Community Monitoring through Elected Women Representatives in Bihar Dr. Aparajita Gogoi, Executive Director, Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA) India. Project Pahel: Monitoring by Women Elected Representatives o To strengthen the voice, participation, leadership and influence of Elected Women Representatives (EWRs) to bring about social change in areas that affect women particularly family planning/reproductive health (FP/RH) by o o o Participating effectively in PRI and community meetings Taking actions to improve reproductive health services Addressing health and development issues in their constituencies The project is supported by The David Lucile and Packard Foundation Project coverage o o o o Pilot stage of this project (2007) 300 EWRs 2 blocks in Patna district in partnership with PRI Department(BIPARD) Scaled up in (Sept. 2010 – March 2015) to 1200 EWRs 6 blocks across three districts of Aurangabad, Sitamarhi and Muzzafarpur NGO partners-IDF, Dord and Nirdesh Currently there are 120,000 women leaders in Bihar . Profile of EWRs 10.4% First time elect 5.3% 0.4% Elected once Elected twice Elected thrice 83.8% 21% 20-29 10% 30-39 39% Others 30% 2% Post Graduate 0% Graduate 1% Attended college but… 0% Upto class 11-12th Upto class 9-10th Upto class 6-8th Upto class 1-5th Never went to school 3% 10% 14% 29% 40% 40-49 50 and above Project Strategies o o o o Capacity development of EWRs (three day trainings on PRI structures/processes, gender and patriarchy and public health delivery system in the context of MH/FP/RH) and follow up mentoring Training the EWRs in the use of checklists to monitor services Supporting them to take planned, concrete actions based on evidence generated by the women themselves on the availability and quality of MH/FP/RH services Mentoring them through collective forums called Mahila Sabhas (informal women’s councils) Capacity building Monitoring checklists Four checklists (based on Indian Public Health Standards and NRHM guidelines): o o o o Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Day (VHSND) Health Sub Centre (HSC) Primary Health Centre (PHC) District Hospital (DH) Administered to look at MH/FP/RH services: o Infrastructure o Personnel o Community participation o Availability of equipment, drugs and other supplies o Provision of services o Quality of logistical arrangements Process o o o o o Orientation components at various and the role and training on different of checklists, service provision levels, women’s entitlements of stakeholders Hand holding support by field animator during the visit to the facility Checklists administered in pairs or groups of 3-4 Observation and verification against available records before entry in checklist Debriefing by field animator after facility visit Process o o o o o Data analysis development and advocacy asks Mobilisation by sharing of health data in PRI meetings and Mahila Sabhas, Convening and regularizing VHSNCs Convergence meeting with Health officials at district level Meetings with Health providers for action Findings: VHSND level Supplies Availability Foetal stethoscope Haemoglobinometer Urine testing kit SABLA cards 8.6% 8.8% 11.6% 15.9% Vit-A solution with spoon 18.5% Counseling protocol chart 22.1% Measuring tape IFA tablets-small/syrup BP Apparatus Condoms Nutrition supplement Oral pills Weighing machine-baby MCH cards Growth chart 23.8% 33.0% 38.7% 47.0% 48.2% 48.2% 55.6% 61.5% 67.9% Blank immunization cards 72.0% ORS packets 76.0% Weighing machine-adults 80.0% IFA tablets-large Disposable syringes 80.5% 94.8% Vaccine carrier with ice packs 95.5% Tetanus Toxoid (TT) 99.1% Availability of functional supplies 19% Screening for Anaemia 27% BP 35% Per abd. exam. 68% IFA tablets 68% Weight 95% Immunization Provision of ANC services 53% 32% 15% 2-4 hrs 5-6 hrs Duration of VHSND 7-8 hrs Findings: HSC level Supplies DDK Availability 9% Sterlizer instrument 11% Haemoglobinometer 20% Urine Test strips 32% Vit-A syrup 37% Examination table 40% Copper T 41% Condoms 63% Measurement of weight BP apparatus 69% TT vaccination 96% Contraceptive pills 71% 74% ANC check-up 95% IFA tablets Weighing machine 83% ORS packets 85% Tetanus Toxoid (TT) vaccine 88% Disposable syringes 91% Availability of functional supplies Urine test (Sugar) 2% Urine test (Protein) 9% Haemoglobin test 8% Measurement of BP 60% Provision of ANC services 83% Findings: PHC level 100% Referral transport Sterilizer instrument * 83% Table for newborn care 83% 100% Blood pressure apparatus Blood storage facility 0% Oxygen cylinder 100% Refrigerator with deep freezer 100% Wheel chair/ stretcher 100% Telephone facility with STD services 50% Generator/ power back-up 100% Electricity supply 100% Registration of eligible couples for FP 100% Referral of High risk pregnancies 100% 100% Urine examination facility 83% Treatment for anaemia MTP facility Treatment for gynaecological disorders Internal examination Provision of facilities/ supplies/equipment Provision of services 50% 67% 83% Tubectomy and vasectomy facility 100% Deliveries 100% Antenatal clinics 100% Findings: DH level Registration of eligible couples for FP 67% Referal of High Risk Pregnancies 100% Treatment for anaemia 100% MTP facility Treatment for gynaecological disorders Internal examination 67% 100% 100% Tubectomy and vasectomy facility 100% Deliveries 100% Antenatal clinics 100% Provision of services District/block Level Convergence Meetings Actions o o o EWRs supporting ANMs and ASHAs in organizing VHSND EWRs mobilizing beneficiaries to participate in VHSNDs and visit HSCs for health needs EWRs working with health workers to ensure equipment, supplies and finding solutions for issues like privacy for ANCs at VHSNDs and HSCs (Source: Quarterly reports) Actions o o o o Irregularity of health workers at Gram Panchayat meetings Mukhiya asked to add to Panchayat Samiti bi-monthly meeting agenda the need to ask MOIC to ensure regular supply of contraceptives at the HSCs Urged Mukhiyas to follow up on JSY payments EWRs met with MLA Sitamarhi to demand for female doctors (Source: Quarterly reports) Results: Convergence meetings emerge as a forum for advocacy and engagement EWR voices at convergence meetings: Raviba Khatoon, Zilla Parishad Member, raised the issue of nonavailability of blood at the district Hospital blood bank which was resulting in the patients being referred to other institutions for treatment. She also raised the issue of non-availability of lady doctor at the DH Pramila Devi, a Ward Member from Gorigama Panchayat, raised the issue of non-availability of referral transport fund at the HSC Reena Devi, Panchayat Samiti Member, raised the issue of appointment of a lady doctor at PHC Runnisaidpur Mamta Devi, Up-mukhiya of Chanda Panchayat, raised concerns about the non-availability of delivery services at the HSC. She had also demanded proper monitoring of VHSND site by government officials to ensure quality services Results: Convergence meetings emerge as a forum for advocacy and engagement Commitments by Health Officials at convergence meetings: Two ANMs will be appointed at each HSC in Aurangabad To ensure quality health services HSCs in Aurangabad will be provided with appropriate equipment Two ambulances will be made available at each PHC in Aurangabad district Civil Surgeon has issued an order to the Medical Officer In-Charge of Dumra and Runnisaidpur PHCs and relevant ANMs, to work with the Pahel local NGO partner, Nirdesh for expenditure of the untied funds Trends o No. of EWRs attending VHSNDs: 21%* (62% are attending an average of 2 VHSND in each quarter o Number of meetings being attended by EWRs: 61%** o Raising FP/RH and Girl’s Edu. issues in meetings: o No. of EWRs interacting with health providers: 49%* 33% * (45% of them are meeting with at least 2 health providers in each quarter) * over baseline ** Monthly tracking sheets annual data Challenges and lessons - High levels of illiteracy of EWRs, barriers of patriarchy – are major challenges in participation of EWRs in PRI meetings, demanding accountability and raising their voice (Forums like Mahila Sabha provide women space for sharing and solidarity and helps develop their self- esteem and confidence to take the initiative for change and also develop strategies and implement them as a collective) - Difficult to address the “hard” issues like infrastructure, budgeting processes, appointment of doctors, electricity, running water, etc. - Lack of technical capacity among EWRs to use the checklists requires for support of the project staff to support the filling in of the checklist - Data collection and analysis, and communication of findings takes a substantial time resulting in delay in action Way forward In Bihar, with PFI to propose to GoB for IVR based monitoring checklists Toll free Real time data collection and analysis Audio learning package also accessible to understand the indicators being collected