word - The University of Winnipeg

 In order to be eligible to work ON-CAMPUS, you must hold a Study Permit and be a full-time student at
 In order to be eligible to work OFF-CAMPUS up to 20 hours per week during the regular school year (and full-time
during regularly scheduled breaks) you must:
hold a Study Permit;
be registered full-time in a UWinnipeg program that leads to a degree, diploma, or certificate; and
be registered in a program which is 6 months or more in length.
Please note: Students in the English Language Program, The Collegiate, as well as visiting or exchange students from institutions outside of
Canada are not eligible to work off-campus.
Before you begin working in Canada, you will need to get a Social Insurance Number (SIN). If you do not plan to work either oncampus or off-campus, you are not required to have a SIN, although it is recommended for the purposes of filing income taxes.
 If you do not already have a SIN and wish to work on- or off- campus, you must apply for a SIN.
 If you already have a SIN which has not expired, you may use that SIN to work on/off-campus (check your SIN card or ‘Confirmation
of SIN Letter’ for an expiry date).
Your Study Permit has different words or conditions written on it. These words impact your ability work on-campus or
off-campus while you are a student at The University of Winnipeg. Depending on the words on your Study Permit, you
will have to follow a different process to get a Social Insurance Number.
 To find out how you can get a Social Insurance Number, look at the ‘Conditions’ and ‘Remarks’ section of your Study
Permit and follow the instructions provided below. The instructions below match the words on your Study Permit to the
process you must follow to obtain a SIN. You will need to follow process A, B, C, or D.
If you do not know which process you should follow, or the words/conditions on your Study Permit are not listed below,
contact ISS to meet with an ISS immigration advisor (204-786-9469; iss@uwinnipeg.ca).
Words on your Study Permit*:
“This permit does not permit the holder to engage in off campus
employment in Canada” OR “are not allowed to engage in offcampus employment in Canada”
2) “May accept employment on the campus of the institution at which
registered in full-time studies”
3) “Unless authorized, prohibited from engaging in employment in
4) Phrase #1 AND #2
5) Phrase #2 AND #3
6) No remarks/conditions written about work
7) “May work 20 hrs per week off-campus or full-time during regular
breaks if meeting criteria outlined in section 186(v) of IRPR”
8) “May accept employment on or off campus if meeting eligibility
criteria as per R186(f), (v) or (w). Must cease working if no longer
meeting these criteria”
9) Phrase #2 OR #3 AND #7
10) Phrase #2 OR #3 AND #8
11) Any other combinations of conditions/remarks
Which SIN process to follow*:
Please see an ISS Immigration Advisor
who are authorized to work only on-campus but do not have a valid offer of employment are not eligible to obtain a Social Insurance Number.
A: SIN Process*
Follow these steps to get a Social Insurance Number:
STEP 1: Apply to change the conditions of your Study Permit and get a new Study Permit
 Follow the instructions on the ISS quick reference sheet ‘Study Permit Renewal’. Include this extra document with your
Write and upload a Letter of Explanation: Write your own letter to CIC explaining that you wish to change the conditions on your Study Permit so
that it contains the required conditions/words regarding eligibility to work off-campus.
Pay the $150 application fee and submit your application online. Processing time varies depending on the time of year.
Check the CIC website for more information: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/temp.asp.
STEP 2: Apply for a SIN
 Visit the nearest Service Canada Centre to apply for a Social Insurance Number.
 At Service Canada present your new Study Permit which should now contain the words: “May work 20 hrs per week off-campus
or full-time during regular breaks if meeting criteria outlined in section 186(v) of IRPR.” OR “May accept employment on or off campus if meeting
eligibility criteria as per R186(f), (v) or (w). Must cease working if no longer meeting these criteria.”. Also show your passport.
If satisfied with your documentation, Service Canada should issue you a SIN on the day of application.
*Please see page 1 of this document to determine whether the instructions in this section are applicable for your situation.
B: SIN Process*
Follow these steps to get a Social Insurance Number:
STEP 1: Gather the required supporting documents
 You must apply for an amendment to your Study Permit. There is no fee when applying for this document.
 There are a number of documents required for to apply for an amendment including:
 A photocopy of the picture page of the passport that you used to enter Canada (and whichever pages in your passport
show your passport number, date issue/expiry, photo, name, date of birth, place of birth if this information is not on the picture page);*
 Photocopy of a recent Letter of Enrolment from The University of Winnipeg;
 Original Study Permit; and
 (Optional) Photocopy of Manitoba Driver’s License OR Manitoba ID Card (or any other photo ID issued by a Canadian
provincial government). If you do not have one of these, you may include a copy of another government issued
photo identification issued by your home country or country of residence before you came to Canada (i.e:
National ID Card, Driver’s License, Photo Health Card**) OR a government issued identification document
which does not contain a photo (i.e: Manitoba Health Card, Birth certificate**).
* If you have renewed your passport since first entering Canada and you no longer have the passport with which you came into
Canada, include a copy of the pages with the information required from your current passport.
** Documents must contain English or an official translation will be required.
STEP 2: Download and complete the required application form and checklist
 Download and complete the required forms on the computer by typing your answers into the form. You can find the
forms online at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM1436E.pdf.
 Application Form (Request to Amend the Record of Landing, Confirmation of Permanent Residence or Valid
Temporary Resident Documents).***
In Part B, complete question 1 by entering your Study Permit issue date and expiry date. Questions 2-11 in Section B
should not be completed as you are not requesting for your personal information to be changed on your Study Permit.
In Part C, explain why you would like your Study Permit amended such as: “I am applying for this amendment in order to
demonstrate my eligibility to work off-campus in order to obtain a Social Insurance Number.”
Document Checklist for a Request to Amend the Record of Landing Confirmation of Permanent Residence or
Valid Temporary Resident Documents.
 Check off each document that you are providing with your application.
***For more information on submitting an Application to Amend, please read the CIC instruction guide:
http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5218ETOC.asp or contact an ISS immigration advisor.
STEP 3: Print application form and checklist, prepare application & mail
 Gather all of the required supporting documents (Step 1);
 Once you have completed both forms on the computer (Step 2), print, sign the IMM1436 form, and date the IMM1436
 Place the Document Checklist, Application Form, and all supporting documents inside an envelope (purchasing an
ExpressPost Envelope is recommended); and
 Mail the envelope to:
Amendment to the Record of Landing or Confirmation of Permanent Residence or Valid Temporary Resident Documents
Operations Support Centre (OSC)
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1L1
Check processing times for your application online on the CIC website at:
Step 4: Apply for a SIN
 Visit the nearest Service Canada Centre to apply for a Social Insurance Number.
 At Service Canada present your new, amended Study Permit which should now contain the words: “May work 20 hrs per
week off-campus or full-time during regular breaks if meeting criteria outlined in section 186(v) of IRPR” OR “May accept employment on or off
campus if meeting eligibility criteria as per R186(f), (v) or (w). Must cease working if no longer meeting these criteria”. Also show your
If satisfied with your documentation, Service Canada should issue you a SIN on the day of application.
*Please see page 1 of this document to determine whether the instructions in this section are applicable for your situation.
C: SIN Process*
Follow these steps to get a Social Insurance Number:
Step 1: Apply for a SIN
 Visit the nearest Service Canada Centre to apply for a Social Insurance Number.
 At Service Canada present your valid Study Permit and Passport.
If satisfied with your documentation, Service Canada should issue you a SIN on the day of application.
*Please see page 1 of this document to determine whether the instructions in this section are applicable for your situation.
Service Canada is located at:
Portage Place Shopping Centre, 1st floor (past Staples, behind fountain)
HOURS: Mon - Fri, 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
For more information, please contact International Student Services:
iss@uwinnipeg.ca; 204-786-9469.
This document does not constitute legal advice, and should not be relied upon as a source of legal advice. It is a reference
sheet designed to provide information on Citizenship and Immigration Canada's application process for applying to change
the conditions of a Study Permit, amending the Study Permit, and on Service Canada’s procedure for applying for a Social
Insurance Number. It describes existing requirements under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the
regulations made under that Act in general terms. It is recommended that students contact Citizenship and Immigration
Canada (CIC), Service Canada, or an ISS immigration advisor to review their specific case. Service Canada and CIC
Regulations, policies, and procedures may change without notice. For the most current information, please visit the CIC
Website at www.cic.gc.ca, Service Canada website at: http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca or contact the Call Centre at
1.888.242.2100. This document was approved by a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant with the intention to be
used in conjunction with personalized immigration advising by students currently registered at The University of Winnipeg.
For appointments with an ISS immigration advisor, contact ISS: (204) 786-9469; iss@uwinnipeg.ca –
Last updated: November 19, 2015.