NSCB minutes 21 July 2015 - Northumberland County Council

Keeping Children and Young People Safe from Harm, Abuse and Neglect
Northumberland Safeguarding Children Board Meeting
21 July 2015, from 10.00 am – 1.00 pm
Northumberland Fire and Rescue Headquarters
West Hartford Fire Station, Cramlington
Paula Mead
Robert Arckless
Gillian Physick
Saira Park
Margaret Tench
Julie McVeigh
Annie Topping
Vida Morris
Jane Bowie
Steven Mason
Jackie Coleman
Independent Chair
Policy Board Member for Children’s Services, NCC
Children’s Services Manager, Action for Children
Safeguarding & LAC Quality Assurance Officer, Business Support to
Executive Director Wellbeing & Community Health Northumberland
County Council & Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Lay Member
Designated Doctor, Child Protection, Northumberland CCG
Director, Voluntary & Community Sector
Principal Solicitor, Northumberland Legal Services, NCC
Senior Manager, Children’s Services, NCC
Director of Education, NCC
National Probation Service
Deputy Director of Nursing, Northumbria Health Care NHS Foundation
Public Health Service Manager, Children and Young People and Sexual
Health, Public Health Directorate, NCC
Designated Nurse, Northumberland CCG
Assistant Director, Barnardos East Region
Executive Director Quality and Safety Northumberland CCG
Group Director, Northumberland Tyne & Wear NHS Foundation Trust
Head of Safeguarding & Strategic Commissioning, Adult Services
Chief Executive, NCC
Detective Chief Inspector, Northumbria Police.
Apologies received
Carole Goodman
Deborah Brown
Julie Young
Julie Ross
Patrick Boyle
Service Manager, Cafcass
Delivery Manager, Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service
Principal Housing Services Manager, NCC
Chief Operating Officer, Northumberland Clinical Commissioning Group
Senior Manager, Specialist Services
Head Teacher, Astley High School
Strategic Safeguarding Manager, Northumberland Safeguarding Adults
Senior Manager, Education & Safeguarding Performance Team, NCC
Northumberland CCG
Safeguarding Report Writer/Minute Taker, Northumberland Children’s
Services Safeguarding Unit
Daljit Lally
Graham Cook
Dr Naomi Jones
Julie Dodson
Peter Tilson
Rachel Farnham
Andy Johnson
Maureen Gavin
Debbie Reape
Karen Herne
Did not attend
John Barnes
Anna English
In Attendance
Alan Hartwell
Carol Mason
Nicole Aisbitt
NSCB Minutes 20 March 2015
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Keeping Children and Young People Safe from Harm, Abuse and Neglect
Agenda Discussion and Actions Agreed
Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
PM welcomed Board members to the meeting and introductions were made.
Apologies noted above.
Letter from Margaret Tench to Paula Mead Independent Chair, on behalf of the Case
Review Sub-Committee
It was recently agreed and endorsed by the NSCB, and the National Panel of
Independent Experts, that the Justine case did not meet the criteria for a SCR. An
extraordinary meeting took place with the extended members of the Case Review
Sub-Committee. Whilst the criteria for SCR were not met there are lessons to be
learned and it was suggested that the SILP model be used for Justine to undergo a
learning review.
Letter from Lucy Topping, Assistant Director of Patient experience, NHS England
PM received a letter from Lucy Topping to inform that she is leaving her role as
Assistant Director of Patient experience. PM formally responded and notes there
will be discussions between NHS England and the CCG regarding who will be
representing NHSE as a Board member.
Minutes of last meeting, matters arising and action log (12.05.15)
The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as a true and accurate record.
JC noted that she was present at the last meeting however her details are not shown
on the ‘in attendance’ section of the minutes, NA to note.
Previous action log:
Action 1: The CSE strategy will be presented under item 4.1 by JB, IB and RF.
Action 2: In terms of funding available from Voices, JD asked that this be deferred as
Voices are currently undergoing monitoring and JD has elected to update when she is
able to bring back relevant data and intelligence, pertinent to the NSCB.
Action 3: JY has sent her apologies to this meeting therefore there is no update for the
role of the Housing Service in the identification of Private Fostering arrangements. SP
will follow this up.
Action 4: In relation to the Signs of Safety roll out, it has recently been agreed that there
will be two working groups; the Child Protection group, Chaired by Susan Priest, Social
Work Team Manager and the Practice Expert Group, Chaired by Cheryl Austin, Service
Manager, Northumberland Adolescents Service. There is currently a strategy being
prepared for the next 12-18 months. Susan Priest will update the NSCB with a report in
due course.
Action 5 & 6: AH has had a discussion, as agreed, with LP in relation to a way forward
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Keeping Children and Young People Safe from Harm, Abuse and Neglect
around methods of working in terms of generating data from Child Protection
conferences and the validity of this data. AH informed there are plans in place including
a process mapping exercise, to take place in August, which will resolve these issues.
Action 7: NA has circulated the lists of Sub-Committee membership and dates of all
meetings to NSCB members, as agreed.
Action 8: AJ informed that there is ongoing work around representation at SubCommittees from an education perspective; a bulletin has been produced for schools to
promote the NSCB.
Action 9: AH will provide an update around the Peer Review under agenda item 4.2.
Action 10: AH has circulated the West Midlands and Greater Manchester Assurance
Templates to NSCB members as previously agreed.
Action 11: In relation to the Eve Action Plan, MT has not received any comments; this
will be discussed under agenda item 4.5.
Action 12: SP informed that the Thresholds documents was circulated after the last
Board meeting and since, there has been no comments forwarded by members, the
Thresholds Document is therefore endorsed by the NSCB.
New actions
Action 1: SP to check whether there have been any further developments in Saira
relation to the role of the Housing Service in the identification of Private Park
Fostering arrangements.
Sexual Exploitation Strategy & Action Plan
There has been a lot of work to ensure the Sexual Exploitation Strategy and Action
Plan is fit for purpose.
JB informed that the strategy is not new as work has been ongoing but has been
restructured and updated. The document is ‘live’ to ensure that it is informed and
kept up-to-date through the input of key partner agencies.
It is clear that, as a county, we have cases of Sexual Exploitation and the NSCB
want to be confident that we are managing these by utilising best practice.
The aim of the strategy is to continue to raise the profile of Sexual Exploitation and
develop expertise across all partner agencies, to ensure a continuously improving
joined-up approach.
Operation Sanctuary is conducted by the Police; they have formed a Joint
Engagement Group (JEG) to look at key messages and work jointly, analysing
figures, giving an indication of areas of significance that require a key focus.
The JEG now have a direct link with Stephen Fear, Public Protection and John
Heckles, Northumbria Police to get information quickly.
Operation Sanctuary has now progressed into Project Sanctuary, Steve Barron is
leading on this. They are currently looking for premises outside of police premises;
they will be a multi-agency team and will have involvement of the missing children’s
social worker.
Rachel Farnham gave some background:
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Keeping Children and Young People Safe from Harm, Abuse and Neglect
A child was found dead in Newbiggin on Christmas Eve 2007. The child was a
Looked After Child who was placed in one of Northumberland’s children’s
residential homes and was missing at the time of his death. The procedures in place
failed to protect him. Subsequent to this, the Risk Management Group was
developed and the group continues to meet every month. Northumberland won the
LGA Award in 2009 for best practice for this and in 2012 Ofsted published this work
as best practice.
With the LGA Award came substantial funding which allowed Northumberland to
develop a partnership with Barnardos to complete further work. The missing
children’s social worker began to work closely with police and this is when CSE
came to light.
The data we currently have shows that although the numbers are small, they are
increasing and we need to make sure the strategy enables us to respond
There is currently a shared Sexual Exploitation Sub-Committee being set up that
will report into all 3 Boards.
JB asked whether members had any comments they wish to make.
MG thinks the strategy is really good and easy to read however feels there is a gap
in terms of actions that need to be taken once the offender has been brought to
justice and, significantly how to manage things when the offender is back in the
community. MG stated that the National Probation Service is a key player in this
element of the strategy and offered to write a paragraph that could be included. MG
also thinks it would be useful if NPS were involved in the shared Sexual Exploitation
Sub-Committee. The board agreed this was crucial.
Action 2: MG to write a paragraph around the approach that should be taken
when offenders are brought to justice and allowed back into the community, to
be included in the Sexual Exploitation Strategy.
Action 3: NA to invite MG to the Sexual Exploitation Sub-Committee.
VM proposed that given the overarching priorities of the strategy being unlikely to
change and the time that Operation Sanctuary has taken, it may be appropriate to
extend the strategy to 3-5 years.
Action 4: JB to consider extending the strategy to 3-5 years and make changes
GC queried whether ‘the role of social media’, includes electronic gaming. GC has
spoken to adolescent perpetrators in the USA and many have shared that this is
where grooming started.
Action 5: JB to check whether electronic gaming is referenced in the strategy
regarding the role of social media in sexual exploitation.
JB thanked members for their comments.
PM thanked JB, IB and RF for their presentation and the Board agreed to endorse the
strategy on condition their comments are incorporated. JB will make the above changes
and circulate the document to all members for final endorsement.
Action 6:JB to make the agreed changes to the sexual exploitation strategy and
circulate to members once finalised.
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Keeping Children and Young People Safe from Harm, Abuse and Neglect
Peer Review
 AH gave verbal feedback at the previous NSCB from the recent children’s
safeguarding practice peer diagnostic. Feedback was largely positive and no
significant safeguarding concerns noted. There were some areas for improvement
and they have been pulled through into an action plan which has been circulated to
Board members and provided within the papers.
 It is key that the recommendations within the action plan are monitored on a regular
 Although the practice peer diagnostic was a review of the Local Authority, it is felt
that the recommendations are useful to the NSCB.
DR asked whether the information around reductions on caseloads can be shared.
The majority of social work teams have been scrutinised and this has led to lower
social work cases. For some other teams, additional resources have been put in. It
was noted that Children’s Services would be happy to share this information
however the project plan is, by its nature, an internal plan.
 DR agreed to share Health Visitor case loads once she is sure the information is
 NJ noted her concern around it being felt that ‘referrals are too high’. NJ wished to
pursue this in one of the Sub-Committee so that clarity can be taken back to
 AH suggested that this is followed up through the Performance & Quality Assurance
Action 7: NA to include ‘clarity around what constitutes an appropriate referral’ to Nicole
the Performance & Quality Assurance Sub-Committee’.
Performance Report
 AH provided the Board with a copy of the Performance Report which captures data
that was agreed by members at the Performance & Quality Assurance SubCommittee (PQA). The purpose of the report is to advise the Board of the key
performance and quality assurance messages arising from data provided by a
range of partners.
 AH reported that it was felt by members of the PQA that some data were not useful
in the local context therefore it would be more effective to identify significant local
KPI’s. This information has been pulled through into the report.
 The report outlines the baseline information that will be monitored within the PQA
unless it needs to be escalated.
 AH’s believes that information evidencing perceptions of the child’s journey should
be included as well as the outcomes of case file audits.
 Within the report there are a number of questions for the Board. AH asked that all
questions are considered and responded to by email. Any issues will then be dealt
with in the PQA.
Action 8: All members to consider the questions within the Performance Report All
and respond directly to AH.
Data suggests that there has been a significant increase in Domestic Violence. JC
cautioned that further work is needed to establish whether the increase is due to
improved reporting or whether domestic violence is increasing.
RA reported his concern around benefit changes that are meant to be happening as
of the 01.11.15. RA thinks this will cause a big problem and will particularly impact
on vulnerable groups.
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Action 9: AH will contact Julie Young from housing and check the membership of
the Performance & Quality Assurance Sub-Committee to ensure there is a
representative for Housing.
Case Reviews (Standing agenda item).
 The Kirsty Serious Case Review is being progressed through use of the SILP
model. A learning event has taken place and the overview report has been written.
MT informed that the deadline for any comments in terms of the overview report is
the 24.7.15.
 There will be an extraordinary meeting taking place to sign this off; NA will be
setting this up.
 In terms of Justine, as stated above, a letter was sent to PM from MT on behalf of
the Case Review Sub-Committee re using the SILP model to undertake a learning
 A conversation is to happen outside of this meeting to agree funding.
Eve Action Plan
There have been a number of multi-agency briefing sessions re learning from the
Eve Serious Case Review; all have been fully attended and had a great deal of
interest. Sessions will be repeated in October.
A process will be put in place to evidence the impact of the training.
It was formerly agreed that a SCRIG (Serious Case Review Implementation Group),
would be set up to follow up on actions however further to Board discussions Board
members agreed to take individual responsibility to progress their own agencies
actions and implementation of Serious Case Reviews; this would avoid additional
It was suggested by MT that a quarterly report be provided to the Business SubCommittee to assure the Board that actions are being effectively implemented.
NSCB Development Days
 The first of two development days took place yesterday (20.07.15), there was good
attendance and positive discussions took place.
 PM thanked members for their contribution and noted that actions will be
disseminated asap.
 The next development day will take place on 11.10.15
Agency Impact Statements – ALL (Standing agenda item)
Julie McVeigh
Barnardos are continuing to work hard in Children’s Centres in terms of meeting
standards and meeting the needs of the community.
Gillian Physick
Hard work is being put in to developing Monksfield, this is progressing well.
Children’s Centres are working hard to improve particularly around data analysis.
Annie Topping
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Currently the focus of the CCG is to look at internal systems to get assurance for
their General Practices.
Jackie Coleman
JC reported that the police force is now split into the three area command model, so
JC is now only responsible for North Tyneside and Northumberland.
Maureen Gavin
Over the last 12 month NPS have been building their organisation and their current
focus is around National Policies and putting these in place. Under-resourcing was
previously an issue however there is now a workload management tool in place
which has proved very useful.
MG reported that staff from the NPS will begin attending sub-committees in due
Steven Mason
SM informed members that his intention is to attend NSCB meetings periodically, to
be updated on work that is being undertaken.
Alan Hartwell
AH reported that Ofsted are undertaking a consultation on the 11.08.15. Shona
McEvoy will be contacting Board members for their views.
Peter Tilson
PT reported that in terms of family proceedings, Morpeth Court is closing. It may be
going to Bedlington and if not Newcastle which may have resource implications.
Julie Dodson
JD informed that Voices continue to have a range of people using their services and
are interested in doing some work to join up with Hubs.
JD advised that there is definitely to be a watch on poverty.
JD circulated a young carers report and noted that it is packed with valuable
information and asked that members take this away to read.
Ian Billham
Community Safety continues to be committed to working with NSCB and SAB.
Jane Bowie
JB informed members that SD has now left his post and moved on. There is a new
NSCB Manager, Robin Harper-Coulson, who will be starting in the middle of
Russell Pilling has given notice as independent chair of the Safeguarding Adults
Board therefore discussions need to take place around appointing a new chair.
Rachel Farnham
Inspection planning remains a priority, the next call from Ofsted with a possibility of
inspection will be on 14.09.15
Coanwood, one of Northumberland’s Children’s Homes was recently inspected;
they received a ‘good’ overall and an ‘outstanding’ for leadership/management.
Barrington Cottage is a private children’s home where children from other local
authorities are placed. They have recently failed their Ofsted inspection. The home
has now made the decision to close.
Daljit Lally
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DL will be circulating a notice to Board members in relation to how larger
settlements and towns can make the most of resources from a community
Karen Herne
A collaborative training programme has been delivered to representatives of all
secondary schools in the county by Health, Education and NCC partner
agencies. This was very well evaluated so the group is now seeking additional
funding to further develop a participative drama for all Yr 9s and above across the
county. KH will take this proposal to the new CSE group for further discussion.
The collaborative commissions group are still progressing to look at 0-5yrs.
Andy Johnson
AJ informed that from an education perspective, they are currently identifying
representatives to attend sub-committees.
There has been one academy recently judged inadequate for behaviour and
safeguarding. The Local Authority are working closely with the academy to deal with
the issues, they are open to support.
Representation at Sub-Committees for academies will also need to be looked into.
Graham Cook
GC has circulated a leaflet to NSCB members around the evaluation of some work
that he has done through equine therapy and the impact this has on troubled
Debbie Reape
The new hospital in Cramlington is now open and working well. The Chief Inspector
for hospitals will be visiting on the 10.11.15.
Margaret Tench
Electronic invites to GP’s has been successfully launched, this is working well so
There has been a conference set up to do an Eve Workshop with all safeguarding
leads. CQC have also been invited.
MT has been asked to join the National Designated Nurses and Doctors Network,
MT will feedback to Board about this.
Annual Report
 The annual report will include contributions from partners. JB asked that members
complete and return the proforma by 11.08.15 that SP will circulate.
Business Plan
 The Business Plan is currently being updated following contributions at the NSCB
Development Day. It was proposed that a 1 year plan is put in place for this year
and thereafter to draft the next 2 year plan.
It was agreed yesterday that the priorities were appropriate, however changes
needed to be made to wording and focus. JB will be revisiting the structure of the
Action 10: JB to circulate the Business Plan to Board members once finalised.
Information items
Children & Young People’s Strategic Statement (2015-2018)
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Keeping Children and Young People Safe from Harm, Abuse and Neglect
The Children’s & Young People Strategic Statement is the hook that all strategies link
to. The document is kept under review and will be updated half yearly as items change
on the National agenda.
Business Sub-Committee Meeting Minutes (21.05.15)
Content noted and no issues were raised.
Any other business
Northumberland Safeguarding Shadow Youth Board Proposal
Paul Kirkpatrick, Positive Futures Manager prepared a proposal to the Business
Sub-Committee for the NSCB to endorse the idea of a Safeguarding Shadow Youth
Board. Paul amended the proposal and funding has been established from
elsewhere. SP will be circulating a paper to detail plans further.
NSCB members noted they are happy with the principle. SP asked members to
forward any comments they wish to make via email.
Deferred or Planned items
Nothing to add
Dates and Times of Future Meetings
Next meeting:
15 September 2015 10:00am-1:00pm
Future meetings: 24 Nov 2015, 10.00am-1.00pm
All meetings to be held at NF&RS, West Hartford Fire Station Business Park,
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