Advertising Rates 2016

Benefits (12 months)
Made to safely hold mailed and pre-collected
tickets for Courtyard shows, events, workshops
and films. Long-lasting way to reach audiences.
13 ad spaces within the wallet, providing high
visibility for ads as the wallet is opened to reveal
the tickets inside.
FRIENDS FOCUS ((March, July, Nov)
12,000 ticket wallets printed annually
124,000 tickets issued annually from
Box Office
Full 12 months’ exposure to your
advertising from our audiences/visitors
Exclusive membership magazine mailed to
Friends, Patrons and Life Patrons, with highquality, exclusive news and features.
Advertisers benefit from quality piece of print
that enjoys a long shelf life in people’s homes,
with a receptive, 45 years + readership.
COURTYARD NEWS (March, July, Nov)
Full panel (square):
Half panel (portrait):
Quarter pane (square): £400
Dimensions available on request.
Rates, plus VAT (NB sold as series x 3)
£90 (x3)
£60 (x3)
£140 (x3)
One-off quarter page ads in Focus or CY News
may be available, subject to space, at the
following rates: £105 (Focus) and £70 (CY News).
Loose leaf inserts (Focus only): £100 per issue
News magazine on general display within the
venue, foc to visitors and (new for 2016)
distributed beyond venue in public settings eg
GP/dental surgeries etc.
Packed with inside news and views about CY
activities and events.
Each copy is read by multiple visitors, increasing
advertising coverage.
Mailed to 1,100 members
Three issues a year
High quality, 12-page print
Core audience known to support
local businesses
Excellent editorial to ad ratio (8:4)
Rates, plus VAT
Three issues p.a, 12 pages
1,000* print run (*tripled from 2015)
On display in venue for 8 weeks
(Box Office, Cafe Bar and
Marketing literature racks
High editorial to ad ratio (6:2)
DIMENSIONS (applicable to both publications):
Quarter page: (130 h x 90mm w)
Ready a/w to be emailed by required deadline in
high res, print-ready format.
(ads can be loaded November, March, July)
Our screen is a highly visible way of promoting your
business, products or organisation to a captive
audience in the busy Café Bar. The showreel contains
an interesting mix of upcoming shows, venue
information and local advertising \nd is situated right
next to the coffee machine, guaranteeing footfall!
Benefits (12 months or 2 year contracts)
Annual foot traffic approx 300,000
Busiest area of venue
Core ABC1 profile
Approx 40 daily screenings, 7-days a wk
Showreel designed by professional film-maker
Facilities (toilet doors): choice of Men’s or Ladies
facilities, allowing for targeted messages. Signage can
be changed regularly to suit seasons, offers etc. 10
poster sites per package (Men’s/Ladies)
Media Suite: A3 poster sites in the glass fronted media
room, ground floor foyer, can be changed seasonally,
split into two contracts x 2 poster sites.
Porch display panel: a large landscape panel at the
far end of the porch (Café Bar entrance).
Highly visible, stylish A4 or A3 (media suite)
clip frame sites
Captive audience (inside loo doors)
Annual contract
10 poster sites per package
(Men’s or Ladies)
High foot traffic
The largest venue sign available to hire with
immediate impact as visitors come into the
building via the car park (main entrance).
Aladdin (pantomime) show programme 2016
The next Courtyard pantomime – our single biggest
show – is the popular Aladdin and is predicted to have
audiences of up to 20,000 people, across more than 70
shows from Nov 2016 to Jan 2017.
The accompanying show programme will be high
Family & cross-generational age audiences
Excellent geographic reach: all HR postcodes
and bordering counties
71 shows, spanning vital pre & post-Christmas
sales period (Nov, Dec, Jan)
Rates, plus VAT
12-month contract: £1,200*
Two-year contract: £1,900*
(£950 p.a)
*Price includes initial Level 1 ad
production, worth £100 +vat. Or client
can provide own ad to required spec.
Rates, plus VAT
£650 p.a. (10 x A4 sites, facilities)
£350 p.a. (2 x A3 posters media suite)
£1,000 p.a (1 x porch site), client
provides and installs vinyl after
RATES* (plus vat)
Quarter page:
Half page:
Full page:
Inside front cover
quality, have an excellent editorial/advertising ratio
and will be on sale throughout the most important
pre- and post-Christmas retail sales period.
A unique opportunity to be the ONLY advertiser in one
of our three season brochures (March, July, Nov).
The outside back cover is available in each issue of
the brochure and provides a high-impact way of
communicating with audiences and the wider public
over several months.
3,000 programmes printed (A4, portrait shaped)
32 pages: two thirds editorial, one third
advertising (24/8)
Glossy, high-quality souvenir publication
retained by audiences delivering sustained
sales message
Unique association, supporting the arts in
Solus advertising position
High impact outside back cover
Penetrating reach – 15,000 copies printed,
with 7,500 mailed direct to households
Long-term sales message (brochure in
circulation for at least four months)
Rates, plus VAT
£650 per issue* (full page OBC)
*Cost equates to £163 a month
Ads should be supplied in the correct format and dimensions (high resolution, print ready JPEG, TIFF or PDF) OR we can arrange design for
you at the following rate, including including one proof: £30 + vat.
Business Club members receive 25% discount on all of the above advertising at The Courtyard – apart from the season brochure OBC.
To find out more or book into any of the above print/venue advertising, please contact Melanie Denning on 01432 346503 or email her at: