Zero Waste Marketing & Development Coordinator

Classified Position Description
Section 1: Position Information
Position Type
x New □ Revised
Effective Date
Working Title (Optional)
Zero Waste Marketing & Development
Employee Name
Classification Title & Number
C2313: Education Program Assistant 2
Banner Position Number
Work Unit
Campus Operations
□ Exempt x Non-Exempt
Appointment Type
x Permanent □ Seasonal □ Limited Duration □ Academic Year
x Full-Time □ Part-Time □ Intermittent □ Job Share
Eligible for Overtime
x Yes □ No
Section 2A: Program Information
Describe the program in which this job exists. Include program purpose, who affected,
size, and scope. Include relationship to agency mission.
The Department of Campus Operations supports a quality university experience through: The
operations, maintenance and cleaning of campus buildings, building-systems, utilities,
equipment, and grounds. Our customers are the students, faculty, and staff of the university,
campus visitors, and the employees of Campus Operations.
Section 2B: Position Information
Describe the purpose of this position, and how it functions within this program, by
completing this statement: "The purpose of this job / position is to...”
The purpose of this position is to be the prime public relations/marketing contact for the Campus
Zero Waste Program. This position will be a strategic lead for the Campus Zero Waste Program,
working with the Zero Waste Program Manager, Operations Manager and the Housing Zero
Waste Program Coordinator to plan and implement program enhancements and changes. This
position will work with the Campus Zero Waste Program team to develop and coordinate a
comprehensive zero waste system that focuses on reducing, reusing, recycling and composting
with disposal as a last resort. This position will use innovative thinking towards solutions of
waste management for the University through researching and developing models to meet the
University’s Zero Waste goals. This position will research best practices, be technically astute on
all aspects of the Zero Waste Program and serve as the public relations, communications and
marketing coordinator for the Program. The position represents the program to the media, creates
and coordinates innovative marketing campaigns and tools including social media and will
represent the program to other entities including campuses and program partners. This position
interfaces with the entire UO community including: students, faculty, staff and administrators.
Section 3: Description of Duties
List the major duties. Note percentage of time duties are performed. If this is an existing
position, indicate if these are new or revised duties.
This department believes that each employee makes a significant contribution to our
success. That contribution should not be limited by the assigned responsibilities.
Therefore, this position description is designed to outline primary duties, qualifications,
and job scope, but not limit the incumbent or the department to just the work identified.
It is our expectation that each employee will offer his/her services whenever and
wherever necessary to ensure the success of our endeavors.
% of Time New/Revised
Major Duties
Coordinate Campus Zero Waste Program public information
policy and marketing/communications short and long range plan.
Serve as media liaison for Zero Waste program including:
representing program to media, writing press releases, creating
radio advertising, providing program tours, working with and
providing information and interviews to UO and other students
on special academic and research projects
Maintain information resource, media representation and
material/production resource files.
Assess, innovate, produce and maintain current marketing
database, multi-media marketing and communication materials
for Campus Zero Waste Program.
Develop cutting edge tools, materials, presentations, videos to
market the Campus Zero Waste Program
Communicate with staff and management to keep informed and
to identify information and production needs as well as
procedures for gathering, packaging and presenting information
objectives and regulations. Consult with management regarding
sensitive or controversial issues to assure correct and consistent
responses to inquiries.
Trouble-shoot operational issues through marketing solutions
such as dealing with contamination in collection through
marketing, communication and outreach.
Advise management and staff on planning and production of
information materials. Prepare cost estimates for projects and
productions. Monitor production process to assure costs are
within budget.
Coordinate printing, graphics and other production work for
timely project completion. Lead work of student coordinators in
production of image based graphics, ensure quality,
professionalism and technical accuracy.
Use photographs, graphics and videos of unit activities to
emphasize accomplishments in subject area.
Design, write, edit and produce print and digital marketing (e.g.
brochures, pamphlets, guides, signage, posters, advertisements,
e-newsletters, displays, etc…) to explain and promote unit
Maintain Campus Zero Waste Program website content. Update
informational content (text, tables, images, links, etc…) and add
new content as needed. Develop new ways to use the website to
increase zero waste awareness.
Develop appropriate applications for engagement (such as online contests, Instagram, engagement tracking).
Implement and lead student staff in creating marketing tools,
graphics, videos and campaigns; inputting and reviewing social
media accounts, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter,
blogs. Identify and develop additional tactics or other social
media outlets to engage students and the community.
Give technical advice and assistance to student
marketing/outreach/administrative employees and interns.
Oversee and coordinate student work for technical quality and
public engagement including student staffing for marketing
outreach campaigns, activities and events.
Coordinate student staff and volunteers to assist in marketing/PR
project implementation through staffing PR events and activities
(e.g. promotional tabling, waste audits, Earth week, reuse
workshops and other activities).
Give informational speeches and presentations before public
gatherings, conferences, meetings, or hold interested
informational meetings with interested groups both on and off
Respond to program inquiries in-person or via telephone or
emails; advise the public on program applicability and
requirements; interpret and explain Campus Zero Waste
Program policies and procedures to current and potential
program participants.
Advise and assist potential participants on requesting zero waste
program services an/or setting up or implementing programs.
As needed, assist Manager in program policy creation and write
procedural guides for use by program participants.
Design surveys and questionnaires to learn about student, staff
and public understanding and use of Campus Zero Waste
Program policies and procedures.
Increase zero waste efforts across campus through new and
improved educational materials, outreach campaigns, signage
and other methods. Collaborate with Zero Waste Program staff
to develop new methods to increase zero waste (recycling,
composting, waste reduction) awareness.
Assess current outreach tactics and programs and adjust as
Collaborate with Housing Zero Waste Program Coordinator and
student residence hall leaders to increase awareness of zero
waste while implementing programs and campaigns to maximize
waste recovery during residence hall move-in and move-out
Develop and implement annual national collegiate
RecycleMania competition marketing plan (e.g. advertising,
reuse workshops, repair cafes, networking).
Schedule and oversee student staff in carrying out marketing
events and activities. Work with student staff in development of
program marketing tools including campaigns and
demonstrations (e.g. Earthweek, Student Sustainability Fair, Buy
Nothing Day, America Recycles Day, RecycleMania activities,
presentations to student groups, waste audits).
Work with student sustainability coordinator, students and
student groups on project requests and partnership projects (e.g.
bottled water campaign, promoting zero waste with students).
Research similar activities at other universities or private
organizations to learn about best practices.
Create best practices toolkits on a variety of zero waste program
efforts that will be shared with other entities.
Attend public meetings or conferences to attain further technical
information. Track information as necessary and prepare
background studies of special reports.
Plan, implement and assess new zero waste pilot programs.
Collaborate with other campus units when applicable.
Lead waste auditing activities including working with
Operations Manager and Housing Zero Waste Coordinator on
collecting data, collating data, writing final analysis,
communicate results and work on improving system for users to
result in increased recovery.
Assist with budget preparation for community PR for campus
materials management programs such as requested. May
participate in program overall budget preparation.
Collaborate with zero waste staff and other relevant UO partners
(county, city, other institutions of higher education, student and
community and non-profit groups) to develop and maintain
program strategic plans and marketing policy regarding waste
reduction and zero waste management on campus.
Work with zero waste staff to determine, measure, track and
report waste-related metrics (e.g. waste weights, recovery rates,
GHG reduction from Zero Waste activities).
Compile statistics or other data to show agency or unit successes
or progress in attaining goals.
Collect data and maintain extensive Zero Waste Program
tracking system on all materials generated and disposed of at the
University. Including entering data in other tracking systems
such as collegiate benchmarking, EPA tracking and other
reporting and competitions
Facilitate and keep records of the planning process.
Collaborate with Operations, Housing Zero Waste and Zero
Waste Program Managers in planning and executing special
conferences and workshops at the UO, local/state/national
technical gatherings.
x New □ Revised OPERATIONS
Coordinate with operational staff on waste audits and garbage
watch (mini waste audit) to assess how zero waste system is
working, to identify and gauge areas of focus for marketing and
operational improvements.
Oversee student staff in performing above duties.
Coordinate work of student educational and administrative staff
to provide administrative tools to program projects such as:
technical research, development of campaigns and marketing
activities, building of demonstrations and displays.
Fill in for operational coordinators as needed including
overseeing and coordinating student operational work and
overseeing any needed marketing work performed by students.
Assist in operations as needed especially during heavy times
(e.g. move-ins, move-outs) including overseeing volunteers and
student staff, assisting in any operations as needed.
x New □ Revised TRAINING
Identify, develop, create and provide trainings for program staff,
campus staff, students, departments and program volunteers.
Including: providing staff and student trainings, workshops,
presentations, development of training videos and on-line
campus webinars.
x New □ Revised OTHER
Special projects as assigned by Program Manager, Housing Zero
Waste Program Coordinator and Operations Manager.
Recruit, coordinate and train volunteers to assist with zero waste
services and PR at campus events.
Work with the Compost/Zero Waste and Housing Zero Waste
Program Coordinators in organizing, coordinating and
overseeing large events requiring volunteer staffing and PR
activities (e.g. Willamette Valley Music Fest, Street Faires,
Move-ins, Move-outs, Commencement, Bike Fest).
Coordinate paid student staff and volunteers to perform
monitoring and program communications throughout campus at
various collection sites to assist public in proper disposal
techniques and to respond to inquiries.
Section 4: Working Conditions
Describe the work environment (e.g., office, industrial, outdoors, etc).
This position is located in an industrial setting where temperatures, lighting, noise level, air
quality, etc., will vary. Duties are performed at a standard computer workstation and outdoors in
typical Pacific Northwest conditions.
Performance of duties requires: Frequent standing, bending, walking; lifting 50 pounds and
carrying heavy objects up/down stairs.
Employee will perform duties within department and/or OR-OSHA guidelines and training
This position performs duties in an office setting, “in the field” and in an industrial warehouse
setting. The incumbent must drive large vehicles and be able to transport themselves, students,
volunteers and equipment for marketing events, conferences, meetings and for other operational
purposes. There is frequent exposure to Pacific Northwest weather conditions. The position
requires traveling to and working at recovery facilities and various locations for site visits,
conferences, meetings, presentations/speaker engagements. Employee will perform duties within
the department while following OR-OSHA guidelines and training stipulations.
Position works in inclement weather in potentially dusty/noisy settings. Position involves
occasional lifting up to 50 lbs. and requires utilization of Program equipment (i.e. hand
trucks/forklift) as necessary.
Section 5: Guidelines
List any established guidelines used to do this job, such as state or federal laws or
regulations, policies, manuals or desk procedures. How are these guidelines used to
perform the job.
State, Federal, OUS, University and Department policies, procedures and laws and the current
SEIU contract. These guidelines are used to create a safe, productive, and respectful work
environment and to support the education and research mission of the university.
Section 6: Work Contacts
With whom, outside of co-workers in this unit, must this position regularly come in
contact? For each different contact person, please list the name of the contact, how
contacted, purpose of contact, and how often the contact occurs.
Interactions/contacts occur daily with the campus community in the course of performing work
and responding to emergencies.
Section 7: Job-Related Decision-Making
Describe the kinds of decisions likely to be made by this position. Indicate the effect of
these decisions where possible.
Position works as a member of a team while frequently performing tasks independently.
Decisions may be made about the best method and materials necessary to perform a particular
task. They may also include setting priorities, assessing customer needs and responding to those
Makes day-to-day task decision making with considerable independence. Program
enhancement decisions are made through collaborative effort with the Program Manager,
Housing Zero Waste Program Coordinator and Operations Manager and team. Makes
recommendations and provides information for policy and program changes. Consults
with Manager as necessary to obtain clarification of expected results, reports on progress
toward completion of assignments, confirms interpretation of regulations and policies, or
seeks guidance in complicated or less clearly defined areas. Periodic review of work will
be completed by Program Manager.
This position leads work of student graphic/video, special projects and education
coordinators, student operational employees and program volunteers and serves as a
liaison to student groups and academic interns.
Section 8: Review of Work
Who reviews the work of this position? How? How often? What is the purpose of the
Work is reviewed regularly by the Zero Waste Program Manager to ensure it is performed
efficiently, safely, and meets both expectations and applicable requirements. A performance
appraisal is conducted annually.
Section 9: Additional Job-Related Information
List any additional comments that would add to an understanding of this position. List
any special mandatory recruiting requirements for this position. If this position has
authority to commit agency operating money, indicate in what area, how much
(biennially) and type of funds.
As this position focuses on marketing, communication and program development, it is a vital
position for the success of the Campus Zero Waste Program. Marketing the program and
communication with the campus population is absolutely imperative for the success of the
program as follows: to maximize the use of available campus zero waste services in a manner
compatible with service guidelines and materials specification; and to inform students, staff and
faculty of the broad environmental issues involved and the significance of source reduction as an
essential step in sustainability and resource management. It is also imperative that this position
be able to work independently and communicate with various levels of professionals outside the
university setting, as needed.
This position requires a minimum of two years of technical or professional-level experience
advising and/or instructing the public concerning specific programs or processes, monitoring
programs, or performing participant reviews.
List your requirements:
Bachelor’s degree in related field (e.g. communications, public relations, journalism,
environmental studies) with 2 years of experience or six years of experience in public
relations, sustainability or marketing/outreach.
Experience applying policies and initiatives related to a materials management system
Experience coordinating volunteers, leading work of others
Strong written and oral communication skills, including demonstrating public speaking
experience with the ability to develop presentations and provide information to diverse
Experience with public relation campaigns-development and implementation
Experience and knowledge of current social media applications and usability
Experience and knowledge in applying sustainable practices in a formal environment or
Experience utilizing a variety of computer and graphic design programs or the ability to
learn programs such as: InDesign, Drupal, tracking and excel spreadsheet applications,
Microsoft office suite programs
Basic graphic design skills
 Experience working in higher education
 Familiarity with collegiate zero waste programs
 Knowledge of UO Campus Zero Waste Program and sustainability efforts
 Experience with tracking and analysis
 Leadership experience including work with students
Professional Competencies:
 Perform duties in a way that advances and supports the mission of the department and
 Work effectively in a diverse team environment and create effective relationships for
problem solving and positive interactions.
 Take initiative, looking for what needs to be done and doing it.
 Pay close attention to detail.
 Maintain a safe and safety-conscious workplace.
 Maintain a respectful workplace and model a positive and proactive attitude.
 Model the highest ethical standards.
 Provide superior customer service.
Driver’s Certification
It is an essential requirement of this position to qualify for and maintain UO driver's certification
eligibility, which includes maintaining an Oregon driver’s license throughout employment in this
Criminal Background Check Requirement
It is the policy of the University of Oregon Campus Operations to conduct a confidential criminal
background check prior to an offer of employment. This position is subject to this inquiry and
any offer of employment is contingent upon the findings and determination of this investigation.
Position subject to a flexible work schedule in accordance with Article 55 of the
UO/SEIU Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Employee Signature
Supervisor Signature
Appointing Authority Signature