LAPORAN PERTANGGUNGJAWABAN PENGGUNAAN ALAT VENTILATOR NEONATAL TAHUN 2015-2023 Disusun Oleh : 1. Fajar Ahmad Fauzi 20133010032 2. Muhammad Nasrullah 20133010033 3. Ika Nurcahyani 20133010044 4. Dyan Nova Lesiska N 20133010056 PRODI TEKNIK ELEKTROMEDIK PROGRAM VOKASI UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH YOGYAKARTA 2016 I. Latar Belakang (Laporan) Perkembangan teknologi setiap masa dan setiap waktu terus berkembang dengan seiringnya ditemukan penemuan-penemuan baru di bidang teknologi. Munculnya penemuan transistor telah merubah kiblat arah perkembangan teknologi dari teknologi konvensional yang berukuran besar menjadi teknologi modern berukuran kecil (mikro) berupa IC (Intregated Circuit). Perubahan teknologi dari masa ke masa membuat perubahan di seluruh sektor kehidupan. Salah satu bidang yang terkena dampak dari kemajuan teknologi ini adalah di bidang kesehatan. Karena kesehatan saat ini telah menjadi prioritas penting yang diutamakan bagi seluruh umat manusia sehingga para kreatif teknologi berlomba-lomba untuk membuat alat bantu manusia dalam bidang kesehatan. Terlepas dari majunya perkembangan teknologi di bidang kesehatan tersebut, peran pemerintah dalam memberikan pelayanan publik terkait di bidang kesehatan juga telah membuat standarisasi alat demi menjamin pelayanan yang baik bagi masyarakat saat ini. Sehingga seluruh instansi lembaga kesehatan terutama INDONESIA dituntut terus mengembangkan dan memanfaatkan kemajuan-kemajuan teknologi alat kesehatan di era serba digital. Salah satu langkah kerja pemerintah tersebut juga dilakukan oleh rumah sakit RSCM Jakarta dalam penerapan standarisasi alat modern demi memenuhi persyaratan dan kenyamanan pasien dirumah sakit. Langkah yang sudah diambil adalah pengadaan alat kesehatan berupa ventilator Bella Vista yang diterima oleh pihak rumah sakit RSCM Jakarta oleh mitra kerja. Alat ini dibeli pada tahun 2015, untuk mengganti alat ventilator yang sudak tidak layak pakai. Tidak hanya itu, pengadaan alat ventilator tersebut juga untuk melengkapi syarat-syarat pemenuhan standarisasi alat-alat rumah sakit di RSCM Jakarta. Namun, pada pelaksanaannya selama 8 tahun pemakaian alat ventilator ini telah berubah dalam segi; kinerja mesin, perlengkapan tambahan alat, dan lifetime alat (daya pakai alat) sehingga perlu dilakukan maintenance dan repair selama pemakaian, tidak hanya itu pemeliharan alat, service, kalibrasi dan penggantian suku cadang alat juga telah banyak dilakukan. Maka dengan perubahan-perubahan alat tersebut pihak teknisi rumah sakit RSCM Jakarta telah merangkum, menyusun, dan menghitung keseluruhan pembiayaan baik pemasukanmaupun pengeluaran. Di akhir kami membuat laporan rekam jejak alat ventilator secara teknis maupun pembiayaan alat. Laporan pembukuan ini akan dijadikan sebagai acuan dan dibandingkan dengan data-data pada proposal pada tahun 2015 untuk diaudit ulang sehingga perubahan-perubahan struktural bisa dipertanggung jawabkan selama pemakaian alat ventilator dengan merk Bella Vista yang sudah disetujui oleh pihak rumah sakit dan mitra kerja pada waktu itu. Dengan segala ulasan yang sudah ditulis dan tersurat maka kami sertakan segala hasil dan kami informasikan laporan ini dengan judul “LAPORAN PERTANGGUNGJAWABAN PENGGUNAAN ALAT VENTILATOR NEONATAL TAHUN 2015-2023”. Diharapkan laporan yang telah dibuat menjadi arsip yang membantu demi terciptanya manajemen peralatan yang baik dan sesuai standar nasional bahkan internasional yang telah menjadi visi RSCM Jakarta selama satu dekade ini. II. Laporan Teknis Dalam pengajuan proposal ini, kami memiliki dua alternatif alat yang akan diajukan pengadaannya. Berikut beberapa pembanding yang kami jabarkan sebagai pertimbangan pemilihan keputusan. A. Spesifikasi (brochure) dan Gambar Alat i. Terlampir B. Anggaran Biaya dan Analisis Perhitungan ii. Terlampir C. Jaringan Proyek iii. Terlampir D. Cash Flow iv. Terlampir III. Daftar Referensi 1. (E-katalog lkpp 2016), Katalog alat-alat kesehatan, 2016 [online] tersedia : < >. [8 januari 2016 14.47 WIB]. 2. (Imtmedical 2016), Bellavista® 1000, imtmedical, 2016 [online] tersedia : <>. [8 januari 2016]. 3. (Jaringan Dokumentasi dan Informasi Hukum Kementerian Keuangan RI 2016), Tarif biaya penggunaan fasilitas rumah sakit anak dan bunda harapan jakarta, 2016 [online] tersedia : <>. [6 Januari 2016]. 4. (Lembaga Bank Indonesia 2016) BI Rate, bank indonesia, 2016 [online] tersedia : < >. [8 januari 2016]. 5. (PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jakarta Raya dan Tangerang 2016) Penyesuaian tarif tenaga listrik, PLN, 2015 [online] tersedia : <>. [7 januari 2016]. 6. (APBD DKI Jakarta 2015) Informasi Belanja Langsung, Informasi APBD, 2015 [online] tersedia : <>. [13 Januari 2016]. 7. (Teknisi RSI Klaten Bpk.Susilo Ari Wibowo, S.T 2016) [online] tersedia : a. penggantian Oxygen Cell 2.750.000 b. maintenance kit tiap 5000 jam (+-) 3.000.000 c. jumlah pasien rata2 per hari 6,75 (dibulatkan menjadi 6 pasien/hari). 8. ( Teknisi RSUP. Sardjito Yogyakarta Bp. Kuat Supriyadi, S.T 2016 ) [online] tersedia : a. kenaikan biaya perawatan antara 10%-50% LAMPIRAN I Spesifikasi (brochure) Alternatif Alat 2 Design and performance Good things can be improved. With this in mind, we have developed a revolutionary new generation of ventilators. bellavista ensures a step into the future for all of our clients. Not only the attractive, elegant outward appearance and outstanding technology, but also the new, groundbreaking operating system, developed closely with leading physicians, set bellavista apart from the competition. bellavista refreshingly redefines ventilation technology with an attractive yet conspicuously discreet design, which stands out from the typical clinical instrumentation and integrates functionality, Swiss quality and high performance with user-friendliness and innovative design. Intelligent aesthetics bellavista offers a new type of operating experience by allowing individual adaptation of the applications to suit the needs and habits of the user. Whether a patient, nurse, or doctor, the relevant information is immediately visible and available. Revolutionary operation Smart touch operation UserView ™ Building user confidence bellavista’s new touch screen simplifies the set-up process and adjustment of ventilator and monitoring values and curves. The screen displays only relevant information for the selected user. A status indicator simplifies the screen by hiding complicated graphs and figures that could otherwise confuse the patient. The physician, however, sees all values, curves and loops, which enables him/her to rapidly familiarise himself/ herself with the patient’s condition. bellavista supports daily use of the ventilator with multimedia capabilities. Wizards and instructional videos displayed directly on the device support the bellavista set-up and operating process. These instruments assist in reducing user anxiety while operating the device. By using the direct menu, the user can see the actions available in the selected field, thereby guaranteeing intuitive operation of the device. Various respiratory parameter setting methods are additionally available to the user. The user interface can be individually customised directly on the screen according to the user’s wishes and requirements by positioning each operating component where expected. Videos and pictures detailing health conditions and treatments can be loaded and displayed directly on the ventilator. These informational spots support the patient as well as physician with video and audio functions and ensure comfortable assistance for example during mask fitting. These capabilities enable ventilator acceptance by the patient and increase the chances of successful therapy. VentilationAssist™ VentilationAssist supports the medical specialist in parameter adjustment when a patient is initially connected to bellavista ventilator. After entering the relevant patient information (includ patient history, age, lung volume, etc) VentilationAssist suggests a suitable ve lation configuration. This suggestion can then be evaluated and adjusted by medical specialist. Innovative features MaskFit™ WeanVent™ ChameleonLook™ Experts agree that initial ventilator contact is critical in determining future therapy success. If the patient accepts the ventilator and mask during this first phase, it is very likely that non-invasive ventilation can be used throughout the therapy. If non-invasive therapy is not an option, the consequence is often intubation causing long-term therapy with increased complications. During ventilator weaning, bellavista supports the patient with WeanVent. During this phase, the patient is prepared with targeted measures and training programs that are individually customised by the medical specialist. The entire weaning process is supported by multimedia functions. Real-time patient information and measuring results are continuously available for review and diagnosis during therapy. The multitude of ventilators with varying user-interfaces presents significant challenges for medical specialists. The consequences encountered by this variety are increased costs for device familiarisation and training. MaskFit assists the patient and medical specialist during initial contact with the device and mask. With assisted guidance and multimedia support, the patient easily adjusts to ventilation step by step. bellavista’s ChameleonLook offers revolutionary support for anyone working with a broad range of ventilators. At the click of a button, the ChameleonLook adapts bellavista’s operating surface to an interface that the operator is more familiar with. ModeAssist™ While the ventilation is running, a new mode or form of therapy can be selecte and pre-configured using ModeAssist. Selections of varying ventilation pattern based upon empirical values are available. Changes are only applied when t configuration is complete and the user initiates the new settings. 10 Innovative features FlexiView™ ActiveHelp™ ConnectionAssist™ The bellavista user interface can be individually customised using FlexiView. This feature allows users to continuously adjust the user interface to their needs and wishes. While the device is in operation, monitoring values and curves can be adjusted and loops can easily be configured. ActiveHelp is easily accessible directly on bellavista’s user interface. In every phase of operation, assistance pertaining to the current topic is available by the push of a button. The bellavista ventilator details responses with informative text including pictures, instructional videos or relevant sections from the electronic user manual. Correctly connecting and operating bellavista is detailed step-by-step with ConnectionAssist. All interfaces have a ConnectionAssist button next to them. When this button is pushed, information appears on the screen describing the function of the selected connection. An adequate pneumological examination requires a substantial diagnosis. During this process, parameters from various machines must be correlatively analysed. bellavista is the world’s first ventilator where all the sensors necessary for a reliable pneumological diagnosis are either integrated in the device or attachable. All relevant parameters are displayed and recorded polygraphically and simultaneously. This allows the specialist to make a reliable diagnosis quickly and simply and evaluate critical changes in the patient’s condition. With a complete record of all patient parameters, a detailed post-analysis can be determined. The ArtefactFinder supports the physician in evaluating the data displayed and reliably highlights irregularities. Cardio Pleth SpO2 CO2 FiO2 Lung mechanics Flow & volume Pressure 12 World premier in diagnostics and monitoring Standard parameters Lung mechanics Blood gas monitoring The flow, volume and pressure parameters give insight into respiratory tract obstructions, compliance dysfunctions and leakages. Alarm parameters can be comfortably adjusted directly on the touch screen. The quantitative analysis of the respiratory system must be accompanied by an understanding of the complex reciprocal effect between patient and ventilator. This analysis delivers important clinical information about lung function and the course of a disease and allows the medical specialist to customise ventilator settings for the individual patient. Pulse oximetry, the transcutaneous measurement of SpO2, is crucial in recognizing the quality of ventilation. Blood gas monitoring simplifies long-term monitoring and avoids invasive arterial blood gas analysis. Capnography The integrated capnograph enables simple monitoring of the tubus and indicates potential pulmonary embolism. Ventilators providing high-performance for every type of therapy are rare. For years the devices used at home were dramatically different from those used in hospitals. bellavista combines the advantages of the proven, classic proportional valve technology of ICU ventilators, with the high-performance blower technology primarily used in non-invasive ventilation. Thus, bellavista offers a ventilation platform for all applications; for noninvasive and invasive ventilation, for children and adults, at home and in the hospital. 14 Top ventilation performance Ventilation and synchronisation Various types of therapy Oxygen The proportional valve technology patented for bellavista enables optimal synchronisation between the ventilator and patient and regulates an exact air dosage for each breathing phase. bellavista’s superior exhalation performance also increases patient comfort. Pressure and volume controlled ventilation modes give the user the greatest flexibility in selecting the appropriate therapy. For anxiety-free and assisted mask adjustment, bellavista offers the MaskFit mode which provides multimedia assistance to doctors and patients. Depending on the clinical diagnosis and therapy, the air provided can be mixed with a precise dose of oxygen. bellavista supports all O2 supply systems available in the market. The DayNight mode enables patients to switch independently between two different types of prescribed therapies. This accommodates the physiological differences of the lung functions and optimises the patient’s comfort. The DayNight mode also takes into account differing therapies at the relevant time of day and adjusts the ventilation appropriately. Medication therapy support An integrated medication nebuliser permits exact dosages of medication in accordance with the chosen therapy. The intelligent control system can adapt the dosage patterns. Customised modes such as pressure and volume controlled sighs or targeted administration of manual breath can further promote patient weaning off the ventilator. The appropriate device for every application. The bellavista model 1000 is available in two separate basic versions in order to accommodate varying ventilator applications – bellavista 1000 and bellavista 1000e. Each version distinguishes itself through unique attributes and advantages. Several features are available separately or after an initial purchase. 1000 Area of application Intensive care unit (ICU) Subacute / Intermediate care unit (IMC) Emergency Room (ER) Intrahospital transfers Ventilation Non-invasive (High Performance NIV) Invasive Neonatal Pediatric Adult Single limb breathing circuit Dual limb breathing circuit Ventilation modes Pressure controlled CPAP, PCV, P-A/C, PC-SIMV, PSV, beLevel, APRV CPAP, S, S/T, T, P-A/C Volume controlled VCV, V-A/C, VC-SIMV PLV (Pressure Limited Ventilation) on all volume controlled modes Oxygen Basic Oxygen Therapy Advanced Oxygen Therapy Oxygen flush included indelivery optionally available optionally available, included in the ClinicSuite 1000 e TM package 1000 ExpertVentilation TM package Single & multiple sighs Manual breath Inspiratory hold Expiratory hold AutoPEEP NIF (Negative Inspiratory Force) Vtrapped (trapped volume) P0.1 (occlusion pressure) ATC (fully configurable) bellavistaModes (beModes) SingleVent™ Backup Ventilation TargetVent™ DualVent™ DayNight™ MaskFit™ WeanVent™ Special features UserView™ FlexiView™ UserAssist™ VentilationAssist™ Various monitoring and trending views ConnectionAssist™ ActiveHelp™ ChameleonClassic™ ChameleonGreen™ 1 16 Overview 1000 Monitoring Standard parameters Pressure Ppeak, Pplateau, Pmean, PEEP Volume Vti, MVi (MinVol), Vti/kg, MVi/kg, Vte, MVe (MinVol), Vte/kg, MVe/kg Timing Rate, Ti, Te, I:E, Ti/Tot Oxygen FiO2 Curves Pressure, Flow, Volume incl. Ptrach curve if ATC is enabled Up to three curves Up to eight curves & loops Curve freeze Curve cursor Leak Leak flow, Auto-Leak TM Pulse oximetry Pulse rate, SpO2 saturation, Cardio pleth curve Capnography inCO2, etCO2, CO2-curve SBE % Spont ExpertMonitoring TM Volume MVi spont MVe spont Timing Rate spont, Ti support, SBE %Spont 1h, %Spont 8h WOBimp Work of Breathing imposed PTP Pressure Time Product P0.1 breath-by-breath occlusion pressure Tobin Index RSBI (Rapid Shallow Breathing Index) Leak % Leak Curves Up to eight real time curves 1000 e 1000 Patient info Patient info sheet Diagnostics Correlated diagnostic data Oxygen fraction FiO2 Diagnostic Package Pulse Oximetry Diagnostic Packages Capnography Diagnostic lung mechanics Curves Proximal flow & volume Loops P/V (pressure/volume) P/F (pressure/flow) F/V (flow/volume) Loop freeze Loop cursor (inflection points, ...) Reference loop Loop overlay Parameters Rinsp, Rexp, Cstat, Cdyn, C20/Cdyn, CDyn/kg, CStat/kg Trending Standard trending (all monitoring parameters) Real time trending (all curves) Alarms Alarm log Ventilation alarms System alarms Auto self-test 1000 1000 Data transfer / Central Monitoring (PDMS) USB-stick Screenshot (on USB-stick) bellavista ConfigurationSuite™ Philips VueLink™ and IntelliBridge Operation and signals Giant screen (13,3") Touch screen operation 360° multicolor signals Stereo loudspeakers Ergonomics Compact design Innovative bellavista operating concept Ergonomic colour design Integrated carrying handle Integrated mounting possibilities Low noise design Technology Multiprocessor architecture Redundant safety components Low power design Proportional valve technology High performance turbine Oxygen External medication nebulizer 1000 e 1000 1000 e Extension modules beBay™ Humidifier Software upgrades Software upgrade via USB interface iVista software download Maintenance Minimal maintenance Easy air filter exchange ServiceAssist™ Easy to clean surface Support Test and diagnostic tools Training Integrated multimedia applications Tutorial videos Integrated electronic user manual 18 Overview 1000 Technical data Ventilation settings Pinsp (IPAP) 0 .. 60 mbar 0 .. 80 mbar Psupport 0 .. 60 mbar 0 .. 80 mbar PEEP (EPAP) 0 .. 40 mbar CPAP 4 .. 30 mbar Rise time 0 .. 2000 ms Ramp Off, 5 .. 45 min Tidal volume 40 .. 2500 mL 10 .. 2500 mL 2 .. 2500 mL Body Weight 6 .. 250 kg 1.5 .. 250 kg 0.4 .. 250 kg Peak flow 260 L/min Flow pattern Square, Dec., Dec. 50 % Breathing frequency 1 .. 100 bpm 1 .. 150bpm Inspiration time 0.1 .. 10 s I:E ratio 1:599 .. 49:1 Inspiration trigger (flow) 0.1 .. 20 L/min Inspiration trigger (pressure) 0.1 .. 15 mbar Expiration trigger 5 .. 90 % of insp. peak flow Auto-Synch TM Apnea backup off, 2 .. 100 s Oxygen 5 levels Advanced Oxygen Therapy 21 .. 100 % FiO2 1000 e 1000 Technical data Technical specifications Weight Dimensions (w x h x d) Ambient temperature Ambient humidity Ambient pressure Energy supply Wide range power input Low voltage input Battery operation Intelligent battery management Green power mode Oxygen connector Wide range oxygen inlet 9.1 kg 35 x 22 x 33 cm 5 .. 40 °C 10 ..90 % r.H. 600 .. 1100 hPa 100- 240 VAC / 50-60 Hz / 80 W 24 VDC / 3.5 A (Typ.) 4-6 h (internal) 0 .. 7 bar/0 .. 100 psi Interfaces Coded plug connections 100 MBit ethernet beBus™ USB 2.0 interfaces Serial ports Nurse call included indelivery optionally available optionally available, included in the ClinicSuite TM package 1000 2 0 0 8 Good Design Award of The Chicago Athenaeum, USA Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany 2010 imtmedical ag Gewerbestrasse 8 9470 Buchs Switzerland T +41 81 750 66 99 MADE IN SWITZERLAND LAMPIRAN II PEMBIAYAAN Tabel 1. Pembiayaan Penggunaan Ventilator Pembelian alat Per unit Biaya pengiriman Rp 666,270,000.00 Rp 2,730,650.00 Tarif Dokter NICU (dari ventilator) Per tindakan Rp 57,715.19 Ganti Oxygen Cell Per tahun Rp 2,750,000.00 Maintenance kit Per tahun Rp 12,000,000.00 Tarif listrik Rp/kWH Rp Daya alat Watt 80 Kebutuhan Jam/hari 15 Penggunaan listrik kWH/hari 1.2 Bayar listrik Per hari Rp 1,811.26 Perkiraan tarif ventilator Per tindakan Rp 254,625.85 1,509.38 ANALISIS PERHITUNGAN Asumsi 1. 1 bulan=30 hari 2. Suku bunga (i) yang digunakan 7.5% (dari link BI suku bunga tanggal 17 Desember 2015). 3. Inflasi per tahun yang digunakan adalah rata-rata inflasi tahun 2015 yaitu 6.38%. 4. Kenaikan tarif dokter, tarif ventilator (mulai 2018) sesuai perhitungan menggunakan inflasi. 5. Kenaikan biaya perawatan dan biaya tiap tahun sesuai perhitungan menggunakan inflasi. 6. Jumlah pasien setiap tahun diasumsikan pada tabel 2. 7. Pada akhir tahun ke-8 alat rusak kemudian digudangkan. Formula: 1. Menghitung listrik tahun 2016 Jumlah tarif listrik tahun 2016 = tarif listrik/hari x 30 (hari dalam 1 bulan) x 12 (bulan) 2. Menghitung jumlah tarif listrik setiap tahun Jumlah tarif tahun depan = jumlah tarif tahun sekarang x (1 + 6.38%)1 n yang digunakan hanya satu (1) karena perhitungan dari satu tahun sebelumnya. Contoh: Jumlah tarif listrik tahun 2001 = jumlah tarif listrik tahun 2000 x (1 + 6.38%)1 Jumlah tarif listrik tahun 2002 = jumlah tarif listrik tahun 2001 x (1 + 6.38%)1 Dst. 3. Menghitung jumlah tarif dokter dan jumlah tarif ventilator setiap tahun Jumlah tarif setiap tahun = tarif per tindakan (di Th 2016) x (1 + 6.38%)1 x jumlah pasien setiap tahun[Tabel 2] 4. Menghitung Future Worth (saldo) setiap tahun FW = P x (1 + i )1 FW: Future Worth (saldo masa depan (setiap tahun)) P: uang/saldo tahun sekarang i: suku bunga (7.5%) n yang digunakan hanya satu (1) karena perhitungan dari satu tahun sebelumnya. Contoh: FW (saldo) tahun 2001 = FW (saldo) tahun 2000 x (1 + 7.5%)1 FW (saldo) tahun 2002 = FW (saldo) tahun 2001 x (1 + 7.5%)1 Dst. 5. Menghitung saldo (rumus pembukuan) a. Sisa saldo – kredit b. Sisa saldo + debet Tabel 2. Jumlah pasien setiap tahun No. Tahun Jumlah Pasien 1. 2016 2160 2. 2017 3. 4. No. Tahun Jumlah Pasien 5. 2020 1806 2160 6. 2021 1967 2018 2301 7. 2022 2203 2019 2045 8. 2023 2184 Tabel 3. Laporan Keuangan Penggunaan Ventilator Tahun 2015-2023 Tahun KETERANGAN Pembelian alat TAHUN 2015 Biaya pengiriman PENGELUARAN PEMASUKAN SALDO FUTURE WORTH Rp Rp Rp Rp 666.270.000,00 (666.270.000,00) 2.730.650,00 (669.000.650,00) Sisa saldo tahun lalu Biaya listrik TAHUN 2016 Mengganti Oxygen Cell Maintenance Kit Biaya dokter (719.175.698,75) (719.827.750,91) 2.750.000,00 (722.577.750,91) 12.000.000,00 (734.577.750,91) 124.664.810,40 (859.242.561,31) Sisa saldo tahun lalu TAHUN 2017 Biaya listrik Mengganti Oxygen Cell (719.175.698,75) 652.052,16 Pendapatan ventilator (719.175.698,75) 549.991.836,00 (309.250.725,31) (332.444.529,71) (332.444.529,71) 652.052,16 (333.096.581,87) 2.925.450,00 (336.022.031,87) (332.444.529,71) Maintenance Kit Biaya dokter 124.664.810,40 (473.452.442,27) 549.991.836,00 76.539.393,73 Sisa saldo tahun lalu 82.279.848,26 82.279.848,26 Mengganti Oxygen Cell Maintenance Kit Biaya dokter 652.052,16 81.627.796,10 3.112.093,71 78.515.702,39 13.580.045,28 64.935.657,11 141.275.461,40 (76.339.804,29) Pendapatan ventilator 623.274.123,21 546.934.318,92 Sisa saldo tahun lalu 587.954.392,84 587.954.392,84 Biaya listrik Mengganti Oxygen Cell TAHUN 2019 (348.787.631,87) Pendapatan ventilator Biaya listrik TAHUN 2018 12.765.600,00 Maintenance Kit Biaya dokter 652.052,16 587.302.340,68 3.310.645,29 583.991.695,39 14.446.452,17 569.545.243,22 133.568.304,77 435.976.938,45 Pendapatan ventilator Sisa saldo tahun lalu Biaya listrik TAHUN 2020 589.271.960,06,50,89,89 652.052,16 1.101.490.513,73 3.521.864,46 1.097.968.649,27 Maintenance Kit 15.368.135,82 1.082.600.513,46 Biaya dokter 25.483.849,63 957.116.663,83 Mengganti Oxygen Cell Pendapatan ventilator 553.605.244,53 1.510.721.908,36 82.279.848,26 587.954.392,84,89 1.624.026.051,48 Sisa saldo tahun lalu Biaya listrik Mengganti Oxygen Cell TAHUN 2021 Maintenance Kit Biaya dokter 1.624.026.051,48 652.052,16 1.623.373.999,32 3.746.559,41 1.619.627.439,91 16.348.622,88 1.603.278.817,03 145.389.965,52 1.457.888.851,51 Pendapatan ventilator Sisa saldo tahun lalu Biaya listrik Mengganti Oxygen Cell TAHUN 2022 Maintenance Kit Biaya dokter Mengganti Oxygen Cell Maintenance Kit Biaya dokter 2.099.315.199,63 2.256.763.839,60 2.256.763.839,60,44 3.985.589,90,54 17.391.665,02 2.234.734.532,52 173.222.601,55 2.061.511.930,97 Sisa saldo tahun lalu TAHUN 2023 641.426.348,12 652.052,16 Pendapatan ventilator Biaya listrik 1.624.026.051,48 764.217.395,09 2.825.729.326,05 3.037.659.025,51 3.037.659.025,51 652.052,16,35 4.239.870,54 3.032.767.102,81 18.501.253,25,56 182.684.911,71 2.831.580.937,85 Pendapatan ventilator 805.962.883,04 3.637.543.820,88 AKHIR TAHUN 2023 Alat rusak (digudangkan) Saldo akhir 3.637.543.820,88 2.256.763.839,60 3.037.659.025,51 Tabel 4. Pembiayaan alat Harga pembelian Biaya Operasional Pendapatan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Useful life Salvage value (Asumsi: digudangkan) Ventilator Neonatal Bellavista 1000 Rp 669.000.650,00 Rp 140.066.862,56 Rp 141.007.912,56 Rp 158.619.652,55 Rp 151.977.454,39 Rp 145.025.902,06 Rp 166.137.199,98 Rp 195.251.908,63 Rp 206.078.087,66 Rp 549.991.836,00 Rp 549.991.836,00 Rp 623.274.123,21 Rp 589.271.960,06 Rp 553.605.244,53 Rp 641.426.348,12 Rp 764.217.395,09 Rp 805.962.883,04 8 tahun Rp KEUNTUNGAN Formula: 1. PW = PW Benefit – PW Cost – P P Benefit = F Benefit / (1 + i)n P Cost = F Cost / (1 + i)n PW Benefit = ∑ P Benefit PW Cost = ∑ P Cost 2. FW = PW x (1 + i)n Diketahui: Periode analisis= 8 tahun Suku bunga= 7.5% - Tabel 5. Keuntungan Merk Alat Periode (n) Bellavista 1000 Total (1 + 0.075)n Costs Benefits 1 1.075 Rp 130,294,755.87 Rp 511,620,312.56 2 1.155625 Rp 122,018,745.32 Rp 475,925,872.15 3 1.242296875 Rp 127,682,565.85 Rp 501,711,093.18 4 1.335469141 Rp 113,800,798.36 Rp 441,247,155.87 5 1.435629326 Rp 101,019,044.00 Rp 385,618,511.99 6 1.543301526 Rp 107,650,512.37 Rp 415,619,590.51 7 1.65904914 Rp 117,689,044.84 Rp 460,635,780.24 8 1.783477826 Rp 115,548,444.01 Rp 451,905,188.55 Rp 936,563,817.53 Rp 3,644,283,505.05 P Rp 669,000,650.00 PW Rp 2,039,578,944.44 FW Rp 3,637,543,820.88 PAYBACK PERIOD Tabel 6. Payback Period Nama Alat Bellavista 1000 Formula Tahun 1 – P + (Benefit – Cost) th 1 Rp (259,075,676.56) Tahun 2 Saldo balik modal 1 + (Benefit – Cost) th 2 Rp 149,908,246.88 Payback Period DEPRESIASI Formula 1. Straight Line (SL) dt Saldo balik modal BS N 2. Sum of Years Digits 1 - (saldo balik modal 1/ (benefit-cost) tahun 2) = 1.63 Tahun 3. Unit of Production Depreciati on per unit BS Total number of unit Tabel 7. Depresiasi Alat Nama Alat Bellavista 1000 Tahun (N) SL SOYD UP 0 Rp 666,270,000.00 Rp 666,270,000.00 Rp 666,270,000.00 1 Rp 599,643,000.00 Rp 545,130,000.00 Rp 580,739,083.56 2 Rp 533,016,000.00 Rp 436,104,000.00 Rp 495,208,167.12 3 Rp 466,389,000.00 Rp 339,192,000.00 Rp 404,093,982.53 4 Rp 399,762,000.00 Rp 254,394,000.00 Rp 323,116,795.44 5 Rp 333,135,000.00 Rp 181,710,000.00 Rp 251,603,445.86 6 Rp 266,508,000.00 Rp 121,140,000.00 Rp 173,714,875.19 7 Rp 199,881,000.00 Rp 72,684,000.00 Rp 86,481,259.95 8 Rp 133,254,000.00 Rp 36,342,000.00 Rp - 9 Rp 66,627,000.00 Rp 12,114,000.00 Rp - 10 Rp Rp Rp - - - Rp700,000,000.00 Rp600,000,000.00 Rp500,000,000.00 Rp400,000,000.00 SL SOYD Rp300,000,000.00 UP Rp200,000,000.00 Rp100,000,000.00 Rp0 1 Grafik 1. Laju Depresiasi Alat 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LAMPIRAN III JARINGAN PROYEK Tabel 8. Jaringan Proyek Alternatif Terpilih No. Kegiatan Jalur Waktu Analisis: 1. Menghubungi penyedia barang dan membuat janji - 2 hari Perbedaan jaringan proyek pada proposal 2. Menemui penyedia barang dan order 1 1 jam dengan laporan yaitu, jenis kegiatan yang lebih 3. Menjalin kerja sama di atas materai 2 20 menit sedikit dan waktu yang lebih singkat. Karena 4. Pembayaran 2 5 menit analisis periode yang digunakan hanya 8 tahun 5. Menunggu barang 3, 4 3 minggu (alat rusak). 6. Barang diterima 5 1 hari Note: 7. Disimpan di gudang 6 1 hari Seluruh kegiatan dan perkiraan waktu hanya 8. Instalasi ventilator 7 2 jam asumsi berdasar materi kuliah dari mata kuliah 9. Laporan barang telah diterima 6 1 hari lain yang mendukung. 10. Membuat SOP dan jadwal pemeliharaan 6 4 hari 11. Terima faktur dari penyedia alat 6 10 menit 12. Alat dioperasikan 8, 9, 10, 11 8 tahun Gambar 1. Jaringan Proyek Alternatif Terpilih Gambar 2. Jalur Kritis Alternatif Terpilih LAMPIRAN IV 805.962.883,04 764.217.395,09 641.426.348,12 Analisis hasil: Pada proposal tarif dokter memasang tarif seharga Rp.40.000,00 553.605.244,53 589.271.960,06 623.274.123,2 549.991.836,00 549.991.836,00 CASH FLOW Namun, pada perhitungan kenyataannya berubah menjadi Rp.57,715.19. Perubahan ini mengakibatkan jumlah pendapatan menjadi berkurang. Kemudian biaya perawatan berupa (ganti oxygen cell, maintenance kit) mengalami penurunanan tarif pembiyayaan, sehingga dampaknya pendapatan semakin bertambah. 2 4 5 6 7 8 Pendapatan dari hasil penggunaan tarif ventilator juga mengalami 145.025.902,06 kenaikan harga, sehingga perubahan ini akan mengakibatkan kenaikan pendapatan yang signifikan. Jumlah pasien menurut proposal mengalami penurunan jumlah pasien, sehingga pendapatan mengalami penurunan. Kemudian diakhir tahun ke-8 ventilator mengalami kerusakan, sehingga keuntungan tidak sesuai dengan Gambar 3. Cash flow Ventilator Neonatal Bellavista 1000 diproposal. perhitungan, 206.078.087,66 195.251.908,63 166.137.199,98 151.977.454,39 158.619.652,5 669.000.650,00 3 perubahan 141.007.912,5 1 140.066.862,5 0 Pada kesimpulannya mendapatkan Rp.3,644,283,505.05 dari keuntungan hasil akhir sebesar