
God’s grace in
Christ is the
source of our
freedom as
St. Peter
Worship at
Key to Life
Saturday, July 5th
Welcome to
St. Peter!
The bloodshed of soldiers earned the
independence of our nation. We
honor their sacrifice this weekend.
Today we remember the freedom
from sin and death earned by the
bloodshed of Jesus.
We honor His sacrifice to reconcile us
to God in this service.
Welcome to
St. Peter!
There are friendship registers at the end
of each row.
Please take a moment to give us your
information so that we have a record
of your time with us today.
Thank you!
For Our Guests
If you have questions, let us try to help.
Speak with an usher, greeter, or the
person next to you.
If you’d like to learn more about St.
Peter and its ministry, please talk to
a pastor or member after the service.
Need to Know
what’s going on?
Our church website has the info
you need right at your fingertips
Check the church calendar.
Sign up for seminars or events.
Get access to devotions,
sermons, and more.
Prayer before Worship
Dear Lord, your commitment to me was
shown in the way you laid down your
life on the battlefield of the cross.
That was the only way to rescue me
from the captivity of sin, death, and
Now I praise you for the freedom I enjoy
by your forgiveness and the
opportunity to let my light shine to
To your glory and for your sake. Amen.
Please be
courteous and
silence all
pagers and
cell phones.
Thank you
VBS 2014
July 21-25
Crew Leader Volunteers Needed!!
Training & picnic to be held Sunday,
July 20th after late service.
Talk to Kim Bethke for more
VBS 2014
July 21-25
Register online:
VBS 2014
July 21-25
Please help support VBS by
donating food and craft items for
the week. See the display in the
Help Wanted!!
Greeters, Altar Guild Members, and
Church cleaning teams are
Please talk to Pastor Davidson to
learn more.
Summer Mission Festival &
Potluck Dinner
July 13th
Pastor Luke Wolfgramm,
serving in Russia
Potluck dinner 11:00 am
RSVP in the Information
“Page Flippers”
 Monday, July 14th
 7:00pm
 Fireside room
 discuss books ready by
Dale Cramer.