. Semi-Formal Oral-Practical – See Bb for OP Template Today’s Lab: By the end of the class you will: 1. Be able to design and perform a regional sequence for the back and arms. 2. Palpate the skin and fascia as well as the bony landmarks of the pelvis and thigh. TG p. 274 to 287 For Next Lab: 1. Read: a. OBM p. 405 Design of Regional Sequence of Massage Techniques and Theory in Practice Box 13-5 for the abdomen and for the upper chest (there is no text guidance here so they’ll have to create their own). Students are to use the text as guidance in helping them prepare sequences – copying direct sequences from the text is unacceptable. They should also take the time to view related online videos. b. TG p. 288 to 293 & 296 to 299 (actions only NOT muscles) 2. Design your own regional sequence for the abdomen and upper chest on paper prior to coming to lab. Today’s Lab: By the end of the class you will: 1. Be able to design and perform a regional sequence for the abdomen and upper chest (shoulders). 2. Complete bony palpation and actions of the pelvis and thigh. TG p. 288 to 293 & 296 to 299 (action only) For Next Lab: 1. Read: a. OBM p. 405 Design of Regional Sequence of Massage Techniques and Theory in Practice Box 13-2 & 13-6 for the legs and feet. Students are to use the text as guidance in helping them prepare sequences – copying direct sequences from the text is unacceptable. They should also take the time to view related online videos. b. TG p. 338 to 347. 2. Design your own regional sequence for the anterior and posterior legs and feet 9/Class A 9/Class B 10/Class A 10/Class B 11/Class A 11/Class B prior to coming to lab. a. Today’s Lab: By the end of the class you will: 1. Be able to design and perform a regional sequence for the anterior and posterior legs and feet. 2. Palpate the skin and fascia as well as the bony landmarks of the knee and leg.TG p. 338 to 347 For Next Lab: 1. Read: a. OBM p. 405 Design of Regional Sequence of Massage Techniques and Theory in Practice Box 13-7 for the neck, head and face. Students are to use the text as guidance in helping them prepare sequences – copying direct sequences from the text is unacceptable. They should also take the time to view related online videos. b. Create a sequence for the neck, head and face (on paper) prior to coming to lab. c. TG p. 348 to 359 &362 to 363 Today’s Lab: By the end of the class you will: 1. Be able to design and perform a regional sequence for the arms, head, neck and face. 2. Palpate the bony landmark trails for the ankle and foot as well as demonstrate the actions of the foot and toes. TG p. 348 to 359 &362 to 363 For Next Lab: Review all interventions, palpations and regional sequences to date. Perform exchanges in triads while using the Semi-Formal OP template. For Lab 11A 1. Read: a. OBM p. 412 to 416 with attention to Box 13-5 as well as theory in Practice Box 13-13. b. Create a general full body relaxation massage. c. TG p. 69, 70 & 75 to 81 Today’s Lab: By the end of the class you will: 1. Design and perform a general relaxation full-body sequence. 2. Demonstrate the ability to palpate the following muscles: deltoid, trapezius, latissimus dorsi and teres major. TG p. 69, 70 & 75 to 81 For Next Lab (Week 11/Class B): 1. Read: a. TG p. 82 to 90 b. Bring a blindfold. Review and practice competencies for all interventions, palpations and regional sequences to date. Perform exchanges in triads while using the Formal OP template. Formal Oral Practical – See Bb for OP Template Today’s Lab: By the end of the class you will: 1. Be able to design and perform a regional sequence for a full body sequence while blind folded. 2. Palpate the following muscles: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis, rhomboids major & minor. TG p. 82 to 90 For Next Lab: 1. Be prepared to perform a full body general relaxation massage in side-lying position – if necessary, review OBM p. 110 to 111. 12/Class A 12/Class B 13/Class A 2. Read TG p. 91 to 101. Today’s Lab: By the end of the class you will: 1. Be able to design and perform a regional sequence for a full-body sequence while in side-lying position. 2. Palpate the following muscles: levator scapula, serratus anterior, pectoralis major & minor. TG p. 91 to 101. For Next Lab: Read: 1. OBM- read the section, The Art of Coherence and Box 13-6 on p. 415. Have students give thought to a time that was unpleasant when dealing with a MT or other HCP (if a massage or therapeutic relationship-based incident occurred). 2. TG p. 102 to 107 Today’s Lab: By the end of the class you will: 1. Be able to perform a 60 minute treatment that starts with an incoherent experience and then after approximately 15 minutes switches to a smooth coherent treatment. 2. Palpate the following muscles: subclavius, biceps brachii, triceps brachii, & corachobrachialis. TG p. 102 to 107 For Next Lab: Read: 1. OBM p. 343, Example 11-8. Read and create a stimulating full-body sequence 2. TG p. 135 to 137 (note muscular relationships) & 140 to 146 NB. The Final OP is in two weeks time. Be sure to give yourself time over the next two weeks for adequate preparation. See Bb for OP Template. Today’s Lab: By the end of the class you will: 1. Be able to design and perform a 50 minute stimulating full-body sequence. 2. Palpate the following muscles: brachialis, brachioradialis, ECRL, ECRB, ECU, Extensor Digitorum. TG p. 135 to 137 (note muscular relationships) & 140 to 146 For Next Lab: Read: 1. TG p. 148 to 153 (Anconeus & Extensor Indicis are excluded from required muscles) 13/Class B Today’s Lab: By the end of the class you will: 1. Be able to design and perform a 50 minute full body sequence that includes a more extensive regional focus in an area that each student finds the most difficult to massage. 2. Be introduced to the concept of measuring manual intervention outcomes. 3. Palpate the following muscles: Flexor Carpi Radialis, Palmaris Longus, FCU, FDS, FDP. TG p. 148 - 154 (Anconeus & Extensor Indicis are excluded from required muscles) For Next Lab: Review competencies for all interventions, palpations and global/regional sequences to date. 14/Class A Review and practice competencies for all interventions, palpations and global/regional sequences to date. Perform exchanges in triads while using the Final OP template. Final Oral Practical Exams 14/Class B