10 WORDS RELATED TO TEKS. Task 1 and 2 teach [ti:tʃ V

10 WORDS RELATED TO TEKS. Task 1 and 2
1. teach [ti:tʃ
V: mengajar, memimpin, mempercakap, mempercakapkan,
mengajarkan, menghajar
English Thesaurus: teach
V; Impart knowledge or skill (to), Instruct in, Cause to learn by example or
teaching ['ti:tʃıŋ]
pengajaran, pengajian
English Thesaurus: teaching
Work of a teacher, Precept or doctrine
2. English ['ıŋglıʃ]
inggeris: bahasa inggeris
English Thesaurus: english
Relating to England, its people or language
Language of England, now spread in the UK, USA and many other
(pl.) People of England
3. Knowledge ['nɒlıdʒ]
pengetahuan, kaji, ilmu pengetahuan, ilmu, kekuasaan
English Thesaurus: knowledge
Information and understanding gained through learning or experience,
Awareness; familiarity, Erudition, Sum of what is known, Sexual intercourse
4. Skill [skıl]
kecakapan, kepandaian, ketrampilan, kebolehan, keulungan,
kepiawaian, pekerjaan, kriya, bakat
English Thesaurus: skill
Proficiency; dexterity, Art, trade, or technique, especially one
requiring use of the hands or body.
5. Improve [ım'pru:v]
membaiki, memperbaiki, memperbarui, mempertajam, membesut,
bertambah baik, membaik, meningkat hasilnya
English Thesaurus: improve
Make or become better, Increase the productivity or value of
6. Enlarge [ın'lɑ:rdʒ
memperluas, memperluaskan, memperlapang, melonggarkan,
memperlonggar, membicarakan lebih lengkap, menulis lebih lengkap,
membesarkan, memperbesar
English Thesaurus: enlarge
Make or become larger, Give greater scope to; expand, Speak or
write at greater length or in greater detail; elaborate
7. Wise [waız]
bijaksana, arif, budiman, bijak, cerdas
English Thesaurus: wise
Having wisdom; judicious, Exhibiting common sense; prudent,
Learned; erudite, Aware; informed: wise to their tricks
8. Better ['betər]
lebih baik
ADV sehat: lebih sehat, lebih suka
tukang bertaruh, jago bertaruh
memperbaiki, mempertajam, melebihi
English Thesaurus: better
Comparative of 'good', Superior in quality or excellence, More
healthy; recovered from illness, More suitable, Larger
ADV Comparative of 'well', To a higher degree; more, At a higher standard
or quality, In a better manner, More usefully or suitably
Improve, Surpass
9. Life [laıf]
hidup, kehidupan, penghidupan, hayat, jiwa, umur, riwayat hidup,
semangat, kegairahan, penggerak
English Thesaurus: life
[Biol.] Quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead
organisms and inanimate matter, manifested in functions such as metabolism,
growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli, Living organisms collectively:
marine life, Living being, Interval between birth and death, Biography,
Human existence, relationships, or activities: everyday life, Manner of living:
led a hard life, Liveliness; animation
humanize ['hju:mə,naız]
manusia: menjadikan manusia, mempermanusia, memperlakukan sbg
manusia, membawa kebudayaan
English Thesaurus: humanize
Make human, Make humane; civilize
1. teach (tiːtʃ) – past tense, past participle taught (toːt) – verb
to give knowledge, skill or wisdom to a person; to instruct or train (a person). She
teaches English / the piano; Experience has taught him nothing. mengajar ˈteacher
a person who teaches, especially in a school. guru teaching noun
1. the work of teacher. Teaching is a satisfying job; (also adjective) the teaching staff
of a school. pengajaran
2. guidance or instruction. She followed her mother's teaching. pelajaran
3. something that is taught. one of the teachings of Christ. ajaran
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
2. English (ˈiŋgliʃ) adjective
of England or its inhabitants. three English people; the English language. Inggris noun
the main language of England and the rest of Britain, North America, a great part of
the British Commonwealth and some other countries. He speaks English. bahasa
Inggris Englishman – feminine ˈEnglishwoman – noun
a person born in England. orang Inggris
English - an Indo-European language belonging to the West Germanic branch; the
official language of Britain and the United States and most of the commonwealth
 English language
West Germanic, West Germanic language - a branch of the Germanic languages
American English, American language, American - the English language as used in
the United States
cockney - the nonstandard dialect of natives of the east end of London
geordie - the nonstandard dialect of natives of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
King's English, Queen's English - English as spoken by educated persons in southern
Received Pronunciation - the approved pronunciation of British English; originally
based on the King's English as spoken at public schools and at Oxford and Cambridge
Universities (and widely accepted elsewhere in Britain); until recently it was the
pronunciation of English used in British broadcasting
Middle English - English from about 1100 to 1450
Modern English - English since about 1450
Old English, Anglo-Saxon - English prior to about 1100
Oxford English - the dialect of English spoken at Oxford University and regarded by
many as affected and pretentious
Scots, Scots English, Scottish - the dialect of English used in Scotland
 English - the people of England
English people
nation, country, land - the people who live in a nation or country; "a statement that
sums up the nation's mood"; "the news was announced to the nation"; "the whole
country worshipped him"
 English - the discipline that studies the English language and literature
arts, humanistic discipline, humanities, liberal arts - studies intended to provide
general knowledge and intellectual skills (rather than occupational or professional
skills); "the college of arts and sciences"
 English - (sports) the spin given to a ball by striking it on one side or releasing
it with a sharp twist
athletics, sport - an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition
spin - a swift whirling motion (usually of a missile)
 Adj. English - of or relating to or characteristic of England or its culture or
people; "English history"; "the English landed aristocracy"; "English
English - of or relating to the English language
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University,
Farlex Inc.
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 English (ˈiŋgliʃ) adjective
of England or its inhabitants. three English people; the English language. Inggris noun
the main language of England and the rest of Britain, North America, a great part of
the British Commonwealth and some other countries. He speaks English. bahasa
Inggris Englishman – feminine ˈEnglishwoman – noun
a person born in England. orang Inggris
3. knowledge (ˈnolidʒ) noun
1. the fact of knowing. She was greatly encouraged by the knowledge that she had
won first prize in the competition. pengetahuan
2. information or what is known. He had a vast amount of knowledge about boats.
3. the whole of what can be learned or found out. Science is a branch of knowledge
about which I am rather ignorant. Pengetahuan
ˈknowledgeable adjective
having a great deal of information. He is very knowledgeable about the history of the
city. tahu benar general knowledge
knowledge about a wide range of subjects. The teacher sometimes tests our general
knowledge. pengetahuan umum
teach (tiːtʃ) – past tense, past participle taught (toːt) – verb
to give knowledge, skill or wisdom to a person; to instruct or train (a person). She
teaches English / the piano; Experience has taught him nothing. mengajar ˈteacher
a person who teaches, especially in a school. guru teaching noun
1. the work of teacher. Teaching is a satisfying job; (also adjective) the teaching staff
of a school. pengajaran
2. guidance or instruction. She followed her mother's teaching. pelajaran
3. something that is taught. one of the teachings of Christ. ajaran
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
4. skill (skil) noun
1. cleverness at doing something, resulting either from practice or from natural ability.
This job requires a lot of skill. keahlian
2. a job or activity that requires training and practice; an art or craft. the basic skills of
reading and writing. ketrampilan ˈskilful adjective
having, or showing, skill. a skilful surgeon; It was very skilful of you to repair my
bicycle. ahli ˈskilfully adverb
secara ahli ˈskilfulness noun
keahlian skilled adjective
(negative unskilled).
1. (of a person etc) having skill, especially skill gained by training. a skilled
craftsman; She is skilled at all types of dressmaking. trampil
2. (of a job etc) requiring skill. a skilled trade. memerlukan keahlian skilful is spelt
with -l- (not -ll
5. improve (imˈpruːv) verb
to (cause to) become better, of higher quality etc. His work has greatly improved;
They recently improved the design of that car. meningkatkan, memperbaiki
imˈprovement noun
1. the state or act of improving or being improved. There has been a great
improvement in her work; The patient's condition shows some improvement.
peningkatan, perbaikan
2. something which improves, or adds beauty, value etc. I've made several
improvements to the house. perbaikan improve on
to produce something which is better, more useful etc than. I think I can improve on
that suggestion. memperbaiki
6. enlarge (inˈlaːdʒ) verb
1. to make larger. He enlarged the garden. memperluas
2. to reproduce on a larger scale (a photograph etc). We had the photograph enlarged.
membesarkan enˈlargement noun
1. something enlarged, especially a photograph. sesuatu yang dibesarkan
2. the act of enlarging or state of being enlarged. Enlargement of the glands in the
neck is usually a sign of illness. pembesaran enlarge on
to speak, write etc in more detail. Would you like to enlarge on your original
statement? mengembangkan
7. wise (waiz) adjective
1. having gained a great deal of knowledge from books or experience or both and able
to use it well. pandai
2. sensible. You would be wise to do as he suggests; a wise decision. bijaksana
ˈwisely adverb
dengan bijaksana wisdom (ˈwizdəm) noun
Wisdom comes with experience. kebijaksanaan wisdom tooth (ˈwizdəm-)
any one of the four back teeth cut after childhood, usually about the age of twenty.
geraham ˈwisecrack noun
a joke. lelucon wise guy
a person who (shows that he) thinks that he is smart, knows everything etc. orang sok
tahu be wise to
to be fully aware of. He thinks I'm going to give him some money, but I'm wise to his
plan. menyadari none the wiser
not knowing any more than before. He tried to explain the rules to me, but I'm none
the wiser. tidak lebih tahu put (someone) wise
to tell, inform (someone) of the real facts. memberi tahu
8. better (btr)
adj. Comparative of good.
1. Greater in excellence or higher in quality.
2. More useful, suitable, or desirable: found a better way to go; a suit with a better fit
than that one.
3. More highly skilled or adept: I am better at math than English.
4. Greater or larger: argued for the better part of an hour.
5. More advantageous or favorable; improved: a better chance of success.
6. Healthier or more fit than before: The patient is better today.
adv. Comparative of well2.
1. In a more excellent way.
a. To a greater extent or degree: better suited to the job; likes it better without sauce.
b. To greater advantage; preferably: a deed better left undone. See Usage Notes at
best, have, rather.
3. More: It took me better than a year to recover.
1. One that is greater in excellence or higher in quality.
2. A superior, as in standing, competence, or intelligence. Usually used in the plural:
to learn from one's betters.
v. bet·tered, bet·ter·ing, bet·ters
1. To make better; improve: trying to better conditions in the prison; bettered myself
by changing jobs. See Synonyms at improve.
2. To surpass or exceed.
To become better.
better off
In a better or more prosperous condition: would be better off taking the train instead
of driving; felt better off after the rise in stock prices.
for the better
Resulting in or aiming at an improvement: Her condition took a turn for the better.
get/have the better of
To outdo or outwit; defeat.
think better of
To change one's mind about (a course of action) after reconsideration: I almost bought
an expensive watch, but then I thought better of it.
9. life (lf)
n. pl. lives (lvz)
a. The property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms
and inanimate matter, manifested in functions such as metabolism, growth,
reproduction, and response to stimuli or adaptation to the environment originating
from within the organism.
b. The characteristic state or condition of a living organism.
2. Living organisms considered as a group: plant life; marine life.
3. A living being, especially a person: an earthquake that claimed hundreds of lives.
4. The physical, mental, and spiritual experiences that constitute existence: the artistic
life of a writer.
10. Hu·man·ize (hym-nz)
tr.v. ;hu·man·ized, hu·man·iz·ing, hu·man·iz·es
1. To portray or endow with human characteristics or attributes; make human:
humanized the puppets with great skill.
2. To imbue with humaneness or human kindness; civilize: acts of courtesy that
humanize life in a big city.
human·i·zation (-m-n-zshn) n.
human·izer n.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by
Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
humanize (ˈhjuːməˌnaɪz) or humanise
1. to make or become human
2. to make or become humane
TASK 4 opinion
Dengan majunya IT yang begitu cepat apapun bisa didapat dengan semakin
mudah, murah dan cepat. Kemajuan tekhnologi harus kita imbangi dengan
kecerdasan untuk memanfaatkannya dengan sebijak mungkin. Banyak situs di internet
yang free alias gratis. Sepanjang hal tersebut banyak manfaatnya demi kemajuan
bersama ini adalah hal yang sangat positif. Oleh karenanya, menurut saya kursus
bahasa inggris online ini sangat membantu setiap orang untuk mengembangkan
dirinya, tanpa mengenal waktu, tempat, dan usia. Bagi guru bahasa inggris url ini
bisa dijadikan media pembelajaran online di kelas, dan kita bisa menyesuaikan pada
level apa anak-anak kita. Saya terkesan dengan situs ini dan berencana mengenalkan
pada anak didik saya.
Thanks a lot prof Gun